HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-1-10, Page 5rsie' sew ".,4i tri,µLt rei.1414. 1.--.414k, 4 , s'ss „N. s • , sisss4,,,y,s430, s ss.;•;' ” „,,-fleforlefferovorerw-ore r-^e-sire/--ter:Aiztirectramptutwrier -.;=„14.npiaftities,zr tsse tfflo o misorir. • s NT/Ira-1-r ry -13,11Sattiir e "J toy, . • •s•#,..•.s ' Irre. •. -11.• ; THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO •/••••••••••••••••••••••••• When You Put i Your Car P.- sem for the Wiatw--- •°•"4"4""r. don't leave the Battery ea the car. SOU ram eutfory aseeeeesseaw. Deterioral inn m glared), result. Bring it bele and lave it properly eared tor. We inspect and test 'it periodically, insuring your bale tery to he In A• 1 condition In the Kering,. The charge as inal. East Street Garage "Owned and Operated 11 a Practical Man" GODESICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover •••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• imisimilmiallal LOCAL TOPICS SIS STOP THAT BARK WITH ' Donations to Alexandra Hospital. 'The following donations were gratefully received hv Alexandra hospitai during the past month: SIO for "Christmas cheer," Atm -seek -Chapter, I. 0. D. E.; barrel -of apples, Mr. 'W. H.. Jewell. Colborne: fruit E. W. Carrie., Mrs. James Clark. M Westbrostiee; canned fruit, Miss Wiles, Port Albert; canned fruit and jelly, Mrs. IT. est. r.s • Death of William Seymour. The death occurred at Detroit on Tues- . of Mr. William Seymour. a former wel known resident of Godericb who nnvI to Detroit some thirty years ago White Pine and Spruce Balsam 11 you have a stubborn tenigh. if s -ours hinge are inflamed and )our air massages irritated, Ode splendid (smith /Syrup will afford . the relief you seek promptly and without an v. harm ful after-effoets. Peustar White Pine and Spruce Balsam in a healing remedy com- pounded of Pine Bark. Spruce Gum. Tamarac Bark, Wild Cherry ndother well-known Ingredients recognized inerite. Get & bottle of thie effective re ody 114 soon as posisffile and rkt •oureelf of that Cough. Sold in tu sizes. 25C and soc • \ J. A. Campbell, Rime B. "Caairal\Poig Stare" Npriti St. and Nuare, Goderieli 11111111111111111111111111111 Winter Footwear This season we are better preitared than ever to supply your wants for winter Foot- wear. Everything to keep your feet dry and warm. Shoes. Rub- bers and Overshoes of the best quality that are sure to give satis- faction and solid com-_ fort to the wearer. The prices are most reasonable. Mr. Sevmotir's wife. who predec him, was a daughter. of the late John S. McDougall. for many years Division Court clerk io.3(,oderich. Three daughters and twosorik- -Survive. Mr. Seymour had reached the good old age of eighty-seven years. Another Anniversary. Yesterday (January eth) was the sixty- second anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Stirling of town'. The anniversary was noted by many friend& and the worthy old couple re- ceived a number of messages from dis- 11 minimlarr ••••04•••.•.1i....r GET RIGHT WITH YOUR EYES Coneitler how important a part VISION plays in your every moment of life. Do them JUNTICF.-ere to it that. n4. eyestrain remains un- corrected- conault us -we will tell you Just what to do. It is the Knowledge hack of •Mervier that make' this em- tebliehment a nate place to ob- tain Eyeglasesee or Spectacles. • We grind oile,4;wn Lenses. 1014 eat) Mfg. P OPTICIAN Va. mar at,tat iost orrice tanie points. Mr. and Mrs. Stirling are among our best, as well as oldest, citizens. and The'Signal is glad to he able to ex- tend congratulations upon the passing of another mileeturie iii their long and happy wedded life. Presentation to Mr. Ed. Spahr. Mr. Ed. Spahr. who left Monday morning for London to enter Om) mili- tary service. was presented prior to his departure with a handsome pipe as a token of esteem from his feilow-members of the Menesetung Canoe' Club. The presentation was made by101r. C. A. Nairn. and was accompanied by Words of appreciation from other members of the Club. Mr. Snahr has been a valued member of the office staff of the Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Adams -Durand. A quiet but pretty wedding was .soiern- nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Latimer, St. David's st.. Monday evening of last week. when Miss Ida Durand. sister of Mrs. Latimer, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Frank E. Mams. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. R. C. McDermid. The bride is well and favorably known here, while the groom is a popular G. T. R. engineer. The many friends of Me -and Mrs. Adams wish them happiness and prosperity ur- g their wedd0 life. They will reside. ing a teaeher-training class. Goderich. The services in North street Methodist church will be conducted next Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Rutledge. Morning subject: ''Arf Unfailing Helper." Evening, -The Three Records." The Men's Sun- day Club meets in the church parlor at 10 a. m. Subject for discussion: "How can we curerthe excuse -making habit ?" All men. young and old. and especially visi- tors or strangers, will be made welcome,' • vacant.' Rev. R. C. McDermids subjects at Knox churcn on Sunday will be: Morning. "The Great Commission"; everung. •'The Waiting Guest." The pastor, Rev. J. H. Osterhout, will have (tame of the services at Vic: toria street church next Sunday. Morn-. ing subiect: -Help to Prayer." liven- ing subject: • •The Parting of the)Nass.'• Owing to the meting of e Presbytery at Clinton on Jatuary lath. the regular monthly myting of ,Ihe W • M. 5 of Knox churzh will not; be held until Tuesday, January .22nd. at 3.30 o'clock. The month:y union war. PraYerimeeling will be held on Wednesday eveni g next, January IR. at 8 o'clock. in the Baptist church. After the hearty response last Sunday of Goderich cititans to the call to prayer._ it is expected, OW a large num- ber be present next Wednesday even- ing. Rev. Gordon M. Holmes will preach next Sunday in the Baptist church. Immediately after theclose of the Sun- dae schools next Sunday afternoon. the superintendents and teachers oi the local Sundae schools and others interested are invited to attend a meeting in Knox church called with a view to organiz- Ne Passport Necessary. dian immigration officers are start - new year with a new passport ich may prove more trouble - the old forms to Canadians make a hasty eait from the leave no traces behind. The a serial number that gives r jesued. must be • ing t form, y some t who:wish country a new tom ofli -* The,destinatio given and '-dat made clear. An caution has beim in a spacelor sPeci signer's dependents • • • •i must • of the of passport must be ditional war -time pre -- de by the authorities Miss Mary Clark returned to Essex on statements of she Monday to resume her work as school A I nt must teacher. PERSONAL MENTIoN. • state whether he is si re. married or a Mr. Patrick G. Lynn. of Detroit, was widower. here on a brief holiday visit to his mother, Col Race Corning. NIrs. J. Lynn. Col. T. H. Race. the -.field secretary of Miss Martha Edwards: of Chicago. hasvisiting . her sister, Mrs. ;Drs the National Sanitar,u; Association, beenne_ilemann will give a lecture in t Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. -January 2004 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weller have re - at S.20 p. m.-after,churcle service -on turned from a two weeks' visa voth rela- the subject of tuberculoses. as nature, tives at Buffalo. treatment and prevention. ! Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Cameron returned to town on 'Monday night and are at the with instructive lantern vieiN. Race isan old journalist, a tra Hotel Bedford. worldwide expenence. and a spea unusual ability. It is worth while Miss Waite made a visit dunng the ing him on this scourge. known ashe holidays to het grandmother, Mrs. Archi- \ "great white plague.' besides his si e bald, of Seaforth. lights on the present war situation. Onl Mr. and Mrs. J R. Orr and son Bruce a collection taken for the Muskoka Free left -today for Toronto, where they will. ke their home in future. • Hospital for Consumptives. as --S S.S:414 ASA .4 Tulle:Mee, 1() '119 THE DAY 070 PRAYER. -- In response to the request of His Majesty the King that Sunday last be ob- served as a day of special prayer thro h - out the British dominions, well-att and,. impressive service,' were. held in Goderich. The men gathered hi the lecture room of Knox church. -which was well filled; and the women. met m the Baptist church.", many attending that a gobrt many had to stand throughout the service. - The men's meeting was conducted by Mr. Geo. M. Elliott. The'town oouncil, county and town officials and members of the bar attended in a body. The order of service was as follows: The Lord's Prayer in concert. led hi, Rev. G. M. Hoinws. Hymn *Oh Cod our help in ages past " Prayer by Rev. Dr. Rutledge. Quartette- "Nearer. my God. toThe-' Thomson. Tay lor.Saimders and Sexmith. • Reading and remarks by \Ir. Elliott. Prayer by -Mr. 4. M. Robertson and Mr. J. A. Campbell. Hym -"O G -4of Bet hel.," Scripture reading -Rev. J. II. Oster - hoot. Hymn-"Ble4 he the tie that binds." The National Anthem. Benediction -Rev. R. C. 71/41cDermid. lustrated Col. Iter of er of At the Baptist churlish the meeting was in . charge of Mrs. (Rev.) J. Hamilton, the ceder of service being as follows: Reading of King's proclamation'. .,. . Mrs. tCanon) Hill I -fries -01A God, our help in ages pasr. ..... Sal 'Pram le ai ture readh‘ge: Nehemiah. 1st reef .... hire. E. W. Carrie for "The King and for all who in the Councilsof our Empire hose of our Allies. .Mrs. Captain Fox \liSmn-". 11 hail the power of Jesus _REPAIRING — Geo. MacVicar North ode Square, Godcrich 11 THERE'S MANY A SLIP XT THE CUP ANRITHE LIP Suppose we\photograph you today before 't slips your wind again. • OUR. CAMER IS ALV)'AVS READY J. T. FELL 2000000:0000000cxxikxxxxxx Men's Wool Underwear Made from Nova Scotia Slim. elastic -knit, all sizes, a regular P1.50 garment, for $1.09 Men's Mackinaw Socks 111 1>1,t, to clear 69c Boys' Overalls Striped and blue, with hits sizes •-) to 10 Boys' Sweater Vs. and Mrs. D. G. Salkeld and little anclarty-Brayley. datUtter. Richlea. Sask.. are visiting Many Goderich people will be interested frieniki on the Bayfield teat in the announcement of the wedding of Margaret Jean, second daughter of Mr. Mrs.-jkes. of Trenton. IS 'inning at and Mrs. J. B. Brayley of Galt, which the home of Mr. C. J. W. Taylor and took place December 27th at the home of 'Miss Taylor, Britannia road. • the brides uncle, Mr. .1. N. MacKendrick, Mr. William Marshall and son Gordon. Galt. The groom wag Capt. Gordon A. of Clinton. spent New Year's with Mr. McLarty of Toronto, formerly of St. and Mrs. Wm. Gauley, of town. Thomas. and recently, medical officer of the eth Royal West 'Kent*. Miss Irene wine of Fort Wdliam, are visiting the Mrs. A. H. Wilson and daughter Cath - Prayer for "Those in command of our forces on sea. on -land and in the air' - NIr.se 06. S. Urquhart Reading -Her Gift' ..Mrs. Jas. Hamilton Prayer for who have answered their country's call and are in training camps or active service and for all missionaries who have been called to accompanynative troops to the batttehelde" _ ' Mrs. Colberne Hymn -"Nearer, my God, to Thee" Prayer for ' The wounded and dying and all who seeve thent in hospital and trenches; for the mission of ; the Red Cross and for the anxious and the bereaved", ....