The Signal, 1918-3-7, Page 5THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO 'fill !.,1.N1. \I ^., I - 1')I`• r, Storage Batteries Repaired, Overhauled and Charged. Owned and Operated by a East Street Garage " Practical Maui' GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover That matt is pperterous to a fault who LOCAL TOPICS ` never corrects it. • Laziness isn't exactly a crime, but d is the next thing to ft. -- — lz, Reductions and Alterations in Passenger Train Service Sunday, February 24, 1918 1•.0 t i, „,... Iroui any t anadisu l'a. In, 'locket' Agent, or W. B. lloWAltn, 101.111, t 1'as•a•uger Agent, Toronto. CANADIAN 11a/N.C. I r'IC A Beautiful Piece of Work. The address presented by the Co llegiat'e Institute trustee board to Ur Strang, handsomely illuminated by Mr. J. A. Frasier: is on view in the window of Smith's Art Store. It is a beautiful piece of work. Engagement Extraordinary. A musical event of the first importance is announced, in the engagement of Isolde Menges, the famous English violinist. for one evening at Victoria Opera House,Mon- day. March IR. Miss Menges has a rep- utation on both sides of the ocean, her London and Continental triumphs having been repeated in New York and other American cities. Her appearance here will be a rare opportunity for lovers of music. ITbe seat plan will be at Edwards' restaur- THE HOTEL BEDFORD Thursday, March 14th DORENWEND'S Display of ARTISTIC HAIR GOODS should he seen by every man and Altman who would keep at- tractive and y.aithful. Ladies who have not suffi- cient hair to do ,ast:ce to their appearance and (:ENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALD are in- vited to haze a FREE D -M)NSTRATION of the style that ail! answer their needs. LADIES: Switches. Braids, Transformations, Pompadours. Wass and many other hair -goods creations of the finest quality hair. GENTLEMEN'S Hygienic Toupees ase Wigs which are indetectible, feather- weight and are worn by over a quarter- m'Ilion people. A benefit to the health and appearance. REMEMBER THE DATE OF ViSiT THURSDAY, MARCH 14th \ DORENWEND'S Head Office :-105 LONGE ST. (TORONTO) _____ ant from Thursday. 1401 Inst. !of Lieut. Canter. Miss Alive O'Rielly, of 1 a grant for the rescue hone and maternity- Will aternityWill Address Meetings. Chicago. attended her sister as brides- hospital at London wars sent to the finance Mr. A. A. Power.. of Orono. is to ad- rnaid, wearing a pretty military suit of committee. dress a series ofbliiinhis I tan serge. with hat to match., The groom,A communiciatiop from the Ontario lwc meetings twas aa7usted by his brother. Mr. Edward Government Fisheries Sale. Department district in the Interests of the l' es ' Ganter, of Detroit. After a sumptuous asked that the council name a sufficient' Farmers Cooperative Co. The plaa ces wedding breakfast at the home of the number of fish dealers to handle the sup - and dates are: lanes and Kingsbridge, bride's aunt, Mrs. Thomas Lannon. the ply of Government fish for this town and sup - March h 7; Nile.'4th; Benmiller, Nth; Port happy couple left for a brief honeymoon to guarantee the accounts of they dealers to Attica. N. 1'., the groom's former with the Government. Referred to hone. and other eastern points. followed special committee.' by a chorus of good wishes from the Councillor Robertson gave notice that many friends of the bride anti groom. The he would move at the next meeting for an bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. independent valuation of the property Michael O'Rielly of Kingsbridge. within the town for assessment purixnes. The tire conrntittee recommended the Blackstone's dancing class every Tuss purchase of :100 feet. of Keystone brand of day evening at Mastitic T.