HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-2-21, Page 7srit•as.-•M..4*.w—. .e,.-0164*. 1616 .... _ ». .
THUKSnly i o
1') I h 7
'This new bigger bar
is the backbone
of my
The successful grocer wouldn't think of doing business without
the new, bigger Comfort Soap bar. It's the economical Soap
that people want in war time.
Bigger bar—without premiums
You can do without premiums in war time but you certainly want all the
good soap you can get for your Money. That's what we thought when
we discontinued premiums during the war and gave you a bigger
Comfort bar instead. We're glad we did. It's what you wanted.
-'pll.hl Incl I I I1' II atnllllf IhhtIIj IIIIII1pl IIIItI'll 1plllll 1111 1111 (IIIA I 1n111 111111 Itlll e'
tl i (IIII �' IIII Sllll ' i � I I III IIII IiIIIu nllpll• nIIIp glop gIIII 1111111 >� ill iM
a 1 1 1 I r l
IIIInIIIIullllullllll II IIuIIIIInIIIhnnIlll ► II i
UU 11 UU !�
and back Service
'Bases meet all trains. 1'assen
gers called for in any part of the
town for outgoing trains on
G. T. R. or C. P. R.
Prompt attention to all orders or
telephone rails.
Good horses First-clau rip
\ M. R. STOW a
Telephone51 3ucctasortbT. A. Davis
Ontario's I,eruliug C 'n•ial
achul make« suverns easy. \\'e.
have thiree departments. ('
mer eial,rthort hand and Telegraphy.
AVe give individual instrner' and
stidente may enter nt any- time.
(.radnnt.•s nee plowed in petitions.
This i- ( ouroppnt1.nnity.ns there is
a crust, call noun ne for trained
help. Write at. olive fur pnitieulai..
w..1. Et,t,urr e; 1). A. McL.icut.AN,
Preside ut. Principal.
your :kin trouble Is incurable 1
Many et.PPR that have been given up
by doctors and . eelailsta have
yielded to Zam-Buk. For instance.
Zinc Alpho'Iso le:Petereof 671 Rod-
man St., Fall River, Mass., writes:
"F'or throe years several doctors
tried to cure me of a bad attack of
eczema, but e'vh in turn gave un
the case as incurable. i then went
to a specialist, who charged me a
large fee, but did me absolutely no
good. 1 is certainty dlacouraged,
when 1 beard of Zani-Hnk and com-
menced using it at once. I applied
it regularly and for bathing pur-
poses used only Zam-Iluk Soap. Be-
fore very long there was some im-
provement. and finally the combined
use of Zam-Buk and 7.am-Bet Soap
worked s complete cure."
Por ulcers, abscesses, blood•pols-
.ening. scalp sores, rtagworm and
Ise Zam-But 1s equally Invalu-
1., as well as for cuts. burnt,
aids aid all skin Injuries. All
lees or Zam-look Ce., Torah*.
bst, 2 for $1.IS.
r'1Hv1 (! • w aoriw
the &h concession, passed away on Feb-
ruary lith. aged seventy-seven years. Ile
had resided in the township for lifty
years and was highly esteemed in the
community. Besides his wife, he leaves
Building prospects at I lensall for the three sons and six daughters. The sons
coming season are reported to be good. are Norman, Kenneth and D.nald. The
daughters are: • Mrs. Capt. Emig. of St.
Clair, Mich.; Mrs. Rrrhert Nelson. of
Clinton; Mrs. Wm. Park, Mrs. Wm.
Briggs and Mrs. M. Russett, of Detroit,
Wm. Bird. of Morris township, sold a and Miss Margaret, at home.
pig last week that weighed 720 pounds.
foe received for it 8111.00.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, of Grey
township. have returned from an extended
visit to the West.
About a month ago A. L. ,s1cDonald.
A. J. Helm, who has cam on a 01 Ethel, purchased from a Toronto firm
a carload of Western hogs. A few days
general store business at Cranl5rook for after thejy were received they began to
some years. has decided to discontinue slacken up on eating. and a Government
and will remove to Woodstock. expert being called in he pronounced the
Joseph McElroy, one of the oldest rest- tmuhle to be cholera. All that Mr.
dents of Morris township. passed away at McDonald still had on hand were killed.
the home of ha nephew, John McElroy, and others which he had sold to neighbors
on the 9th inst., in his eighty-third year. either were killed or placed in quarantine.
