HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-3-28, Page 8,t,a r.'C' M-. '1'lht strAY, WATCH 2$, IRS NEW CREATIONS IN WALL PAPER that five You the oorveet style of V all f)emrat boa at very small cont. The new AU -Over patterns are very pleasing and very reason- sWe in price, doe and 25c. The plain effects and Tapestry tapers, are simply stunning, and aIi.oltttely no ad'.anee in prices, 3 e to bfk•. (:en • Wool Felt Oatmeal,' and Varnished Tiles are the moat =blb papersatade, and we full full stock of both. Ordinary grounded papers, suitable for almost any roan. at 8c, IOe and 12c. Dainty Stripes. ete., more pleasing than ever, lac and 15c. And the best news of all, pee. itively no advance in prices. . That Plumbing Job 'Mt you have been thinking about all summer -NOW. is the time to get it done, before the cold Weather sets in. If you want a bathroom fitted up, you will find it to your advantage to consult us. FRED. HUNT "THC PLUMBER" Maa,abn etrest Phone 185 laziness isn't exactly a crime, but it is the next thing to it. c • TEACHERS' 1w1iTITUTL This Year's Casemate' of Wiest Huron II Teaeben Will Be Held in Oedemas. The executive committee of the Woe Huron Teaches' Inatituts east at Easter on February acrd and at Goderich on March 2nd. 1t was derided to hold the 1918 Institute meeting in Victoria school. ' Godench, on the Thursday and Friday preceding Thanksgiving Day. Dr. Silcox. principal of Stratford Normal School. was chosen as the departmental representa- tive. A good program is being prepsied Those present were Miers Nellie- Medd, president ; W. M. Johnston. John ry , Mese LeTouzel. Miss Christens urn, Miss Sharman, and Inspector J. E. Tom. The teache rslibrary committee met at the fame time and selected a number of books for their new library from the de- partmental catalogue and from lists sent in by teact era. The method of distribu- ting the books to the teachers is • diffi- cult problem which will be definitely solved at the next Institute meeting. The subjects selected for the program will be sent won to the teachers who Imre selected to iMioduce each subject. The pace that kills causes few demises among the messenger boys. EAST WAWANOSH. Minutes of council meeting held on March 18th. Members all present Minutes of last meeting were read and passed. on motion of Buchanan and Mc- (,owan. A communication was received from headquarters at Toronto, ask* the council to co-operate with them in the mat- ter of further production of foodstuffs this coming season. The Reeve intimated that he understood that a special meeting of the county council would be called soon to deal with this important subject. so no act:on was taken in this matter at pres- ent. As it is the intention of the council to proceed with the building of a bridge and paying for the same this year, over the Blyth creek oa side line 36 and :i7, concession 2. and to keep the town- ship rate as low as possible, it was de- cided that for this year anyway only work that was considered absolutely tte�tce ary in the way of gravelling con- ttacts, etc.. would be undertaken by the council this season. A bylaw was read and passed appointing the following pathmasters: T. licadno ck. R. Patterson, J. McClinchey. W. J. Dobie. J. Johnston, N. Johnston. A. E. Quinn, G.- Caldwell R. Johnston, A. Dingwall. J. J. Mason. W. Walden. Geo. Snell. J. Woods, G. Wallace, P. Vincent, M. Mason, A. Arm- strong, M. Bell. la. Cook, J. T. Bell, W. Fothergill. F. Campbell, M. Mc- Dowell. W. McGregor, P. Moiean, P. W. Scott. W. Bennett, C. Wightman, Ed. Walsh. E. Stapleton. J. Shie11, R. Henry. J. McBurney, P. Gibbons. 