HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-3-28, Page 5r , ir*..�.„.w, "7r noes.. .. ► r :wi`."a. -#,w-e kra•R.,�r71 .+•,-a r+; - tit r ..• r1*7 .+,pl§ _, •± *s` + _ ...,.. - ,..., a r 1 rt. , .'.M`. i fi"8. `«} •y ,.. . t.. i". .v, e e ,, �p,...,L .�.,�p'p,�};y.�.4t"..j• :�;5' "�, �.r i...:•tµ�r; j -x �,r ,r�15 ..4,. :>i' 'r< M ,!. "#� ..iB.�"Nv:'"i'� :f6Yr7✓r.'.*ALF 9A4 •'dilK.. 6.TP.a�"..:iBWriSi�.Y :.t�. e.. S ..�,a Jam" S'K• ♦t -f d.(Y,rlw° « •P{Yr «,.," �l _ ;i''" aura .. ,•• .;. {.. ,�,... - ''. 8.. ,.. r':: � �r?'t':' x' '4 � _ ;• , .', « '�:..'�..> 4 L�'n.,da:,�B�+ •r,. tai R,, f�, , .. .b,wiar't'f_-wr7.�;R,��` a�► �,,.•.r ,. ;, .. z✓ �... � �- ... .. ,, w � :.. .: FB , r.: -• ; • r,.+..r .^,a� . ._ ,Y�� � "� � �y �q e= �;3; � ', 5. B"„ ::,y d , ., p% .:K. ,...,,•.t „�. �' rt. •,r'w� •.w. S,�a ,1:::1,. A.,.+i �t�t'•il,,�+ tM)a! ':>,.8�.�`��'.,�'.,.4.}Bi pees, ,..ii.'.uJ�°,....a,w,.. 1 Rw;..� ���G +�+� � �r>w .• :_.r�'.��1`� �'I�+�'_,."I��f.��.°�.���'� r�.�a�: �� �Y��t,: +k_�.�rh'°"f^'i '1'K:ras�lY. �[lacll, �, � � �'9' THE SIGNAL GODERIC11 ONTARIO as arrival d the morning G. T. R, train on ' I Detroit and return The big steamer }" 1" IGrcYhatr+d will lave Detroit for Gude Wrdnaday, the interment bei in t > x ` WE HAVE THE IoW -- J June a 8 JD a. m., at- , mid. ar t crntetlrn Rev. R. C. Mucted r raid. pastor of Knox church. conducted Q _„-_`-tt:,v r riv ng h S p. m. The usual moon- the funeral services, and the pallbearers Send Sma A Sums • �m light trip on the lake will be run the was Ca Akx. Lawson, Capt• A. M. UOR/�_�� �. Ant1-Glare I,elnses In Stock eam. everting undN the antrp;oe. t>< the Ly,pt. Malcolm cDoriald and by Money Or&” a Ileat Godwich band. On Tuesday, the 11th. Mr. Alex. Saunders - p P' In Madleth Evans, Shtakr, Suns Saferlite, etc. Call in iiia Greyhound will leave for Detrltit -- M tl J K y' at a, m.. and retnrdnrg will lave De- The Place for Mlm, O Irttiuod b1 the 11dM w� 111 t 14' f+ and let W show you tht4trl., for ThundaY. June 13th. at 1 p. m. � c v Here's a Good Offer. is Rbeuutalitlsdihr 1Lce Sister Smith was called upon for testi 4 } d 1.t maty in a revival meeting. She humbly �ANAD�. Mr. D. F, Hamllnk has twenty -live Vrir Acid left in the blood declined in these words: For amotinta up to =50.01 res ? f' • ••opened MW Operated `y a w thirty aerlw of bud along the lane+ by di, wde•rvd kidneys �� "I have been a tranagressor and a black S�.spp} Gar front which he grnerouisly raifenl t„ ears and have H �j.��iiCL CU � Practical �aa� lace st the disposal of the le of �pBK the nerve ahcep to a gaPd many Y they tniy be pfuchased at any Branch of this Bank, and are i. . t pp Pt PeoP only recently sero the light. 1 believe CH (ioderioh for production nxm" thin which tarnochrr fmm the vex y:. ONT O , Artier M. Glover P pu that my lace is in a dark corner behind payable at IuU twee value at any Chartered Bank In Canada, t year. The land could either be eulti- eyeoverthe forehead, and thedttor.N �? vested altogether or divided up into across the cheek to the Brother Jones was next called upon. Yukon wtcepted, and W the principal titins to the Unfled State:t,a } - __ --- small paree�s If any person will use I � d the rk-c. The Following Sister Smith's meek example, T • M le A , 'TOPICS I tom' the