HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-4-18, Page 3•c'
E IlYll1 Y[[T IV r[�D[T DOLLARS.
ANSBir Robert 8oi"den to Pt opose
Drastic Measures.
Trate In History of Dual -
taloa Mouse of Parl.ameat, Mes-
siest Is Being Meld Behind Closed
Doors --Change. Are To Be Maio
In Conecriptlon Act to Secure
Every Available Man.
PATH, soscnam m women's and children's
daeases, acute. chrome and nervous diorama. eye.
ear. nose and thrash, porton deafness. lumbago
and rheumatic conditions Adenoids removed
without the kale. Office at residence, corner
Nelson and St. Andrew's streets At home office
Mondays. Thursdays and Sat oda ys. any evening
by appumtawst.
Graduate Toronto Lrusers,ty. Graduate
Ros al College of Dental Surgeons.
Succesnr to the late Major Sale. Offices corner
Square and Nest street. Goderich.
I os 67, Godench. AU instructions by marl u
deft at Signal Office roll be promptly attended to.
Resdence telephone Ily.
Office-Sterbrag Bank Block. Hamilton Street.
Goder.cb. Telephone 1..
Real Estate. Loan and Insurance.
Cfce on the Square, second door from Ham,l
eco Street, Goderich.
Private feeds to loan at lowest rates.
W. Paoi VPoor, K C.. 1. L.. Kltuma"
H. J. D. Coosa.
TER, solicitor. notary public. Offices
Hamilton Street. Goderich. third door from
Square. At Chown Thursday of each wee k• m
e on Albert Street *erupted by Mr. Hooper.
cJffioe Mows 9 a. artd 6 p. m.
\ RISTER. attorney. solicitor, etc., Goderich.
y kt"ned at lowest mfrs.
, . ICITOR. notary. pubic and conveyancer.
llhce- Court House, (:eoer,c h.- irk-Itm
OTTAWA, April 16. -The Cana -
dime House of Commons has decided
to hold on Wednesday a secret sit -
Hag, at which the Government will
give Parliament confidential int
ation with respect to the sltuatIo�
France and Flanders, which. aa the
Prime M)*)ater said, "could not be
gine off account of mllltary exigen-
cies at an ordinary session of the
House." Alt: Parliament L agog over
the decision. and there is much spec-
ulation as to the nature of the an
nouncements to be made. The Prime
Minister will, 1t U understood, com-
municate to the assembled com-
moners and to the members of the
Senate who will not be deprived of
their privilege to attend the sittings
of the Lower House, a meariage from
Right Hon. David Lloyd George, the
British Prime Minister, setting forte
the position of the allied armies on
the west front and the Immediate
needs which confronts the allied
nations. The British Premier's mes-
sage and other official statements
from overseas will demonstrate to
the Parliamentarians that the re-
quirements to be met are those of the
present and of the Immediate future.
and not those of some months to
come. Men are needed, and therefore
It is predicted that the Government
will put forward radical amendments
to the Military Service Act having for
their object early and considerable
additions to the military forces.
In regard to the speeding up of the
Military Service Act machinery, there
are various reports as to Impending
action. It is stated on good authority
that the operation of the act will be
expedited by the transfer to the mili-
tary authoriabs under Mal. -Gen.
Mewburn of some of the functions
now discharged by the Ml•ister of
Justics, Hon. C. J. Doherty, In the
belief that the military men can get
quicker action than the lawyers. '
It Is also rumored that Class
ander the act, namely, unmarried
men or widowers without children
between the ages of 35 and 46. may
be forthwith called out, It being i,e-
lteved that this class should be call-
ed before the younger married men
of Class 2, and that frem among them
could be found at once several thou-
sand Just as physically fit for the
trenches as are the men of Clem 1.
Before this is done, however, the
Government will give a little further
time for getting better returns from
Class 1, especially from the Province
of Quebec.
In regard to the Quebec problem,
the steps recently taken to speed up
the bearing and decision of appeals
are now bearing fruit. Several thou-
sands of Lppeals from the Montreal
and Quebec Military Districts have
come to the Central Appeal Court
during the peat two or three days.
