HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-6-6, Page 5WE WILL GIVE A PRIZE OF to the'owner of the
$5 1 N cAS H bicycle bought from
us during 1918 that
is in the best condition at Goderich Fall Fair.
East arage
GODERJCI4Street GO Artbar M. Glover
"Owned and Operated by a
Practical Man"
In •11 countries. Ask for our I E.N-
OR'S ADVIBER,w hich will be sent free.
3s4 University at., Montr4al.
Men, Get This
Longfellow could take a worthies piece
of paper and write a poem on it worth
That's genius.
There are some men who can write a
few words on a piece of paper and make
it worth a million dollars.
That's capital.
The United States can take an ounce
and a -quarter of gold and make it worth
twenty dollars.
Tout's money.
A tneehanic an ttke material worth Sts
and make it Into watchspnngs worth
That't skill/
A fisherman can set his net and lift them
the next day and find them full of sticks
and slime.
That's fisherman's luck.
There's a man inParis who can take a
fifty -cent piece of canvas, paint a picture
on it and maks it worth S1O.000.
That's art.
A merchant can take an article costing
seventy-five cents and sell it for cine
That's business.
A man can buy a suit for $10 or 115,
but prefers paying 120 or 12.5 for it.
That's foolishness.
Thereare people who will tell lou that
other clothing stores are selling as cheap
That's nerve.
Take a night off and see for yourself.
That's common sense.
M. ROBINS, Clothier and Gents' Fur-
nisher, south aide of Square. next to the
British Exchange Hotel.
That's me.
If in need of anything in
men's and boys' wearing ap-
parel don't overlook this ad.
Our stock consists of men's
and boys' clothing, boots and
shoes, underwear, smocks and
overalls, shirts, hats, ties -
everything that men or boys re-
quire for a complete outfit. All
our goods are well tailored and
of the latest design.
Alteration free.
We both lose money if you
don't deal at
Arsenate of Lead,
for spraying all fruit trees and
bushes. • The dry Arsenate of
Lead is twice the strength of
the paste form, thus only half
the quantity is necessary. We
have a hand -spray calendar to
show the strr,ngth for mixing
for all kinds o' fruir'trees and
James A. Campbell,
"Central Drug Store"
'Phone 90
North SL and Square, Goderieb
TsUItlDAv, Jura 6, 1918 5
Huron Lodge Elects.
The septi -annual election of officers of
Huron Lodge. No. tit, 1. 0. 0. F., took
place on "Monday night. The following
are the officers -elect.: P G., W. Bengough;
N. G., L. L. Knox; V. G.. Geo. Symonds:
R. S., C. A Reid: F. S, W. F. Clark.
treasurer, J. S. Platt.
Thanks All Round.
The Maple Leaf Chapter. 1. 0. D. E.,
wishes to thank the following: Messrs.
Brophey, Walker, Tait. Lee, McLean,
Munro, Moore, Pritchard and Edwards.
The Signal, The Star. the ushers at the
Opera House andpll others who assisted
in making the entertainment on May
24th so pxonouncerl a success.
Purchases Bus. nese at tycknow.
- Mr. Gordon Drinkwalter has purchasud
the plumbing and unsmithing btlsineait of
Mr. A. Solomon at Lucknow and is taking
puseesi n this week. Mr. Drinkwalter is
a practical man, with several Yeats' ex-
perience to his credit. and he should snake
a success of his venture. We commend
him to the goodwill of the people is Luck -
C •mmi'.ted to Burwash.
Frank Novack, the Austrian taken into
c istody at Sheppardton several weeks ago
and from whom the authorities have since
At Your Service
We are at your service
Tensmithing, etc.
We know how to do it
and we have the men
to handle the work.
11am,ltoa street Phone 135
Black as Dirt
About the Eyes
Liver Was All Upset and There
Wu Pain Under the ShouL
der -blade — Two aw-
aiting Letters.
no many people suffer from de-
rangements of the liver that we feel
sure these two reports, lust recently
received, will prove Interesting read -
Ing and valuable Information to many
readers of this paper.
Mrs. F. L. Harris, Kenney P.O.,
Sask., writes : "I was suffering from
liver trouble—had a heavy pain under
one shoulder blade all the time, and
waa nearly as black as dirt around the
!eyes, so 1 concluded to try some of
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. I did
w, and before I had taken one 26c
box the pain had left me and I com-
menced to gain In Aeeh, and by the
time 1 had taken two boxes I was
completely cured and felt like a new
person. My trouble was caused by
heavy work out-of-doors, and, of
course, heavy eating and constipation.
I would advise anyone suffering from
kidney or liver trouble to give Dr.
Chase's Pills a trial..'
