HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-4-25, Page 5-B ICYCLES BICYCLES BICYCLES GIRLS' BOYS' LADIES' MEN'S STANDARDS RED BIRDS MASSEYS Prices from $45 to $49.50 Ovv 20 different ones to choose from. Come along and look them over. Our guarantee is a real one. Ask those who have bought our wheels in previous years. We do anything that is needed, even repairing punc- tures, free under it. We will give a prize of $5 at Goderich Fail Fair for the best -kept machine. East Street Garage GODERICK - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover "Owned and Operated by a Practical Mai" - THE SIGNAL GODERICH 'ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS Nominated forPolice Magistrate. Ex -Mayor Chas. A. Reid has been nom- inated by the local Conservative commit- tee for the position of police magistrate made vacant by the resignation of ht! W. E. Kelly. Note, Sunset to Open June 24. The report having gained some cur- rency that tt.e Hotel Sunset was not to be wen this season. the proprietor. Mr. C. C. Lee, wishes it known that this is not so. and that the hhppttel will be open for the season as usualJune 24th has bee n fixed as the opening date. Women's Institute Annual Meeting. The May meeting of the Goderich branch of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Swanson, Bruce street, on Thursday. May and. at 3 p. m. As this is the annual meeting, when elec- tion of officers will take place, a very large attendance is desired. Either fain or shine, bring your old rubbers. P. M. Kelly Resigns. It was with considerable surprise the public learned this week that Mr. Walter E. Kelly had resigned the position of police magistrate which he had held for over five years. In accepting the resigna- tion, Hon. I. B. Lucas, Attorney -General, wrote Mr. Kelly expressing his regret and his appro isaion of the good service which Mr. Kelly had rendered to the public dur- i ng hie occupancy of the office. /Sunday Evening Music. The honor roil of St. George's church, beautifully engrossed by Mr. J. A. Fowler, is on exhibition in the window of Smith's Art Store this week, before being placed in the church. The souvenir dance given by the Black• stone -Buckley Orchestra last Monday evening was quite successful. There was a good attendance and the affair was much enjoyed. Reroof with Brantford, Asphalt Roofing Don't let a leaky roof damage the wall paper, carpets arrpets Ofrs furniture in your hoe, the crops in your r the goods in your store. Tear off the old shingles or other worn out roofing material and put on a lasting roof of Brantford Asphalt Roofing. • This roofing is made of a blend of hard and soft asphalts on a long -fibred felt base. By blending the asphalts a roofing of remarkahle elasticity is secured - one that is flexible, durable and capable of resisting all kinds of severe climatic extremes. Brantford Asphalt Roofing i', in addition surfaced with silicia sand on both side', Which adds to its weight, fire -resistance and durability. You may be offered other sanded roofing, but it will not have the quality of material or weight of saturation of Brantford Asphalt Rooting. Made in three weights :-bio Ib., 70 lb., 80 Ib. per square. Brantford Raobsr Roofing is the same quality as Brantford Asphalt, but has a smooth, rubbery surface instead of the sand. It is particularly suitable for verandah decks and floor coverings. Three weights: -40 Ib., 50 Ib., and SO lb. per s'Uare. Standard Mohawk Roofing consists of the same *rade of materials as Brantford Asphalt Roofing but t • Tested for yeahter in grst-a and thasogiiiven entirele satisfaction. Sandeat a low d o Sanded on one side. One weight: -40 lbs. per square. Mohawk Rubber Roofing The same quality as ,tandard Mohawk but with a smooth surface. !'sed for ail cta-ces of temporary work --sheds, hu4ik- houses, camp sites, even dugouts in the trenches. 35 lb., 45 Ib., and 55 Ib. weights. Leatheroid Roofing Slightly lower quality than Mohawk Rubber. Used for same purposes. 