HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-5-2, Page 4His Own People
By H. M. Egbert.
(Copyright, by W. G. Chapman 1
aaa+ aawwM�wCOWS
Most Venenblr of Earth's Cities •ad OTHE
Rich In Historic Interest. I C
Hcbrun, recently captured by the i
British forces in Palestine, is a very • UNIQUE METHOD EMPLOYED IN
ancient city, figuring, in fact, as one
of the oldest in the history of Carat•.i CON VEYING SIGNALS.
Ilia modern Mohammedan name is El'
Allah, "Friend of or •
C SCIENCE Representatives of the Two Great
1 the troop was to raid the American Ybrlrl•said ltoiidhave Ibern so named Used by ag Vegetable*.
English -Speaking Races ('safer
camp at sunup. IGod;' Many Clever Expedients Twnecesshird l.ewn-
"The sentence of the court Is that, Slowly the realization of this erspt from its association with Abraham, p jar when Once Again.
Private Albert Kane he dishunurably into his mind. He heard again t It ie ab getably necessary that we Piece $ silverknifein the
dismissed from the service of the Ku�' l laughter of the Mexican leader, his to the Moslems regard it as one of i Spies to Impart laforaration 1O include vegetabiea in our daily diet 1 water.
I four sacred cities, the others being i Retreating Huns. The purchasing of cheap or low -gook I pouring in the hollies jars, rubtxrs historic meeting took place at
ernment." out the! bolt of what would do to the yecca Medina si d Jerusalem Itg pew h good con•, 10 An historic
Street, London, in No -
Colonel Scutt snapped ' Gringos, his talk of the American) prosaic activities of small farmers ct:nned goads Isar home consumption is I and lids n • Soden and in g
words. Private Albert gene raised his women then slowly, like clic' only twenty-one miles south-west r conomy. Aside from the danger Iditiun before using. vemebelr, says a writer in • British
head and looked at the officers for the must take place, in northern France, of sickness, an inferior article makes To successfully can vegetables. and weekly.
Drunkard, wastrel, out_ flower. Dorothy's free unfolded before of Jerusalem. in the shadow of the great guns.these•
first time his a rs against the fadingWest. The city of Hebron is referred to in Ac- pvlsible to have good results 1 u, fact all food products, f All Members of the American Mission
tied a minimum „tY eel lu hisfeet and the Old Testament in Numbers xis►•• cordingly the French artillery officers°sterilised.
ben where dCi°king. Imus, be completely d iµ( rub• met the British War Cabinet and the
he i
cast, be tied expo hone .tel er li
two years' imprisonment. And that looked about him. Tethered to a near-) 22; Genesis xxiif� 4; Joshua xrv., lb• did not think it ■t all remarkable w
was all his sentence -to be dismissed by hut was a fine stallion, the prop -1 As a sanctuary it was the most f Vii_ a farmer with two red cows and one priced
to I b°r' mately concerned
from the regiment. este of Santos, which he had left there, oua of the south, and the three pa white one drove thorn down Tt(e road d vegetable act re
Mg h th
"You're luck, Kane. is I was Wishing
rc'urn on the morrow, no
every day to the pasture, s ge• meeting was essentially in your shoes; said d hief things wishing to risk it in the impending asitia -Abraham, Isaac and Jacob- while the t lutes
German and French shells shrieked t y p
ggther. as he gathered I fight, If light there was to be, No- are reported to have sojourned at age- States could beat work with us and
overhead. But after the three cows, time in their natural state. tables is tough and
gcther. "Going F%sat, I suppose'." wax guarding it. IHebron (Genesis rill., 18; xxxv.,that• actor, and because of this the
"Yes;" answered Kane nonchalantly, �yrr strung out in Siegle tele, had gone by An assortment elf home -canned I tables require a ong'time--from three with the` other Allies for the single
Kine crept riling i R. He saw the xxxvii., 14.) A legend has it completely
and walked toward the entrance of i sale and bridle at the door of a' they were all buried there, with Re- the German artillery flamed forth in I vegetablesditionto the. pantry during thewin-to five hours --to be end we have in view. But the dullest
the camp•renewed aMivity.sterilised. Many successful eanehse imagination must be stirred by this
Kane was free. He had enlisted near -by hut. In a moment he had, Re-
becca and Sarah, while even to -day an ter season, besides saving many times use the old sectioned ti B thud, gathering of the representatives of the
year of die- Placed the saddle on the animal's back!old oak is pointed out at Mamre, near 1 F it seemed imbued K th • startling their original cost. oint and tt p°a g mop
o ix months before, atter a fastened :he girth. by, as that of Abraham. prescience regardin columns °t Bacteria cells cover all vegetables, 1 u, to heat it to the en ae P sat two great English -s kin les -
tion, in the vain hope of forget-. and fasten the
bridle, hearing shoutscook for one hour, then seal. Rep ur ose upon such a scene.
