HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-27, Page 7THE SIGNA 1. - GODERICH ONTARIO) WITH THE FIGHTING BOYS IN FRANct On the British Front in France.—Everything at the frrr! is put to some tea. being used for road -making and strengthening These trees are Near the Yser Car11 -- employed of gi adually y-itr .ad. • N ..-,a,. 9 ear r.:,l..ek+iair . .J41 0,C "irkerayr.Srj t.r pt . THuesnty, DEC. 27, 11)17 7 1 AV Only Request. Vigorous Protests .'Made Even by German Soldiers I. Against Hun Atrocities o44-34-04-0-:-;-;-4,....-;-;”;-.-;‹,-.-;•44-;-4.4. -r HE tact that German sol- diets, themselves, appealed to Ambassador Gerard aa "the represents* iv of a Christian state." to protest against atrocities and buteberies in which their commanders forced them to participate was disclosed In a recent issue of a pcmphlet by tbe American committee on public information en- titled "German War Practices." One German soldier conscience- stricken with the massacre of Rus- sian prisoners implored the Ameri- can ambassador to protest, and sign- ed his letter, "A German soldier and Christian." Another who, through the ambaa- aador, addressed his appeal to the American Government against the butchery of prisoners signed his let- ter, "A soldier. and man who Is no barbarian." This was the protest of £ German soldier, an eye -witness of the slaugh- ter of Russian soldiers in the Ma- surcblan lakes and swamps: "It was frightful, heart-rending, w these manses of Duman beings were driven to destruction. Above the terrible thunder of the cannon could be beard the heart-rending cries of the Russians: 'Oh, Prussians! Oh, Dont and supplies on their was, to the battlefield.—Note the method up the bridges to their proper level. Photos by courtesy k! C -PA NOTICE f performed the marriage ceremony uniting f NTY and Myrtle Wade Burns, oHely daughterdy,d DISTRICTMr. and Mrs. John H. Tiplady, and I Clifford H. Keys, son of Mr. and Mrs. i John T. Keys, of Stanley township. The newly -wedded pair will reside on the Mr. and rs. Alex. Monteith. of Kip- ; groom's farm in Stanley. pen, are away on a three months' trip to I i AMBASSADOR Ois:RAi D California. -- , - WiNGHAM. Henry Yging. of Gorrie, died on the Mrs' -Ker, widow of the late William Prussians!' — but there was no Rich inst., in his forty-third year. He was Kerr, died on the Iteth inst. at Toronto. mercy. Our captain had ordered: a resident of Carrick township until a few where she was visiting her daughter. The whole lot must die; so rapid The remains. Ore.' As I have heard, five men and were brought to Wingham one omcer on our side went mad Inc interment. Mrs. Kerr was in her from those heart-rending cries. But eighty-first year and leaves three sons and most of my comrad is and the officers six daughters. Her husband was G. T. joked as the unarrbed and helpless R. station agent at Whitechurch for a Russians shrieked for mercy, while great many years. they were being suffocated in tbe EXETER. &stamps and shot down. "The order was: 'Close up and at Andrew Dougall, of the London road, it harder!' For days afterward those while in the woods chopping had his leg heart-rending yells followed me, and broken by a large limb falling on it. He I dare not think of them or I shall There Is no God; there is Owing to the - of Coal, and the ct that sales have, of necessity, to be made in very small quantities, we have found • it absolutely necessary to t make a at ALL COAL E PAID FOR ON DEL VERY MacEwan Estate For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring 30 Eau Street. Opposite Knox Church Gide Us a Trial DELCO-LIGHT is one of products nlanu factored in "Dominant I)a> - ton," descri , in the biggest ad. ever public i ' in The Sat- urday livening est. Read this S -page ad. in t Decem- ber 15 issue of The Pdtit. Delco -Light increa.ses'Fartn Efficiency and makes life on the farm Nigger and better. Over 200 Delco -Light plietlts are installed in Huron, one of the latest being in the home of Mr. Geo. I.aith waite. There is a Delco-L11;llt deal- er near you, anywhere in Huron County. Write this office fog inform- ation. .e...