HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-9, Page 3r r P. r cE F op TUE LOCAL TOPICS ANGINAL' IND ONLY GENUINE BMWiR1 OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON 1a/$ MERITS Or ENIDD'S U IEN1 MEDICAL. 1IR. GEO. HE1LEh1ANN. OSTE0- Al PATH. specialist in woinen's and chddren'e Mammies acute, chronic and nervous dioramas eye, ear. nose and that, partial deafness. lumbago and rheumatic conditions. Adenoids removed without the kaik. Office at readenc . corner Nelson and St Andrew's street. At home office Mondays. Thursdays and Satudays; any evening by appointment. DENTISTRY. Will Go to County Council. It has been decided that, instead of having a general canvas for subscri- tions to the Y. t M. C. A. far its work among the soldier, application will be made to the county council at the June session for the amount which this county is asked to raise this year. A similar course has been pursued in other counties and the aunty councils generally have tonal in with the idea, which saves a large expenditure of time and energy in canvassing and, is perhaps. the fairest way all round. The Mayos of the four towns in the county have been constituted a committee to represent the various or' ganixations in the county that have in- terested themselves in this Y. M. C. A. fund. Oir.ctorof army Medical Storrs. 'A -recent issue of the) Kingston Icily Whig contained a portrait of Capt. (Dr.) A. P. Chown. of that city, who went over to England two yeah ago as a dispenser, but not long after. owing to his peculiar fitness for the job. was ap- pointed superintendent purchaser, in London, of all the medical and surgical supplies for all the Canadian military hospitals in England and France. with a large staff working under him. it will be of interest to Goderich readers to know that it is the long-established drug busi- ness of Capt. Chown at Kingston ofjwhich Mr. S. E. Hick, of Goderich, associated with another, is taking charge in his ab- sence. Capt. Chown is a cousin of Rev. Dr. S. D. Chown, the general superintendent of the Methodist church in Canada. UIt. H. G. MACDONELL.-HONOR Graduate Toronto Umverwty. Graduate Royal College of cental Surgeons. Successor to the late Major Sale . Offices corner b quare and West street, Godench. AUCTIONEER. r U HOMAS GUNDRY, 1 AUCTIONEER. Vox 67, Godericb. All instructions by mail or kit at Signal Ohre wig be proamptlY ■ttended to, Residence tekpbow 115. LEGAL. LtC. HAY . BARRISTER SOCLICIITTOR. NOTARY, PUBLI(Mice-Sterling- Bank/ Biotic. Hamilton Street, Goderich. Tekphune a Real Estate, Loons and Insurance. PROUDFO(TT, KILLORAN & COOKE. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC. ETC. (Mice on the Square, second 'deer Int m Ht mil ton street. Godertcb. Pr is ate funds to loan at boost rateei W. Paotwoot, K. 11. J. Coo4ta. J' L..IULtonak ve: -Y rnr'•vtc._..seve,. u::r., - _ MAY 1ii18 3 THE SIGNAL - GODTHURSDAY, 9, ERICH ONTARIO 1 8 Il.x11X111111111.110M.11011i/Ml•a1011111//1.111(1111•111111i1111 WOULD LIKE TO SEND IT OVERT TO FRANCE Toronto Wctaan Wants Soldier Haldland to Have Tanlac After What It Did for Her. 1 derived so much benefit from Tanlac that I want to send a bottle to my hus- band, ut-band, who is with the army' in France," said Mrs. Anes Liston, l8.i tiellwoods avenue. Toronto. the other day. •'Fox the last two or three years," she continued, "1 was terribly run-down and in mighty bad shape generally. I lost mr appetite. nothing tasted right. and the little 1 forced down seemed to tear me all to pieces. My head 'ached most all the time, I had an awful pain in the back of sty neck, and in the small of my back• Spells of weakness, would nearly tyv me. everything would turn back, and 1 would get to trembling *u violently that ,l •could hardly stand on my fat. My nerves were in such a wretched Nate that many a night l lay awake till almost day .be- fore i could go to *keep. I fell oft to al- most a shadow, and had so little life weld strength. and felt so mise able all the tune. it was all I could do to drag my- self around and do my housework. "1 heard so much about Tanlac that 1 got me a bottle and began to improve right from the start. By the time I had finished my second bottle my appetite bad picked up so that I am actually