HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-2-21, Page 8ll ji TIIVIt;;l►AV, 1!1, 1918 THE' SIGN ALI COOERICH C1:CTARIO OXFORD BIBLES ootid fatuous haw at most • • asi.na.ltb• prices, foam 2.e to $ . Peityerl Banks and Hymn Books 1 .., ill (111114 111 at 14111111,114.1s' Books tar Buys and Girls Nr hair a gr1.at Iltu• 1(1 1441.1411110- 141 14 k.I.ntir141'14 Pitcairn• Beeks > rata.; to $2.:11. cook, Looks ' 1110,4 1.011411.1 1.• lin.•. 11,111 :t:w• Str.41. D ctionaries We hese 1111.111 (4., t114- buwe. , Itr ,and 4.r•tee.i to real tnau .11.ii.. Ftledea tory ruwt/lrlc lin4- id all 'lie 111.45 bu 41s 111411.1111 while. • Fouetaii Peas N a11-rnuul n e..1n1111:11. lila.. fn,tn )•'bo 5000 ccs About Canada. 41 •- siva edits q of that p oinilar p ubli- cata• •':.INM$ Fats About Canada." for • LHh has ban is..t •d and again meets a 114,;, irlt want for a concise•rrtrord odCan- Ad:.' prto1gressand development in a single )r The compiler i; Frank '. eigh. the tail 11114\11 author and lecturer and ac- iu,. •1. •e;ed autlalrit y on every tljing Cana- . drn 'this is the tenth year of its paublica- rod the ra•w issue is enlarged and im- tx- ..-d over sae%ious editions. Forty chap- ter - "7111 N its: the, outstanding features of Os- ,..itiou. arranged alphabetically .from '•Av.•culture" to "War,• presented in a tw::,. of into paragraph* that quickly tell slit-. significant story and that will prove a 14-. elatio n to even the best -informed •C:1n:, • Dan. (optics may be had by remit ting :r• r "li to the- Canadian Facts Publishing Co -Ks Huron Street. Toronto, or on m- Out from leading booksellers. This "tah-. Ln • •ciiyttrha of Canada." as it has hien • -ma-. called. is a spk-nd•d int est meit. HERN'S GROCERY JUST ARRIVED \'4 hire jttst receivr11 a large Ailment of BLACK TEA at 5oc per pound. :..t.. unr blend of lea. ,1 v 14 it lama, 4t at the present tonic wh td toes 111 near-. If you .41.w -4 -elate. a 1,'11(14' no 1.f Ton you can .1 lo le in a Ion - -ior•d Tea. •,n other 1,14-11(1. 41f 111.41 1114 Bent %allies. at UN . 7:.i\aml • 111. 1'uil't (,,,g -* that wt• ag1• OUP o.. 11 4 11 Knew,. ' 11'1• 111'4'4• It 1..111(udkl ,lis► lin 11;11,,1 now. W. H ERN I'll iN I; I MULTIPLYING MAN POWER 1.1(1(1 * nn ,:1hr* the ,•fan po•ei on 111, I, - does Ilit• chores ---mill,- 1111. • 4.4514 churns the 1141ter--sr•p- rhos Lha crr•aln. 14 1 le• 1.114- walr•r RIO grind. Ih4- Lala. It provides light rot the banes and ulhnildings, lengthening tis• working day. .1 pays for itself quickly in time intI labor sar1.d. _And ,in addition • to all this It brass city comfo4ts and co.n- te•nle s to the (atm. Thine are ver COMM Delco I,ihlits snppryineleird 11 light and power to farms. count's 110111e4 ,.nd husinetes thr•tIgllout the world. 14:11.(11 f:I.('(1 I,It:HT.lk 44(1f cranking a i r-conhrl-etopi4 antom a t scall y -1114•, a thick plitte long livid battery -- ball -bearings-ie. belts -nuns 1m knnow•n1.. Asktfor desert/Sive booklet. Robert Wilson O1 tA"O LTD 11T1inr•rrases Farm F(ileieney . • LHEREARE 17 CANDLE$ IN OUHIRTHDAY CAKE They represent 14years of business in Huron's county town. We are holding a big:Anniversary Sale to celebrate the beginning of our 18th businessjyear in Goderich. It is a Sale that fairly bristles with money saving opportunities, and a visit to our big store will ait. pay you and pay you well. Here are this week's list of specials. THEY ARE MONEY SAVERS, EACH AND ALL OF THEM: / 1 Many another Bargain in the store we have not room to tell you about here. Buy a Fur boat Now and Save Money Ther is no doubt that Fur Coat prices will be considerably higher next season., a have five Coats left to sell. It is not our policy to carry thein over if pro concessions will clear th Ont. Three are Muskrat, two are Hudson Sea . We guarantee them all absolutely perfect in every way, correct -in styl faultless in material and rkmauship. Any one of the five is a good investment. re is the list : One Muskrat Coat., $69.17. One -Muskrat Coat, 9.17. One high grade Black uskrat Coat, $98.17. Two splendid Hudson S • 1 Coats at $117.00. You can make no mistake perfect and the qualit t. uying these Coats for they are absolutely beyond question. Around Rugs, 8 