HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-23, Page 3IGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO THE MINA AND ONLY DENUIN�, BEWARE OF MITA- TIDES SOLD ON TSS MERITS Oil IINA D'S LIMIER MEDICAL. DR. GEO. IIEiLEMANN, OSTEO- PATH, STEO-PATH, specialist m women's and eb.ldren's .daeases, acute, chromic and nervous diseases, rye. ear, rise and throat. partial deafness, lumbago and rheumatic conditions. Adenoids removed without the Inde. Office at residence, corner Xenon and St Andrew's streets. At borne office Mondays. Thursdays and Satudays; any evening by appointment. • DENTISTRY. HEADS DRUG MERGER. J. J. Aliso, a Farmer Goderich Bq, Is Frandsen of Dominuoa wide Coocero. One o(' the moat successful men in the retail drug business in Canada is a Code- rich odsrich Old Buy, Mr. J. J. Allen. now of "I have actually gained seventeen Ottawa, who after being at the head of a pounds by ta't ing Tanlac. and my re - big concern at the capital for a number of tovery has been a surprise to myself as years, is now making another step which well as all who knew of my dreadlul em- places hum at the head of a company dition," said Walter F. Brown, 132 whicb will operate throughout Canada. Yorkville street, Toronto, recently. Mr. Mr. Allen is a brother of Mr. T. G. Allen Brown, who has been a resident of Tor - of Dungannoo. In addition to his inter- onto all his life, was fur many years a este in the retail trade. we understand he travelling salesman, and is now employed is the precedent of one of the large drug- by the Robert Simpson Company. He is manufacturing concerns which has repre- a member of the Masonic lodgae also of sentative slurs throughout *Dominion. the Commercial Travellers' Association, The Ottawa Journal of resat date has and is highly respected by all who know the following reference to Mr. Allen's re- him cent undertaking: •'11 1 could have had Tanlac five years For some time past a report has been in ago," continued Mr. ,Brown, "I could circulation in the capital that there was have saved myself i16t only a world of to be a business change in connection with suffering, but more than a thousand the firm of A1leq &Cochrane. The Journal dollars, Jvhieh I paid out for other treat - learns that the firm has made another one ment add medicines that failed to do me of their progressive moves by forming a any good. I don't believe that anyone consolidation with the L. K. Liggetteve had a worse case of stomach trouble Ltd., operatingretail stores in Toronto and than I had. In fact. I got so bad off I Winnipeg. Contrary to rumors, Allen& was given up to die by my family and Cochrane have not in the ordinary mean- friends, and had lost all hope myself of ing of the term "sold out" their business, ever getting well. Even the most deli - but will go ahead on a larger basis. cate and dainty dishes failed to arouse Having practically completed the work my appetite, and the least bit of food of of reorganization of the two cum- any kind caused me intense suffering. 1 panics, it is the purpose of the Company would bloat up terribly with gas, had a to extend the chain of the Retail Drug mean, agonizing pain to the pet of my Stores throughout Canada as opportunity stomach, and was never free from head- s ffers, an ample capitalization of $5,000,- ache. No matter what I ate my suffering 000 being provided to take care of this was awful, and for over nine monthr at one time I was on a light diet. Ralf the time I couldn't put on my boots or dress myself because I didn't have the strength and my desperate condition can be better understood when I say I had fallen off from one hundred and thirty- five pounds to only ninety-six. ' I was nothing but a frame of skin and bones. was so nervous 1 could hardly sleep, and felt so irritable and bad I didn't want any- onea round me at all. Everything wasdune for me, it seems, that amid be-S-ras photographs of my stomach were mad stomach pumps used and every treat ment known, but no one seemed to un- derstand my case, and t kept getting worse. After spending eight months in the hospital here to no avail, 1 was advised to oto Mt. Sinai hospital in New York, GIB lt. 11. G. MAt LCNE•LL.