HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-2, Page 7BICYCLES
Don't Be Atari -nod.
Mr. T. M. Davis, chairman of the lire
committee of the town council, asks The
Signal to announce that the new tire
alarm system which the town is installing
will be tested next Wednesdtly, about 2
o'clock This notification is given so that
citizens may not be unduly alarmed.
Met Major Taylor at Halifax.
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor were at Halifax
last week and had the pleasure of spend-
ing parts of two days with their son,
Major (.Dr.) Harold A. Taylor, who had
come over from England as one of the
officers in charge of a hospital ship. It
was nearly four years since they had seen
Goderich Elevator Go. Meeting.
The annual general meeting of the
Goderich Elevator & Transit Co., Lim-
ited, was held yesterday. The state-
ment presented showed a fairly successful
year, though the early closing in of win-
ter last year deprived the Company of
considerable traffic it would otherwise
have had. No change was made in the
board of directors or in the officers of the
A Bereaved Home.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry K.
Armstrong, East street, has been sadly
stricken by the taking away of their little
son Kenneth, seven years old, after a
week's illness. The little fellow is greatly
missed by his parents, his grandmother.
Mrs. Res/Anton, and his two young broth-
er% as he was a very affectionate and
lovable boy. The bereaved ones (doubly
bereaved. as the grandfather, Mr. Alex.
Robinson, passed away only a short time
ago) have the sympathy of all.
The Merner Dispersion Sale.
Mr. D. B. MacKay was one of the buy -
Extraordinary Success which
"fruit -a -tires" Has Achieved
Prices from $45 to $49.50
Over '20 different ones to choose from. Come along
and look them over. Our guarantee is a real one. Ask
those who have bought our wheels in previous years.
We do anything that is needed, even repairing punc-
tures. free under it.
We will give a prize of $5 at Goderich
Fall Fair for the best -kept machine.
East Street Garage
GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover
"Owaed aad Operated by a
Practical Man"
ttod heatre
Alice Brady
IIOne of the most danger-
ous and repulsive forms of
Kidney Disease is
One reason why ' l-'ruit-a-tires"
is so extraordlaarily successful iu
giving relief to those suffering with
CosslipaliAlf, Torpid Liter, Indiges-
tion, Chronic Ilesdmolts, .Verralgia,
Kidney and Bladder Troi4les,
Knennsalism, Pain is the Banc,
F'uena and other Skin Affections,
is, because it is the only medicine in
the world made from fruit juices.
It is composed of the methcisal
principles found In apples, oranges,
figs and prunes, together with the
nerve tonics and autlsepucs of
proven repute.
We. a box, 6 for $2 50, t fist size _'Sc.
At all dealers or snit 1,0.1 paid
by Fruit -a -tires limited, Ottawa.
THURSDAY, MAY 2, 191 t7
deliberating a patriotic drift was prettily
executed by tweve talk girls.
In Honor of Capt. Proudfoot.
Capt. W. Proudfoot, M. C., was the
guest of honor at a "smoker" held by the
Menesetung Cane Club in tbeClub rooms
on Monday night. There was a large
attendance ofmembers and gummy and
very interesting program was
carried Speeches were given by Mr. George
Porter, Sheriff Reynolds. Mr. H. J. D.
Cooke and others. all expressing great
pleasure in being able to meet Capt.
Proudfoot on hie return from scenes of
battle. Capt. Proudfoot when called up-
on gave a concise and moat interesting
account of his military expenencrs since
he went overseas early in 1916 with (he
33rd Battalion. Speaking of the present
situation, which had developed sura he
left the front, he was quite cheerful, hold-
ing the view that there was no occasion
to fear disaster, but rather that the
course of events was moving naturally to
the Allies.
ion of
warmld applaudedWashington,
his address. Bomb. Harry rat and
who also is on furlough, was press
shared in the honors of the occasion,
making a few remarks in response to a
call. There was an excellent musical
prram, including selections by the
Goderich Orchestra, vocal solos by
Messrs. H. McGregor and Walter Ship-
man. quartette numbersby M and
Taylor, Sexsmith,
Saunders, and piano music by Mr. Bell.
