The Signal, 1918-3-7, Page 3NIONTIStitrasiw:�.lA.liii,,. HE RUSSIANS SIGN PEACE IND ONLY GENUINE BEW.AR8 OV DMA - TIONS SOLD ON THB MBItITB Ob IINI�'S UNIIENI w MEDICAL 11. 0BU. H16ILEMANN, OEITKO PATH. -p-'-'4-. te warms .ad obi ansial darreae, acute. 3hrocc .od aereoa.die Miler oar, were .rid tamest, partial deaf .. lumbago and rbortmallo oowditbsa Ade - eras reuses', without the knife. Ogles at smidauee, curter N.l.ee .sd SL A.dtew'. btwta At bore oNoe Mondays. Thus -rays wad Saturdays: any mein, by appptattn•ui. DENTISTRY H. U. MeiDONELL-IHINUR tiiraduate luronto 1/Latently. Graduate eg•a%dt•ge of Doidel Surasun.. auoo.ror to the late Major dale, Mow rnerdeem" ane%5e.t.urtet,U(r osich. AUCTIONEER HOMAR GUN DRY AU CTIUN ESR, tam X. eeddrich. Altura actions by rail or ITR as Maud seise will be priptt) .t ..d.0 to. Ruidescv wkphou. 1111 - wo LEGAL R. U. HAYS 11.SARRIOT11. SOLI( %TOR. NOTARY PUBLIC. LT(,. mos-agrllog Bank Block. fiamlltos Cron. ostrich. Telephone tar - feral /irate 1,osos and boo awes, -- PROUDFU(Yr, KILLORAN & COOKII; i8sRkl8TYlta. SULICITURS, NIYIARUkS PUBLIC, 111. (ries a the boyar*. mord dor trots liar IiU u .uca, 'suntan. Irnvaa. 151... to limo a: Wart rate. W. f'.rocasuot, K.C. .1. L. hluoa.s R. J. D. Cuoa 16 G. CAMERON. K. C. BARRIS �1. TLK, arbiter, rotary ppubi�ts. (Mose ..r1Y0e Ismer. Uaderleh. Mir door fru pt Lb.Wa'lltur.dsy 01 each week h, or Albert cense occupied by lar. V beans. ■.m. too p.m. HARLEM GA RROW, LL.B., BAR- ' 1a161eat, attu.ney, aYladterr, ria. Uod.- ..•k. 1ro1.1.1 lit .414 r tuar.1 rates ▪ 1 bliAUER, BAIlRISTER, SOL - • a inter, Ninety Palate ted Losveeyyatr..o. 'Poo -burl Huu..e Uudench. tartar INSURANCE LOANS, ETC. U cklLI GP MUTUAL FIRE IN 91 OVRANC■ CO.-Iarm '•.sod i.olated Lawn property metered. taloses -J... (esnolly, Pres.. Oedercb N.O.; ape, V1 -Pte.. Beecham ., P. U.; tttoet..K. Hay 8.c. -Trate-, Seat- P. u. Ltr.etore-U. t Jtoli urs ; Jobu Grieve, V tthtop; W iamRloa *be Hennes tit 1 Ho rbeldame. ; Uoo. '2/aioOlr. Y.lw ea. bescs6a a. yAaaut.: J. W. Yeo. Ica ; Alex. idlel. Clinton ; W WLr C . , S•sfertb , B. b mobility. b..tarth• Polly- eau p•> reee-veru end Net tbstr • res tilted a. K. J. Morrio/es Clothing Ston. Intuit, It i., toll's (, r csry, fllnr.Mos tsodarlob, a 1. H. )'cad's OeoeralStore. Bay rid. 0,000 U ii PRIVATE FUNDS TO PRIVATE amity to M. U. CAM- aBarrl.ter Hsmltoo strait, 0ed.rlob. MUSIC. 1 J. W. TAYLOR, ORGANIST ).nd Choirmaster or it hot church. Teacher Plano. Vocal and theory t'upsl. prequel ( :onset rata r es.m to■t woe. let udlo-corner B•lisu nig road and : outh sliest, Tel.pho.. he. 2"23. Aa- ISABEL R. seen'. TISACHER OF Voice. Waco and Orman. Peplls prepared row Corwrrvatorr8� e'catolaallar.. Appry at MR. P. W. CUKR1k. S. Ilrttauhla road. . ammallema Brophe3 Bros. OODERICH 1 Pe Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Order's oarvtnlly attended to at. all hours. night or day. eigegMearreHeaearesearee TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING 1jrs1rr Hair! Oat a small bottle et Oenderine right now -Also stops Itching sale. Then, brittle, colorless and Sampo lair de 'nada midges d • n�eeud ail) c dasdr*Q--tet awful send. 1. aothi1eug� so destructive to NM hair as dandraT It robs the lair eel fits lustre, Its strength and its very Ills; eseateaDy producing a f(wertsh- nam and Met her of alta seal widish if met remedied c.*.es the hair roots to &risk keen sad 11.--4lee the hair fns oat last A little Deodorise tea t-+.orp-..a y time -will merely gave year heir. Get • mall settle .1 Reswhoe'a Vaedseiaa from risky drug doss, Yoe drily me have beautiful bair old lets •d it Byae will just try • 11161e Dee. D.rlas, OM your heist Try, int a Were Forced to Accept Terms of Germany. Turkey want Itesel,M ;arp alio* of Find 'ekes Preen Coagaered Na. ' aloe, Met the Victorious Mardi of the Testes. oe Petsogrd Will Probably Coos to an Ed. LONDON. Marek 6.