HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-1-31, Page 6e G Tin i'i ,,is rAi, JAr.. ;. 191'' Robert . 1son 'AS3EY-NARRIS SHOP If'wiit.-u St McL Cutters Coeiericlt (Set en te let >01.1 , c. ► We h If,: just unl..aje•J toe cu -..[OR? 14o11ous FROST FENCE. Cute•;: uhf �•_. u- ,I#.tit t,.,. f.uCi Ur; ittitmcutebt- At.° tutu - ,r, ut Q1d. Homestead Fertilizer 1rr K N 1' , 1 , t'I eV armor T YOUR SERVICE l CE Fel Line vi Eieorlcal GOMIS 1 1'.. 1;•c' ► :.II ATI RAS 'r.I: T IRS i 1 %hill,' ;lin-, 1;>, 1., kie:S • REVOLT 1N FINU Na. • Kul.tseviki Will AId Ito (►v t'rtlerr,wlag tbi. (Aeeraneet, ST9C1f.t4OL111, Jan 29,—The keg - threatened rerolutton in (`I est h"s began Is the eastern pro,lslc according to sparse reports reachl Haparauda. The ';ed Guard Is p'.rted to hare ticeupled the rail station at itelafnsfors, all the fp e'en coayuls have lett the remit and sharp tlghtleg !r report around and la Vinare. Te d 'nekia eeleottee,ard i3 importaatdint jubetian i:II+„iab soldiers are aiding the tied and reilfforetuents ace corning fro t•etrograd. The I''ibbi.b Minister in Petro grail has protested to the Work T� SIGNAL - GOD tRICNe ()NIA MO CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tette How To Get (hake trent Head-('oldw ll ii Splendid: es, ( fa one minute your chyrgwl nostrils nit will oyro, the air passage. 01 your helot I Will clear mad you can brittle freely: re- 1(u sore hawkrlg, arnigliaz. blowing, way headache, dryness. Ne struggling for breath •t night: your cool or catarrh Al Wilt to guile. elft (:et a small battle of Ely's Cream Batu from your druggist now. Apply i- t • little of this fragrant. antiseptic, s,) healing cream in your nostrils, ft pen- «trate* through every air, passage of the Ni bred, soothe• the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief cones }a- ntantfr. it's just ane. Don't a4v •tuned mens and Sof deers' relegates comes fes quickly. • A shti'}.•,. Y ;mow?.'• i .:«. e._ mg:'nst Russian Iatertereni•e In Fin testi affairs. He received a reply that ''I;us„ia'., Government. tree t 1's princtpl.,;, is In duty !totted t• Ruppert, the proletariat . in F+°laad In ire battle against the Findeb betel...oise.- The Bolshevik' ''era tttis.,i.)n•r (farther declared that help harl'Ite•n seal to for Reds and atilt tear.. troop: wool) he tent to tbeei The forces of law and order tet Hetstogfora are' powerless, because flea city to comtpande.f by the gulls of (hlssiah warships. which set in the hand., ,of .iRolshwriki baiter*. Ti.' t:omraandant of the Fleet sum- moned the city'; .authorities,- Meted - •n; Preselete 4r;a ufvud ape taw S eaf's& (Palters, 10 his stet' Sater- day cal devaedr.f that the Ger- eminent White . Quart be helmet, nreev .(!,Itereteil. "fie terealethel to Icv••t tae rttY 1, the ground t( the arse•• -'was Ilio- M Syinhu.'rud r••1:ted that the '1 •mase' Fotfl nut be cn:upli•• 1 - • Th ,.l' , . :t-)13heviki organ, • 17v -,s• 1 .•''u , 1 it' the Red , • • ..and- of it. t ?CI' 1 - •,•• temps at sense �oisps ••..••, , i .., •"� , t.l •afro' std .••y .,•+,..;t •y of tour- 1 •r:n; .s 1 . t •r to The :.til... �'w'- f 1.11 ' . Ana' •'l it 1e elle Ta • [' rt • Geie �•nt t r:imes2. has al , , A w rs th t a re. a n„ k I lit: a} I i urisiau lot r- with a cold or aur m ustarrh—Rel 1 RO8i. TAS `• ; - -that le—the. -OSS.