James Huston. a pioneer of lluron There is a rebate of 810 per head from the
township, died on Sunday. January 27th. Com ernment, but Mr. McDonald will lose
at the age or seventy-six years. He had at least 81.000. This is the first cage of
lived in Huron township for about sixty- hog cholera in this part of the country.
five years.
After a prolonged illness the death END STOMACH TROUBLE,
occurred at Victoria hospital , London,
on February 11th, of Margaret.: daughter GASES OR DYSPEPSIA
of William Aikenhead of Brucefield.
She was twenty-seven years of age.
Ross Johnston. of Stanley township "Pape's Diapepsln" makes sick, sour,
west of Blake, has sold his I.50 -acre farm gassy stomachs surely feel fins
to Louis Brisson, general merchant. of in five minutes.
Drysdale, who intends disposing of his -- _
store business and going into farm- If what you just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
¥n. 'llirehouse, widow of the late lead, or you brief. and eructate
Mirebouse, formerly a resident of
Lasone undigested ngside, died January :10th at Antler, fes. or have a feeling
Man., where she was staying with a son. of dizzibess, heartburn, fullness, nausea,
The remains were brought to Lucknow had taste in mouth and stomach -bead -
kir interment. ache, you can "get relief In five minutes
On Wednesday, February lith, at the by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to
home of M•:. and Mrs Ge wee! Lingo rd. ,such stomach distress now by getting a
Cetxrne, their daughter Mabel was large flit cent case of Pape's Diapcpsin
united in marriage to James Wesley from any drug store. You realize in
Jaques, 01 the same township, Rev. G. A.
Barnard performing the ceremony. (' minutes how aPcdlesa it is to suffer
On Wednesday V
a of last week gal
Keddy, of Usb.rne. passed away in his
eighty-fourth year. Ile was one of the
pioneers of t'sborne, having came with
his Parents to the towns`tip in 1532. He
is survived by his wife, five sans and two
daughters. ,
Richard Blake, one of Ilultett's oldest
residents. passed away ore Tuesday. 12th
inst.. at the age of seventy-six years. It A. H. Muiq rove, M. P. T. for Nor,
is sixty-seven years since Mr. Blake came Il.tron, has been appointed postmasteip
to Hullett with his parents from County of Wingham t;, succeed the late C. N.
Clare. Ireland. He is survived by his ,riftn. Mr. Musgrove has tendered his 1
wife. two daughters and eight sons. tion as a member of the Legislature I s
1 e
and will take over his new duties al
About fifty friends and neighbors •
gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. once• I c
II. Diamond. near Bluevale, on Friday13LYTti. ( t
evening, Sth inst., to assist in celebrat•
ing the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary
of the host and hostess, who were pre-
sented with a con r
g atulatory address and
a number of suitable gifts.
The play, "Blundering Bill'." put a
at the town ha!I by the iugh school stud
ents was quite a buccess. The receipt
over 8100. will be donated to. the Red
Cross Societ y.
Robert Mathe*on, youngest sun of \lr
and Mrs. -Norman Matheson of town, died
in Bellingham. Washington. on Februtr,
1st.. Ile was thirty-three years of a;
and leaves a widow and a your)
Driver Gerald R. Holnbeck, who, 9i11p
after the outbreak of the tear, went over
seas with an artillery ui1it, is home or
three months' leave. 1hAly had ;ono
training with a battery befure the war
and was among the first in these part
to oiler his services. He has seen a good
deal of service with guns and mortars i
France and was rather severely wounded
He has recovered from his wounds, and
has been granted leave because of long
Word was received last week of the
death of Ira Andrew, of Swift Cbrrept
Sask., a former resident of this tion
Ile was in his fifty-first year.
James ,Hill, of town. bas sold
seventy -five -acre farm on the 9th e
cession of Stephen to Wm. Finkbeiner:
of the same township. The price was
Mrs. Marshall has received word that
her eon. Pte. Russell "Jamey Marshall
was killed in action in France on January
21st. He was twenty-one years of age
and enlisted with the Huron Battalion
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
jamin S. Phillips. on Thursday lof las
week, their daughter, Ella Gertrude
was united in marriage to James Welling
ton Hern, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jame
Ilern of town. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. S. Muxworthy. After the
honeymoon trip the young couple wil
make their home in Exeter.
