HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-27, Page 6GRAND TRUNK sYsEM 6 TH1 aSUAV. DEC. 27, 1917 THE SIGNAL - GODERI H )NTA R I 0 MOST SUITABLE GIFTS Shoes and Slippers :tie the u►ost attractive and sensible presents to give. They are always needed. The various kinds we have rank high as useful gifts. We mite you to inspect and judge whether you can buy to better advantage anywhere, or have a greater variety4 to choose _from. Skating Shoes ate now in stock. Keep your feet warts by busing a pair of Hese) Rubbers, or Over lora. The price. ale most rya eonabie. --- REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar Nur th side of Square, Goderich The Double Track Route' HET". 11.N BMONTHI:A'1, 9Y►Ht)NTt ► 1►ETHI H'1' and CHICAGO: BONE-DRY PROHIBITION Liquor Imports Are Now Barred in Dominion. Tra*sportalluu From One terser see W Aneether in Forbidden Atter April 1st, and t►Loufeeture of Liquors Will Alai Cease . n Dake Shortly to BY Determined. OTTAWA, Dec. 24.—There will be "bone dry" prohibition In eight of the mine provinces after April lat. Quebec alone will have legal sate •f Intoxicating liquor, but only of the supplies within Its borders. on the above date. as transportation of li- quor will be Illegal atter that date. Under the Measures Act the Government has forbidden the im- portation of into: ting liquor after there, and tbat 20,000 were to be December 24th exc t orders placed added to the force. previous to that date. Atter April 1 It wiU be IIlegaI to transport liquor Riots to Buenos Ayres. la Canada. The manufacture of It - (Dior will be problbtted after a date BUENOS AYRES. Dee. 24.—Only to be arced by the Government. the utmost vigilance of patrola and Even in luebec there will be but mounted troops prevented an oat - few "wet" spots, as Three Rivers break of anti -German r toting 3iter- and SL Hyacinthe are now dry aid day afternoon and night. The down - Hull and Quebec City have adopted town streets were crowded with temperanee acts which go into effect Christman shoppers, and several at - next year. Plsetically Montreal end tempts were made to organize de - Sherbrooke will be the only places monatrations. Students and others In Canada within a short time where j marched to la Union building chant - liquor can be legally obtained. DI Ing "10,000 pesos," which was Is believed that action will be taken 1t the amount of the monthly subsidy to place them In the dry belt and Mid to have been obtained from Ber- nallonal prohibition will be the re -Ila by Count von Luxburg, the de- salt. posed German Minister. The order -In -Council passed on The crowds dispersed when eharg- Saturday reads as follows: I ed by the troops. but patrols trotted through the down -town section all night pntventiag marching crowds from joining each other. The pub- lication of the additional Laxburg de- spatches has caused 4 new outbreak of bitterness against Germany. sad It Is expected it Will be voiced in Con- gress next week. quotes The Echo Bebe a ft ewe;e; - "Tlte Krupp pleat L Lases 1s afire. Dutch workmen have bees or- dered to return to Holland." Another despatch from Amsterdam on Saturday said: "11 is learned from Dutch work- men that an explosion occurred in the electric power station at the Krupp pleat in Essen, owing to • short circuit. The buildieg la re- ported to have been damaged seri- ously." The plant at Essen, the main es- tablishment of the Krupp., the larg- est tuanuftcturer. in Germany of arms and munitions, employed about 50,00 meq before the war. It has bees expanded greatly during the war. Facts relating to its present size and the number of workmen are kept secret by the German Govern- ment. It was reported unomcially In October of last year that about 70,000 persons, Including several thousand women, were at work "On December 17th the people gave to the Government an unmis- takable mandate for the vigorous prosecution of the war. and .for the employment of all the country's energies and resources necessary to achieve victory. It is essential and Indeed vital for the emeient conduct of the war that wasteful or unneces- sary expenditure should be prohibit- , ed and that all articles capable of being utilized as tool should be conserved. It is beyond question that the use of liquor affects advere.e- ly the reklizatioo of this purpose. "The subject baa been under con-' sideration by the war committee of the Cabinet. and the hallowing con- clusions have been reached: "1. Any liquor or beverage cos- , taining more than 214 per cent. al 'cohol shall be regarded as intoxicat- ing liquors, ,2. The Importation .of intoxicat- them to be obliged to eat in any res- • Ing liquor into Canada is prohibited tatirant, hotel, or public place, be - nn and alter 'December 24. 