1-2c 50 Pieces Sample Linens Bargain Prices (fere is a special for Anniversary Sale week if you can make use of a piece of dainty Linen. Tray Cloths. Lunch Cloths. Doilies, etc. Em- broidery, drawn work, damask and hemstitched. Hardly any two alike in the collection. All sizes. Special Anniversary Sale, all beiug cleared at Bargain Prices. Lace Doilies, 17c "Tuve Linen Lace Iyoilies. ;in. to k in. size. Special Anniversary Sale, each 17c C 4' Coats to Linoleum It Will Pay You to Boy These Furs Now Even if You Do Not Use Them Until Next Season We would like to make a clean sweep of the Fur stock. There art beautiful pieces, both Muffs and Neck Pieces, still to sell. Some are re extra choice. We have divided the stock into iots for easy sellii g. T Anniversary Sale prices do not represent-anythiyg like the rear valn• Choice of 17 Muffsworth up to $z5.00 ai i•$3o.00 fors) .17. Choice of Grey Lamb Muffs, $4.17. Choice of 14 Muffs, regular up to $2o.00 for $9.17. Choice of some extra high grade Muffs for $31,17. One only beautiful Canadian Mink Muff for $39.17. Choice of 15 Neck Pieces at $5.17. Choice of 12 Neck Scarfs, all good styles and beautiful Furs, only $io.i7. Choice of extra quality Scarfs in the better grade Furs only $15.17. One end only plank Linoleum su't as is used for putting around rugs. 18 in. wide. This is slightly impertect but will still give splendid wear Special for Anniversary Sale, per yyd only American Cotton Batts 17c .;r This is a great big Special. Just .. too of them to sell. American Cotton Hatt;, snowy 117c white. Anniversary Sale of Floor Oilcloth 34c ends Floor Oilcloth 'snit - r n,er ems stoves, etc. Quality th t sella today at soc per sq. yard. nniveraary Sale, per end .-., 34c These Values in Coats You Will NoGet Again for Many a Day Cloth Coats will cost a whole lot more next \s eason, and desirable materials will be difficult to get. Out',clear- ance of \ inter Coats for this Anniversary Sale ives you an opportunity to secure a nevi' Coat at a little p 'ce. Then our big purchase of over makes in January gives sell at prices that are wonderfully low. Isere is the way they are going :- Children's Coats, sizes 5 to 10 years, Anniversary Sale $3.17. Girls' $8.50 aid 510.00 Coats, Anniversary Sale $6.17. Ladies' Black Coats with fur collar, small and medium sizes, Anniversary Sale $6.17. Ladies' 515.00 to 517.50 Coats, Anniversary Sale $9.17. Ladies' $20.00 and $25.00 Coats. Anniversary Sale $13.17. Ladies' Plush Coats, undoubtedly good qualities, Anniversary Sale $17.17. Mufflers 17c • 4.T Mercerized Knitted Neck •-,, arfs,k14i`a. or Mutters, grey only, Au - - - nivereery Sale, each i /7 C A. - 8ie Laces and Insertions moo yards Torchon Laces and In sertions. Widths up to 2 •, to . 1 inches. Dozens of patterns. ATI niversary Sale. special 4 17c yards for ed Dress Goods 51c, Black and white checked Dress Goods 4 in. to 44 in. wide. Splen did fur c ildreu's wear. 51e Anni. Sale, , per yard Two Specials in White Wash Silks Bargain No. 1 White wash Ilabutai Silk. full yard wide, splendid for walats, underwear, etc. 51c Spe,-i.I Anniversary Sale, per yard Bargain No. 2 White llabutai Silk, extra heavy weight, splendid wearing and wdahing quality. Full yard wide. Aliso- 85c veraary Sale, per yard v Big Waist Selling for the Last Week of Anniversary Sale Brand new Wais fresh from the factory and bought specially for this Auni rsary Sale. Just the biggest kind of bargains. Get your .apply early. Beautiful Waists, $1.17 These are real handsome Waists, male from good quality cotton voiles, embroidered, trimmed with tacking and lace. Sizes 35 to 4I. Anniversary Sale special •i / White Voile Waists, $1.34 \White Voile Waists, very handsome garments, embroidery and lace trimmed. Anniversary $134 Sale vpecitl .... • HODGENS BR DIRECT IMPORTERS w GOOF -RICH White Voile Waists, $1.69 just one style at this price. Beautiful white Voile Waists, cut in one of the heat styles. Special $169 Anniversary Sale price • White Habutai Silk Waists, $2.17 White waattahle Habutat Silk Waists. Ao exceptionally good aerie for the coming season's wear. , Goodqual- ity washable silk, large collar. Special Anniversary Sale price $2• 17 75c Scarfs 34c White or light grey, knitted *Ilk Neck Scarfs, 75c quality. 