HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-6-13, Page 1Cocom Check Illlt�laCt We gin you the Mme U you were dashing with Ilia fir, 'directly. Look ems yaw dock and if you will aced ahs# {frwIY withln the seer tt�ohlb triose a 86. Burton 1 arm 1hf tib Burton Boulevard w �y r 1 Special Offer The Signal will be seat to WW1 subscribers iu Canada or Great . Britain from now to January lat, 1919, for 75e To United States addresses, $ 1.00 BOYENTY-11111/ TSAR -No AM GODE$ICB, ONTARIO,, i HUI SDAY, JUNE 1:3, 1918 TINDERS 'WANTED. THE STERUN6B4JOPCANADN SAVE, Because -- Thrift unlocks the door to wealth AIL SEVERAL PMivTITIONS AGAINST EARLY CVDStNG BYLAW. TRNDRR= FOR COAL EALED TENDERS .4dreaaed to the seder - 1. visaed. endorsed 'Tender for Coal for rt poolntorr Bedding," wit he married at the went 12 o'dosi mase, era tbmidst. Jose r. Ittn, for the supplyd coal I. the Public Buitd- loge throughout tDominion Combined specthcatin and lora 04 tender can be obtained at the office and from the eateukers ollthe different Dumais Ilsildsrtp. Person terdermg are notified that tenders will not be considered ui..s made e oontstr act miual sig - Selene ted loran eupplted. and Each tender by ac- cepted chsque on chartered te�blan�k. payable to the order of the Minter of Public Works, equal to le p. c. of the amount of the tender Y order,R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works. 111-21Ottawa, June l 19!5. WANTED. CHER WANTED. - FOR UNION I trS. .HER 1, Mohd a 1e sionaal DutiesutiColtrane, mg to '10.0608009 g( ono ootids s. A gat - Mastery sal exp• . W 0. MIILWAAIN. VAR 11/(1We ACCHER WANTED.- FOR UN1OI*f waned. „ustdrw. p JailesanonaLIDietiesppiltr1�o school section No. 17. Aehteld and wwt e ramerice alter the summa' booWM.Pl rt ssApNl- satiitg salary sed rapeFIN Gat,. R. R. No. 1. Sherpa. dual. 115 IPE.ACHER WANTED. -FOR SCHOOL 1 section Ne. 5. Colborne townetup Huron e.tawy. second-class professional. Rutin to oasmence alter wmser holidays', Aooli, Ste- ens salary end toper -wee, to DAVID C BOGIE. IL R No 1. Shepp.rdtua. Ont. TAISTRI(.'T SALESMAN WANTED AT once to .e yrueot "� � qty: Nl masse m Corder coo - 'a o p d, embolism sm the right woo. _opc out of offeinlaDid KEs&e LLIINGTON Tomato. offerings STOKE & WELLINGTON. 13-3I WANTED. -MAID FOR SUMMER beagaln" at Oskv,lle, near Toroweg Washing soot out. Higbst wages paid to Alit party Address MRS. TREBLE. p.kvltle. PUBLIC NOTICE. Action Dederr National tihipbuild- Ing Go do 14 se Lcoma of t -and for N. w Boiler Shop until Bylaw it ` Submitted 4nd Carried -Council- for Robert9¢n Reports on Con- ditions at Marx r 1 BOOTH PRIVILEGES-JDLy FIRST - Tenders for retreehitaent booth privileges ereceivedosa ncultural Park ao Dominion o'clock D. to by the underagned D �• MONDAY. JUNE 2401. Me. MAIL (2()N TRA(_'T. Tenders errs htorbe marked ed nn the envelope '?ender SEALED RS, eddreasd to the-Poat- aster�wnaal. II be received at Ututya 1 moo en Friday, the to say bth day d tent, far Ike convc sites of Hs Mairsty'e . as • popasd Contract for fear years. sea titin par wed ea Aa 1.10 e1Q91INO. 1 RURAL ROUTE. Own Melee October. win. Pruned maims conte further inlorpstpn we to oseditlosr M pnaedt tract 007 M sen zw..k 401100 d Tender may be obtained at the hat p�c.s row and Whitcburch u Ohs ohne or the Pout Mee Inspector, I.oa�n• CHAS. E. H. FIS Peat Office I OFFICE DEPARTMENT CANADA. MAIL SERVICE BRANCH, Ottawa 17th May, Iris. 17-51 POST 11 the RpmT sinBOWANTED-TO has p. 4 tie i lung trade _ high .dual moaner g,tt�s elor � rigeht tkind preferred boy. Ape, mod ply at onceNt THE SIGNAL. /ARTS WANTED. -APPLY THE lT (:UDF.RICH KNITTING CO. ('5-1a !