„ere_tntrr r-,;.r.t anA 8 carr HIGN CC ASS bed SANITARV We serve excellent meals a la C?nt•,dafif PIES TO rAKlk OIJT P ,.site Luncheon Room to, Ladies and Gentlemen CAREFUL eERviCC 0. Motto pea. letere AI*p • 1 p An Inside Bath Makes You Look and Feel Fresh 'y+ a glass of hot water with phosphate before bhaMllse keeps illness away.1 This a*Callen— t, commonsense . health measure beteg sleeted by millions Pointe:the the world over twc mend the 'nate• bath claiming this of vastly more itrportaoce than of time etearlllnees. because the sift ree-ee do not absorb lmpnrttlea In tea blood. musing 111 health, while th porta fn the ten yards of bower, d„ Men and women are urged to firm cacti morning, before breakfast 'let, of hot water with a tea,poonfu or Ilmestone phosphate In It, as beast••• means of hetptng to was from tbo stomach, liver, kidney, an "towels the previous day's indigesfibl realeMat, poisons, sour title and toxins thee elesnslug, sweetening and per tying the entire alimentary canal fore patting more food Into the atom ach. Jual as soap and hot water cleanse sad freshen the akin, en bot water and (lmeatooe phosphate act on the Mins i ul l es organ, Thos who wake up with had breath costed tongue, nasty taste or have d ull, aching head, sallow completion o dd stomach; othere who are eubjec tO billow' attacks or constipation •hated Obtain a quarter pound of lime atone phosphate at the dnig store T hie will coat very Ilttle but is safe 'east to demonatrate the value of In side bathing. Those w o meal/lee It teach morning are assured of pro ot'n iti Na Tilt to regard to I air- pla°..s dropped bornM on Loa as hs•tween 9 and 10 n'rlo.•:. evening, according to an.omcial lova munieatfon. One of the lnvadln, aircraft was brought down in F:aseL The tett of the cornmunleattott say v: .Hostile airplanes cro,sel the Kent and Essex coasts shortly before 4 o'clock this Peening and proceeded toward London. Some of the ma- chines penetrated to the capital, where bombs were dropped between two Vet' r ,5I Lib:ra,+ Leaders of Ontario T is a prowl and honorable hn- beritence erbit'b •°arae to Wil- liam Pr•ru.]r,eot. N:1'.P., the new aauary, 1915. aes,io0al lander of ler Liberal Two of the later commend Dr Chues Ointment, and effect tome of the cute very grateful fur my brother'' iserted thatthe trade but It n as 'b" Pt.ed . +s r eh by Seedy progresit Ill the de meat of the Province, by the to hon of tee adm}oistretive ntru and by a suecesslon of legal with the Dominion Govern which established the rights o Provinces firmly under the or etitut1on. When Mowat answered an ',cloth- male- arra. Eczema Cured ured A Terrible Ride. mast, s To ride fifteen hundred feet at ( tie Five YearsA breakneck speed on the tall -cad of w toil- go a saowsllde over the mountains of D lbs rugged Lied '3elkirka and to be pluag- the A ed into a chasm 250 feet deep, and Treatment Which Has Proven' the° c°me out alive, 1. the "Pelle". tens a Wonderfni Healer ofthe tlajoIu,miners employed at the Sit - Mfrs property near lave Mee Skin—Certified Evidence B•C. wflr the plunge they wo bees b°.ted In the re snow, but managed to atsee of Lasting' Curs, gals the surface atter severs' hours bus - Of unceasing toll. They were hem- °[ meal in on all sides, and the walled/sr (leeego The old notion that eczema L a the crevasse ewe sheer over them ship, disease of the blood is refuted time and time a for hundreds of feet. Ill this tondt- eteh gain by the cures that are Gen they remained for *early Otly Ike"' daily being effected by Dr. Chaw'a hours. When the w ha ' Ointment, o ere ready to ad- It matters not what the calfs may overhead nearly"; Isom the heights t, hat•• been, If you apply Dr. Chassis ¢ache down from Ointment regularly you will obtain a rescue party. 