HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-1-10, Page 8'IjrvJcenAV JAN 10, 1218•.
Store (same i
lit ou: new
block) three doors nearer
North Street, between Ceti- i
I, -11 Telephone Office and 1
Union Kiel., the Store 1
which coati occupied by i
the old Film of Fraser &
Porter for a number of
Watch, for next week's
announ cern en
Continued from page 1.
cr.unctI. was beaten by 34 voxes be De.
Cleft, The Doctor was laid up in the
house as a result of the recent accident.
but he got the cotes lust the same.
Fur the seat on the water and light
comm,. ton Mr. Frank Elliott sun by 127
i r ado fry the h.alaiai. • sea-
seasonable gaud..
We Ever Offered You K
120 Beautiful Voile Waists at Less Than Makers' Prices IN
Public Utilities Cexnmieeioner-B. J.
Gibbing., (by 'acclamation).
School Trustees -Nelson BaU. T. J.
luteneil, Jabez Rands, -J. S. Evans (all by
Reese -Mil A. 'Taylor.
Councillors -Joseph E. Tartan. R. H.
Robinson. Herbert A. Thome*. Henry
Hot rs•>
1[ENSALL. h'
Reeve --Gey C, Petty.
Councillors- ♦Geo. Hudson. Thos. Hud-
son. Robert Honthron, W. E. Pfaff.
The vote for the reeveship was a tie be-
tween Geo. C. Petty and J. W. Ortwein.
and the returning officer gave his casting
vote in favor of Petty.
Council of 1917 re-elected by acclama-
Reeve --S. T. Plum.
Councillors --D. Walker, G. A. Best.
M. Fraser, S. Wilton.
Council of 1617 re-elected by acclama-
Reeve - B. W. F. Beavers. •
i Councillors -.Wm. Penhale. Jesse El-
ston. C. 13. Snell. L. Day.
Reeve -John Douglas.
Councillors - Fred. Davey. 1y. G Pape.
John Adams, Thu.. tfoperatt.
Reeve --W. 14. EII•utt (acclamations.
Deputy Reeve -John Love _
Councdkes-Mea. 'Neel,. David Webb,
John Ilaye.
CHANGES AT COURT HOUSE. 1I10111(11M11 i■■■■■■■■■■■■■aalianK■■/lrl♦1K1K/IOION
The New County Clark, .Me. G. W.
Holman. Takes Office.
The new staler is now established In
the (viol) offices at the court house,
Mr. Lane ocimp)ing the county treas-
urer's (Aloe auto .%Is. Holman having
takeu up the duties of the county clerk-
ship to which he war aplx,iutel b) the
county couucil iu Ueceuilier.
The nee county clerk is a company,
the suaoger w the people+ of Oodretch
sod • brief sketch will aerve to iuttp-
duce him to reactors of The Miguel.
George W. trultuan is a native of the
county of Hui'
light of da) in
He waa the yuuu
of twelve, wnuae
Holwau. was oue o
tiers in Stephen. l
tending the country. p
W Guderich and aaa
1)r. Strang iu theUotlet•ic
afterwards entering the
fessiou. Ho taught fur
years, all but one of these )
spent in this couuty.
For twelve years Mr. Holm
bitted with his duties as school
those of the township clerk of is
He has been recognized for many yt
as our of the leaden iu the pelagoi,
professiesn or the couutl, having t
elected president anti secretary trees•
carer of the %Ve•st Huron Teachers' As-
sociation, and having also hell office
with the i:ase Huron teachers Inc a lung
peruse. lot wauy }'ears lie represented
.t hese Associations to the Ontario
Educational A+sot•tation, in whose prey
t.etdiegs he took a very active part.. He
was ale, count)- awlitor for five years
and with Mr. t'oscus, the other county
uditur. ea- entrusted with the tonal
a dit of the late treasurer's books.
•li audit was completed a week ago.
. Holman t his 'f
Dr. W.I.'. (LARK. V. S.
Elected f1•pety He. -e -e.
votes over Mr. W. 1..:ltclxan Mt M.
Lean did not seek the nu= tion and te e
quite c.duierent as to the tr It Ute
1x'1 a
T, n•,netl,i,t Pits •. ai he ct*I �a,:.d
of 'Ne',oil. sang.
or -E. k \\ -
Rea t C Lanl, i i.
Itepti. Reetr-l% F s`la:k
C •Una!, J,t t_pl. [' Wilson, T It.
