HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-16, Page 5e •: THE SIGNAL ' GODERICH ONTARIO WE WILL GiVE A PRIZE Or to the owner of the $5 1 N CASHbicycle bought from ua during I918 that is is the best condition at Goderich Fall Fair. East Street Garage µ°ere r t" "y a GOOBUCH - - MARIO Artier M. Glower 1Ylek's Working Shirts Blue Chambray Shirts, double front and back, sizes 14i and 1.5 95c Men's Black and White Shirts, sizes 14 to 17 75c Mea'a Gray. Drill Shifts, sizes 14 tai 15} $1.19 Overalls Neu's Black Overalls with Bib, sixes 34 to 44 S1 .aa Bine Overalls. 1111 .aa Socks Men's Work Socks 1So M. ROBINS The Men's Store South side Square Goderich Cellanbus Made an Egg Stand Up on End but He Spoiled the Egg! We cau remove. from our portraits any temporary facial blemish that may be preventing you from having that photograph: made TO- DAY, and We Do Not Spoil the Likeness! J . T. Fell LOCAL TOPICS Rag. Pridham Wedded. The announcement hu been received of the marriage of Mr. Reginald A. Pndham. of Calgary, son of Mr. and Mn. F. J. Prndham of town, which took March 18th at Calgary, the bride ng 1Marione Kathleen. daughter of Mrs . Alexander Shaw. The groom's many friends in town wish him and his bride unalloyed happiness and prosperity. Ford Boys in the lead. . The honor of being the first boys in Goderich to sign the pledge to earn and give $10 for soldiers comforts goes to Gordon and Kenneth Ford, grandxxna of Rev. J. E. Ford. These two Tads, under ten years of age, are taking up a bond to- gether, and have made their first pay- ment. Well done. boys. This is a good example and it is hoped that many °awes will follow it. Who will be the first boy to take up a bond for himself ? dent, C. H. Humber: vice-president, Dr. MacDoeell; monetary, Win. Lane; treasurer. C. A. Nairn; executive com- mittee, the officers and T. MacD.xmott. F. Hun. W. J. Powell, T. L. Prost and H. T. Ede Messrs. R. S. Williams. J. H. Tlgert, F. Davis, Jas. Yates and L. E. Doherty were elected honorary members. The annual fee was fixed at 83, all tees to be paid by June 1st. A motion was passed extending the priv- ileges of the bowling green to all returned soldiers. The club will use the Picton street grounds again this season. New Banking Hours. The banks throughout Canada are adopting new hours s off business, to become effective June 1st. They -will open at 9.30 a. m. and close at 2.30 p. m., a half hour earlier m each case than at present. On Saturday they will close at 12 o'clock in- stead of 1. The change, it is said, is necessitated by the large number of com- parattvely Inexperienced clerks on the Closing requiring a enter longer p the records or closing htwt l the day. Fire on the North Pier. About 7 o'clock on Saturday evening fire broke out in the tower containing the range light at the outer end d the north p.•er The firemen quickly responded. but had not enough hoe to reach that tar. The lug Forrest tarried the men across the A Urand 01d Lady. .Mrs William Greer, Trafalgar street, on Friday last reached the age of ninety- five years,and though partially disabled by the accident which befell her last July she celebrated the anniversary in good health and spirits Many friends called during the day and messages and remem- brances from tnends and retauves far and near were received. Mrs. Green was born May 10, 1523, at Salisbury Plains. Eng- land and cause to Goderich in 1834, and is, we believe, the earliest resident of the town now livinj. Her mental faculties are as clear as ever. and she relates stories of the early days with a perfect memory. She is truly a wonder- ful old lady, of whom Goderich may well be proud. Death of William Feagan, IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS. the T and assisted �htttes fed extinguishingacetylene FEVERISH CONSIIPATED gaa and it is t t that the fire was • caused by an ex ai of this gas. A temporary range iooght has been erected until the top of the tower is r Leek. Nether! If tongue Is coated, The new fire alarm was u on this o: - cleans little bowels with "Call- canon and worked well. fern's Syrup of Flys." The Ahmeek Musicale. A fairly large audience attended the musicale given by Ahmeek Chapter. 1. 