HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-9, Page 1w EitaIGNAL y ascot foe the Ilia of Counter Check t_.saa seteiere in Canada. We Rive yen the same pries as if A �y,�ea mice dealing with the firm l over yur dock aayou Wneed r new supply wilds the neat month telephone No. SI. O AI iBeefea 1 ar6R 1_ 66 Horton Boulevard w .rh�T Y*AM-Ner 171. GODERICRe OPT HOBSDAY, MAY 9. 1918 gaud forceful speakers. and especially THE IN KH AKI Most People in Godorich read The Signal. Any per- son who is not already tak isg it may hate it for Olae Dol- lar from now to the end of this year. r`.�.�. $1 to January lot, 1919. THE SIGNAL PRINT 1NG CO.. LIMITED. Pv.Iwmaa. THE S1ERUNGBANK 09 CANADA SAVE, Because - Another war loan investment opportunity may come soon. FOR SALL 'LTRY FOR SALE. -REASON -IO SAY' HAVE YOU ALL SEEN SBIGMAN MR. WM. H BRINULg arra«. It PORLIC NOTICE. (GOOD PROGRESS iN OO1i OF PAIGN. bone M�tv layers. App1Y L. . I Y'S etandaed-Wed a ABLY pd T Hyyvade. No. Ono, which w,11 stud r« can C. Pennon Gloucester moor 191. BUYS A LARGE ROOMY a ta.rir , r anotar. araear%ow party. Ttir SIGNAL. • VOR SALE.-- COOK STOVE, COAL r ...sr Good coadition. BOX tat SIGNAL CHO10E SEED CORN FOR SAS - 1LOR SALE. -LAUNCH DOROTHY, r about feet over all. was to good running condition Iasi Ian. now on harbor land. bargain at 135. !swum at SIGNAL OFFICE. bt EED POTATOES FOR SALE.- - IRISH \) COBBLER. • fine table variety. 52.10 a ilisisileelVtl. J.B 8 COX. R. R. No. 5. Godertcb. Tdapbosa 174 SALE. -SEVERAL GOOD second -head bicycles. One'tLtnch cinema . Apply at WEST STREET BARBER emote D L•REBRED STOCK FOR SALE. i One good Scotch Shorthorn bila. 14 Months old. a roan. Darn. Ridgewood Duchess of Gloucester 2nd =- 50660 - . Got by Fyvie Chief ,7500 . Two dual purpose Shorthorn bulls -rhe dark red. 11 months old. Dam. Emily = 123934 = . Got by Fyvie Chief = 775(10 - This bull u of the family that won the milk contest at the World's Fa r, Chicago. One ti montes old,dark red. Dam. Alia =121078 Fyvie Chet .77500= . Also Chester White pia of any age. Good seed bons also far ante. if►R. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late Howe Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Ave) Hop.tali awunt at Moasfi•W's lye Hospital ad Golden Square Throat Hos- pital. London, Eng. 63 Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Telephone sal. At Hotel Bedford. Godenck, Wednesday, May 16th. 7 p. e., to May nth 1 D• O - The Daily Newspaper, '•Oreeter ," rias (lade a Hit and is Being Weil Sn�Mr. McFar- Iand,1 it Town Development Cstsl y• Explains the Threefold Requitement of Smicessful Com- munity Organization. NOTICE TOWN OF GODERICIi. The Board of Trade campaign is mak- to ing gratifying prolmis. Indications point to its being a btg success. ti town is talking co-operation and progress. Men who were lukewarm at first are fall- i ing into line. and it is belieed thaandtherewhen the plans are all made publicis a good understanding of just what is pro- posed the whole town will be back of the undertaking with great enthusiasm. The ertablishrter.t of the campsign. daily. "Greater Goeerich." has made a pronounced hit. The demand for this publication daily has been far greater than its originators ever hoped. The eke of having a daily during the cam- paign sane from the council of tbe Board of Trade. and by the cooperation of The Signal and The Star and members of the campaign committee it was made a reality. The advertising support has been splen- did, although no persuasion was used on any advertiser. It was left largely to the time come frown thedues, discretion of each advertiser. and the fact that it is so well supported giv. s a line on t fund desired the enthusiasm back of the entire cam - build the fall fort wined endeavor lee this town. If the citizens of Got/midi t are to work dfec- vely tc build up dieir city, they musTdo t through affective erram24 are three monnthaha in an effective com- mercial oevoiaat$*. actxxding to Mr. MCFartud, who hes made a study of cornmerl4al