HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-23, Page 4It Will Pay You
TO SPEND ;25.00
for a Suit of Clothes, that is if you buy the
kind we are selling; because, first, the
cloth is a puce wool worsted ; next, the
tailoring is strictly high-class, and then
the styles are the production of a first-
class artist.
We have had splendid success this season
with the above Suits.
High-class All -wool
Worsted Suits $25.00
Buy now They will be higher in price
later on.
Borsalino Hats Headlight Overalls
Phone 57
THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1918
THE SIGNAL TO JANUARY 1st, 1919, for 75c.
The Davis Garage
Gasoline 35c a gallon,
from the Bowser pump that puts the Gas in Gasoline
Just arrived -one barrel of DRY CELLS, standard
teat. 40c each.
t'trt j
Get our prices on Tires and Tubes. '.,'t
We handle nothing but the best in Oils.
Free air always at your service.
We have a complete stock of CHEVROLET CARS
on hand at all time's.
Also a few second-hand Fords and one large Clinton
Car for sale cheap.
Auto Livery in connection with the Garage..
F Chevrolet Agency -
luuiliiM HIiniiiiiNiuHHUlnluuuuluHlnfHIHHIUUiiiilli IHIIIIIIij
I11IINNIIN ..:.',;,.
'Menne, May 21. I
Long ago ell roads led to Roux; on
Friday evening all roads lead to Nile.
Mr. Dodds. of Markham, has been vii
iti g his sister, Mrs. Lewis Taylor. and
other relatives and friends.
Next Tdeaday evening the subject tot.
League diacurion. "What makes a gond
citizen,' will be taken by David Mc-
We are planed to see the attendance at
the Sunday school steadily increasing.
Last Sunday it passed the lip mark.
Our township fathers are busy men
these dayk ii e hope that as a result of
their labors there may be a marked im-
provement in the character of our roads.
Last Sunday evening a large congrega-
tion listened with deep ito the
sermon by Rev. J. W.Hedley.
�k y. Next
Sunday his subject will be "Prophecy and
the War."
MONDAY, May 20.
Thomas Little is very ill with pkwisy
Mr. and Mn. Geo. Drannen visited
friends at Goderich.
Wilfred Farrish and Wilfred Drannen
sere at London in answer t0 the military
fit ionic Hew BST. -A sow, twenty-one
months old, belonging to Henry P. Hogan
gave birth to forty-eight pigs in the period
of one year. Last May, 1917, she gave
birth to twelve pigs. in October fifteen
and May 15th last twenty-one.
TUxSDAY. May 21 .
Mr. Spurr, of Port Perry, who has
been visiting h s niece. Mrs. (Dr.)
Aitken, for a few days, has returned
Mrs. Jthni-ton attended the district
mating of the W. M. S. at Exeter last
Many attended the South Huron Sab-
b th school convention at Crediton on
the 16th Inst. All speak highly of
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling McPftail and
little daughter visited that lady's mother,
Mrs. Wm. Ivison, this week. They mst-
ored down in their new car.
Mr. Williams. of Usborne, and the
Misses Cann. of the same township, were
visiting their cousins in the home of Mrs.
John yman last week.
Rev. Dr. R. H. Barnby will oc-
cupy the Pulpit In the Methodist church
neat Sunday, while the pastor, Rev. A.E.
Jones, conducts services in Dr. Barnby's
church at Lucan, it being Elower Sunday
Mr. Wm. Horny and Dr. Aitken are
the latent to purchase new cars, the form-
er a Ford, the latter a Chevrolet.
Mrs. Waters and her granddaughter.
Mi.s Waters, of Drayton, are visiting
in the home of Mr. R. H. Parsons.
are very free today in their outspoken
support of the calling of farmers' sons.
aged nineteen to twenty-three. It is only
those who have sons of this age who are
opposing. It is surely time that these
young men should be given o chance to
tight for their country- and in defence of
their fathersproperty. They have been
left at a safe job while their father's bank
balance became larger and larger, and
other people sons fought for them. We
are pleased to note their new view-
Mlle. Richer Expresses Gratitude to
Dodd's Kidney Piles,
St. George de Windsor, Que., May 20
(Sf:ecial.)--Grateful for the splendid re-
sults she has obtained from the use of
Dodo's Kidney Pills, Mlle. Marie Anna
Richer. a well-known resident of this place,
Is telling the good news to her friends.