authorities must deal v0 --sly lye laud [tar growing each articles a+ tie said: They are convenient to secure and cash, and absolutely aceta Late. are Wert by till Hautlink 1n his saes- y case it the." me a+ In all r with {bis Menace before it u too te. "l, too. have been a ,inner for, more A - ring factory, he will buy the products Iltlteumauisnt - disordered than forty years, and Ido not think I Dr. MaeOillivray Returning. a at full market prices., A supply of Ki#tr•y%. The cure irtike. ought to stand before youasa model. 1 Godericfi Branch -F. WJOLLCOMBE, Manager. 4 at Soldiers Invited. I Word Iters lost u rereivnd that Dr- of the right varfatles may alro+bt -wise, the satoo- think my place is behind the dtxx. in A a u.- InSmith."------- -- - r c l t The Maple Leaf Chapter, 1, O. D. E., Dtln4d M"ifllivrety and Mrs. Mac'- obta ed trout Mr. IHaulliak. This is ., dark turner, with Sinter Ladies' c` r A,4,% crordially invites tha returned soldiers d liillivrry are w leave BhangEms tar a gicsl op rtuaity, and every font of JJOdd' S3 { Irxne Joturial. flee town to attend _'The lass of Limerick! l'anaalA o 1 -tpril kith, and that they the Invtd eltriuld IBr taken up" colli- rpt f is Town Complimentary tickets may expect w arriar at Vancouver rtx,ut vatstd. Any farther inforrttetion tnsy _ _Q EXETER. a had at Mr. Geo. Porter's store the flet of May. They will spend be lead from Mr. Harulink. �i The Tussock Moth. several weeks there and then come A &4111snt Entertaingrt, Mrs. John Broderick is laid up with eaAt grad ,ally. a fractured ankle, the result of a [all What st being done by way of prepara- 7ltr entatairttltlpr. given by Miss." - while going about her household ducks tion to deal with the tunewoek moth pest. I The Oreviwtmd Trip. Lilian Dillingham fn Krom church last r' j j j� at her home. s which le sure to be with us the coming The White Star Line annoanoea the an- Thursday evening. unaer the attapices of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Madge have re- s `• tttunntlr? If Goderitii is to preserve itsi Dual Jlin a excursion from Goderich to the Arthur Circle, was very succealud. furriest W their home in Alberta after --- IThe attendance was large and the Pro spending several months with relatives given throughout by Miss DiHtng- - pe rid friend' The were accompanied by ham, was full of interest. in addition W a Y Garnet Cockwill and her aNities as a vocalist, Min Dilhng- tions, acted at Rowtrgirls. Another niece, Wm. Thompson, ham is a very pleasing raconteur, ander Miss Alice Sheppard, of Londesboro', Miss Flossie Passmore. the result of a number of visits W the [ul- played the wedding march. The groom's The �w of Mr. and Mrs. Welling - the W the bride and organist were beauti- diers in France she has a great fund of Q, tort Johns has been bereaved by t anecdotes of the lighting men- Some of ntru� lD� � ice• The fide's travelling death of their ekfest daughter, Isabel her stories were amusing, some were suit was of brown terge, with hat to Maud, which occurred early Wednesday match. The happy couple left cot Thurshad - pathetic, all were interesting. The ac- morning of last week. Miss Jahns le to her songs were played day morning on thew wedding trip. after not been in good health for some Years, componsmen by