astataed of it. I enjoy everything I eat, nothing hurts me at all, my nerves are stronger. those pains in my back are gone, and I never have a headache now. Tanlac has built me up something wonderful. and 1 am better in every way since taking it." Tanlac is gold in Goderich by B. R. Wigle, in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, in Wingham by J. Walton McKibbon. in Hensall by A. M. E. Store, Hemphill, in Wroxeter th by WhiteCity Drug by J. N. Allen, in Londesboro' by John 0. Loundsbeny. in Exeter by W. S. Howey, in Brucetield by Peter Bowey, in Dash- wood by Tiernan & Edighoffer. in Crediton by J. W. Orme. in Clinton by W. S. R. Holmes. in Sheppardton by J.H. Simpson. in Gorrie by H. V. Armstrong, and in Fordaich by H. Sansom., ADVT.:- Was Much Enjoyed. • The Exeter Times comments as follows upon the performance recently given in that town by Goderich young people: The musical comedy "The Lass of Limerick Town," put on by the young people of Gotiertch in the Exeter opera House on Friday evening last, drew one of the largest audiences that have filled the hall. the house being packed for the occasion. To say that the entertainment was enjoyed is putting it mildly, as the opera ►s in a class by itself and the (,odanch young people filled the different parts with such exceptional ability as to draw forth the applause of the audience time after time. A most favorable impres- sion was made and left nothing to be desired. The leading parts were well chosen and ably filled. The solos. duets, choruses, etc.. were ably rendered. The by, e principal actors were supportedThe chorus of winsome Irish maidens. production must have entailed much hard practice. ''AA G. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS 111. TER. solsator, notary peblt:. Oatces Hamilton Street. Guderich, third door from Square. At Citation 1 hanided d each week. In dicer n Albert Street actuated by Mr. Hooper titres howl V a. m to 6 p. m. tHAR S GARROW, LL. B.. BAR- B find altq[a� WlKllat. etc_ Godenck- at tdweR rates - cis CTOERBM, d SOL- ' IIR. nott,Tpinto anconoeyaaoceef. a -Curt Howe. Go+oench. Ill -Om IIIISURAROB, Los1f3, KTt. 5 -__ Glare Lights on Autos. Acting on the recommendation of the Deputy Minister of Highway... the Gov- ernment is not going to bring into opera- tion by proclamation at pres •nt the clause in the Ontario Highway Act prohibiting the carrying on motor cars of any lighting device with a blinding glare. W. A. Mc Lean reported to the Minister. Hon. F. G. Macdiarmd, that technicalities would make the enforcement of the law difficult, The provision which was in- corporated in the statutes is based on laws in sem* of the States. "Mere ob- servation 'Minot hx a standard of glare which the court% could properly enforce." reported Mr. McLean. "A testing floor with trained men using special light -meas- uring equipment would be necessary to proeute evidence to convict. The present tentative adoption of the statute has drawn attention to thetier, however, and a large proportion of car owners. us seeking to avoid the Me of o nsive lights. have procured lenges and other devices which moderate the glare; so that the difficulty is largely curing ' twit .'° , "Intolerance.' . There were fairly good houses for two productions (afternoon and evenin on Monday of the great moving picture "intolerance," at Victoria Opera douse. The picture shows four stories para Holing one another -the fall of Babylon. the life of Christ. the massacre of the Huguenots to medieval France. and a Modern story of crime and love. The stories are not given one at a time, but are carried along together, keeping the spectator in much the same state of mind as that of th? per- son who is reading several "continued" stories a: the same time. The two stories thea stand out most prominently, and to which the greatest amount of de- tail is given. are that of the Ilabylonic era and the modern story. The most im- pressive pictures of all are those of the struggle between the soldiers of Bel- shazzar, the great prince of Babylon and Cyrus, the Persian conqueror, with his mighty hordes. The scenes describing the great fight at the walls of the doomed city and the events leading to the down- fall of Belshazzar are given in wonderful detail. The orchestral effects add greatly tui the impressiveness of the pictures. It is really a marvellous production. 