HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-23, Page 1Store and also, _MEM I.ght so( r prohibited except so Saturday eventide. Wiser lights may be .rad en Saturday.agbts until further notice. w -'w nr,.ww.we von . •^err' pot r'"'": Cotter Check Books THE SIGNAL is ageit for the Zei�at term d Counter Check tMwetactuten in Caasda. We give you the mane prices as if you wpb dealing with the firm d' Look over year stock and will need • sew supply neat month telephone ifOlats BODBRICHI 0NTAR! THURSDAY, MAY M. 1918 POs $ALL 1 4GGY FOR SALE. -NEW Mc -1 LAUGHLIN latent etyle. Me soya weed. A bongos lar quick tents. P. J. N. Camerae street. bs/ar 11 R AFSALE.-SEVERAL GG OHO rD r sec+b and hairdo. Al.o sLSt pa -de "d •*betels twos Apply' at BARBER SHOP. R SALE -A QUANTITY OF GOOD SEED MARK hendpched. A. W. YOUNG. SALE 02 BENT. FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR A FARM. -A good modem kick Ps dams ug dwith all esorensesose and enough kms on Mod to ort stat meow with care Any good lane within ✓e**gm.�deaertssi*, nce d a town ar vnl- Iaae era be os Gorier end will pay cash Met - ewe. SOX A. Gorier EI°RSALE. -A NEW BRICK HOUSE wttb aes-MH acre of Med. situated on Name road. Gsderidn. This Is a genuine bargents Selma . victim Iota pas lee bow l adjoined tYis T. GUMMY. Godtrid� SALE. -YOUNG PUREBRED SAIF OR RENT. -HOUSE ON Victim street containing nor rooms, bash J' Aberbr-Aegu� 0+�� �s Fn for About two minutes' walk Woes the amvicr. Appy COs-• vwr�.a+w.• "- R. No. a. prem will tell or rest moon- . St. Andrew's .tnet. It Pktura Framing. Try us for the latest in art pictures and high -doss picture -framing at reasonable prams. Skilled workmanship mad artistic taste enable us to make the better kind. TT«mson's Music. An and Stationary VOR SALE. -150 BUSHELS CHOICE r SEED =EANIL Siacredit to myprtoa W.H. �, irh. gyne✓ r t Goderich oral. Nam FORSALE.-IRSH COaSLait ale tabes vaett7MeO a�J. BH. tOX, R: R. No. 4 Cidarich.Ihratailler 1 IAITZI. WANTED. - AN EXPERIENCED n� ta ii• owe In ERT. Apply at SI` ; 1. OPFI(:6 (IOOD MAID WANTED. -SMALL !J .♦ilr. ApplyS MRHORACE HORTON. tFnt erten *trent fa WANTED IMMEDIATELY. -A ssotwmhreest of three madam Hr rr Mon t lac Woe eRood rskreeme. NMR.S C wawaORRRRISON, >et. Vincent aeon fMINKTAKER WANTID. MEETINGS. PUBLIC MEETING. A meeting to make arrangements for a suitable celebration of Dominion Day W Godericb will be held in the Town Hall on TUESDAY EVENING. MAY 2bch, at 8 ..o'clock p. m. All citizens are re- quested to attend. /�O RENT. -OFFICE AND FIVE - A R /w0 41M lea catmction therewith. Apply IL KELLY. HOUSE TO RENT. -ON KEAYS street amen rooms All twneeni.eoee• re- aeaLL stahte an 1st. Melly to1'. W. SALI�)O.D. Go4snca R. R. Ne. 3. Takehoer sus r 7. • 11pgE. REDBRIO( HOUSE, r CHIS - HOLM. 'w*t ee li°0TrineTrte street. eau F91L10R SALE. -SOLID BRICK HOUSE, .umaderti,coe .*rises*, We good too. wilt ween dem hint tosm rase. v}lendee gat'1mu� stable. etc. Artk�ewnt loss* wall berm the SV e a. address For (►Finn. Graders.. Ont. os > 44 en Atioos tenon ofofressed tJooe the TB lisesesiona intl. l of retaber M the Court m t Haa sad try eaOise. GEO. W. HOLMAN. County Coders.* Miry ism Hoa. ia-st . WANTED. -A GIRL OR WOMAN kw light homework: nee to go home at n ight. mimed Apply SIGNAL OFFICE. MART BOY WANTED. -TO LEARN the printing gaga. one who hon paned the good* p�portvatt� i the rightht kind td.4 boy. Ap- ply .t once at THE SIGNAL. !y IRGOODERICH KNITTINGANTETHE CO. I LOST OB FOUND. YED.