Nal!ia .kdr 3tu:y (? .1 I, Cooke. T M
I)avt. C M 11ebeti:-,.n
M.. . -e'c.t t%'.t!sc err ^'c-.rs ME.:, CV:
, having find seen the
e township of Stephen.
est child in a family
titer, the late Lewitt
the ling, tour set -
Holman after, at-
lieet:houl cane
student under
High t• chool.
gang pro•
oro being
eon -
Roche--Jol'n Laporte.
Councillor& -C. WW alper. 'S. Diets, John
Camlibell. W` m. E.. Turnbull.
Old council reelected by acc:amation:
Reeve -John McKinley •
Councillors J. 1'. Keys J.:liood. Geo.
li:udrt. M. Elliott. • -
J -t- Mot'-
council re-elected to- atciamatton:
ea --T. ti. Powell -
lkx,--A. Wheeler. W . J. !Adair,
.t ins. I. Scott
( �ItORNF:
.. •ele: t:•
Vet:I .hoe .�11ge soot -anent r.f
Gluts., utcludinrt - r y fine lin.
of CIio,ctl:.tte, - .
New N reel etr.tngc:�r.the
I. ,11.J,y trade' •
New di red Pruura, 1 t„ -4e1
Pcriclies IIAve Mao arnvc•.l
Fifty l.rnds tit fancy I,( .cuit
to Cht•,,:.t: (rote
Alt out Churl vs .t.. bought Ic-
the lite; advance( in price
,o, sic ate' 411 a ld•situ.n to gi%.
Vitra 5a)t•ti vola,.
( For, ec T C:.x
t', ii:ntna. (••hn Ur;rs
Core, ,. i°17
ton - ea 1 1
' Reese-. RR..gert Lismg_tun.
.Deputy R:eve-Jul.n IvtcNa:,i
1 Caxuu•tll.,t'.-1`, F.:( . Fraser•.
. 110W ICE
Rvtv!- RHirdint
it lamas..
C,uttciU'(,-= fatnew ACT:- .• Fin:at
I.ynn. lueepti Williamson
-fitCKER..Ml iii
Council &serf to a a•i•atitri:
Reeve -ll ,Crleh
C'.ounciik,c.-The• C Aman.. John Mo-
Nau.ihttiit R. P. 1\atw.t , J >. Creel.
llfc KI LLOP.
tc telt.
w c
U site*
There a
wo of the Biggest Waist Bargains
Saturday morning we start what should be the biggest
Waist selling we ever had. The other day we got a chai*e to
buy the spring 1918 samples of a big Waist -maker. Ne• only
makes good -quality Waists and the factory prices of these
samples run up as high as $48.00 per dozen. All are styles
being made for the coming spring season. Sizes are 36 and 38
and a few 40, none larger. They are beautiful Waists every one
of them, and if we had not told you they were samples you
would not know it, as they are in first-class condition. Come
Saturday for a handsome Waist at a big saving. To make the
selling easy we have divided them into two lots.
tat Lot, Choice $1.69
This lot is made up of Waists that the makers' prices are ail high as IMO lit
dozen. There are 70 or u0 in the lot and each is a beeuty. $1.69 Is hardly hall ,sir
for many of them. Special, choice, commencing Saturday morning. only-.SI.SN11•
• and Lot, Choice $2.15 •
tete are really beautiful Waists. Exceptionally good style azul quality. leite of them better by far
r attempt to carry in stock now iu the regular aay. About.40 or 50 iq this lot. and your choice ic1of
y morning. only. 1 -
ottuan i+ a w ie ower, * wt r. a111
r of the tato Arch. McCurdy of
hating died tour year. ago.
four ttildri n. is a ix,y s and
lieu gin\ Or.r car tilt. tilt tern i•
mauled. • other. 'Is at home, •I'ia-•
boys a ,oth is khaki. having eu vs
listed in .1• .ry. 1913. Gurdon 11,-
• been is the ti i ,es with the 1+t iiate+,:
• for thirty it •1 It.. and W Mime 9ta-
Iteeu to the s: k e for taet•nt% tit.
months e. a trv•I t .(the Neth Wanted
Ititlts Both ha%c •e-. bard n4,1itiug, at
Ypres .nrst "ta\td .. u. "t , battles!. the
tiuctu.. %'tiny I:i,l... u in utlit4 en
W. I-1 E R N
crit I•
-.411AIt1 1 l'(tr., e
:• I
w(w ,e.. ....it.
1)0 you have headaches?