35 Ib., 451b., and 551b. weights. by Samples therlthe makers or their agent01 these sand inthis kxalitrices yill be furnished Brantford Roofin8Caum(t.a Head Office and Factory, Brantford, Canada Branches at Toronto. Montreal. Halifax N A recital of sacred music given in the Menesetung Canoe Club rooms on Sun- day evening. after the church services, was enjoyed by a large numbs of mem- bers of the Club and their friends. The program was in charge of Mr. C. J. W• Taylor, and included numbers by the Goderich Orchestra and vocal sola by Mise McClinton. Mus McColl. Miss Lyttle and Mr. H. McGregor. This was the second of these Sunday evening re- ntals, and it is hoped there will be more. Returns from O. W. S. Railway. Inquiry having been made as to the returns from the material of the aban- doned electric railway. Mayor Wigle has been informed by Mr. Thomas Stothers. the trustee of the railway, that the Hydro Commission has paid over to the Toronto General Trusts Corporation the am of 3110,549. representing the value of material delivered up to January lath last . Since that time four carloads have been shipped from Kincardine and there are about three carloads at Goderich, and nine miles of track in Huron township not yet taken up. It is hoped to have the work competed at an early date. an I it isestim'ted that the total returns will amount to over $170.000. Dies In Her Country's Service. The London papers yesterday had notices of the death of Mrs. Annie E. Whiteley, which occurred April 21st in France, where she was serving as a mili- tary nursing sister. The deceased was formerly Miss Annie Henning. of Gode- rich. She was a graduate of Cleveland city hospital and prior to going overseas with No. 10 (Western University) hospi- NOMORE NERVOUS HEADACHES Since 9 is Triad "FRUIT-A-TIVES", Th. Famous Fruit M.dicusc. MISS ANNIE WARD 113 Hazen St., St. John, N.B. "It 1s with pleasure that I write to tell youof the atilt benefit I received from the use of your medicine, • Fee if a -lives'. I was a great sufferer for many years from Nervous Head- aches aid Coastipalton. I tried everything, consulted doctors ; but nothing seemed to help me until I tried'Fruit-a-tics,'. After I had taken several boxes, T was completely relieved of these troubles and bate been unusually well erer since." Mise ANNIE WARD. 'Frnit-a-tives' is fresh fruit juices, concentrated and increased in strength, combined with finest tonics, and is a positive and reliable remedy for Headaches and Constipation. 50e. a boz, 6 for $2.50, trial size 22.,o. Atall dealersorFruit-a-tires Limited, Ottawa. Y. M. C. A. Campaign 'In connection with the campaign to raise 33,250.000 throughout Canada teis year for the military work of the Y. M. C. A. (regarding which an announcenieot is made uP4bs adve. using columns of The Signal this week, on page 7), Huron county is asked to raise $32.700, and the amount.apportioned to Goderich town and Colborne township is $5,000. A meeting in preparation for the cane (sign lutatly was held last evening dressed the town count it chambers and wad addressed by Rev. C. A. Sykes, of Kitchener, and Rev. S. W. Hann, of Strathroy. the latter bein' the l'. M. C. A. organizer foe this part of the Province.. An organisation was formed as follows: Chairman, A. M. Robertson; secretary, J. A. Campbell; treasurer, R. J Megaw; committee, Mayor Wigle, W. F. Naftel, Rev. G. M. Holmes, F Elliott. Dr. G. krn Heiann Sidney Donaldson, W. C. Pridham, J. C. Laithwaite, Rev. J. E. Ford, C. M. Robertson, Rev. J. H.r- Re . R. C. McDermid. Rev. A. utLd G. Clarke, L L. Knox. G. M. Elliott, Albert Wilkins, Geo. Porter, G. L. Parsons, Chas. K. Saunders, Wm. Wallace, C. A. Nairn, Alex. Saunders, G. E. Colborne, C. L. Jackson. Finance committee -C. LT.L.'ck_ son (chairman), C M. Robertson, Prest. R. J. Megaw, W. C. Pridham. Publicity committee -W. H. Robert- son (chairman), J. W. Vanutter, G. L. Parsons, Dr. G. Heilemann, J. P. Hume, H. H. Alien, W. F. CI as , Lists committee -L. L. Knox (chair- man. Wm. Campbell, F. EUiott, Reg. Sharman. W. F. Naftel. Boys' committee -G. M. Elliott (ch - man). Rev. J . E. Ford, J. H. Johnston, Jas. Carne. A meeting of the general committee is to be held in the council chambers next Wednesday night, at x.30 o'clock. LOCAL TOPICSIN BRIEF. tal unit she was superintendent of the Painesville (Ohio) hospital. Mrs. Robert Anderson. of Piccadilly street, London. Ont.. is a sister of the deceased. and Mayor Somerville of Lydon is a cousin. Her husband is deceased. A Submerged Vessel? Theis informed that the people of Kingsbridge have been watching for some time an object in the lake opposite that place which looks as if it might be a submerged vessel. It is about four miles out. near the course of boats coming to Goderich. in the winter ice piled ua at both ends, and when the ice moved the object still remained While the Kings- bridge people do n.tt care to advance any rte ions as to the nature of the The Red Cross collectors of St. George's ward are requested to make their returns for April Monday, May tithe instead of next Thursday. ' T to Ahmeek Chapter of the D. O. E. will give a musicale in Mr. James Thom - son's music store on Friday evening, May 3rd. at >i p. m. The following will assist in the program: Miss Lasca Elliott, Miss Hume, the Misses Nairn. Miss Mc Coll, Mrs. Dunlop. and Messrs. Mc- Gregor. Taylor, Saunders. Thomson and Seusmith. Victrola selections will also he given. Admission 2S cents. - defin op► object they have hien observing alt win- ter. they suggest that i1 is worth mvesti- ♦-""..' 'r-"- ._.. -' gating. It Takes Time It takes time and care to examine your eyes thoroughly, but we do it that way because it in- sures satisfactory glasses to you. That's the ser- vice you want, and that's the service you will get if we do your work. We grind our own Lenses ,:A rt E1RI5tape 46 AMO NfO:t ✓✓QP OPTICIAN i" ow Ar 1t Lust Urn% Piave M8/,' Gsraas'H. ONw Ram OF aaam& THURSDAY, APRIL. 2.1, 1918 psr Rados Service Coven Canada Through {Ills Brand one of over Three Hundred established throughout the Dominion, the Union Beak s1 Canada is prepared to give you every service which a progressive bank can render, either hi ...cnnection with your business or your private finances Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCO N1BE.:„.tri,tagfr. The Saults Coal Co. tluae•-.•: - to Mciou eIi k Ule,tl ill EXCI.l SIVE ACENTS FOR LEHIGH VALLEY THE COAL THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFICE PHONE - - - - 75 B. 3. Saults' Residence 275 W. W Saults' Residence 202 1 'GODERiCH TOWNSHIP. WEDPNESOAY, April 24. (. ir. Bruce Holmes, of the 7th conces- sion. wears a broad smile of welcome for the y Iron that arrived last week. G► ay 's Owners Patriotic Society will hold its next sewing meeting at the hone of Mrs. Robt. Rodgers on Wednes- day, May 1st. PATRIOTIC SOCIETY NOTES. -The regu- lar business meeting of the United Pat- riotic Society will beheld at the home of Miss Alice Andrews on Wednesday, May 1st, at 2.30 p.' m. Goods censored on April 15th -S9 pairs of socks and 29 pyjama uits. The treasurer acknowl- edges receiving money from the follow- ing:Mesrs. Geo. Falconer, M. Clark. J. Curzon, D. G. Salkekf. Jas. Ross, and Reg. Johnston and Rob. Sowerby. pro- ceeds of two social evenings which amounted to $37. Haiseptieey•-steii en. A very quiet wedding took place at the linens of Mf. "tMsl!' Mn. Henry Hayden. Port Albert. Tuesday morning. April 23rd. wheel -their -daughter. Evelyn, was married to Lieutenant Fred E. Humphrey of London. son of Mr. and Mrs James Humphrey of Troy. Rev. Joseph Deacon. uncle of the bride, offi fated. The bride. who was unattended. wore a gown of white silk crept -de -chine. with veil and orange blossom:. while her travelling costume was of sand color and rose. Lieutenant and Mrs! Humphrey are spending their