- The peace treaty between Germany and Russia has been signed.a ' r "By ream. of the slgalag ,pf the piece treaty with Russia," ssys the tercel eommutleatien tress German headquarters last slight, "military movements In Grsal Russia have The Russian delegation at Brest - Litovsk smarted all Gerniaa peace eendIUoss without discussing the seateats Of the treaty, although they were aware that the demands bad been l.ereaaed secordiig to a tele- gram sent by them from Brest - Litovsk to the Smiley Institute at Petrograd. The message, which was addressed to Premier Lenlne and Foreign Minister Trotsky, follows: "As we anticipated, deliberations ea a treaty of peace are absolutely useless and could only make things worse in comparison with the tBIU- matum of February 21. They might even assume ape character of leading to the presentation of another ulti- matum. "I view of this fact and In con- sequence of the German refusal to cease military action until peace is signed, we have resolved to sign the treaty without discussing Its con- tents and leave atter we have attach- ed our signatures. We therefore have requested a train, ezpecUng to sign to -day sad leave afterwards. "The most serious feature of the new demands compared with those of Feb. 21 is the following! "To detach the regions of Kara - band, Kars and Batoum from Rus- sian territory on the pretest of the right of peoples to self-determina- Uoo. " The Teutonic advance Into the Ck- ralae, under the German commander. Oea. von Linsingen, bas been one of considerable rapidity, the new inva- sion having been begun on Feb. 18th, the distance of approximately 200 miles to Kiev from the former Ger- man front, having thus been rover -Nil In but •IIttle more than ten days. There Is small evidence of resistance to the German progress, however, al- though - the Bolabevikl threatened a determined fight for the retention of Elev. in the Interval between the break - Ing up of the first Brest -Litovsk meeting and 'the one held late last week, the Central Powers added ma- terially to the demands which were outlined when the now famous "Hoffman line" was drawn by the commander of the German forces on the eastern front. Turkey was the beneficiary of time eriar.ge■ In the peace terms. The new demands Included that Rus- sia relinquish the regions of Batoum, Kars and Karaband (Karabagh) to the Turks. These regions are in Transcaucasia and mark a consider- ab1. addition to tbe Sultan's domin- ions IR that section of the world. Tbe doctrine of the rlgbt of peoples to self determination was the pretext epos which the new terms were add- ed to the treaty. It Is probable that the Bolsbevikl delegation acceded to the sew demands. At a eotference oK the Social Revo- lutionaries of the Lett a resolution was adopted refecting "the condi- tions of peace which have bees ac- cepted by a weak majority of the Central Executive Committee," and calling on else proletariat to "defend the Russian and international revo- lution against reptadees Germah Imperialists." The Teutonic campaign against the Bolshetlki In the Ukraine still goes on. Klee, the Ukrainian capital, has been occupied. The German War Ofilee announced the "liberation" of Kiev, toward which German forces have been advanctmgt, ostensibly at the request of the Ukrainian rada with which the Central Powers con- cluded a separate peace for the Uk- raine last month. Klev has been In Bolshevik( possession for some elm( the Bolehevlki having ousted the Ukrainians on Feb. 8th after a pitch- ed battle In which the total casual • - Ues were reported to have been 4,000 killed and 7,000 wounded, "Five dollars " answered the girl, with- out any visible evidence of conscientious pangs. "Lam," thoughtfully returned the vic- tim. glancing from the cho•-olate's to the girl. "aren't you a little dear :'" "Well, " mvl' rejoined the raffia, "that's what all the lxryt say." BELFAST. March 6. -Lawlessness has simmered down in County Clare since troops.. with machine guns ar- rived there. Sir Bryan Mahon, commander-In- ditet In Ireland, had a conference with the military at Ennis Saturday. Tbe brigadier -general commanding the troops In Clare. has issued stringent orders prohibiting drttling, wearing of uniform at public assem- blies, and all processions. Censorship over both written and misted matter begs■ to -day. Some minor outrages are reported against Protestagt Unionist land- holders f■ Westminster and Kildare. Special precautions are being tak- en at Dublin against Sinn Fein inter- ference wtih shipments of live stock to England, while Ulater people 1■ g.aeral are very Indignant at releas- ed southern Sinn Fro -leers being do- miciled by the Government in that provisos. Tarts Resume Maseacres. 1 LONDON. March 6. -The Copes - lama torrespoodent of the Kxekaasis Telegraph Company says intormatloe has been received there to the effeet that Turkish soldiers have commit- ted see massacres la the district of Armenia, which has been deserted by the Roseau. Hjalmar Brantleg, oat- en' et the Soelal-Demakraten, has telegraphed two Garman Socialist /wpm to maks tettergetle repreeeeta- tless to the German Ooveremoet, tb• dsspltet adds. The Teed Beard Inas lured reds - latter tar retell Oaten et •arises kinds. THE Si(GNAL OM/ERICH, ONTARIO HUSBAND AND WIFE, ARE 00TH GRATEFUL. • John Holman Believes that Tanlac Has Saved, His Life. "1 had reached the point where I telt that nothing could ave me for this world much longer and, really, I don't believe 1 would be alive today if it hadn't been for Tanlac." said John Holman, of Itis( Chest- nut street. Toronto, recently. Mr. Hol- man, who is now sixty-three yt ars of age. has lived in Toronto all his lite and is a man of wide acquaintance and many friends. "lawo years ago or more." he continued. "I n;mrnenced suffering from stomach trouble and nervousness and going down hill. 1 had no desire for fond --p( spy kind, nothing seemed to have any taste or Rive me any nourishment and 1 was simply dwindling away to nothing. I suffered terribly from indigestion and my nerves were all to pieces. 1 haven't been able to strike a lick of work since last April. I was weak as a baby and actually \ didn't have strength enough to terry a small tkowerpot aaoss the room. I was so unstrung that 1 would have nervous tremors and shake all over like a leaf in the wind. Many a night 1 never closed my eyes for sleep at all and was 610 tired and weak during the alay that I could hardly drag around. I teas as white as a sheet and just a complete r.eryous and physical wreck. I tried all kinds of medicines but kept going down, until my hopes of getting well were all gone. "My wife begged me to try Tanlac and I began taking It under protest. laecause 1 didn't believe it would do me any good. But I soon found out Tanlac was different from other medicines 1 had taken and by the time my second bottle was gone',there was a great difference in my feelings` In fact. 1 was so 'encouraged by my wei ere ful improvement that 1 kept on takin it and it has certainly done - me a world Of t\ • My appetite is great and 1 can eau plenty of most anything 1 want without feeling a sign Of indigestion. My nerves are so much better that 1 can sleep good every night and am feeling stronger and batter than 1 have in a long time. 1 don't know just how much 1 have gained in weight, but 1 do know 1 am like a different man already and am still improving right along. If any man ever had reasop to praise Tanlac that man is me. and Mrs: Dolman and 1 both feel very grateful for shat it has done for me." 'I is sold in (ex(erich fir E. R. Wigle. in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, in 1Vingham by J. Walton N1cKibbon. in fiensall by A. M. E. Hemphill. in Blyth by 'White City Thug Store, in Wroxeter by J. N. Allen. in I.ondeshoro' by John 0. laundsberry. in Exeter by W. S. !hairy, in Brucefield by Peter Howey, in Dashw(xxl by Tiernan & F,dighofher, in Crediton by J. W. Orme. in Clinton by W. S. R. Holmes. in Sheppardton by J.H. Simpson. in (o rie by 11. V. Armstrong, and in Fordwich by 11. Sansom. ADVT. 0.„T+ We Have Ob V d That the man who thinks he lacks time generally lacks energy. That no amount of culture will make a fat man stop snoring in his sleep. That a fello s doesn't Brave to be a Marathon runner to be long-winded. That in the constant sifting of life men generally land about where they belong. That there are lots of m'_n with just enough knowledge to he nuisances. That a tamely face saves a woman from hearing a lot of rank nonsense. END STOMACH TROUBLE, , GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Diap.pstn" makes sick. sour, gamy stomachs surely feel Ane in Ave minutes: If what you just ate is souring on your stomach nr lies like a lump of lead. or you le•Ich :ma and eructate sour, undigested fond, nr bare a feeling of dissineen, heartburn, fullnesrf. nausea, bad taste in th and stomach -head - retie, p111 can get relief in five minutes by neutralising acidity. Put an end to such stomaeh distress now by getting a Imre,• fifty•cent can. of T'ape's Dispepsin from any drug store. You realize lam rite minutes how needless it is to suffer from indigestion• dyitp.•pyia or any stow - ab disnrder enured try food fermentation due to rce..- • .. • '•1 ;n stomach. Certainly! Some time ago a charming girl cattle to town to spend a week site a young wo- man friend. While there she was induced to take part in a war charity bazaal° and was given charge of the confectionery stall. Eventually a middle-aged man was led that way. "They tell me 1 must buy some choco- lates." smiled the victim, picking up a box from the stall. "How much is this :" DON'T YOU 4:b • KNO Ilse yes can soon get rid et the egeey et slapped hands by *stat Sm -Pik. Mrs Witham Metes.. el I6.11b.rtes, oft.. writes: - Meat wetter sty loads ware Perp badly gypped, I seed • let et lit- tenet ettont enealled remedies. bet my hods M1y Toast te get wens Melly i tried the greet MAGI lealer--11smatk-MISMI MaNsts ly healed theme Mn. M. A. ItatseeS. et scary Mat.. wrltos'-'I lam used Dern - Bel for cheeped bands, and know of nothing to equal its wonderful seething and beating powers" Tem - link le also unequalled far chilblains, frost bites. cold cracks, and cold sores: se well as eczema. scalp sores. old wounds. ulcers, l isod-pMsoslag. plies, lures sad maids, eats sad all skit 4.jurlsn (4a • bit • All druggists std steres, .v ••a -Pak Co.. Termite. A • THE M� S TORONTO MARKETS. TORONTO, March 5.-Tbe Board of Trade quotations for Saturday aro: Maalt•ba Wheat tin store, Fort Wil- liam. Includingiyac tan.) .No. r northern, $2.2316. No. 2 northern, *2,25',. rep:I No. t northern. 82.17 %. N•. 4 wheat $2.1e ,. Manit.ea Oats (In atom, Fart Winless.) N•. 2 C.W.. : 7%c. Extra No. 1 feed, 1.3!,c. No. 1 feed. a0'..c. American Cora (Track T•renM,) No. 3 >ellow-14On dried; $1.12. Ontario Oats (Acta/dins to Frelehes Outside.) No. 2 white -Flo to Ola No. 3 white -44c to Ole. Ontario Wheat (Oasis in Stere Menwor) No. 3 wittier. per car lot. 82.22. Peas (A inc to Freights Out•14e). No. 3-13.70 to 53.80. ar$.y (According t. Freights Outside,) .. Barley -Malting, 21.70. O h..t (AcceNing t. Freights Out- side). 8 wheat -11.76 to 51.80. Rya ccoMing t• Freights Outside), No. 2,\22 25. Manit.ba, Fur (Toronto, Now Sago.) • War qua ty, 511.10. Ontario Flour (Mo ntr.al. Prompt Ship. mint, New Sags). '(.War Quslity> 510.70 Montreal; 510.70 Toronto. . M111fe•d (Car 1-1t/ Montreal Fralghts, Saga Included). Bran, per ton. 135: .hortr, per ton, 241: Hay (Trick Toronto). No. 1, per ton. 217 to 515; mixed. 214 to 212. Straw (Track, Toronto). Car 101e. per ton. $8.50 to 29. . Farmers' Market. Fall wheal-Mlutng. 1- 14 per bushel. 'l:oos..hast-12 06 10 2x,10 per bus Barley -Malting, 51.70 per bush.L Uats-31,117 per bushel. Buckwheat -11.75 per bushel. Hay -Timothy, 120 to 223 per ton;inla- id and clover, 21 8 to 520 per ton. WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. ,. Winnipeg. kla ,1 4. -Thee largest al(ortaer of the het ter grade., of .aced oats in the .eaten. provinces u re- fle,\ted in the light orferines that are belts mane ou the loraI market from day to day. In addition to the seed cum .o.nli who la r s Ulu looking for L.ier eaantitlee. there in a very fair denim. both for codling and export purpose ',he ulume of trade on the local market small, and spreads on certain grade. are a little batter from Sat- urda1'a etre. The dempn9 for each barley was good. and spreads were unchanged. Of- tenrgs were excepnwnally light. The demand nes excellent for cash flax. and a few crus changed hands. Usti futures a sed lac higher for May and lie up for It. barley futures clos- ed 1'6c higher to • \fay. Flax closed :,c higher Our May and 1c higher for July. Winnipeg market: \ May. 34;ec to 95%e; Jul). 9316x• to 93-6, \ ,. Flax -May, 53.71 Io \t3 75: July, 23.70% to 23.71';. \\\ Cash prices: Oates-rt4. 2 (.'.W., 07!,c, No. 3 ('.W.. 54.c. exile No. 1 (end, 93y('; No, 1 feed, Iwo.; NO. 2 do., 165ec. Raele) -No. 3. 11 76,,,: o. 4, 11.71'; rejected, 51.14: feed, 31.12. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. .1 1'. [sicken & Co report the following rice. on the l'hao.gn Roars; of 'Crude: Pray. Op n High. Lrw. (loan. (7ooe, Coell- May .... 12' 1273; Mar. .... 12732 • • Oats - )lay .... 67% 48 M.ar. ... 113% ' 'Met Pork- May. 'o rk- May47.65 Lard-- May ... 34.07 July . 26.40 Ribs -- May .... 25.17 July .... 25.57 127 127%, 177 ... 127% 127% 1.95 59 ssy !'Hr 18.50 17.36 18.20 48.71 26.2.1 26.00 26.15 26.07 26.4e 26.37 26.37 26.10 2t5, 25.12 25.20 25 21 ..i' 21.3. 35.37 21.67 CATTLE MARKETS UNION STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, March 5. -In the ear- ly part of the day trading at the Union Stock Yards yesterday was pretty slow and with a heavy run, 3296 head all told, the outlook for an early clean up was not very pro- mising, and as a matter of fact there were between 400 and 500 cattle left over, but the prices did not react severely. EAST BUFFALO LiVE STOCK. East Ruffal., March 4.-(-attic-It,- mous. 2100 Strong: prime steer., $13.45 to f1). shipping steers, $l'i t. 81:. 50; but- chers 510 to 113: yearlings. 811 to 513.::.; heifers 5x l0 811.75: cows, 5 to 810.75; bulls. 27 to 811 50: stockers and feeder*. 87.50 to 19.10; fresh rows; and springers, 245 to 5111. Calves-Rer•etptot, 200. Steady: 17 to 517.50. Hogs -Receipt., 9600. Strong: heavy, 518 to 515.10. mixed ■ltd yorkera. 818.10 to 515.25; light yorkers and pigs. sib is 815.2:: roughs, 816.2225 to 516.40: stags, 113 to 811. Sheep and lambs -Receipts. 6INM. Strong: lamps, 813 to 815.10: yearlings, 512 to 51:.75: wethers. 113.23 t0 113.75; Mee. 87 to 513. mixed. 51:l to 813.23. CHICAGO LiVE STOCK. Cinema, Msreh 1. -Ca ttle-lteceiper 22,000. Market week Reeler 85.65 to 511.30; stockers and feeders, 87.60 te 011; cows( and heifers, 54.60 to 811.80; ealve, 06.75 to 811.21. Hoge- Receipts 53.000. Market un- set t ied Light.. 816.50 to 117: mixed. 811.15 In 816.93; heavy 815.70 to 816.60: rough. 515.7. to 515.20: pias. 112.3' to 816.10; bulk of melee. 816.30 to 516.80. Sheep-I(eceipt,' 15.000. Market firm Native, 810.35 to 013.45; lambs, native, 50 te 517.50 iltporLs Show Steady increase. WASHINGTON, March 6. - Ex- poru of grains and cereals to the allies showed a steady increase dur- Ing February, tbe Food Admitgfatr'a- tion sanouaced last night. Sbtp- meats In the first week of the month totalled 84.655 tons, .while those 11 the Mat week were 174,847 tone. The February total wee 663,4211 tons. Vado 1st 1■ Nelson. THE PAS, Man., March 6. -la the deferred election in Nelson. Man., for the House of Commons, .1. A. Camp- bell, Dabonlst, was elected by ac- clamation, Diamond Output Grows. LONDON. Marsh 6. - A despatch from Jebann.sborg says that the South Afrlsaa dibmoed output last year totalled 1,142,416 carats, valv- ed at t1,711,s1S. Preach Leve Petrograd. PARiS, March 5. -- The Freseh Ambassador to Russia. Joseph J. B. E. Noulens, his embassy stag and the allied mimfoss have lett Petro- grad. etr♦grad. Durlag February the British cap- tured 312 German prisoners ea the Franco -Deletes treat, I THURSDAY, MARC% 7, tale ods *sla$$■nl■>I1*$$*$*$*$111111 RlIla$$$$101M1 1 11011 ** 1!•n t 'J,(w ,6 • niS..tro,M SItig .>;'r,c-. isn ,.+nS'. JW�> a%���.',, reTe. MILLAR uSON R x sIHasassaasasaaalMaaaasaaaaaaaINaaaaaaaaaaa The New Silks are Charming : IA Dame Fashion predicts that this will indeed be a Silk season. The richness -of the Silks I - a s never been excelled, either in plain colors or fancy Silks, which will be much in evidence. %RICH QUALITY DUCHESS SILK A l°iigh-grade Silk in a fine even weave, beautiful lustrous finish, will give excellent wear, 36 inches wide, all colors. $1.75 per yard. ;ill NOVELTY STRIPED TAFFETA SILK These, handsome striped Taffeja Silks are the very newest for suits, dresses and separate skirts, exceptional quality, .in- dividual lengths, no two alike, 36 inches wide. $2.95 per yard. The' -Popular Taffeta. Silks Our special Taffeta Silk for suits and dresses will give thorough satisfaction, all shades in stock, 36 inches wide. $2.25 per yard. Fashionable and Durable Jap Silks Natural Shantung SHks, which are much in demand, will wear and wash splendidly, 33 to 36 inches wide. At 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 per yard. White Habutai Silks 'ile Superior quality white Habutai Silk. For general utility wear this Silk is with- out an equal, 38 in es wide. $1.10 and $1.25 per yard. - CinavEva repe de Chine and Georgette Crepe Beautiful quality Silk Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepes fo)r dresses and waists, will give thorough wear and wash splendidly, all shades in stoke, 40 inches wide. $1.75 per yard. Women's Fashionable Silk Skirts :fircifi ' EraiN`"1� Just to hand a shipment of smart Silk Poplin Skirts in the newest style; in colors of black, navy, nigger and grey. Special $6.95 each. New Goods opened up this Week. r New Spring Coats New Serges New Broadcloths New Coatings New Curtains:. Carpets and Congoleums td 11K $ ■ or $ `a: ■ or or INNONI111SI111UNII1111IN1NNI11 NINI111.1111111111I111INININIUNIN1KN NNONIN111`111111NNIN IN $ $rryU S Y r THE LEADING PHONEr AND MAIL ORDER STORE, TRY . r mrNM4,' � -- i.kl�8`7•ey, 7Y;r ,.v .' l' 3i ^` JVlillar's V Scotch Store PHONE 56 LPHONE a OAM AIR BECOMES URN MIO OEAU11FIIL Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. a): Almost everyone knows that Sago Tea and Sulphur, property compound• ed. brings bark the natural color and !nitre to the hair when faded, streaked nr-gray Tears ago the only way to get Me mi or-gray,, was to make It at home, which in mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug More for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul - Moir Compound." You will get a Targe bottle of this old-tIme recipe improved by the addition of other Ingredients. t.l very little cost. Everybody used this preparation now, because no one ran pnss(hly tell that you darkened your hair: as tt does It so naturally andri venly. You dampen a sponge or soft rush With It and draw this throe. h your hair, taking one small strand at a time` by morning the gray hair disnppcat3. a3 1 after another ap- 'Moat :nn nr torn, 1,"Itr hair )emeries beautifully dark, thlek and g1o.'v and you look years \•nitric -k. Wyeth's Rice and Sulphur r'ompo,rnd to a rl"liehtful toilet re.nuislte. It i4 not lntended for the curb mitigation or prevention of disease. Make Huron -Bone Dry." Clinton. Feh. 2.1. -When the case against Wm. Mason. hotel -keeper at Blyth. was being argued at Clinton last week both Crown Attorney Seager and Bar- rister J.M. Best. of Seaforth, made special reference to the way the temperance laws were being enforced throughout Huron county. and congratulated the officers and the county temperance organization which has been actively assisting since the C. T. A. came into force. "it has been demon- strated very clearly," said Mr. Seager, "that the prohibition law