1)0 p6M>ri!' etei yule;
1)o tour eyes wakeir ?
1)o yrrlly hast difficulty
Wh(',h readling
ioe:;the pini;hh01;1
I'Bevy are icdocatu)r,s tie-
fectil a eyesight..,
Using both the oheo'tiwe
and subj tive method:
of testing can gua:
antee Corr ion of all of
these troubl - 3
Talk the ma ter over
with Mr. Sexs ith, our
eyesight apeci list. If
you require len-ies you
may depend on getting
them at the most reason-
able charge.
Your examination will cost
you nothing.
rlla.tt.will canst.tute the watt anandt r. ,mission.
The i gural ntrrting of the cuancs
.Il. be het at the town hall on Monday
•,.,ming ncx at 11 o'clock
Cotititt'1r tted by aitlania
Kerry 4901"0l
Ker --J. M Guvenk,ck.4901"0Councillor- -F. McQuat . j M Rt•.e t.,
John DOM-. 4.. 1). C. Ha-
l'e-t% H. Fraser
xt. -
Cencillur.-Wdltam El -ton. Abra1Sam
%'risks . Walt _r \will: J.' Henry FeFear.•
hosed as ((gloss., for 91.8 .
Reeve-- Jos.. P Di. on. .
Ileputy lteecc-Jut. ckett.
Comical, J iet,ea . Frani.
it reestint, Tho.,. J. lutea.seri.
rhe Iterxe and Deputy eeve were
elected by acclamation. and t "vete .1O1
t,lIt OL I Na a (V
I 1- , e 5 a
h,.i . . 17 11 u r) 21 w�r_tea•
�jb IS 41 mi
1jto w is 4 5 33 1t.:
, A .t n)(..s7
u at it 1. 3 •-
M l,nrnrn .t•• '1 10 m 52 14 24-1
ttrt,a. t,o:.... 3.' 14 a 67 11 uf\a-est
Mayor' -L. F Hinkley
\ Reeve -Amo. Tipltng
ncillrrs--W If Gurney, Sutton
Me heal. Tho;. Fells. R A. Currie. W. G.
I'att. sur, Cleo. Spott.,n.
Mayor .5. A. Stewart iacrlan:ation)
Reeve -Harburn. V S. '
CounctiotX,d,eo. P. Cardno, Thoma:.
`L phens F. vauge. E. L. Box, Jame.
Hays, W. H. ( hton (acclamation).
W.. L. and S. C mrsanner-J. F. Daly
Mayor -Dr.. C W ltemp;orl (by at•
, :amation).
Reeve -Jas. A Ford (hy':acclamattrin).
e oune llo s- R. J. Miller, Bert t,attg
toed. A. 1'. Conner, Harrison VI(iltt e, J :P
'heppa:d. Murray M -Ewan.
} The Singer Store
A good selection of white
stamped goods ---gowns,
scarfs,centres,tray cloths,
lunch cloths,
also tan centres, runners,
cushions, etc.
Full stock of white and
colored embroidery and
crochet threads.
The Jim Store
t,oDERitli oKr.
Pom our side and hack
combs,hairclasps, nets, etc.
ea,;enutits. atia.b'th w fu btt%C CI .tt t
tnntn,;h ,aatille.. •
3I r. Holman:• a Presby- t: . aucl c.
political scatter. a (bnserc ria
to has already been rent:u' d •'the
CORIUM. that .Mt•. Htywaa w a. a:'
eiteant toe the county clerkshi twr t
sit yeah• e,;c, when he rad a ie.•
s•conel to. r. lane for the appotu to to
It 1. a sttan;e freak of fate ;but to :i.
his, back. elle t the lapse of a Wattle
a cc•untry . to ;con Mr. Lau- in ani
regime• in the count y's•knells.
1 he uew c••,':nts clerk has. •$[way l
Lent ix p!irr wherever he has liteu
tnowt► and t:r+ „moral tiro, .uiou will
cth(ckly nt:.k•• wan% friends for hint 1 .
,Lits %tel. He will soon nu %r his
hold boar and. will he welc•otue• ,-
citizen \y, trust that many yeat-
ust•tul , cat the intrtest+ uf. tilt
county ((t'i! it Art' alira,l of him..