1 The meq had had as a relief and cure of edema: Here 1 •� aothfag to eat, an/ were suffering Irom the cold. Three of the miners I were also seriously Injured In their auddea Ball la 1886 and joined Laurier Cabinet as it ikwept Power after elghteee years of ('o yetis. rule, he handed the see to Arthur R. Hardy, who had oqe of his powerful IllaLlers 1E87, and often called 'Little T der" from his powerful • It waa now the turn tel W. Rosa to take !be Premie sad earnestly did he tabor aha adverse conditions until defeat c in the berglaniag of 190•. host earned boner tied praise for hi - ministration of the Edueatioo pertinent afore 1883, for he w PatagtatJng Minister, and his form eloquence has never equalled in the Provincial tield, seldom if ever in the wider Dom ion It nit tive that i wet eweo rs theft fsk lag & Northern Ontario Rail and the opening upof thatgrnorthern .hinterlan. Bowed the weight of the party reco l° °Mee without change Dat- the ill uuf : e • been Mra Stephen O. Thwaite•, Boa 206, sad Jordan, Ont., writes : ••M, brother }�- had a bad case of eczema on his lets. fa- He wag troubled nearly all one fall am and winter with It, and could not work a fur days ata time. lie tried differ- 'Y Erni salves and ointments, but none wit° cured him. One day he tried Dr. Chase's Olntmrnt, and It gave almost rd, Instant relief He continued its use, or but had not quite finished the second over thirty years, defeat came, b Mr. Ross remained leader of t OPDositioa until called to the Sena In J ut boa when he was cured. 1t is now es about fit. year* since then, and it ha• to never returned. We certainly can re - sn�o�u : � SW EA m w� gum She mixed Sulphur with it to Restore Color. Mose. Youthfulness. Common garden sage brewed tate ff heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked and Laded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a few applh'atton• will prey a revela. tion It your hair to fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the sage Tea and Sul- phur recipe at home, though. Is trou- boatleme. An easier of Wyeth s Sage Y nd is tSu phuo get t Compound et any drug store all ready for use. Thin Is the old-time recipe mproved by the addltlon of other In - laude down the mountain and fall I grWhlle wispy, lata the chasm, and were removed slntul, we ldeal re faded rodetainhair sour not oa stretcbera alter harl°g trees rail- youthful appearance and attractive - ed to the top of the mountain brink. nen. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. Much Alt•uhol Used In Ruseiat no one can tell, because It dots It so Over one hundred and fitly 1i- anasipo sponge are soft ybrush withst d88 and caned chemists le Petrograd have, tt draw this through your hair. 'taking 8. reported. sold the equivalent of ^e small errand at a time. by morning two hundred and sixteen thousand al( gray hAlrs have disappeared, and. gallons of pure alcohol since the atter another appltcatlon Err two, your liquor edict took*°ti I hair becomes'beautltully dark, glossy, la legitimate a (•oft is preparation 1 This preparation b a delhtheful toilet requblte and is not Intended. tor the cure, mitigation or prevention of dis- ease. • fa 0°tart-,. For halt Rosa Cabl a r members le the a cell./ qct followed is the leader - Ito tares , irs bare carried at"' George P. Graham . served 1 tae banner •ret from January, 11x07. until the fol- states: . T "This is to certify that I kno l alcoholic -.reparations as bevel -ties. e ort and' have led , lowingJto Thistles sat roost case •h• refers the party to *hum r statements are 1 Ao House in Jaffa- ra a mainly cordata (Her. S. F. Coffman. Vineland, Ont. , Of sales to perious who use these t In the ,:era, series 1 August when he be and rueties Minister of Rall correct.") and her t h byte given ton Governmwant tas en days when St.ointment, Peter stayed at the Syrian port. Theaa rout- Arabs destroyed It In the early Eightwithout teenth Century, and Napoleon re-\inivitnh: peated the destruction in 1799. The• position. too. of the house which haswillthe reputation of being Simones doese not tally with the New ent. statesmanahi t whir ways ft the Domia- [ ea