Capt. Proudfoot is a member of the Men-
esetung Canoe Club and Mr. Washing-
ton was a member before leaving town
some )'ears ago.
era at the big dispersion sale of shorthorn
cattle held by J. J. Merner. M. P., at
Zurich yeaterdaY. His purchase is the
roan calf Princess Victoria, a fine young
animal which will make a splendid addi-
tion to the live stock equipment of the
MacKay farm. A number of -others from
Goderich and the. neighborhood were
among the great crowd present at the sale.
Sixty head of cat le were sold for an erg
Save For Inver
War bonds and other
attractive tru+estments
are open to the man
who systematically
saves his money. Such an Investment represents
what the thriftless man spends In unnecessary trifles.
Open a savings account in the Union Bank of
Canada. A great help to thrift
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCO M BE, Manager.
We1i'Received at Exeter.
The Exeter papers speak highly of the
Goderich young people who gave the
operetta "The Lass of Limerick Town,
in that town last Friday night. The com-
is to give the same performance at
fasts of $30,000. The top prices were) Kinn cardirie . n May 24th. The following
t+lt1� M t of The Exeter Advocate:
"Bought and
Paid For"
for which Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the only certain
cure;. In Dropsy the Kid-
neys are actually damned
sip, and the water, which
should be expelled in the
forst of urine, Rows back
and kxtges in the cells of
the flesh and puffs out the
skin. Remove the filth
which plugs up the drain.
Restore the Kidneys to
health. There is only axe
Kidney Medicine
Broadway's Greatest Actress
BroadAarst's Greatest Success
for a bail and $600 for a cow. r. is the commen
Merner is mowing from Zurich to the A come opera in two acts was put
vicinity of Seaforth. on in the Opera House by the Godc-
rich Comic Opera Co., on Friday
No More Liquor Shipments. evening last, under the auspices of
Any stocks of liquor left inthe express 1 the Patriotic League, and we may say
offices after May 1st have been seized by that a larger or more respectable au -
the inspectors and it is now illegal for any dience was never convened in the Op -
person to send, ship or bring. or cause .era House, which was packed to its
to be Bent, shipped or brought into .any I utmost capacity. Much had been
Province of Canada. with the exception of i heard of this talented aggregation of
Quebec, any liquor containing more than yam, people from the county town
two and one-half per cent: alcohol. The and the large audience(he greeted
stocks Huronard in the cellars y private them was nut in the least diseppr eted
homes ine county can only be ltsed. of what they expected "Tote lass
while we are under the CanadaA
miler of Limerick 'Town' is neither deep nor
Act, for personal a family and intensely operatic, the scenes of the two
people should be careful rut tve ie arts depending tor their interest largely
away or treat their friends,as they are In characteristics of Irish scenes of
liable to prosecution by so doing. fascinating pleasure from the rise of the
The Greyhound Trip. curtain in each act to the going down of
An added attraction fpr the evening ex- the same. All the characters were trn-
cursion on the White Star Line steamer personated ni a clever and enlivening
Greyhound this year will be a grand ball- manner. The beautiful luncheon cloth
room, with 4,000 square feet of floor made by Mrs. Birney and re -donated by
space. A first-class orchestra will furnish Mrs. Rich. Coates of Usbos ne was put
muse. The ' moonlight" will be given , uP by auction by Mr. C. W. Robinson
on the evening of Monday. June 10th, ' and was knocked down to Miss Ettie M.
and on Tuesday, the 11th. the Grey- Bowey, the amount realized being
hound will leave for Detroit. returning on The proceeds of the entertainment, apart
Thursday. An arrangement has been from the luncheon cloth. amounted to
made with the Dominion Superintendent $224. Miss Dolly Dickson, a former
of Immigration for the issuing of a short Exeter young lady, assisted in the
The Saults Coal Co.
duoces.ort to McDonald' k Olediill
We deal in' Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, elso Hard and Soft and Hemlock Slabs.coil,
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
OFFICE Pltt,NE - - - - 75
B. ). Saults' Residence 275
W. W Sault;' Residence '20'2
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith eA Ring
30 Eau Street. Oppoaie Knox Church
Give Us a Trial
The Singer Store
form of passport for excursionists, requir- (choruses.•
ing simply the signing of their name at
ILLS the blot on the to of the excursion.
I This sloes away with
ith the necessity for the
large and cumtseraome passport form
which has been found so discouraging to
prospective excnwinsas4-
Monday and Tuesday, May 6, 7
Prices zoo and isc.
