HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-16, Page 8S TRUSIIDAY, MAY LC, 1918
A Wise Man Has Said
If You buy out of town, and
We buy out of town, and all
our neighbors buy out of
town, what is thunder will
income of Our town ?
We are making it worth while
W do buainest* with us. Step In
and 'around. You will and
our s in H.okn. Stationery,
W aI I per rid other lines are
espial as low and sometimes
lower and, our sock right up W
the. mc.,uent. Just think 1t over.
Subdue the Submarine
by saving.
Frank Jones was at W ingham yester-
day on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson spent
Sunday at Auburn.
Mrs. Robert Moore w having eon* re-
pairing done to her house.
Miss Daisy Ryan, teacher of the junior
room of the public school, has been con
fused to the house for the last two weeks
with illness. As a result the juror room
is closed.
Messrs. Geddes and Govier. of Lurdes-
boru', visited the latter's brother Lewis
on Sunday.
Mr. Jas. Stonehouse and -Mise Celia
Pentland exchanged properties in the vil-
lage last week. This will give the form-
er more I:.rd to work. antier latter a
more convenient situation us 1� v
We are sorry to report that Mrs. b7oan
is not very well at present.
Mn. McGuire and son Gus. of Toronto.
were visitors in the village this
week, being up to attend the funeral o1
Patrick McGuire of St. Augustine.
The pupils and teacher of our school
put in their usual school garden on Arbor
Day. Twenty-four beautiful phots are
the result o1 the day's labor.
Mr. Ad. Disler was confined to the
house for a couple of days with tonallitis.
Bert Treleaven. of the 6th contusion of
Ashfield. is sporting a new Chevrolet car.
McFarlane & Maize have the big fish
story this season. Mr. Draper. Pott Al-
bert, delivered a fine trout weighing
23 1-2 pounds.
Albert Shackleton. who is in the 68th
Battery, arrived hone on Wednesday to
remain over Sunday.
A large representation fromjDungannon
will attend the Conservative convention
at Windham on Friday. 1t looks more
like Dr. Case every day.
Messrs. J. R. McNabb and 0 E. Au-
gustine attended the district 1. O.O. F.
meeting at Wingham on Wednesday.
Mr. H. R. Lung. of Godericti, was in
Don t Pass
This Place
when you are looking for
Tailoring of the kind that
givessatisfaction. We
should like you to step in
and ':see the new materials
for spring and summer.
If you have not got ac-
quainted with tis yet. we
should'appreciate a call.
R. J. A rmstrong
N..utti Side Square, Ooderich.
Tea and Coffee
We have special blends
of Tea and Coffee to
offer at special prices.
Neal's Alofa
increases in demand.
Why'not try it t
are right if we make them.
It's our business to help you
make a !proper selection.
We make any and all -sired
Frames to order. • 300 of
the latest designs in • mould-
ings to select from. In
Circassian Walnut, Mahog-
any, Mission Oaks, Antique
Gold and ;Silver, Bright
Gold, Grey and Ivory.
Bring your pictures to
us and we will frame them
artistically at a reasonable
Smith's Art Store
East St, -. 1 'Ph..ne IA(
Uatil She Tried "Fruta-thes11
-Made Frear Fruit likes
III Coauae 9r., T. Joss, N.B.
"1 feel I must tall you of tate greet
be.ed t 1 have mislead fres your
w�erful medicine, `Fruit -a -lives'.
1 have been a sufferer for many
years from I7oltel Ne.dachss, and
Auld get no permeated relief.
A Mend advised sae to take 'Fruit-
arove& and 1 did so with great
mimeos ; and now I am estirely free
of Headache+, thsaks to your
g11lendld n.ed►eine".
We. a box, a for $2.50, trial alae 115c.
it all dealers or sent on receipt of
wise, postpaid, by Fruity -fives
Dented, Ottawa.
m , .ZR1F`Sr
corn Mr. W. F. Young will grow •••••••••••��•••••*• ••••••••••••••••••
hers eztensivdy agdn thus wawa lie
intends to put about seventy-five acre. •
the village this week on business.
Mr. H. Myers has hada good offer on
"Dungannon Belle." but "nothing do -
trig Bebe is showing up nicely.
Mr. S. B. Stothers, of Clinton. the
county agricultural representative, called
on friends in the village on Saturday tin
his way home. _-
Miss Lona Stothers, of Blyth. ii -visiting
her aunts. Mrs. Stephen Stothers and
Mrs. Andrew Stewart.
Mr. R. Bailey. of the Sterling Bank,
visited Sehringville over Sunday.
