The Signal, 1918-3-21, Page 5THE SIGNAL- - OODERICH ONTARIO WE HAVE THE NEW A Allata-Glare -Lenses in Stock In MacBeth Evans, Skater, Sunray, Safertite, etc. Call in and let us show you them. jLawrence Bogie, R. R. No. 3, Go1erieh. This. we ala informed by Mr. George Porta, military representauve in comet - non with the kxal exemption tribunal. is a mistake. Mr. Bogie was exempted by the beard et gtse:Wn as a marine en- gineer and holds the registrar's certificate to this effect. He is now on his boat pre- paring for the seasons work. Charged with Perjury. C. B Hak, insurance agent, of Clinton, was brought befooe Magistrate Kelly yes - East Street Garage "Owned andOperated lay a terday and conlaiittud for trial on &charge Practical " of perjury, all da to have been corut- ted at the fire investigation lastmt GOp�ICH - - ONTARIO Arthur M. GloverNovember. ilio trial will likely be before Judge Dickson. . OCAL TOPICS Buy a Ticket. Airs. Dan I. being confined to the house during the winter, instead of knit • ting for the soldiers has made a quilt with ovef 3.000 pieces which she intends to disport of by selling tickets, the proceeds to be devoted to patriotic purpaea. The tickets are ten cents each and everybody is asked to buy one. The North Huron Vacancy. i n addition to Dr. T. E. Case, of Dun- gannon, and George Spotton, of Wing - ham, who have been mentioned in con- nection with the Conservative nomina- tion for the Provincial riding of North Huron. others named are Matthew Lock- hart. of Auburn. I)r. Redmond, of Wing - ham, and P. W. Scott, of Belgrave. if the Liberals decide to put a man in the field. William Bailie. of Dungannon, will no doubt receive strong support. Not a DefauKNr. A list of defaulters under the Military Service Act published in a London paper this week cunta rib the name of Thomas - . Te!!••! ' rieaiitrr.TT , ws If You Are Not Strong Get Dynamic. Tonic -Today The wear and tear of modern life with its hurry and worry, its stress and strain, w responsible for the nervous cou- dltiou in which to many people and themselves. Such conditions always indicate a loan of phosphorus from the nerve- and nerve - centres, where lu ►gash it le most plentiful. Depressible aleeplesenear. irritability, worry over trifles, lnelen- eholy, inability to eadure prolonged effort -all these are mimes tout the nerves and nerve -centres are starving for phosphorus, in the form err tood-phosphatee. Tbeae phosphates are supplied In that wonderful vitalizing remedy - DYNAMIC TONIC (called "dynamic" beeaure it produces energy I. More than that - these pboapbates In Dynamic Toole are in preclaely the chemical forms In which "they are wont abundant in the human body. Dynamic Tonic aloe contains iron, to enrich the blood and buikl up strength. (The full formula 1s on the Isbell. The rase of Dynamic Tonic restores vitality and vigor to the nervous eystetw, renews bodily strength, brings back your old time energy and viae. anti greatly increases your power and endurance. if you are not strong yon owe It to yourself to get Dynamic Tonic and see how it will huikl yon up. .A large bottle containing five wea ke treatment can be had for 51.30. James A. Campbell Phm. B. "Central Drug Store" North Street and Square T , Goderich -1 -s- -1 1 A Notable Coming Event. A bnlllant musical comedy in two acts. "The lass of limerick Town." will be given in Victoria Opera House on Thurs- day and Friday, April 4th and 5th, by the Hest local talent. The production abounds in new and catchy beauti- ful dancing, clever dialogue and humorous situations. It will be given under the auspices of the Maple LeatChapter, I. O. D. E. for patriotic purposes- ters and next week's papers will give further announcements of this event. which promises to b: the best thing of the season. A Rare Mesical Event. The audience which greeted Mies Isolde Menges. the violinist, at Victoria, tea House on Monday evening was pitifully small, but the evening was a memorable on' to those who attended. Miss Menges is a wonderful artist, with with her�superb of and sympathyaincluded a range retail, and her program of music by composers of the first rank. The remarks with which the player in- troduced each number were not the kart interesting feature of the perform- ance. It is not often Gsderich people have the opportunity of hearing an artist of the rank of Miss Menges. ..... 