-CAME ON TO MY ,remyee Mondaf. May lithashaf aster, sod white. about 2 years old. NELSON MCLARTY. Dungannon. E. R. WIGLE, Mayor. %*TIi HURON LIBERAL ASSO- C1ATION. _-- $NNUAL MEETING POSTPONED. The annual meeting of this Amucutton. an- nounced to take piece May nub, is Wtpuned to s date to be announced later. JAS. McMURCHIE. W. H. ROBERTSON. Secretor• President. u EETING OF HURON COUNTY ILL COUNCIL. The council d the corporation of Huron will mot in the ceinctl chamber. Goderick. as Toes - t a7, the AO day of June, 1r1K at t o'clock to the aftsrsoos. GEO. W. HOLMAN. C.tewy Clerk. Goderch, May 17th 1111. lui-tt Centre Huron Liberal Association. 143 IMBERS. ISOM TO TWO HUORID M N YET. • Carrs** for iliseallsorships in Greater Oodorich Board of Trade Con- ducted on Tuesday but There Is Stilt Room UR Any Who Wish to Coyne In-- Bard Will Now Get Cown to Work on its New Plans. The annual meeting of the Centre Huron Liberal Maociation will be held at Cardno's Hall. Seaforth. on TUESDAY. MAY 28th. at 3.30 p. m. A large attendance is dewred. MICHAEL MURDIE.� JAMES L. KILLOORRT N, PUBLIC NOTICE. The dosed Tuesday with 148 still a number al members for the Trade was 'concluded ops. There are tions that may be closed up in the 1e t week or two. and the general opirligp of the committee workers is that the IAO goal will be reached before many week*. The campaign was ht.'tlly gratifying to the members of the Board of Trade who took part in thepaign. it was quite a surprise to qts IWO. 1. generally. for by many it was not believed that it on the be posmbte aW so apt up $25 three-year plan. From the work of the campaign. the sew Board of Trade will have $3,750 a year for three years to work with. or $11,140 for the thresyear The revenue of the old Board of Trade was less than $100 a year. so the gain made by the campaign for the new Board is a tremendous one 1t Is probable that no town in Canada of the size of Gode- rich has so large an Income for its com- mercial organization. With the closing of the campaign. the daily newspaper. "Greater Godench." Is- sued to aid in the educational work of the campaign, was diaeprntinued. It became a very popular pablipotam. The inembei' e secured by eleven committees of front _ to ca f y o fineeach. en This body of aplr made a thorough canvass of the individ- ls and firms that had been listed and OTiCE TO ELECTRIC LIGHT .131 CONSUMERS lnine .Your Auto tow 1141 Litgfl�bee Corporation Policies leaned for fire, theft sad transportation. public liability. prop- erty roperty damage, collision. Ocean Policy protects your oar wherever you take It in Canada or United States. Liberal Polley Best Rates ROBERTSON C' WOODS Insurance Agents 1 OUND.-A WATCH. APPLY AT Jr, THE SIGNAL. POTATOES Choice selected Delaware SEED POTATOES for sale at reasonable price. In stock at W Symonds' store, Saltford. Also good table Potatoes. R R. ELLIOTT 'Phone Goderich Rata] 18 r 7 it Sept. W. KELLY, Cod =)R. . J IL PPOItsT� EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late Kassa Surgeon New York Ophthalmic sad Aural H tali ,aaosant at d'a rye Hosolts1 and Eng.den Square Throw Hoa - baWim'5.. Stratford. Telephone SW. H Waterloo B St. Wednesday. May M Hoa! Bedford. Goder.ch 15th 7 p. a.. to May Rah. 1 p. a. ... ROAD JOBS. THECOUNCILOF COLBORNE TOWNSHIP win let the following lobs o0 THURSDAY. MAY NUL. 1914 se follows: D a. m. Gravelling and putting in tile culvert at Chas. McPhee's. 930 a. m. Graveling nn Burne' aide line. on eon. 10 let 9:30 a. in. Graveling at Chas. McPhee',. 10 a. in. Tile culvert at Elhvard • Good's. 1040 a. m. (:raveling on Ride line at Richard Mitchell's. 10:4i a. m. Tile culvert at Bennldler, opposite Mrs. Jas. Long's. 11 a. m. Grading anti tile culvert at Mot taw. 11 20 a. m. Tile rolvert on side line, opposite Ben. Cox's. 1130 a. on. flravelinr( on eon. 1, at George Baxter',. 