•ma'e, so tins k hose from the Consolidated Rubber Co. at Orchestra. $1.25 per loot and of certain articles for the tire brigade. The c mmittee approved REV. O. C. ELLIOTT the appointment by the fire brigade of — -- William Thompson as chief, Adam Special Evangelistic Services at the Bap• Thump -inn as first lieutenant, Con. tist Churcb Will Be Cantinued. ton as ttecond lieutenant, Goderich is hie*, ^privtleg d in having d S. G. !McKay as secretary-treas- Rev. O. C. Elliott to conduct evangelistic 'urrr. Having been unable to secure services in the town. B ginning last Sun - anyone to replace Mr. George day. Mr. Elliott has preached each eve- Beacom as teamster for the Itre depart ming in the Baptist church. The Chris- ment.the committee recommended that anan extension tension of time be asked for under the Military Service Act. The • public works e..mmitt"• I. -com- mended that eighteen catchba,in covers arta twelve :Ido s'alk polates be ordered. The commitke had delivered Sime 200 quarter -cord lots of wood and found there would be shot. 100 quarter -cord Tots still to sell. and recommended that the wood -be now sold in lots oft two or three quarter -cords. The remaining small limb:, brush. etc„ on the wood -lot are to be siild in acre sections. These repots; and also one from the 'finance committee dealing with a nuSti)er of accounts, were adopted by Albert and Goderich township. lith: Auburn and Belgrave, 12th. Afternoon meetings will commence at 2 o'clock and evening meetings at S. Judgment for Corporation. In the action of McLennan vs. the town of Seaforth, in which the plaintiff sought damages on account of ao open drain adjacent to his premises, Judge [h -kaon has given judgment for the de- fendant. The judgment carriesposts if the defendant asks for them, but His Honor suggests in his judgment that this is a case in which the corporation might very well forego costs. Huron Canning & Evaporating Co. The Signal is asked to make some corrections in the statement of the Huron Canning at Evaporating Co. as published in connection with the Board of Trade tian people who attend are wonderfully resiort last week. Instead of ,2,000 cases, blessed by the exposition of tens Word by it should have read that the Company the preacher. and those who have never had put up 200.000 cases of canned fruits confessed Christ are deeply convicted by and vegetables; and the wages paid dur- the bold. logical and simile message of ing the past year amounted to between the Gospel. 5.10,000 and 171)000 . instead of between The services will continue until the end $6,000 and 57.000 as published). of next weak, closing possibly on Sunday, March 17th. Those who have not heard Successful Entertainment. the.evangelist ought to avail themselves The entertainment *given by the young of the opportunity as early .and as fre- people in the Salvation Army citadel on quently as possible. The only cure tor btonday evening of last week was re- this world's woes is the Gospel of Jesus pealed successfully on Friday evening. Christ, which Mr. Elliott explains so There was a good attendance and those simply and sweetly at each meetihg. Re- present felt well repaid by the excellent member the Sunday srrvict•s and also the co,urxil program. Mr. G. M. Elliott presided and week -night servicefi, which commence at Coutcillw Story reported orally that after a few suitable remarks called for the 7.45 with a rousing song -seri -we conducted the market scales had been tested and different numbers on she program. which. bv the pastor of the church. Rev. Gordon was ehad sfacsted judging from the applause. were much en- M. Holmes. A cordial welcome awaits everythingtounca. workingt regardingctorl.the toyed. In addition to the tableaux, all who attend. 'Counts or Davis inquired of eThe col - there were AU,a given on ialspecial request, collectiMusicale. lector was not present. but Mayor Wigle• there and vocal solos, dialogues rectus- said $3,000 had h •en collected: tions en cgs amounted The proceeds of the A Alexandra a Hoslepital will in given inlaid Deputy Reeve Clark inquired if it were two evenings amounted to 533.69. of Alexandra Hospital Thomson's the intention to ask Gra beer Hydro Robinette Will Defend McCracken. music store on Thursday. March 14th. rate,much more power being used now. The defence of James McCracken, from 4 to 5:30 er,p.m..1. under the auspices of His Vorship replied that Sir Adam Beck Ahmeek Chapter, 1. O. D.'E. Admission had stated at a recent meeting that a the kiniMorris township farmer charged,with • Program ; general reduction of rates was under con- templation. killing of his wife in July last, will be Piano Duet -Misses 1Vadcombe and templatton. in the hands of Mr. T. C. Robinette, Jackson ; There was some, discussion as to the K. C.. of Toronto, at the second trial, to llistruri Waltz— Victr)lal—Sy 'John be held next week. Mr. W. Proudfoot.