1917, us- cause they are always wondering to less It .ball hive been ertually our themselves whether the cook's hands chased onnr before that date for Im were clean when he rolled the pie portation �fote'Canada, and unities.crust, or whether the icebox is kept having•twe so purchased, it is im- in a sanitary condition, or whether Ported into nada not later than the boot and chicken are cold stor- Corner Montreal Street and Square the 21st day o January, 1918. The age, and a whole' lot of other nerve - Corner decision a on any question re racking things that are tit, to take with the such ap rhesus shall This one's appetite away. And they worry with the JGnister Customs. to Thi. about it and worry about it, and wipe r+•gulatioo rhall not apply to Importtheir knives and forks and spoons very carefully on their napkins be- fore using them, just so as to be sure to escape any stray germs that might be lingering about. And if you concentrate your mind on the subject you really can make Yourself most miserable with think- ing of all the thinge that may hese Callen into the soup while It was cooking—and I myself have found a good number of them. For, after all, :roup is soup, and once a thing is ked it cannot harm you, unless, of UnexcelledDining;('ar Se•niet• iti1Si•pmg car. on might trains and �,atiot ears on principal day trains.fromFull information from any Grand 'Trunk Ticket tient, or ('. E. Horn- ing. inhtilet Passenger Agent. To- ronto. ant. F. F. LAWRENCE: & SONS 'roan Agents - Phone 8 MYSTI RIOCS SOUP. Nourishing Dish dust\ Re Taken no Trust in Jaime. p Most people are rather articular as to what they eat, which is natural, for what you have for your dinner '3 liable to grow right on to you and make you a half-inch taller—and it it doesn't mike you a half -Inch taller it helps, at least, 11 it is any sort, of good food. And some people are so particular that it is quite painful for JtarYae HIGH CLASS and SANITARY we serve excellent meals a la Carte t�4iIy PIF.S TO TAKE 01.'T Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen CARE FLA_ SERVICE Our Motto CI.anhorse mese• OPEN 9 A. M. TO 1 A. M. ..tion for medicinal. sacramental. manufacturing or chemical pur- poses. -3. The transportation of liquor Into any part of Canada wherein the sale of intoxicating liquor Is Illegal will be prohibited on and after April 1, 1918. d "4. The manufacture of intoeat- ing liquor within Canada will be pro- hibited off and after a date to be de- termined upon further iorweatigaon nd consideration of the actual coe- d ions of the Industry. 'As above mentioned, the prottihi- tion or importation becomes effect/se on Monday next, December 24. -The regulations to carry into of - feet the other provisions above men GIRLS WANTED Fnr oflic.• work to all the place- of men whn nese gone ot are going to the ' front. Yonne women can. tender the -wintry r,.,1 -et aice by preparing to take pouf ion.. in bank,. and Darier.. office..Special i'nur`e•. of training In Hook keeping. Nhorthand and all other Com ,n,rcual .utne.t. now in prows., St oldest* ad Mitred any time. Ills traled c ataJointe free. Northern Neilsen College, Ltd. (MKN MOUND. ONT. 1. A. VLF:MING, Principal... coo course, it is something that Is deadly poison. And what is good, too. is more a matter of custom than any- thing else. The Japanese do not al- ways agree with us as to what is the toned are being prepared and as moat delicious dilth, and they are sown as approved they will be en- not quite so easily disgusted. In cer- acted under the provisions of the, Lin small toWos they .play a sort of War Measures Act. I gars•• known as Yamljiru, which "The foregoing provisions will re.. means "dart souk." This soup, In - main in force Miring the war and for deed, is a veritable witchy, myster- twelve months after the conclude* sous soup, for nobody knows what is of peaoe " going to be In it—and yet they all have to eat it The soup is usually 1P'Ise at Kruppr. made on a dark night, and cooked In upon the order leaned by Emperor an immense cauldron in the kitchen.' , Charles of Austria, forbidding the LONDON, lac. 24.—A despatch ts. and each boy or girl, as he comes ,practice in the Auatrla Hungarian the Exchange Telegraph Company into the kitchen, drops sometbing of army and navy. trod Amsterdam. dated -Saturday, his nese choosing in the soup. Per- I This inhibition," says Germania. MISERABLE FROM STOMACH TROUBLE Felt Wretched Until He Started To Tike "Pratt -a -tires" 594 ('s*artatlr Sr., Mo.rraaar.. "For two years, I was a miserable sufferer from Rhestwahsrn sad Stomach Marble. I had frequent Dizzy Spells, and when I took food, telt wretched and sleepy. I suffered from Rheu- matism dreadfully, with pains in my back and joints, and my hands swollen. A friend advised "Fru t -a -Uvea" and from the outset, they did me good. After lbs first box, !jell ! was gelling well and I can truthfully say