argantslttlnns for many years. The tint esae itial Os a representative memberibip. leade SP of all the men in Um city [whose income is such that they can lifted to i lveht a substantial rum in co-operative oomeia3111y work. The wand essential is adequate working capi taL A commercial erganuation must have wanting capital to be a success. Just • a business must base money to run o In practically all cities of the Unit States. dues in coS ercial oreanisatic have been raised to $25 or more. working funds of commercial organnz* and they for effective or - Persons desiring to have shade trees planted in front of their properties are asked to leave their names at tie Town Clerk's office at once. All citizens are requested to examine the USN on their properties or on the street In front of their properties for the tussock moth. sad if any are found to scrape the trees. Steel brushes for this purpose will be loaned from the Town Clerk's office on application. - L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. e• J 104f R. R. 'O. t,oderich (fist. W ANTRH• s� W ANTED. -A GIRL OR eWOMAN for tide ta••awaek: ppe toso ham fields preferred- APIA, SIGNAL EL MERICAAN CHE_-APPLY CPAL C NORTH aiANTED y ONCE. in 0 M S narwl apply in the evenings. MRS. R.can+r id §f MART BOY WANTED. -TO LEARN 041 IJ the printing trade. One who has passed the §0 trhoai entrance tse�lleunnnatdon preferred. A wood opportunity for Atht kind of boy. Ap- ply atonce et WANTED TO PURCHASE. A GOOD form in the vicinity of IGodench. Bayfield « tle.Hrth; must have good buildinp. be near wader or have spring 00 dare. some Dina.- _•Pde tt ardent and other fruit trees. paetaro lar tam siadorn improvements. prone one already and stocked. Apply to M. G. CAMERON. Godench, Ont.- (IIRLS WANTED. -APPLY 1THE lT GODERICH KNITTING CO. are and Nelson streets. It POTATOES Choice selected Delaware SEED POTATOES for sale at reasonable price. In stock at W Symonds' store, Saltford. ' Also good table Potatoes. R. R. ELLIOTT ' Phone Goderich Rut al 16 r 7 BOYS! 1nVesrten dollars in Earn and Give Bonds. Earn $10 and give it for Soldiers' Comforts through the Y. M. C. A., and get your bond. Ask G. M. Elliott or Rev. J. E. Ford or your teacher how to do it. nen who believe it is poseibie to put on a great Western Ontario forof cities. meat through the co-operation towns and communities. A big organtsa- must be high enough to make up the oral u • The third moot al is personal servic and interest. The members of the suc- cessful commercial ercial nrgnisation must be on tha' and workktg at all times to en - keep things going Numbers; create en- thusiaenl. it also *rides up the amount T„ the Editor of The Signal. of work. sed to read in When an a has all three of DEAR SIR.- I was plea threw pretty sure, to be a your paper of April 18th the article "For live -wire body. Need, it should be man- a Greater Goderich." 1 am much inter - aged by a man. He should ested in the efforts that are being put have no other w si' so that be can forth just at this time to organize in ye r give his entire time io the work of the or- midst a Chamber of Comrrterce. genizatwn. Even if the drganisdiwn Being an old Goderich boy (although splint to observe Sunday. May 12th. as a The Signal this k. does not succeed intending a large rafts- leaving your town some twenty- seven ' day of special intercession for the war. i adhis exercises of have accomplished years ago), I continue to be loyal to the The program in Knox church wall be an- I The graduating try, any things h manager a nature lace of my birth. and with regard to any trounced Sabbath morning. The minister Hospital Training School. London. t many tcc1xm of •smaller nature that`,P ways estive I will preach -11 a. m., "The Potency of held on Wednesday of this week. Tw tbe hese pect11l16fe Of wilt be (ties[. o .pr that may be in any ugg Prayer;" 7 p. m., "The Transforrrutioxt of i an 1 among thetnames we find teceived their hat o Tbe experience Of many sties thaws of progress towards a greater Goderich Pater.