the eat. Party Ualty was kir. J. E. Jones 224 tnkereity It 1s a great deal mor Province its bi;h pia,-;, in the returning after the debacle of 1905, avenue, Kingston. On writes : "1 had doubtful that file house wale miaiop., For , sad there was [eaerat praise (nr hb lcaema Ill my handfor about five church army Is said to <-• -ratio° or more }eldership. A. t:. MacKay fo lowr.d, be. -" I tried a great chary ver a [les, at Jaffa was ever "Sin their work 0 4 k wa, to wake a habitable and his great uttwnods, platform s checked 11, sons cis a of them ear's. For one tbiag, J late Deafer kept t �'--___--• _-- Previnee out el a t • • t abllfty L a forceful ut found that white a readers have aasame,} r P he art alivered it new daring further dark days. p y Finally I tried Dr. Chase's duties s my an s Ysix .eller: } would not d� trb o r, ]911, tater to go to Albeeta, a�Mix of Dr.• Chase's ()liftmenq ur0ugbl ,ts own pro- where he eaterld tlla Io;islature, h^rue 11 !t cuat.tl! a bo:. f am nd' its own leaders, ani it 15 the O°[are° Littera' pa he nerve to this Arm .o that 1 r4oa nu t rty did sn ua- heti".men u( the pant Precedented thin.; by rheoain; a tet rn those w•ho suffer a■ 1 did." i do ti.: leader who was not even In "fr.," Chase's Ointment. 60 cent\ to the )editions et te_d et of them would y. lite This was Y N R Dttuan box at it d look who though man Ba 1;dmanno lebting tee battles of social retor Octtober Nr melee,' leafletted la and !n et week hand P ctrl I 00 19 *1y 00: ;rte A, we f tee ea Met 8' *las irw Mr eelieu t J • d Y hand R !1 tide. tee, !e eat and .l « g of bl af. N. ow•'Ii, a a eaters or rnl the men a P'i�atr citizen had tea k Co.. Limited, Toronto Sub. 1y day or^• of aft riven marl stens of Ca *City fyrtutAa will only dhtappofnt i'ou. In- 1 by 1 t 1 r. Dublir , •r•' p ton getting what you ask for. owe ga•vP stz nota, leader• lean of unremitting work to his t "What -is the name of that handsome than I prisoner asked the impressionable young woman. the "No. :2tf;. miss,'' replied the guard. buy "How funny! Hut, of course, that is tan- not his real name. - "(N', no, mks, that's just his pen ran.•." -The Catholic Telegraph. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF . •element--) "He lodgetb with one •!mon a tan- ner, whose house is b; h.• sea side. on a Owing to its positionhe present house sIto - st thla view m the "housetop" as alone to 8-e. it worth possessele. bat. lint tt dot be �'h ° *Ay �bhn' Kuru fur own faction o alneri fon new task, and had la+terly the routs. i. s y :n the temperance two ikew' } eau • of be 1 t' • a 3AO,tfl011 tr.. -- au ? 1, r. to hrwrsee rt11�, 081, .. rt ( rn*. (:Eye t,..H a fe •,f1 tared- I A, Cl. - 1 eas'e .lis.. , 1 Ill 1; -Ai: ,1 ja- fru w, to :. I .1� 1 v }I ,•. • ea-ly th •yttpt Proti4! UNCLE SVCS ARMY. !Wettish. leave 117 fns 1a p)wer ft not ID, Of- dine near J re o tire. the • Hf3 � ire •fano *l0 t rate [O • Y nd program efr'vm.., we .'.5m down frond reform had ad main plankm of socia! • re:u federation htee to succession' own ake. sir ft,, t. 1JlwasdHar y, Sir buds pay adoat,ej yti'remieer tr Hearit st 'fru!; W. 1:"•, torr! P. Coham.in 191 With another dramatic turn 'shell' *char• R W. Rowell and err Rowe''! has been called. .to the the 1,:tit. t least 14'111 Out 1 :'tu t'abinet for th Do 21I oat Vie• P were but, ave the sati;fae. met' ltd [ton Of the sue arlpp- bar, anti *`ter it had been incardine Review: A man brought m small !tads of fence -rails to fiincar- lately:Joe which he asked $22. Ile Mica. sed an offer of die. Late at night he Mica. -.0 named fret , its being ad, I., which was itself too much. easily di ded Into glistening scales, 'There -should be some check put upon consists o silica and alumina, as- profiteers.s uvh If thes town f Delated wl magnesia. a °e con- g ala. soda, and er has no curb upon such rapacity he lime in vary ' g proportions. Thus old be given it. - we have soothe • mica, eonstattn of - - silica .t....,i-_ [ , d potash: and die only with those people who nests mica. In w, cb the alumina is die with you, and not always with Partially replaced m; ar.