The Signal, 1918-4-18, Page 8R TRRCRS'AV, APYit, 11. 1918 • R TEUIDIDAY, APtii, 18, 1918 i Food will win the war. D•o'1 waste it. i NEW Wall Paper Will lighten your heart seed brighten your h . It is tonic t+• winter -weary walls. It puts lack the smile on walls. ceilings and turni,•Wugs. 1t refreshes, a. a change of scene refreshes. Itighbat thi Umac e our stock of Wall 'Paper is at its best. Re- rne, ber prices of Wall Paper etre as reasonable &sever. Very. very dainty Palwrs 121 2e. Inn•, 20c and 2.i••. THE SIGNAL • GODERICH' ONTARIO twasseas • RED CR0E8 NUT E51 I people w'ho (ailed to get there missed a URN'S GROCERY We have something special in Custard Powder at I 5c a package. One package ]makes 8 pints. Assorted flavors. Our 50c Black Tea is giving good satisfaction. Have sou tried it yet? Lettuce Fresh Rhubarb Maple Syrup Maple Sugar On hand now W. HERN Tllh. ''., Aitl. PHONE 4.c social treat. Onemindere wple veto peogo r Saltferd Red Cr." $oeiHr, voter away to -tet outside talent when The Salttord Red Cross Society otic-' they have so good at hoax. Pnxeeds amounted to over 560. nowledges kw two months. ending April The Circle also gratefully acknowledges 15, 206 pars of socks and 5 trench shirts. I the money. collected lar tiubaoipt sat stoles were records b ' the following les u( the work wn, obi;Misses McManus, 14 pairs; Mrs. McLeod. 13 pairs ; Annie Buchanan. Mrs. Goldthorpe. 10 pairs each; Mrs. Connell. Mrs J. Walter. Mrs. S. Meet. tails each: Mrs. Curren. 7 pairs; Mea Sanderson. Mrs. MacEaan, Mrs. Lippet, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. J. Bisset. Miss Mcllwain. 514.00: Mrs. W. H. Masse A. Bisset, Margaret Bisset, 5 pairs each; and Miss Free. 510.25. Total, $230.0.5. Mrs. Baxter, Ida Vanstone. Hebei Sy- monds. Mrs. Glidden, 4 parrs each; Mrs. Kuntz. Mary Morris. Mrs. Reid. Mary Baxter. Agnes Buttunan, Mrs. G. Bis- set. Mrs. R. Walter, Evelyn Goldthorpe. Mrs. J. McLean. 3 pairs each; Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. C. Dtuvin, Mrs. Graham, Miss S. Hamilton. Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Toole. pairs each: Mrs. W. McKay. Seaforth. Mary Gliddon. Ila Lturefl. 1 pair each. Trench shirts: Mrs. Connell. Mrs. Mac - Ewan. Mrs. Lippet, Mrs. Baxter, Annie Baxter. 1 each. Colborne Red Cross Workers. The Colborne Red Cross Workers met in the township hall Thursday, April 11th. and packed 77 pairs of socks. 12 suits pyjamas and 4 dayshirts. The socks were knit by the following ladies: Mrs. S. B. Potter. 9 pairs; Mrs. T. Hamilton, Mts. Jas. McBride. ILIrs. Scott, Mrs. W. Kaigswell. A Friend, 5 pairs each; Miss Sheppard. Mrs. Gallagher. Mrs. A. Young. 4 pairs each; Mrs. R. Mcllwain, Charlotte Potter. Mrs. F. Gilden. Bessie Clark. Ruth Young. 3 pairs each; Mrs A. W. Young, Ruth Potter. Nancy Gil- ders, Mrs. John Young, Ruby Young. 2 pairs each; Mrs. W. Sallow.. Louisa Snell, Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. Geo. Clark, Mrs. E. Fisher. 1 pair each. The pyjamas were made by Ruth Potter and Mrs. E. Fisher. 4 suits each: Mrs. Geo. Bean and Mrs. J. Fisher, leach: suitseach. The shirts were made by Mrs. E. Fisher. 3 shirts: Miss Gallagher. i 1 shirt. Mrs. T. Hrmilton gave $2. which the Society • thankfully acknowl- • edges. Mas. E. FlsSIER. Sec's'. Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle. The regular monthly meeting of the Ashlield Soldiers Aid Circle was held on -Wednesday. April 10th. in Lanes Presby- terian church. with a good attendance. Atter a good business meeting a nice lunch a;as served by the ladies of the ttkh • concession. the collection amounting to I $11.60. I The Society is very grateful to Mrs. D. Dalton. Mrs. W. Carey. Mrs. N. H. Reid and Mrs. Irwin for the donation of 51. also to Mrs. Les- lie H. McKeith lex the donat on of 2 hos- pital towels and 3 pillowslips The Society is having a towel shower at its next meeting and it is loped everyone who can possibly do so will bring along a towel. or a pair. that day. • The box social and concert held Friday evening at Port Albert under the auspices of the A. S. A. Circle was a decided suc- cess. The numbers on the program were well rendered. those given by the younger members being especially good. and the The j� •. cards by the lad cumula- tive. Down. 20 Pairs. >�uy Bo 15 tee: Mrs. John Quaid and Mw Winans Stephenson. 513.50: Mrs. Angus Gordon. $17150; Mrs. Thos. Dougherty. Mrs. Anson Finlay. 