Mr. C. J. W. Taylor in his u seal which they will crake their home at but was not supposed to be seriously ill. pable manner. Tanai.. Tuesday night she was taken with a Wedded and Away. Medals for Student Farmers. coughing spell and in the morning -her of the Collegiate lite flickered out. The deceased was A pretty wedding The closing meetingof took place at the Institute Literary n for this term twenty-six years of age. She taught home of Mr. and Mrs. James McClure, school sever years until her health gave Anglesey street, on Wednesday. March was held on Thursday eveninlg last. The Tth. when their daughter, Men Mary. vice-president, Mr. Philip Carey, w•as in out. luded )U E.al Succ,. Cippova Knw CA.n,h ' Gi ce lots a -r i,J t PEN tit A NSHJ P, SECRETARIAL WORK, • F� ? -i � f ITC. A Good Business Education We Oto students for position" in P 4,v 04 aatn A young Alan IS one Of the hosSAW +..: air wotuan can have lowadays, glow' n in yn he often as a mesa growwr a bt winhea he had taken the oppottnity of his younger days to ohtaia a Girls; may room in the .School. training in httalneas methods,. book- it Fft k.,eping, bauking., etas Uon't waste your best iyeario, without "t - ..•,: .. Iwasunited in wedlock to Mr. John Gal. the chair. The program frit an m- --- _ --- - onag man, young woman, Tam, braith, of Tain the presence of ifo- atnotw^tal by Min Genevieve Spahr, a tyaking an, tat the oplartuulty iaediate relauva. The mat-moinial dialogue. "TheBawball Game," by Mr. presented by our o lursea iu knot was tied by Rev. J. H. OsterhOUt. The bride was dressed in niggler 'brown taffeta silk and carried a bouquet otbrxW noses• Two little nieces, Misses Lgflretta and Donna McClure, dressed in pittK.tiAII white and carrying pink and wholas�W`� THREE-POINT EYEGLASSES Comfort - Leal - FAkioney ('rtupled with our pr /rapt and accurate service,00tr many ytOrrl' ezperienr•e in fitting di"itoloa- ting ptlople with eyeglasses ban tiven us a mputat" of which is are justly proud. Rarage's (ilssws are g.sst Glaselow--gotd all the way. 1 No service so sruall but that i we give it our best attention. William Sturdy and Mr. Philip Carey. an instrumental duet by Mr. Fred Beavers and Miss Julia Beavers, a solo by Mr. Eric Wiltgn the reading of the Journal by Min Dorothy Dancey an ad- dress by Principal Hume, and a Glee Club selection. A scene from "The Merchant of Venice" was given by Messrs Leonard Macklin. Elmer West, Lionel Macklin and Elmer Bradly. Mr. A. M. Robertson, of the tgaching staff, gave an address and also presented the medals awarded to students who aided in work on farms during the season of 1917. 1 CHURCH NOTES. The pastor, Rev 0or'don M. H-dnws, will conduct l{pl+ter srrrices in the Bsf-tist cher It next tinnday, The pastor, Rev. J. H. Ovtrrhrut, B.D.• will hair charge cif the servie" in Victoria street Methodist r•hun•h n xt Kttnday. liper'inl Easter meteage•e &n4 special Easter music b/th morn- ing and evening. Rev. J. iL Fttrd was the very a eept- able preacher file Naptint chumh f art f3 tansy. 