The county council of 1:'ls ail: be
c,rrtpiaed of the following reeve and
deputy reeves. Thoae.marked x were not
tubers of last scar's county council:
shfteld-.Jos. Dalton. Reeve: Joseph
tt. Deputy Reeve.
ve a $ 5 Bill
This s
is a success.
or 20 right-up-
5.00 less ..
some are plain colo
Plush Coats
a big cloak -m
libt know ho
he did not kn
can appreciate ju t what it m
at a saving price. ,
$5 off the Price of q!
rrllftrflnrTetflfidl[tflt nflafl x
$10.00 -Sat,
five extra good Coats. Some as
Choice of them `ell, for exactly
ial "Save a S5.00 Bill- sell
We are offering you your cho
p- the -minute' Winter Coats at exa
Chari sual prices. Some -are tweet's,
- ngs, and there ,are two or three
lnclud • . With' materials so scarce that
r ,told , . the other day "that he did
w • could k pin business feu 1919, as
o how he c• Id get materials." .you
_ ns to find a Coa now
of Coats.
of 15
ped These
sold h as $40.00.
our ori
• Most, ear Jan. 7.
Mt. and .Ars Frank O'Connor. • of
I•uluth. M+nn., visited the former's par-
ents for a few days`.
l'te lrun.an, of Detroit. Mich., visited
friends hero during the -vacation days.
Miss ' EItzaheth O'Neil. of Jackson.
Mich . is visiting her grandparents. Mr.,
and Mrs Ja. Sento. Sr.
The Mit,-'s Adeline Keefe and Mar-
garet Hellcat returned to Chicago: 111...
a -t W'edn -•.day after a short vtstt in
Followlo,; is a statement of gena- .sent
to Hymanh all, London, from Goderich
shipping centre in December:
Leehurn Rcd Cross Workers- Value.
63 emirs socks..., ...... -- .... $ e.; 00
Britannia (.1 Red. Cres
Worker. C•
28 hnutwewives,-. $ 2, 00
Goderu h Women's I lute- .
114 stretcher caps.. .. $ tl 00
12 tisirsiocks.4. 12 00
Taylor's Corners Patriotic Soci
19 fruits ps lams . •s,
43 pairs socks
tllenmiller Red Crosa Society -
ii suits pyjamas -
6 face cloths N.
6 trench shirts
79 pairs srstks
Maple Lea(Chapter, 1.O.D,E.-
38 00
3 00
61 buck tOwels ere"r:
Goderieh Red Cross Society, -
23 day shirts
21 suits pyjamas .
20 dreseing gowns
16 stretcher caps
5 face cloths.
nal pairs sodui.
Seaford Red Cross Workers -
IS trench shirts
264 pairs socks
Stephen -W. R.
Love. Deputy Reeve.
Tuckersmith-H. Crich.
Hullett-M. Armstrong.
McKillop -J. M. Govenlock.
Morris -xW. H. Fraser.
Grey -R. Livingston. Reeve: John
Nabb, Deputy Reeve.
Eat Waw•anosh-J. N. Campbell.
West Wuwanoih-J• A. Mallough.
.Turnberry -T. K: Powell.
Howick-R. Harding. Reeve: xW. J.
S' stton, Deputy Reeve.
-Gordon Young.
Ina nship-W. H. Lobt
n McKinley: •
lhott. Reece:,iJohr.
Goderich-J. C. Laithwaite, Reeve:
xW. F. Clark. Deputy Reeve.
Clinton -l• A. Ford.
S•aforth - xF. Harburn.
Wingham-xAmos Tipling.
Exeter -B. W. F. Beavers.
Brussels -S. T.•Plum.
Wroxeter-xJohn Douglas.
Bayfield -A. E. Erwin'
•Blyth- xN. A. Taylor.
Hensall-Geo. C. Petty.
If quality counts,
delicious ice cream in,
all occasions. -
ulk or (ricks 'for
Phone 240..
Goderich Wins at Clinton.
Goderich 0. 1-1. A. Juniors uent to
Clinton last Friday and made a very
a•editable showing. winning the epenffig
60 4ame was very fast and excuing
13 30 froM -tart to tieiett and was witneesed by a
73 00 lariticrostlh Clinton brass band and
pipeja: nd were in attendance. Superior
11109 "Ilt_erCbination won the game for the
tors. as thc home team had the weight
$ 21 33 Godench took the lead in the first period
and kept it throughout the remainder of
.11 "0 00 the game. Ted Johnson. one of the reg.
42 00 1 Mar players for .Goderich. was absent.
150 00 being away on a holiday trip. A. W.
3 00 Dickr'of Seaforth. handled the bell and
gaY e good satisfaction.
180 001 The line-up was as foliclas: ,
' Clinton.
