HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-23, Page 7THE SiGNAL - GODERICH ONTARiO
. ••...0•r.._
days ago, the ladder he was using fell and NERVOUS
he was thrown heavily to the ground. He
has since been obliged to use crutches to
Buy Comlort Soap— the bigger bar of the same old high quality—at the same
rice. Of course. there are no premiums now—but you're getting full value.
pressed down and running over' in Soap instead.
A bigger
bar now
The prevaium-making factories have either stopped manufacturing or else they
can't get boats to ship with. So we've thrown the whole of our tremendous
buying power into getting soap materials only °nd you now Comfort Soap.tthe largest sall your oseller
worthhin Soap—
in Canada.
Certaiely that will be so until after the war. You will get
the b.ee6t in the bigger Comfort bar.
All Comfort wrappers and c.spona now me will lie re-
claimed. Send them in eerie mail. oar p Premier's
, aupply is still good. Write as for premium list.
u Pugsley, Diagaaa & Co., Limited, Toronto
11'heu you have your garden
ready dont forget we have the
new seeds in Dutch Sets, Irish
Cobbler Potatoes from the seed -
house, Government inspected
and marked.
You have read of thd ando
Tea, Coffee,
Matches. Get in your supply.
Our valves in Tea cannot be
beat. Our coffee is No. 1.
Special in Matches for Satur-
day, be a package.
Special in Washing Ammonia.
A few caxs left at 5 cents a pkg.
worth lOc now and some at 10c
worth 15c.
Our line of prunes is moving
at 12ic and 15c a lb.
A nice assortment of children's
school fiats at good values.
Ethel had tour cattle killed by Iigh
move around.
The death took place on May nth of 1
Fred Gaisinui of Dashwood, at the age
year. The deceased was
bol n in Germany, coming to Canada at May be Oata'oome by Lydia
hien o nlyf five[ een. weeks. N neesons
dand s x
pinkkam's V
daughters surviv
of sixty-seven
Compound —VW.
The death olxurred at her home near Letterproves It.
May of Miss Lizzie
Egmondville on Y. t Philadelphia, Ts —
the cea
died She was an active member of the
Egmondville Presbyterian church and
was much esteemed in the community. •
tear th (arm on which she
her hfty•eighth year.
The de WN P1 have
sed was n at athirty yeah l have beenenis bail ed, health
sad had several at-
tacks of ■erv4W
pre t
.. unit
hs m7 whale
were wore
out. 1 was *sally
Wee Sanderson. an old and well-known
resident of Hullett to nshht, died on Sun-
day May 12th, aged nR
cameto as Canada at tete n in age of twentyland. -one,
shortly afterwards coming to Bullet and
taking up land. Mrs. Sanderson and a
family of eleven sury,*r.
Francis Maley, of Whalen. Berk
of the township of Usborn•-, died
'ednesdaY, A sib following
Lydia E
Veg.table Gas -
pound and it .l •ll wens.
1 aux Dow
MIan t• E'
a paralytic stroke. He w•as sixty-fourand advise all ailing waned t4C 1
THUR°DAY, M %y 23. 1918 fi,
,ainimiramen c2 amerisaisal%
years of age and had held the Lydia E.Pinkhsun's *getable eery
petition of townshiip clerk for twenty two oma-
po airs dna 1 will guarantee
f they Yrs.
years Besides his wife he leaves a family derive at ber►a t epee
of four—two sons and two
ng in France.hters- one FRANI FITZGERALa 26 N. 41st Street,
of the sons. Gordon. being n I West Philadelphia, Pa.