Wilbur Ford left last week to take a
position at Peterborough.
Mrs. D. Cantelon slipped on the ice
and in falling fractured her hip.
Pte. T. Carter, who went overseas with
the Itilst Battalion and saw service in
France, arrived in town last week, and i
visiting his sister, Aura. Leopint ton
\Vm. Stanley has received word of tl
death of his brother. Matthew Stanley
of Morris, Man., which occurred or
February 1st. The deceased was seventy
one years of age 'and had resided i
the West for many years.
The death occurred on the Oth inst. o
ilector Junor, in his sixty-eighth year
The deceased was a native of Stanley
and had spent all his life in this section
and latterly, made his home with hi
sister, Mrs. Arthur Cantelon.
John Wesley Mills died at the home o
his brother -in -la
day, 9th inst.. of
illness. The degea
Stanley. but liv
South Dakota, retu
Major Broder McTag .
eldest son of Mr. and him.
Taggart, arrived home
last week, on sick lea
Almost Helpless
From Rheumatism.
Only Able to Move About
on Crutches -Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills
Restored Ac-
lutlanmtatury rheumatism, acute rheu-
matism and rheumatic lever are ditfrrrnt
names (r practically the same thing. It
comes un with hardly any waning. The
pin is excruciating. and there�i a tend-
ency of the disease to attack the heart.
when it may have fatal results.
Anyonet wit p- has suffered froth an
attack of inflammatory rheuntaL am
knows that the usual treatment is hig y
unsatisfactory. - External application
of hot cloths and liniments and internal
doses -of salicylates to relieve the pail are
not enough, for they do not drive the
poison from the blood, and the sulferer
is haute to renewed attaelts w•aenever
exposed to cold or dampness. --
'fo cure rheumatism so that it will stay
cured the rheumatic poison n in the blond.
trust be driven out, and the blood made
rich and red. When the blood is pure
tier can be no rheumatism. Dr. Wil-
liams Pink Pills build up the blood,
make it ich, red and lure and in this
way cur the neat obstinate cases
rheumati Mr. George Barbie tIe. R
R. No. 1. Feversham, Ont., is one whose
cure through the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink fills is mag striking. His mother
Ives the partkvMrs 01 his attack and
cure as follows: -Sortie years ago while
I my son was working as a blacksmith in
a Michigan lumber carry he was attack-
ed with rheumatic fever. He was at
atce taken to a hospital at Marsenett,
and was there wider medical treatment
for four months but with little Ir • no
relief. He then decided to go :sjuunt
Clemens where he took the bat for
three weeks, but did not find any bat
front them. By this time he felt that his
ca,:e was ingete i ;ad decided to reiti[n
borne. N hen he reached b uc he could
ono move around by the tree of a crutch
and a cane. ()tie knee was so stilt total
he could not bend it, and moa of his
joints were swollen art of shape. He
could neither dress nor undre,ss h nisell
and had to he helped like a child. 1
urged hint to try Dr. William•i Pink
Pills and Iiralfy he e'.neented to do so.
He had only been taking the pills a few
weak; when he could limp about, with-
out the cnutc'h, and his app.tite greatly
improved. 'This( gave him new courage
and as he continued the use of the pills feel dull and hens y when we seer.
he showed constant improvement, and : nen, K. J. McKenzie' Wm. John black, aplltting headache, stuffy trrint a cold.
was able to walk abut outiirte. He con- I Henry Cuff, .lames Lane. Thor. I)ickton foul tongue, nasty breatb, acid etosa-
tinued to use the pills for some four Jas. \lallough, John Finlayson, Jas• ash, can, 1neteed, reel as- fresh es a
months, by which time ever s 'm vont C:raw(ord, fikLa and 1'1
. uiltvan are fence -viewers: John It. Sat i tem each morning and flushing out tbs.
' age, Nets Pearson, Neil McDonald, Frank i whole of the internal poseoo005 elag-
Scott, Thos. R. Irwin and Jas. N. Kickley ' mint matter.
