HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-2, Page 9r;,
Christmas 11117. Join the Home Defence
1He is the youngest member of the Y.1 --- movement for the conserva-
M C A that baby, a real '•camp baby„ Little Jesus, tar away,
and they wired for his pretty wife to
of the war tete u he Helpto pre -
wart ►sac' tion of food.
His father had been badly wounded, Can You hear me vent waste by demanding the
come at once. Little hops was held I Even at Yourare nstable door.ons roar, Whole wheat gain in break -
h' Query.
out for his alae fast foods and bread stuffs.
The young wife answered the call'
Seas of blood flow o'er the land; Substitute whole wheat for
totter as they nand. g and potatoes.
of her hullban o meat, egg
France" et the crisis, and knew that; Fields are thick with ruined things - The whole wheat grain is the
he would livr. most perfect food given
(imaged Hands Four Times And Is Summoned to
Ilelativra of Wounded, Three days later her baby was born. I Men and tits°nes and broken kuigs to man. In Shredded
France, Are Honored Guests Convalescent soldiers made the ca- an lou rest you have
die, and nurses padded and lined it. Little Jesus, our Mother's breast? I Wheat Biscuit
of the Association- For blankets and bedding there were There uponthe whole wheat grain made
The Red Triangle is the sign of khaki mufflers, donated by the men. digestible by at grain mad e
The "camp infant" had a happy life. In the heavens shines Your star—
mean.comfoand goodwelcome,
fellowship. com-t When at lest the baby was dressed I All the world is redwith war, digedding and ooking,
means warmth and a welcome, I for its cross -Channel trip and the mar- I Little Jesus, come again Every particle of the whole
ray of hip and light. this is a constant •rine box packed with baby clothes,
ray of brightness in most ter- ¢ wheat grain loused including
¢there was a silence in the old French 11 To the broken hearts of mala.
In Your stable far away
Can You hear me—what 1 say?
FFFRUON" Y M (' A d "Somewhere in Mountains
the Scene of Unparalle
February 21—German drive began.
February 26—Germans take Dou-
May 22—French take Douaumont•
May 24 --Germans take Douaumont.
October 24 --French take Douau-
mont. recogni-
almost beyond_
tion, with great breaches in the out the Allied countries would be to day ! ceived, and from all parts o[ the world. How to ask 1 do not know;
lines of her once sturdy walls and without the YIDl.('.A. I cannot ima¢ i One day the post brought Il dozen tiny 'How
Jesus, heed our woe!
huge shell craters scattered thick ins says a correspondent. envelopes with letters written on mini
within the broken rhmatts, Donau- "Somewhere in France" they are aril.'
dotted by the hundred. The Red Tri- ature note paper and in lead pencil.,
Take this world of shattered men,
mons, es to-dayye of the battleweof Ver -The haot paper
wobbly with Shape and make it right again•
ddn, lies •mere wreck of the angle gleams everywhere. And thereI Cecile Joyce Keenan.
is one work they are doing that has', uncertain and gaps were filled up
powerful fort it once was. But r is ' crosses and kisses. They were mess
alta under the tricolor and its battered gleaned little publicity but has been ages from tiny tots in Sunday sc�ools
walla mark one great point of German' . in far-off Canada! —
Invaluable I speak of the reception
defeat. They also tell the tale of the �
collapse of the hopes of the German
rible of wars. I house, and a void.
It is the sign of the Y.M.C.A. • .
What England and France and all; Many and varied were the letters re -
- away f
t0 Ko down into is I
t the relatives of the wounded, who Fol' all over the world the call o
the Red Triangle comes --and even Starvation, Always a Corollary et
re summoned to France to the bed -1
h•Idren are anxious to "do their bit." War, Threatens Fighting Ontariep,
A o[ their men, and who are the �
the outer bran coat which is
Ontario; &C.. Qeebee and New Brutlts-
wkk Are Abreast of Tines.
Ontario has thoroughly reorganized
its forestry service and put itself on a
par with other up-to-date provinces;
whose forest services are under ex-
pert technical direction. New Bruns-
wick is also swinging tato line. A well- I
qualified forester, Mr. P. Z. ('averhill,
has been appointed us the head of the'
forest service and is now making a
survey of its forest resources as* ba-
sis for laying down permanent lines of
forest policy. In this work, the Com-
mission of Conservation
oat in has bn een
nisor as-
sieting the province
British Columbia arul Quebec have
long been in the forefront of the pro-
vinces that have had an efficient tech-
nically qualified forest service. Al-
though Nova Scotii s forests have
Per neaklag
For •oftoa-
Ing water.
