HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-1-31, Page 1soNishdeleissewsieldhelselseltesowassofteisosmale
Beginning February lat.
the price of The Signal
will be $1.50 a year in
advance. To the United
States, $2.00.
• ,(
• 1
Signal Calendars
left. Pay your subscrip-
tion at once and get one
before they are all gone.
Agricultural Representative to be Appointed-- Many Grants
Out by the Executive Committee-- Another Move
in County Road Schema.
SAVE, Because -
No ship puts to sea without an anchor no
man should go through life without
a savings account.
r all modern conveniences. also good well. colt
water .,stern, Irsit tresajawns. vegetabkrden,
stable. etc. A mdnutei walk from the are.
I' full address, now 33. E
SIGNAL P Godertc h, Ont. 99-t1
inures al choice clay land in good shape
on lot 13, concession 3. Goderich township. lour
MAW from Goderich. with five acres of young
orchard in bearing. elso small fruits. A Targe
bank barn with cement silo and all modern con-
veniences- also large dwelling horse and imple-
ment shot. Tekphnr and rural delivery. Also
one and flies -quarter acres of good land planted
in orchard, part of lot 111. concession 4 Terms
reneonabk Apply to GEORGE SOWERBY.
R. R. No. I, Goderich (phone ash r ZI. 99-2t
r FOR SALE. -- -
Fourteen acres d good garden property fust
outside town Iimtls for sale on easy ternis There
w a good frame house with WI -sized eau. frame
stable. driving shed. hen house aid dhee owj-
heaWings A large watertank, piped Iron well.
Fire acres in orchard and berries as in and
shape. Fences and gates all in order. Hydro
lane peters place and can he installed cheaply.
Terms {l,U$) cash. bal::nce can be arranged to
out purchaser.
OP ,'lt•eety acres in township of Colborne with
Game dwellin` bank barn: fences and land all in
good shape Near school and church Si, and
a -half miles from town Picea- 11:6.2110- $l.pn)
cash. t.alarcr to suit purchaser. Possession at
Eighty acres in township of Goderich. sea
maks fro n Clinton, ten miles from Goderich
Good taldin -, barn with stabling underneath.
> all > This harm has a I been cultivated!Sleet
.♦ 1 l
of it has been in grass for the pmt eight >rers.
Possession at once. free, $3.310. Teem' ar-
rais in suit.
rive you particulars or show you these
properties at any time.
TILOS. (;UNDRY. Guderieki
county, choicely seated. Erick house.
Bank barn.. Close w school. $S,Sau. J. -L-
TIIOMYUN., ttrriston. IM -(t.
and fruit farm. three miles Ohm Goderich.
a held road. It has eight 'an E t acres of
Y R good
apple wcharA.:a; per erns 5 ys and Bake ins. a
number of cherry. pear and plum teres. The
\ from froIs a rich sandy ,nam. well suited lir small
fruits or vegetables; the back a grand clay loam en
condition. The buildings ara.g od. water in
and barn. Also silty acres nearer (;.de -
suitable for either grain ife pasture. miring
3.511 rods of the drains a good barnand ing
bone. Apply to MRS. WM. EICHAN. R. R.
Nu. 3, l)(,.>r.rcit, a 'Alone 21f+r r.3. to - ten -
I. H. C. - ine a lw. Will MI cheap.
AS. *g}A''..ONR R. R. No.Goderich. or 1 A phone baa
. 11. - G o11-zt
Assurance nd
2 -story, brick -veneered dly
7 roxnns, all molel•n Gonvenie• e4,
and nest -clans ponitry house. it -
mated. on the mouth Nide of nru
street. Iinmodiate poweession.
2 -story, brick -veneered dwelling.
hot water heating, Targe fireplace.
electric light and bath, situated
I Wellesley street. This is one of
the most desirable !tomes in town
and was lately occupied by J. H.
