HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-1-31, Page 5THE Slt:\.1 i, - t:l►nEI;l('II ONTARi(i
When You Pu! Up Your Car
for the Winter --
don't lave the Battery on the car.
811etertorsliee %%111 surely result.
Diking It here an l have it properly
L eared fur. We inspect and teat
it periodically, teetering your iat-
tery to be In A•1 condition in the
spring The uIiarkr i. uowinal.
East Street°'Garage
"Owned and Operated by a
Practical Man"
GODERICH - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover
Be Photographed This
Year on Your
Son --
Daughter --
Friend- --
There's s erne who'll treasure
it photograph of you, and those
far away will receive your pic-
ture al t as if itwere a visit
from you.
Mlnke a resolution to 1w photo•
graphed this year o11 emir birth-
The Double Track Route
Unexcelled Dining ('ar Senior
Skeping ears on night triton.. and
parlor gars on priucipal day Wait's.
Full information 'trona any Gcaud
Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. L. Horn
Mg. I,isheitt Pasw.•uger Ai1rr1, '1'0
routo. Out.
Town Agents i'hone S
Winter Footwear
This season we are
better prepared than
ever to supply your
wants for winter Foot
Everything $o keep
your 'feet dry and
warm. ` Shoes, Rub-
bers an Overshoes of
the best \ uality that
are sure t give satis-
faction and lid corn -
fort to t wearer.
The prices e most
Geo. MacViicar
Northside Square, (,.,lrikit
board of Agriculture Meetings.
Meetings under the auspices of the
West Huron Board of Agriculture will be
held as fei.ows: Holmesville. February
IS; Auburn. February 19; Dungannon.
Fcbruan 20; pintail, February 21. A
meeting at St. ,Helens may also be ar-
Another Old Citizen Departs.
After a long period of failing health.
Mr. Asher Farrow, the. veteran customs
collector of Goderich. 'died on Monday
at Alexandra hospital in his, seventy-
eighth year. The end was hastened by
an accident which befell him one evening
last week, when he slipped while coming'
down stairs at his home and fractured his
thigh. The funeral will take place to
Maitland cemetery on Friday- afternoon.
A further reference to this old and
well•known citizen will be made next
Fleming Claim Withdrawn.
The claim of Mir. O. E. Fleming against
the town, in connection with the removal
prom the Fleming property of the water -
pipes that had been used for the military
camp. has been settled. Mr. Fleming
withdrawing the' claim and the
town pai`ing coats to the amount
of $12.17. At the meeting of the
water and light commission on Thursday
last an order for the payment of this
amount was passed. The commission has
been trying to ease the fuel situation and
decided to purchase .i car of soft coal
from Mr. W. Bermingham's plant. This
will be used at the powerhouse to make
up for coal that is beingeold in small lots
to consumers.
Death of Richard Parsons.
tilty-two year, e1 age. The funeral tnokl 'tate by reason of the ah.rtce of Ted t TLI91,11110 BMiP A 1tikA1.ITT.
place at St. Marys on Tuesday. `Johnston, urge of the star player.. of the lnetiahman 1'r•rdiMs •'Steil• b a',t-
I.cal team. The sdre was 74) •Reid fur
prowl" *hip at knd of War.
The Masquerade Carnival. Scalurth and AitQtrtwn for Grderjeh
A large crowd attended at the ma<yuer- carried oft the honors of the same. The
ade carnival Wednesday night at the liar -up was as follows:
West street rink. The contests for the (;uderich. •Seaforth.prizes were interesting and resulted as Baechler goal Stewart
tullows; Ladies' fancy dress, Miss • Maud Aitchison 1. defense Chesney.
Millian, reprebenting Canada; 2nd. Nlisa Webb r. defrrxe Edmutuls
Helen Carey a Scottish lass. Ladies' Babb centre
comic. Miss Mary Baechler. representing Moss r. wing Reid
.Africa; 2nd. Miss Wylina Dyer, represent- Brownlee 1. wing Fos
ing an old maid. Girls' comic. Miss Ada • Referee Roy M:Donald, Goderich.
