HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-3-28, Page 1Books TUE MORAL it yeat for the kart ills et Constar Clink,.. Ne Biwwpaass pekes as Canada. U yatt were_ dR�M*s with the bath air/betty.LBalt over Tatar neck o„stllyint thrill seed a ant Use seats oath tel ant= Ito, a r, O Jit "NAM ,l twig 1# ell BOK unBmanvppal ou t=trEWFY-PutsT YEAR -Ne nos Getting Married? J Y A The Signal bas a complete line of Wedititas Stationery in correct atylea. Invitations Announcements Cake Boxes Cards, etc. Samples cheerfully shown. 8ODSl1C11e ONTiRIi ' HOBBDAY. MARCH 28. 1918 1 1 STERLINGIANK 1 F CAN SAVE, Because - The thrifty man keeps in the Mad in the race of success. WANTED. WANTED. -YOUNG MAN OR GIRLher grocery wore. Apply DEAN BROS Groom ., ,ijANTED.-A YOUNG LADY AS `r aaislanl to pp5Aoottoo pall.. Apply rt the .0.1410. R. R. SALLOWS. W ANTED AT ONCE. -A KITCHEN VT maid, one who u ,4� good took. Apply to the LADY SUPERINTENDENT, Alsdndra Hanwilal, Gedrich. 11511111110 S. ciODBRICN CURLING AND SCAT - I NG ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING. The annual sf the above-named Aao- catab will ri Heigeurt dadan oIdiirectorsgine pe hiasik latas. , tion WM. CAMPBELL. Goderic5.'Igreb BOR 1114. 6sensar7- FOE EILE OR )LENT. n1EACHER WANTED. -FOR S. S. NO. GOReaSAA�LrE.�-(A�sFRAME HOUSE ON 11 L C1Morrs. Dutiholding s a acoedtlebe rpoke- L L VAN3T RL, rtdmaa ty lienalAelMcate- DutW to ngoommeagnee. Av- geed garden. street Apply !clary Mk w Kyo according 10 reperlanCt. Av- 10 owner. 1. O A street. �ra� fifteen. Board convenient tbH J P L LD, Secretary. R R Ne a Godo sic! ell m POB SALE. rTHOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE 1 HOG for service. ANDREW M. KiRKE. • concis rowtuone Wait Wassi, e mde south • i F 0 R SALE. - WIRE -WHEELED, .1ubbst tiara nay. praeticany thew. wed 0afy ti451p Iran wares. Air nubby bet 0f least tent .addle. podded lira. eh lar rick sale. ELI.MER H. ROhtRTSO , . R . Godatch, Ont. Phone 1'.at Colborne )4u i- ripst. YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. --I HAVE for sale a number of yams pigs nearly seedy to wean. D. F. SCHWA R. R. No. 2. Clanton. gR SALE. -FOUR SHORTHORN >KELD. iL R�No in see Godencb. them. ISAAC OATS FOR SALE -BANNER s.7 sad 0. A C. No. r: as etnasa and keltkeen}R erred trod A. H CL R. R. lie. a, coneriea. Plasmlet5sseilke. 41 POTATOES Choice selected Delaware and Irish Cobb: er SEED POTATOES kr Sale at reasonable price. In stock at W.Symonds' ,tore, Saltford. Also good table Potatoes. R. R. ELLIOTT Phone 4`l. CRAIGIE'S Assurance and • Real Estate FOR BALE. Fine real brick bootie, fully mod- ern, ereplsc4 . 10 rooms, full base meet. corner East and Victoria street.. This 1s one of the most deourable properties In the town of Goderich. THIS 1H A REAL HOME on a beautiful well -treed lot on Albert street, real )hick veneered, bungalow style. eight mom*, hot water beating. fireplace, electric lights and bath, practically new and In first -elan oondigdn. Owner has left town. This is one of the best boys in town. ;immediate pos- e maton. White brick, 11 -story, seven• room house. bath and electric lights: good barn, two lots with trait trees, situated on the corner of Campton and Raglan streets. Ii -story rel brick veneered dwelling. electric light, dMsted no the west side of Huron Road. im mediate poseessbll. Frame hone.. 1 Si story, firooms. two IoM with fruit trees, tdtnseed on the west side of Wilder street. Two-story. red trick. eight - roomed hoose, with all modern coaven1enoes. situated on St. David's street. A somber of snmmsr anises to nkat. Fin. ISS alai Aceiit-t mnemes J. W. ORAIOiR W ARM FOR SALE.