Marshall. C.P.R. agent. immediate
2 practically new rad-hriek
ern tunnies houses on Huron Road. with
milderable land attached.
Iso teeveral other propertitm for
salt, •r to rent.
Fire, ife aid Aceient Inaraace
The anneal tyeU.g d the McKillop Mutual
Fire InsuranceQmmnany will be held in the Town
Hall, Seaforeh, on nday. February 1st, 191x. at
2 o'clock p. m. The business of the meeting{ will
be to receive the anneal statement and auditors'
report. the sleeting ofthree directors and tui
auditors and othenpusinew• which might be cop-
adered of benefit to' Companyy. The retiring
directow are Ma McEwen. D. F. McGregor
and R. G. McCar , who are eligible fur re-
President. Secretary.
iti 1R. F. J. R. FORSTER.
Late House Surgeon New York
std Aural Humpital, assistant at
Eye Ilogitel and Golden Square Throe
petal. London, Eng.
Sa Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Telephone
Cisl.lir/ OF HURON.
1. Lisate C. M. Fir arks of the town ri( Godes
tach. in the county of IIuron married woman, the
firm carrying on buurir.s as dealer in live
stuck at the said town of Goderich under the
named' -Andrews ews and Com "d.. hereby parer,
tify that the cid firm (orWrtnr partnership) was on
second day'o( January, 1918, Aiaeutvel.
Wetness my hared at Goderich the tenth day of
January. 191x.
99-3t-LIZZIE C. M. 11OGGAR1
AMES rrtJn X. cE
s Antonio tenor arM
In,.uran.r. and Cattle Ileyer. Residence
etre. t. ( .uderrch.
nor E.TATS OF Joaptt CLIFTON. Deressal,
None E is hereby riven that all persons having
claims afainet the estate of Joseph Clifton, late of
the >ownabipl-"1 Wase W awwrx.sh-te
Huron, yeinnan, deceased, who died on or about
the tlth day of November, 1917, are required to
deliver to Charles Clifton, the administrator of
the said estate. or his solicitor on or before the
S,h day o.( February, 191n. a full statement of
their ckims, together with particulars thereon
and the nature of the securities, if any. held by
them. all duty verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last-
mentioned date the said administrator wdl pro-
ce(•d to distribute the estate oe the said deceased
amongst the persons entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to such claims as he shall have received
due notice and in accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton this 12th day of January,
A. 13. 1918.
W. BRYDONE, Clinton. Ont..
99-3t Solicitor for the said Administrator.
Have you increased
your Insurance
to meet the rising value
of property, goods.
furniture, etc ?
Attend to this matter
Insurance Agents
Large quantities ( )f
Terms --Cash on delivery
Please phone or write:us and our wagon will call.
The Naional Shipbuildin Co.,
Last week's session of the county
council had several interesting and im-
portant results.
After years of agitation, the council at
last decided to ask for the appointment
of a district representative of the De-
partm-nt of Agriculture for this county.
it decided also that the representa-
tive. when appointed, shall have his office
at Clinton.
in the matter of the highway improve-
ment scheme. the council reversed the
action of the December meeting, unite
which each municipality was to pay for
the work done on its own roads, and
got back to a county system in accordance
with the purpose of the Provincial Act.
Provision was made for an adjustment
every five years au that no township
should suffer from neglect of the desig-
nated roads within its borders.
The council again shied at the
Children's Shelter project, deciding to
seek co-operation wall either Bruce or
Lambton county in establishing a shelter
which would serve two counties.
The report of the e xecutive committee,
doing away with the grants that "from
time immemorial" have been made from
county funds to such 'institutions as
public libraries, fall fairs, Farmers' and
Women's Institutes, was a drastic affair,
but it got through all right, and will relieve
the county of a large expenditure tbat
has been made every year for these
Following is a continuation df last
week's report of the proceedings of the
Messrs. James A. Ford and G. W. Hol-
man were appointed on the board of
criminal audit.