For romoving
For disinfesting
•Inks, ol•••t•,
drain..nd for Goo
other Pure•••••
sere,•• .,,••r„vrw
so useful in keeping the bow- i been nearly all cut over, all etftclen
th rovince that would pay for summers xiapaaat Oar•• Dtphtb.rta.
els healthy and active For forest service would be an investment ,
Mahogany timber primarily is no
more highly valued in its native eosin -
try than many of our own familiar
woods. The - things which make
mahogany costly to the consumer in
this country are the difficulties en-
countered in locating, cutting, and
bringing the timber to market.
any meal with milk, an
Made in Canada.
rah for e P
•I itself many times over in conserving
and utilizing the forest resources re-
maining. Two-thirds of the land area
better adapted to forest growth
th • to any other use and should be
STORMS A N I) TREES. re-fo stet(_
_ - -- O--
Hickory is Moat Unyielding and Suf- LEMONS AKE SKIN
fess Greatest Damage.
It is always interesting to watch the Make this Mau lotion for a few
tit heard of,
and to ; 1 11
Crown Pante history
Ic i where, but in the cents and see
spores of the military geniuses of the Y•M (' i 's honored guests. --___se——s
Famine has alway�laeen a corollary effect of storms any_—
wear, for it was her that General STUDY AND `,EXERCISE of war. Even minor conflicts have in- Iwoods these effects are most varied \\Ilat�glrl a woman h
f Nothing can mitigate the first sharp',
petain defeated the attempts of the sorrow of loses and too often the rela- variably brought about more or less end remarkable.
to take I t bed a last wantin the nations engaged. I It frequently happens that • tor- lemon juice. to remove
flower of the German army dyes are be sewhiten the ek
and huhu the line along the ridge coo id f mine is nado or hurricane will 1 f ash
mantling Verdun.
1)ouauoont, therefore, marks one of
the high poiuee in the war, not because
of its strateK,c value, which is small,
but because the victory came al a time
r yourself.
Ne111 , Tl' VUR,i, I,t' M I•:s. ETC..
v internal, and e x ter nal. cured with-
out Win b> our h•.m.• treatment \wrtl•
,is beforre� tuo lute. Or. (tell tint. Medical
c 'o.. ted. ,•"111ngw'Ood.•
You can talk our full share In th1•
Important natio ) winkhe-t esrd lnth•a1ree
end benefit both • roper econolnle awwll
b h.
roe t In the
labor-e�tfving ul", h" in the preVarutloa
' er the staff of Itfe -• 'end.
"not in time o i stone ii follow a real- blemishes; to
farewell. But everything that can Ocerotudy and lack of exercise' At the present time, wor a I the trees in ttflanuCK
dorsi is done --on a system wise and make thin bloodless children. Study within measurable distance. The`tre- tain course and level only
place to the hiddenh beauty? 1 But demon f and I lI
kindly•• does not usually hurt a child at school mendoue waste, coupled with a great this line, often leaping alolie is acid. [hetgfure irrliattng. pre• Bread
Hope of Resurrection. unless the studies encroach on time'decline in the production of foodstuffs' place. in such cases all trees in its
I have in mind one old French houseI is rapidly depleting available supplies swath suffer or are blown down; but should be mixed with it hard white 1 I X� r
that should be spent ine out-of-doors this weal'
which I visited when 1 was in France. exercise. But lack of exercise and and if the war continues for a pro- 1 where there is a general veryhigh the tutee of
fresh lemon); foto a I
It is a hostel fm' those relatives overelud>' it • combination onge period,short t super- wind end all trees are hit with aboutbut three ounces
on St. Vitusdance.yourhuman a ion's the same force it may be notedshake well and f• the err.. mo
anxious of heart, have been summonedof or 1 tet of akin
rem torily across the Channel to the', at school is thin and pale• Itatlesa and �I Participating in it from going hungry. the best rooted ones no
�n the strongest wool survive. I you have a whole quarter p•ateuul the
when the morale of the French people h 1 thea who bl tion that bring, I I d nothings Sur o that bolus containing about hening. in order to face If boy or girl darn exponent oo,n.-mcheaper.4S
needed strenpt efforts can prevent the oat and t th de of chard white then yett,y, ,fru n AIRe•t ibis, home -mad•
will courage the awful strain of abread. '
little - Ute, 1w the men in Bntai ,es axion lotion at out >our hak 's hill In hair. ee tot-
against altls whir h were the bedside of wounded and dying men inattentive, has a fickle appetite, Millions offighting and cumplmtnale your dont 'a arc.uy
short of overwhelming. And as There they are made welcome, no mat unable to stand still or aft still, You jWind resistance of the whole e s for a small jar,•• your money. red buy K•,waru.n•n!