14 the .bow -n- of the KEEP XODB '7`:i HOLIDAY ' HEALTH Make it your busis"s to always look and feel as well As you do at the end of your vacation. Sunshine, fresh air and exercise are nature's great restorers and the health gained daring a holiday shonkl•carcy you•wdl along to the tarot vacation. It is roost iutperunt that the blood be kept clearcA of impurities. This is thebusinessoftheKhlney-. pnehour's incapacity on ilii part of the Kidne7 s aid the bl000l be tss to get clogged with poisons whic� are carried to all parts of the body -giving rix Loons or more of the following symptoms: - Rheumatism follows the crystalizing of nric Acid in the muscle tissues and joints. Uric acid poisons should be eliminated by hire Kidneys. Swollen joints and ankles indicate the itnmediale need for I:in Pills. Painsin tor, ti erre and the vicinity are the aides asst back and through flit c • . _ _ Par groins, constant headaches, restless "0 ,i a inostfortunateinhaving soabeaman nights. derangementsofthe urinary sys- 6F•i PA Mr. Ford1,*^9AUb'e Pit Pit attpply tem, stolle and gratrl, pnffiaess ender A htarilisorne'stsdrred glass window has the eyes and frequent chills -all th ere been hued in••St. George's church by should ie taken as warnings and a Mr and Mrs W L-Eltot, in mentors of treatment with (5n Pills taken at once. BOOKKEEPING "Z4 ' STENOGRAPHY,ra PEN tit A NSHJ P, SECRETARIAL WORK, • F� ? � f ITC. We Oto students for position" in which they Can 1,nunlaurl 91"d r � 11+.i salaries. Students may :enter any :time. t n mica Girls; may room in the .School. �;,,� �kR „,,h 9P�+��4 is 7i1• Br* ' M^. School of Commerce CUNTON, ONTARIO B. F. WARD, &A., M. Accts. ; PHONX mR rtnriet�sl Pnloces Aero Rra� their son, Lieut. Lio eel Hyman Eliot.., I ?4va• a who was killed in the battle of \'imy hoc. a box or 6 boxes for f-.fi0, or a �� A� QP OPTICIAN; Ridge in April of last Year• It will be an fitssample will be sent upon regnant «•°i awl p 1a[ rest Nal a ate memorial ot( a heroic young C National Drug A Cheuieal L«o. of W Pnaaodpn Canadiana, Limi Toronto, or to lhn w FYS /aceto L dated R"nth St Geor ename ls hoc be as tit /Qr1l,' Guuoa pwa, Y l ti. address, Nh-Dvu-Co, Inc., M �lnin a *R g cr ,buffalo, N.Y. Its i s er r o i1a T EaAAw Music at IGaz Church. i -A'r- .' 'toi �_ Special Easter services will be held at lofft; t . church on Sunda hole sill - Knox Y•p,Ott `;4., r a = vJt _ rc lbs fdkrwiog musical ram; - - ;yPt !N. ROBINS g Luxury—No! I AIS AT YOUR SERVICE t �. i, •. e • y,,:,. W t". Rarttone •o, "The Re•artar:tan N. i4 Ne'ceasity—Yes! Mr-xaaken -- - ----- 6^r+i, Anthem "They Have Taken Away 11fy Lord•" organ elude."Favor March". ... �rMn� ' 1 ` �" / [ P� eclat ' Now that phot his - nvare w. Fub lane of Electric an rrc"I coin to 1. ... arid first-class WOT ,too Anthem. i Am He That Redeemer Supper Goods is 4 4l S Just received a shipment of men's and -young Soto. "1 KIalM That My Redeemer Llveth" _ ♦, u 'h MISS K. Lyttle the men's o af" ':'„ `, � low prices we Offer,—are obtainable tthey Atjwr�ie[ie~UY;od So La.PM world.' .'St�urcr I b � ONS s } ,.i¢,,.'