that "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine that helped me". IAV 1S LABRIE. boo. a box, 6 for V.50, trial sire, 25o. Atall dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tivss Limited, Ottawa. haps it is a turnip, or an apple. or a tisk, or a handful of rice, or a potato --but whatever it is, it must be done quite secretly. And when the soup is finished cooking, they aH sit around eating it, and fishing for the things it contains, which oft are too odd to sound appetizing. But It la quite a "surprise package," Some- times they all go out after dark and fish for what they are going to pot in the soup, and whatever they ant catch must go in. Imagine your sur- prise, then, if you are one of the guests, when you discover a frog. lizard, or baby snake in your dish of soup' And yet 1 do not think it has ever been recorded that anyone ever died from eating this strange "mysterious soup" ---and so you do not want to feel any more than naturally alarm- ed when you discover something in your food that you are pot in the habit of eating Perhaps you had a Japanese cook. "V. A.'s" Rivals of "V. (•.'s." All the world over "V' C." 1s known to mean but one thing, and the man who can write those letters after his name is illustrious indeed, for the Victoria Cross bas come to be one of the premier decorations for bravery. But there is a new com- bination of letters which means a1 - most as much. These two tetters, "Y, A.." signify volunteer aid, and are the abbreviation applied to a host Of brave wotnen who base dedi- cated themselvea`to work on the bat- tlefields of Europe. It is not given t0 all women, how- ever, to face the stern front of war. There are other tasks than - Ing wounded under fire, and some of the meanest sort, which nevertheless must be done. There is scrubbing in hospitals, sewing at home; knitting and mending. And England's volun- teer aids are doing a large share of this work. So the "V. A." has come to -have a 9111111e to the affection of the British paiyle second only to the "V.. C" Al large .number of America wo- men have become volunteer d_ - And there are women to mak•' up great organization. Also there aro poor and rich, fine ladies an humble. To be a "V.A." is to wear an honor a little higher than molt honors. These two letters hay proved a strong Influence for demo- cracy in England. • wing together all classes of women in a common purpose stronger than any that has moved the nation for a hundred yeah. MAIMS *THOU FOWL Night Have Changed the IMO Mop of bbrope. Ilse famous German Draag mach Osten 1s not a were phrase, for it empresses the essence of recent Ger- man foreign policy. Among the European powers Germany bad to choose between Ruses, and Austria- Hungary for her alliance, and an al- liance with the latter against the former best suited her plans of con- quest and of dominatioa. it Ger- ssaay had contracted an alliance with Russia, Austria-Hungary, as a superannuated historical formatloa. would have been dismembered in the Interest ot Europe; her peoples would have been liberated and would have grouped themselves Into small nationalistic states. In the place of Austria-Hungary, there would exist to -day Serbia or Jugo-Slava, embrac- ing the Serbs, Croats. S1ovegee, who are one and the same people; a Bohemia; a Hungary purely Mag- yar, without the Jugo-stays and Rou- manians: and a Poland. With these states, Roumaola. Bulgaria, and Greece would be associated. and a federation of them would comprise all the Balkan peninsula and the southern part of Central Europe. The purely Berman provinces of Austrta would have been annexed, to Ger- many. 1f Germany had bad a tree coaeeptlon of civitizaUon and a real desire to promote its best Interests, she would have facilitated this re - May Stop Duelling. Prohibition of duelling in the Ger- man army and nary is urged by the newspaper Germania in commenting "will awaken an echo of satisfaction io the widest circle In Germany and will gine renewed expreaaion torepeatthe mtent llunuunnnunnnouunununnnnrnnnnmm�uuurauuumm�rnrrurrunrrninnmmnnnnnnnnnnnmmnnnoLf Oeacialsdput manaend tod athisoduelling nonsense in Germany. Nothing can be achieved with half measures and nothing short of an order prohibiting (wpm. without restrictions or re - Y O U R Fr i e n d s in Feenfieeaatlorthroun gh wall preventthisantiquated furthermeeathoCrid- of resUtuting honor." Must First be Served t a✓ WAL � C. PirI IE millions of fighting men in Europe now require most of the wool which ordinarily went into your clothes, and their garments are burned every few weeks for sanitary reasons. This has caused an alarming short- age of wool in the world. Englan i has placed an embargo on all wool, b'ei,-1e4 t)uving mil- li( • of dollars' worth from Attie lea. A is- ttalian wool is now almost ;,• .bat -to get. LOOK