0. D. E.. at Thomson's music store on Friday evening. The program. which was very much enjoyed was as follows: Victrola, "Perdita Waltz,'. McKee Or- chestra. Sob, 'The Drum Major," Mr. McGregor. Vocal duet, "111 Sing to You." Miss M: Coll and Mr. Taylor. Victrola, Micawber, imo "DavidCopPer- field." Song "Until," Miss Esther Hume. Piano solo, Miss Lasca Elliott. Victrola. •'Valse Bluette," violin, Heifetz. Song. "Thora." Mr. McGregor. Male quartette. Messrs Taylor, Sexemith. Saunders and Thomson. Victrola, "Scherzo Tarant- elk." violin, Heifetz. God Save the King. Mothers eaa rest easy after giving "California. Syrup of Figs," bemuse la a few hours all the elogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowel., and you have a well, playful child again. Sick children needs t be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it bandy br cause -they know its motion oa flu stom- ach, liver and bowels is prompt and sura Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs" which con- tains direetlooa for babies, ebiktren of ill ages and for grown ups ANNUAL EXCURSIOX; Goderich to Delia and Return Steamer Greyhound Leaves Goderich TUESDAY, JUNE llth, AT 10 A.M. It. Returning leaves Detroit. Thursday, June 13th, 1 p.rn. ,DETROIT TIME) $2 Round Trip $1.50 One Way The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season PASSKIHRTS REQui r for asks of military age on this trip' C IkL.s(V IRLa" Simply sign your mune kw the Imm.pa- two Officer who will be on duty on hoard steamer at time d departure,eedi g Met in the came ot men belonging to Class 1, now called. n wig be necessary ' to have the consent of the Registrar for then Military Dmtrict to be absent fmm Canada. Canadians coming to Detroit free a temporary stay are not required to pay Cs head tax a make . dewiest U S. Immigration Officers sill be on the steamer to par . t sionista. BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 10th, 8.30 p in. (New Time) 38 CENTS Meme and Daacisg is the Greyhound's New Ballroom of the Methodist church will be held on the evening of May 24th, Victoria Day. A program of unusual excelknce has been arranged for. On account of war condi- tions the usual supper has been poet- poncd. There died at Detroit on Tuesday. May 7, an old resident of this district. in the person of Mr. William Feagan. The de- ceased was born� -o�n-nthe 6th concession Of w („aui,i isi APasmr ut,--mm�c �r:io ago and resided there until about fifteen years ago. when he moved to Goderich. Six months ago h went to visit his son at Detroit and while there the illness set in that resulted in his death. Thirty-seven years ago he marned Miss Elizabeth Nott, of Goderich, who predeceased him .e little more than a year. Four sisters and two irothers survive, Mrs. John Fowler. of Colborne. Mn. Harry Robertson, Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. (Capt.) Alex. Donley. all of Goderich. James and John. of Colborne. His only son. William E.. and (amity, of Detroit, acooalpanied the remains to Goderich. The funeral to Colborne ceme- tery on Thursday last was la-gely at- tended. the services being conducted by Rev. Dr. Rot1edge. The pallbearers were two br'othdrs-in-law. John Fowler and Capt. Donley. and the two brothers. James and John. Appreciation or Mr. W. E, Kelly. BT. AUGUSTINE. WEDtIgsoAY, May 15. DEATH 0< AN OW —There gassed away on Sunday. May 12th, at his home in West W awanodl anold red respected resident. in the per Pa- trick McGuire. The deceased bad which an invalid for many years. during period his suflenngs were borne with patience and resignation. Mr. McGuire was born at Rome, N. Y. seventy-six years ago. At the age of fifteen feet with the family. moveddo Wawanoeh and shortly afterwards settled on the (arum on which he died. He leaves to mourn his loos, betides the widow, two daughters. Mrs. Thorns Page. of Goderich, and Miss Rosemary, at home. The lateral, which was largely attended, took place to St. Augustine church on Tuesday morn- ing. Requiem high mass was sung by Rev. Father Dean, after which the re- mains were interred in St. Augustine cemetery Tex were Win. Leddy, Thos y. Fred Moss, 'Hugh King. John Welsh and Patrick Sullivan. Among thu*e who attended the funeral from a distance were Mrs. B. Miss uire and Mr. A. McGuire, of Torooto. Mc- Guire and Mr. E. Whalen, Of Du041o, N. Y. Lawn Bowlers Organize. The Goderich lawn bowling club has re -organized for the season of 1918 with the following deicers: Hon- Pru- dent. Rev. Dr. Meldrum; preai- Do You Suspect that you need a change of Glasses ? Let ns confirm or reject your suspicion. 