HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-6-6, Page 66 Tautsos.v, jutsK 6, 1918
'Buses meet all tr>iji Passen-
tp•s called ioritr any part of the
town for outgoing trains on
(:, T. R. or C. P. R.
1'n onipt attention to all orders or
telephone calls.
Good horses First-class rigs
11. R. STOWE
1.-1 •p.bcme 51 Sur, csoot toT. M. Davis
y ..
Do you have headaches?
Do your eyes ache?
Do your eyes water ?
Do you have difficulty
when reading?
Does the print:blur?
Tle••se are all indications of de-
fective eyesight.
Using both the objective
and subjective methods
of testing we can guar-
Antee correction of all of
these troubles.
Talk the matter over
with Mr. Sexsmith, our
eyesight specialist. if
you require lenses you
tray depend on getting
them at the most reason-
able charge.
our examination will cost
you nothing.
The,The,Usa aim
Fait That N. Would Ne e* Walk Again
"FRUIT-A-T1VES" Brought Relief.
A practical joker called up the tele-
phone operator and said: "Hello. Cen-
tral, give me heaven," but that isn't
what she gave hint.
8(Maga hit., Hull, P.Q.
"Fruit -a hives" iseertainly a wonder.
Fur a year, I suffered with Rhe.uuu-
liarn: (wing fumed to May in bed
domini rrwx1h.s. I tried all kinds of
medicine but without getting better;
aid thought I would never be able
to walk again.
"One day while lying In bed.l read
abou: 'Fruits-tives' the great,fruit
. medicine; and it seemed just what 1
needed, so I decided to try 1t.
The first boa- helped aye, and I took
the tablets regularly udtil every trace
of t he Rheumatism left me.
! have every n.efde.ce ia'Frwila-
liveC and strongly recommend them
to every sufferer from Rheumatism".
50e. a box, 6 for $2.:0, trial size 25e.
At all' dealers or sent postpaid on
receipt of price by Fruit -a -Bees
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
Spring Term from April 2nd
Commercial We offer* the great opport um •
toy Recent lady graduate.. cd this school
ase earning as high as 51.e" per annum. The
last application at re.ened lot an office
man with some eaper.ence oiered Initial sal-
ary ul sl.•lee per annum Students may enter
•ur r lasses ■t any lune. Gr .eluates, placed in
qnt two/.
Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy
I lepartments.
(WI. our free catalogue.
W d. 1:1,I 1o'r r. D. A. MCI ACHLAN,
President. t'rinctpal
Owing to the scarcity of
Coal, and the fact that
sales have, of necessity, to
he made in very small
quantities, we have found
it absolutely necessary to
make a rule that
Mac Ewan Estate
Kinds of
Your furnace should not
only give you plenty of
heat, but the right quality
of heat.
Some houses would be
better without any heat
than the kind their fur-
naces give them.
If you study the Sunshine
Furnace you will know
what the right kind of heat
is and how to get it.
For sale by W. R. PINDER
1mMna Toronto
flit. Jibs. N B. Calgary
q'inni(.eg .aka form
Edmnntoa vanerniver
.. .4k, •
(Continued from page 2) .
Mon ate mostly slanderous or one-sided
Their leases may be complicated and the
conditions may be severe and unfair to
the settlers. hut in their actual treat-
ment ot their tenantry there have cer-
tainly been but few cases of real hardship.
The number of defaulters on the part of
the lessees has been hundreds. *hilt the
number of distraints has not been tens.
Indeed. if might with safety be affirmed
that the lenity and forbearance of the
Canada Company to their Huron terri-
tory will bear a very fair auanpariaon with
the lenity of the majority Of individual
landlords. or even with that of the Pro-
vincial Government. The tales of their
austerity are for the most part founded
on what might be rather than on what
has been. I
The real evils are only b. ginning. 11*
error of suffering a corporate body to ob-
tarn the position occupied by the Canada
Company is only becoming visible. So
long as they were willing to sell their �
lands there was little to complain of—
men cvukl either purchase or leave it alone
as they telt disposed, and an additional
half -dollar or dollar on the acre was a
matter of small moment. The selling of
the land at a high rate was an evil of
very small dimensions; but the not sell-- —
ing it is an evil, the extent and ruinous I though educated Irishman. to shun the
fated. uenceeot which cannot be calct- Huron Tract as they would the pesti-
lated. This is the true evil—the blight- fence, where their rights will be held
lag curse of Canada felt yism, that is from them by a corporation and its
now beginning to be telt 00 the best in- minions whose apparent interests are
forests of the aunty and which 'must different and often opposed to theirs."
