HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-4-25, Page 81 8 TRuttbnAv. !tem( 25. 1918 r e THE SIGNAL - GODERICIP ONTA 0 He win wastes a oast eg breed prolongs the war. -:2.500.00 stock of NEW Wall Paper ght now. to the thick of the sire drive on dirt, when the rugs are up and the house is dis- arranged generally, have those atoms repepered. Don't be hum- bugged into paying fancy priers for Wall Paper. t%e state posi- tively, prices are not advanced. Good quality and very dainty papers 1254c, 15e. 20c and 25e. The very beat paper,' 35c. 50c and 755. Papers as low as ac. 9c and Ilk.. lk' - i HERN'S GROCERY We have something special in Custard Powder at 1 5c a package. One package makes 8 pints. Assorted flavors. Our 500.Black T ys. giving good satisfaction. Have you tried it yet) Flesh Lettuce Rhubarb Maple Syrup Maple Sugar On hand now W. HERN THE SQiIARE it Dont Pass This Place when you are looking for Tailoring of the kind that givessatisfaction: We should like you to step in and see the iiew• materials for spring and summer. If you have not got ac- quainted with us yet. we should appreciate a call. .Armstrong M1IERCH INT TAILOR south aide Nyu;ire, (:.,Ice i• I;. BE NMILLER 1' Wier tiAT.'April Il i - 1 undity services ii enminer at 12 o'clock and at Bethel at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. A. Agnew, of Clinton. preached at Nile last Sunday and Rev. P. S. Bans in Ontario street church. Clinton. Mr. Harold Walters is home from the School of Practical Science. Toronto. We ale sorry to learn that Pte. W. L. Feagan. No. 654002. Itith Battalion, is reported wounded. Mr. McLean. of 5t. Catharines. has been a pleasant visitor for the past few days at the horses of Mr and Mn i. Heddle and Mrs. Wm. V'asatonte. Several fish have been caught in the Maitland River.- SERIOUS iver:SERIOUS FIRE. -In the rally hours of this (Wednetday) morning the green- houses at the Bendier nurseries were dis- covered to he on fire. The alarm was sent out by telephone and the neighbors quickly gathered to assist the Stewart brothers in fighting the flames. The greenhouses were wrecked and a great number of y oung plants destroyed, but fortunately the fire was prevented from spreading to the rest of the property. As it as. the loss is a heavy one. CHURCH. REOPENING.- Last Sunday }invader church reopening was quite a success in spite of the inclement weather. Bethel church kindly withdrew its ser- vices for the day. flev. J. W. Hedley, M. A., of Nile. preached two very fine sermons morning and evening and the choir rendered choice music acceptably. The interior of the church is greatly improved, which reflects credit upon Mr. Snazel. of Goderich. she dd the work, and also upon the ladies who had it in Charge. Baby Da, Wednesday, May 1 st. Every child under• eighteen months will be presented with a photo free. Satlows' Studio. For the Boys Overseas Soldiers' Comfort Boxes 1Oc and I5c We catty stag, items to it:,•lcdc ui ch.• Boge-. Swan Safety Military Fountain Pen This 1',•u is cunatructed to comtaiti n year's supply of Ink in tablet forum. All that is tweessary is to 111I the reservoir of the Pen with water and drop in an ink tablet. This makes a pet - fret writing fluid. These Pens are guaranteed and will suit any handwriting. Complete with -pocket clip and ink tablets, $3.00. Also Sterneau Alcohol totes, Military Brushes, n+lar Tread -easy Foot Pe dei•, Tooth Paste. Try ch Lunch (nut cIioen- • late). 'ut Rars, limn. Air Pi loco. - $2.00 James A. Campbell, "Central Drug Store" North St. and Square, Co2ierich Spring Tern him April god CENTRAL STRATFORD. ON T.. Commercial lite ober the great opportuni. tin. Recent lady graduates of taus sekonl are earning as high as STOW per annum. 