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The Signal, 1918-6-6, Page 1
,s f 1►tttli FIRaT IrUAR-04e ane �.- 80DBRIQH, ONTARI©, THURSDAY. JUNE 6. 1918 C M Btartos 1 �ae1� IA � t1L Mottos Dsslsvaa'a w ThE STERL1N6BANK OF CANADA SAVE, Because— One thing leads to another—a good bank account to a good opportunity. W A.1TEU. LEACHER WANTED.- POR UNiON tR S No, I. Airfield. Colborne and to aweene.+lwd-dr p'O al Apply, stn- entemence ad sureseer W sys. Mc1 11TYAIN, Weary 1,1-11 Q WANTED. - LU BR I- 1✓ C� alDe■ea sPec10ts1. paint. Pert or "nide time. ameassnoe basso Man NG RIVERSIDE REFINING Lipa,jp veelue and. Ohio. 1 �'AN ANTED.- GOOD GENERAL Te li3M work. two in fsmiy. Ap- ply to MRS. WM [,ANE. Caledonia Terrace. MART BOY WANTED. -TO LEARN the RyUti{ trade. ' Oce who nus erred the arrggl entrance e.amigw k a preferred. A * CS M THE SIGNrALht kind d buy. AP (TIRES WANTEDs-.APPLY THE lR GODERICH KNITTINGCO latf W ANTED. Rhubarb at the CANNING FACTORY' Will psy one and a -quarter cents per pound. Will start taking MONDAY. JUNE 3rd. Bring in what you have. THE HURON CANNING & EVAPORATING CO. lir01 RAli OR RENT. DOARO OF TAUS COMMITTERS. Sims Limes Alan Wb! W Rsarges- Mad Marl May Week. The reorPaSsation Insetting of the Board of Traria on Friday night was well attended. a9d if the intern idenced at this smiting mistakehl there of the Bound will be carred on with a de - IJ S tat sang which should ensure Maninatioae was received for the ex- ecutive committee, and on a ballot the �y�g were elected: R. 'J. Megaw, C. L. Moon C L Jackaort Rev. G. C. Hie. Geo. Porter E. R. Wigle, M. G. Cameron The president Mr. G. L. Parsons, in - 14 OR SALE ---A TWO-STORY BRICK 1 house coouaara seven rooms brooms kitchen psntry,b* ,attic old k•sement;elsetric Ijakts and foresee. Near Samar* and Collegiate Institute. Lot take to aboeitttuarter-acre land. with gar- den. fruit trey lawn. etc. For quick sale, offer the whole for 1112206. -part tail. balance, terms to wit purchaser. Owner intends leaving town. which s the resin for We price asked. Addreon BOX M. SIGNAL. 11-tr FOR SALE. -A tJEW BRICK HOUSE with oma -hallow of Cod, situated on Huron road. Goderich. Tilde Ni genuine bargain. Some vacant lots un'hep�� t adjoining this property. T. GUNDRY. Gaderiel• PO RENT.- OFFICE AND FIVE- ] ROOM derelbsa connection therewith. MeertoW.3..a.ZL . el OUSE TO RENT. -ON K .AYS street; seven AU cunveaienesk re- melt retied. Slade en let. Andy to J. W. • E mors SA siphons r TEL , Goderich R. R. No. . 12O 044.1 R SALE. -RED BRICK HOUSE. �t - w Apply w. A. CHIS- H�IOh i•u UIOR SALE—SOLID BRiCK HOUSE, 1i• al modern cwveakncs also /•� ung. soft weer •c lar ,twit tress le wn., vgetabte iprde .. p55 w�lamrrsauspMedrw1 1rc 1 3a. TH6 SIGNAL OPV1CL Gre ch. 0*. tla-tI s Y1 _____ _ _ _ )zurair co V ticiL i the Assoctatilm and fee of S dOto psy the annual THE LADS IN KHAKI. . From the county road superintendent, I Mr. D. Patterson, enclosing the estimates for road work as sent M by the various Word has been received of the doth in I A special mceti 1`gt>L L O. L. minor t the Provincial r'Otange hall on Tues - regard From the Provincial Government, with action of Pte. Percy Fisher, formerly of will be held in the regard to the supply of wood for fuel from Goderich. who enlisted at Hamilton in I day, June 11. All members are requested • the fall of 1915. week Special Offer The Signal will be sent to sew subscribers iu Canada or Great Britain from now to January tat, 1919, for 75c To United States addresses, $1.00 THE SIGNAL PRIN1ING CO . LIMITED. Pur•rwtaa•- ereery �- LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. HURONB' { GISLATOR'S HOLDING T JUNE SESSION. Urants Made to Y. M. C. A.. Kniehta of CoW,nbUs said Salvation Army - Anotiter Maim for Damages - Deputation from Middlesex Advo- cates Prwvintlal Highway from London ti Glodsrich. Dr. Emmerson will be out of town tram the 15th to the 29th of ttus month. Algonquin Paxk. with a From the city clerk of London, - petition for Government provision for sol- A distutguished visitor in town this diens' insurance. I week was Capt. A. E. McKeever. a Lis- Fran is Fran the office of the Provincial Secre- towel young man who has t� 1n Mshed tart enclosing the estimate of the cost of himself as an aviator in Fla ...