The striking committee was composed
Reeves Laithwaite, Taylor, Brock.
vers and Young.
the Wednesday moving session a
c unication was presented from the
Boa d of Agriculture asking
Improvement and it was moved by
Mr. Armstrong, seconded by Mr. Crich,
that bylaw No. , 1917, be amended by
striking out the -ord "township" where
it appears in bylaw, and the whole of
clause 3 and following clause be in-
serted: •'That bridges on designated
roads that w ounty bridges before the
passing of the wed roads bylaw for 1917
be still maintained by the county as a
whole." 'Chia s referred to the road
and bridge
On Thu
report was
of a district
as requested
also t.
spperinter dent
the annual
during the w
garding the
the special committee's
up and adopted. The
ended the appointment
vltural repttient atise;-
several petitions. It
that the county road
sent as a delegate to
rence of county road
to be held at 'Toronto
of February 2'th. Re-'
nmunlcation from the
county of Kent fasking that thr legisla-
ture be petitioned to amend the Franchse
Act so that rural municipalities be placed
on the same boas as obt)ams in -cities. the
committee ra4fannlended that such a
petition be seat(. Notice was taken of
the Federal order -in -council forbidding
the Issue of any debentures without the
permission of the Finance Minister, andit
was recommended that the council gov-
ern itself accord y. The matter of
strengthening the ws for protection
against dogs was re ltd back to the
On motion the council a . red of the
request of the counties Northumber-
land and Durham as set (. th in the peti-
tion asking for more string t control of
dogs. , \
A motion
.vi r
by Messrs. e l k and &1.000
to appropriate the sum f R ,1100
to provide a test
It for the
county was lilt to the ex ti -e corn-
union Children's Shelter. Carried.
The report of the finance committer,
dealing with a large number 0t accounts.
was read and adopted.
The education committee's report re-
commended the payment of the following
amounts to the several Collegiate In-
stitutes: Goderich, $4,310.71; Clinton.
$4.616.88; Wingham, 113,K37.94; Seaforth.
*4.775.37. The following appointments
as trustees of the various Collegiate In-
stitutes was recommended: Goderich. W.
1;. Elliot; Clinton, James McMath; Sea -
forth, Wm. Hartry; Wingham, Dr. Red -
end. The report was adopted.
's -Warden R: W. Livingstone was
to . the committee appointed 11)
conte 'wit h Bruce or Lampton respecting
a Childr,.i s Shelter.
It was `t .ved by Messrs. Campbell and
Livingston that the treasurer. together
.with the R •Yes of the different mumci-
p itie.. be.a ized to dispose of the
dr ntures nec. :. ry to provide ft ds for
the triotic g :oto for the yearP115.
said de n(ures bear .i 1-2 ' interest
payable half -)'earl and the debentures
t0 be issued five- ten -and fifteen -year
terms. the co is: on said sale not to
exceed one -hal sof o per cent.. and
under same con Ons as provided in
previous issues. WWrrri
!dosed by M. Beau, s. seconded
by Mr. Erwin, that the t
of keeping up ourgaol
service ' rendered in recon• s
been considered from time to ti
council of theunty of ,Huron, w
are fully perst'ded that the ti has
arrived when sur Local Govern ' . t
should devise sonic plan to provide
• necessary requlrerlrents so that , a ve
great saving to thk Province and the
counties of Ontarioould be effected
Bk ittherefcre resole by the council of
the county of Huron tha our clerk he in-
strtited to send a request o the clerk of
each county in the Provin and to each
local member of this county, co-operate
with this council in bringingg this matter
to the attention of the Inc Govern-
ment at an early date. Carried.
• The committee appointed ata iltevious
' session to deal with the matter Of the
prupx+sed Children's Shelter was appit)'nt-
• ed to art on the above resolution.
Mr. Huber from the Provincial.Hi git-
w•av s Department was present • and dis
cussed with •the council the working. of
the .1ct and answered many questions
relating to it
The report of the road and bridge cnm-
mitten, a portion of which ich had been
passedat the
Ixsolonistsstun, wa s taken
' up and adopted.