11:45 a. m. Cleaning ditch epoetin* Trade: Wm. [Appet's. 1 Acheson, R. J. 1110' a. nt. Grading on side line at Baker. W. J. L. Maskeirs. it noon. Repairing fence at reme- Field. Dr. J. M. Garrow, Cltes. Galt, John. Coddench F]evator k Transit Co. Hays. Robert C. cern, Walter. Hill. Canon George C. Holman. George W. Horton, Mrs Hannah. Horton, Mrs. E. Kathleen. Humber. C. H. Hunt. Fred. Hume, Principal J. P. Hunter, Dr. A. C. Jackson, C. L. Johnston, George. Jordan, Mrs. F. H. Kidd. Jos. Knox• L. L. Lane, William Lawrence, J. A. Lauder, John H. Leach. J. H. Lee, Charles C. Lewis, Judge E. N. Lloyd, Royal. as. Mabee, Dr. L. M. Macklin, Dr. A. H. MacEwan, H J. A. MacEwan. P. J. Madden. John B. Marlton, R illiam. Marriott. John. McClacherty. James. McDonald, D. McUo ell, Dr. H. G. McCreath, B. H. McFarlane. Mrs. Jane. McEwen, J. J. McDermid, Rev. R. C. McLean, A. D. MacVicar. George. Megaw, R. J. Millar W. T. Mitchell. T. H. Moore. C. L. Murrey, W. T. Munnings. B. C. Naftel, W. F. A. Nairn. Charles A. National Shipbuilding Co. O'Brien. Daniel.' Paltridge, A. J. Pridham. W. C. us. not many stage the dragnet. The work Platt.Parsons, Lihn S el. of the oesueKtllm- was high-class, and shows that Godeicb Possesses a bunch of I Powell, W. J. day live -wire men that p getce od the constructive i Pn'dham. F. J. day when there lea p Prcnd('oot. Killoran & Cooke. work in sight. Friday Rhynas, Mrs. Catherine. The workers la ttw and yand Robertson & Mair. ing of of lag wed and Tuesday morn- Rutledge, Rev. W. L ing of this week at *le Canoe Club roans Reynolds, R. G. and M went out as o*mittees. They had y campaign luncheons the first two days at Robins. M. the British Exchange Motel. Revell. H. Keith. Now that the membership campaign is Reid. Charles A. officially over, President G. L Parson Saults Coal Co. and his aides ant planning to push the Satmders. Alex. York of the Ms liszeed of Tilde at the Saunders. C. K. earliest ptxtsible muNi st. Saunders, W. P. The committees whish glade the new Seager, Charles. Board of Trade poesabie and financed Sharman.. Reg. it with their membership work were as Sharman. William. follows: Smith's Art Store. No. 1-R. G. Reynolds, Geo. Williams, Signal Printing Co. Joh Kidd. Spahr, John. No. 2 -Joseph Brophey, J. A. Camp- Smith, J. W., & Sona bell, J. W. Vanatter. Story, John. No. 3 -Canon Hill,F. Woollcombe,Alex. Story, Joseph E. Saunders. Shipman. Walter. No. 4-T. H. Mitchell, P. L. Walton, Sturdy, Thomas W. H. Robertson. Strickland. A. W. No. 5 -Chas. A. Reid, C. K. Saunders, Taylor. Dr. Alex. Chas. A, Nairn. Tait. Robert. No. 0-F. E. Bingham, Rev. A. L.L. Taylor. J. W. Clarke. L L Knox. Tom. J. Elgin. No. 7--4:. L. Jackson, J. S. Platt. J. W. Thomson. James F. Craigie. Vanatter. J. W. No. 8 -H. T. Edwards. Wesley Walker, Videan. Charles C. G. E. Colborne, J. T. Fell. Walker. W. No. 9 -Chas. C. -Lee, W. Powell, A. W. WWaltmaThomas Ca oda Flour Mills Co., L Strickland. Whitely, Dr. J. Benson. No. ID -T. G. Cannon, Dr. A.H. Mack - Whitely. Joseph E. lin, W. l Millar: Wilson. Joseph D. Special committee -G. L. Paresis, R. J. Megaw, C. L. Moore *rid Geo. Porter. Wigle, E. R. THE ROLL OF HONOR. Williams, Georg!. Woods. Frank H. Members of the Goderich Board of Wright. Fred C. Woollcombe. F. Wallace, William. APPRECIATION OF MR. H. E. HO CRAIGIE'S Assurancand Real Estate PIRE LIFE INSURANCE ACCIDENT AUTOMOBILE - Place your insurance with one who epectalisea in the above linen. I will give you the latest word- tbRgs and see that you are properly protected. 