•e.Aw Robert Wilson Delco -Light Products Hamilton St. poderich Alt unpopular officer in the ilritish arrdy ••'w night slipped into some des r and a private who hap - pe se the accident pulled him .its Harper's. The officer was abuse in his thanks. and asseu his rescuer how he could re- ward him. "The very best way you es. reward me." replied the pnvate, "is to say nothing about it." "Why, my good fellow. ' asked the aston- ished superior, "do you really mean, that you wish me to say nothing about it!" "Ay! if the other fel lows knew 1 pulled you out they'd chuck me is!" was the frank re- sponse. It Was a Habit. A French soldier wrote home to tell his family be hi}d been awarded the military medal. "During a gren- ade attack one of the bombs thrown by his comrade struck the top of the trench and rebounded amongst the French soldiers, Jules sat on the grenade and extinguished it, and for this act of bravery was decorated. His wife wrote him as follows: "My dear Jules, we are not in the least surprised that you received a medal for sitting on a hand grenade. We have never known you to do any- thing else but sit down at home." One Horsepower. An astute French mathematician bas found that in certain watches the motions exceed two hundred million a year In little equal jumps. In the same time the outside of the average balance travels seven thousand Ove hundred miles. Yet despite this sa- toniabing distance traveled by the ordinary watch the amount of poser consumed is trifling, states the Popu- lar Science Monthly. One horses power is sufficient to run two hun- dred and seventy million watebes.- Tbfs is probably all the watches that are in existence. But 1f there should be more there would be enough power left in the one horsepower to run an additional thousand watches or ae. months ago. The death of Mrs. J. Irvine. of Mc- Killop, occurred on the It inst., in her seventy-fourth year. She survived by her husband and five childr A serious accident befell Mics. Nesbitt, of Hensall, while she was visiting at De- troit. She fell down .a flight of stirs and received such serious injuries that she had to be removed to the hospital. The death is announced of Corp. Isaac Quinn, who was seriously wounded on will be laid up Incsome weeks.6ri mad. (toter 26th. Corp. Quinn *as a son oil.no morality and no ethics any more. the late Mr. and Mrs. George Quinn and \Alex. McPherson was at Kingston re- There are no human beings any was born in East Wawanosh. For a good celdly and returned home accompanied , more, but only beasts. Down with many years before enlisting he had lived by his daughter, Miss Ena. who has been militarism!" course at Queen's •university. This was the experience of a ng woman has been studying too Prussian soldier, at present wounded has suffered a nervous break- in Berlin, June 22, 1916. "If you are a truth -loving man, EAFORTH. please receive these linea from a common Prussian soldier." e, of Wilkie, 12th inst. was Thia was the plea of another Ger- n on the 12thman. soldier on the eastern front: nicely, of the same "Russian Poland, Dec. 19, 1914. n old Egmondville In the name of Christianity I 'tend you these words: d, an old resi- •• •My conscience forces me as a way on the Christian German soldier to inform sister, Mrs. you of these lines where she • •Wounded Russians are killed The de- with the bayonet according to orders. hilee " 'And Russians who have aurren- of dered are often shot down In masses, w according to order's, in spite of their heart-rending prayers.' "In \the hope that you, as the re- resentative of a Christian state, tablets to the memory of pant ministers of wt protest against this, 1 sign my- erseas nearly two years ago. the congregation. The preacher of the sept; at Ilailevburv. to Ahthe Methodist parsonage, Fordwich, The yo, on December 19th, Eva Renetta Pearl, hardown. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. ' egg, was united in marriage to James Le. eye Earl, a prosperous young farmer of , • How' •k. the ceremony being performed William T. K by the ev. Mr. Walden.• I married at Saska John ursey, a well-known Biddulph to Miss Hattie Ma • township mer and horse dealer, is dead, place. The groom is at the age o fifty-eight years. He was- boy. widely known hroughout Western On- Miss Margaret Suther tario and was a an of unusually large dent of Seaforth, pas. !physique. Ile w'a. _sitting at dinner in tith inst. at the home of he i his home when he suddenly dropped James McKinney, at Bervie, dead. had lived the last two years. Nursing Sister Gertrude Petty. a ceased was a native of Hullett. daughter of Reeve Petty, of Hensall. re- Sunday, December Itith, was turned home from overseas as one of the Sunday for the Presbyterian peep nurses in charge of a number of convales- Seaforth. The services of the day d cent soldiers, and on December 14th was very Targe congregations and were ve married at Toronto to Lieut. DonaIdson, impressive. A