- ing of Goderich. tbat industriescan be secured if there is my\acclamation is "Good! give it a someone on the job dl the time to keep push." In North street Methodist church the Miss Agnes May Rose. s a sertliees will be conducted next Sunday I The district I. O. O. F. meeting was a dime watch ori i tries that are seek- I Novel am livingin a city of about by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Rutledge. Morn- v The dele- held at Seaforth on Tuesday. irt[(aehatttaitl local nor others that are twenty-five thousand PoPufa ity. a °nerc'aaft itXn i info subjlct: "Jesus and His Mnther." `ales from Goderich were Messrs. G A. thtnldetR of breach houses. fine enterprt ong. hundred per cent in Evening "The Law of the Household." 1 Reid, L. L. Knox, W. F. Clark and W. IL Clinton was ROBERTSON ' WOODS Insurance Agents The first intention was to print only 500 copes of "Greater Goderich," but so great was the demand that 1.000 copes were printed, and the paper is being dis- tributed to all stores and homes in the town except surae outlying homes. The daily is being edited jointly by members of the campaign committee. Meese G. L. Parsons. C. L. Moore and George Porter. Editor Robertson of The Signal, Editors Vinatter and Naftel of The Star. and Mr. D. H. McParland. the trained organizer of the Town Develop- ment Co. The daily will be continued until Fri- day, May 17. which will mark the close of the active campaign. The main purpose of the campaign is FOR SAL* OR RIM. Pte. W. J. Ruddock arrived on one growon of commercial organize may evening G. I . R. train on Friday and was out of this gathering. b Details con• taken DY car the same evening to his ceening the program wilt be given out as hone at Port Albert He was. expected IMO ones are received. mien train and a teceptaorn invKatwns d"itu be mailed w had Y t m a day arranged for him. but his non -arrival or two. _ upset these arrangements. Pte. Ruddock was a 161st man and was drafted to lRiZE FOR SLOGAN. France shortly after the arrival of the battalion in England and after a period A Cbaoes to Win Fie° Dollars and Im- of active service was vs d by shell - In connection with the Greater Gude- ward from rich campaign, Mr. J. T. Fell, the Mrs. Lorne A. Eedy ilwo of them grapier. has offered a prise of $5 or the her brother, Trooper Max best slogan for Goderich. His offer has Calgary Light Horse, who has been in been accepted by President Parsons. The i England since last summer, thadt he was contest will close Tuesday. May 14, at 6 leaving for France the next Hugh April p. m. Letters postmarked before that 15th. His brother, poral Hthe oath hour will be accepted. All slogans must Wilson. is still in England Tele - be sent to 'Slogan Committee, Board of I Reserve Battalion. -Walkerton • • " The contest is scope. The Wilson boys will be rerDem- the tons Trade, canoe . --- -open to the world." There is no charge bered by many in Goderich a at doe of any kind. All you have to do is to of the latexRev. of Norasper Wilson, th street Methodist The R C. Ton Monday M. will ay a inlic` set your brat working and think of a ' time (chtueti When the familyteft Goderich Temperance ntend live -wire slogan for Goderich. 1 at 3 p. m.. when reports of supra The slogan must be in keepingwith the Hugh was only a little fellow in knickers. Brats will be given. of the new spirit of co-operation progress 1 regular monthly meeting that is sweeping the town. 11 must be CHURCH NOTES. Brough Chapter, I. O. D. E.. of a nature that the Board of (rade can --- General will be held in the court house on M ru- nes; it on all of its stationery, and bun- Rev. R. C. McDermid will preach at day, May 13th, at 4.15 p. m. Hess men can put it on their envelopes the anniversary services of the White- The military service tribunal will cern,- than they mall out of town. church t'resbYtenan Church on June 2nd, mence sittings oneMay 16th to deal with It will take a clever brain to win this and give a lecture on the h on Jug Mon the catego(y B [nen who wore sutorratic- prize. The