ti• the st. Once. W long ago that The epics sent out to visit the troops, files of supply trains and lo_ and unless they are completely vegetables,
this process for three successive drys. for sue a p P P
time was like a as the Mexicana saw him and divined cations of new guru. A French AAl-ed this bacteria will cause farmenttn Member of the Same Faolily•
the memory"(of thatThis is a troublesome method which
his uta rse. Men ran toward him. Promised Land ventured to Hebron, i eer became interested in that proces- action to take lace iu the jeep an requires considerable time for hand!- ago,
roan. him hadt.e had been aiden•i Dthen the contents will be a total loss. ing and cooking. Newer and more Until a century and a hall they
had a good had Kane cut the halter and leaped he and Joshua was said have destroy -
man' and he loved the stallion's Hack. Inla moment he ed the city before giving it as •heel" stove of cover. It successive
seemed the To Can Asparagus were one people a in -
waste city,wee awe galloping along the road lege to Caleb, and made it a city °t same on two aucceaaive occasions. g modern method have slim Hated all where
of bloodewithe common in -
Dorothy vis, whom he knew to be y' ¢ p K refuge. Then the place figures proms -!Sometimes the white cow would Iead.1 Select perfectly fresh and young this
the one love an in the world whom he i that him led atilt heardethe rccries Behind
htheasparagus. Wash it carefully to re- The Cold -Pack Method of political and religious thought, of
must forever. At last ba I neatly to the history of David, for it Sometimes the white one was be -
move the sand. Peel the stalks care- Thia method is now in general use In institutions, habits, character, and fn-
s , Aad'tlexicaas was here that he was anointed King, tween the two others. Sometimes thel and •is pinch
om in a. positionle. to ask her to be-: ti fie 111. ' Asst over Judah, and then over the all •the large canneries, ditions coming down to them through
Koine his wife. And she had broken, farmer would whip one or itis other fully and trim awayrtions. ! t.11 they and and preferred because it gives a beautiful countless generations. Then the claim
the news.to him t1T she was engaged! Once out of sight of the village he whole of Israel. (II. Samuel ii . fat- i F q e sly the ahead of the line. I pithyateuntil all the asparagus i e prey upearancr to the vegetables. It es^
+-o be married. 'It was to Lalonel: moved slowly, for before him, miles v 1-3.) Absalom also made his at- Frequently the formation altered red Then tie it in convepient be successfully accomplished with the of the colonists to self-government
Scott, a man considerably her senior• away, outlined against the horizons tempt to capture the Throne from He- I several times in the halt -mile jou butidlra for easy handling 'while same results in less time than by other divided them from the Mother Coun-
try, and just because they were of the
and Kane had R+ however, :__ The day died and the start bron, but soon after that time it die- change in formation seemed)pot of wa-a vegetables same family the kinsmen stubbornly
from marked prominence in ; Every Blanching -Have a large In using this method, jh
d• ed and the f fought their It was in
Vegetables, particularly the sue- I accessories, such as jars, e • Departments most hitt-
theirones, are reasonable riced dor- must alw covens under this rule- Heads ‘of the Dep.r in the war. The
ng the warm weather, an stable Str • • business
heir well-known perishable qua
be J. not kee for any length of The cellulose structurefab i in char- meeting to consider bow the United
asked her sooner F•
there was no use speculating about came out. Kane rode along the de- appears utterly needless to the p ter boiling. Place the asparagus to are blanched, cold - tpP
1 sorted road. Bible story. In the .Apocrypha it is purpose
packed in sterilized jars, the rubbers
that. his posiuuii and hey it was midnight When he saw far mentioned, however, as being the driving three cows to'pasture. The; this water when it starts boiling and
Kane Leave up of thel 1 office apprehended the man on the I boil fol ten minutes. Removal and adjusted and the lids partially tighten•
hardly re cmhered an thing
off the wending Rio Looking down, place that Judas NArrabeus took from in into a pan ofprocessed.