•YR SALE os, rat SALE. -A TWOSSTONY � se war •oiag kg�A~ µs110{ backside adMaoment r [+thou. `ea and Co* Bitla about se- pss..ham • Owner inures tear lore tOOlk A ,s the for leo once asked. l More. XU.SIO _NIl�► i r VOR SAILK. -- A NEW BRICK HOUSE with one -hell acted land. sit aatoda te% Huron med. (pd.rceb. This is a genuine b.rthes. So int Miscast he bright ad ping'his propel y. T. (,UNDRY, Goderich. �1O ROM -OFFICE AND FIVE - 1 ROOM dwelling in Connection therewith. Apply tow. g.. KELLY. _ R SALE. -RED BRICK HOUSE. with ell cosanismee. Appy W. A. it HIS - M. Trafalgar greet. VOR SALE. -SOLID BRICK HOUSE, f all modern cosvemences, also good well. soft water cistern, fruit trees, lawns. vegetable garden, etabk. etc. A few misstei walk from the Square. oar 541 ppaeertticulars address Boa 33. THE SK;N AL OVFICE. Goderich. Ont. 99-11 or DR. P. J. R. FORSTER. i� EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Servos New York U mac aseestant at 's n Square Throat Hos- IL Strat iord. Tektites* 11117. r st bre aocoMpanied by a cash Each at marked must deposit a marked cheque to the valued 51, which will be returned in case privilege is net awarded Tender fur 55, whole refreshment booth wor- dage or for one or mac*tends will be received. No tender necessrdy accepted. o rgd.r THOS. H. MITCHELL. Secraary Celebration Committee. C.derich. June 12t1. 111" 11-21 ANY PERSONS HAYING gtoperb smtabk for • Cb.Idren's Mader for the agency of Home are requested Ia cam- 44[/IC.ee•gfvs" Per. 'Geo W HOLMAN. County Clerk. tiaderlcb. Jeie 12, leis nett RENT. -A DESIRABLE COT- TAGE. with all modern Oconven e nZcattr&.Smedae pos eesion•Ay Robertson & Woods have taken the loo al agency of The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Waterloo Canada's Popular and only Mutual Live Company. A. )ft, ROGER N, Corner Vista* a Vida Sts. Genera WOODS Renee St. Victoria Perk. Fire, Life, Accident and / Auto Insurance. 'RT OF REVISION Reeve Laith the meeting of day evening, M4i rooto. Councillor were abient. 1 Collector C kctiobs of annals that he had ihut sixty dog I•cenaee. He said a date &tight be fixed for the t 5 c upied the chau at tan council on Fri- g. % ogle tieing in To - Davis and Cooke also 11 reported further col - taxes and stated also THE SIGNAL PRINT INC CO.. WMITZD. Ptttunisaws- Les iti wzr•pima• NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY. paid to the Collegiate Institute board on K1 • I --- its levy. The committee reported that �I A Numb.r d Attractive Valises Pled Mr.F G Rumball head paid it 000on the that thesum The publiclibrary board met on ' had been endorsed over to the town by has again reported far duty and is now day evening, those present being the Goderich Manufacturing Co. 1 attached to the 4th Reserve Battalion. hospitals ' H. R. Lofts, J. E. Ton. Dr. SStrang J• The public works committee reoonn- Major Campbell has been in hospitals at Galt. Mr. George Porter, an behalf of emended that the wages of John McDon-' Bramshott, Buxton and Matlock Baths the Red Cross spelled for tbe nse d the and blit since last November, when. as the result Ifor �- sld, D. Phelan A. Clark, per blit library applied as a place works employees be increased to =tic. of an accident in which several officers' tratjon. The beaernsetit room was gyanittsd per hour, and of Geo. Beacom. with team, 1 were hurt and one man was killed, he being onbY a few steps down tion tate to M. per hat. the increase W date from `sustained serious injury to his ankle. I (runt entrance. and roomy. The board June 1a :that be re ue edhnsa, come. E to I Although still lance. Major Campbell f ordered a number of accounts Paid, and dee G erich ora, be report oned to 1 hopes to be in France this summer. tided to make application to the crater Goderich and the i matter - 1 and light coke application for rebate off ac - street and andting the sewer on Victoria I Whet Did You See Out There, My Lad? count of non -supply of water for several abempowered