- 100 ACsrs. LOT 1, c0oraesion 14 E. D. Mharm d-kar as the "Sullivan Property." Clay loam; 10 acres good hardwood bush. remainder r gram; well .. Id in 11ood repair, near to church and eta be `Iver at once For further pewhemiars aptly to MISS KATE SUL- LiVAN, Elgsbrtdp, Oat cult ADCTION >tU E AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY AND GAR - N LOTS. MR. JOHN QUFF walldell by p.baeremicvct � faeraime. Henn SATURDAY, APRIL a. cunaas.clog at 1. o'clock sharp. tosdsre SII&* taro years r ski ...r by«veeigs ty�.1 brM�aioraab�prMaM��iea tfi toad 4oa it w�1tawed'.ad 1017 rid,,'' 11011161 Also Mrs. Robot pull's trans ealeesesa with stable and ler garden bas. I Any is good property. is ashlers repair. y ese pr �jaa�oa. n as witi be aim el- limn and when ,old areet ■I once. Team& -Teo percent bf the prebees moray to be paid at time of sale balance to a0 days. JOHN DUFF and THOS. GUNDRY, AIRS. ROBERT DUFF, Auctioneer. Proprietors. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. 1 am imams -red by the administrator of the estate of the ISIS JOSEPH CLIFTON to sell by pubic auction. at lot 21. coacastwn 4, West wawanesh, on TUESDAY. APRIL 'tad. communing at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp One bamare. 12 ye.nold. 1 general purpose mare, 1 filly. 2 years old; 1 cow. 5 years old, due in May. 1 farrow cow, 5 years old; I aged cow. milting. 2 steers, riming a years old. 3 heifers, ris- ing t years old; 1 heifer, rising 1 years old, all et foot: 2 steers, ring 2 years ofd; 2 heifers. sang 2 yen. old; 1 halo rising I year ad; 4 steers. rie- sa{ t yen old, 1 dam Dago& 1 (Hack wa{on. 1 roller 1 need drill, 1 mower, t cutting -hos, 1 MI=p�ullppe�ry I set of wane& 1 acuter, 1 prow. 1 set of aa. 1 set harrow& 1 tanai0g mull. 1 hayrack and numerous other articles. TERMS.- All sums 011110 and under. cash. over that amount, s months' credit will be given on lurrrshing approved Joint rotes. A discount at rale of 6 per cent per annum allowed for cash on credit amounts. CHARLES CLIFTON, T. GUNDRY. Adlmnatraur. Kippen P. 0, Auetimmer.. AT MR. J. J. MAcDONALD'S SALE os SATURDAY. MACH 70tH. be s selling his y which malate of seven acres of land. we built on, fust outside of the OUSE TO RENT. -N KEAYS town limits, ae ideal garden r chideset (a II RENT.-()N seven mesa. All convealeaCea- re- I Al" horse& harem, baggy. sed bt Minn im- eentlrr rep�./ Stable oo nut A-Qpl to f W ppkmrnts, furniture, etc. Fo tt� perUculars see SALKEL.Cwderich R. / No. T bolls 2N r 7. gg'lepu.1 T. GUNDRY, Auctioneer POR Mp SALEEOR TO RENT. -A SiX- MOCOARTNtsouse as Dews street MRS. F. I' R RENT. -TWO FRAME HOUSES • in Nam adlttGood location on East GARat RO or further I� thaetaon apply to CHAS. rpo RENT.- A GOOD FRAME HOUSE 1 eel Albert street; modern conveniences. Pamemwn caw be gives April 15th. MRS. HIL- LIARY HORTON. Easter. m -x oR SALE. -r GOOD COMFORT - BLE dwel name at eetbrn sad d V, alreet4rL • • lb. the psemsand fine t+at OR SALE. -RED BRICK WIUSE. nth all conveniences, Apply W. A. CHIs_ OLJ•L Trekker street. 12-0 FARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, ON the nth conncemmon of Colborne, story -and -a - half brick house, brick barn. sled ane, straw abed. ben -house, poi peri, sheep -pen below. E verytbute to lair order. Watered by spring creak. eight acre plowed, all the ret in gram. In every way one of the beat farms to the towtWyp. A very good orchard. an kends ea fruit- apples, plum, pears. peaches. black cherries. red cherries, grape. and all kinds et scall fruit. Nice souse - boo. neer whoa( and church; three miles to Mc- Gaw cachou, tires chane to Auburn station. Ad- dres ANDREW .IMINSTON- R. R. No. 5. (Rural telephone Fri). VOR SALE. -SOLID BRICK HOUSE, • as modern convenience& also gond well. suit water deter 4 fruit trees, lawny, vegetablerden, stable, etc. A few minutes' walk from the Sgquare. Fr fun particulars address Box 33, THE SIGNAL OFFICE. God.rich. Ont994f HONE WORK. WOULD YOU LIKE SI TO 82 DAILY AT ,HOME,, JJXtNITTING WAR SOCKS ON AUTO KNITTERS, EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. SEND 3 -CENT STAMP. DEPARTMENT 464 C AUTO KNITTER COMPANY, COLLEGE ST.. TORONTO. 1 i TAXES IN ARREARS The Council at their meeting February 15th penned the follow- ing resolution: "That the Collector proceed to collect all arrears of 1915, 1916 and 1917 taxes forthwith." All interested take warning and give cont s For information of the public. there are only about *600.00 owing of 1915 taxes. WM. CAMPBELL, Collector. March 7th, 1918. 