3440 .50 II. Baechler goal A. McKenzie
J. Webb r. defence R. Wheatley
A. Bmwnlee centre E. Livermore
W. Babb r. wing F. Wallis
Substitute I.. Huller.
r Score at end of first petiod. 2-0 in
favor of (;oderich: at end of second
period, 3-2 in favor of Goderich.
3s4 oo
6 sures pyjamas
66 pairs eras
Goderich Toenship United Pat -
33 suits pyjamaa... .
UN 80
Colborne Red Cnes Workers --
21 stretcher cape
6/1 toirsirrisrks
(airi 1 Total value of shipment
The iterord.
Mitchell won the opening game of,the
series from Seafort h. and Tuesday night
jo eo score of games to date is:
fat 00 I Won
$144 AO Mitch& 1
RICE'• ..
The best gar- 1�
The of -r day w saw a linen telt esaler who had just taken s - k•. He had
dozen extte good Tab Napkins for w' ick he hail no cloth.. to matcl . They are
extra fine qualities and t, a •'s retail price .onld be at least *9.00 to $10. 1 r dozen.
He offered ns the lot at a prl a thatkts as cat there out at a bargain price. .turdayl
.00 PER ' OZ
We would like to empha
clime linen damask. Those in a
linen tabling of any kind before the
1 war is over.- If you want an extra
future, You should take advantage
cheap Napkins, but superior qualities
the fact th. these Napkins are extra high qua ' y
pos ion to kuo • state that it will be impossible to g
p nt year 's out, or until some time after the
:do n Napki t s or will want. them in the near
of this offering. Remetnher these are not ordinary
offer at reds ed prices.
January Millin etp rga/z'ns .
The milliners are busy clearing out the balance of wi r s • k+S before the wind-up of the
season the end of the month. Von can get an extra Winter t t a very little price if you
come before these are sold out. \
, j
Trimmed Hats *2:2:1
All ll'riulrned Hats. with the
e tee tion of a dram nr s.1, a.l•
tertrsed in next items. go at this Lne•a nil
trice. Your choice of each and kinds ane
every one in the „how trmnl• no / ot• Ifs high
matter what. its hornier price , r' offer you Ti
mal worth, tot only - .2 for r you
Ready-to-wear Hats *2.00
These are real bargains. The
Hats are all ready to put on.
Small ehapem. sailors, etc. Thee .
are exceptionally stylish itha.
ewers one new this treason. Reg-
ular Vall11.11 $5.011 at least.
-class Tritnmed Hats 95
sisal., alone are worth
din regular. The mil -
taken the remainder
trimininapt of all
tried these last 12
sheltie. and we
oiee of the lot
A few other Bargains that will make a visit to the store profitable Saturday or' next w
Girls' Flannelette Gowns S5c and $1.00
Girl's Flannelette Gowns made of extra heavy
fine quality ?White flannelette. Cheaper than you
can buy the materiel today Itml inalie them, ot
cheaper than we could buy them ourselves.
Sixes to 10 yeais .85a
Sixes 12, 14 and 16 years $1.00
Colored Flannelette Gowns 75c
These are mule from fast -colored fancy stripe
flannelette in good ritialitx. Mize., from to 14
years. , Extra special for January: sale __ .750
Red Eiderdown Dressing Gowns $1.00
Bath Hobos. Sizes 12, 14 or 14 years. Made
from extra quality red eiderdown. Our bargain
price would not pay for the material. One dozen
to Nell, commencing Setuniay. at only $1.00
Childten's Dressing Gowns 79c
These are made from fancy cotton kimono
cloths, moistly blne shades. Sizes 15 to 8 years.
Ladies' Dressing Sacques $1.00
Theme Dressing Smellier., are mule from gomf
quality red eiderdown. Cut in a neat sityle and
nicely trimmed. Half valise for Haturday. each
only $1.00
Clearing Sweaters 111.98
Two grey. two white and one navy blue Sweater
Coat. Splendid for wearing la the honse or
under a coat. Assay less than halt price.
Saturday only $1.11111
Table of Odd Sweaters.
ing at bargain prices.
Heavy White Flannelette! 20c
Wide white Flannelette, superior tinalit. soft
beautiful cloth. A limited quantity to
sen soonrday at per yard 200
P;arty Sewing
We have a splendid stock of materials for early
lawns. etc. All bought before the recent heavy
advances. and soiling at prices that will make it
worth your while to lay in a ruipply. now.