continue to be felt and deplored. for
and de- � Dr. Dunlop only uttered the popular
twits t d for many years - yea. fa genera- sentiments and we repeat that where such
tions to code. The Company have yet a feeling prevailed in a new district. for a
tone unsold lards in every township of number of years, it must have had an in-
thetr original "tract;" isome In- jurious influence on its progress. But in
stances the quantity is very consider spite of all eeit influences, Huron has
able and w few cases the qual- made considerable headway; chiefly in
it and position of these unsold consequence of a superior soil and clim-
lands are 01 the first close. The very im-
rtant change that took place in the ate. Most other inducements are in the
rice of property in Canada four years future; but with t prospects.
ago changed entirely the policy of the were the existing bondsof the Company
Canada Company. Instead of coaxing loosed' could they be induced to sell their
and wheedling and duping the great gap- lands even at high prices, it might
safely be predicted that in a very few
of theirland. on I td the gull bait that No years Huron would rank with the first -
for the spring rains ?
Is your roof and eavetrough
in good condition ?
Our work in that line is
always satisfactory.
Phone tai
Hamilton Street
ing public to come forward and take hold
money eis required down." they withdrewwithdrewclass counties in the Province.
their lands f sale entirely! The pain-
wn' on which the
cmple of ca- do
Crown lands in this county had for inany
years been sold. was entirely b.yxd the
reach a the great mass of new settlers
who annually rushed into Huron. They
had no choice but either to lease from
the Canada Company or turn back with
their families. and thus the Ieasnng-systerd
was rendered successful and in many in-,
stances advantageous. But, so soon as
the Government adapted the instalment
system, poor men awed purchase and at
once preferred the purchase to the lease.
The Company had already sold enough to
iende'te-e remainder valuable. and know-
ing -that the settlement of the Crown
lands would necessar.ly . enhance that
value. and also seeing the daily increasing
demand for lands at an increasing price.
hey suspended both the sale and the leas-
ing. The town of Goderich. notwith-
standing its present encouraging pros-
pects.of a railroad and an extensive lake
traftic. is almost at a standstill. Building
lots cannot be had at any price,and no in-
timation of sales being resumed will be
In addition to this serious evil. there
is another equally serious. A large ppacor•
tion 01 the townships of.Hullett and Mc-
Killop is still in the hands of the Com-
pany. and these two townships he between
the public roads and the new Govern-
ment towrships. The thousands of poor
settlers who have recently gone into Grey.
Howick and Turnberry, and from the
county town. must pass through seven or
eight miles of the Canada Company's un-
settled wilderness. It lies as a barrier
between them and civilization, and there
is not the slightest prospect of getting it
removed. This is certainly a sore evil.
and though the Company, in thus en-
deavoring to make tete most out of their
property. are only doing what every other
property -holder in the Province does.
every day, that does not lessen the injury
done to the poor. industrious settlers and
to the country generally.
Whether the Provincial Government, as
has often been alleged, was wilfully play-
ing into the hands of the Canada Com-
pany, by keeping the public lands out of
the market, or offering them on the "cash
down" principle, or whether the policy
wa s simply the result of ignorance, one
thing at least is obvious, namely. that the
Company altslys succeeded in having a
fair sprinkling of (mends or tools in the
House of Assembly. The powers and
interests of the Company. even down to
the question of the wild land tax. were
sure to be protected in the Legislature
and there can be no doubt that their anx-
iety to return "fit and proper" persons, -
and the dishonorable and violent means,
resorted to by the commissioners and
agents. to secure the election of these tt Is,
contributed much to the growth of •that
jealous animosity and hostile spirit that
for many years inspired the settlers
against the tympany.