0AC�Ure nd.ludsLRN.-.slatoeprup- rfty insured. Ctricafa-Jam- Colima y. Pnw-, Gedeticb P, 0 r, Evan.. Vfor-Pres alortbwood P.O.; Thomas i . Hays Sec.-Treu. Directors- D. F. kc(;rev'r. Hit. No. 3, Sea - forth. John G. Grieve. No, 4. Walton. althorn 2, Seaforth, Rreshaag_en; . McCartney. John Bnd1 R. 3. Set forth; Fert Matlock; Malcolm Mc- Elwee,. Clinton; lames Evans, Beechwood; James (:onnolly. Goderich Agents: J. W. Yeo Goderich; Alex. Leach, R. No. 1. Clinton; wahine+ Chesney. Seaforth; Rlinchley, Seaforth. Policy -holders can pay 54 MorrWiu and Set their Clinton; It.. 54. Ced at utts G risy,a inptoa .Stere. Grocery, Kingstm street. Goderich. or J. H. kends General Store, Bay held. 20 000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO r LOAN. Apply to M.G. CAM - 110N Barrister. Hamilton street, Goderich. r MUSIC. t J. W. TAYLOR, ORGANIST Piano, Vocal and 11and choirmaster of Knox church. Teacher rory. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. Studio -corner Britannia road and South street. Telephone No. 29- I SABEL R. SCOTT. TEACHEReOF an Voice, POoand Organ. PupilsRpredP. w. Conservatory examination.. Apply lit CURRIES. Britannia road. Brophe3 Bros. OODERiCH000exwx 1 �c Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders hours.ii11 niRAtw�or�A�1 1 se Leading Directors Embalmers Orders carefully attended to et all night or day. GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" TO OONSTIPATED CfILTh Delicious "Front Laxative" can't tan l tender little Stomach. Lived, and Rowel*. Why Not In Ood.r;ch'T The story hour instituted in connection with the public library is taking with the boys and girls and already the influ- ence of this new feature is being seen in the books taken out by the younger ele- ment. The stories have so far been told by Mrs. David Williams and Mrs. J•'M• Nitchell, both of whom were greeted by large audiences. the west room of the Huron institute being well filled on each occasion. On Saturday morning next Mr. J. McE. Murray will tell the story, and in turn she will be followed by Mrs. J. R. Arthur and Mrs. Madlachen. The story hour commences at half -past ten o'clock and occupies hal( an hour. It is open to all boys and girls -and the greater the number who come the better those in charge will be pleased. Informaligy is the order of these gatherings. the idea being to make the children feel free and at home in the library. The parents are appealed to to have their children attend.-Col- lingword Bulletin. Why could we not have a "story hour" for the children of Goderich in connection with the public library ? We have no doubt there is in Goderich sufficient talent, if developed for the carrying on of such a delightful plan for the instruction and entertainment of the children. took ki the tongue, foothill It en.ted, your little lima's stomach, Heal and bowels need clowning at once. When peevish, cress, limbless, do..t't loom% eat or act natnrslly, or la fever- ish, stenesoh sour, breath had; has sera 4hrnat, dlarrlirr, full of hold, give • teeepoonfnl of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a dew hours all tho foal ennatipat4d verbs, tadfgesisd fend wad sour bile gently mores out of Ila ilW. bows& w{iloaa gr)plag, and you have a well. playful cb4M igain. Ask your dnaggist for • bottle of "tia*Herala Syrup of 111" whisk anadshe 1h511 beim, diroetipipo4•s for bebb sad for glowa-spa ARE YOU PREPARED for the spring rains ? s your roof and eavetrough in good condition ? Our work in that line• is always satisfactory. we 5tt134014144 MARK Wilk 111 TORONTO, May 7. ---The following 11 are the Board of Trade quotations far yesterday; x Non. Pert William, Tao). Manitoba Wheat On Inched* No. 1 northern, No. 3 northern, No. $ northern. 12. No. 4 wheat, $2.1* Ame:glean Cern Wrack. Toronto). No. 2 yellow, kiln dried. nom'nat se. 4 yellow, kiln dried. nominal. Ontario Oato (AooeAing to freights Oae- No. 2 white, 51Io 41c. nominal. No a veldt% 111/21111a, $$a. nominal, Ontario Wheat ( In sten, Montreal) No. 1 winter. per der lot. 13.22. Peas trddlng to Freights Outside). Nix a Oarie (*Garaging Pnights Outside), Malting, 51.64 4 66•to Freights Out• auc4ttg•eat (A 1 W. R. PINDER Phone 155 Hamilton Street Buckwheat. 