+" j �r• �tr I ,* s < '14 ~rya ,r can no longer be classed M;m Nairn, Mrs. Dunlop, Mr. Saunders. Mr. I ASTERS SUITS�} Tholrwsl. air `u as luxuries. Phots Anthem. "re Aeurital ,... Lbyd TO ITER STOVES �'"•' +�q. , }aha ±:F*., +(h[an "ilude-•;�Wk1uNh Chorus"... Handel graphs are today as nec- good Friets service. HE. ING PADS easary as the family The following are given as suggestions I HUT TER CUPS , records your mother for chose attending the service at St. a., In all -wool Serge Tweeds and Worsted BEDR M HEATERS p1 , t,corge's church on l;ood Friday: rip r , Dept in the Bible. It her. yen are not come to listen VIBRAT R5 (.a :1` ` 1 s to seven sermons but to think and pray for FLASHI.I HTS P " u >aten's Suits, regidaY $15• Sale price I J. �'• Fell.ir yourself. The addresses art only intended &f J to help your thoughts and prayers. and BATT E Ea io c Kneel during the time for silent prayer E c fff W O.IeS�rl v !"t and meditation. {c" » Sit, kneel, or stand during the hymns WIRE 1 t)UR H 11 and adcl r. am as you find to be least t ir- J• t ink and most helpful in maintaining a 1)0'.%'I' WAiT--'PHON . TWIT spirit of reverent devotion. I and let hint tell you what i w111 a t ."r to clear is . r afS tptElt'a waterproof Coats, s • If you cannot stay through the wMPle cost. r k At ,t �, service, go out during the hymns, not rF 1 v a t 6 $;, z 1? Crisp New Stoles while the addresses are being given nor $4.75 when silence is kept la prayer and mec(t- `ilio r _ a >. , H„nN.• ROBT. TAIT P s ” a, r•• s. ,E;} ,,. tation. „ ne I •, a -IN- ._w�F 'Pito a Phone t I Be willing to be tired. 1'ou often igJ •Div vf.tcr cera l ee l Fl spend three hours in worldly amusements.' ` * Boys' SuiCs, fancy mizture, Norfolk double_ Footwear for Spring -by grudge it in your Master's service?. ore You may be wearied in yourwork with- Fiectrie siipplie" of all kinds breasted, a1Zea Z% to 30, iliac rout being wearied of it. I always on hand. b }• After each address try and fin your. aC" fv t (� r Jf - v r X4.95 * i >" g e thoughts on some one point, and ask \\'1•�t .1ter•t-next to Povt t)f}1ct God's help to apply it to your Own heart , tt� : '°'y rry�syU�e,sFftH",, There is such •a wonderful assortment of the very finest and conscience, and lite. r Keep before your tstind's eye Jesus on a ' *w`` ' altta 30 LO t0 Clear Shoes for men and women Hu tette, and try to be calm what you 0, Boys Knickers, are ging. � r.:� Q(� that you are #re el fills errtit �tar�a�e 89e ak,�{iQa' ' �*,"',r:;��`� among the many models just OOITUAHY. .,a • ,{ y` l+ st ibe pair to your liking, it is --- �� f\ a st •le -show worth comillA hiOft on Mo dTru loth occurred lastof at } >t i)etrolt on Monday rtxxnin¢ last of anhwnrr••i woof .Bw satyr• Small bogs' Overalls, aloes 3 to 9, to dear long way to see, and we are old resident of Goderich, in the person Of A prepared t0 lift yon sold Jane Morrison, widow of the lett Capt -I HIGH CLASS and SANITARY s ` ,'[r + F p An5us Morrison. The deceased was a ,` j ':1 x ��gh +r'• 'w�,b}$�+'"::',i "` '�r`;�"�a.a: ti`'.''`;'iiil,11`1i I any footwear diffienitie�+. The and came native of tto he i(.anada and sle of wtto Goderichl s. Scotland. 1 We s, Canaldaily eels �,R t prices are most reasonable. with her husband in the year lwti. Capt. Mortlion was drowned while fish- IMS TO TAKIL 011T y irig in Lake Sttperi it in iW3, and in. the widow went to live with her —REPAIRING daughter at Detroit. She passed away at Private Luncheon Room the age of eighty-six years, the vital ma- for Ladies and Gentlemen chinery simply running down after a CAMFUL OaavlCa 1c :* king and useful life. Sbe leaves two sins • ikxtala Mur '. d li/arqueKtA Mich . Owe Matte- Ci«nan•aa Ah.ava • Geo. •MaeV><car and "pt. ,,>,., r < Dec ail and nine daughter, Mra il. G. Rian rtan. Northside Squard Godericb cit fetr/tit Thlse all arn,awalraddtt a OlRJiI ! A M TO t A M. : remains to ich, and the 1 took plaee.to Maitland cemetery Ort the 11 FM Pq ^IY �`'� � •. r�:,r*..