The Signal, 1918-3-7, Page 2F • no 2 TRUKSDAV, MARCH 7. 191S , ••: s'aesa•entet ir);,,f1f#0,41‘% THE SIGNAL - GODERICH. oNTARio Sionai . Vitt SIGNAL PRINTING CU., LTU. Peralasaltise THURSDAY, MARCH. 7, lele EDITORIAL P401 ES. Are you going to keep a pig. or dig a garden. this year ? Buying at home is Eood 4:0111111011 Sense. It helps o build up the town in which you live. instead of sotne other town or city in which you have no particular in- terest. Sir George Foster says Canada is to have a "daylight-saving:'..meaeure. Thus will one of His Honor Judge Lewis' pet projects of his Parliamentary days be given effect. The Globe prints a picture of Sir Fred- eric Stupart. the "weather man" of Canada. And he doesn't look like such a bad fellow as you might imagine from what he has been handing out to us this winter. ------- --- There seems Co be some hesitation about giving Japan a free hand in Russia. Most people. we imagine, would give the Jape or anybody else a license to make things as uncomfortable as possible for Germany. and take chances qn setting things right after the war. It is a pity that Mr. McCreadY's ad- dress at the town hall on Monday night, was not heard by a larger audience. The people of Canada are [aced with a serious situation. and every able-bodied citizen has a share in the responsibility tit meet - nig that situation and helping to solve the problem Which it presents. The Salttord Sage says he read in last week's paper that the William Davies Co. was purchasing the Wingham salt a%'.orks and would run them to full cape ty, and that reminded him of the rect investi- gation at Tdronto in which, t was shown why Sir Joseph Wesley Flavelle (other- s -0e\ the William Davies Co.) needed so much It in his business. Buying a whole st works looks as if somebody was going es get salted as a continuous performance. ' Further returns of the soldiers' vote 'overseas change\ the representation of three more Ontano Seats. In South Perth Dr. Steele (Conservative) is elected in- stead of Forrester (Liberal). and in Nipis• sing the Government candidate. I larrison. is ahead of Lapierre, the Liberal candi- date. In Brant liana& the Liberal - Unionist candidate, defeats Henry Cock- shutt (Conservative) by virtue ea -the soldier vote. The Government nost has a majority of about seventy. Counting together the Laurier . Liberals and the Unionist Liberals. there is a Liberal ma- jority of about fifteen in the new [louse. The Toronto Telegram chanes that the names of the soldier candidates Major McCormack in Parkdale. Major Cock- burn in East .York, Col. Donald Stither- land in North Oxford, and Col. 1. I. Mc- Laren in Hamilton -were left off the list of candidates issued by the Canadian War Itscords Office as a guide to the soldiers overseas in their voting. The Telegram could possibly hope to accomplish by preventing Mr. Bryan from speaking is beyond our comprehension. There are a great many people who are not at 411 fond of Mr. Bryan who ;nevertheless would strongly discountenance any at- tempt to suppress him. Ficir some time he held strongly pacifist views in con- nection with the present war. but since the entry of the United- States ints. the conflict he has loyally upheld the Govern- ment of his country. Ile is one of the foremost citizens of our neighbor country and ally, and the Toronto incident may well be resented by many of his felloW- countrymen at a time when the best of feeling . between the neigh- boring peoples should be cultivated. The press of Toronto did not do itself any credit in the tone of its comments either before'or after Mr. Bryan's visit. and the whole affair confirms the opinion long held that Toronto. big city as it is, is THE BEST VARIETIES OF VEGETABLIS.- • (Experimental FarmsNote. ) Owing to the scarcity of seed of many varieties of vegetables this year it will not TWENTY -NYS YEARS OLD. Groat Charism in Canada Sines The Canadian Maisano Was Established. Age in magazines, as well as in wine tee of goodness. and therefore one might Maga- zine that has caused it to-Jast while all - , oldest maga- gested. so that it is not possible to get zine published in Canada and one of the one it may be possible to get the other. oldest on this continent. Beans.