0. G. Ander- srs 1. Montgomery. J. Menzies, Sam McBurney',` WG. Reid, Ed. Irwin, A. Patterson, R. Scott, T. Taylor, J. El- liott. J. J. Kerr. G. M. Robertson, F. Coulter. F. Davidson, J. Falconer, W. Pardon, D. Beecroft. J. McGee, jr. J. Jamieson, F. Thompson, S. McBurney, C. Campbell, W. James. J. Chamney, and Wm. Nixon. Pnundkoepes, fence - viewers and sheep valuators same as form- erlv . On account of some of the lead- ing roads being now included in the Gond Roads system, a re -arrangement of a large number of the road divisions was considered necessary. Ratepayers who 1 have for a lifetime been accustomed to doing their statute labor on these partic ular roads will take notice that th ir work this year has been placed and will have to be done on other nearby divisions or else cor►tmuted for at the rate of $1.50 per day. The council then adjourned to meet again at the call of the Reeve. A. PoRTERFletn, Clerk. THE SIGNAL • W)DERICH 0 logo. is spending his holidays in this com•- y. 17-7 ARM 111111KKKKKKKkt**$*KYK111EE1KKKKKKKKMltt*%U M BEDRIDDEN WITH 1 The ladies of Noeth Lirirt church intend x RHEUMATISM trek 7 tart H• Weald flavor W.1 'VRUrr-A-TIVE3" dewyit . iitiag boxes tor tbe soldier boys this it week. A wee tht•tintrdactalailbon.tadywrrivved at the home of Mr. I $ of Grderidt, it a helping his son George saw wood. I GODERletl TOW Nall Tvsscat. March 9b. NI and Mn. James Feagan last week. She IN MR. LORENZO LEDUC a Ottawa St., Hull, P.Q. "Fruit -a -tiles" iscertaiolyawonder. For a year, 1 suffered with Rheims - lista ; being forced to stay In bed for five months. I tried all kinds of medicine but without getting better; and thought I would never be able to walk again. "One day while ly bag in bed, I read about 'Fruit -a -trees' the great fruit ',medicine ; and it seemed just whet 1 needed, so I decided to try It. The firs! box helped nee, and I took the tablets regularly until every trace of the Rheumatism left me. I have ewe, confidence in 'Freil�- liver' and strongly recommend them to every sufferer front Rheumatism". LORENZO LEDUC. • hoc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sire 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid oa receipt of price by Fruit -a- titers Limited, Ottawa, Oat. Taylor's Corners Patriotic Society will hold its nest sewing meeting at the home of Mrs- Wm. Driver on Wednesday. April 3rd. The shipment made on March 19th was as follows : 76'psirs of socks, valued at 193.75; and 17 pyjama suits. valued a 1181. P*sses w Yours: MAraiogo. - Earl B. Hanley, son of Robert Hanley, of tbe 7th concession of Goderich township, passed away at the home of his fatbes oa the 17th inst., at the early age of twenty - IMee years. The young man had not been in good health for sane time. He leaves a young wife and baby. The funeral took place on W. dnesday to Bayfield cemetery. DEATH or 10 811711 Jeavts -The death occurred on Saturday. 16th inst., at bis bane on the Maitland concession, Gode- rich township, of Joseph Jervis, a well- known resident pf the towtedap. Mr. ' Jervis, who was in his forty-ninth year, was born in the township, being a son of the late William Jervis. He is survived by his wife and four children, also by several brothers and sisters. He had not been in good health for some time, but the immediate cause of deatb was a stroke of paralysis. The funeral took place to Clinton cemetery, Dugs IN FualucA.-Rev. Wm. H. Cole, of Flint, Mich.. a son of the late Peter Cole of this township, died March 11th at Tampa. Florida. where he and his wife were spending the winter. Peter Cole, of the Bayfield fine, brother of the deceased. George Canteen and Miss Linda Cante- en attended the funeral, which took place at Flint. The business meeting of the United Patriotic Society will be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Johnston. Huron road, on Wednesday. April 3rd, at 2.30 o'clock p. m. The treasurer of the Society ack- nowledges the receip* of money from Messrs. D. Bell, S. Cade, Dermot Mc- Evoy and Phipps. The following goods were censored on March 19th: 89 pairs of socks and ;7 pyjama suits. THE OODERIIQH MARKETS. DUNGANNON. _ TatrassAT. March a. WEDNESDAY. March 27. Wheat. vee baeb • lue to • ale Mr. Dan tackle, of Hamilton. visited Barley. per bush i m tooLs. here last week. Pea.. per boob ass to 3.30 o Miss Celia Pentland spent the week- end in Goderich. Mr. J. R. McNabb dtade a business ' trip to Toronto last w__ Sergi. Jack Woodley ori (n. Woodley. ' visited at Westfield this Mr. Chas. Brown returned from Stratford last week after a well-earned holiday. Mr. Wm. A. Stewart left today for eastern points on a visit. "Had to go," trays Bill. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durnin and daughter Fera left on Monday on a trip to the West. After an extended visit to the West Miss Ida Whyyard has returned to visit her brother Nat. Mrs. B. J. Crawford is visiting her son and datehter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Craw- ford, of Hamilton. Our popular barber, Jarvis Anderson, has received official notice to report for military service on April 2nd. We are pleased to report Mr. S. Pent- land and Mrs. Martha Davidaoa im- proving from their illness of last week. Mise Ethel Brown returned hone Mon- day from Seaforth. where she had been relieving a Bell telephone operator for a few weeks Backwnowf, per ilasa....... .. ►.YS to 41.1:5 ,3 family. perewi 0.a$ e0 173 Four, pate.,t. pwcwt 173 to 8,04 Brut. per eta, 3x80 to 3106 Siem., per tat it •1 to 4100 14i•y. par ton MI to 4100 Wood. per to Wood. per er.d toe x80 to 8.11AP Dairy ringer, per lb- .10 to .{6 ('reamer, gutter T .!010 SS Eqpt. 1re.n, per doe ts. to ,�t5 Pw etoeq per Mt.h .. 1.46 to 1 t3 :wit:. buteiber.'.b•,oe,' jsowt. LW to at0 Cattle butchers' 6•01100‘1111e flirt aM to 0.00 Hoes, lire weteat, per ewt,.i,.j.. WO • I %,rd Hide., per lba1.. 1 •. 8 Tallow, rend•red,p•rl►. ,a� Ie .10 Young rbeep, clippeda1 a 0.101 Rheeprkiae. !alta to a 00 Wool. u•waM,ed, pm I► 30 to _,53 wombed nee ib...... ... .86 to .73 "rttf COLBORNE. TUESDAY, March 26. Mise Elsie I can arrived home from Toronto on Monday. A carload of coal came into McGaw Saturday night last. The people were up before breakfast early Monday morning. Mr. Willie Moore, of Toronto, who worked for Mr. A. Allen a ccl, le of years w•nger Store ENIIIIIINIiNuNINNININNNIIIIIINH MINININUIINNNmoINIININNNNNINIINuL Full stock B. P. C. and Mer-. cer Threads, including new B. P. C., Canadian -made. A maximum Thread at a minimum price. Children's stamped and ready- 1 made Dresses. Colne and sane our line of \V hitew•ear before making rip your spring supply. ii ; i MISS S. NOBLE . REPUBLIC TRUCK ow for hard service is the one you want. Made in - Iseven different sizes, from 3 . to 5 tons. - E- These trucks are all built with the celebrated in- - ternal gear drive. To explain briefly the drive: - Would you attempt to turn a wheel from the hub if c it could be done from the rim ? This form of drive delivers 92 per cent. of the motor power to the rear • wheels. m STEWART BROS.'.,Wr'.ai,; Sole Agents for the District. 11NIINIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImNIIIN1111NNlllNINNIIIINNmIIIIINNINNNmI it ---�.-- - - --( JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIININIIIIIIIIWNNmINIINIANIIIIIL HERN'S GROCERY SUGAR tri- §. 1'he Sugar situation does not look good. To be safe put in a supply. At present we are in a position to supply your needs. Large `quantities sold for cash only. Have you found a good Match )et ? if not we can supply you. Try Red Seal Matches, they are good. See our window display on Saturday, March 23rd. = We have a good assortment of FRFSH PRUNES in, at 1&, 13c, 20c, 22c and 25c per lb. 4 Easter Fashions in Shoes have style, fit and quality combined. blade on America's newest lasts, in both high and low-cut styles. SKR OUR high -cut atyli•s in the new shades, sal brown, cruiser grey, nigger and African brown. Footwear with snap and style, sure to please. Mr. Lorne McKenzie entertains