1 .1 Suit Prices Cut -AT- M. ROBINS' ust received a shipment of men's and young men's SUITS In all -wool Serge, Tweeds and Worsted *5 men's Suits, regular $15. Sale price $10.25 25 men's waterproof Coats, to clear $4.75 Boys' Suits, fancy mixture, Norfolk, double- breasted, sizes 27 to 30, $4.95 Boys' Knickers, sizes 3o -to 34, to clear 89c Small boys' Overalls, sizes 3 to 9, to clear 25c M. ROBINS .r .. ... o. .is la a eruption* of Kidney Disease. A well-known doctor has said, 1 neer yet nudes posbtotwiemex- ' 'salon in a ease o f death fiunt`tiaart Disease with- out findingthe kidneys is crest fau." The Kidney medicine which was first on the market, most success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles. and nest widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney i i+ bil Canada, and at tba ace of sixteen Years was married to the late Janes Fowler. who died twenty years Use The Young couple moved to Colborne township the year of their marriage, and Mrs. Howler lived there until about five years ago, when she came to town and made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Wilson Brownlee, Angleara street. She is sur- vived by ten children: John and William, of Colborne; George of *ltfoed; Joseph and Robert, of Welw01, Sask.; Chris- topher J., of Sault Ste. Marie, M1ins Mrs. Kerr, of California; Mrs- T. C. Johns and Airs. William Johns. of Zelma, Sask., and Mrs. Brownlee, of town. The funeral took place on Sunday to the Colborne cemetery. Rev. J. E. Ford and Rev. J. H. Oaterhout conducting the services. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Emanuel Mit- chell. Thomas Txhborne, Isaac Fisher and Martin Knight. LOCAL TOPICSIN BRIEF. The river, which has been breaking up for two or three weeks, now has a clear channel to the lake. Donde fail to reset the Lass of Limer- ick Town at Victoria Opera House April Easter Cantata. The people 01 Goderich have a musical treat in store for them on Good Friday evening, March 'loth. in North street Methodist church. The char.e mated by local talent, have prepared the beautiful Easter cantata "Olivet to Cal- vary" and have engaged Mr. Percy King, bantone. of London. for the occasion. "Olivet to Calvary" recalls simply and reverently the scenes which marked the last few days of thli Saviour's life on earth and sone of the reflections suggested thereby, beginning with the rejoicing of the multitude with hosannas and palms and ending with the tragedy and triumph of Calvary. Remember the date -March 29th at 8 o'clock. Admission 25c, chil- dren 15c. 00 1 1 t 1 Eyestrains Cause Inefficiency The world offer's its richest prizes to the man who seem, thinks and acts quickly. Many sten are heel back, not knowing it, by poor eyesight- It stakes them inefficient. The Rebekahs are planning to hold something new, entitled "A Birthday Maitland cemetery. Service was ccm- ducted by Rev. J. H. Osterhout, as- sisted by Rev. J. E. Ford. and the pall- bearers were Messrs. Chas. Walters, Joshua Allen. Edw. Currell and John Mil- lion. Mr. Herbert Jewell and the Mi ses Lottie and Addie Jewell arrived from the West to be present at the funeral of their father. , DON ALDSON:-One of litalerich'a very oldest residents eI,»w ier earth- ly career on Friday, when rs. Jane Doataldson pa•esed away quiet) at her Insane in Elgin avenue in her ninety- second year. The espied wan born in the village of Ciro hie, Scotland, near Bei -a1 Cantle and came to Canada in her early. yeers. The fanc- ily settled iu h,oderich township, and nearly seventy year,, ago tee deeeatte d and het husband, the late Jeanie; Don- aldson, made their house in Noderich• Mr. Donaldson died many year. ago. Their .urvive one son, David, offSam- JEWELL.-On Tuesday, March 1t, Mr. James Jewell departed this life, af- ter a brief illness, in his sixty-fifth year. The deceased was a nauve of the town- ship of Colborne and spent about twenty-five years in the West. mostly at DeWraine, Man., before taking up tate res denoe in Goderich ten years ago. His farm at Deloraine was rented. and he re- turned to it every fall to look after the harvest. He was twice married, his tirst wife dying about twelve years ago. The second wife survives. There is a family of three sons and three daughters : Herbert, Roy and Mrs. Claude McNeil. of Kenaston. Sask., the Misses Lottie and Addie, of Saskatoon. and Lorne, at home. Mr. Wm. Jewell, of town, and Mr. Thos. Jewell, of Colborne. are brothers of the deceased, and there are five sisters: Mrs. Wm. Walters, Saltford; Mrs. Geo. Cul- bert. of town; Mrs. Wm. Allen. Mrs. John Allen and Mrs. Richard Allen, of Ben - miller. The funeral took place from the fam ly residence, Hincks street, on Mon- day afternoon, the interment being in Party," in thlatter part of Apnl. The General rough Chapter, 1. 0. 1). E., is giving a patlot.