The Wrigley Company, of Toronto, Thee. are diessands of d women
manufacturers of chewing gum. have no where in 1Mrs. rom nervousness, backache,
less than five Iiurooians in their employ- putteringervo Bess, a ck of a
ment. Miss Eleanor Maines and Miss headaches.
and Jean Maines, daughters of the late M. functional deranpemen It was a
Maines, of Los: Misro', hold responsible gratefled her l to writrit r this letter so that ober
th restored width
office positions; miss Mabel Livermore. 1 her
daighter of H Ltvemiorr of the London womend find heilth as phbenefit from
hu donee Hem — -- - -- - -- -
Boys' two and three-piece Suits
with plain pants, ages from 12 to
16 years, regular $5.00 to $8.00,
apecial for
Semi -Ready Tailors The Square, Coderich A
11M111110114111111 =1 4111101111411111111111111r,
rod also holds an office position. John an suggestions in rd to r sem —
McClyrnortt, of Stanley. and John Young, For sung res who swap going at the rate /,( about twenty
of ie idea
s.o are on the mechanical ata dition wnte Lydiak asa. The result of OW: miles an hour, made a quick turn and his
Softie b idea o[ the amount of gum turned Co..y Lyars a rienee is at your servlew car upset. Henderson's head struck the
oute by this when may swing bfron 40 tan rope hard roadbed. dislocating his taint and
the fact that when it isin full swinged paralyzing him from the neck down. He
two carloads of sugar a week is used for was conveyed to a home near hy, a physi-
sweetening purposes• her eighty-second year the May alb Mr. clan was sent for and the injured man
The Best Medic anniversary of their wedding.
also made ht w ill. Fr hly Wren. so be
tars, d int., uabout
ss and out
noon he died. Ile was is rn m Md K dlcp
towr„hn1 thirty five yeas, ago and kr the
last t' reg tlr four years hart been car r ye.on a gray business in Brussels Devhlsoa,
who via, in the .1' when it upset. was
sitgh1Iy ,np,rtit .,nil thecar way I, nester.
ably damagwt.
in the stable. The barn was only slightly
f 1 After an illness of some months Mrs.
SusannaSippel died at her home at
Zurich on Wednesday of last week, aged
Owing to the scarcity of hands Wm• I righty -two years.
4lorra - oderich
iand Mrs. Crooks celebrated the sixtieth wife and two children were brought. Hen -
td talked to them and
for Little Ones. ' Christian Zilliav formerly prtpretor of
Cole has been obliged to close down the 1 Rev. F. C. Overend, B.A.. of Tavistock,
sawmill at Ethel for the present has been calledto Knox church, Kincar-
dine. to succeed Rev. M. McArthur, who
dent of Kipper. died recently at Port recently removed to Brampton.
Huron, where she had lived a number of I Mr. and Mrs. W. Knechtel and family
years• have removed from their farm at Walton
Henry Strang has been appointed town- to Seaforth, where they intend making
ship clerk of the pt a for the remainder of their home. The (arm was sold to Mr.
191S, to take the place of the late Francis I Hackwell.•
been need
derson knew them ai
the Central hotel in Brussels, died on the
-- — 13th inst. at Toronto in his hftv-ninth
There is no medicine for little ones to year. He had been ill to several weeks.
equal Baby's Own Tabirts. The Tablets One daughter and two sons survive.
are a mild but thorough laxative; pleasant The residential property of the late
to take; do tie gripe and never fail to reohn Leckie has. been purchased by David
lieve the little one of constipation. indi- Walker, undertaker, of town. bur. Walk-
gestion, colic or any of the other minor en's home has been taken over by the
ailments. Concerning them Ales. ds, executors of the Leckie estate as part pay.
Motes: "ie. Eel River Ridge, N. B., One Saturday afternoon recently the
writes: "1 believe Baby for Own Tablets Girl Guides of l3rus,els undertook the sale
are e ever finest .Frome little ones 1 of cut flowers which were donated by the
used. From my owner to kkeep townspeople. and the sum of 8''23'2.5 was
I ooand."recommend every Memots are sold realized and turned into the Red Cross
a box on hand.' The Tablets sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at '25 cents treasury. .
a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine seafrh ge.ato Henderson, of Bre ussels,
a his
Co., Brockville, Ont. Winthrop on Thursday. Ath•inst. He had
CLINTON. taken his mother-in-law, Mrs. Murray. to
1 are removing her hone in Seaforth in his car. C. David -
Braun will he
a accident occurred accompanying
return trip,
ord last week about 5 0 clock in the afternoon. The
ire , at work on
D. M. McTavish has
Jacob Braun and family
to Collingwood. where Mr
work in the shipyard.