!are pound -keepers. The old path- Everyone, whether idling• &el: or
• masteni are in ounce yet till their successors I well, shoal.), sash morih,g•: b• for•
are appointed and receive their lists. breakfast, drink a class of .mai hut
I The natter of the printing Ger 1915 wast water with a teasppoofol of Ilmeetr•s '
felt to the clerk and Reeve fox- arrange- phosphate In It to wash from the atom-
; mem, (sI motion of Richardson and ash, liver and towels the prey toe
Jamieson. Outside of the grants men- day's Indigestible waste, sour bile t.ad'
ti.aned and the l'nudfot account and poisonous toslne; thus cleanelag,--
• balancsel of 1917 salaries and fees to aud- sweetening and purifying the entire;
home.. You can get these pills through it.re, there were only small payments of alimentary canal before potting worse
any medicine dealer or by mail et Weenie only a few do.kirs. On motion by Ilackett food into the stomach. The action of
a box or six boxes for 8'..,0 from The and Johnston adjournment was made to hot water and limestone phosphate on
Ur. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, March 11th at 12.30 p. m. Tilos. G. an empty stomach le w.•u.terfnlly la.'
(• ALLEN, Clerk of Ashfield. tlgorating. it ripens oat all the r.u.tr
fermentations, taste*, waste and ar,.iity,
From Guelph comes the repkirt of a and given one a splendid appetlte for
wosanliving near that city' -•MIs. Thomas breakfast. Wbllo yon a -e enjos'as
Taylor, of Eden Mils -will Inas attended your breakfast the phosphated boa
her daughter's Bohlen wedding celehra- water is qutetny Patrarting & large vol-
ti.tn. She was one hundred years old on time of water from the blood and rer.-
the:(rd of thia month. . ting ready for a ibnro lgh flushing of
t' all the Inside organs.
u ty "'at"ig r Onl the unex
.ted interests us. The milltous of peple who are :::::-
ono )Pc to the menu es w err t t{xy r ' 's the race note y *red -with cons(ipa(Toa,
they say that the matter of appointing easy•gtping tortoise, but says nothing of stomach• tenable, Marmat:c t ret es:
clerk,assessoxandkolkrtoxwal: lallyad- the many previous races won by the ethers who have sallow skin wood
ousted by unammou:Tppxoval of motion hare. disorders and sock
by Jamieson and Richardson to re- point b cmnpleato i slew
urged to get a quarter pound of '44'
the old officers, mantaiping that he hen Some people use religion as a cloak and atone phosphate from the drug et sir..
throughout strongly lay. ed and adveeerl ..rete use it as an umbrella. This will cost very little, lout le ru -
advertising for tentlee . ' e rest of the lots of men don't have to travel far dent to make anynhe a r-one+tt''04
cuiue9 acknowledged this correct. but when they go to the had. crank on the nat!ttt of ii,tsrnat sat=
stated that the advantages a the pre--nt \\ harbor).
time of retaining the old, .xperienced
officers had left them tri» to mess. 'ate with ' _.
the view us inducing them to rem in. and 1 A R • •
when finally these .'dicers all ag el to
continue at a,reasonr.tbly small i ease
council was unall nwoa nn approving
motiai, elite:sally' as they w.•rc a.l.
favor of advertising unle.r all the O'iicers
agreed tore-apd.intntent, and that there•
fore the minutes as reported were•cot-rect.
During the discus inn the clerk handed
in his resignation, explaining that as be
rrallye• wanted to be relieved of the X% MK
r. J. Watt. rep Sawr
a somewhat prolongs
was a native
for many years i
g a year ago las
rt, D. S. 0.
Geo. D. M
Ikpm oversea
e. Major
McTa(3gart went oversea _Fe a
artilleryman with the first (anadi:t
contingein in 1911 and has been v, u
four tin s He was given a hearty`, wel-
come home, the band and a large nu be
of citizens being at the station to m -'t
W. D. Stewart, a Seaforth old boy
now one of the prominent business me
of St. Paul, Nlinnesnta, has presented the
Seaforth curling club with a handsome
silver loving cup for tition among
the b_al m::n')tra. Mr.. tewart, need-
less to say. is an enthusiastic curler.
On Monday, February 1lth, the
marriage task place in St. James' church
of Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Horan, to Clarence R. Hall, of
Toronto, ion of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
of Prescott. Rev. P. Corcoran performed
the ceremony. The happy couple will re-
side at Toronto.
