The Signal, 1918-3-14, Page 4'1 4 4 THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1918 THE SIGNAL _' GODERICH. ONTARIO 11 Men's Blue Serge Suits at $20 and $22 kis well known to most people that blue serges are very high in price, in fact good serges are getting to be almost prohibitive. About the beginning of the war we bought a very heavy stock of blue serge Suits, knowing that prices were bound to advance. We have a limited number of these Suits left and offer them to you for at least five dollars less than their present value. We are not going to coax you to buy them but are simply giving you the opportunity of saving five dollars on your spring Suit. If you want One don't delay, as your size might be gone. Fine blue serge Suits, made in single-breasted style. mohair lining, old dyes, sizes 35 to 42. Prices $20 and $22 Borsalino spring Hats are now in stock. WALTER , C. PRIDHAM -AGENT FOR - 20th Century and Art Clothing to measure. MOcsXXXxsXX • it would be pretty tough on some men if other did the right thipfg h' them. A H appy New Year To Every Reader of The Signal We want to make 1918 a banner year in the his- tory of this business, and will do our part by giving the patrons of our two stores the very best service possible. Call and look through our stores at any time, whether you want to buy or not. You will be welcome. W. WALKER THE FURNITURE MAN ON THE SQUARE r .µ. Do you have headaches? Do your eyes ache ? Do your eyes water ? Do you have difficulty when reading ? Does the print blur? These are all indications of de- fective eyesight. Using both the objective and subjective methods of testing we can guar- antee correction of all of these troubles. Talk the matter over with Mr. Sexsmith, our eyesight specialist. if you require lenses you may depend on getting them at the moat reason- able charge. Your examination will cost you nothing. H. C. DUNLOP Tib NSA SAW GODERiCH - - ONT. CREWE. MONDAY, March Ilth. Miss Amber McKenzie, of Dungannon. visited a few days last week at C. Fin- nigan's. Mr, and Mrs. Patterson. of Wingham, spent a few days last week at Mr. Hugh Finnigan's. The W. M. S. meeting. held at the home of Mrs. Shackleton last week. was well attended Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor, of Kintail, spent a few days last seek at Mrs. Rich- ard McWhinnev's. Constipated Children. Nothing will so quickly remove child- hood constipation so well as Baby's Own Tablets. They are a mild but thor- ough laxative: are pleasant to take: do not gripe and never fail to regulate the stomach and bowels Concerning them Mrs. Adolphe N -tel, Petite Lame- ' que, Que.. says: --"Baby's Own Tablets are the best remedy for constipation 1 know of and I would strongly recom- mend them to all mothers of little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 21 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. STOW E'S THE RED BARN, SOUTH STREET cillo 11iC��� !iiiiiiiiligiiiIi, ii' FOR 'BUS, LIVERY AND HACK SERVICE ' Buses meet all trains. Passen- gers called for in any part of the town for outgoing trains on 1 ,. T. R. or C..!. R.- .Prompt Promptattention to all orders or telephone calls. 6or$es First-class rigs ' H. . STOWE 'rriepbone 5r rrortoT. M. Davis The Season's Greetings We thank j nit for past favors. Our future efforts will be to merit your commenda- ation. PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING Etc. W. R. PiNDER Phone L'e.S Hamilton Street -a __.:. __ 1 _- - ..a.-. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. TUESDAY, March 12th. Mr. Reginald Sturuv and Mr. Oliver Edward each purchased a fine young work -horse last week. We are p eased to hear Chat Lorne Rodgers i'. getting better after having an operation un his tonsils. Mrs. Thos. Laing. of Weyburn. Sask., who was visiting her mother, has re- turned to her home In the West. Saturday night's storm did consider- able damage throughout the township. 