HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-4-18, Page 5WE HAVE THE NEW Anti -Glare 'Lenites in Stock n MacBeth Evans, Shaler, Sunray, Saferlite, etc. Call in - and let us show you them. rEast Street Carve.ONTO Arthur M. Mier "Owned ad Operated by a Practical Maas, For the Boys Overseas Soldiers' Comfort Boxes IOc and 15c We earry many useful Ileums to include in these Boxes. Swan Safety Military Fountain Pen This Penis vonstrueted to isintann a year's supply of ink in tablet form. All that is necemsaiy is to fill the reservoir of the Pen with water and drop in an ink ' tablet. This makes a per- fect writing ,Muid. These Pens are gu •rwnteed and will suit any handwriting. Conipiete,with•poeket clip and ink tablets. $$.00. Alois Mtenm.au Alcohol Stets ea, Military Brushed. Penslar Tr•ead.easy Foot powder, Tenth Paste, Trench Lunch (nut choco- late). Nut Bars. than. Air Pillows - $2.00 James A. Campbell, "Central Drag Store" North St. and Square, e:o.lerich LOC4L TOPICS Old Linen Badly Needed. t= ie ■!1 countries. Ask for our INVEII- ':Opt i ADVIAsaiwhleh )s116s sent ars MARIOit .a MARION. foo University at Misrtrisl. ,SPECIAL for One Week 1. -1 1 t -1 THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO IA LoWi s-DrY D "��is�g INTESTINAL Win�aet race: An Ashfield farmer, who 'mu Il in his supply of wet goods tust 1 the dry ve unmeson April 1st, drove to Ripley, while his booze was hipped to. but on learning that he would be liable to prosecution for taking booze from one county to another be decided to have it stopped back to Wingham and he headed his steed for our beautiful town. After waitin • around until the pret-wtia liquid arrive he presented his claim to the ex- press man here, blit lo, the disappoint- ment when he learned that not only was the man oho shipped the liquor from Rip- ley, ley, but the man who delivered the liquor, subject to s heavy fine, for the dry season and its laws had come into reality on the first of April. Let us not think of the drive from Vint -ham to•Lochalah. Cadet Corps Inspection. In order to inspect the Collegiate In- stitute Cadet Corps before the boys who are to Ifo out for (arra st(Yfoe bail wit'cad gratefully received. (scholia. Captain Barclay, the military in- Early on his tour very early Early O. T. R. Train. tics spring. On Wednesday morning he The G. T. R. announces that, eon- Imspeit��elocalcorps at Victoria Park mencing April 29th, the morning train acid himself as well pleased with will leave Goderich at 5.50. instead of the discipline ane e..`hciency or the cadets, 7.05. and will arrive at Toronto 10.50 complimenting them espeFially on the a. m. 1march past. The showing reflects ggrreeaatt a it on Cadet Instructor Pbi]ip Dies in courts Manhood. Carey, who has hart in charge of the The home of Mr. and Mrs. William corps this Year and who acted as com- Fart. Cambridge street, has been bereaved pony Oornmander dunng the inspection. by the death of their son, Joseph Gerald, There were forty-six boys on parade. which occurred yesterday, in his nine- Allen Sinclair and Joseph Kelly were teenth year. The young man had been half -company commanders The rifles ill for many months and his death was that were called in when the war riot unexpected. The funeral service will broke out were reissued during the past be held at St. Peter's church on Satur- winter and the boys. even the younger day morning. at 9.30 o'clock. ones, showed smartness in handling them. A Young Girl Liles If people having old linen or cotton will leave it at the hospital it will bC ( ed -1- -1- Men's Soft and Derby HATS About 150 Hats telescope shape, fur -felt with plain and contrast trimmings, to clear in $1.25 Seventy-fiveHats good for general wear 75c Up-to-date stiff Hats in seasonable shapes. good quality fur -felt with silk trimmings, to clear at $1.45, $1.75 and $1.95 Men's Police Braces. to clear at 25c M. ROBINS The Mehra s Stare The death occurred Saturday night Hospital Benefit. last, at the home of her aunt, Miss 1. L. For the third time the operetta ''The Vanstone, Anglers street, of Gladys the L� of Limerick