Thr re(xwt contained a recommenda-
tion that bylaw No. 12, 1917, be res-
cinded. as it is not in accordance with
the, Highways Improvement Act. and in
is coasiatioadiregtrid (jla attest Intl n
t • council to section 1 of the Act. arng
' wi h the amendment No. !Lt. 1!117. which.
the report stated. provides sufticently for
amou Ys on the designated roads. The
con i tee also recommended at an
ua • ion be made everyfive • rs for
e4 t,
the he ofmunicipalities not ceiv-
t m
ing a fa share of the appropriat on.
A mots was passed that the odic of
the dist ct representative to be p -
pointed be led at Clinton.
On motion of Messrs. Livingstone' a
East Fy Reeves
the app ntment of a district representa- pointed as
live. This, with others previously pre-
sented to a same purpose, was referred 1>a
to the special committee. (.55 presen
The report (( the auditors appointed to of Mr. M
mike an . audit of the late treasurer's house and
books was pr
finance committt
The report of t
as follows, was adi
Executive Comm
C. Petty. J. N. Cam
tone,Jas. A. Ford.
Special Committer -M
M. Armstrong. Joh
aJoseph Hackett.
aser,J P
and Gov lock we, -
en a
gates to the g,x)E1 n, ds
pronto this year.
[ the executive cum
follows: Re apple.
h ;caretaker of the c
y office) for an incre
ion of lost
I Mrs. (Rev.) James Ilamilton yesterday
received the following acknowledgment of
the contribution towards the expense of
the Christmas dinner of the 1elst (Huron)
.Battalion which was collected in Gude-
kjch and vicinity :
Ty, Mrs. Isabel Hamilton,
The Eau Street Mamie. .
Dear Mrs. Hamilton, -Your letter ad-
dressed to Capt. Sturdy was handed to
me on Christmas 1)ay. 1 had much
pleasure in announcing the gift of the
''omen's War Auxiliary of $100, to the
men at Christmas dinner. and In reading
your message. both of which were very
much appreciated. and received with
much applause by the men.
Permit me on behalf 01 the Battalion to
send you our warmest thanks, and to as-
sure you that it did a great deal towards
making our Christmas a cheerful and
;happy' one. and the knowledge that we
are so well remembered by those at home,
I to give us added strength to carry on in
the new year.
I 1 am enclosing berevvrjJth copy of a reso-
lution passed by the Mens Eommittee at
this time. Yours faithfully,
Lieut. -Col. Commanding.
llllst Canadian Infantry Battalion.
Witley Camp. Surrey. \ r.
Dec.:)'. 1917.
resolution mentioned in the fetter
follows: •" We wish to convey, our
d heartfelt thanks to all those
friends in our native home whp haves
ally contributed, by subscriptions
of ' • rwlsa, in' providing the men of
ow,with a sumptuous Christ -
w 'Year dinner, which has
this iatt
mas nd
'helped very. - terially in smoothing over
the sepa ation, t s season of the year.
from our own kith ' • kin in our home-
land -Canada. May our kind donors.
friends and their nsebe blessed
i with good health. hap ' ss and pros-
' perity throughout 1915.'
Miss Helen Strang. who spent
than' a year on the island of Malta
gaged in military service as a nurse
now in France in a similar capacity. '`
-Oct received today by her parents
Dr. and Mrs. Strang, she states that dor-
'.Mg ter trip through Italy to France she
met •lig t -Lieut. James Sinclair. who
was (n Is way back ttsCanada and who'
hoped t in Goderich in a few weeks.
it'd and sent to the of salary, tpafap increase. of *4.110
given; re motion of Laithwaite and Mcg.