- . . .. „s, ... \ :' ... .... ... ...... Mrs. Henry Allen Prayer for "Our prisoners. thi a "they may be given courage and ur- ance. for all internment ca and for our enemies that they may see wherein they have wronged humanity" NIrs. 0. FergUson Hynin -"Lead. kindly light" Prayer for"Our nation that we may realize the gravity of the situation, learn the lessons of the war and be prepared for a righteous victory and an enduring peace" . Mrs. Wm. The National Anthem. Brayley was bridesinMd and Major Mc- former's father. Mr. A. D. Cameron. Dowell. V. C. D. S. 0., vse: the officia- bekre her-mamage Mi. 16' I spending Nle. J. W. Salkeld. Bayfield road - cd Goderich. 1, Mrs. J. H. Marshall, Miner Jack and Railway Changes. I Miss Dorothy have rettirhed tolown after No change is made in the local train I a stay of two or three months at Lon - arrangements by the new timetables don. which cameinto effect on the railways on I NIrs. Elford, of Welcome. Ont., and Ssinday. On the L. H. & 13. one train a IN1r. and Mrs. Bamsey. of Port Hope, day tach way has been cancelled. leaving, visited their relative, NIss. Nott,\,Bruce a morning train from Winuham to Lon- ;street, this week. don and an afternoon train from London to Wingham. There is a newspaper report to the effect that all uptown railway ticket offices are to be closed. It is difficult to believe this. as it would entail trem- ting clergyman. The bride mother was .peNndlisisnCghtriwstoenaweekMs (Ira tshoef St. Helens, Hele;fs.heisr Miss Gladys Hoggarth, who had spending the Christmas.and New Yea , holidays with her parents, Huron road, returned to Detroit on Saturday. Miss Nellie Catling has returned to re- endous inconvenience to the public. For sume her -studies at the School ler the instance, to do any business with the ex- Blind at Brantford after spending holidays press. telegraph or ticket departments of with her sistersIVIrTs-Akx.MeLeirs the C. P. R. one would have to go Clinton New Era: Mr. and Mrs. Cun- down to the office at the harbor. This ningham, of Godwich. spent New Year's would certainly not be a move in the with Mrs. Nott, Ontario street. - Mrs. direction of economy of time and en- :Cunningham stayed. the Week with her ps, pmff OF CANADA A Saving's Amain: Creak n Capital To Ilse abnve tit 1,en - dente on the dally earnings. Capital le essennal, and the surest wean-. of accurnulatinc Capital ls thyough,,a SavIngs, ut.«'}unt. Face the iacts 2S' they ate. Wine when you can economize, and save money systemancsdly., Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. 'Mr He aiterearsis ma ied sell his !amity to Michigan. His eldest daughter 'died m 1905 and his wife. • Lucinda Young. and two daughters mark -evened him in letas In the spring of 1912 Mr. Neilson, then eighty-twa years 'of age, drove irom Pigeon, &licit.. with ,Iiis horse and load ot furniture to Ilensall. where he bought a farm on which he lived until death , so suddenly overtook him. No amount of persuasion on the _part oi hie family could make hineleiee Meow n home, so two of bis daughters antrum- son spent some months with him at didereht times. hut at the time of his death wag hibne alone. -The cause of the lite es' tit known and his neighbors who nt to his home could not reerue ,rab the hadgainedsuch heasiway ibatSthessroof fell in shortly after they ateSveds on sthe 'scene. Mr. Wilson, wino waseight"yeievee years of age, is survived by one breeherS Abraham. of Owendale. Mich.; three sons -Wesley and Wellington oi Spoke Wash., and Cambria. of Salt Like City -and two daughters -Mrs. Gibsori of Lawton. Mich, and Alice 4ii Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. thhoin and Mr. aryl Mrs. ergy. District L. 0. L. Meeting. The annual meeting of the Goderich district L. O. L. was held in the hall of L. O. L. No. 1S2 on January tsth at 2 p. m. After the usual routine of business Was gone through with the district mas- ter called on the county master. Bro. Geo. S'arderburgh. to take the chair for the election and installation of officers. The election resulted as follows: District master. Bro. John McClure of No. 145; to eputlyrs:. district;cistrit master.ea Benlo John3c°x of. 1Voorls of No. IS% rec. secy. Bro. Ell Carter of No. 182; fin. sec'y, Bro. Wesley Vanderburgh of No. 