feature of the morning bf Brandon. Man.. leaving afterward for service was the unveiling of bronze is home in the West. Miss Petty went Rid of righting Mas. That the risk of the fighting elan is not nearly so great ails popularly imagined is the belief of omciala who have compiled statistics cover- ing the Allied losses In tbe war. A careful estimate shows that only one man in fifteen is killed, and one out of 500 loses a limb. Recent re- ports from French and British hospi- tals show that about 95 per cent. re- cover from wounds, while about 90 per cent. are able to return to the firing line. A happy event took place at the home day was Dr. W. J. Clarke. of Montreal. •• of Mr. and Mrs' Solomon Jambe. 1.1th one of the great men of the Presbyterian ••1 ' concession of Hay. on the 19th inst., pulpit in Canada, who thirty years ago ment, h when their daughter, Mabel Elizabeth: was assistant to the pastor here for six court -m . dl k to Emerson 1V months the MOnday evening an enter- t r secret German Solitper and Christian. ,old give m name and reel - these words could get Me aled' for' divulging mili- was united in we crc a y t Snider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua tamment was given in the ,church, with This lette was from a\soldier on Snider, of Stanley township. The cere- an interesting program. . the western 1 u mony was performed by Rev. F. H. Mrs. Margaret Dickson Chisholm, "To the AmIran Government, Meyer. Mr. and Mn. Snider will reside widow of Robert Chisholm, died in Mani- We.iiigtoe, S.A. ' on the groom's farm on the Sauhle line. fobs on the pith inst., in her ninety-first p;ngliashhmen wh have: surrender- CLINTON.ear. She crossed the Atlantic from el are shot down In small groups. Scotland when a young girl, in ISII, in Mr. and. Mrs., J. W. Hill. of Oxbow, With the French one more consld- bthe same sailing vessel that brought the erste. i ask whether n let them - 1 Sask.. are here for the holiday season earliest Canadian representatives of selves be taken prisoner order to Wm. Rutledge, youngest son of Mr. families that have done much to build up h disarmed and shot do n. after - and Mrs. Wm. Rutledge, of Clinton. was this community ---the Govenlneks. the wards? Is that chivalry 1 battle' married recently at Newcastle, ind., to Hahkirks. the Dicksons. the Scotts, the It Is no longer a secret amo - the Miss Goldie Sears of that city. Grieves. She was the last survivor of people; one heats everywhere hat On Saturday, December 15th, Mildred, that hand of pilgrims. Latterly she had few prisoners are taken; they daughter of Henry gremlin, of Clinton, resided with her eon. ArchihaldChislxrlm, shot down in small groups. TD wre as married at Stratford to Thomas R. a prominent business man of Winnipeg. say naively: 'rive don't want an Watts, of that city, eon of W. H. Watts, of town. Fertilizing Corn. Many plant students are led to were paid. Motion by Messrs,Aitchison wonder how ears of corn become so and Watson that John Wilson be paid will pollenated that no vacancies township share, 1'S percent.. for repairs to oo'cur among the kernels, for the I J Witton award drain, concession 9. tassels are so far above the silks clerk to writ/parties in default. Geo. and winds blow fregl7 throughout' Irwin asked damages lot broken cutter on the fields. But close observation has Gkn•s hill.Motion by Messrs. Johnston shown that there are 7,000 pollen !and Purdon that as Mr Irwin is a resi- tion be taken. • ONO =I MEMO 111111111111111MI will soon be here. perous New Year. 1918 We wish all a happy and McI.EAN BROS. prOS- A Good New Year's Resolution, To buy your clothing, furnishings, etc., 1918 at McLean's. 1 during Everything in men's and boys' tve-ar (except shoes). McLEAN BROS Semi -Ready Tailors • The Square, Goderich OAP 1 I The monthly' meeting of the Gudench branch of the Women's Institute will he held at the home of Mr,. Jas. Buchanan. Nelson street. on Thursday. January mrd, at 3 o'clock. Subject: "Live up to our motto 'For Home and Country'." Dem- onstration: Baked bean.. The members are asked to remember to attend the sewing every Friday afternoon in clue basement of Knox, church. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. WEST VAW'ANO6H. Mtmicipal council of West Wawanosh met December. 