'Itr (sat application we received for an dice man with some experience offered initial sal- ary of 51,400 per annum. Students may enter our daises at any time. Graduates placed in position.. Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments. Get our free catalogue. W.J. ELLIOTT, D. A. MCLACH LAN, President. Principal. . inmmIIninunnniuin1uuh1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ mmummmam ilimmn r Wear Our Good Shoes!! 1 ■ ■ The Mrs ■ Who D.di! NI Pumps and High -cut Footwear ■ Et Lines just received have style and quality that can't help but please. AT POPULAR PRICES And you will wear a smile that can't come off. We have the newest lasts and styles in The Mao Who Doo't! - -- LET US SHOW YOU -- 1 SFIARMAN ■�� S$$**K THE SHOE MAN ■ ■ x a HOW TO AYOIO BCKACHE AND NERVOUSNESS Told Frown IL L-" I was all rum dews ia health. was servetsti bed beed- se►os, back seised all io tip. [ was tfirsi fad had aeswaMltisa fer1 bad takes s- clam whisk did me e read about LydL One ia E. Plakfiam's Vogt- tableCompound aad what it bad done for women, so I tried fang b serve •and h eadaches in weight sod deepen, 1 gained welsh[ ani feet Ass, so I can honestly ttveoresd Lydia E. Ptnkhas's Vege- table impound to an won wbo le ordering as 1 was. "- Mma Mrs. Amami B. LANcs, 100 Hsis St., Providence, R.L Backache and nervousness ere ryp- e s as nature'' winninggss.� which h in - dimes s functional diswrbancs or as unhealthy condition which often devel- op into a more serious ailment. Wanes in this condition Mould not continue to drag along without help, bat g reat by Mrs. Lynch • esperfesos, and try this tamous root and (herb remedy, Lydia 6 Pinkham's Vegetable. Com- er spedal advioe write to Matti. kham Med.Ce., Lyssa. Mw CoIumbu,Made an Egg Stand Up on End- but He Spoiled the Egg! We can remove from our portraits any temporary facial blemish that may be preventing you from having that photograph:made TO - DAV, and We Do Not Spoil the Likeness! J. T. Fell Massey -Harris Shop - FoR BINDERS, MOWERS AND CULTIVATORS. DELCO-LIGHT PLANTS. BUCKEYE INCUBATORS. GRAY ANDMcLAUGHLIN CARRIAGES. GAS ENGINES. WIRE FENCE. OLD HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER. Robert Wilson Hamilton St. Goderich 11)R1 XXXill■I[■KN■111■)IMINMI■XXXIKX1(XXXXXXXXXXXX■lK■XXXXXNX> XX ■ ! ■ ■ 1 " t ■ ■ "NOW - ''i ■ -t i ii ■ '1- Nof in a week or two or nest month but "NOW" is the time to take advantage of the greatest op of -1 ■ ■ .1 tunity to save money in your Dry Goods buying that is likely to come your way for many a long day. 1 Ai xi X • 98c NINETY-EIGHT CENTS 98C X ■ ■ Saturday and Monday, April 27th and 29th, will be a ■ NINETY-EIGHT CENT DAYS a a ■ X The New System of Trading Your membership 1s of great value to you. Compare our prices is all we.ask, then decide what a ruember- shtp means in this Aasoeiation. SPECIAL BARGAINS Canned Pears or Peaches in heavy syrup------ ---- ----17c Pork and Beans, 3 lbs.. in Tomato Sauce . . .... ..........18c M. L. Salmon, all can PFc 16 lbs. best granulated SugarAl A trial order will convince yon. Write for free circular. Consumers' Associe J. DC" E. Quebec St. sOapter NI ■ ■ IN ■ ■ Friday night marks the end of the third week of this money -saving Sale. Saturday morning it enters its fourth week ■ with a big two-day ONE -PRICE SALE the Star Attraction. ■ GREAT "I.EAYUIG-GODERICfl' SALE NTS •TOf'$1 '1 :f• v cb. ILfrllnrr "1 h• eye es iv. 4 1N. ■ •■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 10■ ■ ■ ■ ■ x ■ $ ■ • 1/ ■ ■ ■ ■ X ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ X 1� 1111 ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ 1■ ■ N ■ K ■ Y 1� x For this big two-day event we have gathered together a great collection of splendid values to sell at this special price. Read over these special one -price items. They tell the story of some of the biggest bargains of the Sale. Everything that it has been possible to crowd the price down to 9& will be out and sold at that figure. The time is growing short. We must get this stock reduced, and Saturday and Monday will be your opportunity to save if you take advantage of thelse 98c bargains. 