Semi -Ready Tailors The Square, (ioderi;h
= �.0..■I... 1111111/
Now is the time to
order ,your spring
SUIT and light OVERCOAT.
We have just received some splendid
new Woollens, Worsteds and Tweeds,
quality goods, which we should Ake
you to see.
made to your measure. c 3:1 t,,
- Give us a fall.
Jolulston and Richardson that the
be authorized to deliver to Auditor
Iran tlw said tapers and letters (as
mend.), the said 1)nnatd hleLean to
carefully preserve the sane and return
them to the clerk at the March ureeting
(,f the council or vaster if required. By-
law No. 2 of 1915 was duly passed, to
appusn, the officers, recite their dune: and
fix their salaries. The udicers are Mk,.
(;.Allen, clerk; Win. 1'. Reed treasurer,
John Cameron, assessor; C. E. \li
collector; Isaiah, McLean and Wm. Mc-
Carthy, auditors; I►r. Simpson, medical
officer of health aid sanitary inspector:
\Vnt. 11. ilawkins, member ul local bturd
0: heath, the Reeve being the Inter
member, exoliicie; David M. Johnston.
Nichard Johnston. Thos. Ga�rrvvey, Robert
' Uramen ` aid Neil Murdoch. sheep
valuers. (Note -Sheep valuers must
I not be called on where the owner of the
, dog is known, and valuers must not act
if called in such cave. n C. E. Mc1,Itpnagh,
, Robert Webster icon. 131. Robert \\.Dran-
Says we will both look and feel
clean, sweet and fresh
and avoid Illness.
Sanitary aclem-. has of late wade
rapid strides with results that a,e of
untold blessing to bumanits 'rb. lat-
est application of Its untiring rese.r.•h
la the recommeodatlou that it tet ss
-necessary to attend to internal sanita-
tion of the drainage system of the bu-
man hody as 11 is to the drains or the
Thos.* of us who are aecustomr,1 to
of the trouble had disappeared,Y y 1 Johnd teles• daisy by oprnlug for alutccs of the syr
and he '
went to itis work in Michigan a cured
man. His case was wellk town to the
neighbors around here and his acre wag
Welted upon as marvellous, for everyone
thought that at the best he was doomed
to be a rheumatic cripple.
It is because they have made such
wonderful cures as Mr. Ilarbottl 's that
Dr. tVllhams Pink Pills have a world-
wide reputation, and are the calls medi-
cine used in thouaannis and thousands of
Stanley's Veteran School Teacher Passes
Artera Long Life of Usefulness.
Mr. George Baird, the well-known
eteran school teacher of Stanley town-
shi • died ( \
n Monday, ornda • F •
y, cbruary 4th, in
is seventy-seventh year. Ile had been
resident of Stanley since l3.',2 and for
lifty years he taught la the same school.
le was born at Auchinloch, Ayrshire,
Scotland, in 1541, and came too this
conntry eleven years later. At the age of
ineleent years he commented teaching in
S. No. 1. Stanley. and eight years ago
he completed a half -century as teacher
n the same school, the jubilee! being.
ittingly celebrated by his old pupils, who
presented him with an address and some
actable gifts.
He wielded a great and goad influence
t t community, striving to build up
harm_ er in his pupils as well as to arouse
heir bihor) along educational lines,
red fortn�r pupas scattered all over the
;sited St.ltes and Canada hold the men -
of "the' t
taster'' in reverence. cremes. For
conducted a Sabbath
indigestion, d
io • •
n d .
ngo'st sin n
• ] p,• p r any stoat -
sell disorder caused by fefJ fermentation h
due to (se -solve acid in stomach. a
William W:lister, an old re.•nd2rit n(
Wineham, pissed away' on the 9th
at the age of seventy-nine years.
The Ba •het village ilia e
) councilhas
g elected
its officers as follows for the current- year :
H. W. Erwin, clerk ; James H. Reid.
treasurer ; Wm. A. Halkwell. assessor ;
Richard Elliott. constable, truant officer
and health inspector ; Dr. Woxxls,
medical health officer A. Macfarlane and
F. A. Edwards, auditors.
Wilson Eagleson, of Lucknow, has pur-
chased the IAnaldso n property at
Bayfield and will take up his- residence
there in the spring. Mr. arid Mrs.
i Donaldson will leave Hayfield shortly to
reside at Wingham, where a son, Chas.