----. Round pod wax) Round pod Twenty-five years in the life of a kidney wax. pencil pad and .brittle wax; country is not a long time. and yet %%hat (fiat pod wax), Wardwell kidney eat, a great change there has been in Canada. early. and Hodson wax. late; t green pod), especially in the realms of literature and stringless green pod. and early red Valeh- art. realms that The Canadian Magazine tine. early. and Refugee AIM() to 1, late. has striven against great odds to Lima and pole beans are not very satis- extend and improve. At the time the factory, except where the season is lung magazine was established lin 10493! Can - and warm. The bush varieties of Limas ada had scarcely any history of literature are the most satisfactory. Scarlet runner er art. The country was on the verge, is the most reliable pole bean. but Ken- nevertheless. of a great revival. The re- tucky Wonder is one of the best in vival wait not so apparent as it is now. If we look back to the magazine's begin- ning we shall see in that very year the first publication of Bliss Carman's "Low Tide on -Grand Pre." the kind of poem that helps to give foundation to a country's claim ,to literary distinction. In that very year also first appeared Charles G. D. Roberts's "Songs of the Common Day," which, according to Mrs. Humphrey Ward. never have been sur- passed by anything of their kind... The nineties was an unusually dom- inant period in literature and art, not only in Canada, but as well abroad. The decade closed the nineteenth century with a renaissance quite as remarkable as the ten years which in England closed the eighteenth century. ten years which Mr. Watts -Dunton has described as the Renaissance of Wonder, ten years made glorious by Constabie and Morland, Rae - burn and Crome. Shelley and Keats. Wordsworth and Byron, Coleridge and Burns. Szott and DeQuincey. Great names are these. And yet if we look at the men who made illus- trious the decade that has been named the Renaissance of the Nineties we find names equally as important if not equally as grmt-Conder and Beardsley. Guthrie and Steer, Synge and Moore. Wilde and Dawson. Carman and Yeats. Morrice and Sicken, Ferguson and Whistler. These names have scarcely as yet passed into bistory. so that they do not appear. like the other group. with the halo of a cen- tury upon them. They were. nevertheless, and some of them are still. great ,men; and it is noteworthy that they were at the height of their powers during the nineties, which was in most instances during youpg manhood. Of the Can- adians who here appear prominently Charles G. D. Roberts was thirty - loth. years of age. Bliss Carman thirty- three, and James Wilson Morrice. thir- ty. •••••••••••••••••••........ THE WEEK IN THE 1k LEGISLATURE always be possfunuture or people. generally is a guaran- ible to get thole which are •••••••••••••••••••••••••-• desired, hence the importance of ordering early in order to make sure of getting rightly conclude that there has been some A bill is been introduced by the At - at leaa some of the best sorts. In the peculiar virtue in The Canadian torney-General with the object of pre - following list. based on tests made at theventing the spread of veiwrealt disease. other standard magazines in Canada have experimental, farms and stations in Can- This measureexperirnental, is the outcome of a recent failed. It has crossed Abe quarter-cen ada, several varieties of almost equal report by Mr. Justice Hodgins on the merit ol same kinds of vegetable are sug• tury markand is now the care of the feeble-minded and the best Method 01 fighting the social scourge. The bill is in skeleton form, the details hav- ing been left to the Provincial Board 'of Health to be dealt with by way of regula- tion Every hospital receiving aid from the Province may be required to make ipro- vision for examination and free treat- ment of persons sufferiffg from venereal diseases and it is understood that only duly qualified medical men will he per- mitted to treat such cases. The expense of treating patients who are unable to pay will fall upon the municipalities. The operation of this act will be watched with deep interest. The prin- ciple of compulsiod has been introduced in I I) the treatment of persons under ar- rest suffering from venereal diseases; (2) the examination of persons . suspected by local health authorities; and henceforth such diseases will be classed as "conta- gious." The Government will supply to hospitals and doctors any necessary reme- dies or equipment kee of charge. . captained by a lot of very small peopk. Beets.