Smith. re nting a squaw: '2nd. \lis. TM Leat Game.
Beatrice uford and Miss Neola Web-
ster as the Gold -dust Twins. Gentle- Goderich goes to Mitcrrll tonight to electrical Times in 1906," renewed
inen's (serer dress. Frank Baechler. as play the game scheduled for the rich. but the editor of tbat paper, in as later-
a negro gentleman; 2nd. Lionel Macklin, 1 which was postponed on account 01 theview with a London Daily News re -
G C I cadet Gentlemen's comic. railway blockade. With the t•arption of presentative. "The application ut
"The electric ship ifs no longer a
dreem but a reality: -and 1,Gould Det
be.surprised to hod, within a tow
rears of the close of the war. Ps•"ry
Dew vee*Pl of any ruZP dines. `teer
ed, stopped. reversed, or turned
merely by the pressing of a series of
button. on the brid..
.Thr introduction of the electrical
link between the turbine and the pro-
peller wax trr.t suggested by the
William Brockett: '2nd, Mr. Griffin. as this game the district sch dole has
Bowery belles. Boys formic. William completed. and the record is:
'I'hompinn; land, Ben Felker, both in' Won. Lost.
negro make-up.`. Seaforth . .. 5 1
. 4 l
Death of Mr. Robert Henry.
The news has t e
gret in Gudench u
Robert Henry. of
received with re -
the death of Mr.
index. -which uc-
'ednesday of this
week. Mr. Henry wascry well known -- -
in Goderich, he and his fairily being reg- The daily round of hou-eeeeSswith its
ular summer visitors heres and he had c *Aintkss responsibilities and annoyances,
shown a friendly interest in die town and put; a terrific strain on the nervus sys-
its development during many years. His tem—as eviry housewife knows. -
home was formerly at Brantford. where , And—as every physician knows—aver-
he was on twooccaasions elected Mayor of worked nerves become weak because they
the city. He was tirominent in (.unser- lose phosphates. Penslar Dynamic Tonic
vative party affairs and in Istho was restores strength to the nervous system
elected member of t Eves•
mons for one of the B
ing the late Hon. Willie
sat for only one sessiol
sixteen years he had resid
but knowing that the en
off he returned to Brantford
remaining days. He was ..venty-three and endurance amazingly. Geta 61..4
years of age. bottir--5 weeks' treatment—today.
I, O. O. F. Instal Tian. 'J. A. Campbell, Goderich, Ont.
The regular monthly me'e'ting of the
The installation of the F.. too . Huron C aeric branch of the Women's Institute
Lodge. No. u2. 1.0. O. F., took
Monday evening. 2Ist inst., the
G. M., T.B. Baird. of Brucefield,
ting. The installed officers are:.
P. G.—J H. \'roman
N.G.—W. E. Bengough
V. G.—W. J. Callow
Warden—Roy Snarling
Conductor—Harry Hunt
O. G. --John Newcombe
1. G.—W. C. Patton
R. S. N. G. --L. L. Knox
L. S. N. G.—Geo. Symonds
R. S. V. G.—R. J. Bell
L. S. V. G.—Geo. Thompson
R. S. S. --Norman ifIcDiarmid
L. S. S.—James McClacherty'
Chaplain—T. R. Wallis
F. S.—W. F. Clark
R. S.—C. A. Reid
curved at Brantford P o TIRED OU Te Vat./ NEE.) STRENGTH.
News was received in Goderich on Mon-
day of the death of Mr. Richard Par-
sons, which occurred the previous day at
St. Marys. after an illness of two
years' duration.. About twenty years ago
!fir. Parsons started the Parsons' Fair
business here on the west side of the
Square, afterward; removing to the east
side of the Square, where he had built the
.tore building which is still occupied by
this business. He left here in 1910 and
had since. until his illness prevented. car-
ried on a similar business at St. Marys,
which is now managed by his son Fred.
Ile is sunived by his wife. one son, Fred.
and one daughter, Miss Rhea. tie was
If You Have Headaches
Don't delay in se Hitter I'. Bind .t
r pito et
and see the difference
We have mettle 1housend• of
eve -glass wearers ser the differ-
ifference. You. tiro. eau be one.of
satisfied cn.tnu,rrr. 5V •
make them every da)'. auitist1t.l
customers end grew glasses.