11 m. Edward's windmill was wrecked and one of the large windows in Thus. Cox's house was blown in, and a great many trees have been smashed down. KIPPEN. TUESDAY, March I2th. Miss Emily Ivison is home from Tor- onto for a rest and visit with her people. Mrs. E. Drake and child returned to Alberta last week atter spending the winter with friends here. Mr. W. W. Cooper shipped a carload of turnips lately to the United States. They were purchased by Mr. Seldon of Ex- eter. Miss Howie. daughter of the late Rev. Gosh'n Howie, of Syria, was here•from Toronto spending a pleasant week's visit with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.1 Aitken. She now visiting a girl friend in Gode- ric Wm. A. Ross. one of our enterpris- ing ca le men. is away to Simcoe this week to urchase his stock for this sum- mer's pa ure. Mr. Ross understands season this r. This was sing week here. Mrs Alair left her h e to go to live in Gale - rich township. Mr. Harry Chesney man moved into t home he vacated. Mr. Skelton follows Workman. The mans- friends of • utt and his bride. Miis Glazier, o linton, extend their congratulations and . :t wishes to them on their recent mar age. The happy couple left last Thurso for Al- berta, where they %vitt reside some Our harness -Maker, Mr. Alex. Mc- Kenzie. has been as usual a very sy man the last few weeks. Last week e delivered over $300 worth of collars a harness to two men who are going West to farm. These two men live on opposite sides of our village. about sixteen miles apart. but they irnow where to get good work done at reasonable rates. The W. C. 'I'. U. will hold a silver medal contest in both ehii•ution and instrumental music about the latter part of April. Girls between ten and fourteen }ears of age, wishing ,to enter the eoinpetition will please report to Mee. li. M. Elliott or Mrs. J. Iteinhart. CARLOW. WEDNESDAY. March 13th. Mr. Jos. ()Connor is shipping two loads of uattle on Saturday. Hort-s seem to be in great demand. Mr. R. M. Young delivered three in a bunch last week Mr. Samuel Shepperd has sold his farm to Robt. Bean for $6,500. This (arm is very Well located and we congratulate Mr. Bean on securing it.. Mr. Shep- perd has purchased a (arm north of Nile about one and one-half miles. WELCOME HOME. -A large gathering assembled at the township hall on Fri- day evening last to welcome home Frank Berry, who has returned from the front. During the first part of the evening a program was given. Reeve Gordon Young occupying the chair. Speeches were given by Rev. Mr. Ross and m: tu- bers of the council. Messrs Souder, Fisher and McCann. and R. M. Young. Solos were given by Mrs. Robertson, Misses Glen and Johnston and hyMessrs Tyndall and E. Robertson. The hero of the evening modestly declined to speak. the state of his nervous system rendering him unfit for speaking in public. Aft: r the program the ladi •s of the Red Cross served lunch and quite an enjoyable hour of sociability was spent and after the singing of the National Anthem the evening came to a close. DI: NGANNON. MR. N. F. WHYARD is the eeeut for THE SiGNAL at Dungannon te.,er. left with him for ..ubattippon.• adrertl,•ement.or rub prititing will re- c.ive prompt attention. Telephone (Ooderlch iturah r'81 r THOS. G. ALLEN, In-N(tANNON INNi'ER OF MARRI,tog i. 1CRNaaM l',INMIss1/,NF;R Foot AFTIDANITe, 1rFc„ ' AND l'ONVEYAN(•jR W Goin, intim., alweroaalte. AlpnaaNINTN, c•ss:rUI.r.r Exact:TKO ANn Moir $t'rel.lan ran Nurser, Agent for Fire. 5'.I id and 1.111 Inaoranee In the be -t Companies out,. r 'WeaisEsD.'Y, March 13. Miss F. 31cAuley returned 1 t his week from Varna, wit. -re she had silent most of the wither. Mrs. T. ti. Alien is visiting her daughter, Ilia. S. M. \Viekens, at Ni•hringyille This wis•k. Mr. and Mts. I'nttiwon have re- turned home to \Vinghaul after sps•nd- ingtwo weeks ns the gnest.s of M1•. and Mrs. It. A. McKenzie. met.. %V, 'ftelrnti•n who was visit- ing at the home of Mrs. MAO. Tee. leaven for some days, has ,.