Nearile that fu owed. Suffice it t t, st he saw the camp of the nide b the Edomitea, way ba k "Y u will not wee the sun cold dip by dropping ed and then
1 I t rrow • very cold water. Cold P
the end of i he found himself nileso outside army camp in T
Ile had the sudden thought of red
ing himself. Il re, at least,
would be a life o action. Kang enol c
listed. y Istel moo
Ple found the monot n of artily 1 iy un
i- the little border t intolerable.
Ile found that Colone tt was his; the pie
, mmanding officer. Ile ound that; hia hOree a the gallop. 1pf the'ofllcera of the Entomologtca falling bac a then invert to cool. hen P
- every week be saw Dorothy• • He ;fled' Faster a faster he dro� the stat- protecting col store the jars in a cool dry place. ing the time for the MsswSll spoil names are set with his. The successor
from the sight of her, and fa unately lion down hill. He heard the Branch. The necessity of p cow" method of signallro�+. The threes possibleRemember that no food of North and of Portland. who welrnm-
im in p pestsanimals were capable n[ half a dozen• poi.,ts to remember fur successful that is absolutely sterilised, that bac-
for him she did not recognise sheets of the a rd; he caught a vision all our crops from insect production is anima st formations that spelled a results: tens are exceed- the American drlegatton, was lay -
O of men, risen t sleep, staring the view to increasing thing crop p feria, spores and ¢e
his soldier's pnifotm. nee h was p half dozen different truths concern- 1 The asparagus must be young and ingly hard td kill and that only long ing practical problems before practical
to her home an he him and then h was running more urgent than ever at this resent fresh will accomplish with' Mr.
M{ 1 troopmovements and artillery d tel cookie¢ and busy men but nobody
quarrel out.
e room and at the table where the
decisions which made the severance in-
evitable were taken, and where the
r$ at t a c o Dt
", foot of the hill. A high bank on ? so high in the heavens o -mo ~' pack Into the jars, the tip end down, of hlanchrd vegetables treaty of peace with the new Repub tc
Lieither side of him, rising into the Control of Insect Penta in Canada. he remarked casually. "You have tat!Cold dapping was signal, that their repreaentativea
mountains, cut off all possibility of r.as closely as possible. Put a silver i necessary to make them firm enough
there podone well -for France!" The rettend • knife i,r the jar to prevent cracking to handle atter being partially cooked took counsel together
a the etatl sat e
etour. lie must ride through the The annual fororthe thet been ending ant's face paled. He tried top ;while Ailing with boiling water. Re- and also to set the coloring matter so enemy of the polity P. logmove tt.e knife and ut the rubber and g tion the • have developed.
gave hie horse a rest; then,, Marchyth 31st, 1917, has just been issued astonishment, Gut his tear sial ton- that it will not easily dissolve during 3protested
trigtop continued, very cautious- by the Department of Agriculture, fusion were too obvious. He told bis' lid thin position. Partially tighten and the rest of the process. }'ranklin had pleaded and D
, topping theunder last hill, he saws story to the drumhead court that eon-� then process in hot -roster bath for two Be positive that the weytcr is boil-
ro! there; Adams and .HY had doubtless
PP ¢ put' Ottawa, and in its twenty-four pages in raptdl atter the jars have been often called therein the nAgutiation+
i brief record is given of the activities vaned to listen. The Germans, in hours after the boiling has started. water bath before count -
k h d arranged a "three I Remove sd tighten the l:d securely as g for the settlement to which their
laced in e
sent on a message ing mo
left the message with the servant s d gantlet between two lines of exi- time. The establishment o region f 'nd could
f h' h there acy Fie orae paid well by the Wash carefully to remove any sand. this ca
fled, He ate his heart out. He different proimces has Hune and coached gent known as the worst soldier in sal h• d t him He felt as are n
fiat regiment. He was continually of be through the h they the tactics to be pursued r USE THE LEFT -OA ER TL R word We do
punished. At lest he committed a' h
�o-\ \
! *WW1
cans. He heard their excited shouts. entomological stations, .n w -lc 1 actor
lets whizzed pas now ten in s
Peel and remove the pithy parts.