15 Sears' experience. We grind our own Lenses. fe 101544 .101 AND N 43 r- 'OPTICIAN 4 - MuAi MGM 1111 Pant NNW; nem Qugi.p►s..OMT,I The monthly meeting of the Children's Aid Society was held at the court house on Tuesday afternoon. Many matters of interest were discussed and the follow- ing donations received since the last meet- ing were acknowledged: St. Augustine Women's Institute, $5. ;aures Cutt. Blyth, $1: Rev. W. B. Hawkins, Blyth, Al. A resolution. moved by Rev. J. H. Os, rterhout and seconded by Sheriff Reynolds, was carried unanimously, expressing the appreciation of the Huron county branch t Mr. W. E. Kelly. ex Police Magistrate of Goderich, for the valuable assistance he had rendered to the Satiety here, and wishing him every success when he takes charge of the work of the Midd.esex branch of the FonietY. Mr. Kelly thanked the membors for the resolution. He said that his associa- tion with the Society had been most pleasant and that what he had learned by attending the meetings and engaging in the work here bad helped to fit him for the responsible position to which he had been appointed. intended for last seek ) MONDAY, May 6th. Mr. Chas. Robinson returned to De troit on Monday after a week's visit with friends in this vicinity. Messrs. Robert and Ben Sprung. of Kakida. Man., are visiting fr elide in this vicinity. Mr. G. Thompson. of Bebeingville, spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs Fred Robinson, of Gode- rich, spent Sunday at Mr. John Red- mond's. Messrs. Chas. and Joe Shanahan. and Miss Ella and Mr. and Mrs. John Shanahan, of Mullett, spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyle recently. isited Rev. Jas Wilson. of Toronto, friends in this vicinity over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davidson and Miss Sadie and Master Gordon David - eon. of Wingham, visited at Wm. Mc- Allister's on Wednesday. Mesers. Robt. and Wm. Mason Mc- Allister attended an auction sal of cattle at Zurich at Wednesday of last week. I:.s This was the last meeting of the �Ithe until after the holiday season meantime all business will be attended to by the executive. PERSONAL MENTION. lumbago Miss E. Murphy, of Toronto. is visiting Mrs. G. M. Kidd. Mr. J. W. Craigie spent several days of this week at Toronto. Mr. Harold Williams. of the Clank of Conn erce. Galt. is spending holidays at his home in town. Mrs. John Kerr left for her home at Huntington Beach, California. on Thurs- day last, after a year's visit with her daughters, Mrs. R.H. Reynolds and Mrs. Alex. McNevin, Godench. Mrs. Walter E. Kelly will receive on Wedneeday. May 22nd and 29th. and not again before leaving Godetich Miss Ethel Farrow has returned from a visit of several weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. W. Reid, at Brooklyn. N. Y. Rev. Mark Turnbull, of Port Stanley. a former rector of St. George's parish. Goderich, was in town for a brief visit eel this week. • Mrs. Spencer Gust, of Winnipeg. is visitingat the hoax of her parents, Mr. END STOMACH TROUBLE I and Mrs. W. Warnock. a GASES OR DYSPEPSIA Mr'' (Rev , G beacon of Ridgetow-n. visited her relat.ves in town this week. IThe results of the third -year examina- "Paps% Dlapepsln" makes sick, soar, tions at the University Toronto are stomachs surely foal Ans announced today. The only Goderich sari student trying these examinations was In five minutestMiss Florence A. Smith, who passed in class I. in odern history, obtaining first If what yin just ate Is soaring on place in the class. your stomach or fies like a lamp of Mr. and Mrs. _Walter Latimer, St lead, or you belch gas and eructate David's street, are leaving this week to .our. undigested food, oe bave a feeling make their home at Stratford, that place of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, being more convenient for their residence on account of Mr. Latimer's run on the had tante in mouth sad stomach -bead- G. T. R. Their daughters, ida May and ache, jos ran get relief In five minutes Vera, will remain in town until the close by neutralizing acidity. Pat an end to of the present school term. We are sorry such stomach distress now by getting • to lose these citizens from our town and targe fifty -cent ease of Pape's Diapepata hope that circumstances may some time bring them back to Godench. I from -any drag Ston. you Thaw,au is Mr. R. S. Williams, formerly the local 1 Ace minutes hos ne..pd it la to stover manager for the Canadian Bank of Com- frtsn isordestioe, dyspep food or sayme atom' merce, was in town over the week end soh disorder caused by fermentation and looked up some of his old friends. He 11 I due to excessive acid in stomach.