road; that hare cin- weeks owing to a (freeze-up. bamrrel be empowered to Purchase five What del you se out boars, umy e tad. New books are b. ing put on the shelves barrels of heavy tarvia W be used in{ That Ivo set that took in your eye.' this week as fal�ows: patching the roads before the application of tarvia 13; and that the committee be empowered to purchase from Mr. Chris. Johnston a piece of bush, of some seven acres. on the Bayfield road about four miles from town, the price agreed upon being $52. . The special committee recommended !has the bylaw for the closing of shops at certain hours be laid over for further con- sideration. These reports were all adopted. The council went into committee of the whole to consider the lease to the National Shipbuilding Co.. as prepared by the town solicitor, and 11 was decided to have the instrument executed. Councillor Robertson made an oral re- port as chairtnan of the water and light and harbor committee. He and Chief Postlethwaite had made a visit of inspec- tion to the harbor and from what they saw they thought it would be a good thing for the board of health to make an inspection there. The sedimentation ba- sin was in a bad state, and he mentioned other things that he thought should be remedied. One of the life -preservers was missing, and it had been s ggested that new ones could be made with some dry cedar. In reply to an enquiry the clerk stated that the standpipe had been cleaned out a kw days before, but the sedimentation basin had not been cleaned since last fall. The public works committee was auth- orized to provide conveniences at the har- bor for visitors. The council then adjourned. court of revision:, as the assessment roll would be completeA. The council fumg June 27th as the date Several tUarmhaitstiatsof were received with reference to the proposed early clon- ing bylaw. Chalks Black and H. J. Fisher asked that th, it names be removed from the petitk.q asking for the bylaw. . Three petitions against the bylaw had a total of 250 sjguatuac d. including tluddingTmerch- ants, worklagmee these petitions were in the same form and set north reams against the passing of 1 Kensington Furniture CO. mortgage. and I Mrs Campbell has received word that m of $fl 500 insurance matey her husband. Major Herbert Campbell, 0o the Shelves. for the first sitting. the court o revision. the b law as hams 1. Dura( the summer months a large AUCTION SALES. number of grain boats come to our port _ and during the dpy the officers and men 1.1 A50215AALLL Is *HEAT YION. CALVES ES ` MRS (CAPT.) ISAAC HETHERiNGTON wall sell by public auction at lot , coocesian 12. W. D. Colboree. one mile west o1 Nile. on TUESDAY, JUNE 2-.lh. ( at 6.9f/o'clock (new lime): Elebty acres d hay. to he sold in live and ten - acre 1o1. t Sia sowed fall wheal. Two este good heifer calves. TWO. -Six months'credit will discount i,goron z furnishing approved joint note the rate of 4 IWOyscJent. per annum allowed for cash MRS. ISAAC EAuct.o rel. . Proprietress.Proprietress.Proprietress.. HOS.GUNDRY are town until Tright to make necessary pur- chases of clotbmg, boots and other arti- cles. 2. That the laboring classes of the town of Goderich are unable' to leave their em- ployment before six o'clock In the evening, and if this bylaw is passed it will bear un- necessarily hard caprin them, as they are unable to come to the gores before some- times late in the evening to make their necessary purchases. on duty and ere unable to come up LAST QR FOUND. -------- 1OST.-AT GODERICH HARBOR. white coming off the steamer •Greybound. Thursday night. June 12. a lady's beaver cape with brow sa++ �:..soder 'e .in b+ie at Ti Tale. mom alt aborted Realm of the tows et (iodeskh hold font font sittin` ,n the Downes& chamber. own Haa, Goderth. for the purpose( hear)ne apps&s spinel the ssaesrnent roll for the town for the year 1918, on THURSDAY, JUNE 2745.191e, at A o'clock Mtlseevitoing. All partnerhOwested are requ.ssed to attend. L. L KNOX. Town Clerk 1.