Working Shirts
CHURCH NOTES. and a good citizen and Goderich is sorry
to lose him, but his abilities demand a
— —' larger scope which the city charge will
Rev. E. P. H. King. of Almonte. will afford. His message to his congregation
peach in the Baptist church next Sun- on Sunday evening was one o>[ hope and
day. confidence for the Christian church.
Rev. James Hamilton and Rev. R. C. The W. M. S. of Victoria street Atetho-
Synod raid attended the meeting of the
Synod of Hamilton and London at Lon- dist church held its annual meeting last
1 month. wher the following officers were
don this week. elec'ed: Hon. [resident, Mrs (Rev.) Ford:
Rev. Mr. Stevenson, of Stratford. will esident. !tors. lRev.) Osterhout: vice -
peach at Knox church visit Sunday ppresident, Mrs Ti.cNee: recording secre-
morning. The pastor. Rev. R. C. Mc- tar„• Mrs. B. Hogarth: cor. secre-
Dermiid, will have charge of the evening nary, Mrs. Byron Wdtttn; treasurer, Mrs
service. I W. }. Mair; superintendent C. S., Mrs.
Rev. A L. G. Clarke is at London 1 Thos. Million. The Society has had a
in attendance at the annual meeting of vod year The interest in the work has
the Synod of the Diocese of London. been well kept up and the funds better
Quarterly communion service will be than ever. At a special meeting helh
of the chutcd
e observed at. the morning tiervice at Vic- in the parior life -membership
Poriathreet Methodist Retch M . S psi. cM�ted toof Mrs.Thos. Mllin and
In the evening ill
c) Kingston. fu will preach and the amen's airs. ed feelingly) to the kindness shows
choir will furnish the music. The pasta pond
will be in ' charge of the services , tom.
Bine Chambray Shirts,
double front and back.
sizes 14i and 15
Wedded at Niagara Falls.
Awedding took place at the
Chur of England. Niagara Falls, Ont.,
on Monday evening. April 22nd, at K
! o'clock, when Ethel Grace Divine. of
Goderich, was married to Robert Lorne
Smith, of St. Catharines, Ont. Rev. Can-
on Bevan conducted the ceremony. The
bride was married in a suit of sand color
with georgette crepe hat to match and
wore a bouquet of bridal roses. She was
attended by Miss Hazel Higgins, of Stam-
ford. Ont. The gra ernsmen was Mr. Ed-
ward A. Price. of Niagara Falls, (Int.
(The bride received many beautiful pres-
ents. After the wedding the friends of
the happy couple spent a very enjovabie
evening in their home, 95 North Main
street. 'Niagara Falls, Ont. The groom is
a returned soldier. having enlisted in the
4th Battery August 5th, 1')14. at St.
1Catharines and being wounded at St.
Julien. Belgium, on April 23rd, 1915. in
the second battle of Ypres.
Men's Black and White
Shirts, sizes 14 to 17
The services in North, street Metho- I The Roll of Honor way parishofwh
dist church will be conducted next George's. Goderich.
wa d atedist d a morning
Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Dr. appropriateceremonies
Rutledge. Morning subject: 'The Spirit service on Sunday last. the rectcir, Rev.
of Burning.” Evening: "A Night Visitor." . A. L. G. Clarke, officiating. The roll
Quarterly fellowship meeting at 10 a. m. curtains theen names
oh ave served connected119 men
Sacrament of Lords Supper after morn- with the parish. F
in the
ing sermon. present war. A description tel the mem-
Rev. Gordon M. Holmes on Sunday orial and a list of the names will he given
hist bade farewell to the congregation of later.
the Baptist church. of which he had been ,
pastor for three years. He left with his ; The death of John Leckie, of Brussels
family on Monday for Toronto, where he ! for many years a prominent member of
takes the pastorate of the grow•- Baptist church, a large and grow- the Huron county council. occurred on
ing charge. He has been a good pastor T
Men's Gray) Drill Shifts,
sizes 14 to:15i
Overalls •
New stock of children's stamped
drakes in Repp, Pique and i.swu.
. Mt.autped hats and'routpers.
Fancy black satin bails.
A new lot of white staoi('1
nisch cloths, centres, mats awl
The musicale which was to be given
Friday evening of this week in Mr.
Thomson', store. under the auspices of
Ahmeek Chapter of the 1. O. D. E., has
been postponed to Friday evening, May
Steel knitting needles, lingo• le
Darning cotton in colors and
wooden hoops.
