HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-16, Page 4.
4 THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1918
.*0 ...fie..
-3. .t.
It Will Pay You
TO SPEND ;zs.00
for a Suit of Clothes, that is if you buy the
kind we are selling ; because, first, the
cloth is a pure wool worsted ; next, the
tailoring is strictly high-class, and then
the styles are the production of a first-
class artist.
We have had splendid success this season
with the above Suits.
High-class All -wool
Worsted Suits $25.00
Buy now They will be higher in price
later on.
Borsalino Hats Headlight Overalls
'Phone 57
IiEN MILLER. l a few days with her Water! Mrs. '
MasaaAY. May 13. Treble, ani is now at Nile with her
Sucker fishing is over for another year. iand Mts. A. 6andY, Goderx'tt.
swat Sunday
1411 Mar
The catch this year was the lightest on •Sunday at A. Apia's.
record. Mr. Robert stratidt.n left fart Wedna
Mother's Day the sirs were held in all � los California, where he intends
the churches an the circuit on Studio. Ann- elk rat i his days with IUs
Mrs. Foby l[oxmterly Miss Latera �J
st ) of Qttswe, u visiting Mr. and I E1. Harvey Fisher, Jonathan Fisher
Mrs. 9anstone. sadW E%fstaY Have w appear at Lon -
. H. Walters has been ucelected don on Friday trader the Military Service
Lf the.Red Cross to succeed Act. Mears. David Bean and Russel
Mrs Jia. relatives
in who Weleft t. Saturday to Mho were at London on Monday of this
visit . andntivea tMe West. I week for the same
Pte. Mn eek Hunt, of Toronto, are spending a week at the home of Mr. I Mr. Thos. Elliott. leswater, found his
and Mrs. J. W. Gledhill.' Pte. Hunt has colts at Wesley Fisher's, they having
recently returned from England. where he strayed from his farm. The Signal ads.
was minvafewan as the result of a wound bring results.
received some months age, I Mr. A. Allin is shipping a car of hogs
Mrs. Wm. Straughan left today for a this week.
visit to her daughter. Mr& H. G. McKie. Mr. Edward Hardy lost a horse one
day last week.
of Toronto wind The feat Thursday night did con-
►1r who Moore. Of the ' Sterling Bank sidetabie demote in the netghbo hood,
(theintorno for two weeks' vacation. At bkrwing MY (ie root oR Chas. Apia's
the er.d of that tiro 1e expects to be barn. ooe mer of the roof oft John
stationed at the Goderich branch. Feagan's barn upset( two sibs and
Two dead an several
htMr.s J. B. Cos teartn the top oft Mr. Thos. Mitchell's
are and several other sick as a n I windmill
salt of eating too much green clover.bMr.Wm. freapp, an old resident of
The windstorm early andFritwiay morning Colhrxne who formerly owned the farm
down several sibs jwindmals in I where Geo. A. Been is now living, died at
this sse41 l'en d. Detroit on Tuesday of last week.
Rtsaell AI'en went to London today
to report for service. Several others
of our young men are leaving during the
Much sympathy is felt for the Forster
family in the sudden death of Mrs. rL funeral W B
Forster on Sunday morning.
on Monday afternoon was largely at-
tended. The body left on the afternoon
train for Locu t Hill (near Markham).
where the interment will be made.
It frequently rains on the just because
the unjust has armed off his umbrella.
When the man takes office he is sworn
in. but he hat todo the swearing himself
w hen he goes out.
For the Boys
Soldiers' Corinlort
Boxes IOc and I5c
We carry many utrful
items to include in there
Swan Safety Military
Fountain Pen
This Pen is constructed to
...mein a year's supply of
ink in tablet form. All that
is necessary is to 811 the
reservoir of the Pen with
water and drop in an ink
tablet. This stakes a per-
fect writing fluid. There
Pens are gu mowed and
will suit any handwriting.
Complete with pocket clip
and ink tablets. 11$.00.
Also 4terneau .Alet
Stores. Military Brushes.
Penalar Tread -easy F'rstt
Powder. Tooth Paste.
Trench Lunch lout choco-
late). Nut Bars. e'
Air Pillows - $2.00
James Campbell,
r `Corral! Stowe"
North St. and Square, Goderich
If a man would live in absolute peace
he should be blind. deaf and dumb.
If a girl failed to look at the orice
mark on her Christmas present it's a
sign that she failed to get one.
Por office work to art Ube plan►' rd
noon o ho nai a Rope a are rroina to the
front. Young women caa render the
,ountry real ,ers lee bit prePerioll to -
take posltiowr In bents and busWeas
efflSpecial Courage nm training In Book-
ke.p(,,s. Echo• thand sad all other ('oat.
merctal object. now In program.
rit adept + admit ted any t Imo. III urtrated
caar t�a Ieru.�f reee-� _u(�� College
Norther' �` llege,LM.