189; treasurer, Bro. n Sturdy of No. 182 lecturer, Bro. ft $1.25 s• - t e ROBINS: -,4,,,.. tp, 4.., Ni, Sotitit Side Square ()PEN EVENINGS hostess. Mrs. J. H. Farmer and two children. of Blainnore. Alberta. are visiting the lady's mother. Mrs. W. Rhynas. Mrs. Farmer's husband. Major Fanner. is on service in France. At the Galt city hall Tuesday afternoon of last week Nursing Sister Madeline F. Jaffrey. R. N. Croix de Guerre. who re- cently returned from the firing line in France. wounded and decorated for Con- spicuous bravery and devotion to duty. was tendered a civic reception by the cite, Ounce and presented with an illuminated address. Mayor A. M. Edwards made the presentation and several of the alder- men made congratulatory addresses. The council chamber was crowded with chi! OBITUARY. Strachan MITCHElL.-News has been received of the death. which occurred at Purities on Tuesday last. of John Mitchell, for- merly a well-known resident of -Goderich. The deceased was a tailor by trade and lived here for many years. He. was an let36 veteran and was one of thbse who were presented with medals some years ago for having taken part in the defence against the Fenian raid. Mr. Mitchell had reached a good old age, having been born in 1MS. .his birthplace being in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The funeral takes place today at Hamilton. Art ur Cooper of No. 300; D. ofzees follseving the reception. Nursing Sis- Bro. rank Elliott of No. Gil After the ter Jaffray was the guest of the Daugh- ekctiou and installation the brethren sat ters of the Empire at their cabaret tea down to lunch provided by the real and dance at the armory. The distin- lodge, - lster which the meeting was guished young lady is a emote of Mrs. closed by the singing of the National C. A. Nairn, of town. Anthem. Latta---Harri of a thing rather than the catching there - The marriage of Miss Mary Catherine. of. daughter of he late Mr,. and True happiness consists in the pursuit Mr. George Ha Latta, of Hounty, Saskatchewan. was solemnized at • the Ilarris family residence, Elgin aeenue. at noon on Wednesday of this -week. Rev Dr. Rtftledge. pastor of North street Metho- dist church, officiatingS, The bride, who was given away by ,her .brother,.. Mr. George Harris, Wes gowned in white silk and carried sa beaut- iful bouquet t f bridal roles. The wedding march was played by Prof. F. Ali Steph- ens, of Toronto, brother -in law if the bride. After the ceremony the wedding party, including only immediate relatives and a few intimate friends, partook of an excellent repast. and Mr ani Mrs. Latta left ten the afternoon G. T R. train tin a trip to Buffalo and other paints. They will returri to Goderich for a fev.- days- before leaving for their home in Saskatchewan where the erosm is engaged extensively and very profitably in farm ing. The bride's m my frienes in G ele- rich and vicinity wieh her much happi. ness in her new sphere. IL -to Mr. James G. . CHURCH NOTES. The Home Presbyterial Woman's Mit- sienary Society will meet at Clinton on Tuesday. 1th inst.. at 10.30 o'clock. Rev James Hamilton conducted ser vice in the Egrnorelvine Presbyterian church au Sunday and declared the pulpit • TAYLOR. -Mrs. Taylor. whose death was recorded in these columns last week, was of Irish birth, coming to this country when \about eight years of age. The family settled at Kingston, where the de- ceased was married at the age of twenty years to Mr. Jonathan Taylor, of that cite. who predeceased her thirteen years. There were eleven children in the family, and all are living. Latterly Mrs. Taylor lived in Goderich with her son, \1r. C. J. W. Tayior. organist of Knox church, and a daughter, Miss Taylor. The re- -mains were taken to Kingston (or burial in Cataraqui cemetery, Rev. Canon Fitzgerald conducting funeral ser- vice there on Friday last. BANES.