Mrs. Charles Terry, Tweed, Ont.
writes 'Before I was married I was
trouble* with enlargement of the
liver. Hy liver became so smarted
that you could detect the swellings
on either side, and It was only with
dlmculty that I could get my clothes
on. A friend advised me to get Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills and take
then. I commenced this treatment.
and used nine boxes, which cured me
at that time. Then, about two or
three years afterward r was troubled
again with the swelling, but only on
my right side. I secured some more
Kldney-Liver Pills, and took them.
which Anally cured me. I have not
been troubled in thts way since. I
can cheerfully recommend Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver P111s to anyone having
kidney or liver trouble.
"We have also found Dr. Chase's
Linseed and Turpentine excellent for
coughs and colds. In fact, any of
Dr. Chase's medicines which we have
used have 'been good."
Dr• Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, one
pill a dose, 25e a box. 5 for 11.1,. at
all dealers, or F{dmanaon Bates a Os..
Limited. Toronto.
is a aymptum of Kidney
Disease A well-known
doctor has said, •• 1 never
yet suede poat-nwrtemex-
soninationinacase oI death
Iron Heart Disease with-
out finding the kidneys
were at fault." The Kidney
mmAicine which was first oM
the ttarket, most auec.ess-
ful for Heart Diseai.e and
all Kidney Troubles. and
most widely imitated is
�ettoe. Alis. Not!was i worthy help-
mate, making her home a centre of the
social life of the church and doing every-
thing in her power to assist her husband
in his work. On Mr. Note's retirement,
he and Mrs. Nott came to Goderich about
twelve years ago to make their home.
Mr. Nott died in 1910. They •had no
family. The funeral service was held in
North street Methodist church on Sun-
day afternoon and was conducted by Rev.
Dr. Rutledge. assisted by Rev, J. E.
Ford and Rev. J. 11. ()sterhout. The
pallbearers were J. H. Colborne, Chas.
Girvin, Matthew Bates, Jacob Stokes,
J. W. Vanatter and C. W. Weatherilt. The
intennlent was in Maitland cemetery.
Rev. Thomas E. Foes. of Green Lake,
Wisconsin, a nephew, and Mrs. Edith
Knight, of Toronto, a niece of the de-
ceased, and Mr. Henry Nott, of Toronto,
a nephew of Mr. Nott, came • to at-
tend the funeral and pay the last tribute
of love old respect to their relative.
been unable to secure any satisfactory
Ant of his doings since he came to
r was this morning committed by
Mr. C: A. Reid. J. P., to the Burwash
prison farm for six months. The man
cannot speak English. and though Mr. M.
Robins acted as interpreter very little
could be got out of him.
Mr. Taylor at Brantford.
The Brantford Expositor of Monday
last had the following: At Alexandra
Presbyterian church yesterday the musical
part of the services was n charge of Mr.
C. J. W. Taykr, or 1st of Knox church.
Goderich. Mr. Tay r proved himself to
be a master of the or an and a splendid
choir director. Mr. T •tor came at the
request of the musical c mittee' to take
charge of the musical ser 'ces and at the
conclusion of the event service the
musical committee met and were unani-
mous in their decision to tr5s to engag-
the services of Mr. Taylor asusual di-
rector of Alexandra church. 11 M. Taylor
would be a decided acquisition \to the
musical fraternity of Brantford.
sentence in Brussels Case.
Judge Dickson pissed sentence east
week on Clarence Naegele, Harold Geriy
and Norman Shield.. the three Brussel
young men who had previously pleaded
guilty of an often a against a thirteen-year-
oW gni of Brussels. His Honor
gave the culprits a severe lecture and
sentenced them to three months in jail,
with a fine of 1100 each. If the tine is
not paid the sentence will be extended a
month. A bond of 1500 for good be-
havior for a period of two years was also
required in each case. Judge Dickson
stated that but for certain circumstances
attending the case he would have im-
posed the lash. and he intimated that any
similar cases in the future wit be sternly
dea t with.
The Dominion Day Program.
The Dominion Day program in Gode-
rich will include -Shots races for which
purees of 1760 ars offered; 2.10 class,
1350; 2.30 class. 1300; green race, $100.
Some of the best horses in Western On-
tario are expected to be here. Other
features of the celebration will be a trades
and floral procession; a baby show; pat-
riotic choruses and drills by the 'school
children; Highland piping and dancing:
an autom)bile race; a baseball match,
etc.. etc. There will be the usual games
for the children in the morning. A good
brag band will be engaged to provide
music during the day. Bills will be out
next week g ving further details of the
program. The arrangements are being
made with a view to making the demon-
stration the best that Goderich has had in
many years.