••nia, pass_ m 1°g—ge the proport .n of m:•gnesia you do nett want your feelings hurt laereases—into gout •' le, which la 'ate due consideration' for the feel- chiefly composed of si ca and =ag- o( others. reefs, 'TheWilliam a 808118)1 - ed s - nrtf: ,o ins 01 $om 't •eine ra b h 8")N5 train `bruf a Ar ^ tip_, r - - _Wet _ odeetive - than tint! u[ �.,•.tax dna o1 his t grotto roto of tux f pee! ready ' , fotl•,w as Qui o here In ear -sl, ie In his Hale a t th. may be sat, and an earnest • . N este y provided t,) e, they rel •rt a followers e io tae I -e rase e p le el}. ! If ern-- la f tee , '! v ; •d o and stood .ttro tY or definite idea,' to roar:e2P his progressive g lttt 1 '1 r , ,,.,, Although the ret Pre Ddliwr� inl; 1 t t• .. - a ..:•• - Z r v r fila !a ,;m+rau t . ti,•• sat:ua ani to Ltsw a s : f fu,av n .t - t.,t001 5t I,erpltw ft: \ t'•, �'n.J•• lifrlif i,• C•)�tnitt u . It 111/1 I it ' r -ow uta crrr(;;IlY ay.0 1 t wtta t'.2e °s(Itt_arI' se. rets, to ear retirees [!rat the Government broken down"prPParing fir era tb From early Muud0y morals; of s'' in the aft..rnuoa the Set, re' r Jrr'sae4 tis • •:)mm;((.., a crewed. includtug many membe f t fps t8ivae of CongrP3s, rathe d' } was A 8.t • hearing room of the gnat 5ce' 1181.110;. He •poke• este from aaeo l Ire, hegrnatng with dela'spite tee UI tnmOt ' tai . O ' ul ' I0; '�� irr°Y o a million and a bale, swarm(• sue-h--c'irnptslat. °t i M w fancy as: were cited by :, Years r'hkmtr chain in his recent k to w a0d- '8 ,11ri - •15.28' .I tch initan.ep were Isolate null net 4 00ral. Tnrn, tows, the r}o3A of :1te ems the ;•I'l rtttal y.. , /,''herd :i 'ir.lmal lr =•ucrsl atatern t of the A�Ietfcaa war plan. tt•ili Of the cuu,lf0 of the Allied rntasi s, of the day-aod- night co°feren,e: web amen trot[ tae even• of batt , to wee, -!1 tae plans now being zeeut •J were adopter], land of truce a beyond the Atop - tame saol(rnne ezp•ecta ons in build - Adopter', the army and its i rlttstr)a! .sup- ports at borne, tra°i .tine men arrus3 [IIP ocean, rOnitr•un,,( ralli- roads in France, and pre aring .to strike the enemy .with eve .i r rt'a011rep me o entry's summand` lir Raide on LUVNL,n. ,ONDOY, " Jan. 29.--F,nerny\ ria, 1•ier of One John is duel•' • elacdoaald, is nominally r ' fo--per, he was o appointee of e - Jot election. ,w half+•_ tld, and a3 the ye drifted gradually ,n„) ars sed h- s hewn tis.• ratlike onership ar•ny'F During hle,P ferstrtp Arehitia(d- Mel:eller lee the wertplq $e[drm ha,/ the s itwa le the Legs re for r e ant two .40134903. He t considerable natural tale man treend a ouireful platform ;meeker. of a .the Blake then took the a the Opposition leadershi ins r.; o a .,(rang figure, In Canadian LI re a eralfam until 1'i,t' e. or- f the Federal when he rear tepee leadership, IR., ia of a his creat Parliamentary capa- -sa.t _ Ere an speaking, his fame 'gists largely on ' h work in the larger arena. Two well- ea' e P °atnr s as Opposition leader at Toron per,, ere followed by a • . 2 and 10 o'clock. 