HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-2-21, Page 1'4 r.:r4 , •0%/11.104pnenA011~./wows $ 1.50 a Year. in Advance sgifiest4F101......t* M flow the mats: of The Signal. L.. m than three venni (the price of a postage etamp) a week. Moo people hive renewed their PlubacriptiOli fur 1918. How about you? SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR -.No 3703 li All wow a me tairillb.r 46 Bartow Bou awl w w r 1 THE STERLING BANK! 9 -0.0&N sammtsmil sonowsmisismiss.,0saw .frei SAVE, Because -- The spendthrift treams of future pros- perity and comf the thrifty person has it as an abidin prese ce.. s • NOTICE TOTEEDITOItS. THE m Arita OF THE ESTATE ,er WILLIAM Path JIMPIIIISON, LAYS IW TIta ; 11111111111P of, WEST WAnAmes11. IN TMS v NTT tW Uliuo., E tamale. OILLIgase.D. Notice is hereby given. pursuant to Statute 1 Geo. 5. than. hi. sec.* that all persons having chums agamM the estate 04 theist. Willhain John Jefferson, al, who diet' on or ahout tbe 21,1 day ol Jan airy, 1911s. are requested to lend by i.i, INV' 10 the undersigned, so - wilts for Gdge Hard Jefferson and Colin Cameron Jefler, c84ijt.of the said estate: at his office. IJamIftpn street. Godench. on or before the 23rd day of 'estuary. 918. their names and addinatekand phons and a full statement ot the parttculars of (asir clscIau8 and the nature of 1(1 ...runty ni anylbeld b to, and that after t id era1.ehTi: leulal ottani'', proceed to dastribute, assetp the deceased among the parties entst1d thereto, bviog regard only to the claims of whh,94 they she shafl amn have notice and that lhey w not be liable for. the mots so distributed or any part therecaPto any 1.311441 oI whale claim the)", shall not that hair. had ruttier Dated the tith day of Febru .1918. \ M. G. "AMERON. 112-3t Solicitor f the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. hi WM SWATS' Oe JAMS, 1404114.. LA Its Wig TowN1IIIIP1W TY or.' IIiu,,# Mc - _ Notice is hereby 'given. purouant to R • . chapter 121. section* that all persons havi casing against the estate ad the said James Long deceased, who do -d on oi about the itard day of December. A 1 1917. are required to send or *laver to the undermined wlicitor for John Irecfortalff li-enit and Harry Ka hard Long. execu- kire of the said estate of the said .deoeased. on or Whey the :Ord day of February. 1918. their Chre- lean and surnames. addresses and deseriptomri. the foil particulars 04 I heir claims, a atatornent of their accounts and the nature of the locum int lit wa hekl by them And further take notice that after such last nsentiamed date said exerutots will proceed or 0e: - tribute the a(.,u thetlec eased among the Par ties entitled thereto. hating regard only to the claims of which they shall then hme ed liatIce, aril that the executors will not Ir liaMe for the said assets, or any part thereof 10 any person Or persons 01 ate res. Mims nota 'shall not hove been recant' by them at the time ot such rt Dated the 7111 day of February. A. D. hilts CHARLES GAREOW. Gorletich. Orn. Solo for John Reginald Long and 02-3t Harry Ruhard Long \ LD WOUYOU LIKE $1 TO $2 DAILY AT HOME. KNITTING AR SOCKS ON AUTO KNITTERs' EXPERIENCE UNNE.CESSARN . SEND:1-CENT STAMP. DEPARTMENT 454 C AUTOiKNITTER COMPANY, C LEGE ST.. TORONTO. HONE WOILIC. CRAIGIES Assurance nd Rea state A REAL BARGAIN White brit -k. 11 -story. neVen- letainu house. bath and electric IightM good hal two lots vi it fruit trees, 'skillets& un the corner of Cameron and Raglan 'streets. Peke $1,700. FOR SALE OR TO RENT 11•etory 11..1 brit•k - veneered dwelling. electric light, situated on the west Mill. Of flume Road. Im- mediate poesession. Also several other proper es for Kale or to rent. FA I1ME1144 1 have etuissletem for several farm properties. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance J. W . Cita ILIE PUBLIC NOTICE. NoTic4. The undersigned DrUgg is of the t n 141 Godes rich wish 10 call the attention of the inkI,c to the fact that present trade conditional ha', made necessary the transiminai of blames.. on a strictly cash bests. Beginnim MARCH FIRST. Ittls, we will sell foretells Phone orders, methanol. etc, will be tont out to he paid on delivery JAMES A. C ANIPBELL. E R. W1GLE H. (.:44U.N1,01.: J. 0 LAUDER. '14- RGENT NOTICE TO- WATER - TAKERS. • Water -takers are urgently requestedin can of fire in any part of the town. to shatuff immedi- ately any water -lam That may he running in their houses. It ts most important that the- he carefully attended to, in urdee that stars t,efit water pressure may be had. . J. B. KELLY. Engine, R. F. J. R. FORSTER. _ - EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. and Auraf Hospital. amistani at des t, House Surgeon New York thalmie Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Ho - pond, Landon. Eng. .13 Waterloo St. S. Stratiord.a. Telephone 2Ilt • TAMES(30NNOLLY,' AGENT FOR Ity Burial* Fertlhaer. Fire. Wind and Live Stuck 111aUrilare, and Cattle IFluyer. Residence Newgatc trsts.-Codench. AUCTION SALES. SALE OF A DESIRABLE co AGE WITH A LARGE GARDEN LOT. SI ATED ON THE COI( - OF WELLI ON AND QUEBEC STRF:ETS IN GODERICH: \exl --.. I am imitruct by the admineorsiot of the estate ul the late - MRS. SA'LU1 JOHNSTON 10 1,111 by pubic a thon at the memo.. on SATURDAY. F BRUARY commencing at,* o'clock harp. lhe above prop. The - \ , cottage Is well built Mid in gond repair. aryl there in a good garden with a, numher of fruit treesZlt 1, convenient 10 11111 cS is. R. and "11 10114 01 the best residence streets im,Goderach Tanta.-- Ten per cent. of puirchase money 10 4., pod at time of male: Meteor within thirty days- • R. C. HAYS. . T.11,UNI/RY. Solicitor for Administrator, Auctanwer. FOE SALE. POR SALE. -RED BRICK HOUSE, r with ail conveniences. Apply W. A CHIS - HOLM, Trafalgar street. se -if SPECIAL LUNCH COUNTER In connection with \ 'The House of Plents " When down teen look us twee. It' mti a limner) We can relieve yon r hum en it y are thirsty WV 'can relive • your !hind. Our prices are ip,lit. Yon are all welcome. W. II\ AINES. Berrien Exettrrses nines itotwe 1411 1 Required Large quantities of SCRAP IRON Terms -Cash on delivery Please phone or writerus and our wagon will call. The Naional Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited o - J ' -.4-.-- -1. t • 40DERICH. '.I.'ABLE FARM PROPERTY SALE 48 TIlE TOWNSHIP OF,r(ir BORNE CFO, And by virtue ol the power ol sale Con. ttoned in 0 mortgage held by tbe vendor. there will be uttered tur sol,- hy public auctsm, at the Union Hote4. hi the town ol (;oderiCh, on SATli RDA 1 . 1 Itt lrfil DAY OF MARCH, A. D. iftls. at three ticks k in the afternoon, the fallowing treehold proton>. namely All and singulai that rer1 410 pliftel Of tract ul land snuate. tang and being in the toroshap of colhorne in i he county of Iturtin. conlainlog by adnieasuranem toi :ram 04 hind, mute to less, being t "misused .0 the k:astetly (.art of the Nur t li part ol 5)104)110 lot knead PE m the Western Diyehon of the said township, being the math- ert Y Of Edson Money. There ea erected upon tta. farm a gold thick house and frame barn Owe with stone Mond - 1,01) The soil roilloist, 04 a good clay loam and Il e land 10 well tra lei cid Markets and mhouls are convenien,. being three miles from Giudench and McGate Four acres of orchard. consisting of Sp, , Kings and Ihildron. TERMS OF SALE The property sill. he a,111 subject 100 reserved bid Ten per centof the purchase money Khali be paid to the vendor's solic- itor un the da) 01 ode and the balance of the purchase Money within itheen d•yn thereafter, • hen a convayanor .1 the land wall to made. For !Luther particulars apply to LOFTUS