HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-1-10, Page 1A Chance to Save On and after February 1s;, the subscription prier of The Signal will be 11.50 in advance. You can save Fifty Cents by paying for 1918 now at the old dollar rate. SEVENTY FIRST YEAR -No. 3694 •,-. _•+....a ystic;.,tRagginsampirm't'ytl/ : rtrelmrei-r-r,- r O M hnrto'n 1 ang 18 Si Dorton Boulevard w A !Y - & ODERI0H, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JAN. 10. 1918 $1.00 NOW $1.50 on and after February 1st THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO. LIMITED. PVNt.I sea's. W1iGMlaln2all11...f :F'/11ae.IprIN.41P•:-1. ,m-.!�!�•aPr II�R:`AtNa•+'t:a»�- '.vies THE STF:RLINGBANK- OFC&NADA SAVE, Because -- Your children will emulate your example. FOR SALE OR RENT, &NOR SALE. -100 ACRES. HURON L pointy, chastelylocated. Krick house Bards . Won. etCkara 1,, tech oat. •$3.31x). J. 1. THOMSON, Itunstun_ •• Y. p LIOR SALE.—FORTY ACRES Got IN i and fruit lana. three true tram G(der 4,a Hayfield road. It has right acres cul [oa apple 01Chard.:a, per cent. Spys and Baldwin.. a wader ul chary, pear indd plum trees. - The bons ,s arch wooly loam!wrl suited fur small fuitsoa lmetablea; the hack a good Day loam an e{.ad em dueonThe build n aalgood. d. wafer • r in ea*,and tern Also sixty WMart/ Gode. 'Wadable l4, en leer gran oa 1,eti(urn; spring ereelk.:4:a4 foal, of 1,k•drain,, a good barn ant kyr boner. Apply to MKS. a M. HI% !CAN. le. K. No. 2. Godereh, or phone. 2:,, r .1 !4.,.Im 4 PUBLIC NOTICE. AMES CONNOLLY. A(;ENT FOR 0Hullak4. (:erhbw•r, 1•lre. Wand aro) Lave Stock Insur acre. and Cattle liuycr. K. -ill. 4,4.. Newgate street. folder och. CRAIGIE'S Asst ance and Real Estate NOR' ENT story brick Ven reed tioi.11ur_. e• 4 ,. r 1 ••( 111 IAI I n water heaving. i 1 aur � I situated •'r ,1 Ion I. ( •h!•u1 � light an g 1 4, • oaf ,o ( street. 7"�.1 tk u Wellesley ale n Y Rin most drldrab4t 1 •, in town n.r:..,. t Marshall. l'.1'.It. agetit. 111, mediate 7 na, 1 brick veneered dwelt - Mg. 411 1fa,lrrn 4I anus 101.4f toll St. David's. street. ;Atilt occupied by .lolui Yuan. w4,. Im- mediate p4Yls•sdoo. )R SALE OR TO RENT aetieally hew red B!ick lift/d- e ho Iw•s on Huron Bond. with eons l• bre land attached., 1 uthcr pn.IM'I•Iteae (or Also tulle or -14)\!'e .1. . ('I1.‘14:11.: • SPECIAL L COUNTER' in connection with "The Hou,$• of Plenty When Clown town look us over. 1f you are hnngry we eao rolleve• None 'molter, it yon are thirsty We can 'lettere your thirst. On priers are right. You are 1 a ()comic. W. H IIAINF.K fl}i1TINH EX('HA4109 (y1'i:(. aoo1:RI MEETINGS. • MEETING OF THE - HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The council o( the con • �'4 he corporal of am ere Gu of e. Huron well meet in the council plumber, Gulf. etch. at 3 o'clock ,a the alterouu t ,,n I usday. the 12 d ort.. 181,. (.E,I. W. HIILMAN. Clerk. Goder,ch,•January 1. 14n. 44•3l NNUAL MEETING. T annual meeting of the MtEilk,p Mutual Fire In ranee Comp any well Ir told an the Town Hall Se orth, ,n Friday. February 1st. 1914.41 2 o'e'Iuck m. The 1 ,nsamews of themeg 1, un • well he (o rergve the annual statement and audiaw+' report, the ting of three directors and too auditors. and err bosons, which might Ir• con- tlllhTed of tenet. o the Comlony. The ret.ir)ng directors are Mak m MacEwen. I. F \I.