Miss Ida Whyard left yesterday for
New York City to resume her work as a
Nat -"Say. Jack. I see that after Max
15 hair -cuts are to be 35c in Godench.
Jack -"Wish I had 35.cents' worth."
On Wednesday of. this week quite a
number of cattle were delivered to R.
Red, Thos McCabe and Wm. Sillibs for
grass. the price was around twelve
At a recent meeting of the Woman's
Missionary Society of the Methodist
church. Mrs B. J. Crawford and Mrs.
(Revd 1. A. McKelvey were presented
with certificates of life -membership in the
Society. in retxignition or thec active in-
terest in the missionary cause.
Lin. Anderson and Wes. Monk have re-
ceived word to report at London June 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Beavers and family. of
Goderich, spent Sunday here. the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bellamy.
New telephone* installed -David Bogie.
7 r 8, and Robert Charnney. Donnybrook.
15 r 10.
Miss Ethel Brown is relieving at the
to central
rs. Robt. McKenzie and Mrs. Menary
motored to Teeswater on Monday.
Mr. Wm. Carr is one of the delegates
to Ottawa this week.
Mr. Benninger. sr., of Riverdale, and
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benninger. •of Ay'tpn.
spent Sunday and Monday here at the
borne of Barney Benninger: This was the
first visit of Mr. Benninger. sr., to Dun-
gannon. arid he was very much taken up
with our country and especially with the
way his sat Bartley has been getting
Our burg was visited last Friday morn-
ing, between 2 and 3 o'clock, with a
severe windstorm. with thunder and
lighting and hail. It appeared to reach
its height on the Lith concession of Ash-
field. blowing down trees and telephone
to move and prices are high. alar. Thos.
this crop Live stock is commended
Carroll sold two steers at tic a pound.
which we believe to be the highest price
ever paid here except fur a bit of Christ-
mas beef.
has been received of the death of Mr.
John MacDonald. a native of Ashfield,
at Vernon, 'B. C.. on April 16th. The
following refereooe is from The Version
Another old-timer of the Okagagan
passed away on Tueay in-.ning. Mhheenn
Mr John Mac Donald of Lumb). succumbed
to an attack of at the Vernon
Jubilee hosp:t . Mr. MacDonald had
been a rent of this district for about
twenty-seven years and had a large circle
of friends and acquau.tancs to whom the
news of his death will occasion deep son •
row and regret. He was a most likeable
man. whose cheery and genial disposition
made him a general favorite, and he will
be missed and mourned by friends in
all parts of the Okanagan. Mr. Mac-
Donald was a native of Huron county,
and after a course in business college at
Port Hope he came West in 1800 to take
a position as accountant with P. Burns
& Co. et Revelstoke. A year or two
later he came to the Okanagan. and for
several years was in the employ of C.
O'Keefe and the B. X. ranch. He after-
wards followed prospecting and mining
for a number of -years; in the Kootenay
and Atlin districts. finally returning to
make his home at Lusby. where he had
resided for several years previous to his
death. He was about forty-four years of
age, and his strong constitution enabled
him to make a long and brave struggle
against the disease. which, however.
proved fatal. He passed quietly away at
2.30 o'clock on Tuesday morning. Pres-
ent at his bedside were his two brothers.
M. A. MacDonald. K. C.. M. P. P.. of
Vancouver, and A. B. MacDonald, K. C..
of Cranbrook. His sister. Mrs. Frank
R. McCharles of Nelson. was also in at
tendance. His mother and another sister
are residents of Toronto. The funeral,
which was largely attended, took place
yesterday afternoon from the Presby-
terian church. It was under the aus-
pices of the Knights of Pythias. of
which order the deceased was a member,
the services being conducted by the Rev.
C. O. Main. Toe pallbearers were Messrs.
W. Knowles. A. McAuley. W. Jackson. C,
D. Simms. G. Morkill and J. W. Hay-
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Ballo a, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath -Candy Cathartic.
No odds bow bad your liver, stomata
•r bowels; bow much your head aches,
how miserable you are from oonetlpa-
tIon, Indigestion, biliousness and slug-
(�IIssh bowels --you always get relief with
Osacarete. They immediately cleanse
sad regulate the stornsoh, remove the
sour, fermenting food and foul pees;
take the excess bile from the liver and
Barry off the constipated waste matter
and poison from the intestines and
bowels. A Io-oent box from your drug-
gist will keep your liver and bowels
clean : stomach tweet and head 'clear for
months. They work while you sleep.
