The Signal, 1918-5-30, Page 71
iin.W bigger..
tar makes soap
The bigger Comfort Soap bar for the
same money is pretty good news in there •
days of high prices isn't it? What does
it mean? Simply that our tremendous
buying power in the soap -materials market
can give you infinitely better value in Soap
than it can in premiums -
Liv •
; //#rail; »
-l 11
,t If
044;l/lf /Ij1lrll
Owing to the war hundreds of factories are now making more essential goeias
than premiums. and the premiums still offered us are too far under Comfort standards
of quality. and are certainly too high in price, to be good value for you.
So we will discontinue premiums
until after the War, anyhow.
All premium -bearing Comfort Soap*,
wrappers and capons now oat rsi
still 6e redeemed from oar prusat
ample Premium 'cosh.
No premium• but every fraction of 'dery
rent you pay a returned to you in .platldtd
Comfort Soap—the best way In war time.
Pugsley, & C.., Lis iced. Tama *
peoptp who could do anything towards l
two blades of grass grow,' etc„
have been Belting down to work at it.
Rev. J. E. Jones of Varna. pastor of the
Varna Methodist circuit to taking tbe
matter so seriously that he is giving up.
for the time beingat least, his work as a
pastor to go bacto the land. At the as
retie Of this o conference year Mr. Jones Tens=1*
retires from the London Conference
and goes down to the Sarnia dis- M may be Passed in
lrwt to work the farm of h s father -in- and Comfaft. k
law. 1.
When you have sour garden
ready don't forget we have the
new seeds in. Dutch Sets, Irish
Cobbler Potatoes from the seed -
house, Government inspected
and marked.
You have read of the duty on
Tea, Coffee, Tobacco and
Matches. Get in your supply.
Our values in Tea cannot be
beat. Our coffee is No. 1.
Special in Matches for Sat
day, 5c a package.
Special in Washing Ammonia.
A few cases left at b cents a pit
worth iOc now and some at 1
worth 15c.
Our line of prunes is moving
at 12ic and 15c a lb.
A nice assortment of cbildren's
school Hats at good values.
Jose' h Sellers. one et the pioneer resi-
dents of Monis townshi , died on May
20th. in his eighty-second year.
Mr. and Mrs. David Milne. of Ethel,
on Tuesday of last week celebrated the
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding.
Ru sell Knight. son of sir. and Mrs.
J. M. Knight, of Ethel. returned home
from overseas last week, having been
severely wounded last fall.
D. B. slcDunakf, who sold out his
meat business at Hentall some months
£ J. MCE of iNw
'Phone 44 - - Ga leen&
A Sugg r let Ir Summer
Highlands of Ontario
An ideal spot for yi ur s
vacation midst wild and delightful
scenery. -
Excellent hotel service at the
••Higblaod Inn."
Full information from any brand
Truck Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-
ing, District Passenger Agent, To-
Town Agents Phone a
Word received at Btyth last week from
Mrs. Andrew Burwell, of Asquith Sask..
states that her mother, Mrs. Thos taman,
died on May 1st. The deceased was a
resident of Blyth until a year ago, when
the family moved to Asquith, Sask. She
was in her sixty-third year at the Urns vJ
her demise.
Ater preparatory service in St.`
drew's church here Thursday *west
the congregation presented idr. and Mrs,
Telford with an address and a Nese of
SIM on the eve of Mr. Te ford'aysispar-
ture for the West. Some time ago the
home miseion board sent out a call fur
ministers to offer their services for a few
months in the Western mission hells
Mr. Telford offered himself. the 1
gation having unanimously given their
consent. The address was read by C. K.
Taylor. chairman of the finance commit-
tee, and R. Somer clerk of the session,
made the presentation. Mr. Telford re-
plied suitably.
} r asst,0. —"I was paaaieg thenal
the critical period of life, being forty-
six years of a and
had all Use p -
tome inside that
change-- heat
es, new as
was in • ggeym-m'e rue
down coed w, res
it was bard Air ass
to de my uncle.