a few friends this evening in honor of his friend Mr. Jarvis Anderson, who leaves for London next week. Mrs. Wm. Stdbers, of the 9th conces- sion of Ashfield, received word last week that ber son Cannon, of the Canadian forces in France, had been gassed. We are sorry to report that Mr. Arthur Culbert has taken a tarn kir the worse. and is at present critically i11 with pleurisy and pneumonia. His wife also is indisposed. Congratulation* to Mr. S. B. Stothers. an Ashfield old boy, oa his appointment as the first "agricultural representative for Huron. Now see how the old county w ill prosper. Mr. Harry Girvin called on his uncle, Mr. David Girvin, of the vil- age, last week. He was on his way through to Lucknow to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lindsay of that place. Hogs 520 to $20.65 this week. The hogs wish the road xommissioners would get .busTheasrotutgwant to 10 wmrh kheiny have to travel at present have a bed effect on their cash accounts. Mr. Wm. McClure received, a car of col this week. The fuel situation is now well in hand here. Big stacks of wood have been brought in, totalling perhaps 1.000 cords, and the buzzsaw has been a busy to the tune of "Ha, ha, Fuel Con- := troller McGrath! -ha, ha. Fuel Control- - ler McGrath!" = Tia MOCK TRIAL. -Bills are out for - the trial of the famous breach of promise - case. "Plummer vs. Higley Tighty," to be held in the Agricultural „ „„.= Hall, on Friday evening, April 5th, under =▪ the auspices of the Women's Institute. Besides the trial, a number of readings, solos. etc., will be given during the even- = ing, and one of the best entertainments of the year is in prospect. Admission 35c, = children 25c. Everybody should to - Dean of Mas. Punts MC W HINNZY --On Friday night. March 22, the home of Mr. Jas. McWhinney, of the 2nd conces- sion of Ashfield, was visited by the grim of death. who called away his rbiele=ife after an illness of but a few days. After all that medial aid could do, she succumbed to pneumonia at the age of sixty years and seven months. The de- ceased was a woman of sterling qualities and noble worth, being loved by all who knew ber. The funeral took place on Moeda efternooa to Dungannon ceme- tery. 71te tsevioes were conducted by Rev. M. P. Crate, of the Presbyterian church, of which dee deceased was an ac- tive Member. The beautiful floral offer- inga and the large concourse at tete funeral wee tributes of esteem to the departed. There remain to moven tbe sad loo a husband and a handy of three -John and Uoyd. of Aeh6eld, and Mrs. Frank Oli- ver, of Fort Walken, Ont. Mrs. Oliver fortunately was home on a flak and was entailed to be by her mother's bedside during her The bereaved hus- ba a and ffamily haws the deep sympathy of the Mire community. SPECIAL .61. 4 1. ": ladies' brown Boots,eolin BAN and !libber heels, $ O, W. HERN T!D SQUARE PHONF. la 1 SHARMAN X11 SMART SUITS AMD COATS OF srLINnm MATERIALS . i Wt A most interesting display of Suits and Coats for Faster and early s as wt. A greater variety and more exclusive styles than we've ever shown before. liti . ( Best choosing is done' now when stocks are at their I 4n, best. Prices are very moderate. 4 Coats of fine serge in nivy, brcen, FE rd erd black, o ',4, the sturdy, hard-wearing coverts, of handsome velours in the. brighter shadfs,as rose, Pekin bine, purple, light green, sand, or the always stylish, always serviceable Tweed mixtures. Prices are from 110 for a very serviceable Coat of good style, pp to 130 and 135 for high -clans novelties. The Suits are models every one of them. • Strictly man - tailored throughout. Some are made from fine all -wool serges and can be had in navy, green, brown, sand and black. Others come in Broadcloths and others in pretty fancy materials. We show nice Suits at 122.50. Some specially good ones at 126.00, and really handsome models at 182.50, 