Thirty or forty thousand more will
come In during the next month. The
task before Mr. Justice Duff of hand-
ling these is a formidable one, but
he la making arrangements for classi-
fication of cases, etc., and tor pro-
curing assistance, so that final deci-
sions can be given promptly. Within
the next four weeks it Is expected
Oust the draftees enrolled from the
Province of Quebec will be equal to
the number so far secured from On-
tario. They will be sent oversew' at
ANCE CO.- Farm and isolated town prop-
rrty urured.
(Maters- Jr. Connelly, Pres,Goderich
- Ttnma.
1s, Evans, Vice-Pree., Beec
:. Fiat's. Sec. -Tesla cGrego P.O.
Director- D. F. i&Gregor, R. R. No. 3, Sep -
troth. John G. Grieve. No. t, Walton; Welham
Rano R. R. No. Sbrth: John Bennew,ea.
Hroo4Qha(rn; Geo. MrcCartnneeyy.� R. 1t, No. 8. Sea -
forth, Robert terra, Harlock; Malcolm Mc
Ewen. Clinton. James Evans. Ileechwood. James
Connolly. Goderich.
Agents. J. W. Y Goderich; Net. Leitch.
K. R No. 1, Clinton; William Chesney, Seatorth.
E. H,nchky. Sealorth. Policy -holders can pay ail
'airmen(' and get they cards renamed at 'H J
Morrtah'y(.-lotbeng EStore. Clinton; R. H. Cur t•
Grocery, KI street. Goderich, or J
Reid'a Store rtaybed.
G LOAN. Apply to M.G. CAM-
RON, Barrister, Hamtlton street. Goderich.
" and choirmaster of Knox church. Teacher
d Piano. Vocal and Theory. Puptis prepared
for Conservatory commotion*. Studio --corner
Britannia road and South street. TelephonenNo.
1. Voice. Piano and Organ. Pupils prepared For
exaBritannia Apply at MR. P. W.
Brophe} Bros.
1 n Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at •t11 hours. night or day.
Brown Sorry He Didn't Know Abiet
Iambic Sooner -Gatos ; eveoteen
"1 have actually gained seventeen
pounds by taking Tanlac, and my recow
ery has been a surprise to myself as well
u all who knew of my dreadful condition,"
said Walter F. Brown, 13.2 Yorkville
street, Toronto, recently. Mr. 13rrrwn,
who has been a resident of Toronto all his
life, was for many years a travelli sales-
man. and is now employed by the Notwrt
Simpson Company. He is a member of
the Masonic Lodge, also of the Commer-
cial Travellers Areociation, and is highly
respected by all who know him.
••I( 1 could have had Tanlac five years
ago," continued Mr. Brown. "I could
have saved myself not only a world of
suffering. but more than ■ thousand dol-
lars. which i paid out for other treatment
and medicines whidt failed to do me any
worse c. ado( stomach trouble than 1 ha't believe anyone ever had d
In fad, Ar
got so bad oft 1 was given up to
die by my family and friends, and had
lost about all hope myself of ever getting
well. Even the most delicate and dainty
dishes failed to arouse my appetite. and the
least bit of food of any kind caused me in-
tense suffering I would bloat tip terribly
with gas, and had a mean, agonizing pain
in the pit of my stomach, and was rivver
free from headache. No matter what 1
ate my suffering was awful. and for over
nine months at one time was on a light
diet. Half the time 1 couldn't put on my
boots or dress myself, because I didn't
have the strength, and my desperate con-
dition can be tetter understood when 1
say I had fallen off from one hundred and
thirty-five pounds to only ninety -ax.
I was nothing but a frame of skin and
bones, waa so nervous I could hardly
deep, and felt eo irritable I didn't want
anyone around me at a11. Everything
was done for me. it seems, that could be -
X-ray photographs of my stomach were
made. stomach pumps used and every
treatment known, but no one seemed to
understand my case, and 1 kept getting
worse. After spending eight months in
the hospital here to no avail, 1 was ad-
vised to go to Mt. Sinai hospital in New
York. and 4 -spent three months there. but
still didn't improve one bit. 1 felt that
life was hardly worth living. and lost all
faith in medicine.