- HONOR Graduate Toronto University. Graduate 11.1 al College of Dental Sraeccas. Successor to the late Major Sale. Offices corner Square and west street, Gaderich. £UCTIONR&R. THOMAS GUNDRl 11 AUCTIONEER. Pox 67, Goderich. All instructions by mail or crit at StgnalOtI a troll be promptly attended to. Residence telephone 119. • mit. COULD HAVE SAVED THOUSAND DOLLARS. - -- Brown •Sorry He Didn't Know About lease se sooner- Gains seventeen Puede. RC. HAY . BARRIST 24 SOLICITOR _NOTARY. PUISL1C, ETC. Office- Sterling Baakt Block. Hamilton Street. (;oder'ch. Telephone lie. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. FRU, DFCOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, BARRISTERS, yOLICrrORs, NOTARIES PUBLIC. ETC. Office on the Square. second Le( or )rem 1:r a :I son Street, Goder,cb. Pres ate funds to ban at lowest retool N. 1'.00prenr, H. j'D.Cooas J• L.,)IILu,sen G. CAMERON. K. C., 11ARklS- D�1. TER. whence'. notary pubk:. (.!Aces Hamilton Street. Goderich, third door Iron W�upatta�re. At Cliston 7hutsday el each week, in aka, co Albert Street occupied by Mr. Hooper. Mks hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. "HARLES GARROW, 11-. B.. BAR- RISTER. attorney. solicitor. etc.. Goderich. (Moors, loaned at lowest rates. I r SEAGER, BA RiSTER. SOL- I ICiTOR. notery public and conveyancer. Cff ce-Court House. (,oaencb. 09-12m expansion. Mr. J.J. Allen beads the reorganized Companyr as president and general man- ager. Loyal to Ottawa, where he and his partner, Mr. Cochrane, hive been so suc- cessful. Mr. Allen will establish the head office of the Company here, and direct alt stores from the capital. The purpose of the consolidations naturally a business one, but it has for its aim greater efficiency in management. more econom- ical operation, larger buying p..wer, and a fuller and more perfect service to the publtc. Mr. Cochrane will wtire from the firm and in the future devote his time mother interests. He has been desirous of taking this step for some time past. This is the only important change here in the per- sonnel or conduct of the Allen & Cochrane business. Mr. Allen as general manager of alt the stores throughout Canada will still remain in close touch with the business here, and Mr. Hosterman, who has been with the firm since its inception in 1905, and is a director of the new Company, has been appo.nted manager of all the Ottawa stores. Messrs. Kendall. Denman. Isaacs, Harmer, Crompton. Waldorf, Ferguson and Ross, who all have been with the firm for years in the main store. retain their stock interest in theenew firm and will continue to serve their friends and the public in the same efficient way as they have always done. Mr. Webster. Mr. Stirling. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Monro, all oke -timers with the firm and managers of the various branches also retain their interests and with the tame assistants as heretofore will continue to render Mr. Allen and the public the same loyal service that has always charac- terized them. Working on a generous co-operative basis with their employes the Allen & Cochrane firm has had little difficulty in securing and retaining the best class of men to assist them in carrying on their d -to ohne IISURAIICS, LOA1111. WC. lIcK1Ll OP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- Dl AN(.E CO. -Farm and udated town PI. op- ertr .awned. P. O : t7n+vanot Jn. Connelly, Prn.. Goderich Eaa, Evans, Via-Ptes., Heechwood P.O.; Thomas . MAYS Sec. -Tress. Seahrh P.O. Du s - john G. Grieve, No 4. R. R. William