striking committee, Nabb for a grant of *500 for the Chit
dren's Aid Society, that the same he
tee -Messrs. Geo• granted: re motion of Laithwaite and
1, R. W. Living- Heavers for a -grant of *2.000 for the four
high schools. Wingham, Ciinwn
Plum. g . Seaforth
•srs. A. E. Er- and Goderich, that the same be granted;
John Douglas, W'. re Motion of Young and 'T' ling for a
grant of *12,000 for the Red Cross So-
cieties of the county for the year 1911,
that the sum of *10,000 be granted; re
motion of Love and Douglas, that the
grant to continuation and kith -class
s . the same -as last year, that
same be granted; re the motion of Mal -
lough and Spouon--for the usual grant Of
$25 each to the several Agricultural So-
geties in.the county, also each Board of
gnculture, that no grants be .given; re
tion of Armstrong and lOung for the
u'• I grant of *'23 to each spring show at
Cli on, Seaforth and Hensall, that no
gran be given; re motion .of Beavers and
1'iplin:. for a grant of *.700 to the Y. M.
C. A. n provide hot drinks and other
comforts the overseas soldiers, that a
,grant of ' be made; re motidn of
Laithwaite . nd Tailing for a grant of
*1,000 to the Goderich and Ingham
hospitals, to be divided equally, tat the
same be grant e - re the request r a
grant of ' 5to t
*L county y poultry shoo
at Goderich. that grant be given; r
motion of Erwin and iarburn for a grant .
o[ *'25 to each Agricu ural Society hold-
ing a (all fair in the county, that 00 grant
be given: re motion of Erwin and liar.
burn, for the usual grant of *25
to each public library in .the
county, that no grant he given:
re motion of 1)r. Clark and N. Taylor.
that the usual grant of *15 be made to
the Women's Institutes, that no grant be
made; re motion of Laithwa to and Clark •
for a grant of *13 to purchase flowers and
shrubs for the court house, that a grant of
*10 be made: that the grant of $4.000 a
month to th' Patriotic Fun% ap passed
by the Decemher session of 19.17. be con-
tinued; re motion of Clark and laith-
waite for the voting of $4,000 for the pur-
chase of a suitable home for cltildren -
that no action be taken, but that we cam-'
municate with the county of Bruce with
the object of securing a joint horse where
one staff would be sufficient; re motion of
Clark and Harburn that the council offer
a special prize of *25 for the hest heavy -
draught filly exhibited at the Guelph fat
stock show next December, said animal to
be raised and owned in and exhibited from
Huron county --that no grant he given;
re motion of Mallough and Snotton, that
thecouncil grant a prize of *25 for the
best bee( animals under two years of age.
said animal: to be bred, fed and exhibited
by exhibitor under twenty years of age -
that no grant be made: re printing ten-
ders, that the contract be awarded to
The Signal; that the contract for jail sup-
plies be awarded to W. J. Powell.
When this report was taken up in com-
mittee of the whole. Messrs. Elliott and
McKinley moved that a grant of t2.'i be
made toeach Agricultural Society hold-
ing a fall fair in the county. This wa
It was then moved by i r. Clark,
seconded by Mr. Govenlock, that all
grants refused by the committee be
This, too. was lost and the report was
then adopted.
Moved by Dr. Clark, seconded by Mr.
Lobb, that a committee of three -the
Warden, ;clerk and Mr. Tipling -be ap-
pointed to confer with Bruce or Lambton
county with reference to the building of a
Fin ice Committee -B. W. . Beavers,
F. Har A. Tipling, J. M. s .venlock,
John Laporte. '
Educati'n n . Mee- o n Loy
T C. Lalthwaete; a. nch,
T. K. Powell.
Road and Bridge Committee --W.
Lobb, Gordon Young. N. A. Taylor, J
Dalton, J. Mallough. -
Ccunty Property -W. F. Clark. Thos.
Brock. J. McNabb, W. J. Spotton, R.
House of Refuge -J. C. McKinley,
Thos. Brock, J. C. Laithwaite, B. W. F.