-21 Godernch. June 12th, 1915. FOR SALE. 3- f':specialleclurtng the summer months we have a largo Munbm of tourists come to our toren who will not come up town I during the heat of the day and do their stropping. but watt until the cool of the (evening for that purpore. 4. The farmeta snd otJA11Tw who are busy with their delis: at tk present time are o tCNrn during the day asking If stores You went out a boy, you have come back a man With strange new depths underneath your tan; What was it you saw out these. any lad. That set such deeps in your eye' :Strange things,- snd'nd,- and woodesful- Things that 1 scarce can tell, - 1 have been in the sweep o1 the Reaper's scythe. --- With God. - and Christ. -and hell. •Lpink on�jet. Val red ash akeepsake will ander kindly leave at eIGNAL OFFICE and Macaws reward STRAYED. -CAME ON TO. MY premises. lot 17,roneetsnsi :t. West Wawa - nosh. Monday. May lath. a stray beer. blot and white. about 2 proving yyearesr odd. owner may leve same on Mc pRTY. 1)unga n. mp paying exri4s NELSON . 1KTOTICE TO MCLAUGHLIN CAR FOR SALE.- IN 1I 111 ant -class condition. A burgeon for muck IN• tea p;A sale MRS. W. P. GALLOW. North street Taa Hu N. 0101011. M5CSAaa0. passinit of the hi law as proposed. t• unable to borne and often tetepir will be open • rfbecanee ',bgwityt • to Ilia � smaii.msea. w,tttsl i the Elfish Ia+10NTare closed they would go to other points for IBM purpose. ' A letter also was received from Mr. L. E. Dances', barrister, in behalf of Smith's 1 Art Store. asking that the bylaw be not passed this year. A communication from Mr. Charles Garrow. the tow;ry solicitor, giving his views upon the legal aspects of the matter. pointed out that the law provides for a closing bylaw applicable to "any class occupiers of of three-fourths of the cupiers of shops NOTICY TO CREDITORS. i shops upon the petition of not less than DITORIS. sticb class : but It does not provide for the • closing of all shops, and in this respect the o9 CATKIN/41 V. Katie. ism or petition was faulty. For th s and other N pp GOpaaltrt, 10 Tim l'Al1Nry pe• reasons Mr. (.arrow advised against tbe A rest from the. secretary of the YOR SALE. -A SQUARE PIANO, IN eacellent condition; cheap. Apply C. J W Y LOR. South street. It OR SALE. -A RUBBER-TIR-pD RAHhhMo,cogneodr Estnewd AApply MRS. 0 . QUIT FOR SALE. -MAN'S SUIT FOR 1.3 sale. Has Inver been worn. Was made to order from good EnoIuh worsted. Medium shade of gree Could not he bought for $40 Will ht a net, dight man. Apply TWIS OFFICE. / Le1OR SALE. -TWO SECOND-HAND Jl Mases Hants bicycles; atm all kinds of new area New bicycle from N5 Ip. Apply at WEST STREET ...ARTIER SHOP. SALE. -YOUNG PUREBRED Aberdee -Anaus bull, registered. Fit for Apply COL. VARCOE. R. R. No. 5. h. 15-41 (1j OR SALE -150 BUSHELS CHOICE 1 SEED BEANS. Sia mouths' credit to any reelomw5(1 person- W.H. JEWELL. R. R. No. e, C.oderich. Phase a r 5God.nd. Rural. 18-Im STALLION FOR SALE. A7 NASBADEN thoroughbred Bullion. whose stock has won prises at all the leading stock shows, including Detroit and New York. Nsbaden himself has won first at Toronto and Ottawa, and championship three limn at Guelph For further ,nfoemation apply to HAVES MYE.RS. Dungannon. Ont. OF SiR EDMUND WALKER C.V.O.. LLD.. D.C.L. Pesidsi H. V. P. JONES Am'% G.n't Man.fpr CAPITAL PAID Up. $15.000.000 RfSDVe FUND. • $13.500.000 3R JOHN ARM Canard Megan Careful attention is given to the bank- - inti requirements of farmers, with whom an important part of the business of this Bank Is transacted. Farmees may rely upon prompt and courteous service., Mich B ensh--G. WILLIAMS, Manager. req