"One day while talking to my brother-
in-law he asked me why 1 didn't take
Tanlac, and 1 said, No; 1 have taken
enough stuff, nothing will do me any
good. But he insisted until i bought a
bottle, and Providence was surely guiding
me that day. for 1 firmly believe that was
the move that saved my life. To say it is
wonderful the way Tanlac has helped me
doesn't halt -way express it. I'm already
feeling a thousand times better. and am
on the road to health after five year! of
torture. 1 have already puked up from
ninety-six to one hundred and thirteen
pounds. and am looking and feeling better
than 1 have in years. My appetite is fine,
the gas and pa n have alt disappeared (torn
my stomach. and I can eat mo is anything
1 want w thout the slightest incon-
venience. My friends are simply amazed
at my wonderful improvement. I have
also told the physicians who did
all they could for me what 1 am
taking. and they say they never
such a change in a man. I
lieve Tan& has saved my life, and -
serves more than 1 will ever be able to say
for it. 1 will be glad to write to anyone
who wishes to verify this statement. and
tell them what Tanlac has done for me."
Tanlac is sold in Goderich by E. R.
Wigle. in Seaforth by C. Aterhart, in
Wingham by J. Walton McKibbon, in
HeneaU by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth
by White City Drug Store, in Wroxeter
by J. N. Allen. in Londesboro' by John
O. Loundaberry, in Exeter by W. S.
Howey, in Brucefield by Peter Bowey, in
Dashwood by Tieman k EdighofTer, in
Crediton by J. W. Orme, in Clinton by
W. S. R. Holmes, in Sheppardton by J.H.
Simpson. in Gorrie by H. V. Armstrong,
and In Fordwich by H. Sansom.
Save year Hair! Get a small bottle
Dand•rine right now -Also
*tope itching scalp.
Thin, brittle. colorless and scraggy
hair Is miltit evidence of • neglected
etmtlp; d ednothiing go de tn> � to
the hair as dandruff. It robs sadthe hair
fil Ms hsetre, Its *triage Hsi very
orentsallzr prolueing a fe9erlsh-
116as and 14Ating of the asap, whist if
set i1to
looses es& � s air
oat fad A 1BtJe Dadarias was advised yesterday that an Amer -
"• ► Umr �w1n p»ly m» 1tn steamer was burned off the Nova
�wnr hair. r seot4 °oast on Saturday night and
gsiusaoOat a st,r say
of gomwaay • that the crew had been transferred
loom say Q^lR stet+ you to a U. S. warship whteh came to how
ta»fy eta lava iyjust try hair and lob assistance. The same of the vessel
of it • will JaN • Ter
II Ulla w fat mantles“.
Ma• Bavl pear Wel T11T Irl
1111111111011011010111111111111• 1111111111110111111111111111111111111■
TORONTO, April 16. -Tho Board X
ot Trade quotations for yesterday IN
are: X
Manitoba Wheat On Store Fort Wdltaw4
InclWtrq !Vic Tax).
No. 1 nor tbern, 82.23 Ss
No. 1 northern. $11.310%.
No. 3 northern, 62 17%.
No. 4 ',Lost, 12,10%
In the debate upon the war appro-
priation bill in the Commons last
week Hon. S. C. Mewburn, Minister
of Militia, asserted that there would
have to be a speeding up of the oper-
ation of tribunals under the Military
Service Act. There are those who wa-
lleye that this speeding up procese
will Include a wboleaala review of
temporary and conditional exemp-
tions. In connection with this belief
there was In circulation a report that
In view of the emphasis placed by
Premler Lloyd Georgy In England
upon the need for men to bear arms
the Government bad under advise-
ment plans to place 60,000 then In
khaki as rapidly as possible to train
them at some of the large camps
established In the country since the
outbreak of war, and to send theta
overeeas in quotas of 6,000 a month.
As to the opening of the large train-
ing camps this summer, it was as-
serted that the Government's course
would bei determined by whether or
not the amendments to the Military
Service Act to be proposed resulted In
the recruiting of a sufficiently large
number of men.
For some days past rdmon of
early amendments to the Military
Service Act have been In circulation,
but It has been stated that no deci-
sion had been reached as to the scope
of those to be Introduced. It has
been understood on good authority
that provision was to be made for the
enrollment of unmarried young men
as they attained the age of 20 years.
To this was recently added the re-
port that young men might be taken
Into the army at 19 years of age and
placed In training, although they
would not to liable for service over-
seas until after they reached twenty.
Dislike Air Raids.
AMSTERDAM. April 16. - A
Karlsruhe despatch to the Frank-
furter Zeitung reports the passage by
the Chamber of the Grand Duchy of
Baden there ot a resolution request-
ing the Imperial German Government
to endlavor to secure a general
agreement for the cessation o( booths
air raids on Diem outside the zone
of military operations.