* is still acting as relieving manager for the Bank aanrdd is at present in charge of not of the Toronto tranches. He promises to i' Rheumatism of the back. The cause is Uric Acid in the blood. If the kid- ney did their work there would be no Uric Acid and no Lumbago. ?lake the kidneys do their work. The SUM positive and only cure for Lumbago is Dodd's Kidney Pills THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1918 5 ROOT CROPS PROFITABLE paced by the problem of • great food shortage, Pe the Government of Canada was every to raise all the rout crops posetble flash acre planted will bring • bandaorms schwa is profits, fur print ars eatraur4tmanly big% and a ready market U assured. Don't hesitate to plant because you haven't the money. Commit our local =silage' ; he will help you out. t JNIIOONBANK OF NCANADA GODERICH BRANCH. F. WOOLLCOMBE, • - - Maaags'. The Saults Coal Co. 8aaw...oi� to Mrpoo-me a tilodhltl ExcI,uhlvit AGENTS EUK LEHIGH VALLEY THE COAL THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFICES PHONE - - - - 75 B. j. Saults' Residence 275 W. W Saults' Residence 202 1' The Singer Store We will be pleaswl to have you call and inspect our tweets', line or goods. Htainped Cushions. Centres, N orfs Towels, Day Slips, Car- riage Pillows, Rompers, Hainan' Bibs. Ready-to-use',Goeds Blouses, White Wear 10ladtes' ansi children's sizes, Towelling, Pillowslips, Bonnets, ete. Tan Linen and inces for trtuiining edges of centres. warts and cushions. MISS S. NOBLE For Good Reliable Shoe} Repairs, try Smith & Ring 30 East Street. Orros.oe Kno. Choach OW! US o Triol A Business Education Pays kr itself in a Few_Months The difference in remuneration of a trained business man (or woman), as cotnpared with that of the untrained person, will quickly make up the amount spent in taking a good business course such as can be obtained at the School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO Now is the time for the young man or woman to make an in- vestthent that will give splerwtid returns in the years to corse We have courses in • .BOOKKEEPING, STENOGRAPHY, PENMANSHIP, SECRETARIAL WORK, ETC. \Ve have special acconrfnosiss tion for girl students. For terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. PHeiNI '20S Prine.pal IGLEYS Six reasons HER father was ruined by powerful business rivals. She took up the trail of venge- " ance and found it led not to retribution but ter -what ? SEE — IRENE CASTLE in the five-part Pathe Play " VENGEANCE IS MINE " a drama which shows�""the beet -known, best -dressed woman in America" in both hei fampus ae�ootnpliahntents of dancing and acting. At the MEL THEATRE, Mang ami Teri, May 206 aid 21st AIWISIMION 141. AND 11. come back later in the season and stay for a week. Mr. Williams' visits are a - Iways welcome, and his interest in the town in whictehe Went an many years re - Imains fresh and green. While he was here he handed $5.00 to Mr. A. M. Robertson ' for the Y. M. C. A. Red Triangle Fund. NILE. WEDNESDAY. May 15. Seeding is all finished and the outlook for a good harvest *bright. i Mrs. Willis of Boston. Mass., 11 visit- ing cher mother, Mrs Geo. May, of this 1 - •e'en of the tni`embers and friends of the W. M. S. attended the anneal convention at Clinton on Thursday last and report an interesting and pmfitable day. ' Neat Sunday afternoon the pcxttpnned Mother's Day 'ever will be held in con- fection with the Sunday srhnot, while at ll,* *venni service at Nile church. at 8 rijopk _the pastor will take as his sub- ''When ub ' Wei t War Wifl End." annual ioocert and entertainment Do you have headaches? Do your eyes ache? Do your eyes water ? Do you have difficulty when reading? Does the print blur? WHY it's a teak. 1—Steadies nerves 2—Allays thirst 3—Aids appetite 4—Helps digestion 5— Keeps teeth clean 6—It's economical • These are all indication .f ie- fective eyesight. Using both the objective and subjective methods of testing we can guar- antee correction of all of these troubles. Talk the matter over with Mr. Sexsmith, our eyesight specialist. if you require lenses you may depend on getting them at the most reason- able charge. Your examination will cost you nothing. H. C. DUNLOP TS!i set GODERICH - Keep the soldiers and sailors suppliedl MADE IN CANADA RIG DOUBLEMiNTs4,:c. iv � 44 t— .hely rent n , v F R V 1 Ti II, Jul �,.<. .��� 1 tett r ,,., r• �: d'i'll .e ,, ...,, s' , o l ` s�l- 1e Chew It after every meal The Flavour fasts ,t'