^ .. r .., ., ere• T r'..# E 7". � -�,�. yr< s -'a • •e Y •: , °,y s- goy.. ,1B - .. , ... ,. ....y 5,1 tTTp ♦ tr�,(i4'.. T.M 'T+,.- A"4 �... X. n r' We' r��..... '�.."-.� +Yl�. , 6A v i i N .t, r.•�Y ate.. k,pA .r 1s y�:... W '♦;A', N c 'S ., -,. -. -+y„ .ria ems. k.. x..•41!*. .. , p'Xr.'r+,. '.,"o -,r'' � , �i+5-.T F i � .. f t .. -. , oar. r .,.. .....:. -, - Au, 'r...,. ,� , '... .. u . ! h ':,; ,•R, y,?Yr. 1. t .r' •«s -A3 a_. r , . „ t,'.. .. a .. .,"' W. .,.,: ,.. u. ,a -... ^. . ,. .. ..- %... .. g � > s•.. 't } t ,fl .:' ., -i` ,. �°G,. •y.,�,�. '"Me ,° :' :y. � y. r3 :. �': '� t. «, t y,:,�(,. �:Y w .. :� : T,,B• �, .a ,, "b .: �, t y , ,. ,.. a i �t � �1' 9 r�' ,N :A' Mew ..'��'"r 1r >>..hry.ewa�c....:... ri� •� ..a;tsas.'�>, e:rf WRei......_..$.",dA.�a.�.�-`�a'..: ..�_a,.�.m,. J.�,.,.• �k,..R.. •,,.�..r'n:�,..�`�.:..rnr _�,��' �,..-�. �3�,tr .�", �;+. k+a' a4,. .:..our..... ..._ _ .,.. ,..a'b�. .y,... �rr al W-44', Ilsz•' i. Dear Folks e at Home•IPsYiei+tt Vin, $6 Keep sour soldier or sailor hos► well ; supplied with ; • WRIf MIS S V 1 I Iles an outstand- l / Ins feature of the war. "All the Allied Armies are chewing It." : d 1� Relieves thirst A;q r� and fatigue. i' Ref res es 'f F_ and sustains• yrs The Flavour Lasts �*'', � h k i�� �tv 'y #���f��'�'t" � tr t � s• 'x l rywi '�",�nr�z ''^� �, "rk': RrB'��ki'' •: p i ",v r. 9 i 44' z ; b w k" ; ti ^�,1 ^� �` "' �' F , •, rk'" eke 't:"' ,.�}' p, 1.. AN { . R,.. .: . rv,m. a [.. .;oxer; r' .,ti +r ry"' . 'n ^r-. r•_ -:. 4, .,.. r .. r e ,.,. .n ". ,,..,.. '" -_ . " .,. . � ,.,• .. - sx � >+>. ,m. .N.. �A-".. - . ,, ,y ,n.. ... -� -.:, ^T .� ... Y Y•!? ti .W .. � . ,, :, „a .,....n.... ,s ::. „ ..n ,:. s ..,^ � t.«. r :q .res a,•art :er a«::: k ,, "«,;..... h' .' ,. _.., :. ,. ,,,b. a ti ! .., r x.. ,.. ., ,.,, ..,, i� , .r ,. .. 4r„, .. + - s....' :fir r. pt K.. :.. ,. . ..p ,.r: w i„, i :ori". .,res"l,^ •4a .,'.�;..>. ;.a`^°;` ...:.r': •�*M:..,, . { .. „, '� ...,. ,�,fitr �': „ ,..Wes:. . °M• rr• -.M• GJ " ., #;: A ,r "^tori° ,�, "t .:. 3 w ;.":^' E+ i •r ^lea- ���; ,.�. , '�' .^,.<. , '1"'M .'� t � e J.� .. • • �. oro i•. ,A^e: ,. '..' .' .w 9'.,f, Iv {":ria r ,�, ~•.' :,. -., 1 ��x+R "4 � �y .,,. ...d M' , "moi �• • .-. � �,.. ,,. s` o.,. ,- .. �. a , �� � 'w^i, `':r .�;, ,,�'"+'• �' • ,...,.aero , . _y -c^� ir..�¢ r �' ,". It� "�l'. . 'a i ,,;+` i t��� '�s4. .in ,_"� _ 4':. , .r �, .,a.aft. r:..... ... ,, �,�, , ,,. , ,, ����,'�� ,� -;, ,;� 1"' � a,x .. ,a'1•�..?"t�.,,i.'a..:mss_.... a"rr tri z. a'• �'ab6 r -tp},.""...ufi, :yam y,.e ,tr.u'v ash'% i,1, PAa ,.r s'�ri' j''� + '`5. R. r.-. t,.•s >^Y,._ r.!iax,e • t vC .� y ,.meq, p ,y ,v ��A , B";i"�,,,aF`.!►,� � '^� �: •:.a'Cw,r .♦ ,�h 1 e.. - � � :,.:la�"> • ' 3i� k„-4�"x� �r� �.� -i�.. ' '�i..y '” '' � `' �'�ra� `. .� '. r,�tr. rk •,.3� a.;,-..}r---^,�. ...,....nt...�s..B+r-,.�- _. . .. -.. —.. �T �i.a..........�:�AB.B+v �.B"' �„” • i�.•.�•+.•F.re+.a+rr.;.n++,±� _ '!9�, __..«.-,w.1.4�ra•a_. �IAYl1yl�.i_�,. ' - ,ice,., ], an�4 sia�a � at�r� ,Baa„"' , '"7t`Y'I�'.'"'4"•�.s!ia�►r �!!V ''�. - �r