8 Yards White Cotton 98c 50 ends WIt it• Cotton, full yard wide and extra good ilu.ihty. It cannot be bought to- day regularly for Ilk per yard. Not more than two ends to a customer. Saturday and Monday. 50 no. of 8 yards to sell at elk 6 Yards Flannelette 98c 8 yards fancy striped Flannelette, tact colors. Just S0 ends of this and not more than one end to each customer. Special Sattirday and Monday bargain. s yams for SBe 7 Yards Gingham 98c These are cot lengths fancy Uinghants. stripes and cbecks. Halt dozen patterus. 50 or 60 ends iu the lot. Special Matur• day and Monday 7 yants for only. Ste Large Cotton Batts 9& 2.5 only large Lull comforter sire Cotton Batts. American' nuke, beautiful qquality. Regular 11.25. Saturday and Monday only sec Each Batt opens out full Mae for a double bed comforter. Hosiery Special 5 Pairs Cotton Hose for "1" Boys and girl.' ribbed Cotton Hose, seam less feet, splendid hard wearing Stocking,. Lay in year summer supply now. Satur- day and Monday 5 pairs for _.. .etc Children's Dresses 98c Tabic of children's I Dresses. Assorted styles anti sizes. Some worth the price two and three times over. Saturday each Sec L adies''ana-Cirh Middies 98c New Middy Waists, made from splendid quality cloths, plain white or fancy trimmed. Middles worth op to 11.75 at least. Salarday and Monday Special, choice _Sec Beautiful Muslin and Voile Waists 9& Splendid qualities new Yolle and Muslin Waists. Salt dozen good styles to select from. They are wash essay *1.50. Sat- urday and Monday Spatial each only Table of Odd Under Garments Choice 9& Ladies' and children's white cotton finder wear. Dozens of garments all t0 be cleared at one price. Choice of the whole tableful Saturday anti Monday only ..fee Nets and Allovers 9& (leering out entire stook of Nets and All- over Laces, no matter what the price or value. Sold as high as 15.60 and 84.00. Saturday end Monday per yard . Se. Remnants at O8c A whole table full of Remnants, Silks, Dreaagooda, Cotton Goods, etc. Choice of the entire lot Saturday and Monday only Sec. We want W make a clean sweep o(these Rem - manta and in many cases have fax - tenet' three or tonr lengths together and will give yon the bundle War filet Beautiful Trimming laces and Insertions 98c A few short lengths high-class Trimming Laces and Insertions. Beautiful gorge that could not he duplicated today tor lore or money. Sold as high as 0.00 per yard. Saturday and Monday clearing at per yact -. Wide Flouncing -Embroideries 9& • Wide $loaning Embroideries imitable Inc undo arta, dresses. some short he enough for • fancy apron. Regular up to 82.50 per yard. Saturday and Monday per yard ...11111c If ever the word "NOW' stood for economy in Dry Goods buying. it does so NOW. Bath Mat 9& Fine Terry Bath Mat. Red and white. fast colors. Saturday and Monday oar erse Bath Room Sets 9& - Bath -room Seth. large Terry Towel. Onset Towel, and Wash ('loth. Bed.tl- fnl quality white terry. Each set tut Haled 1he following initials only to sect. C. E. F, 11. N. M. Regular 112.00. Saturday and Monday, per set Welk Cushions 9& Large Cushions, cosehed with good qual ity chirrts and cretonne. ('uablos'coen- ptete Saturday and Monday Sec Pillow Sharns and Tabic Cloths 2 for 98c x ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ $ ■ ■ ■ ■ IN11(■ ■ ■ Pillow Shams and Tabic Covers. hem ■ etiched and embroidered. Could not be ■ had today for anything near the moneyy. Saturday and Monday. Special 