1034.50; Mrs W. T. Gardiner, $84.15: Mra Jas. Cook: 528.'25; Mra. Thos. Fete 525.10: Mrs. John Helm, W.'25; Mrs. Menary, 520:25; Mn. Don't Pass This Place when you are looking for Tailoring of the kind that givessatisfaction. We should like you to step in and see the view materials for spring and summer. If you have not got ac- quainted with us yet, we should appreciate a call. R. IA rmstrong MERCHANT TAILOR Mouth Aide Square, Goderich. Smith's Art Store Is TIIR PLACE TO BUY YOUR Window Shades • All sizes and colors of shads* kept. made-up in stock. Shade cloth. lace and insertion bT the yard. So you can have any ase of shades made to order at short notice. Shades delivered and h'tng foe you free of charge. flow about those new Shades you need this spring? Smith's Art Store East Street 'Phone 108 PORT ALBERT. ` 7ttsstisv, April 16. Thoroughly cultivating the land is the order of the day around this burg. Mr. John Burrows skid family are mov-• ing this week to their new torte at Godes Six. and Mrs. Thos. Gauky, r.. drove over and spent Sunday with friends at Nile. Mr. Robs. Rutledge, of Auburn, spent a day with his brother-in-law. Mr. N. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. SchQenhals. of Clin- ton. spent a day with the former's brother in the village Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turvey and family. of Morns township. motored upend stpeltt Sunday with the tatter's sister. Mts. Robert Hoy. of this place. Mr. Stephen bates returned to his home at Goderich after spending the win- ter with his sister, Mrs. H. Hayden, of the village. Muss Mae Dickson is back at her home in Port Albert after spending most of the winter in town sewing. She intends go- ing back later on. The box social held in the Foresters' Hall, Port Albert. was a decided success, taking in about 550. Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod. of Ripley. pad a flying visit to their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. John Green. of the village. Mr. McLeod having disposed of his farm in- tends going West. Dr. F. 1'. Humphrey, of London, spent the week -end at the horse of Mr. H. Hay- den, Port Albert. We look kir him to call again shortly. Rev. A. L. G. Clarke. of Goderich. ow- ing to illness was unable to preach in Ole Anglican church at Port Albert on Sun- day last. He is expected to be here next Sunday. Monday -Tuesday, April 22, 23 EVENT EXTRAORDINARY W. H. CLUNES Motion Picture Production in 10 Sections "The Eyes of the World" MOO Gorgeous Scenes aM Episodes Vivid scenes of ex- citing human dash and magnificent scenery of romantic West in absolutely the. greatest Photo Drama ever pt od aced. Prices 23c, 35c, 50c Finest Production in History • ii 1 (Te BAYFIELD. TUESDAY. April 16. Weston Bios. are building a cement foundation for Robt. Penhale's new barn on Howard street. Bonfires and carpet -beatings are the order of the day. Jas. Spackman is building a cement garage for Ernest Epps of Varna. Vim. Evans. who had a sale of part of his household goods last week. has rented Mrs. McDougal's cottage on Keith Cres- cent and is taking possession at once. He and Mrs. Evans are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Copeland in the meantime. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinson and family, of the Sauble line, last week moved into the village, taking possession of their new home on the Square. the old Stanbury property. AN EARLY SEASON. -Many of the tann- ers in the neighborhood are well along with their seeding and some are even finished. This is unusually early. the tine weather of the past kw weeks having dried the land sutiiciently: indeed, ram is badly needed now and wanner weather to start the seed growing. The ice on the lake has practically an disappeared, only a few broken pieces being visible from the shore. This, too, is unusually early and is another sign of an early spring. This in itself should be quite an aid to greater production. LANES. MONDAY, April 13. Miss Lizzie McCarthy, of Kingsbridge. visited friends around here on Sunday. Michael Bowler intends working Steve Doyle's farm for the summer. John McDonald, of Lothian, assists in C. W. Alton's store on Saturday even- ings. Joseph Alton. of Goderich township. visited at David Little's. Mrs. John Johnstone wishes to convey her thanks to her friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted her during Mr. Johnstone's sickness and at his death. A Loss To THE Comm:toTT.