Not We is hereby given, pursuant to the statute Abmeek Chapter. I. O D. E., for permis- tet behalf, that .11 pursuant vineany claim, von to hold 4 -,tag day on July 1st to rause tet Lath/eine Y. Kelly. who ied on the funds for hospital purposes, was sent to "1 have seen Christ doing Christly deeds, I have seen the devil at play: I have tromped to the sod in the hand of God. 1 have seen the Godless pray - ^I have wen Death blast out suddenly From a clear blue summer MY: I have slain like Cain with a bislang brain, I ha, r heard the trundled cry "1 have lain alone among the dead. \ With no hope but to die. I have wen them killing the wounded ones. I' have seen them crucify. '•1 have seen the [)evil is petticoats Wiling the souls of men; I have seen great sinners do great deeds. And turn to them sins again. "1 have sped through hells of hey had. With fell ,ed -tory shod: I have heard the whisper of a voice. 1 have looked in the lace of God " You've a right to your deep. high look, my lad. You have met God ,n the 0571: And no man looks into His lace But he feels it all his days. You've a right to your deep. high look. my lad, And we thank Him for His grace. -John Oaenham,'Irem "The Vision Splendid The warm days bring to mind the de- light of Edwards' ice cream. MI May, 191e. are required on or before the the special committee. 2nd July. 1915, to sbcittrn nd by post or deliver undersigned, ti„herein fa Into .dmmstratouiot the estate of the said deceased, town clerk, for an increase of salary was [de and work. full particulars of their claims; and alter the Said referred to the Finance committee, and an A (rained group of portraits of thirty - 2nd July, 1515• ones id administrator wet proceed a lication from Mr. L. Kennedy for re- five officers of the lblst (Huron) Bat - then distribute the assets of the Said deceased newalpresented to the county arson` the persons entitled thereto, having of his license for the Model Theatre talion has been pr . regard only to the claims of which he shat) was sent to the same committee. and is hanging in the clerk's office at the --,` A letter froth Mr. W. %Tremblay re- ardmg an exchange of Kell)''elle An application from Mr. i.. L. Knox, IN MEMORY OF DR. HOLMES. Memo,ial 1 ablet Unveiled Last Week by Warden Elliott. In the corridor of the count% court ilie'>rlta comfy traverse lea. so . maw If you want, good time. come to 1 e blare Just opposite the room occupied b' yea -t, a brass tablet has bean placed Olde �.nglleh Fair,'June 27, to bear LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. FICTION. Th- Day After- t. Hon. Wm. Hughes. What of Today ? Father B. Vaughan. Panama and Wha it Means -John F. Fraser. The Amazing Argentine -hobos F. Fraser. Is There a Hell ?-Anonymous. Secret Memoirs of Bertha Krupp - H. W. Fischer. Flowerless Plants -S. L. Bastin. Koreans at Home -Constance Taylor. The Retreat from Mons and The Marne and After -Major Corbett Smith. The Long Trick-Bartimeus. With Haig on the Somme -B. H' Parry. When Beatty Kept the Seas -Capt. F. H. Shaw. Germany at Bay -Major H. Mscfall. The Truth About I)ardenelles-Sydney A. Moseley. The Scarlet Scouts -D. H. Parry. The Anzac Book. JUVENILE. Tom and Some Other Girls -Mrs. Vaizey. -- Boy's Book of the Seas -Eric Wood. In the Days of Nelson -Capt. F. H. Shaw. Under the Red Rose -Escott Lynn. Princess Marie Josie's Children's Book. FICTION. Wanderer's Necklace -Rider Haggard. Lonely Stronghold -Mrs. Bernie Rey- nolds. Wolf Lure - A. and E. Castle. Black Arrow - R. L. Stevenson. A Castle to Let - Mrs. B. Reynolds. Hill of Broom -E. E. Cowper. Salt of -the Earth -Mrs. Sedgwick. A group photograph of the county , council was taken by r. J. T. Fell last week.er The Hat Old Boys of Toronto have decided to hold an excursion to Queenston Iiereins em July 