Town" was given in thirteen -year-old daughter of Mr. Wil- Victona Opera House on Wednesday tiara Thompson. The funeral service was evening, before agood house. The Per - formalism on Sunday afternoon, Rev. Dr. formfun sm this time was in aid of the Rutledge officiating and the internment unds of Alexandra hospital, and about was made in Maitland cemetery. The fwas netted for this worthy par bereaved relatives have the sympathy of all in the untimely death of this young girl, after a brief illness. Appreciative of Miss Cos's Services. The G. C. 1. trustee board has placed on the minutes a resolution expressing re- gret st the resignation of Miss Cox from the position she had held (or several terms as instructor of the dresemaking dashes and its high appreciation of her services Exeter on factory. AG T. R. man says t 1188 pose. The rote of the Yankee farmer lost a wood-splittusg machine, a hay - was taken by Mr. Harry MacGregor. in press, a pair of bobsleighs and other place cal Mr. Harry Buchanan, who is articles; a number of other things away from town. Mr. MacGregor, in ad- which had been stored in the building dition to filling his p rt in the play very were taken out in time. Mr. A. S. Chrys- rnditably. gave some Scottish songs be- tal owned the building and had 8450 in- tween the acts which proved to be a very surance. Mr. MacEwan had no insurance popular feature. The whole performance The eastern edge of the town has a was carried out in excellent style. showing string of fire ruins, iociuding the Baechter an improvement even upon the initial factory, the old Dietrich grist mill, the performances. The company has been boiler shop and the Kensington furniture which contributed so greatly to the suc- engaged to give the operetta at hit iron, cess of the industrial classes. The drew- Friday of next week. under the auspices the railway line it looks like some town in making classes of the industrial school are of the Exeter Patriotic League, and the the war zone that has been heavily now in charge of Mrs. Pelbw. people of that corrununity may look for- shelled. wand to a real treat. -I • s One luxury that is actually an economy Huron Lodge ••At Home." is Salada Tea. It yields many more cups The annual "at horn" of Huron than the ordinary tea, and, besides, has Lodge. No 82, I. 0. 0. F., is always that unique. delicious flavor. a popular and enjoyable event, and the PARALYSIS li Fruit -a -tins" Quickly Relieved This Chronic Trouble bag ('nes:maim Stager, Musraart. "In my opinion, so other medicine Is so 'iambs. for Constipation and Indigestion as'Frgit-a-tires'. 1 was a sufferer from these com- plaints for Ise years, and my seden tare occupation, M Hole, brought about Iwleslisalroris/ysi; ttr11� .:..sly iuedathes, belching gas, 'drowsiness after eating, and pain in the beak. I was induced to try 'Fruit -a -tiles' and tow for six months I have been entirely well". A. ROSE\BURG. 50e_a box, for $2.W, trial she 25e. At all dealers of sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Mr. Arthur Fisher teachers, Mts. P. Walters, Mrs. E. Maskell, Mrs. J. Long, Mrs S. Gardner and Mrs. A. Vanatone; treasurer, Mr. Fishes( secretary. Miss Edna Vialters; cradle roll superintend- ent, Mrs. R. H. Mew; horns depart- ment surerinterdent, Mrs. P. S. Banes; convenor of nuisoonary wmituttee, Mrs' S. Gardner; convertor of temperance crintnutter, Mrs. P. S. Banes. Mr. Harold Walters. of the school of Practical Science, Toronto, is expected home next Saturday. Rev. J. W . Hedley. M. A., of Nile, is to be present next Sunday morning and evening to preach at the opining ser- vices of Benmiller church. • Everyone wekbrne, and a liberal offering is asked for. The services will commence at the usual hours (old time). Old Boner Shop Burned. The old boiler shop near the town standpipe was burned to the ground early Monday afternoon. The fire was the re- sult of an unfortunate mishap. It ap- pears that Councillor "C. M. Robertson was planning to cultivate the vacant land adjoining the shop and as a preliminary set fire to the grass. The blaze got be- yond his control and caught on the old frame building, wbich made excellent material for a lively conflagration, The alarm was sent in, but it was sone little time before horses could be secured for the fire -wagon. and before the water was turned on the building Iwas doomed. Mr. P. J. MacEwan, who had the place rented, mss_.. Reading G 1 asses Reading by artificial light is nos vissary these short days. Un- less judgment is used eye strain will follow. Coneutt Sas-age at the first indicatiosi of eye diw'onifnrt. Correct glazes should gir.