11.84 ip 81.66. Rye (According te Freights Outside). No. 5, $3.46, Manitoba Flour (Toronto), War quality. 810 95. Ontar. Floor (Prompt Shipment). War quality. 810.66. in bap. Montreal; 110.65. In bap, Toronto. ?OH sod (Car Leta. Delivered, Montreal Freight*, sag. included). Bran. per ton. 815.40. Shorts. per ton. 841.40. Hay (Track, Toronto). No. 1, per ton, 116 to 817. Mixed, per ton. 514 to $15. Straw (Trask, Toronto). Car lots, per ton. 88.60 to 86. Fanner* Market. Fall wheat -Milling, 8314 per bushel, (Sooae wheat -82.10 to 82.12 per bushel Barley -Malting. 11.60 per bushel. Oats -)4c to we pee bushel. Buckwheat --$1.15 Per bushel. Hay -Timothy, SI/ to 811 per ton; mix- ed and clover. 116 to $16 per ton. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. ♦e NOTICE Owing to the scarcity of Coal, and the fact that Niles have, of necessity, to be made in very small t uantities, we have found 1 it absolutely necessary to make a rule that ALL COAL BE PAID FOR ON DEI VERY Mac Ewan ■ 11 X 11 ****$*$*$111.1.****11xxxxxxxx11/1111$11$$1111111111)Kx, :s. 11 Fashionable Shetland and • Fibre Silk Sweaters 11 S C th tyl re so The kwest prices at all times. No month-end sales. Na lupi. days. McCall Patterns McCall Patterns Liverpool. Mair 5. -Beet extra India mess, 370a. Pork, prime mesa, western, 330a. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 la., 137.. Bacon, Cumberland cut. 2e to 30 100.. 152s. clear bellies. 14 to 15 lbs., 160s. Long clear middles. light. 28 to 34 lbs., 1W.. Long clear middles. heavy, 35 to 40 lbs.. 159a. Short clear becks. 16 to 20 lbs., 1.7a. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 Ib.., 121a. Lard. prime western. in tierces. 149a 6d; American. refined, pails. 1:,70; do. . boxes, 150s. Tallow. Australian b London, 72a. Turpentine spots. 125s. Rosin. common. 64a 6d Petroleum, refined, l0 6%d. 1.Inseed oil. Ila. Cottonseed oil, its tt. War kerosene, 140. 2, la 2%d. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKUP. J. P. Bickell & Co. report the following Prices on the Chicago I;oard of Trade:h Open. High. Low. Close. Clo.e. Corn- Ma7 .... 127'6 127% July ...• 148% 14816 Oats - July .... June .... l'ork- May . , . , • 45.76 45.75 July 46.10 46.25 Lard-- May ard- flay .... 25.37 25.47 July .. 26.30 25.90 Rlba- May July -.., 24.20 7716 68% 73% 77',4 68% 73% 127'4. 127% 137' 146'. 147% 141% 744y 66Y4 72% 7341 474r 72% 77% 68% 74% 11 45.60 45.10 46.02 45.90 45.90 46.50 x l �) E bel' h be wester oat season e s es a x x V V attractive h d 1 a t 11 1 1111 1 11 11 most chic 1 1 sashes, b k 11 color x x Ings as corn, ) pe 1 gg 1 1 $20 11 11 11 25.35 23.37 25.62 25.67 25.72 16,97 23.40 25.65 14.25 24.07 24.12 24.31 CATTLE MARKET'S UNION STOCK YARD&. TORONTO, May 7. -With receipts of more than 4000 cattle, coupled with a steady to strong market, with, it anything, a slightly upward ten- dency, the Union Stock Yards Ex- change was one of the busiest places in Canada. From early in the day till the noon hour trade was espe- cially active and prices for all grad"s of battle well maintained at last .week's top notch prices. The hog trade, with receipts of levet is willa great that everyladywill desire to have one or more of these handsome and practical Sweaters, the ideal summer ons el garment. The Novelty Shetland Knit Summer -weight wool Sweaters are the season's most favored weave. We have theme in 'coat style, also middy style. They come in beautiful light colors, as nile, rose, robin egg blue, corn, purple and 'telly green, and priced at 86.5() and $10.00. The Popular Fibre Silk Sweaters These Sweaters are without doubt the we have ever shown. Many new styles with large collars, novelty belts and gatheredat back, in a the new kelt green, co n. robin e blue, rhubarb, nile, peacock, melon, gold, black and white, from $7. 