•tilr•ned G, her i nt Toronto, *ivy ipanied by Irs. R. Treleaven. Mr. Nan, Pentland is still on the Birk list. 1\'e hope a 1• Veedy 1er„very will MN,n'sit The sewing meeting is nt Mrs. IDs.) Case's this Werk. The sliptwry e,,ndif ion of the walks last Saturday indnr,d a number ,of one prominent citizens suddenly to obey Die laws 4 gravitation. Miss ( Tifton. of Mtret.syill,. ham o-- 1trt•r1e1 to r•nlnme charge of the mil Burrydepartment at Mr. Chas. KI Ifo[ t. s store. (Owing to the stormy weather Maf- unlay and Sunday the church a tett- danrr Wax at it minirrotm. Hates .flyer., is nursing a worn fin- lpir, Raving find it split. Mr4d. C. McFarlane made a hersi - nemm trip to I,rmdnn on Fridny. Barney He gi'r bum wild his rnmt.•hed pair of grey perehrmh, tAo (lea Baxter. The price was aromwd t$i1111. They are is good pair. The monthly tweeting and tea of the Woman's Missionary Sesiety of the Methodist church was held on Thuratay. At the next un,uthly Meeting the alucUon of olftr,•re will be held. Mrs. \V(Iliam Mole and Harvey are visiting Mrs. Mole's mother at Au- burn, who is not very well. f= Richard Reid was at Toronto last M week with another car of cattle.. Mt.l)avid Barkley, after spending the winter at the old i here, left on Tuesday on his return w the inf West. Neeirk Jac': Woodley, after spending the week -end at his home here, re- turned to the hospital at Loudon on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McClure visited Ooderichon Nondap.r Spring is coming. A robin was se.qu in Dougaotron this 1 Wednesday) made a mistake. •E A sensation, is promised over It ' ffS breach ui promise case in which well- E kunwn eittu•na will figure. Enough said for ' he present'. s May, if the AVM. Davies Co. would save a little of the salt it puts on the [work and use it on its roldstcn'age- chiekens we might .'not have to [•rad about toms of spoiled chick- ens being destroyed at its Winnipeg plant. Must be 'something wrong with th,• system. Slrw.Shackleton is lug into the• house she re eently pur•hasel. 1Vhiuney has tented his home (arm in Ashfield to John Myers and hie grass farm to Hugh John Blake. Our weighacalee have been out of eo ..ion for • few days. With the recent Hoods the water has been get- ting into the pit and freezing. Theo was some excitement Satur- day afternoon when the fltebell rang, the cause Iwing a chimney on fire at Mnt. I)reaney's hquse. At one time it looked s little ser' ss a heavy gale was blowing. The fire - Men responded promptly to the tall and the danger was soon overt We notice a few new kinds of meat ate being pot on the menu cards. such as horsemeat. whale. steak. and now beaver. (io orge Jackman says when the call comes for dogs Dungannon will do her share and there will he its of sausage to 10 around. How- e •er, when that time conte[ we bi- te , to bequite saving of the sasage. Ri hard u Parks met with a painful aced , t last week while in the bush. fie w . handling some logs when the wj pike he as using slipped and caught flint unde the jaw, cutting it badly and bruising the bone. Dirk had to have several\ stitches pmt in; but it plight easily hive been more serious. FARM CHAN 168. -(;allies Haines has tented his ft south of the vil- lage to Lgwas Goa vt r and intends go- ing West. David McGratten has s.iltl his farm on the' d concession of Ashfleid to Samuel 'hepperd. the price being $8,300. Day intends re- turning to the Wes. 'chard Mc Wouw GRACE THE Post ON. --The Kincardine Review (Conservat' e) says ruing an we how he hasn't That Plumbing .Job you have been thinking about all summer -NOW is the time to get it done, before the cold weather sets in. If you want a bathroom fitted tip, you will find it to your advantage to consult us. FRED. HUNT "THE PLUMBER" Hamilton at Phone las MCEweil's Specials 1 nice line of Spools at •ic each. A nice line of Prints at 17c. Flannelette at right prices, bought before the advance. Fine line of Pillow Cotton at 30c a yard. Special in Cotton at 15c, worth 20c. Handkerchiefs from 5c un. A special line for Comforters, full yard wide, at 30c. A few dozen Flannelette Blankets to clear at $2.25, worth Children's Stockings ranging from 20c up. A few children's Mitts to clear at a price. A few snits of men's heavy Underwear to clear at $1 00 per garment. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs, taken in,exchange for either Thy Goods or Groceries. J. J. McEWEN /Phone 46 - - Goderich UMW MEM amm OIMM MOW S AIIUAIWIIIIIIIItttttttttlllttttttlllllllll111111NIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIttlnnMnntttlllllllllllllNmlllnitlttttllAN1111tIHu1 stere hone THE COLBORNE STORE "°sae NEW VOILE WAISTS . We have just put into stock a'complete line of new Voile Waists in the season's latest patterns and the best cloths. Voile Waists are promising to be et-eptionally , strong for the corning season, and the best cloths are being shown now. White Voile Waists in a large range of patterns, prices from $1.25 to $2.90 each: Also a large range of Silk Waists, in Jap. Georgette Crepe, Satin and Crepe de Chine. At from $1.90 to $8.00 each. , • Cloths for Suits, Coats and Dresses The Cloths we are showing in Serges, Broadcloths, etc.. ,are all pure -wool and can be relied upon for color and wear. It is to your advantage to buy cloths this season, for they will be much higher later on ani the q.talitie3 w.11 no: be as good nor the range as large. Our range of Serges in all colors is most complete and come in price from = $1.50 to $4.75 a yard. Silks for Dresses, Separate Skirts and Suits The largest range of Silk that has ever been carried in this store. The shades are the newest and the qualities the best. Fancy Skirting Silks n the newest stripes, Silk Poplins in all colors for suits and dresses, yard-w+d- H shutai in calors for waists, Duchess Satin in all the staple and new colors for dresses and waists. Silks will be big for the coming season, and we are in a position to satisfy the most discriminating taste. WE SPECIALIZE IN DRESS GOODS J. H. COLBORNE�- tnuunuummummimumnmmmuuuummuuu mmuunnunummumimmuunu m um miimnnnuuuumnn ftmw Ommw MMOD UMW , of the North Huron vacancy: "Owing to A. H. Musgrove. M. P. for North Huron. having been appointed postmaster at Wingham there will be a vacancy in that 1 riding. The name of Dr. Case, Dun- gannon, is being strongly urged as the right man to fill the vacancy. The Doc- tor is a man of good sound judgment and would grace the position splendidly. He has been bre►king the roads in that country for over a quarter of a century both municipally :,nd politicaily, and re- ward is always sure to come to those who wait, particularly if they wait long enough in the right place and labor while they wait." Miss Lilian 'Dillingham has a voice of delicate beauty and sweetness, and her interpretation of the music of "Mar- guerite" was delightful. In "The King of Thule" ballad the tragedy of devotion blended with the spirit of tender dream- ing: in "The Jewel Song" she sang so brilliantly acid finished with so spirited a climax that the audience were carried away: and in the final scene she showed splendid casslon and power, so that her final performance was the most striking. -South Wales Argus. ltIn Knox church, Thursday. March 21m. \ ST. HELENS. MONDAY, Mar. 11. Miss Ma\Cameron, of Mitchell. spent the week -end t home. Mrs. J. R. ebster had the misfor- tune to be throw out of the cutter and had her arm fractured. We hope to hear of her rapid recovery, Something unusual happened on Sun - y. Our worthy Bible class teacher, Mr. P. Clark, was absent from his class. He was laid up with a severe cold. We hope to see him around as usual very soon. The play entitled "Professor Pepp" was given by St. Helens home talent on Friday night in the public hall and wasa decided success. We have not