• tapping of mapletrees on the streets, and Smith Orchestra ; the plan suggested was that any citizen K. C., who defended last. at the Male Quartette—Messrs.. Taylor. Sex wishing to tap the trees in front of his former trial in November last, when the �,th, Saunders a d rhoimscn jury disagreed. k engaged in his Parlia- Violin Solo—Miss Grace Seager : own place should apply to the chairman m ntary Mies at Toronto. The Crown Carry Me Back to Old Virgins- I Victrola) of publ c works or to the "street inspector �prosecutor will be Mr. T. R. Ferguson, —bv Alma Gluck ; for permission to d) so. K. C.. of Toronto, ad acted in the same \tale Quartette Messrs. Taylor, Sec On the suggestion of the Mayor, itJras capacity at the for r trial. The court smith Saunders and Thomson ; decided that an honer roll sttquld bepre- opens on next, before Mr. smith pared containing the names of all from Justice Masten. Sen enc p this town who have enlisted for war ser - docket for this rt. vice - His Worship also called attention to -the YOUR HAPPY FAMILY might be I n•..ken tip tiniion'w. In theme war -stirred tltllem. hiish.uld. and sons are being eallesl to the "defetter- of their enuntry. Wives and daughters are taking men's !dares. Separations are frequent. Don't fail in have PHOT(Kllt.1PHS mwle.her•e-to exchange with your family and friends. J. T. FELL XXXXXXX=XXXXXXXMCXXXXNX Men's Wool Underwear Boys' Sweater Coats $1.25 Made from Nova Scotia yarn, elastic -knit, all sizes, a regular 81.50 garment, for $1.09 Men's Mackinaw Socks n Ila, orals , 10, , 1. sir 69c Boys' Overalls Striped and bine, with bib, sizes 5 to 10 69c M. ROBINS ()PEN EVENINGS South Side Square XXXX lrsrlti>ntsAof1s1l1tulleotrlsrliaAolO ODC There are only wo civil cases on the 'i Solo—Miss Grace Seager ; ir--IVictrola —played by l'ilzer The Trumpeter—) 'ictrola) — Sung by John Nlccormack. tussock moth peril and asked the chair - Huron Fruit rovers. man of the parks committee to work out The annu meeting of the Huron In strong' contrast was the whole- a'lan for dealing with the pest. Fruit Grow s' .Association aa-, held on hearted work of Miss Dillingham. whose Bylaw No. S was put through all it; Wednesda at Mr. D. F. Hamlink's of- picturing of the delirium of Minnehaha readings and adopted. It provides that fice. T e was a very good attendance and her last agonized cry for her spouse it shall be lawful for the street Inspector and an interesting discussion took place on was full of tragic power. Similarly sin- or other proper officer of the corporation the matter of caring for the orchards and sere was her gngtng of the lament of old to remove or cause to be removed any the packing of apples. Although the last . Nokomis- The lighter and more cheer- tree on the street or other public place c- 1 fol descriptive solos in the third part upon a resolution of the council declaring 1 I'llritt, >i Protifabie Duty It Is nut what you earn IDA what you save that counts. And remen.- ber, too, tight it is (' little use to pare down expenses if the money . saved is not put to work. As a persc-nal and patriotic. duty, save every dollar you can, and let It earn Interest In a Savings account. Go(Jerich Branch—F. WOOLLCO MBE, Manager+ two years the apple crop has ,..a tically a failure in this section. those press Miss Dillingham sang with brt;leant vocals- that such removal is a necessary public ent were not discouraged inany way and sation, and proved herself a sincere and improvement. intend putting forth their best efforts in , worthy artiste receiving a tremens This concluded the business before the dour ovation.—The Star Guernsey 1. council continuing the care of the orchards, in spraying and cultivating. although the serious shortage of labor may be a handi- cap. The following directors were etected: J. W. Salkeld. H. K. Revell, J. B. Orr, Wilfred Elliott and Robert Andrews: audi- tors, Geo. Salkeld and Geo. Andrews. After the general meeting adjourned the directors met and selected the follow- ing officers: J. W. Salkeld. president; J. B. Orr, vice-president, and D. F. Ham - link, secretary and treasurer. Weddings. A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O - C. McLeod, Trafalgar street, on Friday, February 22, when their daughter, Gladys Irene, was united in marriage to Mr. Arthur Norman Brinn, of Toronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. C. McDermid. The bride, who was given away by her fat her. was unattend- ed, and was dressed in a brown velour suit. with a brown velvet hat, and ermine furs. On Saturday the bride and groom left for Toronto, where they will make their home. On Saturday afternoon. March 2, at Knox church manse, Rev. R. C. Mc- Dermid performed the marriage cere- mony uniting Miss Jess e A. McMillan and Mr. James E. Olver, both of Port Albert. The happy couple left on the 2.30 G. T. R. the same afternoon on a honeymoon trip. canter—O'N iel ly. St. Vincent's church. Detroit, \Itch.. was she scene of a very pretty military wed- ding ius on Tuesday morning, February l2th. when Miss Ethel Marie ('Rielly became the bride of Lieut. James Ganter, formerly' of Detroit. now stationed at Camp Cus- ter. Rev. Father Chawke performed the ceremony. The bride was becomingly at- tired in a pretty travelling suit of sand - color Jersey cloth, and wore a hat to Imatch of georgette crepe and French flowers. Her corsage bouquet was of bridal roses and small orchids. She wore a beautiful d.amond wrist -watch. the gift The Saults Coal Co. 8uoce'-or to U.ir.m•.Kt. & 1.1.11 .11 1 XCl,ltin•E AGENTS FOR LEHIaii VALLEY THE COAL THAT SATISFIES \Ve deal in Hard and Soft Coal, ,itne, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, maple and ,Hemlock S1a. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OI'rirg PHONE - - - - 75 B. ) . Saults' Residence 275 W. \V Saults' Residence 202 Saltford Red cross. OBITUARY. The following is tfgpro$'k done by the -- Saltford Red Cross Society for the month CLOW. —On Thursday afternoon. Feb - ending February 1i: 125 pairs of socks ruary 14th, there was laid to rest by and o3 trench shirts.Sorrowing friends jn \Iaitlandbank ceme- Socks—Mrs, Boron, Dolly Bowra, 1.; tery. Seaforth, the body of Maria Hannah pairs; Mrs. J. Walter. x pairs; Mrs. Mc- Clow. Mrs. Clow was born in the town Ladd Annie Buchanan. Mrs Connell. of Elizabethtown. in Leeds county, ei pairs: Mrs. Murphy. Mrs. J. Bisset, Nlin the year 15-3M. She was one of the Mrs. Gliddon, Mrs. Goldthorpe, rs fourteen children} of Samuel and Elizaheth Correll. 4 pairs; Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Lip Hannah, seven of whom are left to net, Mary Nforris. Mrs. Baxter, Mrs. Mc- mourn) her loss. Those survivinf Manus,Annie Bisset. Mrs. S; Bisset, are: Miss Elizabeth Hannah, of Winnipeg, Ida Vanstone, Tars. C. Durnin. 3 ppaairs: _David o[ Meadville. Pa:; Mrs. Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs.-ViacEwan.—Niles Anna Dickso n. of SeaG)r h; Hiram Kuntz, Mrs.J. McLean. Mrs.R. Wal- ymyah of Waskada, %Ian.; Sidney ter, Mary Baxter, Margaret Bisset, Hahnah, a'so of Manitoba; Mrs. tda- Mrs. G. Bisset. Jessie Green. line Lowrie. of Santa Rosa, 2 pairs: Mrs. J. Graham. Mary Cal.; Mrs. - Matthew Bates, Goderich. Curren, Annie Baxter. Maria Mom!p�aair he deceased was married to HClowiram Clow Trench shirts—Edith McManus, stair " in the year Iwki.and moved to Lynn, Out., sie Green, 2 each; Mrs. Connell, Mrs. then later to Leadbury, (hut. Six children Morris. Mrs. McNeil, Mary Baxter. 1 each were born to this union,.. live 01 whom The following officers were elected for lived to grow to manhood and woman - the new year: President. Mrs. A. J. hood. The living children are Mrs. Anna Goldth,rpr: vice-president, Mrs. Jas. 'rousley. of \lissouls. Mont.; Mrs. Charley Adams: secretary, Mrs. C. McNeil;Beherns, of liawlf, Alta.; Nfr;. Lilla Wold, treasurer, Mrs. J. Bisset. of Seattle, Wash.: \Ir. David Samuel Clow aiwI Mrs. Amanda Jean Mart's n, of On 'Thursday, March 14th, , Winona. Minn., with ohm the m•xher made her home and where she died. Dorenwena's of Toronto (Canada's creat- There also survive seven grandchildre est hair goods storesr invite you to see Mr. Clow died four months p recedi•n their display of tine hair goods at the - the year lss:r the (amity moved Vin - Hotel Bedford. I (ma. \hon.. and have since re there. Switches. pompadours. transformati•)ns. The deceased, though havin• isited her home self -dressing waves. etc.. for ladies and old in Canada four • ars ago, -had toupees and wigs for gentlemen who are been in delicate health or some eight or bald. There is no charge for demonstra- I ten years. On F ruary 1st she watt tion. suddenty taken i , pneumonia dev •taped and the fatal came. in spite OF tender THE TOWN COUNCIIL. care, on F ruary 9th. The remains were ac ' panied t.i the old- home by two Claims for Damages --Councillor Robert- dau • ers and' laid to rest beside the son Will Move for New Valuation. er of the dis'e'ased. The funeral rvice was held at the home of \Ir. and The regular meeting of the town c. Mrs. Andrew Sutherland, of Seaforth, cil was held on Friday evening. a the Mrs. Sutherland being a niece of the d.