06-tf NOTICE TO CaE1VORS. COO 1�TCOUNCIL rake. t Haien +1 >#a/rrdaa Motet -- Spatial *Alm or Tuesday. Alilt: the county �ncil Will Geld atat Tuesday, when resolution; wall passed in actwdance with the mosiiMent for greater produc- Lion of faeit The Seem 4; the various munkipaJi- tles trete Wilrellotl to cal meetings in their reepectielrenlages, towns and town - sips to in the stimulation of of 1tiveramad i 1�R�t In cheat and all cereals N to las raged, and (n some I t *lady splendid prizes are beforth* best fields of wheat. ta the afteraaarlt a public mating was held in the taro hall, at which earnest addresses were *limed by Warden El- 1 hott (who Mears. Hogg. ford, Mayor Cantekxt. and NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS. IN TDR eSTATt erg MAST DoTLs, IAT, ,OP yea T05NlitP CH Afe1QD, IN vee mum, or HVeorl, .01Nsrea, Decease. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, chapter I'LL atrctiot 54 that all person having clans agaitia( the state of Mary Doyle. deceased, who died on or about tate and day of July, 1916, me required to seed or delayer to the eaderwgned solicitor for Eliza- beth Doyle, achemietntrix of the said estate, at Ms e/wR nara street re the awned Cwdriin as the lMvieu of O1tano..n or bedews Lir lbtI day el AMR. 5155 their names. addresses and descriptions. the liall particulars of their claim, a statement of thew account* and the nature of the securities (ii any) held by them. And fuuther take notice that alter :such last mentioned date the said administratria will pro- ceed to distribute the asst of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claim of which .he .hall then haus received notice- and that the admnnstratrua will not be bank for the sari assets, or any pot thereof. to any person or pends of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the tame of such distribution. I This notice is intended to apply sot only to creditors of the deceased. but aho and particularly to Janna to Hannah) Doyle and Bridget Doyle sisters of the deceased, who left the township of Ashfetd, in the county of Huron, about forty or forty-five years ago, and were last heard of more than thirty Years ago in the sty of Detroit in the Stat. of Michigan. Dated this 26th day of March. k D. 191%. CHARLES GARROW, Goderich, Ont. Solicitor for Elisabeth Doyle, Adwiinestr.tna of Mary Doyle, deceased. Inforulatsn as to the said Joanna tor Hannah) Doyle and the said Bridget Doyle may also be sent to Hn Honor Judge Dickson or to M. G. Cameron. K. C , Goderich, Ontario. 004-31 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. RE JAN/ WRIGHT, OP GOoeRictt WIDOW, DR CRASS°. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf that all creditors of Jane Wright, who died on the 2nd March. 1911 at Brantford. Ont., are required no or before the 17th April, 19171 to send by post or deliver to the undersigneoI sof6cit rs for Frank Wright, see eaecuto of the will of the rid deceased, full particulars of their claims. and that after the 17th April. 1911 the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of . and deceased among the persona entitled thereto. and that the said executoe will not be liable for the maid assets• to sny permit of whose claim be shall not then have received notice. ' Dated the Bard March, 1916. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE. en -St Solutes for Eaecetnr. Now is the Time to clean up cellar and yard. Get rid of rubbish and thus remove Danger of Fire Insure with ROBERTSON & WOODS Insurance Agents The Industrial Classes The Dressmaking Classes will resume next week in the rooms in the Public Library for the term of three months. The Principal will be in attendance in the rooms on Saturday, March 30, from 4 to 6 and 7,30 to 8.30 p.m., and on Monday, April 1st, from 5 to 6 and 7.80 to 8.30 p.m., for enrolment of members of the classes. All desirous of joining the classiest are asked to give in their names on these dateos without fail, to