• immediate relief. C. We grind ogle own Lenses. AND Ann _ P-OPPTI�Cr�att�� NSW al IR PM7 /trayelOSIO OwC.4.PN, O0rv,1 QOITUAHY, McCREATII.—The funeral u. the Late William McCreath took place from the family residence, Victoria street, on Saturday afternoon, and was largely at- tended- The members of CourtCode- rich, No. 92, attended in a body to pay their last respects to their departed brother, who had been the recording sec- retary of tbe Court for thirty years. Rev. R. C. McDermid was the officiating clergyman and the pallbearers were county officials, Messrs. D. Macdonald, C. Seager. W. Coats, W. Lane, G. W. Holman and Sheriff Reynoids. Mr. McCreath was born sixty-four years ago at New Dundee, Waterloo county, and came to Goderich when a youftg man. He learned the trade of carriage -painting with the late F. R. Mann and later was in the carriage -mak- ing business with Mr. John Walker for some years. Twenty-five years ago next June he was court house andiregistrnted y rooflfice r oand he in this position he gave the county the most faithful and capable service. He is survived by his wife, four sons and three daughters. The sons are William J , of town; George, of Winnipeg; Harry, who has just returned to his home in Gode- rich after serving with the Canadian forces in France. and Bert. of Toronto. The daughters are Mrs. David Thompson, of town; Mrs. D. Hyslop. of Geneva, Ohio, and Mrs. (Capt.) M. R. McLean. of Cleveland, who has been home during the winter. All the sons and daughters were here for the funeral. also Mr. D. Hyslop and three children. Mr. McCreath was a Presbyterian and a member of the session of Knox church. He was a member of Inverness Camp, S. 0. S.. and, as already mentioned. of Court Goderich, C 0. F. The dance announced for Wednesia l, large attendance at Oddfellow'ii Hall last evening of this week at Odd[ellowti Hal Friday occasion provided by Huron Lodge chestra, was pnetponed on account of the retains its high place in public favor. operatic event tins week and will be given While music and a variety of games were next Wedn slay night, Apra 24th. night was evidence that this social under the auspices of the Goderich Oc- being enjoyed on the main floor, a game At the auctins sale on Siturday last of progressive euchre upstairs claimed the by the a oxutors of the estate of the lair tt; ention largeA Mrs Chao. Blake. the �tnr�rs occupied byMrs. Blake. served at midnight and afterwards there was sok} to Mr. George Laithwaite, of w(,odsnch (e forsca an hour or two. The Goderich tow-lmship. at 52.200. Mr. J. C. h Latthwrattt bought fry CI ether was an enjoyable to house on St. Patrick's street. at 8700. Ibe present, and the officers and members SHOVING ON THE CLOCKS. F! God�b Timepieces Are About an Hoar aced a Half Ahead of San Time. The "daylight-saving" measure came into effect last Sunday mining, and so far as Goderich is concerned the change of time has been effected with very little disturbance or inconvenience. A number of churchgoers were late for the m )rnint services on Sunday either having for- gotten or having been unaware of the ailvanceof the clocks it is related with some amusement that one of those who were late for service away . George's N church Sunday morning Lewis, who when he was member or Parliament for West Huron was the first to propose the "daylight-saving" scheme While the innovation has been intro- duced in the town with common consent. it is different in the townships. and in sarteof the country districts the "new" time may be unobserved. Farmers say that for them the change is either unnecessary