The following, bitter accusations. ex-
tracted from an address to the electors
of Huron, by Dr. Dunlop, in 1841, ex-
hibit faithfully the general feeling of the
county towards the Company—a feeling
existing not at election times alone but
at all times, throughout a number of
years; and it cannot be wondered that
the prevalence of such a spirit should
have retarded seriously the progress and
prosperity of the district. The Doctor's
address winds up as follows.
"But that remains to be proved when
my scrutiny before the House conies on.
and where 1 am prepared to prove that
the Canada Company. whose province
it ought to be to protect their settlers
from sin and crime, have flagitiously
used every mean trick and stratagem to
plunge them into open and corrupt per.
jury; basely manufacturing votes to de•
feat the law and the people, exposing their
ignorant and innocent settlers to the
scorn of the one and the pains and pen-
altiesof the other. in their infamous at-
tempt to rob the constituency of their
franchise and to leave them virtually
unrepresented by thrusting upon them
by such base acts their own nominee.
They have brought torwerd on this oc-
casion the unfledged stripling of nineteen
aide by side with the hoary ruffian of
fifty, openly. knowingly and impiously to
kiss the sacred volume with a lie upon
their lips. This contest is a struggle. not
between James McGill Strachan and
William Dunlop, but between the Canada
Company and the people of Huron, and
if it shall be derided against the in the
court of final riwmrt, that the Canada
Company can place their nominee in per
!lament by their fiat, it will be a warn-
ing to every honest Englishman, to every
cautious and calculating Scn(chmen, and
to every warm-hearted and blundering.
Seatorth Expositor: Mrs. Waite, of
Goderrch, was the guest of Mrs. 4.
Archibald. sr., and other friends here th
week . Mrs. H. Hill and children, of
Goderich. were the guests of Mr. and The warm days bring to mind the de -
Mr. T'. Habkirk this week. light of Edaards' ice cream.
Aragemeata Made for Taking the
Register in North Huroo.
Arrangements are well under way by
the registrar for North Huron. Mr. H.
Bellamy, for the taking of the man and
woman power census in thus riding on
I Registrations Day. June 22. Over 120
registration centres have been selected
and over 300 deputies and assistant
deputies have been appointed. Notices
specifying tate location of these centres
or booths are beingposted this week
alongside the proclamation issued
Registration Board,erte
there will be considerable publicity in the
daily and weekly press giving full inform-
ation as to the requirements and pur-
pose of registration and ,hr registrar
urges everyone to familiarize himself or
herself with aU the particulars available,
so that all will know *hat is required
of them OR registration day.
,Registration booths in Goderich will be
at the following places: Victoria school.
Central school, Collegiate Institute. pub-
lic library basement and town hall. These
places sill be open from 7 a. m. to 10
p.m. Saturday and for the convenience of '
factory min and others who may be too
busy to register on Saturday the Red
Cross workers under Mrs. Colborne will
have the library booth in full swing 1
Thursday and Friday evenings, June 20
and 21, from 7 to 10. to receive regis- I
The work of registration in Goderich
will be under the general direction of Pte.
Thos. Pritchard. appointed by the regis-
trar. The public school, and Collegiate
teaching staffs and Red Cross ladies will
wok under him. they having generou.lY
consented to assign their day's remuner-
ation to the Red Cross fund.
All registrants in Goderich are earnest-
ly requested to attend their nearest
registration centre, and they are also re-
queeted to register as early in the day as
possible. so as not to crowd the work later
Arrangements are also being made to
have those invalided to their homes and
unable to attend one of the booths visited
by assistant deputies, duly sworn in, in
their own homes. •
Each registrant after answenng the
questions on the card satisfactorily will
be given a registration certificate.
Registration in rural districts can be
carried out at the nearest school house.
every section in the riding being organized
for this purpose.
baby s sarments
will be soft, spotless and snowy white if you
use LUX. You can make the foamiest,
creamiest lather, in hot water, with a few of
these dainty silken little flakes, that cleanses
perfectly without rubbing. Hence unshrunken,
unthickened little garments that are a delight
to feel. Try LUX—your baby will bo sure
to appreciate the difference.