5to 00. it Special Showing this week of Women's * x Stylish Spring Coats at popular prices 11 X 1x E Coca Matting 11 X $16 50, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 Verandah Time Is Here Coca Matting 11 x I g 11 x 111 11 f 1' • • d 11 x , ly G brit keeps 11 X d 'g follow,- : 11 h following x 11 g f $�,- 36 11 X 0 9 I2 x 11 11 XA g, Pe x 11 , g 11 X red 11 11 $ It is good once again to get out on to the verandah and enjoy life out of doors. We are well prepared with all the necessary equip- nt for the furnishing ofthe verandah. sass Mals and Rugsfrom sunny' richin Orientaldesigns in the o ow,- 3xti ft.,$1.95 ; 6x9 t., c5 ; $6.75 ; 8x11) ft., $8.75 ; 9x12 t., 9 ft., $8.75. Lo %psi 8x1 ft. $11.5( ; 9 Awning. 'tripes for verandah shades a last season's pr' We carriedover a large stock of Awuin which is fortuna combinations of r white, navy and wh 39c per yard, stripesfrom last season, They come in color , and white, green a , 30 finches wide, at BES1' QUALITY Coca Mattingon the verandah and steps not only makes the home look more attractive out most of the dust anddirt au thus les§ens housecleaning. In the o owing widths : 22 inch at e,Oc, 21 inch at 75c, inch at 90c, 45 Inch at $1.10. Congoleum Rugs Con oleutn Rugs are ideal for the large verandah. Rain and dampness have no effect n them. Beautiful coloring. All sizes at keenest prices. )xi11 llx11x1111111111111111 xx1111111111IMMIX SNICIU 5111111111111 11 The leading mail and phone order store. We prepay all mail $ X • -express and freight shipments anywhere in the Dominion. 11 11 $ 11 t1/liilar's Scotch 11 tore PHONE 56 11 11 xxxxxx111111$11.1111■rx--- -111111XX X---11 x111111 PHONE 56 11 Water and Light Commission. At the last regular meeting of the water aid light ccmmission the matter of arrearages in the pay • ments due by consumers for water ser- vices was again taken up, and it was de - 2062 head, was steady with last cided to cut off services at the expiration week's closing prices of 820.75 ted of fifteen days after notice unless and watered, though one lot touched TI isvioh 521; $21 weighed off, and $20 f.o.b. WINNIPEG LIVE STOCK. Winnipeg. way 6. -The cattle market todayslow, with the demand for good, mostly hair -tat Muff. Bulls sod before the commission. brat that ordinary oxen stockers steady. The hog market hose• services not requiring main extensions was steady. Receipts, 700 cattle and 1036 be installed at once by the engineer as Butcher stroll, 810,60 to 815.60; heifer, $8.50 to $14.50; cows $5.26 to 813.60; payments are made. le comm . decided to join the Ontario Electric Association and to pay the an- nual membership fee. A resolution was passed that all applications for Dutcher cattle poor, as the quality le not W>1 was o ter, light or power service be pias heretofore. The Provincial Hydro Com- mission submitted tenders for a new bulla. 87.60 to 112 oxen, -87, to 512.50; pump and recommended the acceptance Mockers and teeth•,.. 81.50 to.810,76: veal of the tender of the Storey Pump and dives, $7 to 116: cross, 15.60 t, $16,50: Equipment Co., Toronto. This reccm- $ 817 sows 816 60 to 815 50• me Pnl f Dr. automobile made necessary by running into an electric light wire that Was down for repairs was granted. the amount involved being $x•01. It was decided to accept $800 from the North American Chemical Co. in settlement of the bill for water supplied the Company up to March 31st, 1091x. hereafter the Com- pany is to be charged at the rate of ten cents per thousand gallons for the first 2,000.00O gallons and eight cents per thousand gallons for any further supply within the year. with a minimum annual rate of $200, An application of W M. Lawrence, Mary street, for light service. and one from Wm. Swafield, Britannia road, for water service, were granted. At the previous regular meeting of the commission applications' from f the pow'er- se. house staff for increases in wages were considered- The wages of 13. Evans were increased from $2.50 to '$3 a day. for twelve hours' work. Glazier was gran an immediate increase to $2.75 and w 1 be paid $3 when he obtains an enginee 's certificate. 