Marriage is a raffle instead of a lottery.
One man gets the prize. while the other
gets the shake.
U. B. Steamer Barged.
SYDNEY, N.8., AprIl 16. - The
agent of the Marine Department here
• NHw
Owing to the scarcity of
Coal, and the fact that
sales have, of necessity, to
be made in very small
quantities, we have found
it absolutely necessary to
make a rule that
Manitoba Oats (In Store, Fort Wlnlatwh 11
No. 1 C.W.. N c.
No. 3 C.W., 90 c.
Metre No. 1 t90t�c.
No. 1 feed. 5814c•
Amor-Win Coen (Track, Toronto).
No. 3 yellow-KUn dried. 11.90 rwminaL
Ontario Oats (According to Freights
Quts Ids ),
No. 2 whlte-92c to 93c.
No. 3 white -810 to 52c.
Ontario Wheat (Sesta In Store M 1).
Ns. 3. winter. per car lot, 32 23.
Peas (Accerding to Freigts Outside/ -
No. 2-83.60 to 13.70.
Barley (According to Frelehte Outside),
Malting --11.64 to 0165.
suck -wheat (Accenting to Frslghts Out•
side 1.
Buckwheat -11.76 to 11 A0.
Rye (According to Freights outside).
No. 2-91.4141.
Maniteba Flour (Toronto, New Sags).
War quality. 811.10
Ontario Flour (Prompt Shipment, Now
War quality, 110.70 Montreal, 810.70 To-
Mac Ewan Estate
Spring and Suminer Coats
Our spring shipment of Coats was late of arriving. They are now to hand
and are being shown in our remodelled ready-to-wear section. They are the smartest
Coats we have ever shown. They come in Poplins, Serges, Tweeds, Velours, etc.., in
the newest styles. Prices from
X With above we show an exceedingly attractive range of women's Silk Coats
for dressy wear, in Taffeta Silk, Silk Moire, Cord Silk and Silk Poplin. The styles
are the very latest. Ranging in price from $11.50 upward.
$16.50 to $35.00
Mlllteed (Car Lets, Delivered, Mo„trawl
Fr/lights, Sage Included).
Bran. pet ton, 915.40.
Shorts. per ton, 840.40.
Hay (Track, Toronto),
No. 1. per ton, 117 to 818; mixed. par
ton, $14 to 116.
Straw (Track, Toronto).
Car Iota per ton, 88.50 to 89.
Farmers' M
Fall wheat -Milling. 12.14 per bushel, a
Goose wheat -92.10 to 82.12 per bushel.
•Harley -Malting, 11.60 to 11.63 per X
Oats -92e to 11 16 per bushel. Ir
Buckwheat-61.per bushel.•
Rye -According to sample, nominal. N
Hay-Tltnotby. 120 to 123 per ton; mix:
ed and ekver, 118 to 120 per ton. 1.t
Oats- Canadian western, No. 3. 91.0154
exits No. 3 food. 11.0511: No. 3 local X
Flour -New standard spring wheat,
911.18 to 811.20.
.yo.led oa;r-Bags. 90 lbs., 15.60.
111411. 631.10: shorts. 840.40: middlings,
Iia to $56: mouths, 160 to 869.' X
Hay -No 2. per ton. car lots, 817.
Cheese -Finest westerns. 21%c; finest X
eus:errs, 2114c.
J. P. B.ckeC & r4ort the following X
prices on the cake Co,�o hoard of Trade: Imr
Prev. 1st
Open. nigh. Low. Close. Close. . X
.... t."7 267•, 1261'4 127 tb 117 X
June \� 1 (4 149,4 149% 15004
July ' c' I 1 i4 14814 14914 15014 , X
May 6s% se% 0344 34e14 84 j
April.. 8194 11061167x.4 115; 88
Pork- �'
Mey.. .. 41.02 48.05 47.62 40.00 47.15
May ... 25.60 25 70 25.55 25.67 25.60
July. •.. 2a.92 26. 05 25.85 25.97 25.32
May .... 24.05 24.12 23.97 24.10 24.95
Jal� 24 60 24.60 24.45 24.57 24.52
"Pape's Dlapcppesln" makes aiek, sour,
gassy stomkchs surely feel fine
In five minutes.