Quality is Economy in Spring
and Summer Shoes
The wartlias created a
shortage of good leather
as well as skilled shoe
makers. Only by otir
close relations with lead-
ing manufacturers are
we able to command for
our customers still the
highest quality at pop-
ular prices.
our snappy styles in
high and low cut foot-
wear in the most popular
in white. the prevailing summer color. we have a large
range of styles at 1917 gelling prices.
JO MIN11111111111111111111 I ■ ■ a[ IIIIMMINEMMEM
M ss lleen Miller, of the telephone
staff, returned from Clinton on Tuesday.
Miss Luella Bellamy is here on a visit
to her brother Harry.
J. Abery. of Lon desboro'. Grand Chap-
lain of the Oddfellows of Ontario, preached
a very impressive sermon in Erskine
church on Sunday night to the Oddfel-
lows. Owing to the very wet day the
congregation was not as large as expected.
but the church was comfortably tilled.
Mr. Abery was assisted by Rev. M. P.
Craig and Rev I. McKelvey. The die.
course was along the line of service and
sacrifice as typified by Christ and as em-
bodied in the great principles of the
brotherhood -friendship, love and truth.
After the service the members of the
Lodge returned to the lodge -room. where
they were addressed by the Grand Chap-
lain and by Bro. McVittie. of Blyth. Rev.
L McKelvey. Messrs Wm. Bailie and
S. R. Stothers.
if quality counts, use Blackstone's de-
licious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all
occasions. Phone 240.
(Intended for last week
MONDAv, May 6.
Mr. Joseph Gliders, of Toledo. Ohio,
is visiting his brother, Mr. Fletcher Gild-
ers. It is the first time he has been over
here in sixteen years. He says there is
great war excitement in the States and
Uncle Sam's boys are getting into the
fight in great numbers.
Mrs. Chas. Mcllardy, of the county
town, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mel-
vin Tyndall.
Mr. Robert Straughan. of the 6th con-
cession, has been visiting his daughter.
Mrs. Fletcher Gliders. He intends spend-
ing the summer in California with an-
other daughter, Mrs. Tewsley, who is at
present visiting her relatives in this town
Mn. Jas. Clark, who has been laid up
for some weeks as the result of the frac-
ture of one of her limbs. is bright and
cheerful, Mut has still some wearisome
weeks before her If the wishes of her
many friends could avail. her recovery
would be complete and speedy.
Some of the boys In this locality have
been ordered to report at London on May
16th tender the new conscription Iaw.
FAsalPtc Norse. -1f one can judge by
appearances w early in the season. the
pprorrissppeecctt foe' eerie apple. is excellent. The
purlieus makes a splendid showing of
bloods ._ _Tie field of spring wheat
sown by W. F Young & Sons list four
weeks ago today is up and presents a
beautiful appearance. Fall wheat in this
twighborhond is poor, and many of the
farmers have pkraed it up to put in other
groin. On the other hand, more than the
usual amount of spring wheat is sown,
nearly every farmer having put in one or
mars of it. The farmers are now
preparirgf for the sowing of martins and
Harmless to flesh Kutner.eys and asatral •
las irritating acids-SpleadM •
far tysteta •
Kidney and Bladder wealaesi result
teem urie acid, says a noted authority.
The kidneys altar this acid from the
blood and paw it on to the bladder, where
it often remains in irritate and Inflame,
causing a burning, scalding sensation, or
setting up an irritation at the neck of
the bladder, obliging you to seek relief
two or three times during the night
The sufferer is in eooatant dread, the
water palms sometimes with a scalding
sensation and it eery profuse; again.
there is difficulty in avoiding it.
Bladder weakness, most folks call it,
because they can't aoetrol mimeo's.
While it is extremely annoying and some-
times very painful, this is really one of
the most simple ailments to overcome.
Get about four eusces of Jad Salta
from your pharmacist and take a table-
epoonhd in a glass of water before
breakfast, continue this for two or three
days. This will neutralise the arida in
the urine w it no longer is a source of
irritation to the bladder and urinary or-
gans whish then see normally again.
Jad Saha is inexpensive, harmless,
and is made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with lithia, and
is used by thousands of folks who •re
subject to urinary' disorders caused by
uric acid irritation. Jad Salta is splen-
did for kidneys and causes no bad
,egesta whatever.
• Bore you bare s pleasant, efferveeeeat
lithia-water drink, whiob quickly relieves
bladder trouble.
�;I'1241 I 01.
in *11 countrle.. Ask for our INVEN-
TOIy8ADl'ISE[Ls Web will be sent tree.
SIM university at, Montr4al.