(.ret•r and K. G..Ak{:.ut y• Wk. ,r.. eligoble Eur re• . krl, tip. JAS .CONN()LLY, Ikea,etern\ TH(1ti:E: HAYS. . cSecretaryt inODERIC111\DI•ST (AI,)AND AG- ELECTION CARDS. TO THE ELECTORS OF ASHFIELD. LAMBS AM/ CLNTI.IW[N. • 1 Lake lh,s means of lha.klag you for the generous support accorded me at the polls on Monday last. and 1 assure you I fill endeavor l0 merit the trust you have re• Polled in me.. Sincerely yours. T. J. RICHARDSON. AshlieW, January n. 1414. TO TIIE ELECTORS ORGODE,RICH. WIGLE WINS. HAS' OVERWHELMIN 3 MAJORIT Y IN MAYORALi Y CONTEST. Laithwaite and Clark Beat Cutt and Moser for the Reeveshaps -Elliott Is the New Water and Light Com- missioner -Results in Other Muni., cipalitles of the County. The polling on Monday ,resulted in the election of E. R. Wigle as Mayor kir ,19144, J. C. Laithwaite as Reeve.'l)r. W.F. Clark as Deputy Reeve. and F. A. Elliott as member of the water and light com- mission. The surprising feature' of_ the elee• tion was the very large majority secured by M. Wigle, who had more than two )( KICULTURAI socIET1 Tor annual statutory nowt inapt G ,7arich Indust nal and Agricultural Sea arty 1 he held ,n the Town 11.11, l:,dench, at. 1 p. on Flt-. day, the loth day .44 January. 11s. for 1,un o1 '.duets a,a1 general buumss. J AIN:S FOw'LEI�, . , Secretart\ Notice to Users of Coal and tow O tiers of Wood Lots. Iti:order, that a systematic effort may *slide to cope with the fuel question, tilt residents of town using colt are segweated4 to leave, with the Town Clerk a statement of their probable requirements to the 1st of April next. The lowest pkos- aible estimate should be made, as \economy in the use of fuel is abate- • , Ripely necessary under the condi- . that exist. 1t 4 opos d also that the Town secure a supply 'of cordwud for next winter. and farmers and others who have wood lots ire requested to leave information regarding same with the Town'(lerk. Figures as to the, amount of wood procurable and the price are required. E. R. 'I(;LE. May -elect. Have you increased Our Insurance to m5eet the rising value of pro rty. goods, furn t}trd, etc ? Attend to this matter NOW. ROBERTSON WOODS Inaarance Agen \ Required Large quantities of SCRAP IRON Terms—Cash on delivery Please phone or write:us and our wagon will call. The Na ional Shipbuilding Co., C.ODERICH Limited 1 thank you frown the bottom o 1 my heart for the large nun..toy bywha'h you placed me In the \R, eve's chair 00 - Monday do glass slut Cutt dtdh't cut me out. 1 assure you 1 well work kr the heal Interest. 441 the town first. lust and all shy time. Y,ursnw;arInilly, I J C. LAITIIWAITE. To THE ELECTORS• Lai„[, asp Ga1n.EMi\. 1 w, -h to thank you for tbs. .' p4, nm 01. couh.k. m, *loch you 411ve I m• ow. Monday by electing me, .. a member of the water and , Ijghl comml,.u'is I0 well bemy ' duty 10 show you rhat your - dent. 1. rad misplaced by working to the best tn.'m)' alnl.ty j to the interests 01 the I- Vours're.pect fully. F A EI.l.l!)TT tici -.Witt,. 4e14(;RNTL 4N,._'AlthOUllil 1 wa.n44 .rl vl on Monday. 1. iamb to. than► 0e large ler who voted for nig and s, expressed th.,r deme In 'nr. .mend 10 keep an eye.. on .ipwl ana.rs.,and at UMW (Myra• time may nu your sullraarn you all a pc...prim . year in In l4. - •ours Ialthtully. J. I. %101EK. -E. R. 111(:LE, I Mayor -elect of Goxlerich.ftx Hlls. - O TlIE ELECTORS. • , ( votes to one cast for'�.