t were the sting a an greatly enlarged the scope ofin d for a couple of slays
fo strip through the shoulder. His gsal o{ slices of toast cut in triangles. Coy -
appeal to millions on both Sidra et the
hand, theerrei dropped tt the work and the oncise st ofe the s are I they fell batik. Trrkey Eraiate.-OM cuff er the toast with a leaf of lettuce, then ;peen.
lessty rum reins. a telt the concerned. Concise statements are The French officer was right. The small pieces of turkey, one onion, one Historic Mrrtlag Place.
blood stream down him. \ given of the progress of the following (`peasant saw onlyone more sunrise. , green pepper, one-half cupful of lay on two thin slices of turkey, then
Then he had passed them, and aa,his lines of work; investigations on in- I And for him there was no sunset. Mince the onion and pepper slice of ham or bacon and Thoughtful men will everywhere
n^rting horse gathered itself togeth- setts affecting grain and field crops, I "Shirt Signals. 1 gravy- onepen thin clic leaf of lettuce. Cover feel that this meeting, whose aim is
er beneath him he heard the trop eenhauae, fruit crops, Another clever expedient for signal- I Ane, then parboil and add to the mine Garnish
yells, arde^ and qr the ed turkey. Moisten with gravy and with a second dire of toast• protectionthisof human freedom,
with wild ye ,take up the pursmt. rest and •
shade trees, stored grain was that employed by 1 with olive, p' kle and then serve with the ro diets
The river gliste(ied before him. Thal and other products, insects affecting
iomen of the shirts." She seeded heat until very hot. Serve on toast. one tablespoonful of mayonnaise on could have had
dthe moreooin Downing
current ran feat and strong. Only a Turkey TerraDia -One cupful of• leaf of lettuce. setting
moment he hesitated; and, as he did, domestic and,other a thetlintroduc- always washing them. Up on a tittle
To Use the Filling. -Cut the cold Street where that great chapter M its
so, he felt another sting under the hold and Pknoll where her little house stood told turkey,pcut in one -inch blocks,i potatoes in thin slices, use history was largely written. it was
tion and't they flapped and danced on the two tablespoonfuls of deur, one cup-ilail� pu rat only the independence of the
arm. Then he drove the stallion into olonization of pariaitic in -clothesline in the fresh morning t about two cupfuls; put in a fryi
the river. sects and atudiea of natural control; light. Back of and bey sun- upl000f milk. Season with one tea- In which tour tablespoonfuls of short- United States which that chapter de -
The bullets whipped the water about field work against the brown -tail moth and that knoll, spoonful of salt, one -hot teaspoon- poo
him. Kane felt his senses leaving ism,gns loomed sullenly, their smoke I ful of Worcestershire sauce. Blend ening has been made very trot. Turn terminad. It decided the future oft e
in the Maritime Province.; and the in- the p,British Empire as well. We have
and an awful faintness. tet the ctirin of imported nursery stock. A plumes lifting lazily like blossoms' the flour and milk and then cook for the potatoes in and add one and one -
fill• never forgotten the lessons that it
Lloyd George's cast o mi
KEY? pass over facts so striking without a
not doubt that they will
icy water wrap him round bit. a aP five minutes. Add the cold fur ey
shroud. Behind Sim his pursuers ha brief statement of the work undertnk- of white against the green hills. The, half to two cupfuls of turkey cupful -taught us. From them we have learnt
shirts flapped -red and blue and' meat. Shake or loos until very hot.' Heat thoroughly and add one
halted. No ordinary horse could' wim n with a vilarlto bird,. is tat oogiven'or stock; cook until moisture how a great democratic Empire must
from the south to the north Gan of iL e, e Y whjte and red aKa11-some very close Add the yolk of egg and •dash ot, of gravy
the Rio in flood time. a publication does not contain any together, some wl,lely spaced. Atter, nutmeg. Serve. j evaporates and a brown crust forms. be moul'led and preserved. Statesmen
a few days they arrested that woman sat in the old roam in Downing street
The current wa sweepipg hi recornendationa respecting the con- The old question is here answered Mold into shape by pushing
to+ the euen in those days to whom the secret
But before him he saw, white ql o insect pests, such information Terror-stricken, she hobbled her con- •in a few palatable receipes. !side of pan. Turn out on a hot plat was clear
aiinst the night, the tents of his owns Is uhli�lted in t�►e bulletins seed virtu' {season of the "shirt -signals." l;he __ 'i,urkey Fritters. -One cupitiL_.4it' ter in an omelet shape and then serve.