R.nn. N. R. No. 4 Seaforth; John Bentnewiee, BrodhRtnn. R. R. No. 3, Sea - swill; eo, rtes. FeMrris, ar Mc- Ewen. obertamrt� av n&Beech ood James Ewen, Clinton;hntanJames E Connolly, Goderich. ich: Ales -Leitch. Agents. J. W. Yeo,Goderich; R. R. No. 1, Clinton: William Chesney, Seefeerth; E. I4.ttchleY, SeatOrth. policyholders can 5.1 all payments and get their cards receipt Ha .R. Grocery,s Clothing np(°On street. Clinton; Lu(>odeerrich. or J. H. Grocery, Rrd's General Store. Bay Aeid. l` PRIVATE FUNDS CAM - IP A O G1 LOANApply ,RON, Barrister, Hamilton street, Goderich. MUSIC. 7 J. W. TAYLOR. ORGANIST and choirmaster of Knot church. b u c + preparedTeacher Piano. Vocal and Theory - for Conservatory exam nations. Studio -corner Britannia road and South street. TelephoneNo. 221. ISABEL R. SCOTT, TEACHER for OF Voice. Piano and Organ. Pupils prepP.ared W. Conservatory examinations Apply cURR1E'S..ritann.a road. Brophe3 Bros. ouDRKICH 1 nc Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers ord.,. carefully attended to at all hours. night or day. policies and they gladly accor se men much of the credit for the success the firm has attained. Mr. Allen, when discussing the merger., said that it will be his aim to make the Liggett Drug Stores throughout Canada synonymous with the beat in drug store c • must. service. The Liggett name, he says, like the Allen & Cochrane name. stand first of all for reliability -it must be a name that carries its own guarantee of satisfactory treatment to the custcmter- and it must command and merit the con- fidence of the buying public. The people of Ottawa could rest assured that Liggett, Allen & Cochrane in Ottawa would maintain the Allen & Cochrane reputation and be able to serve the public even better -the enlarged connections and the -strong organization make this a practical certainty. Mr. Allen has been in Ottawa eighteen years - and for over thirteen years he has been connected with Mr. Cochrane in the Allen & Cochrane b tsiness. Th. bus;n as built up by them in that time is one of the most successful and largest in the re- tail drug business of Canada and it conse- quently is a fair assumption that under Mr. Allen's guidance the new Canada - wide chain will prove equally successful. GIVE "EMI? I? OP vIo8" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delleleue "Fruit Laxative" Don't harm tender little Stomach, Liver and 5owels. a THE DWARKETS THURSDAY, I4AY 28, IBIS 8 ag The lowest Arica at all Haws. • N. menti -mei sales. li. wPis TORONTS) MARKETS. TORONTO, May 21.--Tbe Board / of Trade quotations f..r yesterday aro 1 as follows: Maniteba what In Store Fort amass, Including 2,ec Tax). Na. 1 northern, 82.231.. No, 2 northern. $2.24%. No, 5 northers. 83,17 ii. No. 4 wheal 1/ No. 3 Oats ten score Fort W114Nwq. . /R Ne. 2 C.W., gTe.111 No. 3 C.W., a8�4 c. Extra No. 1 feed. ',lige. 1r■11I1Ix)N1rlA).)Al[>IXl<Xa*////)A)A//OM111a//)Ili////1[ N No. 1 toed. 3o %c lest Arrssrlsan Cern (Track. Toronto). teal '( No. 3 yellow. kiln dried, nominaL ���� (According to nominal. ■• New Styles in Middies and Smocks a Outside). No. i white, but to 81 c, uominaL No, 3 white, 73c to 70c, nominal. Ontarto wheat (Beals .n Store Montreal). No. 3 whiter, per car lot, 12 23. Peas (Accords/I to Freights Outside). 1 mina $3.11P01 M x 11 1 / ,` P € ,ii+ , ..,.1 „1 ,fir; ,t s.'zr '.f .rrs.. McCall Patteras McCall Patterns t' ' �'.. . *' �+ 1 � • D M I LLAR & SON i No. 2, ao B arley (According to Freights Outside). Malting, 81.43 to 51.50. B uckwheat (According to Freights Out- ■ side). Buckwheat. 81. b„ N Flys (According to Fre,ghts Outside). No. 2. 83.2.2. ouat.nal. Manitoba Flour (Toronto). War quality. 810.3.,. Ontario Flour (In Bags, Prompt 114- ment). War quality. 