- Crosby Egyptian. Detroit dark The returned soldiers would not have red. and early model. acted ad they did if public sentiment had • Borecole or Kale.--t•Divarf greeh curled • shown itself opposed to intolerant prac- Scotch. Brussels Sprouts. -Improved . dwarf. ties. . The dwarf varieties have been found ;more satisfactory than the tall ones. THE GOOD OLD DAYS°. 1 Cabbage. - Early Jersey Wakefield, !Copenhagen market, early: Succession. An Incident of Confederation Day • mem- diuand Danish !railhead and drum- Godeneb. in . • head Savoy. late; and led Dutch. red.. s. 1 Cauliflower. -,Early Snowball and early The f. noising letter was published last dwarf Erfurt. week in The Seaforth Expostor:- 1 Carrot. -Chantenay. Danvers half king. Having read some time ,ago a very in- early scarlet horn for extra early. teresting account of Confederation Day 1 Celery. -Golden self -blanching (Paris in Goderich, supposed to have been writ- golden yellow). early; winter Queen, ten by Sergt. Stobie. of No. 3 Company, ' Evans Triumph, and Perfection Heart - 33rd Huron Battalion. who with his well, late; witite pluine for coolest parts. usual modesty withheld his name. 1.1 Corn: --(Extra early). early Malcolm. would like to let you know some of the Malakoff and Peep o' Day; (early ). golden doings of No. 7 Company. of which 1 t Bantam; ! medium. early Evergreen. or then was a member. I would like to IH black Mexican; (late). Country Gentle - you know that we had a real battle -no man and Stowell's Evergreen; Squaw for sham about it. 1 will try to describe , coolest parts. it later. .Our officers were Captain 1 Cucumber. -Davis Perfect, white spine Wm. Sheppard. Lieut. John McDon- I and Chicago pickling. aid, Ensign Robert Russell. with head- ! Egg Plant. -New 'York improved, long quarters at Porter's Hill. 1 will now ' purple. and Black Beauty. give you a few of the names ol mem- i Lettuce. -Grand Rapids and black bers which I remember: Pte. William seeded Simpson (early Iooee curled). Ice - Currie. Pte. Peter Camden. Pte. Jas. berg. giant crystal head, improved Han - Russell, Pte. John Siam!. Pte. George. son, Salamander. All lieart. and Crisp cs Campbell. Pte. Peter Trembly, Pte. Ice 1 head or cabbage). Henson. Corp. John Weston, Sergi. t Melons, Musk -Nutmeg t ype ).1 Long James McDonald. Sergt. William Mc- Island Beauty, Hackensack and Montreal Dougall. Our means of transporta- ' market; (yellow fleshed) Emerald Gem, tion were very m'sagre. There were Hoodoo and Paul Rose. twoteams of horses and old lumber Melons. Water. -Cole early, lee Cream 1 wagons, one supplied by Stewart Mc- and Phinney early. Dougall, the other by Lieut. McDon- Onions.- Yellow globe Danvers and aid. The two were not sufficient to early red Wethersheld. Prizetaker es - carry the crowd. but by taking turns penally for transplanting. Early flat red at riding and walking we got to the and Australian brown are good where buxom of our broad lake. We were the smarm is short. Dutch sets ensure a put 'through our facings by Col. Ross 1 crop in a short season when. if . grown and 'other notables. We were then I from seed. the onions may not mature. I marched to the John McDonough "ahotel Parsley. -Double curled. on West street. where we were billeted Parsnip. -Hollow crown of a good for dinner, and it was here that the strain is the best. Intermediate is also battle began and ended. There was good. a young tat off the gunboat that lay Pepper. -Early Neopolitan of the large in the harbor that made some insult- varieties and Cayenne, Chili and Cardinal ing remark about the soldiers. Fight of the small ones. ing Jack Splan (as he was then called) Peas. -(Extra early) Gregor Surprise; couldn't