And France and Italy are in the crest ono usually Day
t•ffect of the defeat of the efforts of 'ter hos long their stay may be. must remember that health is much I line, and, obviously, cannot be food has also something to do with �he of ordinary cold cream. Se sure to w Bo1A by your focal ter. er mar be
the'e bending character of the trunk • d'strafn the lemon juice ao nu pulp Beta ordered dtr•ct tn•m u• our see^lam
1 flits lotloo will to
dem pad. all charges Wld. each
the boat German troops to take an if their man dies, they are not left more important Than education, an producers. In normal Umes,
hold Doeaumont were stimulating to alone in their trouble. The girl who more tlmejehould be givrn to exercise I countries were dependent on other branches, for where these give efthe
the French people, so the result of the her brother or father or sweetand recreation. countries for much of their supplies of the force of the storm they permit
conflict wa�slepra battle to the pima !heart to the grave has with her a com-See to It at once that the child does foodstuffs, but now they are more than wind to slide off. The hickory, above
put o{ outo' ver so. To outline the actuation con- all, will not yield, and consequently ilio
nation. It was • the ultimate nion •woman worker of the Red not overrtudy, gets pl • Y'receives the hardest strain against its au
effect of mere wee more far-reaching; tangle, who stays beside her to the door e>iercise, sleeps tett out of every Mately: It is estimated that the pro- ,
than the mere military out.'ome.duction of wheat in the United King -satire top, whether full leaved or bare. de
end, twenty -tour hours. and takes a safe, Ibe commonly noticed that in I Ank
The tort' of Douaumont lies two I remember a scene bks that. It reliable tonic like Dr. Willtanui Pink;dom, Belgium, France and Italy this It may ounce
mitre north ofdCerdl�n at an eili!ation` was in summertime, and the country- year will fell short by 600,000,000 a mixed woodland, where a hard wind
'While never im- Pills until the color returns to thecost an
of about 1 j00 feet• side was gloriously green. Birds were . cheeks and lips and the apposite be- ;bushels of the pre-war average. It .has driven, there are more hickories
o, still it I'down than any other trees.'
pregnable, as modern Betts ¢ carolling in the tall trees and the air comes normal. For growing chit Wil should be remembered inthese
well built structure,with solid with the scent of flowers whoD
of fair 1►FtRht red Ile heavywith his flag over him, to it
into the bottle,
Four loaf rise ....f2•
lytaln pure and fresh for months. When Eight loaf else 2.2?
plied _ daily to the face, neck, arms g ....
hands it should help to bleach. as The prin'tpt r pu«sew �f the 'PC
, smoothen and beautify the skin. trill eventurlty wen the lyes.
druggtat will supply three E. T. WRIGHT CO., LIMITED
of orchard white at very little ^I HAMILTON, CANADA
the grocer has the lemons
tigaUon is being conducted
become pale and thin r. (three years before the seal r a
s Pink pilin are not only safe but ;countries irrlportell together about
An inv
awe ui a was underthe 1}
masonry walls i am silt situation. A
• poultry ' to th Po
came t
amply capable of resisting lite anti .'the solemn sound of the last poet. The in moat cases are the cert best totdc 750,000,000 bushels annually; also that >l.,neIeur.
common uae�up I •For l6 dayR In the month of January
Ivry which was ifs _ promise of resurrection was read that can be taken. Three Pills build war codditions make any marked in- I was suffering w'Ith lnJn of 7hrumutle m study is beio made of such questions
the Lime of the present war. its 11�rai 1 up the blood, strengthen the nerves , as the coot o�I' producing
of the u- across his grave. All around wa1erases fn production within `the next AleshbutonMMnit did m I w ;y s s oefl .SNI- and of heotof teedingpn
merit was presumably that khaki, standing sharply at attention. and sestet nature in keepingpace.