If what ycm Just ate Is soul/big on
your stomach qt Jin. 11ke a lamp of
lead, eir you belch qac. asci eluetate
soar, undigested food, or have a feeling
of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea,
had tante in mouth and stomaeh head-
ache, you can get relief In five minutes
by neutralising aeldity. Put an sad t0
sneh stomach distress sow by geeing a
large arty -soot eau of Pape's Diapspata
from any dry store. - Ton realise f•
Ave sahebs bow aaedlwa 1t 1a to infer
from Iadlgastioe, dyspapsia or asy stout -
eels disorder caused by food fersaeetauoa
due to excessive mid 1a MOMS&
Le erreol, April 1e. --Reef. extra Ind.*
mess 37(n.
Pnr.., prime mese. .resters, 330s.
Hahne. ahort cut. 14 to It Ms., 137e.
Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs..
Clea: be111ee, 14 tb 16 1bs., 160s
Long clear mtadlke!.4lght, 28 to 84 /be.,
Ling clew- midrib A, heavy. 35 to 40 lbs.,
Rhort clear back., 16 to 20 the., 157s.
Lard prime western, In tierces, 149,, 4A;
Amort°a.. refined, palls, 152s; bootie, 150w
Tallow, Aurtrallan 1n London, 72a.
Turpentine spirits. 125s.
Resin. eommnn, 61s 6d.
Petroleum. refined, 1s es4d.
Linseed oil, 622e.
CottonseM oil. 68a 6d. -
War kerosenes No. 2. is led.
Display of New Draperies, Nets and Curtains
Spring cleaning is now the order of the day, and with it comes the necessity of
new Curtains, new Draperies. We have just received our complete spring shipments,
and never has it been our pleasure to show such a variety of all that is new and pop-
ular. If you desire artistic Curtains or Curtain Material do not fail to see our selection.
Windsor Curtains in Voiles and Marquisette with Lace Insertion and edging in Fillet
and Cluny designs, are the last word in window Curtains. We are showing them in
ivory and ecru. From $2.00 pair.
Bungalow Nets are much in demand, in stripes, Tapestry ari4 Fillet Nets, suit-
able for all windows, in ivory and ecru. From 25c to $1.25 per yard.
Voiles, Scrims and Marquisettes, in plain, hemstitched and fancy weaves, in
white, ivory, cream and ecru. From I5c yard.
Brass Curtain Rods
Brass extension Curtain Rods com-
plete with brackets. IOc and 15c each.
Oxidized Copper Lace Curtain Rode
with curved ends, complete with brackets,
easy to set up, extend to 42 inches.
Single 35c each, double 75c each.
White Cottage Curtain Poles )JJ(
Our White Cottage Curtain Poles are X
made of the best quality basswood with
silver ends. Complete for putting up.
4 feet at I5c each. X
5 feet at 20c each. X
1X X
�1 1K
•Scotch Store PHONE 56M�llars X
TORONTO, April 16. - With re-
ceipts of more than 3000 cattle at
the Union Stock Yards yesterday
there was one of the strongest mar-
kets of the season, prices for choice
heavy cattle retaining a new high re-
cord. There was a strong demand
for all classes of cattle, showing
*eight and quality, at from 25c to
40c per cwt. higher than last week's
best prices. The bull market was
steady and there was a good demand
for iSllkers and springers, and a
ready sale for breedy stockers and
feeders, with the market well clean-
ed up.
Past Ruffolo. April 16.-Cttie--Re-
colpts, 2300. Market aetlee; pet a steers.
115.60 to 816: shipping steer 115 to
115.25; butchers, 111 to 614.50; yearlings,
$1.60 to 111; heifer*, 99.50 to 813: cows.
16.60 to 913; butts, 97 to 912; stockers
and feeders, 97.50 to 110.50. Fresh cows
and springers, steady to strong, 161 to
Calves --Receipts, 2300. Market active
and eteadler• i o 7 t 116.50.
Hogs-Hecelpts, 12,010. Market active;
pigs, 10c higher. others 10c to 15e lower;
heavy. 915.75 to 918.50; mixed, 918.60 to
918.St; g'onkera, 918.60 to 918.65; light
yorkerd and pigs, 116.50 to 918.60; roughs.
114 35 to 814.50; etas*, 913 to 114.