T. A. Greig received yr
that his Iron, Pte. W. Gr
erg. nag ucc,, rVwn-
During a recent pterin A. McKee. of vi a clerk of Wroxeter. T as the I wounded May 5th• and was In t bogy who Irtt who was driving his car along the
- ---- Mate Joh I
--- — Pte A G Mc- road ahead of Henderson. stopped
..lad mach w'a
real at the rtlad and Reeve Armstrong. of Hul-
A Ssg sstiw for Your Simmer
Highlands of Ontario
An ideal spot for ycur summer
vacation widst wild and delightful
}Excellent hotel service at the
•'Highland Inn." -
Full information fr env [.rand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. 1:. Hnt•n-
ing. District Paeeenger .\gent, To-
Town Agents Phone 8
» r w
n Brethauer. Geo• own re Rouen. France. Ano[ er to on stn to sneak
ceived the position of baiiiff formerly is reported woundedis
by Mr. t WhitesidesUer. Intyre. who went over with the ltilst. t., the men on the grader. Ilendersor,1
Albert Whijr•. who has been - -
A. U. Pattison. the Il -known agent of
with Bonthron at Drysdale hardware the G T. R. at Clinton station, expected w•
DOM H nsall for dome 1 to sever
' taken a position in the ?[dams hardware on May 31st, after forty-nine years of
store at St. Marys. moons service. but has received word to I
At the Methodist parsonage, Walton, continue at his post until a successor is
on May 15th. the marriage was solemnized appointed. Mr. Pattison has been agent
and Mrs.
Bac, eldest daughter1iilliam J. to that he brakeman o the Godericember. 1882. h
and hers lease Bolton, Buffalo line with Conductor Dan. Holmes
and for a time was ticket agent and clerk
at Goderich. In 1572 he was appointed
a„-ent at Dublin and he remained there
until he came to Clinton as successor to
Mr. Straiton, who was promoted to i
Goderich. Mr. l'attison's only son is
fighting overseas.
J. W. Amor. a former Exeter young ,
mar of the staff
then and TorcntoeBankmat Stratford, has en-
listed with the Canadian Tank Battalion
at Ottawa.
Major W. J. Neaman. who went over
seas with the ltifst Battalion and wasin-
lured in France, is now able to discard his
crutches for a cane. after several months
nts n e time. hashisconnection with the company
con -
Humphries, of Walton.
Rev. J. L. and Mrs. McCulloch, of
Walton, have removed to' Carluke, Ont.,
' and Mr. McCulloch has been inducted
into the charge of the Presbyterian con-
gregation of that place.
Rev. F. W. Craik, pastor of Walton
Methodist church. has been invited to be-
come pastor at Dawn Mills at the hegin-
ning of the next Conference term. He
has been at Walton for three years.
While 11.Eilber. ht P P was doing
sorra work at his home let Crediton a few
Cash bias Nothing on Credit
Why ask credit where your credit
is questioned ?
Come to us where your credit is as
good as your neighbor's cash.
Oa The Square
f : Powe
Tri cam.
d..riOmg.Tra+.. - ..
Telephone 91
er w .+
in hospital, and will soon be 1
Mrs. Percy Miller, of Hibbert. died at
the home of her uncle and aunt. Mr.
and Mrr. Samuel Ross. of town. on Tues-
day evening of last week at the early age
of twenty-four years. The deceased, whose
maiden name was Annie May McCurdy,
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc- i
Curdy. of Hibbert. was married to her
bereft husband in December last.
Margaret C. Fells the twelve -year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fells,
died on May 13th. She had bean in poor
health for some time.
Olive Annie Knox, daughter of '``Mr. and .
Mrs. Robert Knox, of Winghaln, was
married at East Toronto on May 1st to
Alvado Worden, lit Toronto.
Mrs. Hanna received a cablegram in-
forming her that her daughter, Nursing
Sister Maude Hanna. who is serving
overseas, is seriously ill of diphtheria.
Mrs. David Garniss, of Calgary. wait -
visiting here for a couple of weeps and on {
her departure was accompanied oy Mrs.