51v.ti., Montreal, $10.96 1111 Toronto. Vilified (Car Lets, Delivered Montreal Freights, Sags Included). Bran, per ton. 633 .bot is, per ton, 840 Hay (Track, Toronto). • 1I No. 1, per ton, 516 to 517. ■ Mixed. per ton. 514 to $15. Straw (Track, Toronto). Car lou. per ton, 18.50 to 63. n Faners' Market. FaU wheat-Hllhug. 52,14 per bushel. Goose wheat -$2.10 to 52.13 per bushed./ Barley -Halting. 81.40 per bushel.1111 Oat. --910 to 93c per bushel. Buckwheat, 11.75 per bushel. Rye -According to sample. nominaL / Hay-TltnothY, $17 to 818 per ton; tata- ad and clover, $16 to 116. WINNIPEG GR.11% MARKI,'T. / Winnipeg, May 20. -Business was Ilgut n the cesh mar4et. today. Offerings / ularly brisk for .°arse grains. oats ur closed 2'{c higher Jur May and 331z Q higher fur July. ■ and I spent threemonths there, but still 11 42 didn't improve One bit.I felt that life Flat, closed 6' . higher for May and was hardly worth living, and lost all i• higher for July. faith in medicines. WI,oi 5.eg market Oats-M6ay. "One day while talking to myy brother- to eay.c;, July. kr 'Lc to style. w I dlddt take Barley�yl■r clued z. ■ 1I 'ere light and demand wen not par- Dierte) closed 2c higher for May at in-law he asked me by p•lax-vtM. ci- to 1J.s4. Jlatr. $3" Tanlac, and I said. No; I have taken to $s.aiti. enough stuff, nothing will do me any Caah pricks:Qtts -No..2 C.W.. 374; good But he insisted until 1 bought a No. 3 5'.W..\ b3'5c: extra No. 1 Ned bottle, and Providence was surely guld- 63'.•. No. ing me that day, for 1 firmly believe that Barley -No. was the move that saved my life. To $1.36. rez-No.jected F"a1.24. N say it is wonderful the way Tanlac has 51.61; No. 3 C. helped me doesn't half -way express it. CHICAGO G I'm already feeling a thousand times bet- J. P. Bickell & Cu. ter, and am on the road to health after prices on the Chicago five nears of torture. I have already attic; No. 2 do.. 77%1e. C.1W4c; . te1_msi$t.aL4; 11KN1*o.a . 24 CC.WW. 3.61. UN MARizET. Poet the foliewing Board of Trade: Par. w. Close. Clow. picked up from ninety-six to one hundred Open. High. and thirteen pounds, and am looking and ' ]lc corn - feeling 127 Ys 127% 1 feeling better than I have in Years. MY July .... 141 143% lar appetite is fine, the gas antipain has all June .... 141 1418 1140% disappeared from my stomach. and I can Oat,__ eat most anything 1 want without the may .... 76•.6 76', 18% slightest inconvenience. My friends are July .... 66% 66•. R% -"imply amazed at my wonderful improve- Jun• ••• 125s .I'iK, 72%. meat. I have also told the physicians Miyor - t wbo did all they could for me what I am July ... "42.57 taking, and they say they never saw such tard- a change in a man. 1 believe Tanlac has May .. • •• saved my life. and deserves more than 1 July . • • • 2 • - .03 will ever be able to say for it. 1 will be 87,16.L. 2a 30 glad to write to anyone who wishes to' stay .. verify this statement. and tell them what July .... 23.17 Tamest has done for me.' Sept. ... 21.7o Toronto -Muskoka Wharf Train Service. On Thursday. May 23rd. and Satur- days, May 25th, June 1st and sth, and Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays thereafter the Grand Trunk will operate a train from Toronto to Muskoka Wharf leaving Toronto at 10.00 a. m. Returning train will leave Muskoka Wharf at 12.45 p. m. for Toron to on Mondays. May 27th. June 3rd. 10th and 17th. These trains will connect with the Mu ka Lakes Navigation Co. steamer to a from points on the Mus- koka Lakes. Full information from Grand Trunk ticket agents. honk at the elegem frintitafT 2t coated• your little one's stontaeh, liver apt hooch' need eleaaafng et onoe. When peevish, erose, listless, doesn't amp, eat or act naturally, or 1s fever- ish, stanch sour, breath bed; has sore *treat, die:di ma, fill) of Bold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup oft Toga and in a inn hours all the foal, enures, astes, undigested food earl scar hila gently nevem oat of fee 11811. towels without griping, and yen have a well. playfnl chill again. Auk your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Pigs," widish ene4aing full direetinas for let, elOgten of all miss clad for grow.