HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-4-25, Page 4---►----•- 4 THURSDAY, Atari.. 25, 1918 Boys' Clothing 'l'ou will find this story the right place to buy , your boys Cloth- ing. Sanford's boys' Clothing is well known all over Canada. You will find the Sanford make the best boys' Clothing to buy. We have them in all sizes from 24 to 35. And the styles are the kind SANFORD-MADE CLOTHES the boys are looking for. WALTER C. PRIDHAM 'Phone 57 L. B. TAPE The Singer Sewing machine Agent, has taken over the agency of the International Harvester Company on Hamilton Street and will haudie both lines Farm Machinery and Singer Sewing: Machines A fair share of the public pat- ronage tvi11 be appreciated. I4. m>•111111If-- ? �� S ARE YOU PREPARED for the spring rains? Is your roof and-eavetrough in good condition ? Our work in that line is always satisfactory. We R. PINDER Phone 106 1 Hamilton Street THE SIGNAL - GODEItICH, ONTARIO NOTICE Owing to the scarcity of Coal, and the fact that sales have, of necessity. to be made in very small quantities, we have found it absolutely necessary to make a rule that ALL COAL BE PAID FOR ON. DELIVERY MacEwan Estate Many a man skins the truth, stuffs it and sets it up as his ideal. Specials at McEwen's Men's Cotton Socks, 2 pairs 25c Men's Heavy Braces25c a pair ; extra value. Boys' Braces, 15c to 25c a pair Ladies' White Underskirts 91.00; worth more money. Ladies Black Sateen Underskirts 11.00. Boys' Rompers, 50c. Try our No. I Blend Coffee at 40c a pound, fresh grotmd This is the same price as i • was before the war, worth 50c now. If your fruit is ggee�tting low, try our Jam, at 75c a pail, also our Marmalade at 75c a pail. Special in Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c, also a tine line at 15c, -new fruit. Heavy white Cups and Saucers, $1.75 a dozen, worth 92.00. J. J. McEWEN 'Phone 46 - - Goderich JUST ARRIVEb 4.1kT- WALKER'S A SPRING SHIPMENT.OF Linoleums and Congoleum Rugs in different sizes. nmmommolloiviiiiuuiiiiiiiiIiiIhI1IiIIII111INuIuIN11111lNmimiimnmellI,llii,,,in I Nujol the only Remedy to Help in Twenty Years Mr. A. L. Raplee writes the following strong recom- mendation of Nujol after this effective remedy relieved him from chronic constipation. NUJOL LABORATORIES. STANDARD OIL CO. (New Jersey`1 BAYONNE, N J. Dear Sirs:— I cannot speak too highly of Nujol. 1 had constipation for twenty years. and Nujol was the first remedy of all I have used to help. Yours truly. BIu&. Utah. A. L. RAPLEE. NUJOL will relieve you of chronic constipation as it did Mr. Raplee. It makes no difference how long you have suffered, nor what remedies have failed to help you. Get the necessary relief by the use of Nujol. which helped Mr. Raplee when all other remedies were unsuccessful. Nujol relieves in a gentle, effective way. without griping or ,,wapleasant reaction. It contains no drug; does not artifici- ally stimulate; and so aids the bowels to act naturally and regularly. Nujol is &safe remedy for the youngest child or the weakest invalid. Thousands now use Nujol instead of harmful pills and salts. Try it yourself and be "regular as clockwork." ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS There are no substitutes there is only Nujol Manufactured by STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) BAYONNE Naw' JERSEY NEW It NESSE Seta la Wig 1f your drupri.t hwe't NUJOL. wed •1 00 ler wow pilot. to Casediaa Saha. Aealoe, CHARLES GYDE & 5OV P.o. Boa 675. Material A 6..Nw. ••TM Dye Say& �.d ee ,00•.•t. J. A. Campbell E. R. Wigle H. C. Dunlop J. H. Lauder Nuj ol for constipati 111 '" a 1. i i as Clockwork ..� n 1111110111111111illIIHimmiiill Also a new stock of Rugs worth seeing. A call at the store will con- vince intending purchasers that Walkers is the place to deal. W. WALKER THE FURNITURE MAN ON TRS SQUARE Crisp New Styles IN Footwear for Spring There is such a wonderful assortment of the very finest Shoes for men and women that you are sure to find among the many models just the pair to your liking. It is a style -show worth coming a long way to see, and we are prepared to help you solve any footwear difficulties. The prices are ;lost reasonable. —REPAIRING— Geo. MacVicar North sit* 4gai i, Goderich stNe ..e THE COLBORNE 6111ORE Two Monster Bargain Days • An Unparalleled Bargain Opportunity Fresh springy goods purchased for this season's selling will be offered on SATURDAY, APRIL 27th, and MONDAY, APRIL'29th, AT OLD-TIME BARGAIN -DAY PRICES 1 just want to say here that the most of our stock will be on sale these two days and we won't show you old goods carried forward from year to year, but new fresh, seasonable goods. Just what is wanted now, and prices will be exceptionally low. We cannot quote many prices on a large stock like ours, but we can assure you that you will surely get bargains at this two days' sale. E