►c euchre and dance arty in ApnL Particulars later. The monthly meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held next Monday even- ing at 8 o'clock in the jury room of the court house. The London kdvertieer and London Free Press are advancing their subscrip- tion rate to i4 a year. The new rate corers into force Aptil1s. Constable C. Sheriff Reynolds Murphy left on Wednelday for Kingston with James McCracken, who was sen- tenced at the assizes Inst' week to a term in the penitentiary. Mr. James Stewart, South street, trip - and fell at hie home on Tuesday and broke his hip. The accident is a serious one, as Mr. Stewart is getting along in years and has not been in robust health for some time. \ er rates on The new freight and passeng is and two daughters. �Itro.N1. 111141.111the railways went tato died on Monday I Byers of Southampton. and Mies There is a general advance of about ht{ Agnes lk)ualdwnl, who for so many yeah+ has faithfully eared for ber utother in the okl home. Mrs. Alex. Stirling, of town. and Mn• Josiah Clark, of Detroit. air *lettere of the des'easord lady. The burial services on Monday afternoon were contacted by Rev. R. C. ..Derulkl, and the pall- bearers. were D. Stoddart, John Link - Later, John Story and Ales. Saunders. Mrs. Hyera and Mr. David D maidaon were hotue for the funeral. For the sake of your future sureeeS, 'wine in, Lase your -eyes •i exwmined, and let um show you the benefits of correctly fitted glasses. E r ,1111Dl QP' -OPncl lm firest /snweist: ¢uCLP.c.Oeivy TBURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1918 h MOM SAS OF CANADA i saves his money. what the thriftless Open a savings Canada. A great help to thrift. Sine For h1Mes slaf War bonds and other attractive investments are open 10 the man who systematically Such an investment represents man spends to unnecessary trifles. account to the Union Bank of err, e sfs Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager? teen per cent. The fare to Toronto return is now 17.60, an advance of one dollar over the former rate. The Kincardine Reporter is mean enough to say that the cut in the G. T. R. passenger train service has relieved some of the Kincardine girls of the necessity of staying up late to see who corn's in. 'The one train a day is not hard for them to keep tab upon. see Crisp New Styles I Footwear for Spring There i, such a wonderful assortment of the very finest Shoes for men and women that you are sure to find among the many models just the pair to your liking. It is a style -show worth coming a long way to see, and we are prepared to help you solve any footwear difficulties. The prices are most reasonable. - REPAIRING - Geo. MacVicar Northside Square, Goderich THE GODEti)tt.I MARKETS. -'Trtt•e'OAY, \larch 31. Wa.est.pip tire�s. .. aa��t • ...� 3 le u 8110 gate, per Mr ... ..+: '" ..l to tit aortas. per bush is 55 Lea Powe, per btu& . 1.1.5 to 130 Buckwheat, per buab. .. • . .. 1.33 to 1.10 r lour, (aaimilly. perowt... 3.&5 to 3.73 Floor, petwt. per ewe Bran. per ton inserts per Su. per tow etrsw, loam, per ten Wood, per load Creamer) Batter Find fresh. per Sea 1.Y1 tY' 00 Pa woo.. per bn.h...... .. Cattle. butchers' choice, per cwt 9.91 to lip Cattle hnrob.rn'redlnm,perowt Kin to 9.4)0 Hoa'. Eve weight. Pe•:not. 19. L5 to 19.=3 Hone. per Ib .13 to .15 Tonne sheep. .. •••-••• m ass etherp. klns . sS.� 9 to 3 •a q o'+Cnnweshed, per Ib - .N to wa.bed per Ib.......... �.ii to .73 tiara two. per lb 573 to 6,t') flee to K•t0 41 to 11.01) 9.0910 10..e 3.00 to s.• 0 6.00 to din .alto .15 „ 3n to .3.3 10. to .►3 The Saults Coal Co. 13aocueson- to NcUooMab a Gledhill EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR LEHIGH VALLEY THE COAL THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFF'IC'E PHONE - - - - ' 5 B. 3. Saults' Residence 275 W. W Saults' Residence 202 For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring 10 Ea,* Street. Opposite Knox Chwch Gine Us a Trial Tallon read ter st t► ^.^^•• •.Sn N tJB1TUARY. FOWLER. -The death of \Ira. James Fowler occurred on Wednesday, March 13th, at the good old age of eighty-two years. The deceased was born in Lower L. B. TAPE The Singer Sewing Machine Agent, has taken agency of the over the International Harvester Company on Hamilton Street and will handle both line, Fans Machinery and Singer Sewing Machines A fair ,hare of the public pat- ronage will be appreciated. 11111q. �r I '( ipe t‘ YOUR HAPPY FAMILY might be Neater' up te ere or. in thea. war stirred times. hu.h,tsds and sons are being salted to the defence of their coo nix]. Wire. mind daughters ore taking sten'arra. Separations are frequent.. Don't WI to hare NHOTaxiRAPmade here to paehange with your family and friends. J. - T. FELL fr ROBINSON -After a long illness, Mr. Alex. 