E. UANCF.y. Barrister. etc . Gederich. (int, limed February Inth, lids. ILITARY PIN FOUND. -APPLY at at SIGNAL OFFICE. The war still continuing, we are en- deavoring to do alt in our Ismer .to as- sist our brave men who are sfi ht. ng abroad. to cheer and help 0117 prisoners of ear, and to give aid to the sork for Sol- diera.here in Canada. We regret tat we have lost some e valued mmbenof our Chapter, during the past year, several having gone away 0 engage in useful ear V./irk in other ces. bat se are glad to welcome a number of new members to OW since our last • THURSDAY, FEB. 21. 1918 I . 0 . D. E. Uoderich Chapters hold Their Annual Meetings Receive Reports. GENERAL BOUGH CHAP rEit f 11 Colborne C. C. Lee . Brough Chapter. I. O. D. E. held Feb At the annual meeting of the General u. mar & son odgens Bros. niers' 14411, the following officers were Postage and money orders elected: Regents NIrs, Macdonald: 1st Expenses to lumber camps vice-regent. Mrs. George Williams: 2nd vice-regent. airs. Kidd: Iird vice- Cartage on piano to tea-room Balance on hand 91 60 11 regent, Mrs. Galt Clark: secretary, Miss LeTouzel; a sistant secretary. Miss Dur- 1 Total -$516 2.111 Receipes-1. 0. 0. E. AcJount 19. Feb. 1917. Bal. oili hanti S 1 64 and Proceeds of Tag Day, lag July 2'141 7,4041! Bubo. to War Prisioner funds,- 61 00 - Rube. to Overseas Tobacco Fund 74 00 Sulb9m1.7te Halifax Relief Fund 40 00 DooatIon Han‘Fittyk-tnLeeres,teem 1 70: Kale of two plan 9211 RI 445, s 6 42 , 9 43 3:ape:Kilt e- t 55 War Prisons fund 2 27 Overseam To to fund • 4 (al French Red Cro oo British lied Clues mist* Navy League lallfax Relief Fund 1 61st Batt. Christmas die er 1 ansatikaninHdoisa.pital fur wo en. $ 69 •' Library for North West tichoois 117 54 oil 'stove for local hospital Knifing cotton for wash cloths secretes Tag I4ay ifty•uine teen 'omitted to Nat tonal Treasurer wake 14-1 Wake tip. Mr..1341/1/11t,04 Mau, and put 8011I1. "pep" Into your adver Never beton. did He people that the aelvt•rtinenients so slowly as they do now. Re- titentlret'--when yen talk through the rialvertiming t•tiltimus of 'The Sigel' you talk to thousands of people. SIGNAL 1815LIN(; CO . 1.1111TED, Pt wad !irate. L !THE LADS IN KHAKI. . ' Mrs. Harvey received the sad tidings on Monday that her husband, Pte. John C. -Harvey. had died of wounds at the military hospital. Chester, England, Feb- ruary Itith. Pte. Hervey came to Can- ada in 1909 from Edinburgh, Scotland. and was well known throughout Western Canada as a sioccer player before his en- hstment being captain of Calgary's lead- ing football team, lie went overseas in $ 4.1„7, 01041 in France. It was with this unit in the 'Attie August of 1916 and was later transferred from his Battalion, the 13Ist. to a battalion 6 631i of Passehendaele Ridge last November he .50 001 received the wounds which resulted in his 25 00 death. Mrs. Harvey is a daughter of Mr. and Mr. John Weston, of town, and has been residing w th her parents since 5 U0 her husband went overseas. She has the , ,,,, s>•nspathy of the people of Goderich in 10 is‘”ii the loss she fias, 'sustained in the death of her brave 'husband. nits; treasurer, Miss L. Millar: standard- bearer. Miss Adelaide Nairn: councillors. Mrs. Maedo elL Mrs. J. 11. Johnston, Mrs. Chas. Reid. Miss MacEwan, Mrs, Cotilthuret, Mrs. Griffis. Mrs. Jackson RECEIPTS FOR 1917;191K 1.3alance from February, 1917 :. Total receipts of tea-room • II 2.1 K Reports were presented as foliows• f Furty-fix•e fees -... 9 The Secretary's Report. Coderich, Feb. 11, fols. ',Don:0s:: from Dr. Holmes • 5 00 F• 1 Ikmation from home -nursing class 5 Part proceeds ol auction sale 2 .iss i nth anual The honor rally to me 01 Presenting Ulf • Interest at Bank •i Iii '2 sO of the Gen Bo li • LOST OE\FOUND. n wig Chapter, 1. 