people. With a last effort Kan° fans of the Entomological Branch. It had sold her ,Country (or silver and Dur one-half teaspoonful of salt, two I Turkey Broth. -Crack the Gores Chatham saw
he Rockingham Whigs,
s�perred the flagging Least beneath comprises brief account of the yogi followed the instructions of the re woes. one I and then cover with cold water. and many
q1e water The stallion screamed and tepbonfuls of baking Po f and one-half "Things could not be otherwise," said
work sod wiU d
suddenly began to tread upon the
river bottom. !who dealt, to
h' and l n ing it gained being made in
Spies tog Pug to agriculture.
the American si rushed up the research a, ppingst stopped suddenly and smoked
i and then fold in one cupful of finely of corn -starch with file cup tet "King's
bank. Behind him the Mexicans, Copies may be ions ed'°n ahp seam again. peasants who would sell their,
were stili firing, but now the bullets;country for gain have stood against chopped cold turkey, ono -half tea-' prepared broth, then bring to a boll. deaf
r ends" and placemenears in • Parliament
riand the miser -
to the PublicattQns Branch. Depart- spoonful of rapper. Mix well, then Add ane teaspoonful of finely chopped
ich lore
went wild. Kane was in no danger., of Agriculture, taws. All en- stone walls, Signalling is an interest -parley
If only he could pull himself together, i . respecting ihsec pests should in thing Pizarro raised his hand fry �n-hot fat and serve with Chili' and ihen serve. nt amount oflbrothre is able add estrangedrel he twoowed peepl peoples. ha
more tali comrao , D Pa has
be of interest to treating Huns. cupful of milk, one egg. Mix the dry -Cook slowly or o^e
earn what -progress is Sheep have been used to rtigrial. ingredients together and milk and I hours. Strain and cook until reduced Burke, than that Englishmen beyon
his line of scientific Chimneys smoked on altar,,�fe morn- Mix to a smooth batter to ane -half. Blend two talespoonfuls the seas should claim the full 1chg' of
beaten egg. full of the Englishmen. But thea p
qu rtes E g h I s arace.
hand reach his goal• for the taptoua massacre oft a Hca
In a Mom, lit He Was Away. He reined in the stallion with his be addressed to the Dot�m n ntomo- and history ie`teplete'with incidents Turkel Club Sandwiches. -Use two
last reserve strength. Ile walked it logist, Department of Aifridul °re' ;where thirTes w'er2 indeed L what'
slowly through the entrance to the taws; such requests and e u les may
alert ' d free of postage.
e no
offense agnind d{scilshoe tfian camp. Men were already be mailed -- COTTONSEED FROM U. S. -
kennea and negligence, and was - Stranger, weirder a 11:11 than Channel is 110 feet.
aroused by the shots, and falling in.I
voice. He .i 'sin the t war,!