"I am happy to recommend Dodd's
Kidney Pills to all the world. I was pale
and feeble, and my blood was filled with
impurities, hut after taking some boxes of
Dodd's Kidney Pills I feel that 1. am
cured. 1 am grateful for the marvellous
effects obtained from Dodd's Kidney
if the kidneys are not doing their work
of straining the impurities out of the
blood the circulation becomes dogged,
and sickness is bound to develop. The
natural way to cure such sickness is to
cure the kidneys. The cured kidneys
cleanse the bbd of the impurities, the
seeds of disease, and the result is good
c:nulation and health a.I over the body.
The Taylor's Corner Patriotic Society
will hold a sewing meeting at the home of
Mrs. O. Ginn on Wednesday, May 29.
K iNfiSHitI DGE,
MoMOAY. May bJ.
Miss Minnie Dean, of St. Augustine,
visited hrr'irtaute here fast week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyle, of St. Augus-
tine. visited at Me. M. Dean's on 141m-
C<Ir. Jerry Desmond. of Forrtyre,
.pent a few day% w ith his friends
Misses Mary Sud Nelly O'Callaghan,
Mr. ,Ise (Y('sllaghati and Mosso..
Toni and .leek O' Mally. of Treswatrr,
eeenl Sunday here,
Misses Mary anti Martina Hussey,
of Goderirh, spent the week -end here.
Masters (.resect and Edwin Garvey
spent Matutdey and Sunday in Godes
Miss (frill -tide Dalton, of Detro;t, is
ending a few weeks with her
t her fact,'.
Miss Aggie Devereaux, of Donny.
lot„nk, visited herr on Sunday.
anis: q. , t.
D. poet
'metes. It?
Take Care of
Y�ur Telephone!
MANY repairs to telephones are made
��j necessary by careless handling.
Q A telephone instrument has more than a
hundred parts and is built like a watch. Rough
usage impairs its efficiency.
Q Help us to conserve the supply of telephone
material and skilled labor by always hand-
ling your telephone carefully to avoid
costly breakages and repairs.
The Bell Telephone Co.
of Canada
Movniv. May *1.
A oirn,lsr.ii the boys here have re-
rritedl word to report at London
in the tear future.
Mr. Joseph Phillips spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. Thomas 11. Cul-
Mr. end Mis. Geo. Oottinarn and
family, of Kintail, spent Huntley at
the h of Mr. (Arvid MeWhinney.
Mr. and Mn. Matthew Shackleton
and baby spent a rises Ie of days last
week at the bonne of Mrs. Jean. (fray,
Mr. Ray n,,nnd Finnigan and Miss
ida Ehler called on Witgham friends
Mrn. Hen Ti.•kaberry, whn has been
suferinff from e paealytie stroke, Is
imp►r.sa Ing pluwlt.
Ma. Robert Curran is at present
%letting her sisters in IJastroit, Ukases
rind Chatham.
Mr. and Miw. Robert Blake, of
Holuwesville, spent Sunday with Orono
For Photographs
Frames For Paintings
• Feer Prints
Antigtte Gold
Bright Gold
Circassian Wal -
Mahogany Picture
nut MouI ]•
Missiat Oak �
Antique Silver,
Grey and Ivory
Our Framing is
Artistic, Inex-
pensive a p d
Smith's Art Store
Haat Street«. j 'ibhns ION
Tarte rearm Receive Diplomas from
Alezaadra Hospital.
The graduation esterases in connection
with the Alexandra Menne and General
Hospital were held on Fnday evening last
and attracted a large audience to Odd-
fNlows' Hall. The president of the hos-
pital board, Mr. Joseph Kidd, presided
over the meeting in his own pleasant
style, and a very interesting program
was rendered. Thr included addresses of
congratulation and good wishes for the
graduating nurses by Rev. R. C. McDer-
mid. Rev. A. L. G. Caar.e, Mr. D. Mc -
1 Donald and Sheriff Reynolds, the Sherif
also contributing a recitation.
The chief interest centred around the
graduates. Misses Mary McMurchie,
McManus and May McLeod, to
whom the Florence Nightingale pledge
was administered by Dr. A. T. Emitter -
eon. The presentation of diplomas
was made by the president of the board,
and clan pins were presented in the name
of the hospital by Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor.