Sheep ant lantbs-Hecelpts, 6000. Mar-
ket act've; wools 25e lower, others
steady; wool lambs, 816 to 821.75: clipped
lambs, 111 to 918.50: marlines, 914.50 to
915.50; teethes. 114.50 to 915; ewes, 81
to 914. nr4xed sheep, 614.25 to 814.50.
Chicago, April 16.-Cattle-Rerelpts,
26,000; market strong. Beeves, 110.80 to
818.76; stockers and feeders, 80,
112.65; eowe and heifers, 17.60 to
calves, 110 to 115.
Hogs-Re.'elpte. 66,000; market
light, 917.35 to 117.86; mixed, $17.
117.80; heavy, 116.25 to 117.15;
811.16 to 916.70; pigs, 112 to 917; h
salsa, 117.40 to 917.70,
Sheep •nd lambs --Rae Ipts 12000•
kat strong: native 918 to 117.815;
native, 116.50 to 121.26.
met April S; all present. Min-
utes of March 1lth approved on motion
of Hackett and Richardson. Moved by
Richardeon and Jamieson that bylaw No,
3, passed at last meeting. not being
sufficient for the legal issue of debentures
fora new school in U. S. S. No. 4, be
therefore repealed. Bylaw No. 4, for the
purpose of raising 54,500 by debenture
issue to build a new school in U. S. S.
No. 4, was then read a first, second and
third time and finally passed. Moved by
Hackett and Johnston that the clerk be
instructed to have bylaw No. 4 registered.
and the necessary notice of registration
published. Moved by Johnston and
Hackett that Ashfield'a share of the
Armour account se suit vs. Toronto
General Trusts Co., amounting to$133.40,
be paid, and that we advise that the ap-
peal in this case be withdrawn. Richard -
3c -
I son and Jamie on moved a grant of 510 tion of fish in the Province of Ontario
to the Sick Children's hospital at Toron- during the war. His sole concern was
to. A communication from Wm. McMillan lest the Government should defeat the
re a dram across the Market Square in very e y
Port Albert was left to the Reeve for in- fish. rmen and making it almost impossit><C�_____
vestigation and adjustment. if possible. for them to carry on a profitable business:
The question of statute labor again re- The Government had quoted 14 cents a
ceived a lot of consideration, but was pound for trout and whitefish, the fisher-\
again left to the May meeting for Final men to supply the boxes and ice for
action. Some small accounts for repairs, .shipping purposes at this trice. In his
amounting to about $50. were ordered speech Mr. Bowman maintained that this
paid, and the council adjourned to May price would not give the fishermen a
25th, to meet then as court of revision of sufficient margin to make the businees
assessment roll, and for general business. profitable, after allowing for the very
Note -The clerk was also asked to say heavy depreciation of plant which was
in the report of minutes that the council entailed in this line of business.
hoped that no farmer in Ashfield would Mr. Proudfoot, the Liberal leader, al -
hold back in the effbtt to. produce this though supporting the Government's
year the utmost in grain. etc., on the program. urged upon the Minister the
plea that he could not get help, because necessity of engaging expert assistance in
every village, town and city had organ- carrying out the scheme, owing to the
ized, and was ready with men, women. precarious nature of the fish business. -
boys and girls to supply any help re- He pointed out that 5200,000 had been
I quired, much of it experienced, and all of set apart for carrying out the fish scheme.
it wiUing to give results. Anyone needing and considered the Government would
bel hould communicate with the be taking very considerable chances un-
nd it had in view b penalizing the
p s
officials of nearby towns, or the county less expert advice were secured.
representative S B Stothers, at Clinton; No information could be obtained by
and each member of the council is ready Mr. Proudfoot during the debate as to
to assist with information and advice. the purchase of cold storage accommoda-
Haig has jurt said, "We now have our tion. It now appears that the Govern -
backs to the wall, and each must fight to ment is going to uti ize the warehouse
the end." THOS. G. ALLEN, Clerk. and shipping organization of one of the
GODERICH TOWNSHIP. largest wholesale fish dealers in Toronto.