honor will be worth far more day evening. ally exempted at the sittings last fall. Rev. H. B. Coumans, of Toronto, home The monthly meeting of the Children s the ct wtt Robinson. of Ftrdwide and �'d Robinson, of Wroseter, motoredMr. and spent Sunday at the home of John Cutt. Mrs. Owens of Kion Sadie (Cierk H(>tau sister and daughter man, have come to town frac with Eillmsod- ville to make their home Holman, who has taken a house on Napier street. Excise Offxxe Jeffrey.ofvisiting theford. was grocery sttown Mondayaking stock of their teas. stave and taking Where the stock has to pay a tax of ten over the allotted amount the grocer cents a pound. Kiocardir►e Reporter: Mr. Alex. Pyle. well known to the farmers of K nownine and Bruce, arrived back from Goderidi last week. He wascontined to the hospi- tal for two months this winter, hawing had the misfortune to fall through a home in the haymow in the barn of the tosser he was working for. He has not yet fully recovered frwi the fall. LOCAL TOPICSIN BRIEF. at once, as each letter will be nu and if two persons think of the sane slogan the tate whose letter was received first by e the Board of Trade will be awarFROM A G3DERICH OLD deer, ded the hep in Victoria street Methodist church A pair of crows. lysing taken a Wong Wear a white Hower in life. Have built their nest in a tree mission superintendent of the Kapttst Aid Society will be held in church, will preach in the Goderich Bap - the oci TtreldaY. hied 14th. at I.i:, fiat church on Sunday next, at both ser p• m. This wiltbe the last meeting for Picea the summer and a. nod attendance is de- ftiothrr's Day services will be sired. \ prize. DOUSE TO RENT. -TWO-STORY Wick house. corner Wellington street and �S�r name road. latelybe y =turned by � Lewis iCPe CATS GsoM.,,e ivtn at were. y- } ROOMS TOsrli LET. -()N NORTH street. above F. J PnAham's tailoring es- tablrhment, at present occupied h Mrs Webby Poeseson June 1st. Apply to J. P. BROW. 13-K HOUSE TO RENT. -ON KEAYS street; seven rooms. All rnnvemeaees; re- ceott9 repaired. Stable on lot Apply to J. W. SAL ELD, Godarlcb R. R. No. t. Telephone 419 r 7. • witha^Lall conv SALE. -RED W.ACHIS- HOLM. HHOUSE, HOLM. Trafalgar street. Klett HOUSE. r SALE.coSOLID BRICK r ail midarm conveniences. also and well, sols water cistern, fruit trees, lawns. vegetable stable, etc. A few minute. walk Iain the 5gwre Fa lull particulars address Dos 33. TTTTTHE SIGNAL FFICE.Goderich.Oat. 99.11 • next Sunda}. The pastor, Rev. to town 1 honor of your mother• in the Square. As ore of our btisirtesn J. H. Osttrhout. will take for his subjects: men etiggests, it is pleas?Iit to see that Morning "Horne:" evening, "Honor Thy some building is going on 1n town. Mother." Sunday school and Bible class I Again this week many items of lac -al at 3 o'clock. All welcome. of Hamilton news are unavoidably crowded out. The By the action of the Synod extra work in connection with the 19suing and London, all Presbyterian congrega- 1 of the dailyppaappeer. "Greater odenBL' tions within the bounds of the Synod are makes it imms' le to increase t11e sane of LOST OR FOUND. With tundra& cities having live- tre, and two u s Sunday finder. Mr. G. E. Nall. of f no matter what is de ' Club meets in church talfi wire tial ei enizat.oes and coin efficiency. or Men �-• 1, it is vabasst mer- meeleed d si t sous wv. in tway of parkx at 10 a. mp Subiect for c iscussion: dip for the oRia of District Deputy ew�� t �.'ogta is _,he to mak• •mat ,grc the prabaAie afta•wsr aogdt•3�a�lyaste. the ON BRUCE OR U Victoria -EITHER Victoria street, an automobile crank Finder will be rewarded on kap ins same at WM. ACHESON-a SON'S. LOST. -IN GODERICH, ON SATUR- DAY ■ silver coin purse containing a sum 1 money. e1 .E Finder please leave at THE SIGNAL LJTRAYED FROM FA'tM NEAR ►►-JJ Teeawater May 9rd. two with filly,. one face. dark brown. the other bay D Last seen at Whitechurch May 4th. Kindly in- form THE SiGNAL. Goderich. or THOMAS ELLIOTT. Teamster. as to whereabouts, or phone line sn ring 12 CRAIGIE'S Assurance and Real Estate FIRE LIFE INSURANCE ACCI DENT AUTOMOBILE PNses your insurance with one who specialises in the above lines. I will give you the latest word- ings and see that you are properly protected. I will insure your automobile while anywhere in Canada or United States at reasonable rates. Property in all parte of the town for ita'e and to rent. A number of summer cottages to rent. J. W. CRAIOIE LOANS Fid Tit! PURCHASE OF USE -STOCK s Bank lie desirous of as fisting farmers to ! •.live•stock and is pr'epsred to give *gagaconside ratll�,Oo applications it loans for purpose.