14 hThe latest reports show that one tG eiet°y machine was brought down by ••,:r airmen in Essex." to 1f is omclally announced that a ,e, end attack by air raiders was de- !iv,•red on London after midnight, hom8s :IPfng dropped about 12.50 a eon. A communication lust Issued nays a the raid is still In progress. h i The -raid was probably the longest d on record hitherto, extending with interests for nearly five hour,. The impreaafon was general that the IN)mha were fewer. than usual, but b!. much heavier. Frequent machine- gun Ore was heard aloft. The attack- ing machines reaching the capital were undoubtedly few, but the bombs were dropped over a wide area. It • was a Petf••et night, with bright moonlight. a Rnnman(ane Attacked, • PF,TROII RAD, Jan. 29. —'fib. (:oversment Commissioners annonnc- • ed that diplomatic. rein tense with • Roumania have been to ken, and that the Roumanian ervelien and - alt the itotlman an r' •fat's - here will he sent ant r , by the shortest route. 1,••1110, i'remiershtp, to which be succeeded to the on the defeat u1 Sandeeld Macdon- ald rn the fall of 1471, Blake's 'readership nisi marked by strong ••harupiortitt,p of Ontario's rltthts, an issue to be still further developed later. Oliver Bench as VICe_'hae ellodroof [ ng Ole ilowat 4 Ontario when en influential deputation, cont - Prising Rd ward Blake '• and George Brown, called one fine Morning and offered him the Premiership. He ac- ''epted, little dreaming that he was ,enlisting for 24 continuous years In that otptle. That period 1vas.p1arked la! Try It! Hair pets soft, Aunty and beautiful --Get a small bottle of Danderine, If y i rare for hears hair that guile terra wi h ieauty and is radiant with life: Lai an ineompsrable softness and is fluffy lustrous, try Danderine. Just o application doubles the beauty of • ur hair, . 'geed re it tinse- 1 diately di yes every particle of I dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, ' healthy hair if hare dandruff. This scurf robe !destructive ts ipstre, its strength Lh i hair of fe, and eta very Ida, and if not uveroome It produced a fever- ishness and itching�f ttie scalp; the hair roots famish, Ion and die; then the heir falls out fast. Surely get a arm's' testae of Knowlt�nei l-andoriae how any drug ;tore and jet try it. leaciy! YES, SIR, • dead • L N MONDAY morning, January 14. hours before it apneared'in ether neu'Snasers, THE GGI.' ; �;E 1lubli;herl-- .r,nrlon Times c'ah+ ,torr , of the Germ9n crown Pr'f r.ce's (Iet'laration to .' C n tdi'an ”. o�"rsr prisoner that h� 1,•)•-..1 to visit ' n ••1 -.ill'. GLOBE the ••,,,clops _N0-1;sh:id the l ; t , ,, .1.... 'Ir the ° ' nn �, «. _ 'ront vet 1ptle'21 n l : ,.0 5 COI. • .ton the'mi1s••,.. ,•.,,, Lon forst tir,ntly pet,. j„ - 8'8r" ('Y•0 ^etivs AIt foul Ti -i GLUT pre- ,. THE KIDNEYS between 3 and 40 Whatever else Ton do, keep your K idneys regular and active. Their work is of inset importance to your health end at the first evi- dence of trouble, otten °fettering' from the thirtieth to the fortieth year, take a treatment with KIONCYS The ftlelnee•• work fse,, filter Import Nes from the hlood et..tdeliee of •nnl, thine wooer with the Yolneye mn, teetteen sleep awl *nose, en:robin fn. letlf• aro the quiet... end moat effeetire remedy, re. e• t•k la mole free yea write to U. S. Arlaroost /1.-proAro fee. t' 1r('( 1rf►t te) "et flu• nd to it lath ' news ..,... of • _ � rl'faXi- spatche.-; an to sum- ectivelv, Fro tt-,. first "Th. War StUrriary" uthoritative as to be hout Ontario 1 HE tt•riter o '"The War Sit f mary" has at is command th most comnlete .able service in America. Besides the 4 sociated Dress, Canadian Press and C nadiar asso- ciated Cables, THE GL BE has the excluqve Canadian rights o all cables of The Sew York Times. Th Philadel- phia Ledger, and the choice o ,the cable services o_f-The London Times and The London Chronicle. ^nrnri. being so i fon about the war and f 'a nada '4 plet in, II, should be In your home. Ileder lo-dny through )our nen ...- dealer or direct. ;Tee dollars where egente haw, carrier deliver) or foot dollars through the mall. 1 • lobe Toronto, Ont