\lay,t Ntunuings. whose re-election he de nater. Mr. Wit had strop support' in the contest for the•reeveship. ut'•(;randpa" laithwaite is; a hard ma to beat, and when the Votes were coup the veteran had a lead of exactly one hu 'red. 4 The degas' vote was that for deputy reels.. Mr. J. J. Moser. ah, as one ea the most useful members of l st year's Continued on page 4 n Kan mon ag on Weslu 1.110 THE ELCT(RS ()F GODERICII. Lomas Oso (4.NTiliMENI. 1 wish to tt,u,k ah thaw who vo1r.1 for nor on Monday and th.re who del not. p amen -1.4,6.11u . r(rnsam of con- fidence -tendered by lh.+4s114. marked their til• lots for mac ala lint any qadwatationt on my part. and W those who did not ,.+ Itt (0 tone for me my thanks are due kw Ieavin9 mac to give m me to my own business. Tryst that the yearnine upon which we have entered will a prosperous one for you all. 1 am. Yours most res fully, W11.1-14Mt,.Alt :AN. CARD OF THAMES. \ UR. C. J. W. TAY•I:OR ANI-)--M(SS ifs TA VLOR wish to ribless flay thanks tor many kmdnnaes extended during the illness a at the death of their dear mother, and ca(raall to A1, Wesley Walker Nr services most kin dl and thoughtfully rendered. 1)N 1444141 r 41. tilt' F4N1r4 To the Electors of Goderich 1 THANK YOU E. R. WIGLE I $1.00 NOW $1.50 on and after FEBRUARY 1st IN order to give all our subscribers a further oppor- tunity to secure the dollar rate for I'918. we have decided to extend the time for receiving subscrip- tions at the old rate until January 31 st. Until the end o this month renewals or new subscriptions will be received at the dollar -a -year rate. On and after February 1st the rate will positively be $1.50 a year in advance. \Subscribe now and save 50c Thele is one of our calendars for you if you pay your subscription for 1918 at once. They are going fast, and the supply is limited. THE SIGNAL PRINTING COMPANY, LiMITED GODERICH, ONTARIO Attend the Huron County Poultry Show Mg LADS IN KHAKI. at the Town Hall,Goderich January 14th, 1 Stlt, 16M 5uf+ka time before the death of Pte. J4,hnl Elates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Elates 01 town, the report had come from County. awe of (oar finances i. secured by the one of his receive des in France that he was voluntary contributions of kind friends likely to receive recognition for a deed of .who stand by us year by year. and, loyally was hill bravery., Nothing more support our cause. ever feeling that their w•a. hiard of enthmatter at the time, but etxltrittutl(ns are being used for public word itas recently been received unoffi- cially by the parents that John was re - To the People of Goderich and Ilurun At this anniversary of our Association. we extend to one and all a curdial invita- t on to attend our show to be held Mon- day. Tuesday and Wednesday, January 14, 13, 16. 191ri. in the town hall. Gode- bel gill• Oran, cur sultry stow' has ' commended kir the Distinguished Cort - rich. duct Medal, but the officer who made the fatted tuelicit the attendance we should like - From present indications. this promises loser; but perhaps it has leen our nail rtxsnnmrrdation was killed before he had to he the best show ever held in Huronhanded a to his superior officer. wooly. There are natural causes which fault. to have tut adyertis(d our slimy. 1 combine to insure the success of this our very. extensively. Many of our pn�pl4, twenty-second annual show: chief of �) not know that .we put fol an rxhlbi- Sergi. 