Donaldson, lives. They have been es-
t teemed residents of Bayfield for many menu.
'years. A Pretty wedding took place on Wed -
Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, of Varna. nesday, 0th inst., at the home of the
made a fruitless trip to London last week bride's mother, Mrs I)avid Nicol, her
in an attempt to save the life of their daughter Margaret becoming the wife of
five-year-old daughter, Leola May. The R. Russell Braninn. The cerem my was
little girl had been stricken with appendi- performed by Rev. Geo. Telford in the
citis and an operation was advised. The presence of immediate friends of (he con-
ppaarrents took her to the hospital at tracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Branion
London. but before the operation was will recede at Whitewood, Sask.
commenced the little girl died. BRl ts.S'ELS.
We are pleased to report that J. G' a
Emigh, who has been very ill, is now int- I
noel •. .
Miss Gordon, of Teeswater, has entered
her duties Ix utter
organist and
master of St. Andrew's church.
J. R. Cutt has taken over, the grocery
business which hate been carried on by his
father, James Cutt, for many years.
Wm Moore has purchased the hardware
business from Blacken & Sons. The
members of the latter Iirm nave not
definitely derided upon their plans for the
Margaret Greer. widow of the late
James Ilehtley, died on Sunday,llnh inst.,
at Wingham, where she had been
spending .the winter months. The
remains Were brought to Myth for inter -
James and George Reid, of the Parr (;. A. Deadman is away to Bermuda,
Ana, Stanley, have sold one of their farms. where he (" tlx is to
lot 1:5, concession 0i, to Wes. Harveys,I concert a month.
and havevwchased lot 12, egncension ., Charlie Crossfield, formerly of ltrusae:s.
from Joe Hogan for 64,100 and a. h. bas taken a p,,aiti(nn as manager of the
lot 13, concession 7. from Rev. R. Murray (;overnment poultry plant at Lethbridge.
for cow 00. This Swett them 280 awes ; The death occurred on February 7th of
of land lying together, John Reid, who 1 Mrs. Wilbee, widow of the late Henry
has spent the wet two years on the l WIllsee,11, her ninety-first year. Mr. and
street railway in ami has returned Mrs. Wi1bee came to 11rtwselq about thirty
tb Stanley and will assist his heathers dlu t pears ago 'arty green years later Mr.
the'farm. �filtwe was killed by the collapse of a
Another of the pioneers of l Hurn° town- I building. Several sans and daughters
ship, in the person of John Mclver. of survive -
many years
school in the se I -building, giving it the
same earnest at tion that he gave to
his weekday dut'
Ile survived issuryn 1
h n. •'x s
�ht. f six sons and
l 1
one daughter.
When you feel sluggish
and nervous, tired and
indifferent, ,you have the
first symptoms of declin-
ing strength and your
system positively needs the
special nutritive food -tonic in
to replenish your blood
power, enliven its circulation and
bring back the snap and elasticity
of good health. Scott's F.irta!-
siest supplies Nature with
tete correct building -food
which is better than any
drugs, pit's or akohaiic
Streit* Boyne. 1 •ie.ee oat. n 4
present at regular meeting
t. The minutes of Jar
re rest, and Councilli
of salary they all wto-rsto.pd that \
mister s
be'cul 1 not thigk of continuing if cern
one roan on floc h,anl had any otbiecuo it
to Uteapttu lenient. Councillor Johnston
witti irew his nbiecti'n to the minute,. There y nmP to Its rrr.ntly these
which were then a'vs-.iv d as some :t ,n fwd ern' 7's ournenc nIly who
motion by Richard -nn and Hackett; and ti Bonet _
on motion of Johnston and Hackett the Sara t.. ur. (nooaly0 olntnrent rug a
resignation . r ,.
t�tinn E t c ( rl, .v`���
h t a not •
k a..•c p:rd
prompt and in. ing f -•Jr for pilr•t.