Lydia E. PtaYss ea
psnnd was ae►s.m-
meaisd M ram the
best remedy 4.or aty
trouble', which it
surely proved to be. I feel bottler and
stronger in every way since taking it,
and the annoyingsymptoms have disap-
peared." — Mrs. M. GODDON, 126 Na-
poleon St., Fremont, Ohl.. s. l
Such annoying symptom ep
tubes, nervouaneea, baekach keel%..
ache, irritability and "the blue," may
be speedily overcome c and the
nsrf etas
restored to normal conditions
famous root sad herb remedy L
Pinkhas', Vegetable Com
Ifany complication' prem* ties
selvy write the Pinkbam Medfer. tin..
Lynn, Maas., for suggest/sae hew to
overcome them- The result of fermi
years expedience M at year service me
your ismer b.I4 it strict essiieaos•
urich has bought it
back again and will take charge June 1st
ago to J. Block. of Z .
Mrs. John McNeil, of the 14th cones:
ion Of Gray, died May 15th in her sixty -
Miss Martha Carling. daughter of the
late T. B. Carling. visited her aunts, the
Misses Carling. last week prior to going
overseas. Miss Carling gave up a good
position in one of the New York hospitals
to serve with the Canadian nurses.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harvey celebrated
the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wed-
ding on May 24th.
The remains of the late Mrs. John
Croker, who died at Toronto on the Itith
inst., se e brought to Exeter for interment
beside those of her husband. The deceased
was a former resident of Exeter, leaving
here about twelve years ago. She died at
the age of seventy-nine years.
Rev. James Kestle met with a painful
accident a few days ago. He was leading
a calf to drink when it ran round him at
the end of a chain, which wound about his
legs. throwing him to the ground. One
of the bones in his ankle was broken by
the tall, and he will be confined to the
house for some time. -
THpRSDAv, M_ v 80, 1.918 4
111111111111001 SIM 1=
r Her husband predeceased her BRUSSELS.
sixth year.
njpg years and a grown-up family sue- Brussels business places will be closed
Robert Nichol, of the 17th concession
of Howick. died on May 12th at Toronto.
where he had undergone an operation.
Deceased was sixty-five years of age and
is survived by his wife and family of hvf
sons and two daughters. •
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hogarth. of Stephen.
hive received word that their sots, Pte.
Clinton Hogarth. was killed in action in
Belgium. This is the second son of Mr.
and Mrs.- Hogarth to ole in his country's
service and a third son is now in I ragce.
Probably the oldest
t resident of he
township of Hay. Mrs. Henry Walter,
passed away on Sunday, 19th inst., at the
great age of ninet.-one years, eight
months and eleven days. The deceased
was a native of Germany, but had lived
in this country
survied hve and to daughters.
twenty-five grandchildren and forty-four
The death occurred at Regent, Man.,
on April 30th, of Mrs. Wm. Lougheed. a
former resident of East Wawanosh. The
deceased was in her forty-fifth year and
leaves her husband and seven children.
Her aged mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Naylor,
lives at Wingham. and there are live
brothers and one sister: George and Wil-
Liam, near Wingham; Alfred, of Seafortb:
Milton, of Toronto; D .vid, of Coulter,
Man., and Mrs. Stephen Wood, of Boisse-
vain, Man.
Clinton News -Record: Much has been
said and writ ten last season and this con-
cerning the duty of production and most
Thursday afternoons during June, July
and August.
Mrs. McFadden, wife of Dr. M. McFad-
den, died recently at her home at Mount
Forest, aged fifty-six years. The deceased
was a resident of Brussels when her hus-
band practised his profession here over
thirty years ago.
++fi rii r j hftiafliX
trrrcwvva J:. yr sire . . 'Y
Cash has Nothing
Why ask credit where your credit
is questioned ?
Come to us where your credit is as
good as your neighbor's cash.
On the Square
W. J. Powell
The Grocer
!ones Roht. taunter, J. G. Crich and
S. B. Stothers. A membership of forty-
two was enrolled.