24. mg the following word- the splendid program. am. I In memory of Six cases are on the docket fo- the DR. W. J. R. HOLMES County Court sittings to open next Tues- Diedday before Judge Dickson. October 14th, 14117. The Liberals of the Provincial riding aged 76 years of North Huron will meet at Wingham on Treasurer of the County of Huron TUesd}ay next, at 1 30 p.m. for thirty-three years. f Homemade. baking, dairy Nutter and This tablet was unveiled during the! eggs sold at "Ye Olde English Fair." at 1 Curwen's, Huron road. June 27. meeting of the county council last week by Warden Elliott, in the presence of the members of the council. The Warden spoke of the merits of the late treasurer and the g eat loss the county had sus I22nd. There is no exception, however, sus- tained in his death. In erecting this tab- for persons over sixty; all over sixteen let to his memory. said the Warden. the I vases of age must register. county does honor to itself as well as to An eclipse of the sun was billed for the memory of the late treasurer. Mr. Saturday evening. and no doubt took Wm. Lane, formerly county clerk, who place but in turn it w•asecijpsei by the has succeeded Dr. Holmes as treasurer. ctcxids a0 that nobody in this part of the yoke feelingly of his late colleague. and country was able to view the phthe en - several members of the council added ex- uuntry. ressions of appreciation of Dr. Holmen' The twenty-fifth anniversary of the enactment of the legislation under which the Children's Aid Societies of the Prov- ince carry on their work was observed by a meeting held in the Parliament buildings D d- rs. There is an erroneous idea abroad that -only pet sons from the ages of sixteen to ixty are required to register on June trate will not be Ile le Inn the sai.....�.., ... _. part thereof. to any pantos of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated at Goderich. eth June. 141s. PROUDFOOT. KILLORAN & COOKE. 60der5Ch, 19.31 4 Solicitors for said'Administ rater. WANTED. Rhubarb at the CANNING FACTORY Will, pay one and a -quarter cents pound. Will start taking MONDAY. JUNE 3rd. Bring in what you have. THE HURON CANNING & EVAPORATING CO. per NOTICE. A. H. Jas>f s Cartage Business A transfer of the dray business of Sergt.-Major A. H. Jane has been made. Mr. Veo giving it up owing to ill -health, and it will now be in charge of Mr. John Marriott. The public Is requested to take note of the change and to give Mr. Marriott the patronage which they g to at Maitland cemetery was referred to the cemetery committee. An application for the use o Fair • on June '27th at Y poses of the registration on June 22nd was wen's.Huron road. for the attractions are with powero to the public works committee diverse and many. Let a goodlie com- wiM .Edwardto Lynn nie assemble, that all may make merrie renttoreaskedtto frbeeight allowed together.toYe minstrels and comedians at hethe or, p of sin town use as ane - are deserving of thy favor. What thou freshment the standa, proposing to gasoline it as arm wouldst have can surely be obtained nk. and use sell plcf from among the varied articles of ye auction astank. s a each the woulde vacateve oo sate. Visit Ye John Bull Inn, Ye Curio months oT each year, but Shope. Ye Weigh Scales. Ye Village Store, at time ashen requested by the stun-; Ye ortune Telling Booth, and Ye Tea cil. to harbor committee icati was given Shope and Ice Cream Booth. power to act nn this application. court house. Ye Olde English Fair. le of Huron ! Bethink ye of the festivities at "Ye Olde En fish at Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. W. Pr foot, M. P. P., was one of the speakers, and Mr. G. M. Elliott, county agent for the Children's Aid Society of Huron from Mr. H. Bellamy All hailye people g county, was present at the meeting. f