135.00 and $87.50. AN EASTER GLOVE SALE We would like to retake Saturday, March 30th, the big est day our Glove De- partment has ever known. To do it. we are willing to rrrutaakkee two of as tempting Glove bargains as the store has known. Be wise and buy all the Gloves, Kid and Chamoisette, you'll need for a year or more. These Gloves are real bargains. Kid Gloves $ 1.79 Real Kid Gloves, dreamed or suede. a'so heat/d leather Gloves in white. greys, fawn, tan and black. Real $2.26 and 32.50 lines. An Easter Special for Saturday only, per pair `1.71 Chamoisette Gloves 89c Fine quality Chamoisette Gloves, washable and spleudid wearing qualities. Perfect fttin . Plain white, white with black points, plain black, or sive shade of grey. For Easter Sat utvlay only, per pair deo Easter Millinery Come as early as you can nn Saturday if Lou want your new Hat for Easter Sunday. Our Milliners have prepared some specially attrac- tive models for Easter and are ready to give you good service on Saturday. • Dainty Easter Neckwear i Very pretty Neckwear just received from thk factories. Novelties as are shown in New pa York. J toot right to give the finishing touches \\ r to vour Raster gown. Many styles in Satin, P. It. and Crepe. Big variety and very enol - erste prices. 1111 HODGENS 'BROS. $ DIRECT IMPORTERS.� - .! �- , mo w, -' ; s � 4 CODER,1 f H 11101ME E 111 )K .1 10!0x!11111111100 )K)/ )R)K 111K1K1K» ■ lK >K Of IN )K ■ MlfrxK K K K • ME $ x 11[ 11. 1[ K K 1'.. The Country Store IN the evening, when the day's work is done, men like to stroll over to the village store to diacgas the war, Politics, or whatever may be of local interest. It is under these circumstances that the health of the family is referred to and experiences are interchanged in regard to medicines that have proven particularly effective. After Dr. Chase had introduced his medicines to the druggists he found that many who wrote to him for treat- ment lived many miles from doctor Of druggist, and had to depend on the country store for their medicines. Thus it came about that Dr. Chase's medi- cines were placed in general stores, and you can now obtain them wherever medicines are sold. Instead of trying to imagine what the man in the picture is saying about Dr. Chase's Kidney -L Pills, we shall publish a letter from James Carr, who attributes his th and that 01 his large family to the use of Dv. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. 18 Miles From Drug Store. Mr. James Carr, Maynooth, On) writes: "About nineteen years ago received an envelope containing two Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. I was doctoringat the time with two doctors and, as tey did me no good, I used the pi1L and by the time I had finished one box I was cured of the pain in the back and shoulders. "We have great confidence in Dr. Chase's medicines. I have a family of ten children and have never had a doc- tor in the house for any of them. We the eighteen miles from a drug store, and find that these pills cure nearly all the ordinary ills by regulating the liver, kidneys and bowels. That we are all well and sound I attribute to their use, and I have recommended them to hun- dreds and given away many a box be- cause I believe thane is no medicine so After long experience with Dr. Chase's Medicines we have Lound that people who try them ars soon **evinced of their exceptional menta. We have published ti saaada of Ietten to give you an Idea of the benefits others label ifatad by tier tsas, bat tf you are still skeptIsal we sun le slid M Mid yea our Fig* Combination Package 0.. tient beet Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. One sa1Mp1. box Dr. Chase's Ointment. One espy Dr. Chase's Recipes. Toa wilt kindly mention the manse et tits paps- sad enclose a 11-esat stamp to pay postage to lldmanson, nates ! Co., Ltd., Dr. Chess 8tdg.. Toronto. ‘-s.110074' r. t. u'.