On Wednesday of last week the pupil;
of the public school, with Principal
Bouck and others of the staff,, marched
down to the town hall square and planted
a purple maple tree in memory of the late
Thomas Jackson. Mr. Jack son was a I
great friendof the children of Clinton, and
they intend to keep his memory green.
Brussels Horticultural Society is ex -
ten ding the plans started on last yeat-for
the beautifying of the town.
Pte. W. T. Forbes, of Brussels, is
named in the casualty list under the
heading Presumed to have died.
Dr. J. P. Kennedy. of town. sold his
fifty -acre farm on the Bluevale road to
Ernest Jackson'of Teeswater.
Pte. Harry. Dore. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wrp, Dore. is reported seriously wounded
in France.
Mrs. Annie Barker has received word
that her son. Pte J. H. Barker, who was
reported missing last fall, is presumed to
have been killed in action. Pte. Barker
enlisted with the 161st Battalion.
Edgar Milton Snell. a former Wirlgham
boy, was married recently at Chicago to
Miss Bonnie May Chambers. The groom
has a position at New York with the Erie
A recent visitor in Wingham was Capt.
Rev.). Robert Pearson. NI. P. P., who
was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. H. Musgrove. Capt. Pearson organized
a battalion in Alberta and took it to
France. He was wounded and returning
home he was elected one of the soldiers'
representatives in the Alberta Legislature.
Ile is now on his way back to France.
While here he preached on Sunday even-
ing in the Methodist church.
At the district meeting of the I 0. 0. F.,
held here recently, Rev. C. R. Durrant,
$ 3
Boys' two and three-piece Suits
with plain pants, ages from 12 to
16 years, regular $5.00 to $8.00,
special for
%Semi -Ready Tailors The Square, Goderich1
1GNAL TO JANUARY 1st, 1919, for 75c.
Cyril E. Hoare. eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Hoare of town, who has had a
good position at Winnipeg, .has joined tlw
Strathcooa Horse and is in training at
Calgary. All the sons of this family are
now in military service. Carman. the
youngest. went overseas with the is lst,
and Austin, the second son, is in train-
ing at London.
Rev. E. O. Ford' has returned from
Toronto, where he was attending a
special course of lectures'at skMaster
University' for about ten days.
Well Satisfied with -`
Baby's Own Tablets.
Telephone 91
The Davis Garage
Mrs. Edmond Gagne, Tikua
writes:—"1 am well satisfied wit byes
Own Tablets. They are absolutely neces-
sary in homes where there are little
children. They cured my bsbysaf con-
stipation and 1 would not be .isithout
them." Thousands of motheil always
keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets on
hand as a safeguard against constipation,
colic, colds. simple fevers or any ot her of
the minor ills of little ones. The Tablets
are wild by medicine dealers or bail at
2.i stilts a boot from the Dr. illiams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. V
of Teeswater, was elected District Deputy
Grand Master.
Robert Webster has received
the death of his son, "Charles. 1
cine Hat, Alberta. Robert,
the deceased, left for Medicine
ceipt of the news. which was not accom-
panied by any particulars as towhat had
The Lucknow fire brigade will held its
day of sports on July 1st, instead of June
3rd as intended. Teesw:.ter is celebra-
ting on the latter date.
Harry McChtrles has gine to Sudbury
to spend the summ r m )nths.
An old and well-known resident passed
away on Wednesday, May 15th, in the
person of Duncan • McCallum, aged
seventy-eight years. The deceased was a
native of the north of Ireland and lived in
McKCiMep towrtsitip fur many year's before
corning to Sea(rdrth to reside. The ros
mains were interred in Brussels ceme
Miss H. 1. Graham has been ap
a delegate from the First Pr
church Sunday school to the inteedra
Sunday school convention to be h
Buffalo lune 19th.