• - members being present except C. • cillor ceased.' Cooke. A communication from Ore Proud(oot law firm called attention -fa the claim of Miss McIntosh, submitted to the council some time ago. for injuries caused by her falling over a wire stretched between the fence and a tree at the junction of Church and Colborne streets. in order to keep the claim alive, a writ was issued Febru- ary 27th and served on the town Clerk. The civic authorities say there is a ques- tion as to whether Miss \lclntosh was on the street or on the property opf Mr. Geo. Porter, and if the case is prosecuted Mr Porter will he brought into it. Mayor Wigle said he disliked litigation, and every effort should be made to keep the case out of court. The Reeve. the 1)eputy Reeve and the Mayor were con- stituted a committee to negotiate for a settlement. in a letter from Mrs. Wm. Bates com- plaint was made of having been struck by a bray playing hockey on the sidewalk, her glasses broken and her face cut. She thought she was entitled to some com- pensation. The matter was referred to the special committee. The Hydroelectric Railway Association submitted a resolution asking for the ap- pointment of Mr. J. W. Lyon. of (;telph, to the Senate as a representative of the Hydro interests. The Mayor thought Sir Adam Beek would he the proper appoin- tee. Councillor Davis quietly suggested that the matter was one with which there was no necessity for the council to deal, and the communication was filed. A request from the Salvation Army for SEE SAVAGE and- SEE BETTER .lst • verviee—the best we can possibly give you. .lust one Al hitiontest snprnse this service whenever we eau. .1 ust one eon'P.lnenee—nn effic- iency in glasses not PI/4,11111.1V attainable. We grind Our men Lenses. '"e.r AV` FIST' G' Sir�` ��AND M0! 114.9 QP OPTICIAN main Al illi rest nntcs Avow /MI GUELPH. Ow,. mitations of Do dd's 1a.lney rills are leg' . The hoe is imitated, the outside coating and shape of the pills are imitated and the name --n otters Kidney Pills is imitated. imitation. are dangerous The original is safe. Dndal's Kidney Pak have a reputation. imita- tors have none or they wouldn't imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Do not he deceived. There is only one iX)nn's. Drdd's is the original. Dodds is the name to he care- ful Liam l A MAN MUST HAVE HIS CLOTHES Ir,th •.'iufortable- anod\well appearing. If a mai k ows hi. clothe+ do int look right he won't he comfortable..totsl if the} aren't Wmfa-tahlc 1,.' doesn't care whet her.Elhcy Kook right or not. We alio to pin ..did comfort and good hpp'araoo' into every star - melt ale turn out. t..•t us remind. you that now is the best time to get y..nr -• new spring - it and overcoat. R. J. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South :lade Square, (:o.l.•rieh. For Gond Reliable Shce Repairs, try Smith & Ring 30 East Street. Orre.It Kr,. Ci.•, h' Gice Us a Trial -A Good Business Education is Our of lint I,•,ct asset. a y'oo,,{; mail er 80111511 v/111 have nowwlays- 114)w often as atan gr..ws 111 years hu %lishes 1u• hw take,, the .q.pou .rt.ty of his Notingr days to ohtauo a 11ainit(g in bus us' methods, h..ok- kreping. hgikin`.•g..•1.:. • -a wait 5 t waste. our Iw•st' ly••artt, t• I ig clan. ',nnut,\ 8.1111811, 81111.46 taking adcantag.*44 the i>fq.ort'may - presented ht cul' r.. BI)0KKEEP1 11, S'I'I:N0(;.RAPI V, rl•:N \t ANSHIP, sECKET.A KI AL 1 .i 1 WV rat .tii.1.-ot- 1. r7,1..sitWit au wench they eau • •.+..I, oust salari.•s. ttuudents m y -enter any time. - iOta> •r. twin w1. (,irk , +� School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO o -o -o -o -s KIDNEY PILLS B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., PndoNr: _'ns Prillld�p IGL During convalescence. - and when appetite Zags WRIGLEYS brings to -the hot, dry mouth freshness and a soothing balm that coaxes back the enthusiasm of health. Thousands of soldiers in Europe have cause to than:; Wrigley's for its tonic effect. The Flavour Lasts 95 Keep Four tighter supplied MADE IN CANADA r , r,.,.. 'Y /las )r , 4