Warden's Committee R. Harding,
Geo. C. Petty, T. K.. Powell, J. M.
Govenlock, M. Armstrong.
A number of • motions for grants were
referred to the executive committee and
the following motion, by Messrs. Mc
Kinley and Brock. was sent to the road
and bridge g committee: That the Warden
and the chairman of the road and bridge
committee and the county good roads
superintendent be the committee called
out on the county bridges not on desig-
nated roads.
The council discussed the Highway
to ne•(•tion with
"The 101144' of I'tenty'
When down town kook u4 over.
1f you are hungry we can relieve
your hunger, it yon are thirsty We
ran relieve gone thirst. Our
prtees aro right. Yon are all
W. N H A I N Rf9,
Mr. fleeter (lays had a letter this week
from Pte. Norman McPhail. who is in
( hospital at Brighton, England. with a
Rha Direct taw -its (polio uegeltit.g hose
to Goderich. but 'did not think it lsoukl
be y auon.
alities not receiving proportionate
law regulating
engineer by au
bridges of thirty
consulting the roa. : nd bridge committee.
Messrs. Powell d P.ap one 'moved
that the council tak ) action this year
with regard t the ro rr dsmovement
g g
This was lust, and a • ficin was then
carried, constituting M , rs. Govenkek.
Brock and Harding the Good Roads
Commis:4(m of the county f Hurn.
On motion the count decided to
assume the expense of ordinar road break -
ing up to the present onlesignated
:1 resolution was passed p ptesting
against the rumored reduction o tram
service on the -L., 11. & Id. Railwa and
after the bylaws had been adopleal the
council adjourned to meet the st
Tuesday in June.
• duties tut the county
prizing him to build
t and under without
Rev, C. Mcl)ermid will preach at
Knox chi h on Sunday. Morning sub-
ject: "The Eternal Words of Jesus."
Evening: '1 aiah's Vision and Call.''
Rev, Gordon M. Holmes will condo•t
the services next‘Sunday in the Baptist
church. Warmth, comfort. a cordial
welcome and thei(xispel in sermon and
song provided for all Who attend.
Miss K. M:prton, 'evangelist. who
conducting evangelistic services at Ben;
miller Methodist church, will preach next
Sunday morning in that church on the
subject, "The Secret of ''ower " and in
the evening her subject will he "The
Greatest Thing m the World."
The paster. Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A..
i1. 1)., will have charge of the services
next Sunday at Victoria street Methodist
church. Quarterly communion service in
connection with the morning service.
Sunday school and Bible class at
3 o'clock. A cordial welcome to all.
The services in North street Metho-
dist church next Sunday will be con-
ducted by the:pastor, Rev. Dr. Rutledge.
Morning su"bject: "The Significance of
the Crowd.Evening: To whom shall
we go?" Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per after morning sermon. Men's Sun-
day Club meets in the church parlor at
10 a. m. Subject for discussion: "What
do yon call real Joy.'" All men will be
made welcome. Rev. J. E. Ford's Bible
class meets in church at 3 p. m. You are
invited to join in studying the life of
Keep these dates, 7th and Nth of Feb-
ruary. for the Lady Minstrels. Opera
if quality counts, use Blackstone's de-
licious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all
occasions. Phone 240.
Go and (enjoy aloud laugh at the Lady
Minstrel show. They want your support.
We are much gratified at the way in
which booth renewal and new subscriptions
to The Signal have come in this season.
Though a number have dropped off. new
subscribers have been added in much great-
er number, and the expressions contained
In.,many of the letters accompanying the
remittances seem to indicate that The
Signal never before stood so high in the
esteem and confidence of its readers. The
editor would like to return his thanks in-
dividually' for each of these expsesaions of
goodwill. but they have been so numerous
that the task would be almost an impas-
sible one. He takes this opportunity of
saying how cheering and encouraging
these k ind remar ks from readers have
During the coming year we shall try to
make The Signal a little better than it
has been. At the best of times the issuing
of a live, newsy paper is no small task,
and wartime conditions make it still more
difficult. We ask the indulgence of the
readers of The Signal in overlooking any
shortcomings. and their kind co-operation
in making the paper as interesting as
possible to all. It is our aim to serve the
people honestly and well. and we shall go
forward with the work 0f another year
in the hope of retaining the undiminished
confidence of The Signal's widening circle
of friends.