~ . Goderich Branch -G. WILLIAMS, Manager. 1 every fades help' ,ru . ev , All mien will be try that is bated anywhere. The city the effort go ov ole top fiats in our Dominion'' I While one day with eik fatherme quotacordially welcome to this meeting. harbor last week. Ambrose Guo washout a secretary or a bond of trade In the Red Cr rive our I The annual business meeting of Vic- ' borne the seven-year-old son of Mr. and funds d a great ha 125000. the amount wised 1113,000. t E th Lea ue was held on Mrs. Alex Colborne hooked a ten-pouwd with is under socia street poor g The campaign headquarters the in all theLiberty i drives our quota 'Tuesday of last week. The following are Board of Trade at the Masonic Temple over the P• the officers elected for the ensuingyear: have been extremely busy since the open-' was 8418.000. the amount raised was ing of the campaign. Many business near the $900.000 mark. so you can judge Hon. esi- presdetlMrs.� Rev. J. H. Osterhout; cornm men have called togive their ideas to the for yourself as spirit eft . ty. o its But dented rat. Elliottenr � Iles v e indent, has in charge, and apace. C it people, , g Miss. Jenkins; 3rd dice -President, Miss has been an extremely active place. Com- all this is attributed to a well anized Down; 4th via -president. Mr. Mair; 5th sometimes mee meetingst have been held daily. andmChamber the promoting and hcarrich yi I out vice -prints, Nils& Nilson, Miss Shear - generally es at nights. The cam- busy in p paign has a much firmer basis than was of schemes for a greater Middles r n• down; secreta_., Moss Ryan; treasurer, MIs& Fad; pianist, Miss Ta11 asais- the menl beved at first and inure of Personally iy I considertthe successofof all As M it is a Goldwyn Acture, and patrtxts the s who have been appointed on efforts is due to the time spirit of ne sant pianist, Mrs Oster t. Hung people timmotees are giving muchr valuable ares, andt also to the ng he money o th invitation is extended to I y the Model may rely on this being a fiwt- time to the success of the enterprise. are spent in educating the people to attend the Leaguemeetings. Strangers rate p roiuction_ needs of the hour, The response by the cordially welcomed. Meetings every Tuss- le is simply wonderful. And yet I day evening in the Sunday school room. I The Greyhound Trip. AGREATER GODERICH DINNER. People a a faith to say that man for man the The annual meeting of tbe Woman s I Mr. N. F. McLean. of the White Star -- Canadians can do it Just as well, if not I Missionary Society of North street Line. Detroit, is in town looking after the Western Ontario Cities to Send Repos a little better. Of course to pay your Methodist church was held °b advertise of the annual he sentatives to an Important Gathering 1 membership fee is the smallest part of I Monday afternoon and was marked �r L het e to ihtroit will be ea the work. Every member must be a by the presentation of certificates of cusao . June 11. returning on Tharp - invitation "Greater Goderich" dinner to be working member. He must be welling to I pile memhership to two members Mrs. I d� the 13th. For the "moonlight"*fs given Wednesday evening, May 15, at give every effort, his time. his moral and F A. Elliott and Mrs. F. Bishop• to on the lake, on Monday evening, the the Bedford solei, wilt bethe ;Climax he physical support. The secretary nor the I Mrs.Elliott's case the certificate was a 10th, there will be good music for the the big campaign clow on to "put tux executive committee cannot do it all, but gifs from her son, Mr. 11. Earl Elliott of 10th, in the llomtm000d num hoorahs town on the snap•" This will be an all members united will succeed every I or°neo, presented through he local aux- of the Greyhound. invitation affair, plates will be 50 cents.time.ili,ry. Both recipients were quite taken by Everyone should keep thew dates in and official representatives will be presenti am hoping that Goderich will be a surprise and were duly appreciative. The mind and if possible take advantage of WesternOntario.