HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-6-6, Page 7so THE SIGNAL - GODERICH_ONTaRIO Which would you rather have during war time—a smaller bar with wrapper -premium or a bigger bar for the money without the premiums ? We knew what your answer would be so we threw all our tremendous purchasing. power into buying soap materials only—now you get of several dmonths.e of the deceased te . was H tbe second ug and Mrs. McCracken and was born in Brussels. Ripley Express: Misses Sarah and Catherine Carter have taken the placessof their two brothers driving the milk wag- ons to the Huron factory. One of the brothers has enlisted and the other is de- voting all his time to farm work. The young ladies have each a heavy route and have no difficulty in handling the horses and arriving at the factory on schedule time. The home of Mr. and Mrs 1). Milne, Ethel. was the scene of a happy gathering on Tuesday, May 21st, tt bring the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. During the whole period of fifty years Mr. and Mrs. Mime have been residents of Ethel. For some time Mr. Milne was in the lulling business. but for many years he has been (arming. The family conal is of a son and four daughters, with numerous grandchildren and great-grand- children. The daughters were all home for the celebration, the son, who lives at CalgarY• biting unable to come. The day was marked by the tendering of gifts and good wishes, the former including a purse of gold for each of the worthy couple presented by their children and grand- children. Your grocer always has Comfort. Once you use it you always use it. That's why it has -enormously the largest sale in Canada.' Pureley,Diatesaa It G. Limited, Tomato S PEC' ALS at McEWEN'S When you your 'our garden ready don't forget we have the new seeds in •Dutch Sets, Irish Cobbler Potatoes frotn the seed - house, Government inspected and marked. Von have read of Tobacco duty yaonn Tea, Coffee, oco Matches. Get in your supply. Our values in Tea cannot be beat. Our coffee is No. 1. Special in klatches for Satur day. 5c a package. Special in Washing Ammonia. A few cases left at 5 cents a pkg. worth lOc now and some at lfk worth 15c. Our line of prunes is, moving at 12 c and 15c a lb. A nice assortment of children's school Hats at good values. J. J. McEWEN coo .a DISTRICT THIS WEAK, NERVOUS MOTHER Tells How Lydia E.Pinklham's Vegetable Corepounsl Restored Her Health. WINGHAM. Kenneth Nichol had . his right arm broken while cranking a car. Pte. Alfred Taylor has returned home invalided from France. He went over- seas with the 18th Battalion in 1915. W. H. Willis has been appointed representative for Wingham and district of the War Lecture Bureau. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murray and family have gone to St. Thomas, where they ll reside in future, Mr. Mur ay having secured a position with the Bell Telephone Co. there. SEAFORTII. PhtladIIP a, Faback:was heed, very I felt away sickly most of the time. 1 went to a doctor and he said I had nervous indi- gestion, which ad- to my weak condition kep worrying most of the Unie — and he said if I eoucould not stop that, I not get well. heard so muchabo(it 1, diaE. Pinkhanr s Vegetable Com- pound my husband wanted me to try it. 1 took it fora week and felt a little bet- ter. I kept it up for three months, and 1 feel fine and can eat anything sow without distress ornervousness. ''— M es. J. WORTNLINS, 2842 North Tay Philadelphia Pe. The majority of mothers nowadays allays overdo, there are so many the retell emands upon their time and strength; is invariably• weakened, run-down, nervous conition with headaches, back- ache, irritability and depression - and exon more serious ailments develop. it is at such periods in life that Lydia swill ''inkhorn's Vegetable Compo. restore t to a onormal healthy eendtuos, a$ sisters also survive, several of them living in Exeter and district. Chas. Anderson. son ofMr. and ip trs. oss J. W. Anderson of StephenSask., to I married May 15th at Abbey. VMr.and Mrs.OI Fenton of Victoria B. C. ltir. EA hof uric Victor E. Appel, son of a Miss ()live en Pee . Z h has resigned a Int and Mrs. Anderson will reside at Sceptre, tion as bank manager to enlist in the Sask. Royal An Force. IAt the Thames Road manse on Satur- MMrs. John Gellman, daughter of Mr. day.May 2.i, E. Mae Horton, daughter and Gellmhn of Zurich. was of Mr. and Mrs. N. Horton, was mar- 1marri oyd at Flint, Mich.. n. May ''2.i, to vied to Archibald B. Rowchffe. The old ide at l l d Elkton. Mich. Whey newly -wedded couple will reside on the IwillA reside at Elkton. groom's farm south of Hensall. A pretty wedding took pluesdayace at �• While helping to reshingle the barn on IPeter's church, Drysdale, An on daughter of the farm of William