Charlie II's barn, on Britannia road.
was destroy by fire shortly after mid-
night Tuesday s,nxrrning. The hiss is a
serious one, inclu ilng two horses, a tow
and a steer that wete,in the barn.
It is reported that if spite of the very
severe weather there is ad prtdwpfct of
a large crop of peaches in issex county
this year. Lau year's crop that dis-
trict was almost an entire. Iailu' .
F. J. R. Forster, eye. ear, new: and
linen specialist. of Stratford, was in town
s week attending to a number of cal
in 's p>arttcular pines. Ili. Forster ter in`
te[xs r make periodical casts to
(Stele -
During to early part of the week the
railway teal service was again disorgan-
' ized by stormy rather, although nut to
the same extent,two weeks ago. The
ttiwn w.e wi t i„rnm W mails (n
I, altl.:y:(lidT ay, xtept some meat
I mail that ciyme in by C. \R. op Tues-
The: following note as received by an I The Signal is always plea to receive
• r ( .Items (nm the public.
aunt soils Ir have
Exeter Men A tie Tom u
.(etc t P
a visitor, or ifyouare ,i ' e
Gudcric '• tthe m a ri a
I. Goderich'a boysa f ret:going
France, Dec_ ber 30, 1917. visit, lest us know about it The re ,rter •
Dear A ,--Just a note o thank youeannonknew everything that goes on.. d
for that love box 1 received a few days the cooperation td the readers of t
ago. You certainly are very k t 1 to use paper is a valuable ad in getting the
all the trouble td,seril it anti one soft het e! news.
appreciates ery ,such the tact r t al -1 The death of J. 1'. Conway, an old
.11xrugh away from Canada nearly three printer, who spent a good deal of time in
`e i : 'n - • • - • •. .' ar*rs unCed from
t'turried•M h •tr fondles %la•rr he passed away las(-week..
I 1 had a gra at St Joseph's hospital,, at the age of
htbday thire. It is an tat a doubt the - ?event( (1x• years, He was partially
fineat city 1 have yet see i. Nuthit ( in •n)plttl'and fora good many years u i •.11K an- .cars wag
the British Isles or America that I have u • file to (fi) met work.
seen Lan compare with it for beauty.' A trust -held Id , correspondent writes: 10
What made my leave especially pleasult-,.sott• fibs stdrmy week which had pre -
is the fact that Mabel was also m the t-ded 0 the• '•de of farm stock and im-
cily. 1'ou can imaeine whin it Meant to ph•rtx'nly he by Mr. H. R. fdlggins oil
ser a sinter again. Ater being away tram 1'hursdayyast was a remarkahly sucrelib-
the family, so lung. She certainly locks put one. Abctiinler Gundry had to drive
very well and is enjoying the nursing - jtom Goderi , thetrams not yet having
very much ser far. Of course she has commenced rt rang after the storm. hut
only seen the brighter sole of war, as -'then many dere for almost as far it) at -
bidding hospital has only ver, irw p tUcnly• D rid the sale art bidding was keen all
She had already spx•nt a month in 1aris,.:iltrrnoxn.