Men's Wool Underwear
Made from Nova Scotia t •ern, elastic -knit.
We e=rmine the eyes and
make the glasses for one rhar•Kr.
I'riccs tra.unitblc.
/Now /05/1 GUELPH. UNT
House of (cum- by restoring phosphates to the ne
nt seats.. defeat- It is as simple and reasonable as put
Paterson" He coal un the fire or food in a hungry st be .Lip is water -tight cemp+lrl-
For tate las( 1 Dynamic Tonic will strengthen our menta, so that if one li breaks de wu
at W indaor, ney'ous system. It is_ a true tonic. reg
was not far from akohol. It feeds the starring the vessel can continue its voyage
o spend his nerves. It increases your energy. ,power efficiently by overloading the re
rosining sets while the repairs are
being executed at ease. -
Mr. W. P. Ihnrtnall, the F,oglish
;nventor t•f the 'Paragon' system of
power transmission, was the Brat
man to design an electrically -driven
ship. 'this was built on the Clyde,
but our Admiralty and prisaf1 ship-
this principle will enable ships to he
sun with the highest efficiency at an
ere. speed, permit marine engineers
more liberty of design, and yield
proportionately greater cargo spare
than the present cumbrous 'form of
machinery allows.
No special turbine will be neer•.
Bary to reverse a ship. Wows, with
the electric drive it will be able to
go quite easily astern without any
reversing set. Cables will replace
-the heavy steam pipes. the long pro
potter shaft will be unnti'essary, and
fans. pumps, heating, lighting. and
cooking apparatu., together with
:,cores of otber auxiliaries, will be
run by the same plant that drive,
tbe ship.
"Electrical generating seta, `oore
over, can be distributed throughout
tj will be held at the home of Mrs. A. D.
iiia- McLean on Thursday, February 7th, at.
:1 udud • Subject: "Women as Empire- builders looked askance at the new
builders' Demonstration- dishes .ra'e
o.teft-overs, Questions and music. \'c idea at the time. 'rhe system was
a to evelop as
torsalways welcome. left to AtrerIcan gesiu ..b
A citizen who is i
the Children's A
A. epos of the county
last •eek in turning down
the ildren's Aid Society, t
where he children could he c
fore se .ing them out to fos
here is ittle story.not "handed
but ev a- word (act, which i
Treasurer—J. S. Platt printing, e only regret being 't
Trustees—W. Pruudfoot, F. F. Law- letter ca after the counti:
rence, C. A. Nairn. journed and gone home:
The Fuel Situation. Just about a year ago- the C.
' Society here ad a little baby boy w
Mayor Wigle and the town council are they wished u
still working on the task of securing a some difficuly'
supply of fuel for private consumers in cared to take hi
town. Last week the Nlavor had an in- Ilowever. there
terview with Mr. A. Williams. C. P. R. the far %Vest a c ple who h..rue had
superintendent at London, who was in not been blessed w th a baby. and hear -
town. and the latter kindly offered his ing of this tittle fel .w they called on the
assistance in relievipg the situation here Society's agent. M Elliott, and after.
and on his return to London had two car- consideration detid • to try this boy. but
- loads of coal shit ped at once to Goderich. not -without some . a •t. a)though they
This is being di exesed of in small lots to.. onged ler just such a
tett in the work
Society sends us
nil's action
request of
a shelter,
ed for be-
t the,
ad -
find a home for. and had
in finding someone who
at but tw.s rear; old.
were visiting here from
all site, a regular $1.50 ' arnteut, for
Men's Mackinaw t cks
,nil, t„ ,1, e.
Boys' Overalls
Striped and glue, with bib, sizes :1 to 10
consumereby mesas of orders issued at the
town hall, and in this way many house-
lete the happiness of
fere' is their report afte
holds having been kept from being ab- dated January 20th. a
solutely without fuel. Mfr. W-illiams also. readers will agree. 1 ams i
at the suggestion of the Mayor. had a of the Societ is worth will
car of coal that was stalled at Linwood
coupled on to one of the passenger trains
and so hauled to town.