- Death again visited this neighborhood and re- moved one of our respected young men, in the person of John Johnstone, yr. He had been in failing health for some time. but the end came rather suddenly on Monday. April 8th. He was a young man web and favorably known in the neighborhood and by his death the com- munity suffers a distinct loss. Deceased was only thirty-six years of age and was married to Donalda McCreight, of Pine River, who together with three small children survives him. He also leaves his aged parents and four brothers and four sisters, another brother and sister having died some time ago. The funeral was held on Thursday under the auspice of the I. O. O. F. to Greenhill cemetery Ind was largely at- tended by his friends and neighbors. The sincere sympathy of the community is ex- tended to Mrs. Johnstone and family in this their sad bereavement. LEEBURN. TUESDAY, April 16. The farmers are still keeping the old time, as it seems to suit their work bet- ter. John Donaldson. of town. has hired with Ed. Shaw. jr., for the summer months. Mr. Horace Horton has sold his farm to Mr. E. V. Lawson, who intends using it for sheep grazing. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. James Clark is not doing as well as her friends would like. Miss Lizzie Horton has returned from Stratford. where she spent the last week visiting friends and relatives. Miss Anna Stewart entertained some of her friends at her home on Friday night. The young people Rpent a very pleasant evening. indulging in euchre and dancing until the early hours of the morning. The musk was played by Bobbie Bogie on the violin. Bobbie is a talented young boy. Announcement. After the let of April. 1918. the grocery delivery men have decided to dia- cnntinue the delivery of groceries ate Sat- urday night. Order early and avoid the rush. Friday is a gond tiraeto plate your week -end grocery orders. Glucase Dm traaT-MIrr4. This is the key -note of the big "Leaving Goderich" Sale, that swings into its third week on Saturday. ♦ " Saving ". is writ- ten in big letters all over the store. "Savings,' many, some little, some big, are everywhere, and in times like these, when every penny counts, you! cannot afford to miss the op- portunityto save onyour Dry Goods' uying that this ale offers you. Our new Spring stocks in all departments were in before we bought the business in Peterboro. We have to close out our interests in Goderich before the middle of May, and these up to the minute stocks, all thoroughly dependable, must be cleared before the Sale ends on its3lst day, the 11th of May. Make Your Dollars Do Their Most They Will Do It Here BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME ! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BIGXSALE TO DO IT ! This Leaving Goderich " Sale offers a chance to secure a new Rug, Carpet, Curtains or Draperies at Saving Prices. The orders have gone forth that every Rug, every pair of Cur- tains must be cleared before we close our doors May lith. Do not delay. Although the Rug you want may be here today, it may be gone tomorrow. Here are a few hints of the Home Furnishings to be had at this big Sale : Tapestry Curtains $2.48 Axminster Rug, $29.65 Heavy Axminster Rugs, new and pleasing designs. Choice oolorings. Size 3x34 yards. Rugs of qualityand exception- ally durable. Real 1140.00 qualities. For' Leaving Goderich $29.65 Bale V One Only English Axminster Rug liize 3x15 yards. This is a seamless Rog, thick, close pile and beautiful otfental pattern. A Rag Sbet Il $17b1e to 75 procure today. Special Leaving Goderich Sale...... • Two Oaly Eaglisli Axminster Rugs Woven without a seam. Thick, close pile: one two tone small deefgn in green color - Ings: the ether s handsome oriental. These Rugs retail at 540.00 to 145.00 Leaving Goderich Hale $oA•?5 price One Only Handsome Wilton Rug Two tone green ground with pink roses. Size 3x4 yards. A Rug that will last a long time. Special for Leaving $42.50 Goderich Sale • Brussels Rugs We Rti11 have • splendid assortment of these popular hard wearing Raga in green, brown and wood shades, very pleasing designs. all siren. Every Rug re -marked at clearing prices for Leaving Goderich Sale. Scotch Wool Rags For Bedrooms These are wonderfully good Rugs for bed• room use and are practically IMestruct able. They come In good designs and colorings and retail at 120.00 to 521.00. We have them 3x3e yards and our Lelving Goderich Sale price is. $15.75 Rag Rugs 89c., Rag Rugs suitable tor bash rooms or Isle rooms. 