few years difficult, if not impossible. •prram, In►d tree snout " any vRh'r1 0•l, I1 poultry
ropea^ fort of its size and rises. The picture wi)l always be eignetted with rapid growth. "I This deficiency in wheat has its paral- )sdal NT�t latldM• enrei 1 trtlunRtf(was Matta -
e i- ward's tdatmeat e• aistemeK'
One Million Casualties. n my mind. l'ou can get Dr. W'fllialna'Pink pills
lel in meats sail dairy products and
«rs Rood, 1 tried
yen Chia ala ir4l' t o lily returns from
Termed by the German Kaiser 'the ..Dust to dust, satire to ashes, in.through any dealer in medicine, or by t A t could t ye Y•+u a Rood
fort f f h c 60 is a box or et=
y h scene of one of 1 life!" f $2 u0 from The Dr. Williamsthe fiercest struggles We walked ac a cl
supremacy that the world has ever was ovitito the Y.M.C.A. That wialk Such a •ituatuen can be masterecL� t
ou- C. First, by con- .210 Ftue t,n141'Y.' Fast. Montreal•
400 pop were London to Cons remedies are receiving
600,ort were German •here in Flartce." with brilliant- but the shortage of This Means You! I The
French and hands Qua little t Handley -Page biplane countries at lues,
casualties. The fort changed j ed flowers ovfr the A joy The R'rea flew in eight stages; land• labor and fertilizerq presents al- "Eat leas wheat, meat, sugar and tons of steel.
to any feta, to save foal the Army and our
from England Constantinople a eat increase in production in Eu Allies:" pal's the
bombed the Goeben carried five men ¢r Furthrr, the shortage of ocean � "Eat more.. corn, oats and rye
keystone of Verdun," this o ° {sure and rennin hope o the reaurre - mall postpaid at cera
boxes or • white
Douaumont was the ace tion to sterna
i far military Ikpd b k when the service tl di 'ne ('o Brockville,
irection of the F'ood t.'un-
cuTi�u�a HEALS
Which Itched and Burned.
Swelled Enough for Two.
only the most careful managemen la very So. A ys No Sleep for Weeks
certificate any nine that you would tike a a Lem o in
will save the herds of those coon- to hes!. one If uta time i come to kraal all wholesale dealer in fish has been for e
could fru them about this remedy instituted by the Food Controller and fingers all broke out in
tries from serious, if not ruinona�e- snout'any person Mak of, rheumatlana 1 basis for register statistical "My R
letion. � fours truly. , will be the - ' Im les and would crack and s
P t:ItayatT Lt':1'1•tlt.l•E• which is erpe� - p P ch that
Out mart
that could
know r.. It was the storm seats of ais •plass of •
pilgnmage, where th COULD CROSS ATLANTI tby two methods oily• b ret 14.
battle that lasted ten months and cost' sands of IoM and women will come I the D y ,
and were big enough
;the opposing1,000,000 men of bu t th l at From serving I v � '•' _ • two. 1 never ad any P
attention in the r Forth Bridge contains 48,(1(10 t because 'they
market information,
I ed to be beneficial to the li::h trade of i hardly keep from scratch•
Dominion. %ti•►r ing. They began to swell
for weeks tail
itched and burned.
"1 was told about Cutl-
eura Soap and Ointmel't,
and 1 only had to use two
cakes of Cuticura Soap and two tins oft
MissOintsnelit HildaltManser, en 1 was 62 Ingersoll gRd.
WuoJst.xk, Ont.
Present further trouble by using Cu.