permit of starting class on Tuesday evening. The classes will be in charge of Mrs. Fellow, who has had much experience in training young women and whose cap- ability is well known. The Cooking Classes will not be carried on this term. A new significance has been given to these letters by the organization of the ' Soldien of the Soil," under the direction of the Canada Food Board. its purpose is to enlist boys of the 'teen age, especiallyy those from 15 to 19 years of age, for work on the (arm this summer. Many thous- ands of schoolboys (and 'lark, also) worked on farms last year in the "greater production'' effort and 1* result has en- couraged the Food Eanrd to endeavor to widen this work for 1918. It is estim- ated that on an average a 'teen-age boy's work on a farm for one day will be equi- valent t0 the feeding of eight soldiers for that day. The aim is to secure 25,01)0 boys in Canada(16,000 in Ontario alone) for farm work this summer; this would serve to feed 200,000 soldiers during the the chair), Rev. time that they work. w, Jones and Abery, I Most of these boys will coarse from the Forrester and Rana- schools. but other boys are wanted. Any ex -Warden 111 boys who are working and who can ar- S. B. Stothers, the range to get off for some weeks or months county agrieuIt& 1 representative. These addresses were 4.a very high order and struck a response chord m the hearers. I who showed their appreciation by frequent al - The meetaW d do much towards ctloe- R as also adopted by the council catling upon the Government to )(any in the transac- ewnrse and declaring cation of public of- fices. as retrencEltlent was needed in public affairs as well as increased produc- tion by the tannin std others. This relolutigll was considered very timely and was pted unanimously and it is hoped will good in the direction sought. It was decided also to ask the Ontario Govern cent to • five additional trac- y. There are at pres- tractors in Huron, acreage available rs 'are consider( d exercise stricter tion of pulite against the teas into the ent three and owing tot the additional necessary. ata' Cantata. Remember thef cantata, "Olivet to Calvary," to he' given in North street Islethudtst chu dl On the evening of Good Friday by the a the church. assis:ed by Mr. Percy�itone; Mrs. Chas. Dot Y. Pianist: Grace Seager. violin- ist. and otber firsttalent. Admission Vic, children 13 Commencing at o o'clock. OISTKICT- 1?RESENTATIVE. Stephen B. SAaes, the Appointee, Was Breeg1t ea ell Farm is Ashfield. The Provincial Department of Agri- culture has . • • . as agricultural re- presentative Huron county Mr. Stephan B�..(. 3; i • a farmer Ashfield township.•�ils (father Vas for scene yof d before lis death the lowrehip clerk of Ashlldd. Mr. Stot hers is a graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College, and be- sides his practical experience on the home farm he has spent some time in Western Canada. He has also acted as assistant district representative in Middlesex and Lambton counties. His headquarters in his new position will be at Clinton. and he has already commenced work. He made I his first official appearance before the county council at its special meeting at Clinton on Tuesday and created a most favorable impression. should enlist as an S. 0. S. As a rule, each boy will arrange for himself where he will go to work and what wages he will receive, but those who cannot do so may apply to the Ontario Government Em- ployment Bureau, 15 King St. East, Tor- onto, or to Dr W, A. Riddell. 