°f A bheig leading hngtlay cities two-hundred-per-cent.•in-efficiency town. Ipa st year was the best, at least from a the Greyhound's visit to have a pleasant I am sure it would make the heart of financial print o[ view, the auxiliary has holiday. he sum of 121S having been _ - _--_ -- Mrs. - AUCTION SALE. t. The big fellow was landed with true some difficulty and the youthful disciple of Isaak Walton was the proudest boy t town. An interesting announcement by the management of the Model Theatre 6s that on Monday and Tuesday next Mary Garden. one of the most popular women_ before the public, will be seen in "Than from the famous story by Anatole France. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, CATTLE AND PIGS. MESSRS.ALBERT AND MARTIN MUGFORD will sen by public auction, at lop 9, concession 4. Colborne (the Nathan Johns farm). on THURSDAY. MAY 16th, commencing at 2 o'ctock sharp (new time.: One general purpose hor.e. 9 years cid. 1 good driving horse. 6 years old: 1 general purpose horse. 9 years old: 1 pair of black Percheron geld, Rs. 6 years old; 1 draft filly. 2 years cid. 1 draft gelding, 2 years old; 1 roadster filly. 2 years old; 1 roadster : gelding. 1 year cid 53 steers and heifers. ytarlings Iand two -year-olds: 6 good calve*. 1 grass co.4 good brood ,sews in pig: 4 young pigs. w cid. Teals --All sums of 810 and under. cash: over that amount. 6 month credit will be given on furnishing approved tont notes A discount at rate of 6 per cent. per annum allowed for cosh o n credit amounts. sellingWe are gram for them.orhave t end thereo will pi ively be nore- serve on anything offered. ALBERT MUGFORD and MARTIN MUGFORD. Proprietors. T GUNDRY, Auctioneer. AvERT1Y IN SALE OF TOWN Y TOWN OF GODERICH .ROP that will in the future have an historical merit will be launched at this gathering, every Goderich old boy rejoice. By the and altogether it promises to be an event This meeting will be held previous hand of nature and by the hand of man i there is no city or town that can equal it m uncoils. beauty.God.. -h has its charms .by race. nature. but may the time soon come , ever naut raised. Officers for the coming year were I The mann dao s brig to mind the de elected as follows: President. Mrs. J. H. Colborne; vice-president, Mrs. (Dr.) light of Edward,' ire cream ir I• -recording secretary, Mrs. I'. W. --- us todMissM J_GUNDRY'S SALE REUISrER. dwhen its commercial progress will be Robetson 3rd vice-president, Mrs. G tho.openeng of the membership canvass, Rutledge; 2ndvice-presient, known and will give the leaders in the Boar own tar and wide vin, Trade movement an opportunely to show j i remain, yours interested in ' A Currie; corresponding secretary, Miss E. the definite objects of the entire Great,- Goderich.', WM. A. BRINDLEY. Washington; treasurer, Mrs. W C. Pnd- undertaking. Middletown, Ohio, ham- superintendent of C. S.. Mrs. Dav- If hard work can make it 90, it will be I� th 19ll3. d tams[ Mass There will heoffered for on by public auction nn TUESDAY, MAY 14th. 1910, at 2 o'clock p. m_. the following property, namely: The east half of lot running namher nine hun- dred and seventy (970) on the south tide of Ntw- pte street. in the town of Goderich. On the property there is a frame dwelling house. one and Mhalf Nay. nine roomm, with b.throom and con- veniences. Small cellar. There is also on the lot • valuable Wick building.iformerly rith ght used as a msdkal d.pt. lorY. qn bt ad,pted frac . d.enirdg. ALSO HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Piano. 