1 wit 1l insure your automobile while anywhere in Canada or United States at reasonable rates. Property in all pante of the town for ewe and to rent. A number of summer cottages to rent. .1. W. CRAILIIE CANADIAN OF CO !t EDMUND D WALKER. CMG - LLD. Mel- Addent CsOnAL PAID UP. $ISa000.000 M JOHN AltaOslnwlMensor 8. V. P. JONES. Ada O..1. Plaaapr Men • 1t3e500r000 ,, FARMERS' BUSINESS Fermin Sad the service el thb Baeakbdery k S discoantinQ ltd collection al ones nam BLBe1k sales notes supplied free of charge:At a ,..._ Goderich Branch -G. WILLIAMS. Manager. terq 41!:30 p. re. Rinner at \lr. S. Bis - set's. 130 p m. Repairing road et S 8ls- set's. 2:la . m. Grading anil graveling at William McPhee's, eon. 8. V.:10 p. m. Graveling on side line at John Clark's. 230 p. m. Tile culvert opposite John McHardy's. 1:45 p. m. Graveling on eon. 10 at Alex. Sterling's. pail* James 3 p. m. Gravel(na opo Watson's. opposite U. 3:40 p. m. Graveling Bogle's. 3'10 p. m. Graveling un con. 1!, op- posite Jos. McCanns. 4:15 p. m. Repairing Mad at No. 5 eehodl house, and grading al West Shore road. 5 p. in. Tile culvert on con. 1! at I. Hetherington's. 510 p m. Repairing culvert on side line at Arthur Jnnep'. R McILWAIN GORDON YOUNG.Glirrk Reeve. Bedford, J. S. Bingham, F. E. Bisset, Gordon A. Black. Charles. Blackstone, Charles. Brophey, Joseph Buchanan. James. Brown, David. Cameron, Miss M. E. Cameron. M. G. Campbell, Wm. Campbell. James A. Clarke, Rev. A. L. G. Craigie, J. W. Curry, D. J. Cott, R. H. Colborne. G. E. Carey, Oswald F. Chrystal, Alex. Davis. T. M. Dickson, Judge L. H. Dean Bros. Doyle, J. J. Edwards, H. T. Elliott. R. R. Fell, J. T. Like to Work in an Automobile Factory? Position occur in our o eoniz opportunity that eller steany work, good wages learn the automobile business. We want to In touch with enterpristne young min or seed men who recognise the value of this ra per- tunity. Write or call in parson. so that ]oar name may he added to the list of ap ise@ as sorra with the idea of entwine e as a pesiden 1e meant. GRA Y- DORT MOTORS, Limited Chatham, Ontario a, Special Offer Special The Signal will be ant to subscribers iu Canada or Cmc Britain from now o January Id. 1919, for 7Sc To United Ju��+od�rear�.{I W Sinal will be sent to sew subscribers iu Great Britain from to January lat, 7Sc To States addresses, $1.00 6 THE SIGNAL PRIN1 INC CO-, LIMITED. Pliasnoess' THE TOWN COUNCIL i PERSONAL MENTION. • Mrs. E. G. Smith has returned from a Ivisit to her mother at Stratford. Mrs. Halliday Smith has returned from ARGUMENTS PRO ANO CON UN a visit to friends at Guelph and Toronto. EARLY CLOSING BYLAW. Mr. --- I Edgar Sweis home front King- ston for a short � formerly of Mr. Robert Aral ho . engage 1 the Maitland House. Report on Fire Investigation -National at the Commercial hotel at W►ngham, Shipbuilding Co. Asks That Bylaw tle Submitted for Tax Exemption -Residents of Side Streets Want Tarvia or Oil on Roads. was In town this week f or T.R. agent at Mr. Roy M. Spading. G. Norwich, was h netownd J� Nairn are Missies Delptu visiting in Toronto. Mr. and DArs. A. 1. Goldthorpe were visitors at Toronto for a few days last week. was in The town council reit on Friday even- Miss 1da McLeod, of Toronto' • ing with all the members present except town for the A'exandra hospital grldua- Councillor Davis. There were quite a tion exeraees last Friday event ng, her number of merchants present, in expec- 1 sister being one of the graduates. talion of the consideration of 1101 pro- I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, of posed early closing bylaw. Dauphin. Mesa. spent several days in Collector Campbell submitted a state- town the past week the guiests of othertheir rel- ativesMrs. 