'Fru.. R. Elliott, son of Mr. and which, perhaps tion equal to a city slay. m {wont of is our present standing, quality: Iles. (:. \1. Elliott. been transferred as an as octatiun, in the Cun(et(eratioil of q > : and slime who attend well have (nem the (Lull Battery Id has been pro- as Local Poultry Associations for the E'rov- the p)Ira' . (,(viewing as tiny a collection muted to lieutenancy I the 64th Bat - of buds la au Varieties ax.can he pt•ndu'eu inky of Ontario. "flus confederation terv. Guelph. Hisbrolhe W'. !•::. is now Iwings together and unites all of the in- m •the country. in Frame. attached to au i antry batta- trrrsuof the poultry industry. and sheds Ile public may bac interested 14) krkow' lion. that at the Huron county pooultr • slow its benefits. not only am,xlgx exhibitors, . - they will have the 1 1141 y;e o seeing 1 but to all who are at all interested. du• r (ether indirectly. 4,l the {x.xlu4)tum elf ma 1y 4+f the Guelph winner., as N)11 as The accompanying portrait is hat of Mgt {winery and better-,-- .-try. ten• wihrers of special trophies and raps Sergi. Kenneth \Ici)alrmid, a (;(• 'ch In the past, it has been ttlought, buy one-. Hanuh n.Iw (uelph, tit•Str �tfhrd, lie enlistd lio has r(It(ISaultlr't - 'larie I. wane. that poultry a+wKiations exist, and Kitchrtl(r, .%'t. islsbok. and man)' large joined the S:with 1. e* trllctiofl !rattail( 1x414 minter shows, merely to gratify •.tnd toners, such as Watetl.a.. t'te,Uo. , at "fur, went overseas las* spring a satisfy the ambitions of exhibitors. whose Nht1Il41I. Parklull, Clinton. Wingllanl, shortly afterwards to Fra11cy. lie was chief aim is to develop fine featlwrs which Exeter. Sea eith and The4frd• ' "gassed'', (ktobet 1-t and was laid oil all'. catch the eye of the fancier. But tour people, many of them, cannot at- for sonic m ogths, but expected to return nothing could be farther • from the truth. fend these shows: tout they. can. attend to duty about the end of the , ear. His 4 Success. with SUCK ail inn). would ie. Ito- ours. at1(1 w't• 9Yleom(' them. to see, at. people here 11,1 not. know what it was he deed, "Vain glory.” , hone. in our own county loan. the - Our real aim is to cultivate. develop pick('(! winters of all the lest poultry and improve 1114' Islultry Industry, W114411. shows in Western Ontarlu.' Will • yuu e • e let s upon careful rune and show ' ,ur a) re(iation of 'the • in ,the. hest plate. d { Id p yt I1 selection of hrte'dmg stock. n1:Wng, 1114491- beautiful:: 1%'eII you tome and en(ralrtlge ing.lin asling. andJrklwing. in.,rdcr that tn..Iluion4)4,111114lroullry hrelylers. who the test results nla> (e aehleveel. ' - an: •(riving so manfully to answer the Now, l4, judge of the result,. it Ixcomes call of the country :aid -Empire hr a ,necessary or adopt some Atanelard re.- greater .production!. %%ill you help our quitemenl : 'and such an loyal is described • Poultry Asa kliluon to 11.1111 n+ high phaco Ip the Atneric:ne Standard of 1'erf1tti,m, in the emanation. .o: the (jnn'meial lk- Ntlich is the ludeze s guide• in placing partnent of :Agriculture.' . We sincerely award..: Thus: Wilk. %nit('r .how-nw,ni trust that ycal 4ellr; and because we trust pup) is the breeder safeguarded a4:pnst you we have arranged to 11$14, a s4a11 of the repetition 4,l many rlestl) mistakes in expert poultrymen -nn the