0. u. E. FOR SALE OR RENT. VOR - SALL. - DWELLING r with shop attached, 011 part ot lots is Ashfield township, situated on Main street. gannon. good brick well and stable. Also loge ban 73 and 71. West Wawanosh F.. further information apple to MRS. J. W. GRAHANI. N'ellington St,. Godench. 01-2t .VARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, ON e. the ith concession 01 Colborne story -and a - half brick house, brick barn, ailed att011i, straw, shed. hen-homor. hog -pen, sheep•pen below. Eretythine in fair order. Watered by spinfig Creek. eight acres plowed, all the rest in gram. In es ery Say one 01 the bent farms in the township. A very good orchard, all k,nda of mutt -apple,. plunta. pears. pet/the., black cherries. red chernes, mama, and all kind, or S/10111 Iruit Nice tot uae- tton. near schaol and church. three miles to Mc - Gass atm . three males to 4-,urrr, stating]. Ad - Om. dn.. A /RE:11 JOHNSTON. R. R. No. i. (Rural tele ate V rIt. . .. VOR SALE.--SOL1D BRICK HOUSE, r all modern arnv.emences. al., goal well, toll water cistern, two trees. lawn.. Yea -table garden, stabk. etc A tes Minutes' walk loam tbe Square. For lull particular address 19,. 3.i THE SIGNAL OFFICE,(' 'ch. Ont. 99-11 liARM FOR SA - -sCOMPRISINt; --- - a- 110 acres 01 choice cl, land in good shape on lot D. concesionn d. C ich township. four mule,from Godench. with l,4.,e acres 01 young orchard in bearing. also sma fruit. A large bank barn wrath cement mkt and all modern con- veniences. also large dwelling &hose and imple- ment shed. Telephone and tura, &livens Ass, one and threequarter acres of nudistsl planted in orchard, pact ot lot lik concession 4 Terms reammuible. Apply to GEORGE SOHE R 111 . R. R..1110. I (emerich (phone M r 20. • stt-2t .. \ I•50R SALE.-FORT1' ACRES GRAIN I: and fruit larm three miles 1.044 1,1sIcruli, On Hayfield road It has. eight acre. of 1 apple orchard, au per cent. Spy. and 111111111,014, number gal cherry, pear and plum trees. The front as a rut h 'handy loam well nutted for small fruit. or vegetables, the bark a good clay loam in go.sd condithal The Moldings are coml, ismer in maim and hair, Also sixty acres nearer (1011C- fICA. SUllable 10f either grain ur posture, spring cree)1. :1:14/rards of id...drams a good barn and la. house. Apply to FIRS. WM. HICHAN. R. It. No. 2. tksierich. or phone. 238 r.3. 10,-Ini USE /se e. WANTED. WANTED. --4 COMPETENT (;l RL 7 for general liMallewOrk. Two in family. Apply to MRS. CAR.SAR. at Mn, It J. Ache- ' son's. Nel.on mica. . - - CARD OF THANKS. UR. AND MRS. McCLUSKEY dmire to thank then many friends for 11011 helpful arid very kind sympathy shown them (luring ihe tong Moto of het father. Thomas Beaty. and also at has demine. Signed on ha half of the family. hIR IND MR'. J. SleCL(SKE1 /NOTICE PUBLIC LIBRARY The Book Exchange at the Public Library will be open during the usual hours on Saturdays. Read- ing room open every day, as usual. By order, J. A. FOWLER, Secretary. Have you increased your Insurance to meet the rising value of property, goods, furniture, etc) Attend to this matter NOW. ROBERTSON WOODS Insurance Agent. P lar brant . meeting. :uarn bearer, Mrs. Jordan: councillors, Ilyrou diteltarturn Our revenue this past year has been de- ' Mesdames W. L. Bertoni Clifton, Noble, Y. 11. C. A rived frortra succesoon 01 afternoon teas 1.ec4iie. Gallow, B. J. Santis, Fielt1.1 • served in' our pleasant little 'tea-room Slack, the Misses Millar and Videan: opened last Apnr We art, jnde4j 10 buIng connuittm, Mrs. It. ('. flays. i 18: Feb. 19)8, Bal. 011 hand -40 Is Mrs. Jackson fee the idea tit beginning it. convener, Mesdames' Lee, 51Iiirney., 1 --•-•-- 1 00 9.1 et fleet: "Bobs': Jorses-flateman arrived s town at rem today atter about three • rs in service. He has been invalided alter a series of stirring experiences e. 11 75 $391 35 Is, Feb. 1918 Bal. on head, 25 79 Total- -1516 2.1 • AIIMERK,CIIAPTER The annual meetlug of the Ahm Chapter, I.O. D. E.. was held on 5 day, Feb. bah. The following oftit were elected for the coming year: 1) regent, Mrs. W. 1,, Elliot. regent: N Hill: Int vicer•egent, Miss Hume; vice-regent, Mrs. Carrie: *scree/try. 5 Proudemt: anmintant-seeretary; Miss flaw treasurer, Sleet E. Naha rot 3 417 11 Special Account Iteceipte-- eek 114sIseb. 