- rte was enforcing the Canada Temperance Act in the guest of his relatives Mrs. McColl this county for the year Mare 1911:, e: I and 'Mite Hildred McColl, and also called April 30, 1919. The figures are as follows: ; an Mr.and Mrs. A. Foster, the parents of Inspectors' salaries. -..11,400 Lieut. Frank J. Foster, who was killed Inspectors' travelling expenses. 600 in active service in Audttst last. Capt. sited suggestions as to matters that oouonl converted on Tues ice rent mart be taken in hand by the Board, The county Costs of prosecutions and a variety of rdess was brought tar day afternoon in the regular Office expenses 100 McKeever and Lieut. osier were ggrreeaat 1,000 friends in England and France. Capt. 150 McKeever has a brilliant record, and June sea . u ward. Some of the euggesuotts were: Ston All the members are to a t-rndante. Clean out the "eyesores" abboouu the town: improve the roads; put the bathing - beach in proper condition; make the town more attractive for summer visitors; educate the people to make their pur- chases in town. Referwtce was rnade to the resolution passed at the Liberal 'nett- ing eluded the following: ung at Seaforth last week with regard to From the leanly council of Wellington, Hydro charges. and on the suggestion of i asking co -operatics in an effort to acture Principal Hume it was decided to forma an a[rtendaste t of the Statute Labor Act, I �^•�' committee to further a movement for the that towYaYpt may collect from til to 282.79 [or South Huron in the hiolsuns readjustment of Hydro rates throughout . R5 in of statute labor in- Bank. Clinton. the Province. I stead 1tr present. This would There was also a statement of the ex The (clewing committees have been the sores basis as peditttre of last year for the enforcement Miss Reta Densmore is home from formed, with the persons named aa chair- Peace t villagers which are now of the Canada Temperance Act ntHu on. ,Pot Huron on a visit to her parents. nen: Industrial, C. L. Moore; retail alley towsa apo The chief items making up the allowed to caplet the larger amount. 9151.32 were the salaries of the two in -1 Alis Emilie ;Buchanan, of Toronto, is merchants. fisc. Porter; c;vic, C. A. From the Comity council of Wentworth Reid; finance and membershi , F. Nooll apectors and their other rent and other i visiting friends and relatives in town. in Insure Your Auto Gear M dent end Guspntee Corporation Policies issued tor Are, ttbeft and liability, ►t isaaM>aseslO'm, public la ty, peop- erty damage, collision. Oases Polley protects your car wherever you take It to Goads or United States. Liberal Policy - Beat Rates ROBERTSON &) WOODS Insurance Agents PQTATOES Choice selected Delaware SEED POTATOES for sale at reasonable price. in stock at W. Symonds' store, Saltford. Also good table Potatoes. R. R ELLIOTT 'Phone Goderich Rutal 16 r 7 PUBLIC NOTICE• MAIL CONTRACT. OEM faum. esr tee cask e pis wnellia Ib . l.t)a[NOw NO. I MURAL ROUTE, keen the let •l October, li. Primed notion ala[ lithe information ae to conditions d si Dsmtratt say be seen and blank forma M r at the Post Offices of Lackner, a�( and ■t the office d the Poi Ob hopielor, London. FISHER, �pect«. POST OFFICE DEPA CANADA. MAIi w; hh May, Haft H 1: -St ' has been awarded the Distinguished $3 250 Service Order. the Military Cross and bar. Warder[ Elliott m his opening remarks I Less balance from 1917 18 1218 8if his investiture taking place at Buckingham thatrtevi wereoo erste), the outcome b rr a the " amount due by Province 748 53 Palace in February last. He Is officially likely to arms before the----- credited with bringing down thirty' -five council. 