The town supoly of wood is n it yet on
the market. be: will be in a few days.
Mr. Jos. Barton has the contract of cut-
ting and getting out the wood in the bush
purchased last week from Mir. J. W.
blessing to corn -
their home life.
a' year's trial
you and your
that the work
A Popular Event.
One of the most pleasant and popular
Aarciat events.of- the season . ,, "
home" given by the Menesetung Canoe
Club on Tuesday night in the comfort-
able rooms of the Club in the Masonic
Temple. The first part of the evening
was devoted to progressive euchre,
twenty-four tables being occupied. The
winners were Miss Alma Sturdy and Mfr.
Roy Spading. Lunch was then served
and was followed by a musical program.
which was in charge of %1r, C. J. W.
Taylor and was greatly enjoyed. Vocal
solos were given by Miss Little. Miss Mc-
Clinton. Miss McColl and Mr. Sex
smith. quartette selections by MIrssrs.
Taylor. Th\mson, Saunders and Sexsmith.
and instrumental numbers by the Gode-
• rich Orchestra and by Mr. R. L. Bell.
Every number was encored. and responses
were generously given. The program
N c included with the singing of '•Gard Save
the King."
The hospitality of the Club was much
.appreciated by those who were privileged
to be present and congratulations are due
to the president. Mr. P. L. W'altan. and
tree Thairman of the "at home" commit-
tee. Mr. C. A. Reid. and his nthusiastic
assistants for the success hich at-
tended their efforts.
Dear Mr. Elliott..- •,.
As you wished to hear f a us at
least once a year, 1 thought \that at
Rae's birthday would be a good time
to let you know how, he is tting
along. i just wish wt had a ph( oof
him to send you, but it is hard to
any here.- Rae hae3grown real wet
the last year, antra,' yesterday w
his birthday we gave him a birthda
dinner and invited bit playmates. He
talks now, says everythi r • that anv-
n '. We
are simply lost ii he is away or a
a day. He has grown a little over four
inches in height since coming here
I remember you saying we would
not take $10-0Q0 for him in a year's
time. and your words hese c, .me true --
we would not think of pv'rung with
him. He makes friends wherever he
goes and is certainly a sweet •goy.
.Just at present he is beating the drum
•the wash basins and is malting
enough noise to scare :he natives. He
has been real healthy, has never had
a day's sickness. and is r.. sy and fat
as you could wish to see.. 1 Riess you
will think this is en'rush bragcene ;or
this time.
The tie betweenthe Signal and Star teams
was played oil on Saturday afternoon.
From indistinct accounts that have
reached this office it appears that the
, Star team won the game. The score is
not for publication. Null sed.
Clinton has a girls' hockey team that
' appears to be able to put bp a good
sample of the game. A team of. Mitchell
girls played on the Clinton ice TuesdaL
night. the score heing ti to 0 in .favor 'of
the Clinton girls. First thing they know
the Clinton boys will be losing gamey to
their "weaker" sisters.
' Trimming the Barbers.
The Printers and the Barbers mer -at
the West street rink on M nday evening
in a game of hockey, which, however,
was not concluded on account of the
lights going out. The Printers had the
best of the game, the score being 2 to 1
in their favor when play has stopped.
The game is to be play d Mi nest Mon-
day night from 7.:10 to 5.30. The teams
Printers. Barbers.
Thornton goal Howard
Townsend I. defence Tonle
Clark r. " Lumbv
lkownlee centre Mutch
Ward left wing Aitcheson
Ilunfalvy right wing Reid
Referee—Roy McDonald.
Another Defeat from Seaforth.
The (;rrferich 0 . H. A. huniors again
went down to defeat before the Seaforth
team in the game at Seaforth on Tues-
day night. Goderich was at a disadvan-
Boys' Sweater Coats $1.25
rtAorlar i lrtt•ir7er/trrhon X
South Side Square
a commeretal proposition in which
form it first appeared in the electri-
raily-driven collier Jupiter."
r c.m•Dt.