271n. wide. Simla' dole 885. price� a :.,......... Large Several large RI Rag lila Was. brown and tan shades with border. We have these up to 4 yards in length. Nothing newer or better for bed rooms Special 1 attractive prices on each for this Leaving Goderich Sale. A Large Ranier At An Attractive Price We have • very handsome Wilton Runner. Persian pattern and beautiful oolor core hinatlons. This Is a heavy Wilton of enperior quality. It Is aft. wide by 19ft. In length. It you have a hall that will take this length of Runner you should pick this op. It is worth $24 dad at-the factory. Our [.env Ing Goderich Sale is • Lace Curtains 69c. 20 pairs Lace Curtainsstrong firth edges that will stand. Specially suitable tor bed- rooms. Special Sale puce per Cast pair Big Selling ojFloor Oilcloth Good quality Floor OIlolotb. Tbtee designs. 1, 1a and 2 yards wide. Splendid wearing cloth. We want to clear these out at once and offer you your choice of these three pat- 39c terns, at per square yard Thin U away lees than mill price today. Ends of Linoleum Saturday We have a special Sale of short lengths of Linoleum and Floor 011clotb. These are lengths left after the big selling of the past ten days. We will clear them out Saturday at Bargain Prk•a. • Brink the else of the apace you want to cover. It will nave time Big Millinery Special 30 Hats at $3.88 Our mllnaers have prepared a special lot of trimmed Hats tor Saturday sailing. We have told them positively that the show. romm mnat be cleared before we wind np thle Sale on Way 11th. Every Hat Is new. The &etnal mine is $6.00 to 56.00 at 388 (east. Chgtoe of thin special lot beginning Saturday • Splendid duality Tapestry Curtains. Jast the thing for archways. hood designs and splendid wearing quality. Leav- log Goderich Sale price per • Q48 $Z pair (� These At 89c. Are Extra Value You cannot buy these at Woo per pair at regular prim to -day. A Nottingham I.aoo Curtain, good design. suitable for almost say room. Firmly woven edgeSpecial Leaving Goderioh Bale price per 89e • psi r Curtains 51.49 Thee are wonderful value. Deep cream or euro shade. One of the popular plain • designs with border. Special Sale price �per pair. .1l 11.4 A hite Curtain $16 This Curtain is remarkable value to day. Worth considerably more money, white only. Designs suitable fora bed rooms. Per pair $1.69 Odd Curtains Half Price 30 pairs Odd Curtains. various kinds and patterns. These have been used as samples and one or In some cases both are slightly soiled. Clearing Saturday at per pair, exactly half price. Chintzes And Sateens 23c, 10 or 15 ends Cbintzee and Art Sateens snit able for furniture. hangings. ete. Rplen- did colorings and patterns. Cleang per yard 23" li• Clearing Ends of Blind Cloth and Odd Blinds These are just the thing for short windows. They are short lengths lett atter making Blinds to order. There are also some odd Blinds. If you have a window that any of them will at you will certain- ly get • bargain on Saturday. Bring the size of your window with you. The Eureka Electric Vacuum Cleaner We have two Eureka Electric Vacuum Cleaners to sell. If you do not know just what it means to have one of these wonderful labor saving de- vices In your home, Dome and and out just how helpful they can be. Beautiful Waists, $1.15 Yon will not bay Walesa like these again at least until same tial• alter the war Is over Maces as high as 51.60. We had them bough and they were shipped before we decided to 1s cannot take them with as, so are olearinft them very low price of for this price ; not Sad In Iota of t for May selling ve Oaderloh. We one at the $1.15 n anvfonnonnosasponaniff•••111111•411111111610•1111111111111•651111M1111111111•11111111111WfilallelennallaelialeMeletainillinallaillnelalliaillinnlinvissi t a This Will Be Remnant Week This will be Remnant week. We have taken every spare minute this past week to measure up every remnant in the store. Saturday morning they go on wale at prices that will be lower far than we have ever sold Remnants for hefore. We particularly emphasise the short lengths of Silks and Dress Goods that are suitable for making over,bombining, for Waists or for Children's Dresses. Hundreds of Retnoants to sell, and every Remnant a Bargain. - sa•sauanisanse.nnasois.iieass•s•s•sass•asN•Maaaaasaanenns•asusa•asannenneseaausaa•aaasanamsa hiatal A Sale of Sample Underwear H•ents are going at factory prloes and Iona. They are the samples of one of Osaada'w Seat maker' of Whitewear. Draw- ers, Corset Covers, Underskirts and ¢owaa. No two alike. Rvarjr gairmast right op b Om minute fa state. HODGEN$ BROS. DIRECT IMPORTERIC RICH • Ciba Batts, 2 for 25c American a OMtsa Rates, sues, apiMdltgeallsy. tat Mated/ay merntag; C Iii to will as 2 fee 811 1 •a