1917, Hai, on hand 3 20 7$ low I Western Canada Flour Billie di• tern ' chtends. March and Septem• . on. 1 Iirr 54 00 Frs. Bank interest 90 stel .. . Int. . , $ 15 68 It. ExPeaditures an• e i . • $ 30 0(4 3 50 2 00 135 50 Here regularly, since these. every Satur- Sturdy, carey and Hume. day tea has been served. We are grate -1 MI to our townst,ieopk for the encourage- ment and ' aseisit ince t • yteadv pat ron- aee has given us. " From our funde we hate en able to subscribe to many worthy 4'bjet4 and re- spond to urgent appeals of many kinds. Some of these are: To our local 'hospital 13,15 has been donated to be used for special requirements of the children's and men's wards; $33.50 teas sent to the Byron sanitanurn in London. Ont., where sick soldiers receive treatment; through the Qurn Mary Needle work Guild we gave $2.0 lor_eq440tea', -comforts; $20 was given to the PAWN* Re4l'4;n8e ; 426 to the ' Trafalgar Day appeal. and 410 to 1,1e, Navy League fund: in response to the national appeal for the relief of the suf- ferers at Halifax we gave *10. With the money thus raised by the Daughters of the Empire they have established in Hali- fax a home hr unclaimed children. We have this year sdopted another • soner of war; we now support th ee,1 whom we get, from time to time, grat nI messages for the parcels they get throes us. • We st I are undertaking to keep two of the lum r camps of Quebec supplied' with mag es This, we (eel. is an ex-; cellent work nd one that means much' to s BETA It 1-st Itl:PORT It its a matter of regret that Carrie, decretary of our Chapter, :thou be absent. its her annual reports are waysinterceding and Enver complet the work accompliabed during the ye We have had ten been:teas tneetin the attendance of the menitiere has le regular, which ham encouraged t officers in their work • Our two efforts to mime money Buri the year were, the paper collection a the tag day, the financial- remelt reps het ;hone whA worked mo hard. empeci 1y the few who looked after the pe collection. In conjunction With the Gene Brough and Maple Leaf Chapters of t I. 0. D. E.. the Rebecca:it and the dality, a imetWoisful euchre enabled ti WWII(41) of GtiderIch to wend *60 tette. It Crofts Society for the benent of the t lir Goderich boys wire are prisoners War. We have been able respond in financial WAV to every a mai made for patriotic work. Riving t Heiden idle work of MIs,. Bays, iie\overme Tobacco fund has been reghlar an much appreciated by the reeled:A many acknowledgments having bee re the men .11 in hese remot- centres. We , ceased. Likewise, Miss Miller hest loo appreciate great the gifts of magazines alter the prisoner of war fund and th made u•:: for this trthy cause. uhapter is Indebted to all Who have co Our work for Belgian relief this year I tributed regularly to these fitness took the form of a sthall money donation"I .. We were enabled to send 390 to tb and contrthut ins of t•hildren s garments Halifax sufferers, the Chapter votin months. made by our members kir two different ' - bales sent away during the last twelve I an_ alkula. generous donation 01325, from on el0 from the mein/sera making the ha d 15 from another gentlemen wit Our intersst in the work. of school i - children prompted us to give *10 to in- , , The collection for the Navy Leagn stall a library in sorne school where there i of such recent datt• that it hard' etsla to he mentioned te remind. on are many foreign children in attendance. / in order that we might help them to grow 111C11111004 how generously the public re pontled to the appeal. Godetteh can • proud of, being 011e of the timepiece Ontario to form a Navy League,. with membendlip or thirty -t Fee and forty vo ameociate memberm. The 101t11 of 16.52 wan forwarded to the national eanurer of the 1. O. D. E. • During the year we have bee% ahle to 1st In many %% ass; tower& fittiashing cessary mupplies fur the hospital. 