34c Anniversary Sale........ l CHURCH NOTES • Rev. 0. C. Elliott will commence evans gelistic services in the Baptist church on Sunday, March 3rd. The annual young p )l1's entertain- ment will be given in the Salvation Army citadel next Monday evening. The pastor. Rev. R. C. McDermid, will ; ' preach at Knox church on Sunday. Morning subject: "The one Thing Need- j fur;" evening, "The Religion that 1 Produces Life." The pastor, Rev. J. H. (lmterh(xtt, whit hive charge of the services at Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday. Evening subject: "The Parting of the Ways." Sunday school andBible clan, at 3 o'clock, The young people's societies of the town will hold a union service in Victoria street Methodist church on Tusday evening, February 26. Rev. (;. M. Holmes will give an address. A special musical program is being prepared. All young people are cordially invited. REO GROSS NOTES. The monthly meeting of the Red Cross Society will he held in the jury rare at the court house on Monday next at h o'clock. The Society thankfully acknowledges the following etntributhns of socks : Mrs. Reynolds, 1(r.. 18 pairs ; A friend, 16 pairs ; Miss Maud Beacom, 9 pairs ; Mrs. Doolittle, Mrs. S. Andrews. R pairs each ; Mrs. W. L. Horton, 7 pairs ; MIAR Farrow, Mrs. Horton, yr.. Mrs. Hay. Miss 5. Clark. Mrs. Gordon. Miss M. E. Cam- eron, 5 pairs each ; Mrs. W. E. Kelly, Mrs. FA. Hays. Miss McPherson. Mrs. Peter MacEwan, Miss Ball Mrs. C. (;arrow, Ass Whitely. Mrs. Hillier. Mrs. Lane, Mrs. D. Ferguson, 4 pairs each ; Mrs. Lynn. Mrs. Durnin, Miss Le Touzel. Mrs. 4-x/. Robertson, Mrs. Hy. Morrie. Mrs Ed. Parr. Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Chas. (;irvin, Mrs. Jno. Sturdy, Mrs. Button. Mico Louise Walters. 3 pairs each ; Mrs. J. S. Platt. Miss L. Ferguson, Mrs Burritt, Miss Burritt, Mrs. R.J Acheson, Mrs. Duetow. Miss Jean Giohe, Mrs. C. Lee, Mrs Wm. Taylor. No Name, Mita Esther Cunningham, Mie Mabel Curwin. Miss J. Lynn, Miss Shlrray, Mrs Ry. Bullard, Mrs. McDougall, Mrs. M. A. Howell, Mrs. Gen. Bradford, 2 ppiaitrs each ; Mrs. Fred Leckie, Mrs. Tape, Mise M. Aitken,Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Crawford. Mrs. R. Clark, Miss M. Dark, Mrs. McNevin, Mrs. Carrie, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. 11. Bell, Miss M: Bell, Mrs. Leach, Miss Elsie Bradford, MisR Lawrence. Mrs. J. C. Millian, Mrs. Jennie McMath, Miss G. Saults, Mrs. Jno. Black. Mrs. S. E. Hick, Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Dinsmore, Mrs. Wooll- combe. Miss G. Porter, Miss D. Dickson. Mrs. Killoran, Mrs. H. J. A. MacEwan, Mrs. Goldthorpe, sr., Mrs. McCartney, 1 pair each : Miss C. Lewis, 2 face cloths. Saltford Branch. The Saltfrrd branch of the Red Cross Society packed on January 21st *03 pairs of socks and five trench shirts. The socks were knitted by the following: Mrs. Bown, I8 pairs; Mra J. Walter, 8 pairs; Mrs. Goldthorpe, A Bisset, Mrs. McManus, li pairs each; Mrs. Mcl.eod. S pairs; Mrs. (.;rmnell. Mrs. J. Bisset, Mrs. Glidden, Mary Gliddo n. Annie Buchanan. 4 pairs each; Mrs. R. Sak of fip Walter, Mra. MacEwan. Annie Garden party Baxter, ida Vanstone, Margaret Bisset, Fees. 3 pairs each: Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Sander- son, Mrs. Baxter. Mary Baxter. Mrs. Currell, Mrs. Lippet, 2 pairs each; Mrs. J. Ryan, Mrs. S. Biomet. Maud Bisset. Mrs. G. Bisset. Ila Curren, Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Graham. 1 pair each. Trench shirts --Mrs. C. McNeil, Mrs. R. Walter. 2 each; Mrs. i.ippet, 1. From February 1, 1917, to F ebruary 1, 1918. t he Society ham raised money by the following means: 11115CEn'Ts. Balance oft hand .$ 72 11 Raffles , Tti M Sale of Bags 38 58 Collect ions.. 57 32 By canvass. 114 25 During the year 1.422 pairs of seeks Coninty grant 157 98 have been knitted and 185 trench Ait'te Township rant 106 00 made. Red Cross 11 50 434 3D 3500 20D $1134 50 SPIPSNIDIHISZIL Yarn. ,,.,.... _ 5 11241 110 Flannel . . ........ 248 85 Rags . ........». Hrittah Red Cross, 25 OD Red Cruse pins ,,.1._..... 3 00 Prisoner of war „../ ....,..,.,_ b OD $91656 lilanee on band. 218 0! $1134 61