honeymoon in Toronto. ilamilton and other pan's east. They will reside for the present at London. • sonociotxxxxxxx Men's Working Shirts For sale by W. R. Pinder IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIflIIIIIIIIII111111111Qlllllllllll l Ming BEN MILLER NURSERIES Evergreens for Sale These are fine trees. If yon are thinking of planting some we would advise your doing so this spring, for they will be much higher, as all nurseries importthem rt hm when small from France, and prices are now pr im- portation. We have also fruit trees and ornamentals. Trots in All Sizes Parties will get a reduction of :ic per tree by coming to the Nursery, as we can deliver only in large quantities. STEWART BROS. Goderich, R.R. No. 4. TeL 6 r. 7 (Dungannon) Blue Chambray Shirts, double front and back, sizes 14i and 15 95c Men's Black and White Shirts, sizes 14 to 17 75c Men's Gray' Drill Shifts, sizes 14 to1154 $1.19 Overalls Men's Black Ovetralle with Bib. sites 34 to 44 .. 1.50 Blue Overalls 51.85 Socks -1. .I. -1- -1- Men's Work Socks 180 M. ROBINS The Men's Store Month Aft!' N,inar•s Otabwk+h • GRAND TRUNK RAIL Time Table Changes A change of time will be made on April 28, 1918 informati'ni now:in ageuts' hands F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone g 4N Mod to «stl Measitselaatatlaeliatialeist MODEL THEATRE Goldwya'itures PRO$JINTS The Quaint Star Mae Marsh\ in Olive Morocco's Stage Success "The Cinderella Man" by Edward Chiles Carpenter April 29 - 30 PRICES • 15c and 20c are simply kidney disorders. Thele' filter the blood of all that shouldn't there. The blood passes through the kid- neys every three minutes if the kidney do their work no impurity %or cause o1 disorder can remain in the circulation kmger than that time. Tlwrefore if your blood is out of order your kidneys have failed in their work. They are in need of stimulation strengthening or doctoring. One medicine will do all three, the finest and most imitated blood medicitto there is Dodd's Sidney pills The Singer Store New ,vies•k of chiWtrn'sstanipest dresses in Itepp, Pique and Lay u. Mtamissl lials and nonpers. Fancy black salla taiga. A new lot of white stamped inch cloths, centres, stats and serviettes. . Notions. Steel kuitilmedical, inglingerie braid. Darning cotton in colors sad wooden hoops. 5 MISS S. NOBLE For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring 30 East Sueei. Opposite Koos Church Give Us a Trial A Business Education Pays for Itself in a Few Months The difference in remuneration of a trained business man (or woman), as compared with that of the untrained person, will quickly snake up the amount spent in taking a gond business course such as can be obtained at the School of Commerce . CLINTON, ONTARIO Now is the time for the yottng ratan Or woman to snake an in- vestment that will give splenilid returns in the years to cone. Wohave courses in BOOK K EEPI N(:. STENOGRAPHY, PENMANSHIP, SECRETARIAL WORD, ETC. We bave special accommal.t tion 'for girl students. For terrns, etc., write B. F. WARD, B.A., N. -Reda. PHONv. 20 Plristipsl Photo Frames WRIGLEYS Keep WRIGLEY'S in mind as the longest - lasting confection you can buy. Send it to the boys at the front. 5'i ---- War Time Economy in Sweetmeats MIN tan▪ s$ N,t a 5 -cent package of WRIGLEY'S will ism isso give you several days' enloyment: Imoit's an investment In benefit as well m▪ ow as pleasure. for it helps teeth. breath. won MIN appetite. digestion. In Circassian Walnut, Maheg- a,ry, Antique Geld, Silver and Grey, at.. 25c These are a bargain, as they are made of the very latest aml best mouldings. Bring in yonr photos and post- cards, and have thein framed well at •o- 1$c. We make frames of Alt rises to order. Smith's Art Store East Street '!'hone IfW MIN tll NMI 1• CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL The Flavour Lasts Sealed tight -Kept right MARC w CANADA 1. ,j_r4sifiit5i.• ..._, t nts EMU UNE MEM ONO SIM Inlll-