40 lianlwood Mier donated bys the metal Booed, and the Aloneek Chap. rts. *Imo the melee/seating of the Miner aril. are permanent improvementm to e adding to the comfort of e mtaff and patients. Mot. Minor has ain remembered the Aineek Chapter a most genektim manner and her con lied interest is rolieti appreciated, cheque for 325 has be( -fl received from 1404 Elizabeth Acheson, Toronto, wards renovating the Acheson Want (which wait gratefully acknowledged) as this room will now be One of the bright- est in the hospital. The regent, secretary and treasurer wish to thank the members for their continued help and assistance during the past Ave years, that they have held office and ANMITO the now officers of their unceasing Interest in the wore the Ameek Chapter to the future. TR/CAM:RR lett REPORT $ es MAPLE LEAF CI (AFTER The reisso of Maple Leaf Chapter will ab- -4ountl on page 3 of this 448.141, el' • s, ar. ' LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. `Olt The Arthur Circle is making prepara- ng tions for a "St. Patrick. tea" W be given nd on Monday, March I$th. Y. I Buy your railway tickets from the al- downtown agents, P. F. Lawrence & Sons., Wt. and avoid delay at the station., ral The production of "Intolehmee" at so. Saturday, has been postponed an in he Victoria Opera House, advertisedur next definite date after Lt-nt. ell The North street Methodist choir are et, preparing a sacred cantata. "Frons of Olivet to Calvary" t b . blaunderi for their annual Good Fridayconcert. a The big thaw eltarts1 aw a lot of the 1. snow and threatened Uinta any cellars. AM but a sudden change to cold ail. thee came d ,Tuesday night and things are inn up • agiatiln;pite. of bad weather on Sant ay. the Salvation Army tag -day coneetors stuck th their work faithfully and as a n- .ult the sum of $66.10 was realized for t Army's rest hut work among Ow sol- er e(' diTIintEn'irblnev.library has hens badly e bandies sed fPc- some works for lack 'e- h coal. but rangements have been made l• for a suppl • tel the hook exchange will now be open rim, the usual hours in e Saturdays. T' re ing nom is open 1' every day, r 1 Word has been ret ve in town el the death of Mrs. Geo. Robinson. of Relpfla. The deceased lkilfS. Thos.Ntipley. of Cli ;siirsutieri1/4171. Robtnstin is a brother of . Wm. Robinson of (Own. Besides 11 sban.I, three children sunive. Tht• Greater Production commit of the town COUnt'll and Ihe Gederich to ship Farmers' Club, with tilt- eximeted operation of the Colborne Farmers' Club. are arranging for a visit to town from N1r. S. McCrt•ady 'of the Provin- cial Organization of Resource's Commit tee. to give an address On war service for the .stay-at-homes. Thedate of the meeting has -not yet been .1ixerf, up loyal British subjects. The secretary la of the education& department, 1.0.1.). E.. in has recentlygnformed us that our School is in Fairfor11. Manitoba. and -that fifty I ,t volumes on .'svidely diversitied subjects ' have been purt based with the money we 54 sent. • Last autumn our Goderich public I as school children were provided by us with a large amount of material which they knitted up into wash -cloths for Red !G Cross work. We also obtained through lie the pupils by a "shower" a large quan-1 w tity -of vegetables for the Alexandra 1 tn Marine and General hospital. I th Last April we had a sick shower for the • boys '.4 111'.