-epn Tanlac is Id in Goderich by I' R. so Wigle, in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, in Wingham by J. Walton McKibbo n, in llensall by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth by White City Drug Store, in Wroxeter r ' John 0. esbo 0 in l.ondJ by J. N. Allen, by l.twndsberry. in Exeter by W. S. Howey, in Br field by Peter Bowes, in Dash- wood by Tieman & Edighoffer. in Crediton by J. W. Orme, in Clinton by W. S. 2. Holmes, in Sheppardton by J.H. Simpson. in Gorrie by 11. V. Armstrong. and in Fordwich by 11. Sansom. ADVT. B42 42.97 43.48 13.51 2.6t42.00 ..r. 7424.$7 14.76 25.07 24.73 24.92 23,04 25.40 25.07 23.22 25.32 N23.65 MIS 21.26 22 8, 21.00 23.81 21.75 21.12 _3.52 23.41 CATTLE MARKETS C\IO\ sTOCK YARDS. TORONTO, May 21. -With re- ceipts of 4058 cattle on the Union Stock Yards market Yesterday and a strong and insistent demand for the better class of butcher• steers and heifers, the market or this class of cattle was decidedly strong. b'or cattle weighing from 1050 pounds and upwards the market was probably from 15c to 25c per cwt. higher. Light weight cattle, weigh - EEN,ing less than 500 Ib... sold at proo- �1 e✓ UNIVERSITY I KINGSTON ONTARIO .J ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE mining, Chemical VAT Mechanical ac•1 Weeniest Engineering. HOME STUDY Arta Course by correspondence. Hew • with one years attenden, a or four summer session.. Swsinar School Navigation School Jay and Anima Desember to April 19 GEO. Y. CHOWN,. Registrar ably from l0c to 25c !ower. The hog trade was weaker, except for the contract animals, which sold at 21c fed and waters'., but for the others from 820.60 up was the price generally paid, and packers are quot- ing considerably lower prices for the balance of the week. EAST BUFFALO LiVE STOCK. East Buffalo. May 20.-Cattle-Its- ceipta, 250'. Strong; prime steers. 011 to 517.75; shipping steers. $16.50 to $16.75; butchers, 112.25 to 818.78; yearlings. 513.60 to $16.75; heifers, $10 W 814.25; t'on's, 26.30 to 012; bulla. $7.20 to 511; fresh cows and springers. $65 to 5142. Calves -Receipts, 2400. Strong; 57 to 816.25. a Huger -Receipt., 7200. Active and strong; heavy, $18 to 816.30: mixed, $18.25 to $18.40; Porker., 518.35 to 818.30; light yorkers and pigs. $1840 to 813.75; roughs, 111 to $10.25; stage, $12 to $13. - Sheep and lamb•-Hec•elpte. 12,000. Lambs slow, others steady; lamas, $11 to $17.40; yearlings, $13 to 115.38; we - therm', 514 to 511.60; ewes. 16 to 813.30; mixed sheep, 812.61 to 114. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago, May 20.-Cattle--Itecelpu, 16,- 000. Weak: beeves, 810.75 to 517.75; stockers and feeders, 59.40 to 513.25; cows and heifers, 17.40 to $14.60; calves, 18 to $14. Hogs-Hecelpta, 34.000. Unsettled; light, 517.20 to 517.85; mixed, $17.03 to 817.80; heavy, 811.15 to 517.66; rough 511.35 to $16.75; pigs, $14.50 to 817.60; bulk of sales, $17.30 to $17.70. The Old Story. The farmer said unto his son -yes, Wil- lie was his name -"Here is a calf for you. my boy, to educate and tame. it shall be yours to raise and feed, to care for and to scrub, to water it and diet it upon all wholesome grub." The boy looked pleased at such a start, a tear camped in his eye -- he told his dad he'd do his best, he'd make an honest try. That calf it bad a bright career, it grew to beat the hand, it was the finest -looking scud that grazed upon the land. He fed it water, gave it hay, put bran into its feed, that mw had everything, by heck, a cow could ever need. it was along in fall the boy. with an important air, put rlbbbns on the critter's tail and led it to the fair. And there it cleaned everything from all the land around -ft was a cow right from the to where it touched the ground. A drover came around one day to buy some milking stock, and then the boy who fed the mw received one awful shock. The buyer pulled a long green purse that never could go smash -the boy he sold the cow all right, but father took the cash. lt's just such things as thhat, they soy. that work a heap of harm, and make it most almighty hard to keep boys on the farm. ".Remember, boys." nsid the maionery, se the cared/We lowered him into the kettle over the campfire. "rvnternber, boys, this is Tuesday -a maths" day." AT YOU SERVICE WITIi A Full line of Electrical Goods IRONS TOASTERS TOASTER STOVES HEATING PADS HOTWATER CUPS BEDROOM HEATERS VIBRATORS FLASHLIGHTS and BATTERIES WIRI TOUR HOSE DONT WAIT -'PHONE T&IT and let him tell you wbat 1t will cert. Phon ItOD 1. 1 fll1Ph ne 143 'VII le K1.K(TRhi IAlste Electric Mitppliee of all kinds • always nn hand. West stre'e't, -next, to Pant Office 1I We are showing a very large assortment of these popular garments. They are the ideal garment for sport and summer wear. Women's Jack Tar Middy Made of white jean, trimmed sailor collar, pocket and cuff, in neat check designs. All sizes. Special 31.50. Jack Tar Middy Of heavy white jean, large sailor collar, long or short • sleeves. All sizes. Special • 31.25. Women's Smart Nor- folk Middy Made of white repp, box pleats, belt and large sailor collar with fancy trimming. All sizes. Special at $1.25, $1.75, $1.95, $2.25, $2.50,$2.95 Hosiery of Satisfaction Select your summer Hosiery from our ex- , tensive stocks. We are showing all the new colorings, in cotton, lisle, silk -ankle and all - silk Hose, for men, women and children. Women's Lisle thread Hose, extra fine quality Lisle, seamless, in black, white and brown. Special 89c per pair, two pair for 75c. Women's fibre Silk Hose. They are Silk to the height of a tall boot w'th feet and tops of fine durable cotton, all quite(' colors. Special 85c pair. \\ Women's Kayser Italian or Glove Silk Hose, beautiful quality, all colors. $2.?5 pair. Children's Hosiery at keenest prices. Children's Socks, all sizes. Underwear for Summer Comfort 11K • x / 1r / / / / / / / / Women's fine Lisle Thread Vests. neatly / trimmed, either short sleeves or no sleeves. Special 35c each, or three for $1.00. Women's fine Lisle Vests, beautiful quality, lace-trimnied, short or no sleeves: 50c each. 1 / / / Women's porus -knit Vests, low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless. Special 45c. 1I Women's porus -knit umbrella Drawers, 111 lace trimmed, open or closed, per pair 60c. Women's fine Lisle combinations, in low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless, knee-length, st in plain Lisle or porus -knit. At 50c, (ilk, / 75c to $1 50. suit. 1 WOMEN'S WHITE COTTON NIGHT GOWNS. Made of good quality white cotton. / a \VOM EN'S WHITE UNDERSKIRTS Many styles handsomely trimmed with lace and em. in embroidered and lace -trimmed, all sizes. From 25c to / • 1 ./////x*•X10//1. /x111/1I/1[1[11111.11I)I>A1 11101 1 0101i1K1t/ 1I/1I ill % Trimmed with embroidery, low neck, short sleeves. Special at $1.00 to $2.50 each. IN Al broidery. From $1.00 to $3.50 each. `It / • WOMEN'S CORSET COVERS, a $1.50 each. x / The leading mail and 'phone order store. Try es. ii1>K II. B. Will Send All Men Needed. NEW YORK. May 21. -President Wilson, who opened the Red Cross drive for is second 3100,000,000 war fund at the Itietropolitan Opera House Saturday night with a stirring appeal for generous coetributlons, said Incidentally that the United States will not be diverted from nu purpose of winning the war by In- sincere approaches on the subject of peace. ••1 can say with a clear conscience. that I have tested those Intentions and have found them Inainee.t'e, 1 now recognize them for what they are: an opportunity to have a free hand, particvlarly In the Toast, to earry out purposes of eooquest and exploitation. Every proposal with re- gard to accommodation In the West involves a reservation in regard to the Eaat. i Intend to stand by Rus- sia as well as France." He was cheered when he said that the united taates Intended to stand by Russia u well as Franca. 