Bouquets of flowers were bestowed upon
the young ladies, on behalf of the Gen-
eral Brough Chapter, 1. O. D. E., and
vete parties, bbyy three very young
.dies, Jean McLeod, )ran Walter and
Frances 1ltstmson. Mrs. G. C. Hill
presented each of the graduates with a
. case of inatrumen the gift of the Ah-
rneek Chapter, 1. D. E.. and on be -
f half of the docs podermic sets were
{ [resented by Dr. H. Macklin.
1 A brie( but inc�g item was the
reading of a fra6l previous gradu-
ates at work in York. Misses Shaw,
Cuff and Schaefer.
There was also a musical pry in-
cluding selections from the Goderich Or-
Coll, Esther Hvocal Huume anby d KatalLye tle and
Mr. James F. Thtornsori, and a song by
a ladies' quartette (Mises Hildred Mc-
Col1, Adelaide and Ethel Nairn and Mrs.
Dunlop. )
ly and appreciative references
' were made by several of the speakers
to the work of the superintendent, Mies
King, and she was not forgotten in the
distribution of the baguets-
' A vote of thanks was tendered to all
. who had assisted in the program, and the
. proceedings were closed with the singing
of the National Anthem.
Among those presentt for the ceremonies
were Mrs. King, of Kincardine, mother of
1 the superintendent, and Min Cox, a
former graduate. Mir McLeod. of this
year's graduating class, r practisingher
profession at Hamilton and returned to
take pert in the proceedings Friday even-
The warm days bring to mind the de-
light of Edwards' ice cream.
This is distinctly a Dress Goods store, and there are only a few things in dress
materials that you can ask for that we haven't got. The very newest materials to be
had are here for spring and summer wear. Jus;( read over this list, you will be sure
to find something you need : Voiles in white and colors, Cotton Foulards, Cotton
Crepes, Crepons, Silk Mull, Satin Stripe Voile, Figured Silk Tussah, stripe
Voiles, large Check Voiles, Muslin white and colored. Having bought these Dress
Goods months ago we know that our prices are the very lowest, some of them less
than present wholesale prices.
s' r
The largest and best assorted stock of Dress Silks, in black, white and colored, tube found
anywhere. In the following mattes and 30 to 40 inches wide, and exceptional values : Mousealines,
Habutai, Poplins, Bengalines, Jap Shan, Duchess and Taffetas. '
a, r
A new shipment in Silk Hose, in black, white, grey, fawn, at 12.00 a pair, pure Silk.
Silk Boot Hose in black, white and brown, at 35c, 50c, 60c and 90c.
White plain Cashmere Hose, a special make at 90c.
Black Lisle Gloves at 50c and 75c, and black Silk at 11.00 and 11.25. These Gloves arc
at prices twenty per cent. less than if they were bought recently.
tv. T. RIDDE L. Is -St
.n the ndaae o1 Auburn, property o1 Pn•ate
A. Rothman. For further porticuIan away to
J. ARTHUR. Auburn. 00-tf
(Intruded toe teat week.)
TUESDAY. May 14th.
Mr. and Mrs. Montieth, of Bruceffeid,
visited at the home of the Tatter's sister,
Mrs A. H. Clutton.
Andrew Bogie, one of our young men.
left on Monday morning for London.
whither he was called to report. Hugh
Chisholm is called upon to go on Wednes-
day to London.
Mr. Geo. Freeman had the misfortune
to lose a colt on Saturday. Horses are
valuable animals thele times.
The Women's Auxiliary and Red Cross
Society met at the home of Mrs. Fred
Quaid on Friday last. There was a very
poor attendance, owing to the unfavor-
able weather. The Society will meet
nest month at Mrs. E. Shaw's. The ladies
intend putting in a quilt.
' Mr. E. Walters of Benmiller is around
today putting the municipal 'phones in
A BIG WIND. -Last Thursday night the
greatest thunder and htning storm
the season, accompaniedby wind,
havoc enlhe Lake Shore. Trees and fences
were blown down. half of the roofs of
Ales. Horton's and Will Stirling's barns
were carried off. Mr. Stirling's windmill
was blown over. and Harry Freeman's
henhouse was carried over five rods and
considerably damaged. Mr. Freeman's
rail fences are all down also. The silos
of John and Irving Hunter sere blown
over and some of the telephones wete Out
out of commission.