987 21 'enemy planes. ad thlugh during the tune The oomeallnicati°ns placed Dore the x2.282.79 months that hr was on act ce service he Council by the clerk, Mr. Holman, tri- The council was instructed to deposit , fought at great odds it: many battles, $1.000 to the credit • of the Canada Tem- 1 more than once singly agonist several herons Act tund for North Huron in the . enemy machines, he escaped the slightest Ian Bank at Wingham and $1,- wound. He is at present on furlough. PERSONAL MENTION. County Court will be held next by Judge Dickson, opening on Tuesday. Thereare six cases on the docket. all to be tried without a jury. The monthly meeting of the General Brough Chapter, I. O. D. E.. will be held at the court house on Monday, Juste 10th, at 4.15 o clock. Remember the trip on Lake Huron by steamer Greyhound next Monday eye- ing. Music for dancing in the fine large ballroom of the steamer will be furnished by the Goderich Orchestra. Tickets only 25c as in former years. Don't fail to see "The Paris Dolls" and The Dairy Maids" at the Mac- Gillivray Mission Band entertainment Friday evening, June 7th, in the lecture - room of Knox church. Entertainment to begin at 8 o'clock. Admission 15 cts. *Admitted to the Foet- id -et dOtttawa until Intoe4 firds. s , NG asa1N Pow your& ais tames Combe; entertainment, H. T. Edwards: publi ity. Rev. G. C. Hill; Hydro. J. P. Hume; agricultural. W. T. Murney; transportation, Jos. Kidd; legal, M. G. Cameron. K. C. The warm days bring to mind the de- light of Edwards' ice cream. NOTICE. A. H. Janis Cartago Business ' Brantford, was in the interests armers thtought the inspectors were "pretty welltown for several days on a t opppaitipb to "daylight-saving- sang legis , expenses.Some members of the council A1r. Eli Symonds, u tion as holiday; visit From tife s tovinct to Department of d for the work they did," but, as was I •Mrs. Alexande r, of Cleveland, is here on Agriculture, in reply the councils re-mout, the council really has nothing a visit to her mother. IMrs. J. H. Wil - quest -that that fve addit tonal tractors be sent pointedOlsen•. into this county. tt was stated that it to say in the matter, its only responsibility would not be ptssibl' to comply with the being for the payment of the bills. g INjss Urlphine tiajrnhas returned home r giiest. but that arrangements had been; From the secretary of the Guderirh' from an extended visit at Toronto and made for the supply of a large number of Collegiate board, notttying thi council of Galt. Ford tractors at 1750 which might be the vacancy on the board created oY the litre Stebers has returned her home urchaxd by private parties through the remooal of Mr. W.L. Enol to Loadon• I ttecrt_ From G. M. Kidd, enclosing a bill of at Sarnia after a visit to her tomother. Airs prom the Provincial Government, en. I expenses amounting to i.,$ in connection Moore. cheque for $3,518.05, being the with his claim for damages for an engine I airs F 1tfcCartney lett last week to the Bayheld Government's share of the expenditure on road closing A transfer of the dray businessi of Sergt.