15 Queen's Park. Toronto. A badge in recognition of his patriotic effort will be given to each boy who works on a farm for three months or more and it is hoped that the town committee .will provide a badge for those town boys who go for two months but who cannot stay three months. It is hoped that a large number will sign up at once. A. M. Robertson is town director (or the S. 0. S.: the principals of the schools are signing up recruits among their • pupils, and names may be left with any of these or with County Clerk Geo. Holman, Town Clerk L. L. Knox. or Mr. G. M. El- liott. If you cannot go Thursday, be sure to go on Friday to see the Lass of Lunenck Town at Victoria Opera House. Foe FRAIL CHILDREN/kA pale, weak, frail child's condition can usually be traced to worms. Worms are a constant source of childhood ills and are more dangerous than generally considered. They nob the child of n unshmtrtt, sao its vitality and retard growth. Dr. Brown's Worm Powders should be given as soon as symptoms indicate the presence of worms. This is a harmless and ef- fective remedy that quickly expels the parasites. Twenty cents a box. Sold by E. R. Wigle. druggist, Goderich. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE. - T H E REPRESENTA- TIVES from the Department of Agriculture of Ontario. representing the Wool Growers' AISo- cuatmn. will hold a 'meeting at the Union hotel. Goderich, on Friday. April Sth, at 2 o'clock. A full attendance n( all those interested in the ship- ping 0( woe .■ requested- ---- - NOTICE. -T H E UNDERSIGNED Healers in milk have agreed that on and a1 ter April 1st they will sell milk for ash only AS. McMANUS, OHNSTON BROS.. OHN BEATTIE. HAS. BISSET. 1t 11R. F. J. R. FORSTER. L EY -E. EAR. NOSE. 'THROAT. Late Hasse Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant ■t Moneeaeld's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hoe - petal London. Eng. Aa Waterloo St..S . Stratford. Telephone 117. At Hotel Bedford, Cwderfch, Wedne.day. May 15th. 7 p. m.. to May Inth, I p. a. TAMES CONNOLLY, AGENT FOR Betalo Fertihaer. Fitt, Wind sad Live Stock tanersece. and Cattle Buyer. Residence Newest, shut. Oodeeka. WANTED. Farmers and Gardeners to grow 'Pawataw, Green Beans, Beets, Carols, Cabbage. Pumpkins, As- paragus. Rhubarb, Spinach and Raspberries. for the Canning Fac- tory. Big prices paid kr all lima Colne in and sae as. THE iiIUR EVA CANNING & INGCO. OMs.. 05-4t MR. HANNIGAN'S VISIT. Splendid Gathering at Hotel Bedford Under Board of Trade Auspices. The Board of Trade dinner at Hotel Bedford Friday evening last was a splen- did success. Sev. nty-five or more gat down at the tables and enjoyed an excel- lent menu, and afterwards listened to a very interesting address by Mr. T. J. Hannigan, of Guelph, sec.etary of the Ontario Hydra -radial Association. Mr. Hannigan sketched the progress of the Hydro power movement in Ontario and showed )now hydro -radials would in- crease the benefits of Hydro power by not only giving better transportation facilities but by reducing the price of power. He also spoke on the subject of the national- ization of railways. advocating this policy in connection with the C. N. R., the G. T. R. and the G. T. P. He said the Hydro- electric power system was only in Its latency, arta he hoped to me this: day when every source of power in tie Prov- ince would be utilised. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Hannigan. on motion of Mr. M. G. Cameron and Dr. Macklin. Mr. G. L. Parsons. president of the Board of Trade, occupied the chair. and Mayor Wigle, Mr. C. L Moore and Mr. Alex. Saunders also spoke briefly. A more extended account of the pro- ceedings is unavoidably crowded out this THE SIGNAL PKIN1ING CO.. LIMITED. Puw.ialIu. THE LADS IN KHAKI. "THE LASS OF LIMERICK TOWN " Sapper Chas. H. Kidd, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kidd, who enlisted at Mon- treal with the 15th Battalion Railway Engineers. and went overwa Last June. has been invalided home and arrived in Goderich last Thursday evening. He was in France for several months and while there overstrained himself. His brother Sapper Terence M. Kidd is now in France. Pte. Austin Chisholm returned home Saturday evening and was given arousing welcome. the band and a large number of citizens greeting him as he arrived at the G.T.R. station and escorting him to the Square. wbere speeches were given by Mayor Wigle and Mr. R. J. Megaw. Pte. Chisholm is one of three brothers who answered their country's caU. One brother. Corp. Alex. Chisholm. was killed in action