([WEN ri5UNlt, (WT.
C. A. FLE31INU. PrlaclpaL
The Singer Sewing Machine
Agent, has taken over the
agency of the
International Harvester
an Hamilton Street
and will handle both line.
Farm Mach ery and
Sitter Sewing Machines
A fair share of the public pat-
ronage will be appreciated.
Ree enyf
D. rem
pr.rNee UT
Directory First!
TO guess at telephone numbers, to rely
on your memory, or to consult old
lists of telephone users means wrong
numbers, delays and general annoyance.
Sometimes it takes a little longer to make
sure of the number; more often it is clear gain,
even u regards time.
II Why not adopt the motto Directory first
in telephoning?
1 w. T. RIDDELL. zest
in the videos of AnMvq propetty of Private 1
A. Rathman. Per farther particulars apply to
w. 000-
1 ARTHUR. Auber
WaDNEsDAY, May 15.
Mr. Norman Mitch has arrived home
LANES (corn Calsary. Aka, looking well. On
his way borne he t d in Toronto for a
Ga Deis 1Ald time
and a and Mrs.PAY in the coverless aviation corps.
James Lane, old time and esteemed resi-
dents of our ;locality, celebrated the fir- rich for a few day&
tieth anniversary of thou marr�Be on Rev. R. J. Rae attended a trotting of
pthein May 4th, by aha Aboutpy hme- , Presbbytery at Hemsall on Tuesday and
gathering in the safternoon.ent—mo thirtyd t returned home with Professor Davidson t
were p Mr. and Mrs.y ane. and of Knox College, who is making a short
daughters of Mn. Lane. and visit.
their children. A splendid dinner was s The windstorm at Friday did consider -
served at 1 o'clock, and this was followed ibis damage to buildings and windmills in
tbyo a few hours of coact enjoyable genenter- I this flee ion. Among those who sustained'
actnrne as during which Rev. S. toastmaster.
1 losses are 1. 1 Wnaahin ton, John Medd,'
acted chairman and t06at[Ilaater. K
Toasts to the King and country, the I John Huston and Wallace King
Word has been received by Mr. John
bride and groom. and the relatives over -
Good of the wounding by gunshot of his
seas were proposed and spoken to; and son Wellington. who went overseas with
there was q(nte an elaborate musical pre -
the 161st. We hops for a speedy recovery.
Pf ° Private Wm. Carter, of Toronto. agent
the week -end with his parents here.
Mr. Robert Strgughan has left for Cali-
fornia, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs.
Tewsley, who came over for him owing to
hes feeble condition.
Mrs. King. juf Detroit, is visiting her
fa cher, Mr. A. Lautenslayer.
Mr. Fred Plaetaer has finished his con-
tract of ploughing for Mr. John Medd.
Mr. W. C. RabCrtaon is at Ottawa with
the farmers' deputation this week. I
gars. A g feature of the oc.-aston
was the presentation to the bride and
groom of gifts and an address.Mrs.
ne received a $25 gold piece and Mr.
Lane a gold watch. The following ad-
dress was read:
To Mr. and Mrs. James Lane:
We the children, grandchildren and
others assembled here congratulate you
on having reached your golden wedding
da •.
F.fty years of rnarried life is an attain-
ment few couples reach. and, judging from
present appearances and past knowledge,
the years have beat full of happiness.
prosperity and sweet companionship In
Scripture Unice the works of a p{taatri�arch
were. an honorable life before God and
Men. full of faith and service. Attending
these was material prosperity and a num-
erous household, well managed. You
seem to have reached a patriarchal and
matnarchal standing with the honor at-
tending thereupon We mote with grati-
tude the steadfastness of your Christian
character and conduct through the years.
You have had the bleeping of
life and there is surrounding you at the
present time this numerous household
who pay you paternal and maternal
reverence and esteem. Please accept these
gifts—this gold coin as a pledge of the
sterling worth in which you are held in
our regard. May this watch dick off
many happy years to you both. At even-
ing time may it be light with you, divinely
light by faith and hope.
The address was signed by the as-
sembled company of children. grandchil-
dren. and others attending.
TUESDAY. May 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor and daughter
Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs Anderson, of
Guelph. motored up to Mr. John Web-
ster's on Saturday. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs.
Anderson will remain for sone time visit-
ing friend!. Messrs. Taylor and Anderwrt
returned bane on Tuesday. done by the
Considerable damage wra
windstorm on Thursday night.
Mrs David Todd. 01 Wingham. will
spend a few days with Mir Jennet Mc-
Ikxnald of the 9th concession.
Mn. W. G. McCrostie was a visitor in
W Ingham for a few days last week.