or inconvenient. On Sundays. they say. they cannot get through with their morn- ing chores and get to church an h�bur metier, and in the evenings it is too early to attend to the chores' before church. and after church, when they have their good: clothes ore, is no time to do them. The obvious remedy would be to chane � the hours of church service, and this might be advisable. ton, in the case of sure town churches that have a consid WOMAN WORKS enable country membership indeed, in i throe slimmer -time it is going to tie very hot in church at 7 o'clock innry lime) in the evening. It is to be noted that in Goderich the clocks are now practically an hour and a half ahead of sun time. For instance. at norm the clocks are at abrut 1 30 Un - Marvelous Story Of WOetan $ der the system of standard time Goderich x Of a number. The iu-brick house at the at euchre were Mrs corner of St. Patrick's and Colborne Nairn and Mr. G. H. Lauder. Lunch was streets, former ly furnished excellent double music. tog it o s on for those who were privileged to Iof iron Lodge are to be congratulated upon adding another to t (successes Dies at Toronto. heir Inst of soc Luxury No! Necessity— Yes! Now that photographs--: and first-class work, top are obtainable at the low prices we offer, they no longer be classed luxuries. Photo- graphs are today as nec- essary as the family records your mother kept in the Bible. can as T. Fell ial I The sad news came by telephone this morning of the death of the little daugh- ter of Mrs. (Dr.) Bean, which occurred at the Sick Children's hospital, Toronto. IThe little one had not thrived since the disastrous fire at Coxnsecon, Ont.. last August in which Dr. Bean lost his life and the baby was somewhat burned, and t wo weeks ago she was taken to Toronto and the advice of expert ,physicians was sought. The reports ware encouraging right up to yesterday. so that this morn- ing's news of her death was quite unex- pected. The mother. who has been for some months at the borne of her par- ents, Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Ford, is still in a very serious condition as the result of the terrible burns she received in the fire last August. TLe funeral service for little Willa Margaret will be held on Saturday after- noon at the home sof Rev. J. E. Ford, and on account of the condition of the mother it will be private. The in- Lterment will he at the Clinton cemetery, where the chil 1 s father is buried, the funeral to take place from the Clinton (r. T. R. station at 3 o'clock on Saturday I.ernoon. MORI 1 OF CANADA DAIN A*AIL mitt, a Mdlik Duly it is not what you earn, but what you save that counts. And remem- ber, too, that it is of little use to pare down expenses If the money so saved is not put to work. As a personal and patriotic duty, save every dollar ;ou can, and let it earn interest in a Savingsact Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. The New System of Trading Your meniberdtip is of great rale to you. (' pare one piles' is all we ask. then decide what • member hip nreau.s in this Assneiattnn. SPECIAL BARGAINS ( sinned Pear. or Peaches 1In heavy syrup .......--.-- ---- - Pork and Wane, albs., in Tomato Saris. . .... . . W. i,. (salmon. tall ran Bllc 15 Itbehest granulated anger- .$1 A trial ,order will convince you. \Vt'Ite for free circular. Cossasers' Associatia y. J. )9YLE, Quebec St. torsi 111anagPr 15 HOURS A DAT Change from Weakness is near the western limit of the division �i� about twenty-eight minutes ahead of sun time, and now an extra hour is added to the discrepancy between sun time and clock time. to Strength byTaking Druggist's dvice. Pete. Ind. -a-" 1 suffered from a dis- placement with backache and dragging down psins so badly that at times 1 could not be on FARMERS' CLUB. — The Colborne of "Eastern" time. and we were therefore COLBORNE. WEnwasnAY. April 17. Dodd's kidoey Pills are the only medicine that will cure Dia- betes. Like Bight's Dis- ease this dis- ease was in - c urable until Dodd's Kidney Pill• cured it. Doctor themselves confess that without Dodds Kidneyy Pills they are powerless