{ieura Soap daily for the toilet,
\For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dices post -card; •`Cuticura, Dept. A,
U. 8 A S'ild evetwtte►a
vin existing resources; Second, y
after the surto pay tribute o e • Giant Biplane Flew Faultlessly '
I e tit their dead.. "Some- Constantinople.
increasing production. Both these
oain aides
whish it is estimated that resting p
four times during the battle, and prob nWen nods over each Wel man's lira`f •the which in Juto ly d most insurmountable obstaclesfo lova Controller
ably more shells I eb j your Piano
having an
- Y fi were exploded upon R returned
to the Welcome o
I and although she bore as well their rope.
of ground of similar size in the world. Cdre et Anxiousner, Parents. baggage and bedding, spare putt] going freighters and the great des fish and poutlry, fruits. d sand broiled
recd through some remarkable ' tonne fofreighters
Australia from the market Potatoes, baked,
It pe. Out in the q . , and oil, bombs and machine guns.
dinars. but dot of
the most months'
neer otdng tui
and spare propellers, she carried them largely eliminates the Commonwealth feeds," means you! To ask the Canac�
dght moment of the ten ober 24,. down
manf a father was pacing u(i and expert, hem e a source of supply. ole to eat less of certain foods
fight was the afternoon of October 24,' down alone., Ile was a kindly, friend- easily. it could, says an Canada and the States must, ton people last,, when the French retook err the I� from the " (northchat)
of Scotland' roared the Atlantic in 20 hours. thCanada in large measure, United yaee uCi, i in orderoathatto theeatassf certain
the front
lfond of a "crack" (chat)' with hfa� The great Rolls-Royce engines never difficulty. In 1916, slightly more than may not go short is soldiersamatter-of-in-
time the tort which the Germans ` neighbors. But Ilenight no one dared t faltered. They brought the airmen to
had explored. Since that day it has' neig 39,000,(100 acres in Canada .were int tense serioipneas.
remained in French hands. I speak to him. was fighting the l Saloniki, and thence to a base."some-, field crops. In 1916 the area had de -
shadow alone. where nearer Turkey." Then the great 1 creased by nearly 4,000,000 acres. MONEY ORDERS
The scene of devastation which hen It was only yesterday that he had a
the eyes of the victorious army adventure began. The baggage and ,Whether or not thin decline is due to Dominion Express Foreign Cheques
great story to tell. His boy was bedding and spare parts wire left be Whetherage of labor, it id a serious fall- dale Accepted by Field Cashiers and
the last Getman had been captured or •,dein' fine." They had had to adipo -,hind. Tile pilot and a pasaenRer ing off in time of war.sIfe i un are e Paymasters In France for their anlld
driven from the bettered furrows tate his leg, but he was putting up a (SquadrThe picot an K. S. Seger
which were once woolen -lined net available, the labor problem can face value There is no better way 1
be imagined. and Flight -Lieut. H. Mc('lellandl sat be met by a much larger use of women to send money to the boys to the
trenches can scarcely real stili fight. Who would give fresh in front, and the engineer (Engineer- be the by a larger
e s the use trenches.
There had been very complete and life bloat to turn the balance? -on
It was a snub-nosed, freckled lad Lieut. T. Rawlings) was free to walk larger and more well as farm machin- t
modern trenches imide the tort before from far Lochaber who responded. He his narrow cabin and watch above and In Britain, many thousands of An Exploded Relief.
ther French made their bed-vvirIsuccessfre-stfong soldier'—'incl he below from the machine-gun plat- cry• turn attack, and the bathed -wire' e^ was a big, women have left the cities to work onf - That stars are visible in the day
tanglements, atretching far away in laughed at the sacrifice- It was nosh forms. \ the land; better machinery has kora time from the VIII of a deep shaft
ing. Ile was proud and glad. They flo1w 2 0 i bout three G believed
front of the solid walls of the foss• da •t seemed as though th I hours and then
t at c asonabte h fou d
When trey ng
insist on ave
its surface than upon any other Piece I Red Triangle. .
were deemed impre¢nahle to any All Y•t
sault. The defenses of the fort had. fight was won. The sacrifice had turn, ing wings saw
when night fell . and ai
miles n u r i procured in some casae by the Gov-
th or well has been generally
he li lite of C rate. n at
epreac ernment, by whom It is leased to the sof Aristotle, bbt there
tNlstan- ., In thio � since the days
tinople 1 the vessels, including farmers Is not the slightest
been made as strong as German eff1 ed the tide. But way Britain las greatl)n increased her idea Boron Humboldt, who spent e
eiency this
mase them. the change. the Gceben, a blaze of light. Down production of foodstuffs, in spite of good deal q,f time in mines himself
But thio attack had been preceded Now it was the father who must they came and loosed a salvo They the tremendous drain that the war has
by the heaviest artillery fire that th fight alone. What should he write to bombs at the battle -cruiser. made on the man -power of the coon- and questioned miners in various parts
yet delivered. The RTeA the boy's mother and sister home in circled and dropped another salvey;tCanada can, and doubtless will,:
of the world, found no evidence in sup -
French had to so nuc pert of this ,belief, and it has since
guns, which were to compo Scotland? None of us dared and and then made along the Bosphorus,', follow the lead of the motherland. been thoroughly expiated, but like all
heaviest German h as he paced slowly up where they sought out the German 'I
I,ed her. other "expiated" ideas it flourishes
SOT for the
eesstully with the him t d
ordnance, had bean co d t h' and bom 1 • as every.