-Major A. 11. Jane heal been made. Mr. Veo giviug it up, owing to ill -health, and it will now I be in charge of Mr. John Marriott. The public is r*quested to take note of the change and to give Mr. Marriott the patronage which they would wish to accord to Mr. Jane were he .in Codetieh instead of is France. Mr. Jane wishes to thank all his old friends for the patronage given to his business duting his absence, and would ask a continuance of these favors until he returns and is able to resume charge himself. i)R. F. J. R. FORSTER 11�� EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic nod Aural Hwpt+i1 asstaat et Moorefield'• 111 Eye Hospital and Golden Square Threat Hos- pital, London, - fir waterloo St. ., Stratford. Teleptsae 161. LOST OR FOUND. LOST.-BETWEENGODERiCH AND Daagannon, • we valine. Finder will leave at THE SiGNAL OFFICE. Grieer n QTRAYED.-CAME ON TO MY kJ grandmas. lot 17, concession 8 West dWaus- eon, a ^s- non. Moesdsy. May lath, s stray white. about 2 years old. Owner ,way have pp pro rte it proper[ and paying expenses. NLLSOri MCLARIT, Dungannon. FOR SAAR. UIT FOR SALE. -MAN'S SUIT FOR IJ ■ak. Has now been worn. Was made to ceder from good EmPish worsted. Medium slide of gravy. Codd not be bwabt for ado Will fit a tall alight am. Apply THJS OFFICE. L'OR SALE. -TWO SECOND-HAND 1 Massey -Harris bicycles; also an kinds of new tire. New btcydes from W. up. Apply at WEST STREET • ARBER SHOP. L1OR SALE. -YOUNG PUREBRED P Aberdeen -Angus bull, registered. . Fitf 6 service. Apply COL. VARCOE R. No.t Godench. VOR SALE. -150 BUSHELS CHOICE SEED BEANS. Six months' credit to any W. JEWELL, lblmo. e.GoderirbaSrr aGd Goderich uI `r EED POTATOES FOR SALE. --IRISH 1 coast.ER; a fine table variety• $2•tti s e�111lssss{{{{,,,, J. B. COX. R. R. No. 4 o derich. Tstep3iom 1)4 Benmiller. �oc�vBANK c'otw • on EDMUND WALKER. fRl JOHN AetD ilsfwwlT s�iiy�er1 C.V.O.. LLD.. D.C.L. fillies .I` 0 It V. P. JONI% lees Oso% Meow CANTALPAID U►.$15.400,000 Rove PUMD. • $13,500.000 • Cwt its Master r arding current sham*ttse collections, bens and Lor atts Bank. Galena 13ea lch---G. WILUAMS. Manages, a c going through a culvert on spend the summer with her son at Cadil• tt.e county road system last year. lac' • Ss. C From Perth county council, favoring an' From ratepayers of Morris, Grey and ,Ales Clearihue and daughter Kathleen. the homestead fees on Western Brussels asking that repairs be made at of Calgary. are visiting the athlee's d n the boundary increase m once to the county roe o mother, Mol H. W'• Bl1. landsorder to help meet the large ex- and in of MarisGrey. pmdinures of theFederal Government. 1 as proposed that the fees be increased These communications were referred to i Mrs. Glover's many friends are pleased the several committees for consideration. to see her out again after the severe acci- dent xl per ase to all British subjects andme• It was moved by Mr. Petty, seconded befell CHURCH NOTES. The choir of Knox church will give a sped 1 musical program next Sunday morning and evening. The male quar- tette will sing. As a result of the ballotingfor six new members of the session of nox church the following were chosen: J. P. Hume, H. R. Murray, Wm. McCreath, W. J. McNevin, Wm. Waite and Fred Weir. The members of Court Goderich, No. 32, C. O. F.. will attend divine service at Knox church on Sabbath morning. Both services on Sunday sill be conduc- ted by the pastor. Morning subject: "Brotherhood." Rev. Dr. Rutledge being away at Con- ference, Rev. J. E. Ford will conduct the services at North street Methodist church next Sunday. The morning subject will be: "Good Thoughts for Bad Times." Evening: "The Three Worlds." A rally of the adult Bible class is arranged for the afternoon. All members are•urged to be present, also any prospective members or visitors for the day. Subject for the Bible class: "Jesus Faces Betrayal and Denial." subjects of allied nations (returned diens excepted); 12 per acre W subjects of by b 'Nr. Livingston, that the council place I Airs. James