It is further understood that the Govern-
Goderich township council met April 1. merit has now decided to pay the fisher-
bh inbut to supply the
Reeve I.opound
x centsa
members present, to Y
the hchai. Minutes of last meeting as bo: es and ce themselves. 7 his
To drive •tank handle the ne, and read were confirmed. Mr. T. W. Brock, me..ns that the fishermen will receive
r gn field secretary of the Public Resources 1' cents a pound more than was intim-
sweep over the enemy trenches, takes Committee. was present and addressed ated at the time Mr. Bowman made his
strong nerves, good rich blood, a good the council on the need of greater produc- protest on their behalf in the House.
stomach, liver and kidneys. When the lion. On motion of Councillors Holland eaving them a net receipt of A cents a
and Ginn the council gave a grant of 510 pound on all fish turned over to the
Under the licenses issued by the
Government to fishermen, the Govern-
ment is entitled to twenty per cent. of
their catch.
time comes, the man with red blood in to the Clinton live stock show. The fol
his veins "ie op and at it." He has iron lowing accounts received the sanction of
nerves for hardships -an interest in his the council and orders were drawn on the
k gripe him That's the way you treasurer for the payment of the same:
Munici World
woe ' ' Geo. Tebbutt and others, cutting ice on
feel when oil have taken a blood and 1
r to y Maitland River, 52'2, pa
113.75; nerve tonic, made np of Blood root, supplies. 53.09; A. J. Courtice, expenses,
weak; Golden Seal root, Stone root,Cherry bark, 30c; Geo. Porter, municipal cash hook,
10 to and rolled into a sugar-coated tablet 515.50; Geo. Wilson. sheep killed by
alk 01 and cold in fifty - cent vials by almost dogs, 525: Geo. W. Sturdy, valuing
mar- all druggists for past fifty years aa
iambs, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
This tonic in liquid or tablet form, is
(Drain for Holland.
THE HAGUE, April l6. -Tho an-
nouncement of the American War
Trade Board's offer to send Immedi-
ately - two ehlploads of American
grata to Holland and to facilitate the
Beadles of a third ebtpload from
Arget1t)aa occasioned eonsiderablc
popular relief here through the
prospect that the dlstrees owing to
the shortage of food suppplied would
be alleviated. The eot•dltlon that'
tlree equivalent veISAla must leave
Datnt' ports simultaneously, which
was not meetloeed In the press mes-
sage carrying the aanouncemeet, has
not yet reached the newspapers, how-
ever, say by way of rumor.
Jnst what yon nerd this spring to give
n vim vigor and vitality. At the
sheep, 52. On motion of Councillors
Lindsay and Holland, council adjourned
to meet Monday. May 6th, at 2 o'clock
yo ,-
fag end of a hard winter, no wonder Concession Made to Fishermen from
yon feel ""Medical ," blue, orye of aorta.
Original mal uovernttteilt proposals.
Try this "Medical Discovery" of Dr. �
Pierce'e. Don't wait! To -day is the Toronto. April 13. -The attitude
day to begin I A little "pep," and you taken by the Liberal Opposition
laugh and live. in the Ontario Legislature is the Gov-
ernment's fish propoeais, namely, that
i of suggestive critics, has now borne
Ar. Cancutrxsa, Olr'r.-"Several yaws fruit. Mr. Chas. Bowman (Liberal
ago, when convalescing after • seriousmember for West Bruce), who for the last
Illness, I took a halt down battles each of thirty-five years has been residing on the
Dr. Pewee's Golden Medical Discovery i shores of Lake Huron. and Is consequently ,
i ted with the fish industry,
serinualy criticised the Government's
cannot pnl9s these mowflelner too highly , x Burin the Ash deflate in the
w 11 1 that he dad riot e
and FavoMte Prescription as tonics. I I well Acqua n
nr the benogt 1 rncetvrd -my health y
ouse. Mr. ',rears made himself clear
u rim letel rotatnrod. D always tab emotion the importance
Tn Winnipeg a Dementia sweeten' pleasure le recommending thew two of of everything pnaeible being done
Unloe has been formed. D)r Plerea'a ramowllfa."-Mas rualli o1 that would tend to increase and
Lowsa, 88 Reach Street stimulate the production and ronsttmp-
True. age brings wisdom. but only a
precious short time to use it.
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Use=celled Dieing Cu Service
Hlerpinn, care on night trains .inti
parlor care on principal day arsine.
Fall information from anyGrand
Trnnk Ticket Agent, or C. 1Horn-
ing, District Passenger Agent, To-
ronto, Ont.
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