carefully to the fahrir t 'xt suit or overcoat. PRID -IAM in The Fleet 'Telescope. The first telescope has been attri- buted to various scientists and in- ventors of the early part of the sev- enteenth century, Including Galileo, Jansen, Jacob Adrian:, and Zacharia Taus:, but documentary evidence points to a Dutch spectacle maker, Hans Lippershey, as the mss who discovered the germ of the idea. National industries. alignment of slates gruuPeo seeoed- tag to the ds.lres of the peoples cos ce.wed. Moreover, by such a cosi- il b4&atioa she would have gained .ronooM advantage" and p drtatie hieste.1 d Turkey wouln d hese bee, driven oat of Europe, bar Cbrtstlaa trsbjects liberated from a most odious regime; and all nations might to- day be living In peace and gait.— Tab Review tlepirde le the Ar. The pliant Utile 1iepahkM tai Vwesesla, winch may shortly meso la on the side of the Allies, boats .4 a re marten bird which req be t7etln- •tl to tend flocks. Not only does the yak -a -milk, as it is called` hat ts IM s• piece of the .he p-Oo frit- treentty used to goant the home Of its owner. When the Iridium capture a yak - they and little dlmoalp IR training 1t to domestic use. It is at- tached to the far -ward. and per- forms the same ditties as • faithful watchdog. A yak e -milk moon learns to know and obey the voles of Its master. i1* usual gait is aikaw sad sedate. bet sometimes it wtU ..scute most eccentric movemeets, waitaine and ptroustting In a nary absurd Lanais Instances are seconded wbere inure strange birds have de- fended their charges from attacks of wild sad eavage &Wilma& and eves drive& them oat—Ti►-itr3 SOO And Invigorates Poop& Any doctor will tell you that ince ingredients of Vinol as printed bier costals the elements needed to in - prove the health th el old children) anun d restore strength pao1M paelme, bee "e�Yaoga iver 0.P•V . .ad amma.1.' Cttnte LrILO Yd S5 da thirds , so.pbarae. Caesarea Thom who have puny, ailing eel ran -down children or aged pareses may prove this at our expense. Besides the good it does cbildrr and the aged there is nothing Wm Yowl to restore strength and vitality to weak, nervous women and over- worked. run-down men. Try it. If you are not entirely sat- is{wd, we will return your money without question; that proves one turnees and your protection. NIL lions of people have beam convince. this way. 11. C. Dunlop, Druggist, Goderich, Ont. Also at the best druggist in all Ontario waits. , la order that all Industrie' In Italy may be national that kingdom is set-` ting up a piano factory designed On the best American and French models. Befmr the war the piano trade was nearly all in the hands of Germans. Recent figures of coal production in France, an Industry of which the department of the Loire, in the Bt. Etienne consular district, is an Im- portant producing center, with an annual output of over 3,000,000 tons, show an Increase from 1,900,000 tons In November, 1916, to 2,267,000 tons 1n March, 1917, and a total in- crease o- crease to production and importation of from 2,400,000 tons in January, 1917, to over 4,000,000 tone is May. This gain was made possible by a readjustment of mine workers and a closer study of transportation problems. The movement of coal by motor lorries, In addition to other commodities by a fleet of hes motor trucks purchased and open. aced by the city of 9t. Etienne, la a recently Inaugurated service whlrh has aided distribution and relief of u nunnm nnrn nunnllrrunuuninunuiunlionn ni urmnin nuuinninnnmiliminnnninumuEc�ae.rmfe.a materially. — (k"'"1" Farmers Like The Toronto Daily Star They like it, because it is a real up- to-the-minute newspaper. Ad they like it even more, because it helps \ therl\ to make money, by giving them the matket quotations while prices are still "hot." You get tha\live stock, grain, and produce market reports from Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and Winni- peg from twelve hours to one full day ahead of your re- ceiving the same quotations in the next morning's papers. And you know ho often you have said to yourself, "If I had known earlier just how the market was going, I could have made money." In addition to its splendid market service, the Toronto "Daily Star" gives you the most comprehensive war and general news service obtainable through any daily paper in Canada. Then, too, there are pages to interest a women and the children, and a good comic cartoon seri . In fact the Toronto "Daily Stare is just sue a newspaper as a farmer who is interested in the world news likes to read, and he eventually comes to regard it as the insep- arable companion of his leisure hours. Subscribe for it To -day The price is $3.00 a year in advance. You may send this to the publisher of your local paper, to your postmaster. or direct to THt TOkuNTO DAILY STAR.