Moore, after spending the neutral nations, and Vi per sae to all on record our sincere regret at the loss weT winter with her son, Mr. M. C. Moore, at who are of alien [nationality and that they have sustained through the death of our St Marys, Inas returned to town. eat tined tar. taker Mr.McCreath and �lr. and Mrs. W. L. Eliot and wdough- ty required to tab the oath of allegiance tender our sympathy to nus"Iters Mtsre'i Gladys and PhyIlis, of before obtain trsg title to t From M. G. t:atmerun. claim for damage of i ills o _mother, � the members all atadinR. eRevaE�L s'ei �t AMR; A mottpo Isy j)r Clark, seconded by visit to Alexandra hospital. where he of an acIlitillimis cident m Ides Rayheel road cm Mr. Laithwaile.. theft Andrew Porter be- underwent an opusetferw for appendt.itis. April 25th. wtwn 'Rhee horse they were appointed to the trustee board of Code- Mrs. D. Johnston and daughters.driving fell into a hole in the middle of rich CoNegiate Institute. was referred to Dorothy and Hiktretl. of Preston. spent the rued and both were injured. It seems the education committee. 1 the week -end with 51i s. Johnston's mother. that a culvert had fallen in and no light' An evening session was held to receive Mrs. Webster, Newgate street. had been placeddl a deputation from the county of Middle -1 Mr. Ernest Clark. of the Signal office, From the ciy council ofsToronto, seek- I sex, consisting of Messrs. A. Blackie, was at London this week attending a re - I ing co-operation in petitioning the Do-' Reeve of Westminster, Richard Fitzger-minion union of returned soldiers oho were old. Reeve of West Niseoun, Jas. Robson, members of the 33rd Canadian Battalion. general n Government ens (ora vote at the next Reeve of London township. and Charles Mise Renta Clark, week returned Mime election on the question of the Talbot. county engineer and road super- aboliton of the Senate. - intendent. They asked that the Huron recently to recuperate after some heavy F the Ontario Municipal Alssoda-;d k t to join with a work at Grace hospital, Toronto, left and I Mr lad. C., snaking a caved widow and family. s I London, are spending a m town. on• behalf of This motion was adop ed unanimously, Mr. Will Craig is g a month again after a nom council appoint a es Yesterday to visit her aunt a one e. tics, inviting the council to affiliate with i delegation from Middlesex to request the and Chas. Hawkins, aunt at Wln c e. t assume the Mrs. _ Provincial Government - - _. which would mean that the Government , gaged as a printer in would refund sixty per cent. of the money 1 three years, left on Monday to take a expended on the road by the counties. is positionony The Brandonn [dn for a time. The first suggestion was that the proposed ' Miss Fraser, of Britannia road, Mrs. Provincial highway be from London to Goderich, but m response tO re' ( Marion and Lilian, ereturnedr t homeers. last marks from some of the members the Middlesex men said they were not par- week after spending about •seven months Ocular about the Huron terminus and � in Florida. They enjoyed the trip im- mensely and are much benefited by their would suit them all right if the Huron ' winter's stay in the Sunny South. They council wanted it that way'. I spent the greater part of their time at Mr. Talbot addressed the council at Daytona, beautiful winter re hhe ere some length on the question of count pe roads, Middlesex connty having had sev- • months. eral years' experience with a road system such as that which this county is just W. C. T. U. Notes. commencing. He told the members that The W. C. T. U. will hold its annual they would have a big job on their hands meeting in the Temperance Hall Mon - and that there would be much criticism day, June 10, at 3 p. m. Will all the in