ToiceeTA'., 14'. .tl. 1r14
Our Ralkill *Aloe
C,Nlera Chia
Through this E'.srlch.
OD* p} c .et Three
Hundred established throughout the Dominion. the
Union Bask e1 Canada Is preparoc to rive you every
service which a proiressive t:ink car, ender, either in
:onriectIon with your business or you, Private finances.
Goderich Branch—F, WOO L LCO M R F ,
Why a cars 1•yea Shims.
Not raUsfied with the old explana-
tion that a cat's eyes glow in the
dark because they catch and eonren
trate every little glimmer of ,irbt
that may be about, scientific roes
have been making experiments re-
cently to make some other esptana-
Uon for the eye glow "'hen there 1R
no light at all. 'This is true of most
nocturnal . matures.
The first man to point to what
seems to be the true reason was Prot.
Ilugnloo, of hwitserland. who 1s
1 , 1 suggested tat perhaps invisible
ray'.--en.-h as the ultra -violet or
bra -red -- were \ transformed by
ate late visible
or at the Instaat\t refection from
the yes.
No come twe Costa Riean profes-
sors, llicbatld and J. F. Tristant,
report( theer'esperiWsente from the
-effect of Itra-violet r s on the eyes
.of men and animate. ey filtered a
ray of Rnnljght thrift' b a epeeial
alter composed of a cell of thiol
glass containing a solutloe of copper
sulphate and a film of nitrosodlme-
tbylanilin, thus elating off all the
ible rays and *flawing moat but the
Invisible ultra -violet to eater a per
feetly dark room.
In the room these ye were allow-
,.: to fall upon the a of a dog or
a map who had been t the da ter
fifteen minntes. The p Ii 1
late tam&me sharply-.aned` In
luminous green against t' v10 t -
hark baekgrouod of the Iris.
This 'denting effect, they lie
1, caused by the plemeuted 1 s
one of the tiesuen inside the eye
Perhaps the purple of the roti
Bu`presces when they enter.
leeburn Red Cross.
Leehurn Red Cross Workers contributed
for the month of Janaary as follo.c;:
Mrs. R. Glidden. 23 pair: seeks: Kate
Hunter, 10 pairs: Mrs. M. Horton, s
pairs: Mrs. Wm. Bogie. '. pairs;
Mrs. I. Thompson. 4 pars: -1 hristena
Bogie, 3 pair.;: Grace Farriah. NU:. Wm.
Gook, Belle Shaw, Mrs. A Cotton. MI:-.
Arch. Hoxton. 1 pair tea:!i.
Lady Minstrels. black -face )m. jugglers.
See the funny female coal !titans: Vtctoria
Opera House, Thursday and Fri lay, 7th
and sth. •
00ddIS arc the only
medicine that
Kidneywill cure Dia -
Brigs Like
His -
ease this di:-
ea•c was hi-
Plles ornblonn'il
i)odd'. Kidner Pill1
curd it. Iftsetrr.
them Ives conic..
that without l).ald'v
Kidney Pills they no'
p•.'werle,a against Du.-
t 't es. Dodd's Kidney
1',118 are the first en.dicine
that ever cured niahete•.
Imitations- box, name:old
,11, are advert recti 10 do ..',
Ise the medicine that a'w-s
c u''s
is Dndd's liid"ev Pills.
n.•d.l". Kidney 1'illa are
fifty cents a box at all
1n Miert/ of Marriage.
I a inclined to believe that mar-
Hag* d c increase the well power,
for eau- a man marries be at oore
ANetlmPf a\ responsibility. and if be
has the- Fir t sort of sluff iD him he
of oore mak R up' his will to emceed.
He wants to rn molt' money in
order that he ay give bis wife the
things tbat sur aqui men giv their
w tvPR. He eli nates time -wasting
amulemenas and d babies that were
relics of his barite r days. mar-
riage sobers him and ives him poise.
Opportunities negle ted through
'sheer indolence in his a(hrlor day•
Are Dow' e't►erly seized. His hands
are on the rounds of the dd'•r that
leadh to ttlul'PhR, and his to in be-
hind biro, waiting to boort Ion up.