sloanarn. breeding. I ha jud14s, all .Ire proud to whteai bu.irles. shall be. In 'explain the say. are expert pultrymen. apo have the dufen•nt varieties and Navel: to all alio endures -Akan of. and are sent out by. the may 1e interested t.. (earn- Provincial Ialiartmt•nt 44 Agriculture, Our slow will opw•n to the public 4x1 hot only to place awards. but arse. to sive Tuesday morning, January_ 1:4411. at :1 out irf1lrmaton to beginners and loners oicha'k, and wldl ,continue o1Wf until 10 Nell will prove helpful - in breeding fur p. in.: it will Oen ag un on W trine sday starulard requirements. morning at 9 o'clock, anti eros• at 14, )n you ask, from N'IK•tx'e do we get our p. ni: All children of the pubite.ard sep sup�Nte First of all. let nl $lv. we have'arale scharls .well be %dant text nee: 4)11 the Meilen us suppaxt of the l'tUVttk'rai Wednesday': esday': -Januar)-- t4ith.--from 4.:M) IJepa melt 4,I Agriculture. 0sorn which 'p. m. until 6p. m. Will teacher!: please our', a- ' riation1 receive .annually .:l anuoullce!. Cameral a(llnl%4t.n at dun, l.l'gslal •e. grans. We -usually are IU 'eras. Menllx'rshgi tickets. EL. (armored with a Bounty grant, equal tie Family admission tickets good kw Tues- (nl•-half•t • Legislatire grant.: but V)me- day and Wedne-lay. January 15 and Hi. tines our c nt1 coumcil docs the unusual may he had 4,n adv,mce sale Mr Ji) cents. thing by re(u. zng the grant: The town of Conte and bring your friends: Goderich alwai.,s gives us a sum equal to Signed on bchall o( the Association. - un('•hal' the Legislative grant. The bal- M. E. LYxntt'I11I•.k, `x•cy'. V1 le ... Mu Laithwa Curt. • Clack \loser, laln,'t HOW GODERICH VOTED. FOR MAYOR. 1 2 :I .9x tr..r _ '79 SI • ,,7 IO2 .. .. :f7 32 "'' :14 43 blaiorit y' for Wigs :324' FOR REEVE. .6. - .se .447 .79 - '.11 Majnn(y fox Laithaatte- (X1. FOR DEI 'TY REEVE. .t:5 ...74, May city for Clark—:N. • F WATER AND LIGiIT ....71 77 o ids :\ fay nit% Elliott 127. SEK4.T. K 1':N N ETI 1 \IL DAI RM i D., M.M. did to w in the distinction. as he dols riot p, **11..J,li's 1n he. I. Reis. h. ole. The young. 'man'. par, nts, Capt. ll/.,y Mrs: --Newman M'.1Mir mid, -are old re- sidt'nts of (eedeoch but at present are living at S:udt Ste. Marie. Ahrh. Scrgt. M(Dairmid it. of the persistent Scottish type that does not know defeat. •ile was Topa. 'at lust rejected by the recruiting officers and tik•11 went to KI4th•stre, rlmn.. and underwent an operation to render him- self tit for military service. t): 11i "i11 1141 .,. - .•r ;(i. - 34; '.a•3 -:9,2 bre . is ' i;: 19- --121 Ai - :;s; Y iM�I tSs(( !NT.R. 75 !1:: :t41 .. 11 , 176 al 319 AL TOPICS IN \BRIEF. Have you 'ad >4'4: sabot option for 1441s awl got > an tale Aar? The W. C. T. '. will hold i is regular !•ling on M.,n. iv, January 11th. in I t e Tem{x•ranee II I. All are we 'ome. w• Children's Ai Slwiety w111 ho 1 its slant : ry• meeting on uesday, Jan 13th, . t 13 p. m. in the -mart house. go( tl ail ndance is desire.., Mr. (;ls. Porter is Mew C his stock this Meek tet . the store in the ame block which helms .en getting re dor some time.. The•nea stand is three de • east la the old one. A dollar hill was and on the 11 • of the Signal otlict p le ay, ago - ex•iden ly dropped by someone w 4 had been in the , Alice. 