HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-9, Page 5' THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO • BICYC.LE5 BICYCLES -► BICYCLES GIRLS' BOYS' LADIES' MEN'S STANDARDS RED BIRDS Prices from $45 to $49.50 I'iy \i MASSEYS Over 20 different ones to choose from. Come along and look them over. Our guarantee is a real one. Ask those who have bought our wheels in previous years. We do anything that is needed, even repairing punc- tures, free under it. We will give a prize of $5 at Goderich Fall Fair for the best -kept machine. East Street Garage - ONTARIO Artier M. GloverGODERICH - - "Owned and Operated by a Practical Mao" MODEL THEATRE Goldwyn. presents' For the fust time on the screen the world's most popular and dar- ing personality ATary 9ardmQ • n. THAIS holes the famous rood Anatole France This Production Tells the Amazing Story of the Saint Who Became a Sinner .and the - Sinner Who Became a Saint. Mon. and Tues., May 13 and 14 ADMISSION 25 CENTS «itd - aria:hey Picturte XICcXCCICXXXXXX Men's Working Shirts Blue Chambray Shirts, double front and back, sizes 14j and 13 95c Men's Black and White . Shirts, sizes 14 to 17 75c Men's Gray' Drill Shirts, sizes 14 to:151 $1.19 Overalls den's itlack Overall,' with Bth. ,'teem ss to 44 $1 ASS 1 .SS Bine Overalls. _. Socks en's Work Rocks I Se M. ROBINS The Men s Stor Month aide agnare tioleric LOCAL TOPICS Graduation of Nurses. The graduating exercises of Alexandra hospital will be held in the Oddfellows' Hall on Friday, May I7th, at 8 p. m. Coming Soon. The Seaforth Dramatic Club will pre- sent "Within the Law at Victoria Opera at an early date, under the auspices v Maple Leaf L'hap(er,i. 0. madeD. E. l further announcement week. Former Resident Dies at Hamilton. News has been received of the death of Mr. W. J. Towereey, formerly a resident of Goderich who moved to Hamilton a few years ago and had ince been living there. He was for a drat the Nrket clerk here. His death took plate in the Hamilton city hospital on Monday last. DANGER TO SYSTEM UNLESS ACTION IS TAKEN Ignorance alone can excuse neglect • of the health when all indieetious point to Kidney trouble. E'ver)one should know that from the hoot{ the .idne) a fail to remove. the poisons from the blood stream, these poisons are aeoumulat tag ready to cause Slee. sees, p.fe find dutrrwtg. Flow are S$ell to iluow that the system is In der from poisoning 'f One or more off the folloning symp- tpp14 should ►at ve no doubt in your mind. If yo# 'are the vietim of laekache, wee, in the back ur rides, or Luso bagu • ore nature is calling for better Kidney action. Take Gin Pills. Fire on C. P. R. Tracks. Two can of cedar piles and an empty car on the C. P.tracks rs across the river were destroyed .e late yesta • day afternoon. The blaze is supposed to have been caused by a passing engine, and as there is no fire -quenching appara- tus it was still vniouldenng this morning The foes is in the neighborhood • f $4.000. Heavy;Orain Receipts. Gres activity has been seen around the since $Itavigation opened a week an a half ago. as over one million bushels of ain have been delivered. The steamer vet amved on Saturday with a cargo 125,030 bushels of oats for the God h Elevator & Transit Co. The same afte the steamer J. Frater Taylor came in with 100.030 bushels of wheat for the Western Canada Flour Mills and 97.000 Is for the Elevator Co. On Tuesday the steamer Sarnian brought in 225.000sbushets of °lets for the Transit Co. steamer Wm. H. Wolf arrived this mg with 145,000 bushels of oats. also f the Transit Co. The steamer Sp skane is expected to- morrow with 166,000 buIs of oats for the Elevator Co. Women's Institute Notes. A bazaar under the a es of the Goderich branch of the W s Institute will be held in the tea room on Saturday afternoon, May nth, when man useful l articles will be on sale. such as props. large and en ill tea towels, c other dresses, pillowcases. canned fruit ,l, will things too numerous to mention be served during the afternoon. At the annual meting of the lnstit •lfae� ._ ..• • re _div:, -.taw ..w'x -. _ t . At Your Service We are at your service for Plumbing Eavestroughing Trnsmithing, etc. We know how to do it and we have the men to handle the work. FRED. HUNT THE PLUMBER" 1.4a "In rats.. at r__• Iberia 136 Guelph's Exclusive Optical Establishment From long experience we have learned how to do better those things study taught us to do well. Poor Steen y eiiperieace is Gael* At the first twinges of Rheuma- tism, swollen ankles and joints, or any other manifestation of urie acid poisoning, take Gin Pills. Dozens of Testimonials prove (lis Pills to be the sovereign remedy. Take the warning given by constant headaches, restless nights, dizziness when you stoop, frequent chills, bladder, urinary trouble, or constipa- tion, and turn tp the remedy which is so sure that It is sold on the money -back guarantee—Gin Pills. Gin Pills are sold by all dealen— eoe. a box or 6 boxes for $360. A free sample will he sent if you address your request to the National Drug k chemical Co. of ('aaada, Limited 'foronto ; or If you live in the United States, sidearm Na-Dru Co Inc., 202 Main 8t., Buffalo, N. Y. tel 1 1 ATENTE In ail countries. AO for err fleVF•1't- TOR'e ADVNfa,.wmoat will as eget Imo. liAntol/ • MAR MOM sat LEEBURN. v lea TUESDAv, May 7. Mr. and Mrs. T. Richardson and fam- ily, of Port Albert, motored to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freerrtan'a on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson motored from Ripley and spent Saturday 'at Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Horton's. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Hugh Thurlow has been under the doctor's care again. The Military Service Act is taking quite a number of our young farness in this vicinity. What might have resulted in a serioull accident occurred in Goderich when Mr. Thos. Chisholm, of Leeburn, was driving up Hamilton street, who, a home and buggy driven by Mr. Black, of Ashfkkd. collided with him, throwing out the occu- pants in the former's buggy and evidently giving them quite a shaking up. The young men will have.to drive at a moder- ate speed on Saturday nights and use more caution. to travel The agents are commencing the roads again selling thea wares, but not for very bag. The authorities of Goderich were out and licked one up on Monday. • AUBURN. WAR TALK AND ENTERTAINMENT — Lieut. W. L. Aikens, of Igndon, will give a talk on his experiences in Belgium and France in Foresters' Hall, Auburn, on Wednesday evening, May 15. Lieut i Aitkens was wounded while "doing his bit" and is still on crutch Hiaddition address ress I is well worth hearing• will be an excellent m. Proceeds Admission ,23c for the Red Cross w children 15c. held on ThurndaYfad, the following oft1 cels were elected for the ensuing year: President. etre Beattie; 1st vice-presi- dent. Mn. Peter MacEwan. jr.; 2od yice- president, Mrs. Swanson; smartic treasurer, Mies M. E. Salkeld: directors, Mrs. M. McDonald, Mrs. Chas. Black and Mn. Fowlie; auditors. Mrs. Chas. Young and Mrs. W. T. Murney; pro - committee, Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. J. T- Salkeld, Mrs C. Stewart. TESTIMONIALS TO REV. J. CURRiE. Presented With Address and Handsome Cheques oo Leaving for Godericb. As mentioned in The Signal last week. Rev. John Currie. late of Belmont, who has retired from the Presbyterian ministry. and Mrs. Currie have become residents o Goderich. The Belmont Enterprisesays: "Belmont w a good citiaen last week when the ev. John Currie moved to Goderich, al- a pastorate of twenty-five years and six months. Mr. Curr e was a public- ' ed man who kept well informed on current events. and took an active part in local a'Bain generally, and his suggestions and adkice at public meetings were al- Do yon have headaches? Do your eyes ache? Do your eyes water ? Do you have d'iff`iculty when reading? Does the print blur? TIIIAIiDav, MAY 9, 1919 IS OP CANADA The Problems of Dumb when Travelling is moat satisfactorily solved by carrying them to the form of letters et Credit Sr Travelkrs' Delves' issued by the UdN Bask o1 Cassia. You can draw against there practically anywhere, In Canada or abroad, and no ore also taii realize on them. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. KLNGSBRtDGE. Mot,DAY, May 6. Miss Violet Austin and Mr. Sutter, of Detroit. are visiting at the lady's home here. Mrs. J. Boyle, of St. Augustine. is visit- ing her parents herr. Mr. John Myers sports a new Chevrolet car. is home from Miss Irene McCarthy Goderich for a visit of a few ays. daughters Mr. P. M. Sullivan and little Rufina and Marguerite visited at London last week. _ Dr. Forster. eye, ear, nose and throat epetxaltet, will be at the Bedford House Goderich, on Wednesday., - from 7 P. m., to 2 p.m..m. on on l/. 18th. 1 Thanks to the thermos bdtkt. ' W,uiols may be kept hot or cold for long periods of time. In these days of food conserva- tion a Thermos bottle will prove a valuable investment. It will be needed for drinks and liquid foods which youwish take on the picnic or fishing trip. them at arious prices but u have one have t ca value for r ll and examine theuggist, Goderich. them E. R. Wu.LE, d ways est. Bafore eir d_P3rture. Mt. an' M -s . Currie w e presented by the congre- gations of lm)nt and North Yarmouth w th c aggregating nearly 11500. The St. Times has the following rep wt: On Sunday last the Rev. Mr. Currie completed his 4iastorate of the St. James churco, 'North Yarmouth. and Mr. preached , his, Currie has been past a period of twenty-five something unique in church. and seldom people should be so f able to hold so gifted for this period of tune. all was clearly set evening when the past gation met at the c social evening together and to ser well. A. E. Burke, chairman he of the baa mangers, occtpied consisting of mu and int diced a short programA. D. Camp- bell.the choir and solos by bell. Snort addresses were given by Jas. G. Campbeli, D.xrald Ferguson. John Mc- Larty, Gordon McIntyre, George Camp- bell and A. D. Campbell, all of whom spoke in the highest terms of the work accomplished by Mr. and Mrs. Currie sorrow that they were and Autdthe close of the Program the chairman called on John Mcfarty, who read an address, and M. McIntyre. who presented Mr. and Mrs. Curie with a cheque for 1200. Mr. Currie on behalf of himself and wife e a suitable reply. Adjournment