can he enforced and that Huron county will be 'hone dry' in the very near future, and that thievery desirable position was being reached with- , out using fiarsh methods." While most of the former license -holders have been Observing the law there have been a few who will persist in "defying" public opinion and have no right to expect leniency from( the officers who are pledged to enforce the law. Nor are the former license -holders the only violators, as' was demonstrated last week at Hernial] when al prominent citizen undertook to treat him friends so generously that they were finally rounded up as "drunks." .t When He Volunteers. The Minister -Trust in God andikeep your powder dry. His hbtlnp# Mother -1 wonder 114/51 long before he 1I be a general. His Militant Fathet-Bully for him. His Pacifist Uncle -Dear me! Dear me! His Proud Aunt- He gets his brave sprit from our side of the family. His Little Brother -Gee! i wish I could go. His Little Sister -1 wish 1 had a drys like that uniform. \ His Chum -I hope he pays fife that live bucks before he goes. s His Best Girl - isn't he grand:' His Girl's ,Churn -Oh. you must me a military button for my collecti Their Next Door Neighbor -I sup they'll be more stuck uj) than ever now'. Drill Sergeant -Oh, Gawd! give t"E He Guessed He Hadn't. There is an amusing story going round the British grand that, just the kind al joke which Jack lar likes to give and take with-11is friends. It is quite seriously affirmed that alien an American squad- ron, consisting of the 1' •S. S. Delaware. New York and Wyoming. with destroyers and other craft, came up the Firth the British flagship signalled to them: "You are to anchor west of the Forth bridge.•" But the Americans passed under the bridge and sailed on. Shortly the British 'Admiral made anon her signal. • "We signalled rust now that you were to anchor west o1 ttx Forth bridge: why didn't you stop'" And the American flagship immediately signalled the reply. "Well. I goes, we have only passed one bridge as yet!"-i•.schange. MEN AND WOMEN TO EARN MORE „t. MONEY q The most powerful single inAnence in greater production. and conuequenIly to greater earning bower, is the energy of the worker, . To work his nr her hest, the worker must In in possession of perfect health. 5o many who Start the day's work with full vigor, tire as the day's work goys on and are forced to make frequent stops to relieve an aching back. This backache is not dile to the work, but to defective kidney action, and well disappear if treatment with Oin Pills is resorted to. We have a number of testimonials on ile from men who have had to give up work on account of backache, rhenrh,, • term, and the various ills that follow kpor Hide action. Gin Pills enxi t, l .hese pro a to resume steady work again, wi the vigor of youth and all tete happisese of unfettered activity. We win gladly wend a free trial of Gin Pills to all who fee) the need of this tested remedy, or we urge you to hey from your dealer on the strict Whirr - standing that your money will he returned by ns if in Pills fail to benefit rater particular case, accepting your wail on this neattet, Gin Pills are 50k. a hew or a hoses (or 62.60, Write for simple to Nstioeal Drug & Chemical Co. of Canaria, Limited, Tnrotito, or to the U.S.MiMretts, Na.Dru-Co Inc„ 21e2 Slain St., Buffalo, N.V. in • NOTICE Owing to the scarcity of Coal, and the fact that sales. have, of necessity, to be made in very small i quantities, we have found it absoluttily necessary to make a rule that ALL COAL BE PAID FOR ON DELIVERY ,..:.wa@f k • SS YY teasel' sip �w MacEwan Estate •N• Winter Footwear This season we are better prepared than ever to supply your wants for winter Foot- wear. Everything to keep your feet dry and warm. Shoes, Rub- bers and Overshoes of the best quality that are sure to give satis- faction and solid com- fort to the wearer. The prices are most reasonable. -REPAIRING- Geo. MacVicar North siile Sqnare, G(lderich f. Jrl