A Business Education Pays for
Itself in a Few Months
of a t
of the t
spent in to
course such
at the
School of Commerce
Now is the time f the young
man or woman to to • e an in-
vestment that will give splendid
returns in the years t ; come.
difference in remuneration
ined business roan (or
i as compared with that
trained person, will
ake up the amount
ng a good business
can be obtained
\Ve have courses in
We have special accommoda-
tion for girl students.
For terms, etc., write
L F. WAIL, LA., M. Accts.
Nowt! 208 Principal
Men's Attack Overalls with
Bib. sizes s.4 to 44 51.85
Blue Overalls
- )fen's Work Hocks 15e
he Men s Store
South !title GtsL'rtrh
Victoria Opera House, Goderich Monday, May 6
Four Paralleled Stories of the
World's progress unfold before
your vision in thrilling sequence.
The Fall of Babylon
Belshazzar's Feast
The Humble Nazarene
Paris Under the Scourge
A Modern Drama
PRICES: 1Ni1la" Ur sad Mk
--- - NIgbt tic, Mc, 7k, it M
Seat* now on sale
Our University Students.
The t'niversity of Toronto examinations
are nearly all completed. and all the Gode- 1
nch pupils are now home or will arrive in
a few days. The following were in at-
tendance during the past year: Misses
Edna Pridham and Muriel Galt. in first
year Trinity arts; Miss Mary Tom, sec-
ond year median: Miss Florence Sm th,
third year arts; Miss Flora Hess. Faculty
of Education; Cockburn Hays. second
year Trinity arts ; Leo Garvey and Uns-
worth Jones. first year dentistry: Howard
Jones, final year in medicine; Harold Wal-
ters, first year science.
Edgar Swarts was in fourth year medi-
cine at Queen's University, Kingston. The
fourth year medical students at Queen's
are having a special summer session, SO
that they finish their course about tha
first of October.
The results of the fifth year Faculty of
Medicine! and all years Faculty of Ap-
plied Science ha' -e been announced. in
the former list is found the name of How-
ard Jones tclinicaf medicine and meds-
cin) and el the latter that of Harold E.
Walters (trig. and anal. geom.)
You Are Mistaken
if you think you can clone
proper eyeglasses like a pair
of sboes.
Most eyes have irregular
Mots requiring individual
examination and ' ►.lasso+
ground to preseriptlon. 2
'fhe name SAVAGE has
become synonymous with
eyeglaaa safety bicanst' RAV-
AGE SERVI(:Y. has proven
"mg rose
*510 MFd
tifClfl W tilt FO5T OFFICE.
gi uct.PH. owe.)
_ The Medal Contests.
■The W. C. T. 1'. medal contests last
Friday evening brought out a large
number of camtestants and a large au-
dience. Rev. Dr. Rutledge acted as
chairman. The contestants in elocution
were Doris ()sterh ut, Vera Latimer, Ida 1
Latimer, Leona Webster, Isabel Johnston.
Countess Lyymburner, Elsie Reinhart,
Marguerite Lymhurner and Mabel Ed-
wards. The winner of the silver medal
Was Miss Countess Lymbtirnsr, whose
selection, "Farmer Dean's Conver- ,
cion," was very cleverly given. In
instrumental music the contestants
were Jean Chapman, Irene McDowell,
Dorothea Heil jean Mata Woollwan. combe,
Genevie Spahr
Howell Leola Ilern, Tommy Freeman
and Charles liaecbler. Of the instru-
mentalists the first place and the silver
medal were awtud l� stint °tion were
Ewan. The 1 #t. eiocu
Principal Hunte. Miss Dyer andMrs.1
Macklin; in music. Mr. GJ. a
Mrs. Chas. D ttv and Mi s C. McClint.00.
All the contestants but those *rho won
medals were presented with a pretty
maple leaf pin. werel solos
Idly given bhe y Miss Lyttle and Mist
kindly g d
Warrent, and while the judges were
gum -
A Soldier's offering to his
sweetheart is naturally the
sweetmeat that gave him
most refreshment and great-
est enjoyment when on duty.
Taking a House
doesn't mean that yon must
retain every ugly attribute.
The charm of nano attrac-
tive homes lies in neat
Window -shades
We supply these in all colors
and sizes.
When can we measure your
The Flavour Lasts
Smith's Art Store
Bust, Mfr..* f. 'I't,•n.• it1R