stand this and challenged (early) Thos. Laxton. Grades. Nott Ex - him out to mortal combat. The first celsior, American Wonder, and Sutton blow was the first and last for him, as ear.y Giant; t second early) Sutton Excel - the sailor 'went down and out in a sior and premium gem: (medium to late, minute. At this stage there hap -1 McLeanlAdvancer,Hemine and Stratagem; pend tq be present a half-breed Indian nail late &sorts, Telephone. Champion of named Jack MeGregor, who for years 1 tngland and Quite Content. had been a terror to all mariners on 1 Radish. -Scarlet white -tipped turnip, the Great Lakes, as in a rough and 1 Rosy Gem and White Icicle. tamble fight he had no equal; so he 1 Saisify.--Long white. Sandwich Is- ciallenged Staten. Round 1 -Ile rushed ' lands. in. \clinched Splan and threw him ' Spinach. -Victoria thickleaved, Viro- heav4 against an old stair. that led flay. to the 'upper regions, almost breaking . Squash. -Long white bush, summer his back.', But after giving him a crookneck; late. Delicious. Hubbard. small droll of the -0-he-joy tut," he Tomatoes.- (Extra early) Alacrity, revived. Round 2 --With Satan rain- Spa*s Earliana; learly and main crop) ing rights and lefts to his body and Bonny Best, Chalks early Jewel. Later face the hal(-breed began to realize guod aorta are Matchless and Trophy that the tide of battle was turning t scarlet), and Livingstone. Globe and Plen- aeain t him and made one desperate tiful (purplish pins.. Ignotum for cans atria to finish Splan and the battle at ning. once. He then picked up a marble Swede Ttsnips.--Cliampion purple top. to be his undoing. A.5 he left his Fair°ekaat exnt\earrill calls it "one of the mteit despicable es- slab that lay on the bar. which proved P t• Jinrish, Cobbler or amples of palitical trickery in thi• annalsiete (;:iszli(41enro • of Canadian politics." In each of thea• e„ttilatridleotwana.iSplant gaot in hie deadly left Mountain. Gold\ Co.ns 111' te.:;1. Mc- Carman No. I. \Early Ohio is a good conaituencies. of course. a candidate en- Gregor in a heap.P()He ad.(a)%nn `1,‘‘ hi; exutAasearly pink **t. but is tee very pro - &weed try the Unionist Government ea,.: I Splan and carried to his corneir: Wheurep d i -e• was speedily counted out. 11.. was then - running. and The Teletram's attack mi plies that the names of the soldier candi- dates were deliberately omitted. in order that the Governmern-endorsed candidate, might be elected. As has already been remarked. the Government and its agents did not overlook many tricks -in its elec- tion methods. heard to feebly exclaitn: • • I ha\ is the firstMcGregor ever time Jack McGregever , •asp e A S I nclid Laxative ticked!* Thanking you kindly fir itaerting t for the Baby. Ito rambling remarks in your paper, I emai ONE We° WAS Titeee. EXETER. lae. Archie VaViS was given a !want( reception on his return home after ser - :c in France. He enlisted with the 71st Itattalioft and shortly after going to France was hadly wounded in the leg. 'Hie Aux Sauble River was on the ram - Tame last week, reaching the highest level that has been known for some years. Pt Charles thibbs, formerly of the Itilst Bat aliens has returned to his father's home in Usborne. Ile was on the firing line in France for several months and contracted "trench feet." The statement is made, and repeated so frequently that many people appear to believe it, that it is Ireland itself that pre- vents the adoption of Ilome Rule. The assertion will not hold Water for a minute if properly examined. If Britain were to say to Ireland, "We will let you wale this question for yourself; go ahead and do what you like." Home Rule would he established atonce by the long-standing ruleahat the majority governs. What Ireland's critics really say is that before Home Rule is established there must he unanimity among- its people. Such a standard would prevent the establishing of a government in any country under the sun. In England there are republicans and there are some people e -think that democracy has too strong a hold and would welcome a return toward, a more autocratic system of government. but the majority governs and nobady considers that the minorities are ill• treated. Why should it not he the same with Ireland? Why should a minority of the people prevent the majdrity from hav- ing its way? Discontent in Ireland has weakened Britain's cause all over the otld and will continue to be a whore of trouble until the grounds of discOntent are removed. ' William Jennings Bryan, former U. S. Secretary of State. 