1 f nut claimed, i w ill be. handed over to the Red Crofts Six •ty. Ili. Rooster, eye. ear. nose and ,throat • WATER RATES FOR 1918 -NOW DUE bold if paid in .lanni", 11) per cent diw•ount. will ►N• nllowe Those in arrears for %Valet• and Faerti-i, bight are request ed 1.4 wattle early. an all artrlU's 1.1'111 s• np•eially dealt with at an early date. W. 1'. Meltterl:y, A. NTnarnes. Chairman W. & 1.: Poll. WANTED YOt•fi(: M EN 1VIR TR%IN SI. R• 1'IC 1- ' Apply to Superintendent, C. 1'. R , i.onllon. 1111 NI•:11' 1 1'. AI Ip It ( 1V I.I.IA\I I'Rt)('DF(44)1, K.C.,, M I'.1' Mc .r tow Centre Iluron, who has been ( earn to lead the Liberals in the Le gislat a during the coming\ session, specialist, If , h' at a the lied ford Isltel:•(:Merit. on W(dnewlay. the Intl' Inst.. from es to f{ p. n►., and Thursday, Ow 17th. from !I a. m.'lo l p. m. iooti't forget t Rebekah )axial in ( kkl(elk,ws' lfall. Jan ry Nth, an a)(I f their Red Cross. Card e4 o'clock. akar Dancing at 10.30 IMarks Orchestra Admission 25•. Evervhld ek' mle. Two cars of "mine run" ars' conal ha peen purchased by the *Water and 11 t commission.. Mayor Munnings )*re ded at the meeting , of the ('ommissi • on "Tuesday evening. Owing to unc rt ty as to power supply. C'hairma(Y Mutrtd�yy• went to Toronto yesterday of inlervieT� the officials of the l'rovi(tcial Hydro Commiaiotl. / A CII ISTMA% (.REETIN1: PRIy1t TI TRENCHES. just a lit' le Christmas greeting From the man behind the gun, .4 Wren is husv. hut quite hapiiy, Firma salvos at the 1Iun. Though he's- awry he's 114: with you. 11e is glad he, cam(~nut here. And he hopes that )Rare and plenty W111 ht• yours the coil ng year. . —From Alhvt I)ickson. .% neglected .cough is apt to become Amok aed cause a world of annoyance, In order to overcome the weakened con- dillon 1d y, air :stem caused by a stub - bone" enugh you need a medicine fond such as our Eneelsion of Cod laver Oil.. This preplr;lthei 4e,nta)ns - fully, 30 per cent. of clxl liver oil: and is much.atr(nder thml .meet '4'114• c Lions sold. l The taste (J thy rill is so disguised as to make it as pleasant to take as any cough milt tore. 1.. R. Wigte. druggist, Goderich. Try Edwards' home-made candy. it good and pasty. The New Year. Ih,141 •fare up the steps of soccer Step tip tlxe stairs. Me 01 Pridha ' the 't'ailor's suits will help you. GUNURY'S SALE REGIISTER. Tru F -n 4t. Jan 17 C'k•atmg out sale of a , lone of Loon stock anti 4mplemrnla, property her II. K Ihglpn.. he In. concession 1. S1ad% 119410 11 1)10111x1114 Ever yUun4 mus, go, as tilt 101 m r. add I • VIED. LEI1111' . 1n 1 W. -t Wawarwsh, on Tues anuary s. Ann Liddy, Inflow 4,l 4 l u' h.Irl I.4ddy. aged 7s yea,.. St KF.NZIE In ('odrnch township, on day, LInuary S. !tors McKrnatr, widow the bale Ihmalil N1. Know. aged 43 years 3 months TAM' fn (e,lhxni•. on'Sunday,amul Iame. rahb..4411.093 year. and 8 days. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Jana 1 Rrad.4 tE Proia•rt y Carl ..l Mea•tl Weekly Suit or Sale --Mrs. Wm. nichan .. hank. t'- I W. and Miss Taylor.... g .d Cowen y Owned --Gro. W. Holman 4 la -. 1., • C of Thaihks--.1. C. Lanhamtw..... .. rader-Ike Frws14N sees sees.. \and of Thanks - F. A Entail Ainnsal Meeting McKillop Mutual Firs Ingmar To`\sore lo_ .. .. ... .:sees, 444 !Deckles -J. J. Mower - k. R. Wilde. 1 Reader Rebekah Lodge I Card M Thanks' • Wm. L. McLean . 1 Election Card T. 'J. !Richardson $ ata Ratty..' Water and LightCw*MMewI N, 4)e to trarrs.x l'eltl---E. R. Wile ' `I.