11 PE*" I1 * Millar' s Scotch Store PHONE 56 / ]( x 111111111111110111111111111111111* / XXX ■11111K1I101111111<1 111011•/.11•■ s The 'United Farmers have appointed Col. Var o e. A. Young, Wm. Robertson, J. N. K nighan and G. L. Lamb as delegates t Ottawa to discuss the ex- emption and arm labor problems em s with the Government. Miss .Annie Walter, who for the past year has been fo owing her vocation as a nurse. has return to the ) arental roof. Mr. Milton Tyndall left last week for the West to take a, charge for the sum- mer months at Lew'vktr Sask. Mr. Geo. Clark has returned tt thei home after spendingappedicitis. His many hospital for aPPe friends are glad to see himlack again. Mr. Lloyd Young is arourlI again after having a very severe attk,ck of the mumps. e ship �a 320 CARLOW. (Intended for last week.) MONDAY, May 13. Messrs. O'Connor and Ailin ping hogs this week. The price per cwt. MOTHERS OF CANADA PREPARE FOR TROUBLE When a girl beeomee a woman, when a woman becomes a mother, and when a woman passes through the changes of middle life, are the three periods of life when health and strength are most needed to withstand the pain and distress often caused by severe organic disturbances. Many thousands in this section would testify as do the following: St. Catharines, Ont. -"Over forty years ago i wen restored to health by ' taking Dr. Pieree's i Favorite Preserip- tion. It was after i medicine and doe - tors had failed to help me or give , relief. I bad, through overwork, become all ran - down in health. I was weak and finally became a nervous week. Thor 'Prescription' was recommended to me, and at the time I started to take it I bad not been able to do aaly- tking for over a year. I took the "Fav- orite Prescription' and the 'Golden Medi- cal Discovery' as well. It took several bottles, but I was completely restored to ead health and einem that time when I vs felt the need of thew medicines I have taken them and always with perfect satidaetioa."- Mu. W11. BAKES, 33 Page 8t. Stratford, Oat. -i was all run-down, weak, nervous. I also suffered with severe thro my hack. I was very .ssarable what a friend advised use to try Dr. Pieree's Favorite Preseytptlee and one bottle .armed to give mewed strength. It stopped the pain in my beet, also helped my nervous emiditie•. it is artily a good tonic for wama- Mas. homaca CuLLUM. l00 Milton St. •••••••wale•• L. B. TAPE The Singer Sewing Machine Agent, has taken agency of the over the International Harvester Company on Hamilton Street and will handle both lines Farm Machinery and Singer Sewing; Machines A {air share, of the public pat- ronage will be appreciated. // • At Your Service We are atour service fortitttt wl Plumbing Eavestroughing Tinsmithing, etc. We know how to do it and we have the men to handle the work. FRED. HUNT "THC PLUMMIER" mammon Street Phew tab • OXFORDS --AND PUMPS The latest creations in Ox- fords and Pumps are here. The fancy of the particular woman who takes pride in her footwear will be more than satisfied by these new creations. They are made in the finest White, Black, Mahogany Kid and Patent Leathers. White Canvas Shoes and Oxfords are now in stock, al- so a full line.of Tennis and Outing. ShoesNfor the Boys and Girls. -REPAIRING- Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Goderich N •2 NOTICE Owing to the scarcity of Coal, and the fact that sales have, of necessity, to be made in very small quantities, we have found it absolutely necessary to make a rule that ALL COAL BE PAID FOR ON DELIVERY i4 4