11. Watson was granted n increase from $2.50 to 53. Mr. Bulla 's application was laid over to another mc, ting. The Mesar Bisset. who have recently installed a re 'gerating plant. are getting an additional t horsepower, "off peak load." In re to an enquiry as to supplying power t a number of farmers on the Hayfield r d, the Provincial Hydro Commission •ntimated that at present no power soul be had for new rural lints Says an exchange: \Ve have heard merchants complain that they couldn't afford to advertise and in the same breath complain of the competition of city stores- Do you kn 7w that city depart- ment stores spend from three to five per cent. and mail order houses from seven to t,ea. y, ti to ten per cent- on advertising' The moral to to ito; ' ugnt tu.6o to 119. mendation was accepted. A claim o W is as plain as the nose on our EAST BUFFALO -CAVE STOCK. Macklin for the cost of repairs to his- face. East Buffalo, May 6. -Cattle -Re- ceipta• 4300. Prime steers 816.76 to 817.35; shipping steam, 816 to 808.50; butchers. 112.25 to 815.25; heifers, 810 to 813; cows, 58.60 6o 812; brills, 17.60 to 112; stockers and feeders, 87.60 to 111; fresh cows and springers, $e5 to 1145. CalvSd--Receipta, 1300. Easier: $7 to 6. o0wtoR111.35�; maxed, 118.40 to 11 6: yorkers. $18.40 to 118.60: pigs, 118.60 $11156: roughs, 815 to 116.26; stags, to 12 stars. Sounded like That. The nurse in a well-to-do family over- heard the little son of the house telling his sister how he had hid behind the portiere and spied on his sister and her beau. "OEs, tell me what they did," cried little Rider. "it was such fun," chuckled the a boy. "The big chump flopped knees and then he said: 'Answer me, Clara. 1 ran bear this expense no AT YOUR SERVICE -- WiTH A -- Full Full Line of Electrical Goods IRONS TOASTERS TOASTER STOVES HEATING PADS HOTWATER CUPS BEDROOM HEATERS VIBRATORS FLASHLIGHTS and BATTERIES WIRE YOUR HOME DON'T WAIT -'PHONE TAiT and let him tell you what it will cost. House 'Phone nuDI . TAIT Phone 193 TAR RI.EeTRI('IAN 82 Elertetc Supplies of all kinds always on hand. West street -next to Post Office Slow 11 Rh. -pand lambs -Receipts, 8460. ow and lowed; lambs, 111.80 517.75; few at 117.85; yeatlings, 811 to 815.50: wether, 514 to $04.&d1 ewes, 88 to 513.50; mixed sheep, 113.50 to $14. CH1t:A(K) LiVR STOCK. Chicago, May 6. -Ganite -Receipts, 15.- 000. Firm; beeves, 810.10 to 117.70; stockers and feeders. $8.30 to 112.50: cows and heifers, 15.10 to 514.10; calves. $8 to 514.25. Hogs -Receipts, 43,000 Strong: light, 517.20 to 517.85; mixed, 517 to 817 55: heavy, $18.20 to 517.86; rough, 516 20 to 116.66; 11Ige, 113.60:b 817.36; hulk or sales, 517.86 to $17.76. Shea*-Rac*iptw, 1n,000. Min; native, 812.11 4s 516.75; Iambs, native, 05.60 to 531.!6. Marrl Trlbeemeo Sign Guarantee. LONDON, May 7. -Punitive oper- ations against the Marrl tribesmen, Ia the Punjab region of India, have been successfully concluded, accord- ing to an announement by the Indian Once. The Government terms have been signed by the chief of the tribes- men, who expressed dootritlon for past misdeeds and guaranteed the good behavior of his followers In the future. The withdrawal of the troops from the Marrl oountry has been eom- tnenced. Petrograd Ltberated trnen Menace - LONDON, May 7. - The general eommanding the Petrograd garrison has issued a statement declaring the elty now free from any direct men- ace and that the populace has no cause for alarm, ways -a Reuter de- spatch from Moscow under date of Aril 27. ATTENTION? s.. Sick Women To do your duty during these trying tines your health should be your first consideration. These two women tell how they found health. Hallam, Ps. -"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Componnd for female troubles and a dis- placement. ieplacement. I felt all rim down and was very weak. I had been treated by a physician without results, so decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial, and felt better right away. I ane keeping bons. since last April and doing all my housework, where before I was enable to do any wort. Lydia E. I'inkbam's Toge- tab a Compound is certainly the best medicine a woman ban take when in thlseoaditloltr I give you permission to publish this letter." ---Mrs. 3. R. ORUMLmo, R. No. 2, Malian, Pa. Lowell, Weh.-1'I suffered from cramps aIM dragging down pales, was Irregular and had female weakness and displacement I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vb table Compound which gave morello? at mos and ltt> my health. I should like to recommend Lydia S. remedies to all suffering women wbo are trout! a st lar way." -Mrs. Musa llult,R Iib. s, Boa t85,1t1ow,U,M1 Why Not Try u� LYDIA E. PINKH S VEGETABLE COMPOUND