Henry Carter, an okl resident of this
district, died May 16th in his sixty-
second year, after an illness of -two and a
half months. He is survived by his wife,
one son. Lorne, of Champion. Alberta,
and two daughters: Mrs. J. E. Pepper, of
Stanley, and Mrs. Melvin Crich. of
Tuckersmith. Among those who attended
the funeral were Mrs. and Miss Little of
A meeting of farmers from the adjoin-
ing townships was held here on the Itlth
inst. for the organizing of a branch of the
United Farmers of Ontario. The follow-
ing officers were elected: President. Wm.
sicEwan. Stanley: secretary -treasurer,
G. W. Layton. Tuckersmith; directors,
Loren Tyndall, John S t t tit in, R its!!!
Nettle, W. H. Lobb, John Middleton, John
Lord of
Medi -
her of
t on re-
1. LP rip{enis1I Your blood
power, enliven its circulation and
being back the snap and elasticity
of good health. Scott's Engel -
*ion supplies Nature with
the correct building -food
which is better than any
d pills or alcoholic
When you feel sluggish
and nervous, tire and
indifferent, you have the
first symptoms of declin-
ing strength and your
system positively needs the
special nutritive food -tonic in
Gasoline 35c a gallon,
from the Bowser pump that puts the Gas in Gasoline
Just arrived one barrel of Y CELLS, standard
teat. 40c $ch.
Get our prices on Tires and Tubes.
We handle nothing but the t. in Oils.
Free air always at your ae .
We have a complete stock of CHEVROLET CARS
on hand at all times.
Also a few second-hand Fords and one large Clinton
Car for sale cheap.
Auto Livery in connection with the Garage.
Chevrolet Agency
G. 41M
WnunumlmnnmlmumunlnnlmmIuuunuummmnunmimmummoi l
• is.
viho has
kale ginner. left lastnwe k for Harifas.
The increased cost of tine teas has
tempted some to try cheap, infer* tea:,
to their sorrow. it is a real y to
use Salada Tea, since it yields a far
greater number of cups to the pound. and
besides has that unique, satisfyg.ftavyr
Intended for lest wreck.)
sir. Roy Roberton arrived home on
Friday night from Manitou, looking as if
life in the Prairie Province had agreed
with him.
Miss Annie Jackson is home from Tor-
onto for her vacation.
Miss McCool, of the Sterling Bank staff.
is having holidays, her place being taken
b Mr. and G. Mrs. Geo. Yttnghlutt. u and Mrs.
Yungblut, sr.. motored to Zurich on Sat-
urday to visit Mr. 1'ungblut's brother.
Mrs. Oliver Clark, of Godench, has
been spending a few days with her mother,
Mra R, Roberton.
Me. Jna. Lawson is building a driving
shed in connection with his stable.
Miss Verda Asquith came home for a
few days owing to the sermus illness of
her mother.
Lieut. W. L. Aikens, es London, in the
Foresters' Hall last Wednesday evening
gave a very interesting talk nn his experi-
ences in France. There was a good at4di
ence and the proceeds were 140.
- sal* ; it QM
Somehow the average man is never
able to realize fully that eilencp,u golden
until after his face is swelled offroi Strafe.
Any woman who can nsake a goad pud-
ding in silence has one point of superiority
over the one who makes a tart.+syty- -
may A small boy's&tlnitfsn of
soon a ae..e, 7'ereato, Oat. D -Y school time.
THE STOVE WITH 3,000,140
M0,000 housewives have itiscmend the to
3 bitter rnoking, cowls' kit' -hen' and le Nle,
They use the New Perfection ()il e'r,uk see,
Ask year neighbor. She know, i be New erfec-
tion Oil Cook Stove is .lepcncal,le anti $ to
operate. She knows the Ions Rio.• Chinini Ives
a clean, intense heat—without aloe, or rnu,l, Six
knows the cons entente awl e, snowy of 0 -it' 1 for
The Neu Perfection Oven hakes unrou•r
—makes the stove a complete ((inking device.
The Cabinet adds to the sp1s nine' of thf.atove
and provide extra tooth for utensil..
Retrofits Cad 011 /foe, Fen re,uhs. It
1P4 ''S est