- 16Ist, and so collected a large 71 number of pairs of comfortablehand- on knitted socks which we handed over to A the Women's War Auxiliary of town for mi shipment to our battalion. In Novem- ber last we gave $5 to help provide a Christmas dinner for our Huron men in England. We also responded to the Sal- vation Army appeal for money to build their huts near the firing -line. And now we welcome the new year upon which v. -e are entering as a bright and fresh opportunity of putting forth our glad endeavors to give what liberal response we tan to every worthy appeal that comes. Respectfully' submitted. CONSTANCE LETOezei., Secretary. Financial Statement The treasurer's report was as follows: EXPENDITURES. Expenses of tea-room .... Prisoners of ear fund. .. ... Fort y -five fees Cheque to Belgian relief ...... . Cheque to Byron Sanatorium Cheque to Goderich Marine Hoe- ......... .. Cheque to Queen Mary Needle- work Guild $ Sti 61 66 00 11 25 600 33 50 Cheque to Red Cross „ „ . Cheque to British Red Cross Cheque to Foreign I.ihrary . Cheque to Salvation Army Brtish Navy relief fund Soldiers' dinner to 161st Battalion Halifax relief fund To enable purchase Victory Loan Mrs. Wells. for French hospital . Dr. Copp. for home -nursing exit& C. /lumberfor presentation watch 30 00 25 00 20 00 36 00 10 00 150 10 00 500 10 00 9 79 .1 00 500 1000 44 llospital Account Receipts - Feb., 19, 1917, Bal. on baud 3 63 42 Part proceeds of anctIon Halo 9 $S Net receipts of paper collectio100 25 Dooationa from M. Miner Donation from Mime Acheson, 25 00 Toronto 25 00 ' Bank Internet 1 30 Bxpuditure-- Dry goods for Hospital 5 60 17 Bedding for Hospital 6 no Silver for Hospital 2 iei Hardware tor limmital IN 90 Goderich Planing Mill, Part pa1 ment for hardwood floor 20 00 Mxpearies for paper mile/scion 7 gs Cbrhitmas cheer and gift to Hospital 1100 --- 3 130 60 111, Feb. 1918 Hal on hand 86 95 - - S 217 55 \ • . 3 217 55 NitM.R. MacVicar has purchase'd tl e millinery business which has ben carried on (ora ntimber of years by Miss C. NI. Campbell and is now conductiho is a ng ttrhe no ets in the old stand, Kingston street. Mitt Ma •V. . • and Mrs James MacVicar of town, has had considerable experience in the milli!) ery business, and will no doubt receive a good measure (ar the 'patronage of the ladies of Goderich and. vicinity. She is now away on a tqsit to 'Toronto and inlet millinery centres•getting in line with Ow latest ideas for spring and summer bust- nes'. - Dr. Maxim Nivea, noted as an analytical and rtaearch chemist, and Miss Isabel Mac/el-man, a pian- ist of note, have announced their engagement to wed. The date has not been made public hut it Will be a few days, as the arrangements for the ceremony have been made Mie Mac- lennan lives at 7105 Stony Island avenue and Dr. Niven at 023 North Hamlin avenue. Chicago Tribune. The bride- to-be is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Maclennan of Ashfield •ind attended the Collegiate Institute here be fore gong to 'Milan. Italy, where she pursued her musical studies. ----- A Pink Bonnet on a girl with auburn hair is no more of a success than the wrong kind of frame Oh a I:lecture. Our picture framing is a galeeffell, becauee we know how. We carry a complete line of artistic Mould- ings, in all the Wed designs, also oval frames and convex glass for .portraits. etc. We guarantee quality, service and retiefaction Thomon's Mush:, Art and Stationery Store. • Pte. Neil lacDonald surprised his fam- ily 041 Monda ight. when lie walked M while they were • ting their suppers l'te. Nlaclkmald enlist with the Ilirilh Oitfetd Battalion and was a 'ear and a half (We- aves, six months ot this Sm. bring spent in France. He was gam.s • atVmy, and was invalided to England, re he had since heen until