Send The Signal to your friend out of
town. He will appreciate it. Only 75c
to January est. 1919.
For tale. woe', is SU tea *sow .1'
men VIM sari eons et are sole( to tea
front. liming wanes esu resew ibis
-ouotry nal .errlr is prep=is
take padders is banks and b resat
So Courses of tmlbiog te Beek-
kee5ine. She tband sad all otker CO=
meretal utyaet. sow In proems
Student. .dented any Ilene. IU..ar.W
ea:elem. tree.
Northern %si.ess Calms~, UJ.
C. A. FLEMINO, Pptannit
A Mother's Endorsement°&
"With -the children Nnjol has done wonders"
Annual Convention at Chatoo as May
eth-S couraging Report of the Work.
The twenty-sixth annual convention of
the Goderich District Woman's Mission-
ary Society was held in Wesley church,
Clinton. Thursday, May 9th. Mrs. Hick,
of Goderich, district organiser, presided.
Eighty-nine delegates registered.
The devotional exercises were in -charge
of Mrs. Words, of Westfield, who gave a
short talk on the twenty-third Psalm.
Very encouraging reports were given
by the auxiliaries, circles and bands,
showing an increase of forty member and
Sri over last year.
Mrs. Pickard, of Holmesville, gave a
very interesting talk on "How to Make a
Circle Effective." giving many instructive
pants for circle leaders.
A quartette by far Blyth ladies was
listened to with much pleasure. Mrs.
(De.) Rutledge, of Goderich, gave an
excellent talk on "Systematic Giving,"
showing very clearly that sur duty to
God makes it inoperative that we lay
aside one-tenth.
Mrs. King, of Binh,gave a paper on
"Present-day Methods of Band Work,"
which presented very fnrcibiy the work
that is being done by the emission bard.
A quiet half-hour was ably conducted
by Mrs. Osterhout, of Gode-ich. The
time was spent in prays: Or our boys.
A very tasty lunch was served in the
basement of Wesley hall, during which an
address of welcome was given by Mrs.
Beaton of Ontario street church. and
pond Oto by Mrs, l Beattie. 01 Sea -
given by
Mn H. Folder, tsey. J. A. Agnew and
Rev. A. E. Jones.
At tete evening cession Rev. A. E.
Jones, pastor of Wesley church, occupied
the chair. The organiser's report was
full of encouragement, showing gond
work done by the auxiliaries, the total
amount rained being 11841.84. The
music was furnished by a union choir.
A very interesting adtlreas on the work
in Hanan, China. br Mrs. (De.) Struthers,
was listened to with teach pleasure by anti
The singing of tett Nstioual Anthers
brought a wry stoaessis asersa iss todears
Mothers! Assure the lasting, robust health
of your children --health founded on regular
bowel habits - by relieving their constipation
with Nujol, the safe, effective remedy recom-
mended in the following letters :-
Dixondale, Ve., Jan. I. 1917,
STANDARD OIL CO. (New Jersey).
Dear Sirs:
I have given Nujol to my two year old daughter with
very beneficial effect. She had always been constipated, and
I think the regular use of Nujol was what cured her and
caused her to form regular habits.
Very sincerely,
Now read this extract from a mother in Winslow, Arizonan
"With the children Nujol has done wonders. A dose or two
when they begin to fret results in their being as bright and
happy as possible the day following."
r..�- u. xi.!.
EVERY meow Itaiow how insidiously constipation rpa vitality. The moment year children's bowel.
fail to set, their bodies become easy prey to marry serious ailments. By all means keep their bowls
and your ower- naturally regular by the use of Nwiol- -tire pram. sale. drugless remedy which cannot hart
the smallrt child and which thousands now use inaMad d harmful pills and physics. Remember that
repeated dosiee with strong laxative drug* dangerously weakens the natural bowel -vitality.
Nujol relieves pganttly and thorouablyy� without stimulation, griping or is isolate reaction.
Nujol is palata6l., healing and r.liabls. Be "regular u doekwor�" --
ons Najsl.
Thera are no substitutes -- there is only Najd.
Manufactured by
le y.. i eeptio krs't NUJOL, ..d Meek. new aura. to
Ca.Js. Sava raw••
A basibla fa. slab Begs.- isdot es w inose
J. H. Lahr
J. A.
E. R.
Nuj ol for constipatian d6°