British ../r, by
Lever Brothers Limbed,
.S• 44
Sold by ell fowl roma
--aa►. w ••••••••*.
....... •oro.•
'• f•
by every male person
Forces, or in the Na
may be, or is reaso
o is n
or Mili
bly suspect
on active service in any of His Majesty's Naval or Military
Forces of any of His Majesty's Allies, and who apparentl3t-_,_
to be, within the description of Class One under the
Military Service Act, 1917, who for any reason may have claimed that he is not within Class
One under the Act.
NOTICE is hereby given that, under the provision» of an Order in Council
(P.C. 1013), ft( the 20th April, 1918, upon and after the 1st day of June,
1918, every reale person who is not on active service in any of His Majesty -'s
Naval or Military Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of Hu Majesty's
Allies, and who apparently may be, or is reasonably suspected to be, within
the description of Class One under the Military Service Act, 1917, by whom
or on whose behalf, it is at any time affirmed, claimed or alleged that be is not,
whether by reason of age, status, nationality, exception, or otherwise, within
('1a.. One under the Military Service Act, 1917, as defined for the time be, ng
or that, although within the said Clam, he is exempted from or not liable to
military service; shall have with him upon hie person at all times or iA or
upon any building or premises where he at any time is,
If it be claimed that he ie not within the class by reason of age, an official
certificate of the date of his birth, or a certificate of his age signed by two
reputable citizens residing in the community in which be lives and having
knowledge of the fact; or
If it be claimed that he is not within the Class by reason of marriage, a
estidcate, either official or signed by two reputable citizens residing in the
community in which he lives and having knowledge of the facia, certifying to
his marriage and that his wife is living; or
If it be claimed that he is not within the (Tari by reason of his nationality,
a certificate of his nationality signed by a Consul or Vire-('.ouaul of the foreign
State or Country to which be claims his allegianeo is dui; or • passport lamed
by the Government of that Country eitahlishing his nationality; or
1f it be claimed that he ia rxrented as a member of any of Ilia Majesty's
Forces or aa having since the 4th August, 1914, served in the Military or
Naval Forces of Great Britain or her Allies in any theatre of actual war and haa
been honourably discharged therefrom, official documents or an official certifi-
cate .videnening the fart; or
if it be claimed that he Is *septet! as a asbsr of the olrgy, or ttf any
recognised order of an euelusivty rwhgious etsarseter, orb a minister of a
religions denomination existing In Canada ea 20th August, 1917, or aa being a
Ottawa. May 22. MIL
mennber of any other society a body, a certificate of the fact signed by an
office -holder competent so to certify under the regulations of the church, order
or denomination, society or body, to which he belonp; or
If it be claimed that he is exempted from or not liable to military service
by reason of any exemption granted or claimers or application pending tinder the
Military Service Act, 1917, or the regulations thereunder, his exemption
papers, or a certificate of the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the district
to which he belongs evidencing the fact ; or •
If it be claimed that he is not within the Class, or that he is exempted, not
liable or excepted upon any other ground, a certificate of two reputable citizens
residing in the ommounity where he lives having knowledge of the fact upon
which the claim is founded and certifying thereto;
1f upon or aftersibe 1st y of June, 191R, any such male person be found
without the requisite evidence es certificate upon his person or in or upon the
building or premises in which be is, he shall thereupon be presumed to be a
person at the time liable for military service and to be a deserts or defaulter
without (rave;
And he shall also be liable upon mammary conviction to a fire not exceeding
$50 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one month, or to both such
fine and imprisonment; and moreover, any such person may forthwith be
taken into military custody and may be there detained and required to per-
forin military duty in the Canadian Expedkksary Fame so long as his serviser
shall be required, unless or until the fast be established to the aatWactlon of
competent authority that be is not liable far military duty.
The u.r, signing or giving of any such certificate as hereinbeicire men-
tioned shall, if the certificate be in any material respect talar or misleading to the
knowledge of the pram using, signing, or giving the gamma, be an armee,
peinlahable, upon summary convwtion, by a penalty aol .aeseding Ave hundred
dollars, and by Imprisonment for any term sot exeseding is mood» and not
less than on. month.