the initial years of the undertaking members try to be present' The trinket until the benefits of the new system of fund is open during the summer. Bring road construction should be generally all your gold. silver, brass, lead or money lrecognized. to Mrs. G. M. Elliott. We received word The council tendered a vote of thanks from Hamilton that our trinkets we sent to the men from Middlesex and decided in May were a fine collection, worth Ito appoint a de utation to act with one 1104 12. Since that we sent a box weigh - from the neighbor county in presenting ing ti0 lbs. Oi plated scrap. Cash re - the request to the Government at Tor ceived ihrou h the envelopes, upwards of Pro i 1 o Mr. H. W. Smith, who had been en - London road as a Provincial highway. town for two or ANNUAL EXCURSION alen`ch to Detroit and Return Steamer Greyhound Leaves Goderich TUESDAY, JUNE llth, AT 10 A.M. its Returning leaves Detroit, Thursday, June 13th, 1 p.m. (DETROIT TIME) $2 Round Trip $1.50 One Way The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season to males of military ageon the trap. NO PASSPORTS REQUIRED Simply sign your earns the Immign- tien Officer who will be on duty on board 'teener at time of departure excepting to Class 1 nos. called, it will he necessary for them to that in the me td rah belonging M Military District to be absent from Canada. have the cosset n the Megitroat f« their rat ea Mad Canadians convent to [%trdt for a temporary stayllb eo lige steam pay es or wake ■ deposit - U. 5. Immigration en will be on the steamer to pis excnt- alonlela. BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH MONDAY EVENiNG, JUNE IOIh, 8.30 p m. (New rune) 2S CENTS • ■sit awl Demi. in the Grayissuhrs New Selma RUPTURE IS CURABLE. Results Not Influenced by AR_ or Length of Ttme Standing, Reports Eapert. Rupture is not a tear or breach in the abdominal wall. as commonly supposed, but It is a stretctung a dilation of a natural opening. says J. Y. Egan, of Tor- onto, the noted rupture a.pPQ�a��nl,t-eeJ speci al - tat who will visit C dQrKO,BUthXd Hotels Thursday tall day and night), one day only -June 20. The "Curatrus" as now used and approved will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording immediate and complete comfort, but is intended to assist nature to close the opening in the shortest time known. This appliance has received highest awards wherever shown. producing results with- out harmful injections or other aids. Mr. Egan has testimonials from our own sec- tion for inspection. If interested. call: he will be pleased to show you same with- out charge. See his advertisement. Oil 10. Wednesday afternoon deputations were heard in behalf of the Y. M. Triangle fund, the Salvation Army rescue home at London. Ont., and the Knights of Columbus fund for work among the tiddlers. Today (Thursday) it was =70,00 -all lex the boys at the front. M. A.DA VlDSON, Press Supt. ASHFiELD. The Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle will meet t the home ac - Kenzie, 5th concession, onl John Tuesday, June decided to make grants as follows: To ,l lth. • Salva- Mr. Giles Jenkins will have charge of t1 $1 .000; to the Knights of the 9ervice next Sunday morning in Vic- on Army, Columbus 12.000. tesla street Methodist church. The Ep• worth League will have charge of the Ye Olde English Fair. evening service and a very interesting in the year nineteen hundred and eigh- service has been arranged tor. All wet - teen of our most gracious King George, come.the United Patriotic Society of Godench township, finding that the funds of the Armand Livoyte and Edmond Gagnon. exchequer, for supplying comforts to our young French-Canadians, were caught brave soldier lads. were in dire need of re- breaking into to summer fsecottage at Foleyy plenishing. decided to hold "Ye Old township, English Fair" at Mrs. Henry Curwen's Sound to two years each in the Kingston (the old Hunter (arm) on June 27, to penitentiary. which "ye old and ye young may come I It quality counts, use F3lackstOne's de- andmake ill ter." licious ice cream in bulk or bricks for alt Many iesll q the attractions ostumes s thereat.' occasions. Phone 240. Fair ladies In quaint costumes await to --- supply "ye who hunge'elh" with goodies l SPECIAL 11.96 OPTICAL SALE rare. 