'Robieeonpassed hits away on Wednesday. JIMVh l 3t.b. at Feist street, hi his sinGy-third year. Mr. R.bineon was well known throughout the destr'iet, having kept hotel at several places in the county. He was barn in the township of Stan- ley atud kept hotel successively at Brae efield, (;oder eh, Auburn, llintem and Hayfield, and also for a time in Sikhigan. He was genial and oblig- ing and wherever he went made many friends, wive will learn with re- gret of his death. He in survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Harry ►rnmtr'onlr, of town. and three wine : Louis, who is with a battery in Fra►1.'e; Will, who enlisted early in the war soul has been a pris.nwr in Germany for nearly two years, and l'o oper, who is employed on the 6. T. R. at Brant- ford. There are aln.) three young grandsons. Two brothers and three sister•, a w) survive: Hobert, of Kan- sas : Joseph, of London : th,.. Rrigg•s, of Heaney, Man, : Miro. Purely. of Kit.:hener,- and MN1's. Steveniwm, of, Marlette, Mich. The funeral took plaice on Saturday to Maitland eent- etery, Rev. Dr. Rntlidgge eondneting the services. The isallbearers were Messrs. eidaui Thompson, \\cut. Thompson. H. Hays. Wm. Tait, W. Glazier and J. Nae. Ir. 'Ir. Cooper Robinson of Brantford. Mis+. I'ntdy and Mrs. Stevenson, sisters, and other relatives from eleaforth, Leadlwry and Clinton were here for the funeral. MACMATH.-The fins'!' call of God came to William MacMath on Sunday, March 10th. at the home o• his daughter, Mrs. H. J. Trewartha, Holmesville. lstr. MacMath was in his seventy-eighth year. and his death closed athiatthly career of ,usefulness and quiet devotion to the great things of life. In his home, in the church, and among those with whom he asso• ciated he was looked upon as one who loved, who was desirous of accepting the Master's will with joy, and whose person- ality always commanded respect. Mr. MacMath was one of the pioneers in the battle for temperance in Canada. it is distinctly remembered when a committee meeting was held in the interests of tem- perance, nearly thirty years ago, at his home. At that particular meeting were present the late Isaac Salkeld. John Andrews, David Lindsay and William Swafileld. Moot of these men have crossed the line, but their sympaety and service are marks they have left behind. Mr. MacMath seas a respected eller in t'PresbyterianHealso set'vedh, Goderich as Sabbath township. school superintendent for twenty years. He leaves a widow. five daughters and one son to mourn their great loss: Mise Ella May,of Toronto; A1rs. Eben Alex- ander. of noxville. Tenn.; Mrs. Nelson Trewartha, 0 Holmesville; Mrs Geo. Mctlwain, of Goderich township, and Mea. H. J. Trewartha, ttf Hoimesviile, and Mr. S. R. MacMath, who resides on the homestead in Goderich township. He is survived ales by one brother, Mr. Hugh MacMath. of Toronto, who is well known in Goderich. The funeral, which was from his late residence in Goderirh, was largely attended by his old neighbota on the farm and by friends more recently made. Rev. Jas. Hamilton, Rev. R. C. Me• Dermid and Rev. J. E. • Ford took part in the service. The pallbearers were ysers.Godetthn. LainntilcaGterdsa. ndKDD. Temkin, Robert Johnston, Robert Davidpn Geo. Andrews, of Goderich t7 p• A MAN MUST HAVE HIS CLOTHES both comfortable and well appearing. If a man knows his clothes do not look tight he won't be comfortable. And if they aren't comfortable be doesn't care wbether.bthey look right or not. We aim to put solid comfort and good appearance into every gar- iuient we turn out. Let us remind you that now tis the hest time to get your w spring suit and overcoat. rmstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South Side Square, floderich. A Good Business Education is one of the best assets '& young moa or woman can have nowadays. How often an a utas grown in years he wishes he had talon the opportunity of his youuger days to obtain a training in business n►ethods, book' keeping, broking, eta 1 Don't waste your best- 'years. young ilius, young woman, without taking advantage of the opportunity presented by our courses in . BOOKKEEPING, STENOGRAPHY; PENMANSHIP, SECRETARIAT. WORK, ETC, We et students f ir"'positioue in which they can commend good salaries. Students slay enter auy time. Girls may room in the ,:hoyl. School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. Pii 'ji, ''t)y Prise** I IGLEYS The that is beneficiaaI io lUth. and stomach is best for all ages. wRIGLEYS massages and strengthens the gums. Keeps teeth clean and breath sweet. allays thirst. aids appetite and digestion. tg /LA Keen YOUR boy of the front sunvlled. The Flavour Lasts MADE iN CANADA r - r.r 4 -.. w4*._4*.4M,__w-war4..r4..i, ! .....1-.r....... S.A...''a.M1f'r 4ioOro...�-4. 4... 1 . .L' .ries .....