1st, here. hire. Johnston is a daughter 1 $1,427.12. lof the late Isaac Halliday. t`f this town, The secretary of the public library tilt it is nearly forty sante she had applied for an appropriation of $1,( X10 been in Goderich. Sheyears and tier husband this year, the cast of fuel and other roan- I came east to visit their stun, Pte. Isaac C. t having w increased at torecessitate Johnston who is at rhe Orthopedic hos- stxh an expenditure. pia at to the finance committee. tion I wounded at Lens in lural. Mr. Joseph Fisher made app son, onto was wounded at Hill 711 in for the usual rebate of 810 on his license August of last year. is in hospital in Eng' for peddling coal oil, for which he had he full fee of 840. Referred to finance �dWhere's the Hoy for This Job? committee.Aom A communication from the city clerk The Signal office has an opening for a of Toronto asked that the support of this smart boy who has passed the high school council be given to a petition to the entrance examination. This is an opp• r- tttawa Government praying that a vote ' tunity to learn a good trade and make be taken at the next general election on I wages at the sarpe time. the question of the abolition of the Sen- ate. This was referred to the special Decisions of Military Service Tribunal. committee. 1 The military service tribunal met on A communication from the National' the 16th Inst. to deal with the cases of Shipbuilding Co. asked that a bylaw be category B men in this division. The prepared and submitted to the rate- following decisions have been handed payers at once for the proposed tax ex- out: emption of the Company's property. The' James H. Bowman. machinist, Gode- communication stated that there was rich -Allowed until Nov. 17, 1918. likely to be some delay in coming to a i Geo. A. Betties, farmer. Gdderich decision with regard to contemplated ex- townehi -Allowed until Nov. 17. 1918. tensions at the harbor, and continued: for I Allowed Chisholm, farmer. ar mh . his brother "We have p lan. under prepares Hugh dratted. the erection of a boiler shop adjacent tofarmer. Colborne the Paget plant, but we have not at this i Vere D. Cunningham, moment decided upon the exact location; -Allowed on condition that his broom- we rother wenevertjeless would like this shop indu- Harold is drafted or voluntarily enlists ded in the bylaw if you see no objection.' within one month. It will mean the =further employment of Lloyd Ferguson. C. P. R. sectionman, thirty to forty!men." IAuburn=Disallowed. ion trirrnmter, It was decided to ask Mr. Hutchinson Alexander Graham. gra to meet the council at an early date to Goderich-Disallowed. subject to medical confer on this matter. *:amination. The following communication was re -1 Me.ville1. Martin. employee North ceived the Gadlrtch Manufacturing American Chemical Co., Godertch-D'e' NI one ed to the 'mance cart- allowed. mittee: 1 B.W. Munnuyts fanner, Colborne - "We beg to advise that the insurance Allowed until November 7, 1918'. Money is now at hand. and owing to the' C. V. Newel), sailor. Cf+ TiC$l-I i' fact that certain statements have been lowed made by some of the town representatives John W. Wagner. Auburn -Disallowed. and other parties we have therefore de -1 Geo. Buck, miller, Goderidl--Disal- • cided not to rebuild the factory under lowed. the old arrangement with the town, and I Harry T. Barker, machinist, Goderich would now ask you to make up a can- -Allowed. _ plete statement of our indebtedness to the LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF, town to date, and prepare a complete dos- ng` - charge of the mortgage immediately and I party motored up from 1f we can arrange to buy back the bonds A gay young we prefer to do this and hand th m back 5eaf�eaonntrily at andhe seenome t e eve iW to the town. If this cannot be done we very pl are in a position to pay the town the , Holman. The young folks spoke in glow - cash on satisfactory settlement and com- ing of their impreesssions of Goderich plete discharge of the mortgage.