2 for MSc ■ Hand Bags 9& Indira' Leather Hand Bags. complete with mirror and coin purse. Repular *1.50 and 151.74. Satnulay and Monday Special '-.. ...... . . .sec Tweed Coating 9& One end only Grey Tweed Coating. aplen- dW for spring coat. Saturday and on- tlay Special per yard only sec A Few Ends of Suiting 96c A few ends black and colored Sttttinge. worth double the price. Really wonder - tnl value. Saturday and Monday per yard only...._. Sec Lace Curtains 9& Two patterns nice quality Lace Curtains. sty yards long. Neat and attractive pat- terns. brnt edge. A decided bargain teat nrday and Monday per pair Sec OTHER SPECIALS Here are a few Special Lines we cannot offer at 98c, but the values are just as big as those at 98c. Children's Coats $2.98 Two only Children's Coats for spring and summer wear. White and black checks, good styles. Regular up to 87.00. Satur- day and Monday. Special each 92.28 Misses' Summer Coats $5.98 4 only Misses' Sumpter Coats very attrac- tive sty les and beautiful quality cloth - . Worth double the prise. Saturday sad Monday each - i nasi Ladies' Winter Coats $5.98 Just 9 Winter Coate left to sell. All good styles. The cloth In them is worth the money twice over and the styles will be good for next Reason. For 98c Sale choice of the 9 for only 98:9e . smallness of choice. Sizes a Rug is a bargain. 6 Children's Winter Coats at $2.98 6 only Children's Winter Coats. All we have lett. We most sell them. Regular up as high as 16.00. [Saturday and Mon day Special for Sec Sale, each 82.92 Raincoats $2.98 (bearing 15 Ladles' Raincoats, splenclkd for showery days or driving In dusty weather. For bale. choice $2.08 Dress Skirts $1.98 3 only Ladies' Dress Skirts, dark color. Inge. (food serviceable garments. For Sec Sale. choice $1.98 Black Panama Skirts $238 Just six of them. Pure wool panama cloth cut In good style. The goods alone Is worth far more than this money. For MSc Sale, choice of the six only 1112.92 One Lady's Suit $1.98 ,on.. r,nly Lady's Mutt, small aim. neat gree check. Saturday morning first comer takes 1t for . $1.98 Net Bed Spread $2.98 One only plain net Bed Set complete. shams and coverlet. Trimmed with handaome lace and insertion. For Sec Sale, the set for only ... ._ 12.10 Summer Cloaking* $1.98 Two ends Snmmer Cloaktnga, light ground. Will make good, summer Coate. For sec Sale, per yard only $1.9B Lace Curtains $I.98 3 pairs only One Nottingham Laoe Cur- tains. white, beautiful design imitable for any roots. Saturday, per pair s1.ee • • • • • , sa. •a M eta , , , • , step and Wilton and five Brussels Rugs to sell. These last 13 Rugs are re 3x3, 3x3 t, and 3x4 yards. If you have a Rug to buy, see these, for every rflsfloArtflsflaflg This great "Leaving-Goderich- Sale is a genuine clearance of high-class merchandise. it has only a short time more to run, but we want to emphasize the fact that you can SAVE money by buying your Dry Goods here while the Sale is on. Profit by the underpriced merchandise selling all over the store and reap big savings taking advantage of the big 98c specials which will go on sale Saturday morning. They will be ficketed all over the store and there will be lots more than we have room to tell you about here. The months to come will show such tremendous advances in prices that you will regret it if you overlook the money -saving chances that this big "Leaving-Goderich" Sale puts within your reach NOW. CLEARING PRICES Old RUGS We have eight Axmin going to be sold at bargain prices, for we will make the price reductions more than make up for any lei ggc9c 8 HODGENS BROS...R Sale DIRECT IMPORTERS S_ale *as sax slow* mix a maaoraono***111111(11110110.01111111111010111011101110111 MINICIMOI a ■ $ ■ ■ K ■ iN ■ X K $ X ■ X ■ 11If is X It iIIL 1/ 14 1R 1111[ lit