his departur for home. l'te. MacDonald says he likes the Old Country, and everybody used the 'well. • Among the soldiers who have arriv in Canada from overseas within the last kw days are four Godench men: (1. I'. Hi, E. Thompson; W. T. Kell and R. Chambers. It is not definitely known when they >till reach Gielerich. ANNUAL MEETING POSTPONED. Every Business 114•n Urged to Attend Board of Trade Meeting Several of thelocal industries not hav ing handed to Pi esident Cameron of the Boanl of Trade their review of the orwratitnin of Atte past yea, the annual meeting of the -.Board, called for last Nlonday evening, was postisesed to next Monday evening when itwill be held its the visuncil chamber 01 the town hall, commencing at IS o'lck. It is expected that the missing information will have been supplied by this time. so that the president may mestere a eompkte report. Officers tor the coming year will he elect- ed and no doubt matters of considerable importance to tis' business interests II* town will be up ler discussion. • 14 14 urged that every business man in town attend and take part in the meeting. The Board of Trade has not been ver'. at See for some months. and it is time the bu.sht>t44 men took hold and put 54)1114 new liltt ittto it. Ns • e of Giodsrieh Killed.' NIontreol. Igb. 20. - Dr. John S. Booth. who was fatally •ruslied under the wheel of l strts•t car 0 SI. Catharine street yesterday nesnitie,',was 011 his way 1(1, birard a train. 1)1- "Muth was horn in Gode- rich. Ontario, fift y -three years ago. Ile had resided here for thirty-five years. graduaf. - ing from McGill 1.niversity in the class tit •s7, since which tune he had hOen practis- ing here. He was widely known and de - vi /ld much of his time to poor patients. Besides his Widow he leaves Ih•e children, one of whora is an infant. Free Trousers. Extra pair of trousers free eith every sun or overcoat SaturdaYs Stones:I) W4NII N Milts Co, F. J. l'ridhans, Agen Try' Awards' Nene-made cndy: It is go/eland tasty. Blackstone'( daricing1 class every Tees- . day. eventril at Masonic Temple. s to 14.30, On hest rir. torture 01 t, lot hache is hard la en - dere. 1'e/1m,( ri•lief should be provided. There only '.nu- thing that we know se for to a • ,'he thhe at is llcr than "cold steel" and at is I lime s TISIONIChi• 1 hrO1N. 11's ter than the tither altt•rna nee, b.ause it -slims the pain almost instantly and yo still have tht• tooth. This remedy shoult ept in your meth - eine cabinet ready for t ediate use. Price ter4ents a bttle. Sok iy• E. R. Witch.. dr gst. Gotten. u, Ont. _ . . If qttality comas, use Black one's de- licious ice cream in hulk or brit- • for all occatrms Phone 210. GUr4toeys SALE REGISTER. Tst-.1)1%. Feb '2, t•.tle -'i, ,,'.4,, how. • hold furniture automisfide . properly 1,1 Itiitivit Curran lisl I, conesin,n fs, Ashheld, WKONItsliAv Fel, 27. Chat one attettort sale farm mask MO implement,. Ininwrty of Alfred Lienston. iot IL I 1,11Cemton 7. Wen Waltaniaili, Rverything Mutt go. 0s Loin is sold. FRIDAY, 111.0ch 1 Ms.- Lit. Sim rummest sale at Auburn, an ixint- rst o'cthe Au uburn Red .C00titcirty, conMes ngat I Mareh I -%tottaeoem. farmstork and irplenenisroerty 01 John S. he1, 101 ., conceso(0tericus.moe,atct00Cr. 'THo MARRiED. IIEDDLF ht knot horch mans, aslerich by Rv. R C. Ms Dermot. ,on Wes, awsday evening February :al. Myrtle I e. daughter i0 Wm S, ,n,. to lairn.', MI of town NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- Feb. 24 Paige Sale of Valatable Farm Property Ilancey Card of Thank, Mr and Mna. Jan..MrClwelter Property for Sale- Mrs.l• W\Gralsalli . Reader ThornsimS hiestre, Alt and StalsonerY 8011t11 111PUNIC 1.111141y f. Adel Roeder St. Patrick, Tea -The Arilurr Cinch. Notice re Cash system - Ourpiests Town Girl Wanted -Mts. Caesar . Pin Falarld -Signal °Mee -------------4