'Ye who thirtieth' crime visit "Ye of warranted high grade OPTICAL SA E John Bull Inn" and drink to the pretty' reed spectacles and eyeglasses, fitted with the Y. M. C.A.. ,♦•24,000; to the rmsida. Come all ye and laugh at t e best quality spherical lenses. Regular vaudeville performance. Also there will bled tt �tt(g by our 1 well- aptfcsl expert 1 TToronto. g to the ttramty n( lenses, be so auction ale of live stock. chtckena, grain, etc. For details of attractions, more arias, Watch for posters. $4.50 value for only 11.95. Eyes exam - specialist Mr. Hugjsson. formerly or KMYe jewellery store, KINTAIL. The Kintail Women's institute will prices are advancin,t rapidly, so take- ad - hold its June meeting at the borne of Mrs. vantage of this chance and come early. K. -- Ivor on June 12th. Mile Gray Three day■ truly -Thursday. Friday and hese from Toronto to speak on 1n- Saturday. June 13, 14 and 15. SMITH'S NOTICE. The Government has put a tax of 15c a day on each reel of film that is shown in picture houses. As this amount reaches in the neighborhood of 1400 a year, there are three plans which the management can adopt. First: Raise the price of admission .5c, which will include the war tax. do- ' ing away with the nuisance of coppers. and keep on supplying you with the high-class photoplayr which you have been in the habit of seeing. Second plan: Reduce the quality of the pictures and maintain the old prices. Third plan: Close up the picture show. For the present the', fust plan will be tried out; that is, to raise the priee of scitnission 5c, making a show 21k which was formerly put on for 15c; one which was 20c will now be 25c, and so on according to the cost of the picture. In our own opinion this is a patrio- tit way of giving. The Government needs the money or this tax would not have been put on. The small amount of 3c which we are asking fromour patrons will about cover the addition- al expense imposed by the new tax. The new prices will go into effect on Monday. June 10, 1918. THE MODEL THEATRE. DORN. MARTIN -On May 'ZS. to Mr. and Mn. A. M Martin. of Kingsbridge. a daughter. Helena Joseph,ne DIED. NOTT.-in God1kh, on Friday. May 81, Mary Foes Frwidow of the late Rev. Benjamin Nott. in her 79th year. GAULEY.-At Cleveland. Ohm. 00 Frittsy. May 91, Hugh Gouley. eerond .on of TMrmae Gauley, d Goderich. in hi. 22nd year. ALLEN. -In Colborne township. on Wednesday. km. a, Benjamin Verne. win of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Allen. aged 111 years and 7 months. st NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- Jun* O. Pais Annual Report -Sterling Bank of Canada .... 2 erth Public Notion -Military Service Branch of e e Department of Justice . ...... .. 4 Don't Mia War New* -The Globe .. 4 le,n 1, Rupture Appliance -J. Y. Egan .... ...... Saean Wanted -Riverside Refining Co, Cleveland. Ohio.. . ... . ......... Notice re Cartage Ruaine■s--A. H. Jane.. I TelearOtw Valise Lost - -Leave at Signal Dake... 1 Man's Suit for Sale - Apply et Signal Office.... I ou Pltry Wanted -J. R. McNabb. Dutipswn.. 4 Teacher Wanted --R Melt wain 1 Canada's Registratine-Canada Retlateassw' Board will be ART STORE, Godes ic. statute work. i ..ear :elesses t•'.4. i eYM-' ass • --1I';. `un