•' The Rebekah Golden Lodge will hold a social Reports of the finance committee on special committee, water. light and harbor evening in Odd fsellow 11*11he a last of ahs commttee and public works committee May 30. were read and adopted. season and is for patriotic purposes. The special committee recommended Cards at 8.30. Blackstone orchestra. that the application of Cragie Bros. for re- Admission, ladies and gentlemen, 25 newal of their billiard -room license be cents. and Mrs. J. S Inkster chi+ granted; and that uniform suits for the' Capt. and telegram chi; morn- chieffrrof police and sergeant be purchased ing received the following m from McLean Bros. and Charles Black, the Director of Records at Ottawa: one from each, at a rice of 1.12 for one 'Cable received from England states coat and two pairs of trousers; and that 14870 Corporal Chas. Lloydo Inf a the chairman of the committee be em- cavalry. officially reported prison' n' missing; en - The powered to purcha.e two uniform caps. I I.imhurg; not yet reported The water, light and harbor committee quiries being made." Chanes.,-.* one of recommended that two additional life- two sons of Capt. and Mrs. iTtster who preservers be placed a'ong the waterfront. are overseas. He went over with the first The public works committee recom- Canadian contineent and this is the first mended that cattle be pastured in the time he has figured in the casualty list. Agricultural Park at the rate of 81.25 per Before using a new toothbrush Inc the mon that Mr. the s can of the council, and first time. soak it in cold water Inc an othat oJames the Wee Rigs l gsfad the use hour.Cleanse it thoroughly with cold the the lot at t Wheel Rios factory int . water before and after using. then wipe it pleasure of the council on condition dry as pos.sible It. should be kept ex- tha t he lookperi atter the factory inireturn. I YI to the air, Inc f closely shut up it The special committee to investigate w 11 become offensive and discolored. If the fire at the Chrystal bailer shop, coon a brittle projects. clip it off with scisarx'S. posed of the chairman of the fire commit- tee• Councillor Wilson and Chief Pestle- Do not pull it out or you may ktoeen a thwaite, reported as follows: "After in- whole tuft of bristles. Keep the brush vestigation we find that after the alarm hung up. though it is claimed by some was sounded there was a delay of about authorities that the only way to prevent five minute- in obtaining a team for the thread or wire Irem immature decay is at fire apparatus; but that further than this Place the bru.h with the bristles face there was no delay whatever down so that the water and moisture will n or fall down from c td. era pend Thiswas referred l Toronto,having been severely i917 Another DGENS. Official Boards of North Street Church Express Regret $t His Removal. At a united mfeting of the trustee board and the quarterly official board of North street Methodist church. held on Monday evening, the following resolution was adopted: "Th • quarterly and trustee boards of the North street Methodist church, Goderich desire to place ton record their unfeigned regret at the prospective re- hurch of our faithfulval rbrother om r and valued town and c fellow -helper. Mr. H. E. Hodgens. " In both the town and church Mr. 