the town hall for the par- Mrs. Henn Cur - Waitress s, And how did you find the pie Diner -I moved the bit of cheese aside and there it was. Nn trouble finding Pridham the Tail, ,r's sample parlors 'rewnd the corner, North street. • Two or three thousand Ontario farmers gathered at Toronto last week to make a further protest a;ainst the draft- ing of young men from the farms for military service. Strong expression was given to the belief that the farmers were not given fair play by the daily press, and a movement was started for the establish- ing of a daily or weekly newspaper as an exponent of the farmers' cause. .. any e The National Shiiibuilding Co. wrote as follows with reference to the application for tax exemption on the Company's two plants : "It is our intention to commence work immediately on the construction of a new June brings a special demand for a great variety of drugstore goods. Vacation trips and ootdoar recreations create a de- mand for lotions, face creams and other things needed for the protection of the complexion. At this season it is always well to have on hand a number of simple remedies, such as a headache cure, a rem- edy for stomach and bowel troubles. an antiseptic solution, adhesive plasters, bath and shaving requisites. 'these things should be provided both for your medi- cine cabinet in the home and for the trav- elling bag of the vacationist. Warm weather always brings its peculiar class of ailments and if you should have recipes or prescriptions to be compounded, remem- ber we give you a careful and scientific service. E. R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich. DOMINION DAY IN GODERICH. Some men attempt to cure the blues by painting things red. concrete boiler -shop. sire approximately Goderich is looking forward to the best The morning parade promises to be the h wide, situ- celebration altos a to t interest in the trades proces- sion,ated on the southeast corner of your pro - years. The details of the taking gees party adjoining the Wheel Rigs plant, town for many and something extra is expected. The land we shall require is eighty feet day's program are gradually falling into The Calithtanpians will be on hand, and frontage on Maitland road and 200 feet on shape, and the events already assured will decorated bicycles 14dicauto and beautymobiles will Oxford onset. make up a big day's sport. make a display "In consideration of the cost to u of For the horse rasa some of the best that it will be worth coming many miles constructing and equipping this building to see. The people of the townships for our boiler work and in addition to our horses in Western Ontario are expected to should make a special effort to be in for agreeing to employ an extra thirty to compete for the onerous purses that are the morn proceedings. which include forty men, we would ask the town to five axing put up, and the three races will make some of the beet features of the day. The us this site free with exemption (rom a great ftemooas sport. morning program takes place on the taxatiThe Clinton Meehan team will be here n, and is entirely free. posed and tow under embody nsthid rn our . toput upan argument with the home poseda bylaw now to proceed cat one d in the evening the popular production, To enable us to at once with team. and the "fans" are looking forwar "The I -ass of Limerick Town, ' Will he a the erection of the building for our new 10 an interesting game. given at Victoria Opera }{orae by e boiler shop, and to protect our rights, we Music will be provided during the after- talented comptny. would ask that the council give us a lease noon by the Kiltle brass band, and the atrabna of the be also will be heard. The civic committee of the Board of Trade is undertaking to look after the decorating of the town. The citizens are I asked to co-operate by decorating their own residences and places of business. There will be a great crowd in town for' the day, and "Hurons Golden Gate" should Mobs Its very test. Let everylxtdy within twenty' -five miles of Goderleh prepare to spend the day here and help to celebrate the day which all gond ! Canadians delight to honor. The entire proceeds of the day above expenses will be devoted to pat- riotic purposes. 