- The death oecurre4yery sud- denly at Crediton on Christina !Tay ni Nils Joseph Banes. a well-known esident of that plate.. He and I Nirs. Haat were getting ready to pay a visit hi ir daughter, Mte George Hepburn Stephen,- and while Mr. Banes wa hitching up the horse he dropped over and dted instantly. Deceased 'showed no stens whatever of ill -health and had made no coniplaint. Mr. Banes was a lifelong resident of Stephen. He was highly respected and' was a faithful mem- ber of the Islethodist 'church. Ile was sixtv-eight steers of age. Besides his grief- stricken widovelle leaves one eon and two daughters - Rev. Percy Banes. Of Ben - miller; Mrs. Nlollard, of Grand Bend, arid NIrs. Geo. Hepburn:, of Stephen. MANS'ON.-011e of \ the last of the early eettlers'of Stanleepassed away at her home in that township on Wednes- der of this week, in the person of Sarah Finlayson, widow of the late John Manson. The deceased was a native of • New York City and was married hi the early she and her husband corning • to',CMuida and settling on the Goshen line iie Stan- ley. 'Mr. Manson, who was a ot r s the late Mrs Peter Adamson of Gederieh, died some fifteen years ago. Five sone and three daughters survive: John, tte the Goshen line: Peter, on the old home- stead ;• Alexander of T.rronto; 4.1 Alen Esler, of Alberta; Mrs. Cathcart, Winnipeg; Robert. of California,. Mrs. of Saskatchewan; and Miss Margaret, •••• . who was with her mother at the time , 1 her death. The deceased was an aunt of Mrs. Walter E Kelly and of Miss Jennie Manson, of town. She was a devoted wife and mother and a friend to all. her sweet unselfishness of spirit endearing her to all who came in contact with her. I She was a member of the Preshyterien congregation at Blake and was much in- ' terested in the welfare of the church. The funeral tak s place tomorrow (Fri- day) and will be attended by Magistrate Kelly. WILSON.- Mr. John Wilton, of !fennel'. who perished in the tire which destroyed his home early Tue-iday morning, Decem- ber Ifith, was the eldest on of Jonathan who needed in Goden‘It a num- ber of years ago. Mr. Wilson spent the greater pert of hit life in Colborn' town- ship, most of his family being born there. es is Rheumatism of the face. Uric Acid left in the hkesd by disordered kidneysl loders along the nerve which hranehes from the eye over the forehead, and across the cheek to the aide of the nose. The Cat/4e Is the semen's in all Rheumalisni - diwordered Kidneys. The Cure 'alike. wise the Flame- Doddls Kidney Pills Clothes Make the Man they say ; hut we mike Clothe's. . Ike have 'hem mak ing them quite a wh1e, too,, and have given satisfaction a whole lot of people. este want a new Suit ercoat, Why not see us? John 1.. Alt: ; -1. 11,0 !.114.-I .1 .k1,141 of p.....lort .it 1%. WIN which Um* 4,4 rriday, 'i. -r 21e1, leen 1‘ reootertnys snAtelritalt vt Rev J. R. Knight , ssoitedSby iiveitheis of the Orange W.I.% ol -.4,htal Mr. Wileon was one of the oldest' ',b. -inters. The pallbearers -sere Wee.. Oral,10 men. lL)cipoved sycworsit,h1, felt for the oart-wing' merit thea v. ry sad bereaves. f\ r. School a \Loommerce CLINTON, *RIO \Winter term Legins . Monday, Jan. 1917 Stutletes liter c R. J. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South Side Square, Ooderiekt. Courses iu -BQC1,11i14 STVNOOR A PEN M A NSW( SECR ETA RI IL ETe. • EFFICIENCY k the motto c4 this School and it is the aim \ \to fit,tf iole•its for politico -Is iu w$,:rthey will do Vredit to themselves and constliand good . Gil.; (nay `sworn in the Sdlool. For partictilars writ(' to IL F. WARD, B.A., At, Accts. PHoNi: 24)s Principal RIGL \\% 1 The goody that is t beneficial to teeth ( and stomach is best for all ages. 11 .$ tte,tn, eke, ,404 ./kVattrilti.4=5:4 .; i4: \et-rt,460,,fri/rm WRIGLEYS massages and \strenthens the trns. KeePs teeth dean.ind breath sweet. ailays thirst. aids appetite and digestion. KeeP YOUR boy at the front supplied. The Flavour Lasts MADE IN CANADA 44 Br4 rr 41 ,^114311,10.1 /Po osEr./N011. 1111111a.