The following is a partial list of what will be offered E All Silks and Dress Goods will be cut in price to make real bargains. s= New Muslins. Voiles and Mulls in all the newest shades and patterns at bargain prices. IN White Voiles, Dimities and Muslins at reduced prices. E Hosiery in all qualities, for summer or winter. in ladies', girls', boys' and babies', at 1reduced prices. E Summer and winter Underwear at bargain prices. Floor Coverings, Linoleum, Oilcloth and Congoleum Rugs at bargain prices. Osflannelette Blankets at bargain prices. aFlannelette and Flannel at bargain prices. Extra special price by the web. White Cotton in all qualities at greatly reduced prices. E Sheeting in 7-4 and 8-4 at bargain -day prices. E Parasols and Umbrellas at sale prices. E Cotton Batting, Sateen and Cretons on sale these two bargain days. Glovesin silk, chamoisette and kid at bargain prices. Dress, suit and coat Collars in the newest designs, at bargain prices. Voile and Silk Waists in the newest patterns at bargain prices. AUBURN. WOR SALE.—THE HARNESS SHOP ``-- to the 'Wage of Auburn. RoPerty of Pnvste A. Rollinson. For further particulars apply to .1 ARTHUR. Auburn. 00.11 WEDNESDAY, April 24th. Mr. Edgar Lawson is lain up with an attack of quinsy. The hard frost and snow on Tuesday night have put a stop to seeding. Mr. Chas. Asquith is all smiles. A little girl has arrived to claim his parental care. Mr. Wm. Evans moved his household effects to Saltfo(d the first of this Mr. Matthews !las rented Murray Pat- terson's house and expects to move about May 1st. Mr. Robert Straughan has rented Mn. Hunking's house in the village and ex - I pests to move in soon. IMr. R. McKay, optician and jeweller of Blyth. has opened up an office in Mr. G. F. Yungbhit's shop, formerly used as a butcher shop. Mr. T. R. Patterson. son of Mr. Donald Patterson. who has been taking a course in civil engineering at Queen's University, Kingston, has graduated and received his degree. REPORTED KILLED.–Some time ago word was received that Wesley McClin- chey, an Auburn boy who went overseas with the 161st Battalion and was fighting in France. was missing. He is now re- ported killed. He was a splendidly built young man, a fine spec:men of young Canadian manhood, and his parents, Mr. and Mts. John McClinchey, have the sympathy of the community in their loss. Another son, David, is now in France. CORSETS WILL ALL BE ON SALE GODDESS front -laced Corsets on sale,.D. & A. and La Diva Corsets on sale. This means a bargain for everyone. Corduroy and plain Velvets at bargain prices. Toweling for rollers or small towels at greatly reduced prices. Bed Spreads in white and colored at sale prices. Curtains and Curtain Materials on sale these two bargain days. Ginghams, Galateas and Shirtings at bargain prices. Serpentine Crepe for dressing sacques-and kimonos at bargain prices. It is impossible to name all the bargains or give the reductions on account of spam, but everyone knows what BARGAIN DAYS MEAN AT THE COLBORNE STORE { Do not forget the dates, Saturday, the 27th, and Monday, the 29th No goods charged at bargain prices It is to your advantage to shop early on these two Bargain Days 1 J. H.-COLBOR N E mmimommummommil COLBORNE. WEDNESDAY, April -24th, Our fine weather has caught a cold aga n. We are sorry to report that Pte. Willie Feagan has been wounded. Reg. Glen went to Clinton on Monday to report under the Military Service Act. Quite a large number of people from Zion church attended the service at Ben - miller Sunday nht. ..The Z.on people are keeping up with the new time, except with the prayer meetingson Thursday evening. Mr. John Treble shipped a carload ot acts to Montreal this week. He also sold car of wheat to Mr. E. T. Pfrimmer. Mrs. Thomas Mitchell went to Toronto to have an operation performed upon her eyes. but we hear she is returning. as the operation cannot be performed. Much sympathy is extended to the Stewart Estate in the loss of their green- houses. Many tomato plants and other hothouse plants were destroyed. The cause of the fire is unknown. - Mr. John Stiles, who has returned tram Chicago and will spend the summer at Kintail. was in town the early part of the week. Mr. John Newcombe has resigned his position as mesatfgsrfor the Bank of n devote Montreal and withe coming sea- son to "greater production" on Mrs. Kel- leher's property at the south end 01 the town. He is succeeded in the employ of the Bank by Mr. Frank Riley, who reg• turned to town a Rw months ago after yelling with the artny in France. t In the Old Business in the old stand -with the old methods. 11j �1111 -SHG j: 111,1V11 J :'a' J;,y, . 1u1J Your credit is good with us 11 ;1 tr r., ,qtr. •try, • • /Watch for our ad. next we On the Square i W. J. Powell The Grocer • / Telephone 91 5 -1- -1- -1- -1- •1- 1- -1- - .1. .1. •1- -1 .. r. ♦ la la