12.5 feet long y f10 feettobe t Dominion Day I br held • this hest ever seen here. Mr. C. L. Moore is GUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER. TUESDAY. June Auction We of hay tall wheat and calves. property 04 Mn. (Capt.1 Isaac Hetherongt„n,llot rt, cone sion'l 2. Colborne. BORN. sHEPIIARD.- On June it, to Mr and Mn. Fred Shepherd,.JlHampton Preston• a son. CA j net 1h j to Captain and Mrs. U. asgrasn.. a daughter. MARRIED. RORINSON-wAITE.-At the home of 1ba bride's parents. Rayner' road, Goderich, on Wednesday, June 12, by Rev. R. C. McWiee- mid. Alice, daughter of Mr and Mee. Wes. • waste`. -10 Mr. John Frankli■ Robinson. d Bro oklin, Ont. DIED. Mc1IARDY:-In Colborne. on Sunday. June 9, John Annand Mcllardy. aged 75 years and e months. IN MEMORIAM. LINFIEre d who diol June mMk emory o Mn. J P. LTwrelve month, have passed since you left us. Dear ode, hut it seems many more: I can fancy hors different it will be With you on the glorified shore. No trouble er care can perplex you. While beauties untold you enjoy: How different it ra with ere here, wife. Myself and our dear girl and boy. I'm sure you are herknning to us, And bidding us he of good cheer; 1 can hear you saymg. Ile faithful, ' Pram, (;,d. you may all come up here. -HtwANm._ °f this property at a nominal re.tsl fora would wish to accord to Mr. Jane There will he Hig land dancing on the term of • ears ; the leges to be cancelled grandstand were he in Goderich instead of in Prance. Mr. Jane wishes to thank all his old friends for the patronage given to his business dining his absence, and would ask a continuance of these favors until he teturlls and is alae to'reinme charge himself simgae: upon the final pealing of the bylaw. One of the best features of the day's This i>o moot icsticn was referred to the program will be the patriotic (temente'. special don by several hundred school children, A notice fuesm from the military registrar at who will give a series of cboru and London stated that George Beartm, of drills on (he graadstattd immediately after the town's public works department, ertt, procaniCe Merl cultural Park would not be urdergd for duty until July innthe afternoon. very y should he let or thereabouts. on hand to see and hest the children. The finance of $10 tree madereoct mended Several owners of motor cars have gig. Fist a refundc {10 be peddle l to al oph nified their intention of entering the auto- il Futter 'on his ofic$nse to peddle onthe: mobile race. This ought to furnish some tart a grant f{lll)n0 be made to public library for thea year; that $1,000 be excitement. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -June 13. P Auction Sale -Mrs. 1 Hetherington ~1 McLaughlin' Car la Sale -Mrs. W. F. Gallen. 1 Notice to Crediton-Iiroudfoot, K,Ilann & Cooke Tenders for Coal -Department of Public Works, Ottawa t Salesman Wentad-Stone & Wellington 5 Teacher Wanted -S. S No. 1 Colborne... . First on July:Booth Privileges -T. H. M(tche411 1 Phaeton for Sale -Mrs. Geo GnMm I Nance -Geo. W. Holman. Teacher Wanted -U S.S. No. 17, Aahheld dand West Wawano.... • IMaid Wanted -Mn. Treble. Oakville. ........ t ' Brooch Lost -Leave at Signal Office Piano Inc Sale -C. J. W. Taylor ..... ...... 1 Court of Revision -L. L. Knot ...... l Stallion for Sale -H. Myr'. D5ngamros Cape Lost -leave at Seen•I Oban a Cottage to Rent -W. Acheron &tPon ..