Like to Work in an
Automobile Factory?
Positions occur in our organization that offer
steady work, good wages and an opportunity to
learn the automobile boldness. We want to get
in touch with enterprising young men or middle-
aged men who recognize the value of this oppor-
tunity. Write or call in person, so that your
name may he added to the list of applications
with the idea of entering our services as soon
ss 1 position in vacant.
Chatham, Ontario
s r. HELENS.
Mr. 1'. Woods, of Stratford, called on
friends here on Monday.
We are sorry to report that Mrs. Joynt.
sr.. is very ill at present.
Mr. Donald Grant, of Ronetown, Sask.,
renewing, g d ac qtuintanixs around pert.
Mr. Jas. McDonald, of Guelph. spent
the week -end with his brother. Mr. An-
gus McDonald.
WoesN's 1NsrrTU'IE.—The annual
meeting of the St. Helens .Women's in-
stitute was held in the hall. The follow-
ing officers were elected: President. Mrs.
A. Anderson; vice-president, Mrs. P.
Clark; 2nd vice-president, Miss M. E.
Rutherford; secretary -treasurer, l4rs. R. K
Miller; directors. Mrs. Jas, Gaunt,
Mrs. Geo. McRoberts, Mrs. Joe
Gaunt. Miss Campbell; district re-
presentatives, Mrs. Geo. Webb and Mrs.
13. Naylor; auditors. Mrs. D. Todd and
Mrs. W. 1. Miller; organists. Miss E.
Rutherford and Mrs. Cranston; program
committee, Misses A. McKenzie,
M. Murray. M. Little, E Mc-
Pherson and Mrs. D. C. McDonald.
The ticket was drawn for the
apron which was presented by
Madeline Gaunt. Horace McGuire held
the lucky ticket. Sum r lized was iti.50,
for Red Cross work. r‘
ipts for the
expenditureyear. 11141.39;
work. $451.t$3; bance on hank 1.9.711.
-You Remember Her
FiRST—" The Biograph Girl"
THEN -" Mabel of the Keystones"
NOW—" A Regal Queen of the Screen
Ont ow/v ee
One illion Dollars
A Beautiful Heiress
A Handsome Lover
A Mysterious Foreigner
A Trunkful of Jewels
A Bottle of Poison
Two Dozen Mannequins
All the Clothes in the World
MODEL THEATRE, Moa. and Tues., June 10 and 11
Savage Service
Every optical service that
the most exacting customer
demands is available at this
The basis of this service is
a t orough understanding of
the c stonier's needs.
For ye and pocketbook
safety edttsult
COOK. --One of the oldest residents of
Goderich. and one of the last surviving of
the early pioneers of Goderich township,
Mrs Adam Cook. passed away on Mon-
day, May 27th. at the great age of ninety-
one years and nine months. As the result
of an accident on the 12th of July, 1914,
Mrs. Cook had been ever since confined
to bed, but she maintained a constant
spirit of cheerfulness to the very end.
She was a native of Kilmanagh. Ireland,
her ntaiden name being Mary Ann Can-
telon: She was connected with a well-
known Irish family, being a granddaughter
of Lord and Lady Fitzpatrick. With her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cantelon.
she came to this country at the age of
thirteen. the family settling in Goderich
township. At the age of seventeen she
was married to the late Adam Cook, of
the same township. Forty-one years ago
Mr. and Mrs Cook removed to Gode-
rich, and Mr. Cook died twenty-four
years ago. Of late years the deceased
had lived with her daughter, Mrs. Robert
H. Johnston, Waterloo street. She is
survived by the following sons and
daughters: Henry and Arthur, of Clin-
ton; Mrs. Samuel Rogers, of Lloydminster,
Sask.; Mrs. W. E. Graham, of Detroit;
Mrs. W. T. Pridham, Mrs. (Dr.) Corne-
•lia Grey and Mrs. W.G. Luker, of Toronto.
and Mrs. Johnston of town. There are i
also twenty-eight grandchildren and I
thirty great-grandchildren. The funeral she's overworked, nervous, or "run -
took place on Wednesday from the resi- down," she Ands new life and strength.