up from Paris, together with an un Ther/ was an American Amid a hail r
too, found the Turkish War Office. Ac- ///` SmeF es E, eslnramrd by
limited supply of ammunition, and °had crossed two seta to see �••
tons of the largest shells were poured , her boy, her only son. Her whole life , cording to a Turkish communique at rd by M all T it In se/a.r
h 1 'n him Her whole con- th time this was "not destroyed,"
mpletedesnd sent the old F'renth coot yar hes quar ers ship
siren mother, of Turkish shells they r ME Granulated Eyelids, just as vigorous y
3.n, Darr and WindqulcklY e's Llafmsat Ottr� Garret to Cows
w yourEresandtnilaby F,rta en are always being asked to
Into the German a cost. • ll•3nut6a, ye •
1,000,000 shells war expended by the versation was of his early days, his "but;' said one of our airmen, 't • I maks sacrifices; that is why they re -
French in their
meat, and the deaf
them shove ^w run- was told by an aeroplane builder at
obtainedrange h the attacking f. tinder a haunting fear which she would British aeroplane, cai4ying a pilot,
Moret an b m up ► e
I V R Jed E C..f rt W nm
d f s as ou h
d h
acro. It is estimated that, as at the not name. Spartan that she was.
h hospital she
At r,•er Dnbett'• or tr
Resetiy a
preliminary bombard- geedneas, his fine working capabi 1• bombs weighed 112 ib., and we were Nnrfnelffye red Ira quickly in wartime.
ruction wrought hy, ties, his kindness to her, th t half an hour e sabre. In rw •• alae. r.. surely is time now to begin harping
accurate was the' For two long weeks she had been
iyw Eye r.«.
ere or , r•
A London Daily Mail representative Ask arenas Ess r ---A- Ce cased
s of men an the matter of
- on the duty
Safety First Hints personal sacrifices.
d 700 lb of luggage,1 hints furie wise
battle ofback smiling h H look- lies flown from I which are K
d t 1 ml, sway square I ,f c�i th t have machine*
and possible lora great Britain i }, members of
the Somme, one ton of metal Alter the visit tote six passengers. an Born, safety in .
nese )a" ' me Tendon to Paris in intended t" uatd'against Fully ane third of the land' in
was epeti et ; - two hours. atel a we • 'e owned\
the objective. I Yea, he had recognized her. a wserious a the Great
of Lords.
Completely Wrecked. 1 ed very white and thin, but he wastto carry. 8,00015. of bombs (nearly a I of lifer are tieing sent out hroadcaat
I somehow j allton and a halt). „ by the electric light companies,' From
After the bombardment, ao trace s The h t a had bright
ythe I4 "Then why do we not bomb Berlin? them may �\ x
of the barbed-wire entanglemento be always.be selected the following:' 1 i
spine and there was little pain. She ••That le quite possible," said the Do not cover an electric globe with
se the trenches nes of theves was jt be knew that he would never walk a�in. constructor, "but it is not my depert- Paper or cloth. it may start n fere.