'who came to Toron- to to address the r'mvincial temperance convention in Massey Hall last Th - day night, was howled down by a ifioli of returned iso'diers. The incident in it- self is not of tremendous importance. but it reveals once more the intolerant spirit of which Toronto is the centre in this Province. What good the howlers Ba v s Own Tablets are a splendid laxativ (or the haby. They -are mild but tlekeugh in .their action: do not gripe; are easy and pleasant to take and are abiolutely tree from injurious drugs. In The Canadian Magazine lirst ap- peared the work of many writers who are now famona. Th. re also have appeared writings of some of the most eminent men of letters of its time. Perhaps the most erudite and relined contributor to its pages was Professor Goldwin Smith. who, although he had sad memories of his own experiencesas a publisher of petiode cal literature in Canada. was albeit a sincere sympathizer with any worthy effort being made to promote the interest of literature and art in a country that had been concernedaraitly. and natur- ally, with the coninloiramenhies of life. The first article in the first number was contributed by Dalton McCarthy. M. P., and the subject. "The Manitoba Public School Law," was destined to be- come, a few yeare later. the issue on which a great political party met defeat at the polls. In the same number we find the names of Principal Grant. of Queen's University; the Reverend W. S. Blackstock, Proles** William Clark. Hector W. Charlesworth and E. Pauline Johnson. In successive numbers the names appear of almost all the well-known Canachap poets. essayists, novelists and short -story writers of the time. Among these are Goldwin Smith, Sir Gilbert Parker. Robot Barr, Arthur Stringer, Charles G. D. Roberts. Bliss Carman, Archibald Lamprnan. Duncan Campbell Scott. Wilfred Campbell Har- vey O'Higgins, Sir John Bourinot, Jean Blewett, Norman Duncan. Louise Frech- ette, Edward Farrer. J. W. Longley. Sir James Le Moine, the Honourable Daeirl -Mills. L. M. Montgomery. Isabel Ecclestone Mackay, Lord Strathcona, Stephen L•1.:ack. Sir Clifford Sifto», Sir John Willison. Erastus Wiman, sir Charles Tupper Professor Adam Show A. H U. Colquhoun. Grant Allen. George Tate Illackstock. "Kit," A. D. De Celles, Sir Louis H. Davies, the Honorable George W. Ross. Theodore Roberts. John Reade. W. A. Fraser. Franklin Gadsby, James Hannay., J. Castell Hopkins, Z. A. Lash. W. D. Eighthall, Agnes Maule Machar, W. Sandford Evans. John Concerning them Mrs, S. P. Moulton. Ewan. St. Stephen. N. Li. writer,: -"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for a long time and In Adam's day a woman was merely a have found them the most effective side issue, but at the present writing she laxative 1 have ever used for the baby." poen as the whole show. The Tablets are 'teed hy medicine dealers or by infitat ...a cents a hos from Can you meet this hill today?" The Dr. Williams' alsdkape Co., Bruck- '•Not today; this is a meetless day.- - ville, Ont. Lite. •'47`:•744-4aSs.,;, MCC W. ACHESON & SON GOSSARD CORSETS Feeble-mindedness. The kindred subject of feeble-minded- ness will next receive the attention of the Government. This statement was made by the Prime Minister to a deputa- tion from , the Ontario Association for the Care of the Feeble- minded. Different speakers urged that if the authorities would comprehen- sively deal with the problem of the feeble minded the other problem would be' partly solved. Libera:s in the Legislature will cor- dially support any, proposed action by the Government. they having appealed to the Government last sesv.ion to formu- late a policy to deal with the serious situation obtaining in the Province of Ontario. They called attention at the time to the report of the Government's own inspector. to