in October last, and Leo is with an infantry battal.on overseas and prob- ably now in France. Austin. who had a position in the civil service at Ottawa. enlisted with the Army Service Corps. two years ago. He did not get to France. but after being ill all last summer and winter was invalided hone. The following letter has been received by the editor from Corp. E. A. Warne : Witley Camp, March 1st, 1918. DEA/ MR. ROBERTSON, -1 suppose you will have heard long ere this reaches you that the 161st as a Battalion has breathed its last. In common with all the other bat- talions forming the 5th Canadian Divis- - it has been broken up and has lost its identity. Word to the effect that the 5th ' Division was to be broken up and the men used to reinforce the divisions al- ready in France was received about two weeks ago. and the work of disintegration has been going on since. All the mobiliza- tion stores have been returned to the depots, and transport wagons and horses and field kitchens have been returned to headquarters. Drafts were selected from the battalions t0 be fitted out and pro- ceed to France at once and many of these are already upon French soil. The 161st was called upon to provide two drafts of 100 men each and theye left on Wednes- day of this week. A further draft of 2( ) 1men was called for. to which I am for- tunate enough to be attached, and this is now ready and expectini to leave at an hour's notice. I guess I had better not VicTosiA OPERA HOUSE, APRIL 4 and 5. THE STORY. Sir Charles Worthington promised his friend, Donovan McCoy, when the latter lay dying, that his sun should marry McCoy's daughter Rose when he be- came of age. Before the opera opens, Rose inherits a fortune from an uncle in America since she u s Lew haus older than her cousin Betty with whom she lives in Limerick Town under Judge . Hooky's guardianship. Both girls were born on the '24th of May a the same year. Captain Pomeroy Worthington comes of age and proceeds to Limerick to woe the unknown Rose, well aware that his family needs her tnooey. Rove sus- pects his motives and arranges to ex- change places with Betty. The Captain. guessing some such ruse will be played. decides to devote himself to the appar- ently penniless cousin. Complications oc- cur, and he discovers he is ardently in love with the real Betty who is maaque1a ading as Rose. Sir Charles and his wife arrive and are indignant at the turn of affairs. The timely arrival of an eccentric old American, who proves in a most unex- pected and ingenious say that Betty is the real heiress. brings about a happy ending for all concerned, Rose finding consolation in the devotion of Justin O'Flynn Plan open at Edwards' on Monday, April 1st. mention the units to which these drafts • will be attached in France. All the men of the Battalion who were not warned for drafts have already proceeded to Bram- I shott, where they have been absorbed in the 4th Reserve Battalion Cal* k�jjtgtherington is in charge of the draft to wftkh I am attached, but 1 am not wire that he proceed W France 1 with us. Most of "the Officers have pint to Bramahott, whence they will proceed to battalions in France. 1 There was a keen feeling of disap- pointment among the men when it was I learned that the Battalion was broken up, 1 but this rapidly disappeared under the ex- citement of preparing for draft. Colonel Mttrd.e addressed the men and stated that his most pleasant time in the army had been spent in connection with the ltilst Battalion. He intimated that he week. expected to meet the men again in France LOCAL TOPICSIN BRIEF. The Maple Leaf Club is giving a social dance in the Oddfellew•s' Hall on Monday evening, April 1st. Tomorrow (Friday) will be Good Fri- day and a public holiday. Easter Mon- day will be a bank holiday. A sitting of the County Court will be held next week, commencing on Tuesday, before Judge Dickson. I No adua' pion to Nee the 'Fine tl Dross' on Monday next at the Salva- tion Army eitnd.'l. A collection will and it has since been rumored that he has offered