Many bachelors achieve fair
measure of RW'ew'.R, and then Fi."rk in
one place all the rest of their vs•'.
They lack initiative because t ey
haven't any incentive toi •do bigk r
things. Thie is very true in the emir,
of men who have no one dependent
on them. 1f they had a wife, nr a
mother. oresisters, Fiolely dependent
epom them, they would exert their
will! 10 home purpose. Laeking ibis
1 heat are satisfied to let well enough
alt(De.—American Magazine.
The Saults Coal Co.
dacce-•ur- co \t' [.ouse8 a: 1:;041I u1
Excit.sr. Ae.rNTS EON
'1111' .iAT15t':1r!`•
We deal in IL.nI and Solt Call.
Lime, Cenecnt, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, blso Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Ilemlock Slabs.
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
OPi;n E, roosts: - - -
B.. ). .Saults' Residence
\V. W s$asi ts' Residence .0_
the Man ---
they say ; but we make
Clothes. We have
be:n making them
yule a while, too, and"
have given ,atistaction
to a whole lot of people.
1f you want a new ,snit
or overcoat, why not
call .ii d-veus?
R.J. Armstrong
South elide Square, (i.Hlertch.
1 '
\'o• if2, ' .., i ,sly 1.it
it .i /. J.c. , .'•e eters, hence
at 11 , ,•end. 4. • . , . ,thliq over
.o nein 11 • .1.- ,i11(1 .chip,' .
h. I.
Nle A NI •.•says '(,int the nee k-
:rl with e, .'Uvr•. .: Birth.' ,.' uruing
.. it.i '..I..' ter 0/..1e r. •rho 03 seeing
IHeal 115 1,11,11411 nr)I.ltbr•: wd 'owe.
111,1, t,d'.IJ Use .1.1 yh11aI thin, leer,
F' . . , ' h it^4st d tr teltt.
School of Commerce
Winter term begins
Monday, Jan. 7, 1917
Students u'.., • tit, t .any tilt r
Coors',- in
EFFICIENC'. the 'motto of
this School :reef. 0 ie the aeon
lu fit .t1,,Ie'its fur po-iitioul.
ir which they. will elo cre.let
lio themselves and coniniaied
ssom l ,elapid•.
c:er1 iu:.y roout atlthe Schou)
For particulate. write to
B. F. WARD, B. A., M. Acct,.
Psiens it ills Principal
Don't Grit Your i min rut
Ilnilt. Onnvent of Cork.
A striking curiosity near Clntra.
Pirtugal, is en ancient. minasts'ry
guilt partially in the interior of an
Immense rook, says the Wide World.
The montUtery 18 situated In a very
isolated spot. and was formerly sur-
rounded by a dense wood of cork
trees. The monastery is known as
the "Cork Convent,' for the reason
that the cells, chapel, kitchen, and
refectory are all lined with cork 1e'
keep out the damp. From 1560 to
1434 Ito- monastery was inhabited by
an order of monks known as the
('apuehins, a remarkable feature of
their religion being that. eteept nn
certain necatstone, silence was obli-
gatory. Since 1$1 l4, when the mon-
asteries of Portugal were dissolved,
1t baa not .been occupied, though it
it open to the public, a caretaker re-
siding there for this purpose.
Who shoots at the midday Finn,
though he be sure be shall newer hit
the mark, yet at sure he is he Shall
shoot higher than he who alms but
at a bush.
between them and bite on it! Your
determination will be just as strcng—
stronger in fact. for you gain pluck.
Prseverance, renewed vigour. from
t� great pick-me-up.
Do a- the soldiers in the trenches are
doing — chew WRIGLEYS to get a
fresh rift on yourself.
It helps teeth, breath. appetite and
digestion while it soothes ';our
throat and steadies your nerves.
1t comforts a d sustains.
Keep YOUR boY
supplied wi
The Flavour Lasts!
MADE 11i' --
is ? "
„I of Thant. 'r veld M
f 111E Ntr.n l
Nualliactioa Sale—Tbas. Gawky .......... .. ......1