,¢ `
yr d•
she made a Kram guide for me in the Remember tfie Ii ,tat benefit, Feb-
city. 1'hank1 g you again. - 1 P
ruary nth and loth. N ty perforccers, six
et --1 have just
w"tcks' (rave in Parts a
P.ERSJNAL MENTION, , col artists. New songs
•I'he F•;ureLa Bible clam.
rid jolt
of Vlctoxia
Miss Margaret l..otsn is visiting rola- street church h,is arranged to have the
yes in Detmit. West street rink fortheevrni of Febru-
Ir. John H. Mallough. of Stain Melt
I Ith, the proceeds to he u for•,.the
A1' eta, is visiting in town. . prisme•rs of sat. Admission,a., in-
air pleased to see Mr. Jame" made
stating. Lunch Pk. Also home-
made canoly for sale,
!Style t again after his serious illness. __ _ --
Mrs. , Breckenridge is visiting her In thew days of patriotic economy,
daughter, Mrs. Cuthbert Hutchinson, at the women are forced to hold clown otS
Ethel. . tlx•ir hns•hvld ex'Icnses.' But they
Mr. R. V. Bamber, of Atsask, Alberta, should nut let their efforts blind them
is visiting his uncle aril aunt, Mr. and • when it ' comes to buying drugs. Good
Mrs. D. Millar. • drugs are smetmes expensive. Cheap
Misv Alice Jas man returned 11) Tor- drugs are apt tlmlx'still nloreexpe'nsive. We
onto 'on Friday • st after spending to sell only good drugs the kind that are
month with her sist . Mrs, W. '7 ''11/"T'"• t'k't'ti,m' 1n♦ curing sickness and disease,
Mrs. Cecil Hamid n andOur • Price`s air as low as god drugs can be
Evelyn have returned ;me after, a gthree srkl for anywhere . 11 is prix eurue y to
weeks' visit to Mr. and rs. 11'm. Fries, buy cheap drugs. Quality is the true test
of 'Toronto.
of cheapness. E. R. 1ti1Kle, druggist, Gode-
Mr. J. W. Story; of deo Springs, - -
Oklahoma, has been spending week with Try Edwards' homr-madr candy. It is
his son, Mr. Joseph Story of th i)ont nion goxl and last).
Road Machine Co. -_ _-___ ,. _-. _..-
Mr. Will Spahr was home from 'orontu; John D. Wells, whose "Rhymes of
for the week -end and spent a fe days Our Home Folks' was published re•
with his brother Ed., who was u )
1(w military training camp at London. \\ I member all the children of one's own
I'te. Riley Bradford. • who was hot to 1". "I've written a verse a day for
from London for a few days. returned on , fifteen years and oftentimes a forgotten
Wednesday accomiianied by his mother,' one coitus him- to chide:" he remarked'
Mrs. (;eo, Bradford. and sister. Miss 'recently. "Not long ago nay little daugh-
K athleen, who will visit relatives in ter Annette clime home from school re -
London. a bit of verse. 'Did your teacher
1 waste. your time memorizing that verse?'
FixedPrizes for Bra1: n and Shorts. 1 I asked. 'Yes. father. "Well, it's dog -
The Food Controller has fixed the Ren it. has neither rhyme nor reaso,
priers for bran and shorts M $21.5o and you may tell your teacher your
and $29.50tespec!ively, per tom, rel (slice said sus' The text evening at
bulk. F. O. ft., Fort H)ilhanl. Thedinner my little daughter said:.( told
prices i(r feed at Western points will be my teacher what you said, father -that
my rhyme was
the fixed prices less freight to Fort ldoKgere'l.' 'Well,' i asked,
William. At places east of the point.' of 'what did she say'' She wrote "''our
milling, the prices will be the Fort father ought to know. He it." ' "
William fixed prices less freight ;from the
.,mills to Fort William, plus freight from .
the point of milling to destination. At SI. RAE At Detroit01EDnn January 12. Ehabetb
Eastern points the prices will be the fixed Hamlin. wile of Arthur McRae.
prices, plus freight from Fort William. FARROW - Gorkrieh, on Monday, i ndery
The coat in hags will he about *6,50 per st, Asher Arrow, aged 77 leer) 14 month ane(
ton higher in each case. ^ l 12 days.
;an ' cently. says that it is difficult to re-