to revert and take a post as com- pany commander in the battalion to which the draft of 200 is going. On learn- ing that the DNyision had been broken up. Rev. Capt. McKinnon. our former chap- lain, who was working in London, sought and received permission to address the men of the 161st Battalion once more. While on the platform he mentioned that he was to proceed on a brief mission to Canada and stated that while there he would endeavor to visit Clinton, the home of the 161st. If you hear of him in that neighborhood 1 think you would enjoy meeting him. I have found him to be • one of the most polished of Christian gen- Dances old and new, from Irish jigs to tiemen and he has been a true friend of step dances. with "The Lass of Limerick the soldiers. Town." at Victoria Opera House next I think the Ifurons have been very for - Thursday and Friday. tunate to hold together so long and also Red Cross collectors for St. Patrick's, it) tt>ie time of the year at which they are St. George's and St. Andrew's wards are proceeding to France. There are *011 requested to make their returns at the,quite a large number of original B Com - Red Crosslro ms on Monday, April 8th. pany in the last draft, on that we will not instead of next week. be entirely among strangers. The annual meeting of the Social Ser. I There have been many visitors to the vice League will be held next Thursday, Battalion lines during the past few days April 4th. instead of the date formerly of men who were formerly in the Battalion announced. It will take place in the or who are from Huron county. Temperance Hall, beginning at 8 p. m.1 Hoping this will find you all well and d E. A. WARNER. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. J. J. McDonald. manager of the Sterling Bank at hayfield, spent Sunday visiting friends in Gpderich. Mis. 0. M. Kidd, and Mi-oi He'en Kidd left for Montwal yesterday to spend Easter with their 6lvilher, Mr. .t. J. Kidd. Miss Lulu Mitchell, of the public school staff. still spend the Easter vaca- tion at her home at Flesherton. ,• Mrs. -*Rev.) H. A. Wright and daugh- ter Isobel. of Amherstburg, who had been visiting the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Connolly. returned home on Monday. The Misse- Vera and Lasca Elliott left this morning for Peterboro', where Miss Lacca takes part with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. King. formerly of Goderich. in a Good Friday musical program in Trinity Methodist church. - Clinton News -Record: Mrs. Luker, who has been with her Trott er in Goderich for some time. has been visiting her broth- ers, Mr. Harry Cook, who has been ill. and Mr. Arthur Cook, and other friends n town dliiog the past week. Mr. Donald Morrison. who a-companied the remains o! his mother, the late Mrs. Morrison. from Detroit, is visiting Gude- rich for rhe first time in fifteen years. He lett Goderich thirty years ago and is now manager of a large fishing business at Marquette, Mich. His brother, Capt. John Morrison, of Detroit, who also is here. has been a more frequent visitor to the old home town. The election of officers will be hen and prospering, Sincerely yours, reports of delegates to the county conven- tion will be given. A cordial invitation is extended to all citizens to be present. The regular monthly meeting of the Goderich branch of the Women's In- stitute will be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. McPhee on Thursday, April 4th. at 3 p. m. Roll call to be answered with a housecleaning hint. Subject taken by Mrs. M. McDonald: Demonstration on making biscuits. The members are pre- paring for a bazaar to be held in the month of May. THEY WERE A BENEFIT TO THE WHOLE FAMILY. What Mrs. H. K. Hewer Says of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Rotsington, Alberta, March 25 t Spec- ial.) -Further evid. nce that Dodd's have no equal as a family medicine is furnished by Mn. H. K. Hewer, wife of a well- known settler living near here. Mn. Hewer her husha and her little girl were all suffering from sore beak