'Buses meet all trains. Passen-
gers called for in any part of the
town for outgoing trains on
G. T. R. or c. I'. R.
Prompt attention to all orders or
telephone calla.
Good horses First-class rigs
Telephone 61 Increase to T. M. Davie
Just Two Weeks More of the Great"Leav-
mg-Goden• " Sale Saturda , June 1 st,t l
cll Positively be the LasDay
In two weeks this great Money -Saving event will end
and your gseatest chance in yearn to save on drygoods buying will be gone.
Do not let it pass without getting all the benefit you can out of it, and if you
have a dollars worth of drygoods buying to do the next two weeks, come
here first.
Out go the Suits Out go the Coats
Two weeks of the biggest kind of clearing bargains in Suits and Coats starts
Saturday, May 18th. We simply must sell each and every Coat and Suit before June
1st. They cannot go to Peterboro, for there is a full stock here, so Saturday mornin
every garment on our racks goes on sale at greater price reductions than ever. Each
and all are new ; bought for this season's selling ; and each and all must be sold
before we leave Goderich.
Great Price Reductions on Suits
1 Regular 121.00 and 122.50 Suits
clearing for 114. 3
il; ii Regular $25.00 man -tailored Suits
clearing for 117.45
Regular $28.00 and 113000 man -
tailored Suits clearing for
Regular $37,50 Sults clearing pt ...
Great Price Redactieas ea Croats
Regular $12.50 Coats clearing at ...
Regular 116.50 Coats clearing at..
Regular 122.00 and' $25.00 Coats
clearing at $16.75
Extra bargain prices on elderly
ladies' black silk Coats.
Children's Reefers, black and white
check .. 114.98
Children's Navy Reefers. very
stylish, clearing at $6.88.
If you want a Suit or a Coat, do n t mins this chance to get one at a big saving.
• Whether it rains, or whether it shines, come here on g
• Saturday for a Raincoat, because that day we are going to •
• have the biggest Raincoat selling we ever had. To be frank :
• with you, we have too many Raincoats, and we simply must sell them and are going . •
• to have a special sale on Saturday when every Coat in stock will be marked at a price •
• that should empty our- racks completely before closing time comes at 10 o'clock. Good •
• Raincoats every one of them. This is the way they are selling.Ol
• One lot Raincoats, most of them slightly imperfect, but just as good as ever for i
keeping off the rain. Worth the price over and over. Choice of this lot for
• Saturday, Raincoat Day $2,39 I
• One Lot Raincoats, half price
Garments of quality. Garments of style. Going this way for Saturday Raincoat Day.
$7.00 Raincoats for Saturday, Raincoat Day. r .. .... .... .13.50
• $8.00 Rainegats.for.Saturday, Raincoat Day .... 54.00
• $9.00 Raincoats for Saturday, Raincoat Day .... 54.30 ••
• $10.00 Raincoats for Saturday, Raincoat Day.. , . - 55.00 •
• $12.00 Raincoats for Saturday, Raincoat Day ...... • 56,00
$15.00 Raincoats for Saturday3Raincoet Day 57.50 •
Handsome Tweed Raincoats, high-grade garments, suitable for rain or shine.
For Saturday, Raincoat Day, special price 59.45
Half -a -dozen extra choice Coats. In nobby tweed effects of undoubted style and
quality. All going, for Raincoat Day. at bargain prices
Children's Raincapes with silk -lined hoods. Good quality, in navy, red or fawn
• shades. For Saturday, Raincoat Day 52.45 •
• • • •
•• Hall -Ince Sale of Tnmmed M�Ihnery
We have told our milliners we want every Trimmed Hat sold next week if
possible. To make the selling an absolute certainty we are giving you your
choice of every Trimmed Hat in the showroom, no matter what its former
price or actual value, for
When did you ever get a chance to buy tip -to -date Millinery right in the height of the
season for half price ? Yon would not get -it now were it not that we wind up this
great " Leaving-Goderich " Sale inside of two weeks and must have the Millinery sold
before we go.
Do not forget the many Special Bargains
that are to be had all over the store. You
can save money on anything and everything
you have to buy in drygoods if yon buy here
during the next two weeks. Look for the
"Leaving-Goderich" tickets. Yon will find
them all over the store. Everyone points the
way to money -saving.
Dr You Want a Sewing Machine?
We have four Sewing Machines to sell.
All of them are in good condition and good
-working order. With ordinary care they will
last for years. Three are "Singer," the
other "New Williams." You can save
money on any of the four.
This Great "Leaving-Goderich" Sale Saves You Money.
• •