tried discharged. courtmartial and dishonor , Kane heard the colonels phe DdReretstx. that done by aper
ab In isrlieff saw a woman standingat his side. Heb
In his relief from his fate make re -1 ;topped the horsein }ront of the tom- "Oh I must live!" one said, and then however, has never previ sly been
solved to go Fast and try to a
off kI
man of himself . But as he stepped,
hisbundle upon his arm across
they seemed."
not a sum
n as r. Re
milk. Try this; it is delicious.
said, then any peoples ever had before.
ge depth of the English "The purpose of tfiie historic
gathering," said the Prime Minister,
"was to determine how the Unite 1
States could best co-rere a with
e sei s :-!OoSFewwy a lyfl� (;rcat Britain and the nthc' A lies,"
"Santos is leading a party to attack
the camp, sir," he {altered. "1 came
And Kane fell from his horse into
icer. Lett Freedom's call unheeded. thieved.
1Yho told him that 'mong living men
with un e P His little life was needed? l Calls Von As Coffee Boils.
the a closure, he saw Dorothy cam -Ito -warn you t A s stove which arises at dawn,l
ing toward him. I boils coffee and wakes a you up
In vain he turned his eyes away., •
the arms of the colonel's orderly. "Freedom must live!" another said,
She saw him; she knew him. He saw' They tarried him into the colonel's -As o'er the ridge he bounded; when it ready has Leen invented by
the look of recognition in her eyes.I house. Kane opened his eyes after a On its red slopes they found him dead, Gemaro
a of Brooklyn, N.Y. The
She stopped. Kane hurried past her, long interval, to ate faces looking into By his brave men surrounded. I light t h h
not daring to look back. He gained I his. He row the . doctor shake his
the entrance to the barracks. But head. A sense Of supreme joy
spsrl himself; hia soul became
he did not go toward the railroad ars- thrilled him. It was good to did -It One spat
a a tree, dry -rotten;
tion, as he had planned. Instead, he thrilled
good that this should be ended -
turned southward toward the border- and be ended thea! One fell -but ah! a country's fame the alarm, igniting id extinguishing
He walked jauntily pat the custom- I And among the faces he saw that of is by such deaths begotten. devices. When set the burner under
house, over the bridge, and flung him -
the colonel's wife. Her tears tell Alexander Louis Fraser. the coffee pot will automatically ig-
tur upon the ground. He was in over him. Kane tried to speak, but _' _----:_-- rite ata predetermined hour and boil
turn lthere was no need of speech. in that The press in Canada. Ithe coffee for four or five minutes.
gas burner h a pilot ig L o which is
mechanism. A dial
ks serves to tell the
lel is used to set
attached a cl
over the clockw
time. •A smaller
Republic Will Supply Canada With
Necessaries for Home Consumption.
The United States Food Adminis-
tration has completed arrangements'
with the Food Controller of Canada
whereby cottonseed oil and its pro-
ducts may move into'Canada for local
Canadian consumption. There will be
no re-export of these products.
As Canada raises sumrient hogs for
its own uses, export licenses for hogs
Will not be granted for an indefinite
period. The policy oftthe Food Ad-
ministration is to see that Canada is
supplied with certain necessaries,
• from the United States, required for
Ifeeding their own people; but no
Mexico, and he never meant to re -,last interchange of loo s all was ex- 1 A81 publications of all The flame w111 then lower of its own more
ii. I !aimed,
There are •
kinds now being issued in Canada, in- accord to
ow brill ng rt Willut I Regular licenses will be required on
eluding 138 dailies, 4 tri-weeklies,all shipments heretofore but no,
semi-weeklies, 921 weeklies, 222 itself off entirely. The coffer is note Ictuses will 'as issued without the
ed approval of the Food Controller of
monthlies, 1 hi -monthly, and 11 quer- ready for you and an alarm is soond-U
and the reconcilia'ion effect -
Albert Kane looked up into the sky . ed He bad raved others- what did it kir s 40 five men h menta as
and searched the' distant hills. ' matter if he could not sate himself?
The summer sun was declining'real-1,
and And, with his eyes still h„1 him eDor-
as the mescal went otrt of him he real- o,fhy's look, he fell asleep.
d hisabasement. ------♦-
a ease terlies.