too were outlines of the tort itself I m getting on tine, mother," he meat—but aemething big may happen Do not hang an ordinary lamp surd "
too were indicated
ed into vague lines, 1 I over a Hall or metal work. Do not
'which indicated only in a general way ; had said, smiling up a her. "I'll eodnl To O --
The barbell wiry leave a cord co)inected when you are
where it had steed• be able
to1you'd neither arms nor legs Scrap Metal on the Farm. through with t Do not touch any
and the tren@hreeis had almost cone- there'd always( be an armchair for you' Farmers may not realize that they
pletcly disappeared. The ire hadwire that is down on the ground, whe-
the in the best place beside the fire and a I are unpatriotic if they are not selling' wire tris an electric, telephonehor guy
been blown deep into the ea
steady pounding of the huge iron miss!mother to work for you, and she'd their worn-out machinery and imple- wire. In ane emergency, remove u
sites and the gi Quad above them had! ant nothing better than to sit and I menta. terga quantities of iron and 1 wire with an instrument napped
been churned up over anti over again I look et you in the evening,' had come steel are needed for Runs, shells, I with a wooden handle, keeping the
the quick reply. bridges, and other war purposes. full length ofr(he handle between
by the ' shells which followed. One The "Camp Baby." I There are many farms on which a yourself and the wire.
Al le correspondent hopentered)
Ro I Rood deal of junk is to be found. High-'
er prices are being paid for scrap
metal than formerly, but, lnnorder i to
a little you
othht have
a little
i tlerort thiskani
save unnecessary expe
It to the foundries, neighboring farm- steamed fruit podding.
ers might co-operate end make one aslaara"s Liniment Dares Colas,
hauling do Instead of several.
army declared that on the whole ridge
DoTF'lmnnt with the vlcto us Franc 1 there wwas a baby, too, In that old there was "nota apace as big as the hostelry, a queer little fellow, who
beim of n man's hand that had ane po kingcuemargarine
me and rcovered with
ounted on a
been flung into the air, heaped e flannel.
flung up again and again by the shells warfn, gray
with which the French preceded theira 111. f at hotlteer rr as an Engli h ldirr
attack ",,
The Jordan Valley
In Soothe •4tern Oregon 11 • N.utll,l,
leetlet e. Mn, shrted that ewd ou •farhmer= n
1141 f•tllII Masan Ihelr 114 a.a.
. 1. / :•.1119. [N1e ts.. that In
.enl Ill .ay al1 Mur n. M. t
I dr•tiI.er•. • In the roles N t a
scosi stilet lFry an. ,..ds.e 1 orlr
lar: tams uty
Ma me for .u1h••tl. Informant/a.
.t•.luldy. Me.
You =n nal y1.!I Invited to •,II el
.Reno 12. U �1n117a/d4elr.da)IIp•
•1 wod.ete • .w* 1. Me 0Nu 9.0
O... 11
5 *.Silt!! Ml.1u,t5.At Systt.elrm.ts .
Mee I .44 o. r. skit, o..w. w.
A Shoe Boil, Capped
Bock or Bursitis
will reduce them and leave no ll.rrni•hes.
Stops lameness promptly. Dues not blis-
ter or remove the hair, and horse can be
worked. g2 a bottle delivered. (look 611 free.
ABSORRINF•, IR., ter ..retied. Me .nn"dlte
s.l.ent her bla. groins. for.. 9.1111n(1. t silo" Vein.
Al.,. Ps -n and InlIMIIM tion. rlYl more if . 1 snits
ottle at
entadee w deanarsd. es I11 te11 y.,u
IV F. YOUNG, 1•.0. F., 616 Lyman' Bldg , Montreal. Can.
gsertlae and AMnrtlnt. Jr.. are s.le 10 Canada
ED. 7.
Men in Training
Fighting isn't the only duty of a
soldier, and exposure to bullets is
not as serious as exposare to all
kinds of weather and dampness -
Rheumatic aches. store and stiff
muscles, strains and sprains. chil-
blains and neuralgia, all are enemies
of the soldier. and the relief for all
these pains and aches is Sloan's
Liniment. Clean and convenient to
carry or use: does not stain. and
Generous sized russi.u.
25e.. lO0.
Flo an.'.s
Machinery For Sale
1 WHEELO('K ENGINE, 18x42. i and exhaust alpine, Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply
flywheel, etc. Will accept 51,200 cash for Immedtate sale.
1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110-120 Volts D.C.
Will accept 5425 cash for Immediate sale.
1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. Double, Endless. 21•ineh x 70 ftp
Will accept 5300 for Immediate sale, although belt le In •xceMent 00111.
dltion and new one would cost about 5600.
PULLEYS, Large size.
26x20 -1130,2x80--$20 ; 12! ix.8 512: 12x96—$8•
2 BLOWERS OR FANS. Buffalo make.
One 10 Inch, other 14 Inch discharge -330 each.
60 Front St. West, Toronto