Garniss. sr., who will in future reside with
Mr. and Mrs. Garniss at Calgary.
At the annual con fregational meeting of
the Wingham Meth.dist church. Mr. J. A.
Muton, who 1 e many years has been the
church Treasurer, was presented with
purse of gold as a token of app
his services.
t 3
T►. Groat a►i. "5U.AMD . a r .i a Nov.FFAIA—Dail7. hi ay 1st to P115th—CLEVELAND
9:00 T.M. l Gls'ra.m i Leer cu vs .ASO 5,00 p.1,4
Annie a, rn uA - • 7: 10 A.11. 1 STA/n.4110 71na Arne avr►.w - - 7: 10 A. M
Arne l ie , duan - In-s.r. Tiled.. Doss% d .11 po54 Wee( fuel
C.nnre t. at . boss Cleveland es Ceder Peke, • buffalo ..,d 1 N.Wnd are gond fee 4...r• t t O
on .1a. .. hayedurea reeding
,v te— A.l 5rem1,p oder gent for s li .t . a 9. Lin.. Non Toured tm
bile IWC--A:A eras.. Thy. with i d.7. Mea lima. tee ~soot .se..dlwg
.utifkll, columi ..etonal pose le< T 1J•oenrl p MmEANDI1fklet 4:"al on ..".rt ••f
Iwo rents. Also ask for our 20 -peg" pe -tonal
The Cl..dod a Bagels
Trim Ce J1M
—_,hTile. Largest endorsee=
e.sa.ger er..sw ea
engorged the ..eta. 5ie.,i.e
e paehr• 1 560 psa..as••
. w es w
J. G. and Miss Emigh have left for
Toront , and North Bay to visit for a few
weeks before going West, where they will
Rev. J. E. Ford. of Goderich, has charge
of the services on the Blyth Me hodist
circuit during the absence through illness
of Rev. R. J. McCormick.
At the annual meeting of the Blyth
Women's institute the following officers
were elected: President. Mrs. K Rich-
mond; vice-president, Mrs. Po lestone;
second vice-president, Mrs. A. B. Carr;
secretary -treasurer. Mrs. V ightman; as -
natant secretary -treasurer, Mrs. H. Gid -
ley: organist, Mr'. 1. H. Brown; assistant
organist, Mrs. H McElroy; directors,
Mesdames Cutt, H. Young, D. Floody,
D. Laidlaw; district director, Mrs. S. H.
Gidley: representatives to district meeting.
Mesdames W. McElroy, H. Young and
W. M. Sinclair, barrister. has returned
from a business trip of several weeks in
the West. CrooksGeorge
Tine Beate of u7ay morning, in
carred suddenly last Th
r; 1
TIRED out after sewing 1
What a common experience,
whether the work is done bye
hand or machine. It is not so
much on account of the muscular
exertion as because of the strain
on the eyes.
You feel tired all over, because
the nerves are exhausted. The
optic nerve, wnich controls sight,
is extremely sensitive, and when
in constant use consumes nerve
force at a tremendous rate. Tf
the nervous system is not in
good, healthy condition this
strain is more thAtl you can
. stand, and you have headaches,
and feel all tired out
- 5,
I 111
Jl 1
Many people feel the sante way
after a shopping tour, from riding on
a train, or doing any work which re-
quires the continued use and focus-
sing of the eyes. Many are wearing
glasses when what they really ncf til
is a nerve restorative, such as I>r.
Chase's Nerve Food, to build •,p the
exhausted nervous system.
By supplying to the tired, wornoul.
nerves the elements from which new
nerve force is created Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food reconstructs the wasted
nerve cells. Headaches, dizsy sp114
sleeplessness and tired feelings mood
disappear, and you find yourself feel-
ing better in every way.
It is worth your while to Rive this
treatment a thoroud'h trial, for the
whole system is benefited', and the
results are lasting.
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
4A testa • Do:—dt not pay more- at ell dealers or F.dhlanson, tutee
A Co Ltd., Toroate. On every box ofthe tgenuine
snuus lwill
t Bothe
r aotportraithor. li
and signature of A. W. Chime. M.D