the effect that existing methods of dealing with the menace were ill-judged and inadequate. sale A lorry on the Bagdad Railway used for movement of supplies to Eritish troops. The Civil Service Bill. Sharp criticism from the Opposition benches characterized the debate on the Government's Civil Service measure. The Liberals could not see that any great ad, vance was being made under the hill in the abolition of patronage. The Liberal leader. \ Ir. I'roud(oot. objected that de- cisions made by the Civil Service Com- missioner could be over-ridden by the Government. Ile thought the commis- sioner should have a free hand. and aps pointments should be made through him after fall investigations by him as to The new Gossard Corsets are here in every style for every figure. We have accepted for Goderich the selling of this famous high-class front -lacing Corset, made by the fam- ous AMER ICA N GO.SSARD COM- P A N Y, largest nilikers of fine Corsets. Notice our window dis- play. Corsets $2.50, $3.50, 11.5.00 and 17.00. Silk Poplins 3t1-iiieh wide Silk and NV0411 P01/1411S. 41114..11( tlw Hurt Nervier - able and at the seine time very handsome materials -.hewn this sea -on. 'fey us few Dee.** and suits. All colors. At, per yard Wool Serges ; 6 .1111 121111,W1)111 1/TOKS or Suiting Selves, old dye, and worth nearly 541 iwe eent, over these old !wires. .1tt per yard el.SU. SII:se and tiro. Linoleums Four yards wide. al pig' Slilltire yen! Saes .% number of pattern* in a sp endid quality MI sale for March. Floor Rugs *showing new patients, and quality fully up to former ',casino, Privets eery slightly higher. I NH PECT ION 1 X %WED W. ACHESON & SON =CM= 24XXXXMC MCC parentlt aU applicants for positions under the Government will have to be nomin- ated by the party m power. Notes. 1 Sir William Hearst has introduced a bill to impose a tax on dogs for the pro- tection of sheep. The minimum tax is to be S2.00on dogs and $400 on bitches, and municipalities wid have the right to increase the amount by bylaw. Mr. Elliott, the Liberal member for West Middlesex, thought there should be some limit to the maximum tax or exces- county roads throughout the Province. Peat apparently cannot he depended on as a substitute for coal next winter, ac- cording to the replies of members of the ()Mario Government to a deputation which interviewed them on the subject during the past week. The Minister of Lands. Forests and Mines, hovievo., an- nounced that any municipality willing to undertake the cutting of trees in • Alcoa- quin Park under the supervision of Gov- ernment officials might have the wood free for distribution at the cost of cutting. There is a provision of 1100.000 in the es- tienates, which will be expended in an sive taxation might defeat the end in investigation into the souroes of the fuel view. . A further 11.000,000 has been set aside supply in the Province, with a view to remedying present conditions. to aid in the improvement of public high- , the merits of the case. ways. The Minister of Public Works an- 1 \Lr. Elliott. Mr. Dewart and Mr. Car- nounced in the Legislature . hat approxi- What system of heating ter on the Liberal side took the mately E3,000.000 had already been your flat? same stand. but the bill went forward an- spent by the Ontario Government upon The solar system just other stage in its original form. and ap- I tbe construction and improvement o Boston Transtript. have you in at present. - r Isn't It Worth a Trial? NUJOI. won't ,pre% nt all haby trout)] But many expectant a d ntIrsing Mothers y that it \ -ill. Why ? Because practicalljr'skveryt ng they have for terly taken for Constipationkdurin these periods ect, tint Nlother's milk and upsets'‘khe infant's diges on. NUJOI. does not. It has.helped fhem-and may' help Try it. It is absolutely hatInless. conslipation Manufactured by STANDARD OIL COMPANY -NEW JERSEY) BAYONNE - NEW JERSEY MUM. IS VIVRA SOLO IN DLL" If your Iruggist hasn't NUJOI., vend sroo for pint bottle to nratlion feline A...111 CHARIS.S & SON re( 1402 1175. 4.1flotrAst J. A. C,atapbell E. R. Wigle H. C. Dunlop J. H. Lauder —at= ArVIIMIIIMMINI=-231111r :111111111.111.1111111111111r "IN 41 7"'