The Reeve and Deputy reported 1111 phi men glv their twidcnce creepy
interview with Solicitor Nombre result • 1eto•ause they 5110 what it tnt•ans to
ing an a in offer to ctltlr h general saner from the to ores of piles and
accountnfu11 to Ue
ember t
thee be cured. Thy rt duty
feeit Au y
at t62:1s. M•.vid by Richard, ret and a..d a pleasure to let therm know how
Jamieson that the o'fer h, accepted Ansi they. too. may be cur d.
the account plaid. M•ntrl by Hai6,.tt Itev. Fronk N. Room -s \(rthodtet4
and Richard -on that the clerk reirler t\. Minister. I'ri'evtlle. (,ret.. wr't.•-: "In
\\ awanosh an account for 417 being only- the winter of 1912 1 was stationed In
half of the fcesOlt date paid for 1ht•nstal ('clomp. 1 went for s snow•, or tramp
Court cterlsand bailiff. The trusses of • •5 0.y, nnA ant for only n ew min-
ute* me • fold Mump waiting r some
1'. S. S. No. 1 appeared re the 1551151 , i,nlrsAPs tit catch up to one. From
�.I debentstres G,r 1.1309 fon the into ose sitting on the damp stump 1 con -
of a new schail, thenki 0 n• being mint(•, Ira, ted piles. and suffered so tot ly
falling to pieces in Lilt. It was decided ors.
it caused roe great pain to w ik.
A friend re, tit -d lir. Cha 'ti
(ointment. and 1 -►n, edintely pu
•haiM a small box, which very rapidly
efftrtM a cure. 1 always keep a box
en hand and find It excellent for any
Sind of wound or Dore."
Mr. W. A. Thorne, J. 1'., Alderalde,
Alla., writes: "It was twenty-eight
'ears ago that 1 became acquainted
with the merits of Dr. Chase's 0151-
ment and would not he without It on
any account, as It never falls to do its t
work. 1 wns Ilrat Induced to try It for
same. Lem than one Mos cured me.
and f have never been troubled *Ince.
That was twenty-eight yeah ago, as
I think the rues in permanent. ht U
roed for more lips and band*• chafing
o•nd, In tart, all sorts of Off ?PI Ton
re at liberty to use this statement
far the benefit of others."
Piles, or Hemorrhoids, Can
Quickly Cured—A Justice
of the Peace Cured
Many Years Ago.
that the clerk write the Department
of Finance. a straw?, for consent to issue
and to have the. ori t--ary by law and t lir
debenture, ready for next meeting. 10 -
less in the meantime the trustee, artange
to raise the m,,ney otherwise. Mrs.
Wm. Blake and Nies. Wm. Stnthers
irAred asking a vrant for x t
fe wort;
of the
Ashhetd Soldiers' Aid Circle. \loved by
llackott anti Richardson that the 84881.
be.ngl A'hti,•Id's share of the «mint grant,
be dtvidu,4 as follows, viz.: The .tehliekf
Soldiers' Aid Circle. 2311, and 4150 to
each of clic-INonail's Institute, at Dun-
gannon and Kintail, making :hr. whole
amount. Auditors McLean and \h'-
Cttrthy presented their report, showing
t hat all books. v.tirehers, etc., were corers, r,
with a balance of cash Derenhv 31st,
1917, of 43433.:1:1 and approximate Teo can put. Ire. Chaaw'a (pfntmMnt
aysets over liabilities n(hh43, $ss. Mowll is ni. (Pat In any rase of ones with
by Hae:<Mt and Johnstonnat the the utmost assurance that you wnt
necessrr' repot her accepted. and that the et4sln relief from sufcring and incl. I
necessary. ,cotes be printed, and the treat ly lssttng corp. 60 e.nty a bot
auditors paid. A co,•ttnittee a.rprliflted it acct Aeaten, er Rdmanann. Mmes
by ra.•p nyei + „( the West allure R. i(. E` • 1.Imlted, Tnrvmte. Look ter the
area hasing .e'kedt (or papery and letters txartralt aM atanaturr eft A. W. (!fins'
re the railway affairs, it was moved by Mat' a the boy you
Boot aw• I
thee, as the loos you Dur.
The Double Track Route
1'uc..c lled Disdain. I ..:
SI..•pntg cars on night I;. - od
parlor lamest' prho.•tltal tt ,1;
Full Information i - , .t
Trunk Tlrkot. Agent. or I'. 1
ins .Ulf( r
1 t
rnon fl
u rel.
F. F. LAWRENCE \ -e •`:
Town Agents 1 1
e thunk you for 1'::•t
-fay h(,', Ow futureeffort:vtill
he to 'writ your commen.la
1'h„n, Ism nomadism SWIM