and lid eery trouble. Dadd's Kidney Mils proved to be the remedy they all needed. "My husband nays Dodd's Kidney Pius have date him more good than any other est einne he has ever used. 1, mysdL was suffering greatly with my kidneys and 1 feel ever so much better ince using Dodd's Kidney Pills My little girl, eleven years old, was also suffering fmm awe back and 1 gave them to her with splendid results. Announcement. On and after May lit, 1918, all the Grocers of Goderich will do a strictly cash business. This has become necessary be- cause of many results arising from present conditions in general resulting largely from the war. We believe the public will appreciate the necessity of this move, which we be- lieve will tr beneficial to all concerned. Ti IE GROCERS or GODERICH. Announcement. After the 1st of April. 1918, the grocery deliveeryry men have decided to dis- continue the detivery of groceries on Sat- urday night. Order early and avoid the rush. Friday is a good time to place your week -end grocery orders. GROCERY DELIVIate MEN. Try Edwards' home-made candyitis gond and tasty. A Patrieic Euchre and Dance I under the Nation of General Brough Outer. i. a D E. will be given in the dlel MM. owon April 9th at 8 o'clock. Ad Cock-a-doodle dura ! My dame has bit her gum. My master's gone to get her some. Shell he all nght when he has come -_with Wrigley's I New music -new dances -something entirely different. At Victoria Opera House April 4 and 5. if quality counts, use Blackstone's de- licious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all occasions. Phone 340. Remember This Date. The Blackstone Orchestra will give a social dance. by request, in the Masonic Temple on Easter Monday, April 1st. AUCTION SALE REUISTER. SATURDAY. March at---AUCti)n oak ol (hs property and chattels of Mr. John MrI)o old. Goderich.South street. Goderich. T. Gummy. auctioneer. TURSDAY. April 2.-Adminis 's sale 01 farm Nock, smprrnmrs, etc, belongtnt to the estate of the late Joseph Clifton. lot 22. conces- sion 4, West Wawano+h. T. Guapore. auctioneer. W/oNIs at. April 3.-Auctdin sale of heavy) draft horses. cattle anti pigs, property of John J. Govier;lot 51. ron•'ession 13, Hullett T. Gw uavi auctioneer. SATVRD%Y, April ;04 Suction edea(of the u rbm- le residence proper*. ises. Haran road. JOHN Dune, proprietor; Taos. GInNDR5, auctioneer. T.EsDay. April 9.-Ckaring auction sale of farm sunk. implements, etc.. property of Mr, Jam v Foley. lot 7, L. R . Ashfield. T. GuaDer. cacti,.neer Y Ws n0A it. April 10 -Clearing auction sale of farm ,.tock and implements property of William Colbourn, lot .10 concession 1, Hul1NL Tatou.* GUNDsI Y. arca tosser. MARRIED. GALBRAITH-N:CLURE -In Goderich. on Wedns.day. March 27. by Rev. J. H. (titer. h,ut, Mary McClure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jame McClure. to Mr. John Gal. loath, of Tara. WA /SON - McDOUG ALL. -In the lecture room of Knox church, Goderich, on Wednesday evening, March 27, by Rev. R. C. McDrmid, Mary Scott McDougal( to Fred Watson, both of Hayfield. DIED. C U R R ELL. -1 n Coder k h. on Sunday. March 24, George Correll. in hes 'sand year. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- March 28. Pees Sprung Wheat See!tfor Ontario -S. B. Stolbers, Agricultural Representative 9 House for Sale -i. L. Vanst0ne 1 Notice -Milk Dealers. 1 Fanning Mill -Kline Mfg. Co., Beaton, Ont1 Patriotic Euchre and Dance -General Brough Chapter . 1 Notice -Wool Growers' Association 1 Farm for Sale --Mita Kate Sullivan, Kinpbridg1 Clerk Wanted -Dean firs Seed Potatoes -R. R. Elliott ....... .......,,1 House to Rent -1. W. Salkeld .arra .. 1 Buggy and harness for Sal - Elmer 11. Robert- son 1 Notice to Creditors Chas. (:eros . tl Lack of Food -Organisation M Resources Com- mittee.. .. . . s Awl len:Sak-John Duff .arra arra Notice to Crediton.-Praud400t Killoran t Cooke....... arra.. arra Asistent Wanted -R. R. Sallow+ .. . 1 Annual Meeting-Godericb Curling and Skat- ing Association . 1 Republic Truck-StewartBros. arra . a IMust rul Clbamas ., 1