1 small conch ed 7 chair -el doom -owe chairstable and 4 falling -leaf ble. 1 bookcase, a beds withenatrtsore and -springs. 1 cot -bed and mattress, a quantity t, Asan othre er sad chair*. • number of chairs. pie u tiles. TanteTen pot cent of the porthole morry to he paid on that day of the tele and the balance within thirty days thereafter FM,iiture. etc.. arae tacit particulars apply to Foe further Dar i IMR .11ARGA T MtLEOD, T,Gr Y• Ilstere. t son; P Snyder. A PERSONAL MENTION. May 8 the greatest affair of the kind evil held - in this section of Ontario, and will be' something that no progressive citizen will 1 An informal dance will be given by the desire to miss. The speaking will be of a, Blackstone -Buckley orchestra in evening, MaY Ma - high order. The cities invited to send sonic Temple on Thursday representatives have been requested to 16th, 830 to 11.30. • - a 1 M. R. MacVicar is showing a complete line of Summer Millinery In hats of Georgette Crepe, Tulle, Milan, Leghorn, Panama and Black Lisere, with all the latest styles in trimming* YOUR INSPECTION iS INVITED Kingston Street a 1 g as ■ Ti'RVlA9. M,n11 Newgon %ale le .15 erty. at 1M• pre ro iNewg. gores Mci.ed01. p pr Ttnla•mAY, May l ,. - Clearing aof ion e hors,. cattle and pigs. property Y Al- bert and Martin Mostord, at lot 9, concession 4, Colborne (the Nathan Johns farm). - -_ BORN. tueig co.,r- p. M Mr. J. L. Aitken is away on a trip ee CRAVEN. --In Alexandra hospital. Godereh. rat Mr and Mn. C. E. Craves.. of Miss Jessie Ford is visiting relatives at Windsor. the West. I May l,toM DURST. -In Colborne. on April 24, to Mr. and I Mrs. Esra Lunt. Maitland concession. • aria. Mr. Jack Proudfoot, of Chicago, 19 DOA(K.-NnGode�k on April 24. to Mr. and home on a visit. COLCLOUGH ...In Goderich. oras. Mdaat �btar Mr' Mrs. T. H- Rothwell, of Toronto, is and Mn. Norman l olclougn. visiting relatives in town. MARRIED. Editor Southcott of The Exeter Times Iv1 A( DONALD - MA( DOh AID F�idiy May j gave The Signal a fraternal all on Satur- church manse. (:oder 1 N da by Rev. R. C. McDtrmid. Muni Alice ac- y, Councillor T. R. Wallis has returned onal(L of Groil B•odrerich- field. to Mr. Gordon W. Nac- dunald,d Toronto, where he spent two weeks DIED. Detroit. a daughter. from looking after his property there. Miss Annie McManus, nurse in train- ' ing at the General hospital, Guelph, was home for the week -end{ Miss Cameron has returned from Tor- onto, where she has been securing the latest novelties in summer millinery. Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Scott thef inlageter s are visiting at the home of parents, Rev. J. E. Ford and Mrs. Ford. Mian Evelyn McCartney, of Detroit. who has been ell for some time. is now recovering more rapidly and is able to be out again. 1 Mee J. J. Edward left on Monday for her home at Ellisboro. Sask., after isit- Mn. I ing for two months at the home of E. Edward, South street. Mrs. (Rev.) H. E. Thorneloe and daughter. of St. Thomas, were victors with the former's parents, Mr. •and Mrs. Jas. MaManue, for a few days this week. Mrs. Aix. Robinson and Mr. Samuel TEM Ethel TemdetN In (i aged. and 7 days. FF.AGAN lo Defends. Mich . 7. William Feaean ton. on Thome,. ON - In Jack.un aged 9 y on Monday. May 111 years. 6 months on Tuesday. May Tuesday, May 7. PAM. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -May 9. Paw -- Cook Stove far Sale --Bir 30. Signal . I Corn fort Sale -w. T. Riddell ..... .... l Stray Flllys-Thos. Elliott .. ... Loans -Canadian Bank of Commerce. ... .. t Help Wanted -North American Chemical Ca.. 1 Reams to Let J. P Brown Poultry for Sale L. S,•ignuin . ...... 5 Summer Millinery -Miss M R. MacVicar . 5 Lost Purse - Leave at The Signal ... .. Auction San -Albert and Martin Mugford 5 Conk Wanted Mn. Hunter . TnurindCar far Sale- Bat !i, The Signal 11 ' HMO. to Rent J. B. Knights. ... . Automobile Crank Lot -W Arhoirmlrr Sewn 1 Girl Wanted- Apply at Signal (Mire