heard what the proceeds amounted to. The players were listened to by a full house. They will give the same play in the pub- lic hall at Lucknow on Friday, the 15th. Messrs. John McGuire. Stuart Mc- Guire, Albert Phillips and JohnniejGaunt are leaving for the West this week. BENMI& LER. WEDNESDAY. March 13. Mr. Wm. Million returned from a pieasant visit at Toronto last week.,. While there he attended some of the ses- sions of the Dominion Alliance conven- tion. Mrs. Wm. Million is visiting her chil- dren at Detroit. On Fehr uary 27th a fine young laugh- 1 ter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. CharlesarKerr. The funeral of the late lrs..Wm. Long, sr., last Thursday was aftended by a large number of sympathizing friends and neighbors. Mrs. Long had been an active member of Zion Methodist church for a number of years. Last week the friends of Zion N. Methodist church presented Pte. Wm. Mitchell with a token of appreciation and a written address on the eve of hisde- parture overseas Councillors L. B. Snyder and A. Fisher attended the reception to Pte. Berry given in the township hail last Friday evening. A good program was rendered, after which a social time was enjoyed. t Miss Lilian;Dllhngham gives a varied program of songs, recitations and stories gleaned from four extended visits to France. where she entertained the soldiers. Hear her at Knox church March 21st. \ THE GODERICH MARKETS. TN/lomat March 14. WIIIat. Dee bush. .... ... s 5.111 CO (lets, torr b„•h ... ..... .si to Parley, per both 1.25 s per bush ..tL5 to Rumkteheer, per hob . .. '1.53 to •lour, lentils. perewt .. 141 to Flom, onus d, per cwt 4.7.5 to Men porton Men to Shore, per tot ... 11 .11 to Hey. per Inc 9.00 to !t.rew. WHO.. (tartan '.,41 to Weal, per lord gill) to /Wry Ratter, north U.18 to nmoor r• 'letter . .in to Fit., fresh, per dosr'. to P ex •,.,pet ho•tt1 In , e 1 ,1.. 1,,, tehere ohnine, per mit . 1 11 t0 I 'etch.'I,ntehere maltnm,per cwt sons to Mug.. -. weight. par mer. la .in to HMee. per Ib - .15 to 'anew, ow/deet, pee Ib .. 11/ W Younv • iiN Hipped. . ' 11.Yi toateepa .., 1.'e to Woolunwaehstper IA 7s to wa.Y1 per lb.. . l\ Ai t1 HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Says - Cream -Applied to Nott Opens Air Passages Right Up. Instant relief -no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right tip; the air passages of vour head clear and you eaa breathe freely. No more hawking, snuf- fling, blowing, headache, dryness No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears Get • small bottle of Ely's Cress' Rahn from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic. healing cream in your nostrils It pea- etrates through every air passage of the head, soothe, the inflamed or swollen) mucous membrane and relief comes aa- stapsly. s just fine. nen'[ stay stuffed -up w► a cold or pasty catarrh. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY :THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHI(' 160 Uaexcel d Diaiag Car Service Bleeping ears Ott night trains and parlor tar% on peineilasl day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn Ing, District Passenger Agent, To- ronto, Ont. P. F. i.AWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone 8 Read This We r'rceiye hundreds of testimonials and ninety tit of them show that after a short treat- ment with NUJOL, the user have - been relieved of Constipation and no longer need to take. anything. Why ? Because NUJOL simply assists natural move- ments and allows the bowels to return to their normal healthy condition. It is absolutely harmless. sI t inay do tlt(• same for you. Try it. Manufactured by STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) BAYOatiNE NEW JERSEY NODE 18 NRVE1 SOLD 171 SULg If your druggist hasn't NUJOL, send $1.00 for pint bottle to CsnaAten Srlllet Aron CHARLES GYDE & SON Fn. Sm 57S, Montreal J. A. Campbell H. C. Dunlop E. R. Wigle J. H. Louder r