'Hodgens has filled a Targe and exception- ally useful place. unselfishly serving every interest and cause affecting the wellbeing of his fellow citizens. ' We desire especially to express an appreciation of his great and invaluable service to our church in almost every pert of its activities; on both the boards of the church, in the Sunday school and in the work of social and moral reform his labors have been moat abundant. As treasurer of the church and Sunday school, on the parsonage committee, and in every place where his counsel and presence were needed, he has always rendered self-deny- ing and willing assistance. 'We are thankful to God that in the midst of a strenuous and busy life he has yet been moved to devote so mush of his time and strength mid ability to the Lord's work in this place. "We would also express an apprecia- tion of service so cheerfully rendered byfgt Mrs. Widens, as she had opportunity' and which with that of her husband be long and gratefully remembered. "it is with much sorrow and regret see think of saying coed -bye os he*11 our faithful and retie)! d friends. Our prayers and best wishes will follow them Ind their family theirh new home: but we conertle ourselves d acme other the thought achurcht our lirt Methodism. ll be the Nn hat er in getting to back of head of the the fire. The water pressure was splen- _run We have just received a new did, butowhen theh brigade arrived at the shipment of Ilutax toothbrushes. shes. E. R. scene . Apparently fire the building ws be and WIGLE druggist, Goderich.• savin:. Apparently t here must have teen some delay in sending in the alarm. The pIEO. building was frame and the weather being KELLY.- In GsderkA . nn MondayMay al, dry the building burnt quickly." Cathect n Keay. widow of the late J 1. Councilor Robert son was not quite C.th• sed 5) man. satisfied with this report, and asked where 1yYI.t E. to cexleri' r nn Samlaa, M■r 19, Capt the committee got its information peter wytie, axed aI Year• about a delay in sending in the alarm. I HARRISON. - In Codench. on Friday. May 17 Any delay there was was due to theplace f act 1 Joh. DouDanglas Harrison. Aeeld1st on of Mr. sod that there seemed to he no es used DOAK In (:trier,ch, on Saturdal M. 11. to give the alarm. Mr. Batas the Ir„,,,a Camplxil, widow of the Saturday,. Ilene telephone but could not get anybody to IA,.k, seen 7.4 ream. take the alarm. • HiCK -In Toronto, on Saturday. May Is., Frank The Mayor said th s could hardly hap- ---s'- canrs tittle, aged 821"".- _ pen again since the new alarm had been NEW ADVERTISEMEATS-May 23. installed. The report was adopted. one The early closing petition, laid ove r from the revinue meeting, was then Meeting of County Council -Geo. W. Holman I p ( I taken up. The petitioxn, who h has forty House for Sale o Rent N. W. Nat 0 Ridgy for Sale -P J. Ryan.. ..... _ ... _ . two signatures, reads as fellows: 1 "We, the undersigned hoarsen men and Maid Wanted Apply et .Signal ochre ladies of Goderick, request the Mayor and Annual Meeting Postponed - North Huron Lib - ion council to paw a bylaw that all stores ex- surrey rot *lkat abia t1t McNabb Dtxganeeaa apt drugstores, restaurants and pool- . dais -.-- 1 MOMS be dosed to business at 030 p. m. Public Meeting -E. R. Wick . 5 =aye, except the day before public Social Everting -Rebekah Led1e . Vida dart. week before 1 hast- Notre to Electric Light Consumers -J•a. liGRy 1 ' be cktsed to business at 10 o'clock p. m., House for Sale T Gundry and that a fine of be imposed for Hou.. far Sale or Exchange -Ila u, Odwkb 1 i violating this law. We believe the pew- The Dave Road lima trn..er>.r tp d Colborne (('rntiened on page fl) M Y*. arr ay 1 ma and Saturdays, when ell stores shall Str.7 H.tf.r- Nrl«m Mc .sty t