Bell, 2nd cones• last week• when rafts Anna, aua sion of Hay township, John Follick, of the the and Mrs.Frank Cnger. u, became same township, was taken with heart they bridewas ofp performed ed idingrr. The core. failure and passed away. He was working Aeon) rds there dd byg Rev. A. Bordet• sserved alone at the time. but on examination no � at the home wedding he groodinner's mother bruises were found on the body• so it was and supper atothe thome of the brides evident he had not fallen of the roof parents, where a pleasant social evening ofothe barn.d Ile was over many years was spent. Seventy-five guests were and Mrs. Lundy, of Rev. R. A. Lundy present. township, Walton. leftlast week for Edam. Sarkat- ff Taylor, of is sixty . chewan. where they will take charge of a Theed deceasedo May • i in his ni invalid Year. mission field for June, July. August and had been an invalid for ten September. Rev. A. J. Mann. of Brussels. 11 years a appointed will take the work at Walton for June and Rcv. A. R. Garrett has been PPp uly. ' hy the Bishop of Huron to the charge of JJohn Perris, of Edmonton, Deputy the Anglican parishes of Hensall and Minister of Municipalities for the Prov - Staffs. ince of Alberta. is visiting relatives in Duncan MiC allum, an old resident of Grey township He is taking a holiday Walton who recently passed away. left a for the benefit of his health. , bequest of 1500 for Duff's church, Wal Mr. and Mrs S. O. Carta have moved ton. from Auburn to Belgrave,' having 1pur- News has been received of the death o t chaired a home at the latter place from 1 Wesley Sanders, a former recant of Mrs. C McCrea, who purposes removing 1 - h wCliche ich o hcegiV atf t Detroit i Seaforth business places will have a weekly half•holyday during the summer monthr, on Wednesdays. Daniel Clark. an old resident of Eg- mondville. suffered a paralytic stroke Monday of last week and died on Thurs- day. He was eighty-six years of of Canadag A branch o 1 the Navy League is being organized here. Words of Praise for Baby's Own Tablets. 'Phone 46 - - Gillk Tst:perAY, JINN 6, 1618 7 411111M.11101 II= 1111111111/MNInk BOYS' SUITS $3.75 Boys' two and three-piece Suits with plain pants, ages from 12 to 16 years, regular $5.00 to 58.00, special for $3.75, McLEAN BROSe The Square, Goderich 4WD =I MIND Semi -Ready Tailors THE SIGNAL TO JANUARY ist, 1919, for i 5C. t�II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I �l 11L and was eerioully wounded at,Passchen- d 1 the ht one eye being destroyed. No medicine receives such great praise from thankful mothers as do Baby's Own Tablets. Once a mother has used them for her little ones she will use nothing else The tablets are a mild but thorough laxat ae e, sig The Main stree�t(NMethodist parsonage � C Bert(FI t trite yon of John Fletcher I = the same township.. hy officiated. The aide on their farm was the scene ons ay 21st of the wed - dingo e c C ss �• of l'sboryre, to bliss l`lellie Stone, daughter of Edward Stone o Rev. S. W. Muxwor young couple will, near Sunshine. LUCKNCI I. Ernie Miltson underw an operation for appendicitis in the (- ich hospital and at latest report was dor Miss Jean Mackenzie, of •\the military convatescem hospital at St. John. N. B., is home on a month's furlough. • Miss Lorisa Campbell has , returned from Toronto, where she •vas attending stomach; They oututate the• bowels and I busine s college, and has taken a position sndmesh; drive conpaand in the Molsrns Bank. This makes the indigestion; cure colds and simple (tee s; fourth lady to jean a bank staff ,m Luck - promote healthful sleep and make teeth- \ ing easy. Concerning them Mrs. Omer, now• y t LeBku. Maddington Falls. One . writes: iy —"1 am well satisfied with Baby's Own h d f \1r and biles Tablets and will always use them for my little ones.'' The tablets are sold by medicine dealers or hy mail at 2.i cents a box from The Dr. Williams \ledicine Co., Brockville. Ont. • Horace Aitchison went to Toronto as week to volunteer for military sere e• This makes the third woof = T. Aitchison to don tbe khaki. Gordon Drinkwalter, of Goderich, has bougbt out A. Solomon's tinsmithing g 1 equipment and will move to Lucknow shortly. The ILucknow woollen mills will be in operation again this season. CLINTON. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Saville on May 24th celebrated tbe twenty-fifth anniver- sary of their wedding. Miss Millie K. Holmes. of St. Cath- arines, whose death is announced, was born in Clinton and was a sister of Mr. Robert Holmes, formerly \I. P. for West Huron, now of Toronto, and of Mrs. 11. B. Chant of town. Miss Holmes had been for many years a valued member of the teaching stall of the St. Catharines public schools and was very highly esteemed in the city of which she was.a resident. Mas Charl•.)tte Carter will m )vf Short- ly to Hamilton, "where jeer grandsons. Delbert and Tom Higgins, have good positions. (,apt. C. E. Do ding, formerly mana- ger ofl the Masons hank here, wh) went overseas with the 161st Hatt:Ilion. has returned t to Canada and was m Clinton for a brief visit to his mother. The marriage took place atthe Church of the Immaculate Concept on Wednesday. May 29th, of Mary F , eldest daughter of Mrs. Thomas Catbert, of Stratford, formerly of Clintor.. to Alph rinsus V. Quigley, on of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quigley of }1uRevt 1Th e ceremony was puformed by Hanlon of London. After the will make n trip Mr. and Mrs. Quigley their home in Clinton, the groom having a position on the staff of The News Rec- ord. n towns tp, o ,peg ars. \lay 'list. at the age d Miss Clara McCracken. of Brussels, r ° He le aves a widow and (arty twoye child don Sunday, May 26th. after an illness two small children. Six brothers and four EXETER. Pte. Norman Norry. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Norry of Exeter, returned home from overseas on May 24th. He enlisted in October. 1916, when he was lust one month over sixteen veare.of age. He was in the trenches in France for six months xxxxxcoccococxxxxxoccoccoccoccoomminc=c inhas Noth g on Credit Cash 11\ Why ask credit where your credit is questioned ? Come to us where your credit is as good as your neighbor's cash. L. B. TAPE The Singer Sewing Machine Agent has taken.mer the agency of the International Harvester Company on Hamilton Street and will handle both lines Farm Machinery and Singer Sewing Machines .-\ fair share of the public pat- ronage will he appreciated. JUSTfARRIVED AT WALKER'S A SPRING SHIPMENT OF Linoleums and Congoleum Rugs W. f . Powell The Grocer in different sizes. Also a new stock of Rugs worth seeing. VA. A call at the store will con- vince intending purchasers that Walker's is the place to deal. On the Squire Telephone 91 r • W. Walker THE FURNITURE MAN ON THP S4VARE fDRIt-�NDEYS BOTHER Eat leas meat and take Salta for Back- ache or Bladder trouble — Seutral.ises acids e Davis Garage s(,1 •'I' 11 Gasoline 35c a gallon, from the Bowser pump that puts the Gas in Gasolint Just arrived -one barrel of DRY CELLS, standard test. 40c each. —_ Get our prices on Tires and Tubes. We handle nothing but the best in Oils. —• Free air always at your service. We have a complete stock of CHEVROLET CARS on hand at all times. Also a few second-hand Fords and one large Clinton Csr for sale cheap. Auto Livery in connection with the Garage. T. M. DAVIS SOUTH STR1E1FT Chevrolet Agency AUIIIIIIIIiMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIltllpp11iiiIIIIlllilll I111 11 tale acid is meat excites the ^ kidneys, they bemuse overworked; g. ggsk. &oke, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes elouly; the bladder isirri- tatod, and you may be obliged to seek re- lief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys elog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be • real sick person siortly. At Ira you feel • dull misery in the kid- ney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dirzineim, stomaek get* .our, tongue coated sod you feel rheu- matic twinges when the weather is bad. Fot less meat, drink lots of water; alio gat from any pharmaciet four manors h 1 of Jaglsu .1 water. take t bele eh breakfast in • F will for • few daps and your kidnep� then act fine. Thisfamous salts is mule from the acid of grapes and lemon joie", combined with Lithia, and ban boos used for snow -rations to clean slogged kidneys and stimulate them to sonnet aetivity. also to neutralize the acids in urinee, in it no longer is w 'mime of irritatimi. thus ending bladder weakness. ,Tad Salta is inexpensive, cannot in- jure; makes a delightful efferveeeent lithia-water drink whieh everyone doubt take now end then to keep the kidneys elms and active. lirnfgi'ts hers ea7 (Len at 11 lulu of ,T•.l Salts 1s idiot who hellos* , . ,.,•r, ,,,.n,, 1. A,,cy trouble stile it is only trout•k. AN ADDED PERFECTIdN 01.4XNEW PERFECTION 011. COOK/STOVE IE Nrw Perfection Cabin is the conk's thin[ h.irirl. TStnse and e attached ttprove idtto tgryew esPerfection t 1,1 1 lurk It provides a 1 niBesilc shell lor ag to i1'nl plates and keepleg {coal hot watt fpm beinge 0., r>attered with grease and scope sise stove, ihe hack prevents the k c n.. nos from h Bing { process of cooking. from ails ling the heat in the {x The New Perfection Cabinet is oar of the wet uwfu) improvements since the advent of the Long Blue Chimney A big addition at a small cost. stovehco New Peplete rfection all year oundc cos oking service.Perflctil.n Rer+fhkk Cool 011 j1 se 1MPF.RiAL OiL LiMiTED RRA iVf;IA IN ALt. (11115 Se's ii'tiitrL _ ,