was then made he schoolroom. where the ladies had prepared tables laden with the good things to eat for which the ladies of this congregation are famous. After an hour had been nt in social intercourse around the tables returned to the church once more, to say farewell to the pastor and his esteemed wife, wishing there Godspeed and happi- ness in their new home. The meeting was closed by singing "God Be with You till We Meet Again." of that church for itnd a half years, 1(nt\e history of a lilies i oxur that a txtu to as to be and a • e a pastor The t of it forth Monday or and t congre- hurch tot fare- jgs s/ 'iaiicatioas of de- fective eyesight. Using both the objective and subjective methods of testing we can guar- antee correction of all of these troubles. Talk the matter over with Mr. Sexemith, our eyesight specialist. If you require lenses you may depend on getting them at the most reason- abk charge. Your examination will cost you nothing. The Saults Coal Co. Sueoe...ora to McDoaaah a Uledhtu EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FUR LEI -11011 VALLEY THE CO.AI, THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and • Cement just received. OFFICE PHONE - - - - 75 B. ). Saults' Residence 275 W. W . Saults' Residence 202 If quality counts. use Blackstone's de- licioue ice cream in bulk or backs for all occasions. Phone 240. Exemplifying duty is better than ex- plaining it. BACK - ACHE H. C. DUNLOP The, Usti stow GODERICH - 1 For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring )0 Eau Street. Oppoaue Knox Chas h Give Us a Trial CNH es The Singer Store New ,.tock of children's slumped dreg, es in itepp, Pique and Lawn. 'ttainped hate and rompers. Fancy black satin bates. A now lot of white stamped tech clothe, centres, nista and serviettes. Notions. Steel knitting neediest, lingerie braid. • Darning cotton In oolors and wosten hoops. MISS S. NOBLE A Business Education Pays for Itself in a Few Months The difference in remuneration of a trained business man (or woman), as compared with'tbat of the untrained person, will quickly make up the amount ..pent in taking a good business course such as can be obtained at the School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO Now is the time for the young ratan or woman to retake an in- vestment that will give splendid returns in the years to conic. We have courses in BOOKKEEPING, STENOGRAPHY, PENMANSHIP, SECRETARIAL WORK, ETC. We have special accolumola tion for gni students. For terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. PHONE 208 Principal If you have Backache you helve 1(idliry Disease. 1f you neglect Backache it will develop into something worse—Brig Dis- ease or Diabetes. There is no Use rubbing and doctoringyyour back. Cure the kidnevs.' T is only one kidney medicine tut it cures Backecbe every time-- Dodd's idney Following the sun with OBITUANY. s TEMPLETON.—On Monday n o-n- ing. Miss Ethel Templeton passed away at the home of Mrs. W. L. Horton. where she had lived for the past seven years. She was a member of St. rage's church and the Bible class. She held an office in the Royal Tempters for some On Monday afternoon, after a short service conducted by Rev. A. L. G. Clarke at the residence of Mrs. Horton. the re- mains were taken to the horn of her wick. Mr. Robert Higgins, at Crewe. whence the funeral was held on Wednes- day Mrs. W. 1.. I4osortto MillsDaisy Johnston. Miss Mary Sowerby and Mise Ida Siltib were present at the funeral service, which was conducted by Rev. A. 1. G. Clarke. and was larges c attended. h NBiskl Clcraw of St. George s. Baby's Own Tablets Always Kept on Hand. GIRLS W For office work to all men silo nave Innen oi are front. Toon entry seal scrvhsi by p•• take positions to banks and °Aires. Special Course. of tralr ing 11. keepine. She.thand and all other ineretsl-tibial. now In prna Student' admitted any time. Illu.tza m.taloaue free. Northers Business College, Ltd. OWEN SOUND. CONT. C. A. FLEMINO, Principal. • Mri. Ernest E. Adkins. Brotteal. Sask., writer:—"i have used Baby's Own Tablets with great success for four years and always a okeep a bmothersx on I hand." Thousand say the same thing—once they have used the Tablets for their little ones they will use nothing else. Experience I shows them that the Tablets are the ideal medicine. They are a mild laxa- tive. thorough in action, and never fail to relieve the minor ailments of little antes. The Tablet: are wild by medicine dealers ormail at 211 cents a boa from The Dr Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. r L. B. TAPE The Singer Sewing Machine Agent, has taken agency of the over the international Harvester Company on Hamilton Street and will handleatioth lines Farm Machinery and Singer Sewing: Machines fair share of the public pat- ronsge will he appreciated. Vision. for a moment. those far off Ports beyond the trackless seas — From Arctic ice, to the torrid lands. beneath the Southern Cross — From towns tucked in the mountains. 'to the busy river's mouth — WRIGLEY'S is there! There. because men find comfort and refreshment in Its continued use. Because of its benefits and because NThe Flavour Lasts! MADE IN CANADA SEALED TIGHT - KEPT RIGHT