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, the I It's a powerful, invigorating tonic sad
service being conducted by Rev. R. C. nervine %high was discovered awl Treed
McDermid, after which the remains were ; by an eminent physician for many years,
conveyed to Clinton for interment. Rev. I in his large medical prat -tire among
A. E. Jones officiating at the graveside. I women. For young girls tnit entering
The hst Pallbearers were Henry and Arthur womanhoo.l; for women in middle life,
Cook, the two sons; Robt. H. Johnston the "Favorite I'reseription" is the only
and ttWr and
Henr sons-in-law; J. W. medicineput upwithout alcohol, and ca■
Vanatter and Henry Carter. With the
exception of Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Gra- I be had in tablet as well as liquid form.
ham, the sons and daughters were all here It 's not a secret prescription for its in-
fer the funeral, and also grandchildren gredients are printed on wrapper. Reed
from T ronto, Depot Harbor and Streets- Invalids'
a for strial package at Pal '. V.InstM. pierce,
NOTT. A much esteemed lady passedfelo, N. T., or branch in Bridgehorg, Ost.
from this life on Friday last, in the per- I Hamilteo, Ont. — " When pasta;
tan of Mary Foss, widow of the late Rev. through 'middle life, as In most eases of
Benjamin Nott, A. M., l'h. D.. her deaththis kiwi, 1 began to fail in health. I
' occurring at her hence Bruce street af- I had severe pais* in my head, dizzy spells,
t. ter a long period of fatting health. Mrs. my hark eehevl and 1 bad pains is sty
Nott, who was In her seventy-ninth side. I 'warn. very seek and nervous.
year. was the daughter of David and I took rned,eme withoutetting relief
Mary Foss of St. Hillary. Cornwall, Eng- Datil 1 took Dr. Pierre's Favorite Pre.
land. and was married to the late Mr. ' serlptton and this medicine built me tip
Nott in 1$71. Her husband was a minis in health and strength and I came throve'ter of the Bible Christian church in Eng- , this critical period is a good Utah!?
land for a number of years. and after- state. Wemen will find Dr. Fiore. s
wards tar thirty years or more was in the Favorite Prescription very helpful (Im-
iministry of the Methodist Episcopal
huDwg tkia tryingaa Avnim.. "—Yea. Baum
crch in the United Sttaates filling Geon Cr
Ar. 100 Bobiw
RIGHT Al NUE P011 g/f %
F nWle 11 4 11. ;, r'isj
Wain, fhemkal ('lull, llech.nkel .r.t
atresrt.el sngineeriag.
It$Et Vf — $ 4.400.000
T'oTAL. As — #.30000000
The urgent and imperative demand for hogs has
opened up a reedy and profitable market fur
every farmer who will raise them.
Each hog you raise will bring a handsome dsoe profit
quickly - the wore hugs the greater your income.
Increase your herd sow while prices are high.
To do this you may need • loan; if so, cot.ault
our local manager; he will help you out.
F. WOOLLCOMBE. i - - Manager.nt
Art. r,, -r 1,7 correspondeare. 11�e..<
"nth ,• r,r.t'. .i leidesee er roe
., me r r.•iesi.
n•er Scheel Nevigatton Sehes
y..17.Avow.. D ..,■M to Aenl
19 GFA. Y. CHOWN. R..:h.r
The Saults Coal Co.
(iucre.wore to Aleiloghwh a Ulwfhili
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
OFFICE PHONE - - - - 75
B. ). Saults' Residence 275
W. W Saults' Residence 202
The Singer Store
w,tl hle
e phased to
you call and inspectour special
tine of OWN.
Iitaiupotl Cushions, t'entres,-
Scarf*. lowels, Day `ili ,v, Car-
riagePlllowa, Romp.rs, Hats and
Ready -to -use Goods
Bloss..., White Wear In ladles
and children's Mae*, Towelling.
i'illowwl(ps. Bonnets, etc.
Tan Linen and Laces for
trluuutog edges of centres. scarfs
ant onshionw.
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith 81 Ring
10 li`Stree,. Opposite Kno. C t.., h
Give Us a Trio!
A Business Education Pays t4.r
Itself in a Few Months
The difference in reninneralicn
of a trained business man -(Cr
woman), as compared .with that
of the untrained person, will
quickly stake up the amount
spent in taking a gond business
course such as can be. obtained
at the
School of Commerce
Now is the time for the young
man or woman to stake an in
vestment that will -give splendid
returns in the years to creme
\\-e have courses in
We have special accommiela
tion for girl students.
For terms, etc., write
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acct,
PHr)N1-. iil1 Princi{I.1
A Woman's Burdens
are lightened when ale forms to the right
medicine. 1f her ex,stenee is mule
gloomy by the rhroute weaknesses, deli-
cate derangements, and painful d,sotdlrs
that afflict womankind she will find relief
and emancipation from her troubles in
Dr, Pierce's Favorite prescription. If
� ••ignpnrttntt pnart*on.
the benefit. the
pleasure. the economy+
of a 5c package of
- has made it the fa-
vorite "sweet ration"
of the Allied armies.
— send it to your friend
at the front:
—it's tbhsndie .
longest -lasting re-
freshment he can
In Canada
The Flavour Lasts