Mr. Elliott Maier runs a new Ford.
Mr. N. Garrett returned from his
visit to Lordesboro' on Sunday.
We are sorry to report that Miss Jessie
Campbell and Mir Emma . McQuillan
are both seriously ill.
The Sts Helens Women's Institute will
hold its annual meeting in the hall on
Thursday. May 23rd. at 2 o'clock. All
are invited to cone early. There are still
some shirts to finish.
The Bell Telephone Co.
of Canada
Vanity is sometime 'cured by htivin2
a picture taken.
I3e charitable—a tight fist is likely to
get rheumatism.
W ®NE)AY, May 15.
Remember the box social to be held at
Sheppardton on Friday evening. May 17,
The Kintail Club is putting on a good
dialogue, "From Pumpkin Ridge."
There sill he a meeting of the A.S A.C.
at the home of Mrs Richard McWhinney
nn Wednesday, May 22nd, to pack boxes
for the boys oversea& Everybody wel-
come, especially the mothers.
The Asttfteld Soldiers' Aid Circle grate-
fully acknowledges the donations of $21.70
from the ladies of Kingebridae and $47.30,
proceeds from the box social held at Port
Waar+ESDAY, May 15.
Owing to the bad weather last Sabbath
the Mother's Day service at Union Sab-
bath school was postponed till next Sab-
bath. when the male quartette of Knoa
church choir will be present at the service,
which commences at 3 o'clock. A full
attendance of mothers is expected.
Tt.e friends of Mr. James Cox are
pleased to learn of his recovery from his
serious illness.
Weems: AY, May ib.
The fields are beginning to look green,
dowing the results of the Libor that has
been bestowed upon him by the farmers.
Mir Luella Fagan sprat the week -arid
in Goderich.
Mn E. L. Willis. of Boston. Mia
Now is the time for Summer Hose. We are in a position to till,
your wants in the best lines at the leastpossible Pricer
Scout Stockings for boys are heavy cotton, ribgte d, and come ins alt sizes f Loco 6163 10. All sues,, psis
s -
stocking is well adapted to the rough use that they J 46c and 50c.
Girls' fine ribbed Hose, Princess, in all sizes from 6 to 10. A fine cotton stocking............. ...... black
which will give great wear, at per pair.. .... 80cLadies' seamless cotton Hose in all sizes, in white and black, at per pair 85c
Ladies' seamless cotton Hose in white and black, in all sizes, at per pair e
Children's and girls' silk kale Hose in white and black, in all sizes from 41 to 10, at perp 50c
50c, 60c and 86c
Ladies' silk boot Hose in white and black, in all sizes, at per pair
Summer Dress Materials
Our stock is complete with Summer
Dress Materials in all the newest cloths,
patterns and colorings. The materials come
in individual lengths, so that no two people
have dresses alike. The cloths come in foul-
ards, voiles, crepes, muslins and crepe de
chine, and range in price from 60c to 111.50 a
Colored voiles and mulls in all the new-
est shades at 60c a yard.
White voiles for waists in new stripes and
dainty designs.
House Furnishings
Now is the time for housecleaning and
you will be wondering what to do with the
floors. We have a big range of floor cover-
ings in Linoleums, Oilcloths, Grass Rugs and
Congoleum Rugs.
Congoleum is the rabgnized economic
rug today. It comes in all sizes in the
brightest of patterns and looks like real carpet.
New patterns in Linoleutn and Oilcloths
for you to choose from,
Be sure and see our House Furnishings.
tiHiulHIIH Ill
TRADE -MARK is a manufacturers' signature. If a firm makes
an article they arc prepared to stand behind—they stamp it with
their trade -mark. It is put on their goods so you may identify them.
It stands to reason, therefore, that it is safer for the public to always buy
"known" and "trade -marked" shoes rather than "anonymous" shoes.
Each working day of the year, the A. H. M.
trade -mark is stamped on the soles of thousands
of pairs of shoes for men, women and children,
because we want you to know our shoes when you
ser them—because we are making a sincere effort
to produce good values in footwear—because we
believe you will find our shoes satisfactory—and
buy them again and again.
Ames Holden McCready are Canada'slargest
makers of shoes. A.H.M.footwear issold bythou-
sands of dealers in every part of Canada—and by
the leading merchants in almost every town.
We make such a large proportion of the boots
and shoes that the Canadian people wear that
you are probably wearing A. H. M. shoes now.
However, the next time you buy shoes, to make
sure, look for this trade -mark on the sole.
We make many grades and styles of foot-
wear, but no matter what price you pay for
them you will find them excellent value for the
money. You will find it profitable and satis-
factory in future to always make this trade-
mark your guide in buying footwear for your-
self and your family.
"Shoomaksre to the Nation"