For fifteen months he had lived in for thea
the squalid Mexican village twelve', Purity of air is necessary
ra1les beyond the border. At first sick. This is often lost sight of by.
come completely identified with the i ;patients and those to whose care they
looked on with suspicion. he had be-
are intrusted. During the convales-
villager. He sprawled in the adolx;ecnre• of patients from acute diseases
hut, an unclean thing, like the creep.' in cold weather, we find in homes and
ip Flew
men havet sunk to such depths hospitals where there me the greatest
as Kane had reached. Now, deep in luxuries that those in attendance on
his heart. an elusive memory stirred. the Birk often neglect maintaining the
had once been dear to him, of a diel -
it was a memory of America, which .regulation temperature. The patient
does not get his fresh air unless it
lied land wheredof the faces looked happens to be summer. Physicians
ants'. eyes.
into his instead the brutish peso-; in rs
rnee and nues, who have to •,
What was it he was remembering?' up end down at all times of the day
He knew now. Somebody had and night, are often thoughilese of
kicked him. it was the rebel leader'thmle whom they Move and oft fail riding by with a hundred Gringo is always drunk. He, to dress themselves sufficiently for
troopers And what wT1i1! , as it had Leen pro,ection against the cold nir that
said patient in ped should receive if
is harmless. Do not kill him " P I those in charge i.houlti measure tithe
Santos had kicked him eontem tu- re. alts. They
molly and ridden on his way. But temperature of the room by a thermn-
Kane rememhered new. He vemem meter and not by their own feelings.
bored the whispered colloquy. Nn-IThis 11 en importaAt fast to t>♦ re -
body knew for that. el under -Monti mush I member,•,1 lay both patient and care
Spsnlah he Beldam spoke to any -,tete ,
one. But Kane had gathered that)
r c e•q ��11 L
Little (;ir1--Mumray, Hobby kc pa "•. Mnki',v at Hie in German:
e'er Many
8 ` r e Make a
°'e"'° •B -Line
1 -.,,,.,,,,,floe.(
for the Walker House (The House
of Plenty) as soon as they arrive in1 France. Other matters of urgency
Toronto. The meals, the service were the supply of Airmen and aero -
and the homelike appointments to planes, the supply of foal ell the
constitute the magnet that draws tightening up of the hlockrd-
them there. r
Noon Dinner 60c. Speaking of Fond, the Pr", 1111,i-
Everilag Dinner 7Se• star assured the Mission "that the
most drastic restrictions were about
THE WALKER'HOUSE to he imposed upon the people of the
Toronto's few,eus Howl British isles, partly in order to assist
TORONTO, CANADA the Allies and partly 1,1 order to leave
Rates Reasonablemore room for the carriage of menGeo. Wright gr Co.. Props. and "
-'ons to the battle frame:"
('o -operation in th N ar.
Mr. Lloyd George said thee, atter
full deliberation, he and his rolleaguea
were satisfied that two twitters- -man-
power at the fronts and shipping -
were of superior and equal urgency.
He war anxious to know how Noon the
first million men could he expected in
nY 111101114111eltaylsAIKALINV. Y.Al1(
Hotel BcI Coronado
Coronado Beach, California
Near San Diego
18 -Hole Golf Oouree
Hotiel is equipped thmughout with Automatic
Sprinkler System.
B.C.'s Trade Position.
British Cohimbta's mills have a pos-
tsable output of 2,600,000,0 00 feet per
annum of lumber, according to an es-
timate made by the "Victoria Colon-
ist." On that side of the continent,
says the "Colonist," there is the larg-
est supply of merchantable timber. -
Pulp and paper mills when fully in
swine will be able to supplement th ,
shortage of products in the east and
, probably indefinitely sutSply the de-
mand for paper. in the )(dars 1912
to 1914 net more than five por cent.
' of the foreign lumber export trade on
the Pacific was handled from the west-
ern porta, notwithstanding the na-
'tura resources, which are greater
than all the States to the south. The
figures, therefore, show that Selfish
Columbia, which Is in a position to
lsupply the major portion of the de-
mend. 1. only in a small minnrky -ter
actual trade.