against Dia- betes. Dodd's Kidney Tilts are the first medicine that ever cured Diabetes. Imitations- box, name and pill, are advertised to do so, but the medicine that doer cure iabotos 11 is Dodd's Kidney Pill, D..dd'. Kidney {'ill's are fifty cents a box at all druggists. The Saults Coal Co. eooewors to McDonald' & Gledhill EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR LEHIGH VALLEY THE COAL THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hetnlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFICE PHONE - - - - 75 B. ). Saults' Residence 275 W. W Sault; Residence 202 1 Toy feet and It did Farmers' Club will meet in the not sea thoogb Temperance Hall. Benmiller. on 4W-1 could stared is. I Thursday. April 25th. Mr. Telfer, of tried different the Dorninion Agricultural Department, rmedlcinas without is expected to be present and to address any beoeltt and the Club on the subject of wool produc- several doctors twit. toad me sothidg BENMILLER. but an operation would do me any gee& my drug - glut tiitid me of Lydia. Pink- s ham's Vegetable Compound. 1 took itwiN the result that 1 am now w. l m. \ u \ \ —1 sad strong. 1 get asp in the morning st four o'else do my housework, than Le tea factory and work all day. tome borne and get Wpm end feel � 1 don't know bow many of et riesds 1 brave told whet t Lydia„ Phikhata's Veeeedaleta done Ise iota "—urs. Anna Ittcreaufso. %w gam wafts him Neu.s see% Ml- a+.tib eboedd net f M try W a farms aselly, Lydia Mak- bs �eV�leeempur- WErbNH�nAY, April 17. Messrs. Clayton & Clark have here on the road with their Store wagon the past two welts. Mn Kerr s friends are glad to know she is ireproving 'spicily. On Tuesday she was not for a ear ride. Rlrtmiller friends were glad to see Mr. Andrew Hed4lle last Sunday. Mumps and a kenpox are prevalent in this vicinity. The daylight -Nevins schetne is causing much dtacussion., Tbe school is observ- ing the new t wit, but several ferment are working on the standard time. I The annual /mating and tea of the Ren- ' tral)er Sabbath school to sober, and officers wire 'held at thersonage last Wrefnes- day Passing. Apr$ 10th. The following officers were elected: superintendent, Mr. R. H. Mew, assistant Sdperintende rat, Do you have headaches? Do your eyes ache? Do your eyes water ? Do you have difficulty when reading? Does the print blur? These are all indications of de- fective eyesight. Using both the objective and subjective methods of testing we can guar- antee correction of all of these troubles . Talk the matter. over with Mr. Sexamith, our eyesight specialist. • if you require lenses you may depend on getting them at the most reason- able charge. Your examination will cost you nothing. H. C. DUNLOP Th Us& sty GODERiCH - ONT The Singer Store New stock of children's stamped dresses in Repp, Pique and Lawn. %tamped hats and romper'. Fancy black 'satin bags. A new lot of white stamped 'inch cloths, centres, mats and 'serviettes. Notions. Steel knitting needles, liugeri.• braid. Darning cotton in colors and wooden hoops. MISS S. NOBLE r30For Goocl Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith A Ring East Street. Opposite Knox Church Give Us a Triol I A Business Education Pays for itself in a Few Months The difference in remuneration of a trained business man (or woman), as compared with that of the untrained person, will quickly make rap the amount spent in taking a good business course such as can be obtained at the School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO Now is the time for the young man or woman to make an in- vestment that will give splenoid returns in the years ,to come. We have courses in BOOKKEEPING, STENOGRAPHY, PENMANSHIP, SECRETARIAL WORK, ETC. Ve have special accommorta- tion �(or girl students. For terms,etc., write B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. Pno)NE 20a Principal Sealed tight—kept right "Give it to me. please. Grand- daddy." "Why Bobby. if you wait a bit for it you'll have it to en - Joy longer!" 'Poo -pool That's no argument with WRIGLEY'S 'cause the flavour lasts. amwayt" —After every meal 1