15th as per statute. Members all present, Reeve Mallough presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed, on motion by Messrs, Purdon and Aitchison. Treasurer read communication from Free Sete »! for Blind. Toronto, thanking municipality Inc past favors and asking a cont nuance in ail of this charitable work. Motion by Mears. Aitchison and Johnston that they receive grant of 110. Carried. Messrs. S. Thompson. W. J. Humphrey, . John Joynt asked compensation for sheep killed or worried by dogs. The test case was laid over Inc advice. the latter cases Carried. h1. t ►. 11 Ili. 1. .i -e reported 4 eh -anima of h•.tltli :it the prevent time. Nineteen deaths were recunkd„clew n el which were of pnipk aver,e4enty and ors to righty-tive years of age; only Dike death dung the year Inert conimuni- c:ibl.• disease. There were also recorded ' twenty-three births and six museums... Mlesrrs. D. Errington and H. Fowler ' asked Inc damages to heIds from con- tractors and others driving through fields and leaving fence open. On motion the' forme, was paid $2.50 and the latter $`0. Messrs. Johnston and Matson. delegate•►• I s the last session of the county council, reported that they hail recrsved a hearing from the council and that their pnilrsl aiainst the '.n1'nding, of a large stun ui money on this particular piece of load received a treasure of approval. and that further efforts be put forth to have this matter adjusted. The necessary bylaw. was passed on mot i„h by Messrs. Johnston and Punkin app inting elrcti n officers, ah, termination inert ing; Deters sber, 31st,, at 1 o'clock. and electii r. It e.•e cry, January 7. Motlotl by Messrs. Watson and Mallo ugh shat '.h,lars ti( S. S. No. :i be allowed the use of township hall a► hold patriotic -concert. Mutton n by Messrs.- Poulin and Watson \that ",a,1 - lector s time for return of rofl be frisks' till _February 1st. 191s. Carr 1. A detailed statement of receipts at es- p:nditures will be available Inc all fc- payers on nomination day. • Coat 'ill adjourned to trust January Illh. 1)1 at 10 a. m. W. A. Wu r , Ckrk. es- day(o( la Thos. ee kacat the age of eighty. six itars. Before her marriage to the late these murders and incus Thomas Jackson the deceased was Mrs. Mist Verna Ohler. of Toronto, is spend- time? Where is Christianity! Mallough. of Durham. ing the holiday season under the parental Where Is right,' Might 1o, right. Clinton has ho en hard struck by the rox,f. "A soldier and a man who la no coal •scarcitY• The public school was Misa Janet Mugford, of Detroit. is barbarian_' closed a week earlier on account of lack spending a few days at her former home. .” Shale. of fuel The Protestant congregations of Mr D. F. Schwann attended the l I.F.O. mel oil obtained from Scotch A the town are trying to work out a plan convention at Toronto as delegate from Inc the saving of coal by holding union the Colborne Farmers' Club. shale fields has been found higuly 7 Isecvices Mr. J. G. Schwarz and family spent suitable for the British navy. 1 On TirerdaY to rmng of last week. et Christmas Day at the home of his parents. Ontario street church, Rev. J. A. Ariew Mr. and Mrs M. Schwan. grains to every ovule, and only .vie dent of Ashfield n ijj. is necessary. ' ---, tblbailblel thtbt,ll,thtl,U,tl,t111111hthtl,ibtbththi,ththtl tiithkblbl,thtl.thihthNi+t/ Y unnecessary mouths to teed. Where there is no one to enter complaint, COLI3ORNE. there is no judge.' Is there no power TUESDAY, Dec. 25 In the world which can put an end to thevie- .... _. ..... _. ELECTRIC GIFTS Or r J. 3 e Your Wife Happy as Well as Your Home 3 E- ..- ..- -3 - r Z s HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINE OF j 3 Electric-- Irons r r o 3 -• ' 3 a rpt1. 1 f. /, Toasters r Toaster Stoves 7 r_ 3 -" ' i . Heating Pads 3 i' i r . i li, 1; Hotwater ups 3 7, t ttta:Jt • s i - , L r. r •.. -t t 3 t7 Bedroom Heaters t r 1 r r i3 ' 4 Vibrators , r 3 4 1`' (• All iilxyvc appli- - ! floc C. J e 1 i3r 1 I „ices will keit 1 % l °' I,% " to repair, of z ►c7/,li - 1 3 charge. t 6- 3A complete line 1R1 Vacuum Cleaners, Faris, t 3 tectric eotin Portable Lamps, Cooking Ranges, Domes, Shades, 3 eCaDilfl if "l, 3 Tungsten and Nitrogen Lainos. C.C. a 'r. j A New Line of Flashlights . ,1 41 ..tea 04. 4prtio 7 t 1 and Batteries on Hand V L,) ?I A NEW STOCK OF ELECTRIC FIXTURE'S 1 IAS JUS i' ARRIVED t " " •i ` OUR SPECIALTY C PHUNI.S : S Let us give you an esti fV l'► e L 3 mate on wiring your home. Office 82 Re v. 1,3 r) 3 3 ntcrai uoitr 3 Office, garage or place of .ve,.ssovsua C j business. NOUS£AT NiGHT j F 3 ROBERT TAIT c F GODERICH, ONT. E ©q'!!N VefIVIIWI T!IVWPI I`t1IIt^IVTThththtTTfef./"./VeTTTRnTTTTTT® WEST STREET, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE