HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-27, Page 5The death of Margaret Leslie, elder BOWMAN'S M JORITY 1479.
daughter of Mr. James D. Stewart.. which
occurred at Brantford on Thursday last, Official Summing Up of North Huron
is the cause of much sorrow among her rela- Vote by Returning Officer.
tives and associates. 'The young lady, who
Mr. J. A. Mallough, returning officer
was only twenty-two years of age. had
been in failing health for several months. , for North Huron, on Monday made an
She was born at Stratford, but had lived summing up of the returns of the
in Goderich since infancy. Besides her I officialrecent election, the result being a major -
father, site leaves a sister, Connie, and aa it of 1479 for Mr. Bowman, the
brother, John. The funeral took place I Y
from tate family residence, East street, Unionist candidate. Following are the
on Saturday afternoon to Maitland cem-
etery, Rev: A. L. G. Clarke conducting
the funeral services. The pallbegters
were Messrs. E. E. Bingham, H. Sturdy.
J. H. Lauder and John A. Robertson.
Among the beautiful floral tokens were a
crescent from the Brotherhood of Rail-
way Trainmen and a wreath from Mr.
Stewart's comrades of the local trainmen.
Presentation to Dr. Strang,
Last Friday saw the close of Dr.
Strang's oflisial connection with the Col-
he iate has senrvetute, where for id ably and faithfully
as ix prang
cipal and as classical master. The staff
and students took this opportunity to ex-
press their admiration of the worthy
• veteran and their appreciation of his
worth and work. and presented him with
a purse of money together with hearty
wishes for many years of pleasant leisure
to enjoy the fruits of his labors and a
well-earned rest. Dr. Strang. who was
completely itaken
iii his happy
nection with the school and his pleasant
relations with all his associates, and as-
suring both teachers and pupils of his
alipreciation of their goodwill, and their
gift and of his continued intierest in the
progress of the Collegiate and all con-
nected with it.
A pretty wedding took place December
I IRth at St. Paul's Methodist church,
Toronto, when Clarissa Rae, youngest
Q►+ .aa moot.
.Gid Batura
Wit the haus,
Wien You Put Up Your Car
for th Winter —
don't leave the Battery on the cu.
Detcrfonstion will surely result.
1priug it hereno•l have it properly
eared fur. V. a inspect and test
it Iwrallcally. Mimi -fug your bat-
tery to be Iu A•1 comb' IUD in the
dtig. The charge i. nuwinnl.
East Street Garage
"Owned and Operated by a
Practical Man"
GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover
We are thankful that in the
regular order of our yearly pr+,-
t;rant there in time to ,stop and
think of the many things we have
hu be thankful for.
c arc above all elite thankful
for y ' ur patrodage. We hope also
for a c Abloom* of your patron
age thin ming year.
our nrtuli° will be open New
l'ea's Day iu 2 to 4 o'clock. -
j. T. F
A Defect of the Ey
is Not a Disease
Hut by neglect and abuse It
may lead to di,cas•-
Proper glatas•s are the only
remedy that will oecrcon,e au
eye defect and afford.peruianent
1f there isthe,dightest .lu eetion
in your mind ahout,your eyes. let
us examiuc theta.
!<ie;'f l.T 1xi MOST Cr.':
Megy Happy Returns I
Chr atmas Day was the fifty-sixth an-
niversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Gro. Thomson of town. The Woman's
-Missionary Society of North street
Methodist church marked the anniverbry
by presenting Mrs. Thomson with a
certihcate of life -membership in the
Mr„ M. G. Cameron Wedded.
The wedding took plate at St. Mat-
thew's church, Montreal. on Monday last,
of Mr. M. G. Cameron. K. C.. of Gode-
rich. to Flora. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. 13. McLean of Smith's Falls.. The
officiating clergyman was Rev. Geo. E.
Ross. formerly pastor of Knox church.
Goderich. The bride is well known in
Goderich, having resided here for a
number of years. Felicitations upon the
interesting event will be extended by
many friends.
Former Goderich Boy Married.
The marriage is announced .,f Lucy
Kathleen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Mals Chipman. of Toronto. to Mr.
Arthur S. Runciman of Marconi Towers.
Glace (fay. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 13.
unciman of Stratford, formerly of
erich. The wedding ceremony was
riled by Rev. C. J. James in the
of the Redeemer. Toronto, on
ay afternoon of this week. Mr.
Runciman will live at Glace
and Mr
Died at Ore Age.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ship.
man. of Goderich. • was married to
Raymond F. Miller. son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. L. Miller, Symington avenue,
Toronto. Rev. D. Hincksofticiated. The
bride. who was given away by her father,
wore a gown of duchess satin trimmed
with silk lace and silver braid. Her veil
was of tulle and orange blossoms. Her
bouquet was of cream roses. Miss Gladys
Whitmore. as bridesmaid. wore pale blue
crepe de chine. large picture hat, and
carried pink roses. Mr. W. M. Collett
was best man. Mr. G. F. C. Knight
rendered the bridal music. Miss Bessie
Shipman sang "All Joy be Thine." A re-
ception was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Whitmore, Humberside avenue,
after which the bride and groom left for
a short trip to Detroit.
Accident to Dr. Clark.
A serious and very painful accident be-
fell I)r. W. F. Claris on Wednesday after-
noon. He was riding down West street
with Mr. Dan Wiggins, the latter's
sister, Mrs. Curwen, and her baby also
being in the cutter. Dr. Clark sat In the
bottom of the cutter with his hands in his
pockets, and when the cutter "slewtd"
on an icy part of the road he was pitched
headforemost on the hard ground and
was unable to release his hands to pro-
tect himself. His face was very badly
cut and bruised, and his knee, which has
troubled him for several years, was sev-
erely injured. He was unconscious for
some time. He was taken into Dr.
Macklin s office and later/was conveyed
to his home, where he will be confined for
several weeks. The cutter was over-
turned and the other occupants were
spilled -slut on the road, but suffered no
There is much sympathy with Dr.
Clark in his misfortune. and his many
friends hope that his recovery will be as
speedy and as complete as possible.
One of Gode
parted this life on
son of Mrs. Jan
reached the great age
The deceased was the
M. Elliott. of town, a
-Elliott. principal of Aitch
The funeral took place from
'of Mr. G. M. Elliott on Mo
noon to Colborne cemetery. A
tended reference to the long life
pioneer, resident will be made
week's Signal.
A Christmas Dar Wedding.
On Christmas Day a quiet wedding was
solemnized at the home of Mr. Arthur
Tichburne, Goderich township, when his
sister. Ruth Edna, became the bride of 'Mr.
Jas. Bertram Orr. The house was gay
• with the season's decorations. Under an
evergreen arch the bridal couple took
their places and the ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Jas. Hamilton. the bride
being given in marriage by her brother-in-
h's oldest residents de-
riday last in the per-
McBrien. who had
f ninety-one years.
,cher of Mr. G.
of Mr. John
high school.
e residence
y after -
re ex -
if this
to all our friends
and patro
Gents' Furnisher
law, Mr. Ernest Johnston. She was most
becomingly gowned in white silk
Imarquisette with braid trimmings and
carried white roses. After the congratu-
Ilations the guests ---all near relatives or
intimate friends --repaired to the dining -
room and partook of a bounteous
I Christmas wedding • dinner. Mr. and
,Mrs. Orr begin their married life on the
Mgroom's fine farm on the 4th concession
Iand many are the good wishes that at-
• tend them.
Anderson ---Davidson.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Davidson, 13aytield road, Goderich town-
ship, was, the scene of a pleasing event
on the evening of Wednesday. December
26th. when their eldest daughter, Mary
Olive, 'was united in marriage to Wm.
Elwin. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Anderson, also of the 13avlield road. The
young couple were unattended and in the
presence of immediate relatives took upon
themselves the solemn vows of marriage.
Rev. James Hamilton, their pastor.
officiated in the ceremony. The bride
looked pretty indeed as she entered the
drawing -room. leaning on the arm of . her
father, to the strains of the wedding
march -played by Miss Mae Rogerson of
Alliston. an intimate' schoolgirl' friend of
the bride. The ceremony and congratu
lotions over. a most tempting supper was
served in the dining -room. Among the
guests frdris a distance were Mr. and Mrs.
Coleman and three children, of Swift
Current, Sask. Mr. and MIs. Anderson
have the best wishes of a host of friends
as they take up their married life on the
Amy farm. lately purchased by the
groom's father.
A Western Wedding.
I The home of Mr. and Mrs A. W. Mac- connection with the hospital.
Donald, Viscount..Sask., was the scene of i At Blackstones' restaurant customers
a pretty wedding at ti o'clock Wednesday ' were invited to guess the number of beans
evening. December 19th. when their niece, 1 in a tar. the prize being a large and well-
Henriette Mae. became the bride of Mr. filled Christmas stocking. The winner
t, eorge Hartly Beaton, son of Mr. and was Miss Gertrude McLean. whose guess
Mrs. Walter Beaton. of Viscount, Sask. w•es 3600. The actual count was 3611.
ceremony was performed by Rev. A big candy cane was the prize offered
Mr. McNaughton, of Viscount. Thi at Robbins' confectionery for The best
bride, gowned in cream crepe -de -chine • estimate of its weight. Mr. John Bed -
figures in detail. with those of 1811 for
1917 1911
Bowman Hislop (Lewis Cameron
No.1 90
2 85.
3 76
4 77
5 5
6 40
7 18
Maj.— 110
inners in Christmas Contests.
hristmas Eve saw the close of several
•ng or voting contests
mers of Miss Noble. of the
e. guessed at the number of
shot in a glass jar in •the
prize being a Singer sewing
winner was Mrs. Wm.
1;157. only one short
her. 1658.
s taken in the voting
contest at Lauder s, drugstore. and the
competition was a k
did not complete thei
the ballots until 2 0'
morning. when it was fou
stood as follows: Miss F. E.
Miss Alma Sturdy. 22215: '
Griffin. 17290. The prize,
phonograph, accordingly goes
King. the esteemed matron of Ale
hospital, and will be a welcomead
to the furnishings of the nurses'hom
window, t
Craigie. who
of the correct n
Much interest
25 73 37
29 ,tit 41
23 51 42
15 •11 30
,82 9 '10
46 18 114
59 . 14 tis
281 2SS 372
%man Hislop ' Lewis
No. 1 �`!3 50' 4x
2 ti 42 27 41
3 87 :I8 64
4 29 32 26
231 167 179
Maj.— 64
• Bowman Hislop Lewis
No.1 83 33 'Ili
2 87 31 51
one. The judges
task of counting
k Christmas
the leaders.
inn, 22630:
iso Emily
:3 51
4 •48
5 46 37
18- 4
141urRSnAv, DEC. 27, 101'1 5
t Spanish Situation
s Is a Puzzle
se... --,- :.'-cetehessozeo.ce -ora-!-•:-'rW
EVERY now and then we bear
something from Spain. indi-
cating that her i etat lose
w iib Germany are critical,
and every now and then we bear that
there Is a movement oo foot to
make her sesame an attitude of
armed neutrality against the K1s-
tente. The truth is disgult to disc
cover since the is just as rigid a
censorship in 6 n as to any of tee
belligerent natf s. In a country
where public sentiments are conflict-
ing, where there is much sympathy
for the Allies and much sympathy
for Germany, it is inevitable that
there should arise from time to time
contradictory incidents. Of one
thing we can be sure: Spain will
either remain neutral till the end of
the war, or sbe will join the Ea -
tents. There is no prospect of bee
openly taking arms as a German ally.
Her geographical position makes thls
impossible. By mobilizing along her
northern frontier she could undoubt-
edly force France to divert troops to
this point also; or she might attempt
to overruo Portugal, but it is certain
that the pro- fly sentiment in the
country is etW ug enough to prevent
the military caste taking this settee.
It would provoke a revolution.
Tbls is the chief problem of King
Allopso. Revolutionary rumblings
have been beard in Spain for years.
Barcelona is a hotbed of Socialism%
and anarchy. and it is curious that
Probably the only Socialirts to the
world who are thoroughgoing r■
their support of the Allies are the
Spanb Socialists. To them alone
38 29
49 - 52
188 208 21- 0
Maj.— 107
Bowman Hislop Lewis
No. 1 128 59 94
2 119 - 56
:3 104 48
4 122 76'
5 98 . 41
6 144 57
7 85 35
with veil and orange blossoms and carry-
ing bridal roses. entered the drawingroom
! on the arm of her uncle to the strains of
the Lo,hengrin wedding march played by
Miss Esther MacDonald. The ceremony
was followed by a dainty buffet luncheon,
The tab:e was centered with pink and
white carnations to correspond with the
hangings of the room. The happy coue
left immediately for their new home. The
bride was formerly a Goderich g rl, being
the niece of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- ' ( large cedar an tamarac posts. ts. 8 ant
Kenzie. of Goderich.
A Youngs ifs Cut Off.
ford came nearest , with a guess of 21 6-7
Ib., the actual weight being 21 lb. 14 oz.
800 372 .4115
Maj.— 428 53.
Bman 'Hislop Bowman
No. 1 31 39 28
2 84- 47 59
3 34 61 36
4 43 42 24
5 40 31 23
`- 212
9 68
220 170
• Bowman Hislop Bowni in
No. 1 39 43 32
2 59 49 51
3 +03 33 50
4 49 49 41
5 66 42 54
6 67° 54 68
333 - '170 'bA8
Maj.— 63 13
If quality counts. use Blac': ston''s
delicious ice cream in bulk or bricks for
all oc rasions. Phone 240.
For Sale.—About sixty cedar poles, 20
feet long. suitable for telephone useor
he purposes. Also a limited number
9 feet long. MacEwan Estate.
Bowman Hislop Bowman Hist
No. 1 71 34 61 41
2 41 57 25 55
3 32 49 31 52
4 57 62 39 67
5 81 64 63 54
6 45 50 43 48
7 41 668 38 iib
ai.— 16 83 •
wman Hislop, Bowman Hislop
iehing all our frien
a bright a
and platrona
prosperous year during 19
Yours faithfully,
The Square, - - Goderich
is Uric Acid in the blood.
Unhealthykidneys are the
cause of the acid being
there. lfthe kidneysacted
as they should they would
strain the Uric Acid out
of the system and rheuma-
tism wouldn't occur. Rheu-
matism is a Kidney Dis-
ease. fcxl.l's Kidney Pins
have made a great part cf
their reputation curieg
Rheumatism. So get at
the cans, of those fearful
shooting pains and stiff,
aching joints. There is
but one sure way—
384 3001 383
among So"ialtsta it is clear that thle
is a war\between free peoples and a
dynasty. An Spain the Socialists are
the best educated of the population.
They continue an agitation that has
for Its object tp. intenPstion of
Spain on tbe side of the Allies. King
Alfon/o, per'sonally,, is supposed to be
pro -Ally, though wh tis the founda-
tion for the assumpt n we do not
know, unless it be that his wife 1s
an English princess, that be is per-
sonally democratic, and that ha
greatly admires the French°'. eople,
and is known to have sough out
their society. Alfonso 19 re to
have said that in Spain only halos
and the common people sympai'bi
with the Allies.
if he uttered such a remark be
made a mistake, in tbe judgment of
Judson C. Welliver, Loops corres-
pondent of the New York Sun. Both
the bot polloi and the upper elastics,
in his view, side with Germany. The
upper classes favor Germany because
they see in the Junkers what corres-
ponds to their own aristocracy. More-
over, the Spanish military class h1
supposed to be a great admirer of the
achievements of the German army,
and the clericals naturally sympa-
thise with Catholic Austria. Old
grudges to England, chiefly the rank-
ling sore of Gibraltar, are recalled.
The feelings of the lower classes
may be due to their suffering, for
food and other necessities are scarce
and high-priced in Spain. Mt. Welli-
ver thinks this is due rather to the
mismanagement of the Spanish Gov-
ernment in years ,past and to tbe un-
developed state of the country's
transportation facilities. Those who
have depended for a living on Span-
ish shipping have been thrown out
of employment, and among theta
German agents circulate, distribut-
ing funds and spreading dissension,
It would appear that the imme-
diate interests of the King and this
whole governing class are opposed to
Germany, for the pro -Germans are
trying to stir up civil strife in order
to make sure that Spain will be pow-
erless to enter the war. On the other
hand, the Barcelona Socialists are
trying to foment rebellion in order
to establish a republic. and they
again are favorable to the Allier. No
doubt after they formed their repub-
lic (bey would declare war on (ler-
many. hut by the time they. had
established the new order the war
would likely be over. Everything
now flepepds on the army. It is not
large or well-equipped, according 40
present European standards, but it is
by fat the strongest organization Iq
Spain. it is powerful enough to put
down a rebellion, and 1t is powerful
enough, if it desired to throw over
Alfonso, to usher In a repnblle.
'One of the most difficult problems
o King Alfonso IS to keep the : rmy
ented, and this means to keep
my's pay up to date. This is
fflctilt, and not long ago the
cess organized n secret so-
h was powerful enough to
`nvern tent to yield om-
esaions. The army's
en followed in other
ow there are few
e of the peasantry.
, trying to strike,
ke. Secret nr-
ng up :n many
Of these the
e MOM im-
kly pro-
d upon
RISave For Investment
War bonds and other
attractive Investments
are open tc the man
who systematically
saves his money. Such an Investment represents
what the thriftless man spends in unnecessary trifle;
Open a savings account In the Union Bank of
Canada. A great help to thrift
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
"--+- . f
high •.lssl r -it 111111114 Ihr t;,.,1t It n with
-- her lxurnt-, H• . end Mi.. Jail r- I l.utiil-
Mr-. Sne",t spershug the I. to r loins
season at yynu,nto asth her dauphler.
Mrs: Jos. 1'Ieale,- and Sill rein.un in the
city ler twour thrt e tr/.nth-
Miss Margaret Strang was home from
Toronto for Christmas holidays.
Mr. Fred Littlechild is home after an-
other season on the lakes.
Mr. Harry Tufford came up from De-
troit on Saturday to spend Christmas
at home.
Miss Beatrice Hoggarth arrived from
Detroit on Saturday fur the Christmas
The Misses Vera and Frances Wiggins.
of Detroit, were among the Christmas
visitors in town.
Miss Grace Strang, of Orangeville high
school, is spending the Christmas holi-
days at her home here.
Mr. Edgar Swans!, of Kingston, is
spending the holidays with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Swans.
Mr. 11 Earl Elliott. of the staff of Up-
per Canada College, Toronto. 1s spending
the vacation at his home here.
Miss Agnes Hamilton. of Kincardine
No. 1
4 45
Maj.-- 58
93 63 78. - 48
8 65 66 lib
38 44. , 51
48 42 56
14 230 2:33
Bowvli Hist , Bowmzn
No. -1 1a3 38 89
2 42 77 ' 82
3 118 40 2
4 129 4'2 1'
5 97 .32 . 7
6 72 :34 '69
561 283 522
Maj.-- 278 203
Bowman Hislop Bowman 'Hist
No. 1 77 :31 60 28
2 76 28 .54 - 29
3 91 47 7:3 43
4 112 46 63 50
5 47- 23 38 16
407 1St 2;04 Nisi
Maj.-- 2213
army 0
122 deny wb
YTH. force the
Hislop Bowmen Hislop portant co
32 48 :39 example has ,
24 37 3c1 quarters. and
_ Spaniards, outs
56 85 78 who are not strik
or preparing to st
BRUSSELS. ganizations have spr
Bowmin Ilislop Bowman Hislop Free Masons leparts of the u oneof
No.1 87 85
2 ('rl 41
131 106
Maj. --45
Bowman His
No. 1 79
2 *19
148 •
Maj -- 92 7
Bowman Hislop Bowman
No.1 (11 :30 34
Maj.-- :14
1917 1
Bowman Hislop Com.
Ashfield 391 281 288 372 prize.
Colborne 231 167 179 184 pts English.
W. Wawanosh 295 • 1w1 208 • '210
E. Wawanosh 212 220 170 • 124 "The King of Siam," geld a diplo-
Mcris :333 270 296 283 mat, quoted by the Philadelphia
1 Powick
W ingham
Majority Inc
portant,and has been
for many years_ It ie fr
98 Ally, but as it is not loo
1 with favor by the King or t
ernment this may be another son
why his Majesty's sympathies Ish u1d
Hislop not be unreservedly on the side t
50 the Enteete. In addition, Germa
16 agents are spending money lavishly
In the army, so If anyone ran make
911 head or tail out of the Spanish sitila-
Lib. tion, he is entitled to the capitat
May you all find
rosperity waiting
fo ou in" 1918.
R. J. rnstrong
South Side Square,
36S :384 300
270214 230
561 283 522
son 372 4135
407 181 288
:383 Bulletin, "who is the latest power to
223- deelare war on Germany, prides him -
319 self upon his English. When the
412 king last visited London he met the
166 late Lord Kitchener, whose Faeyptlan
148 56 Ili 78 triumphs were still fresh. Desirous
151 106 95 f� of telling Lord Kitchener that be
64 480, 34 a0 was born to command, the Siamese
4231 2752 3100 3000 monarch said. 'Brave lord, you wM
made to older.' "
Bowman -1479
White Pine and
Spruce Balsam
1f you have a stubMrtu,.`v.it;b.
if your lunge are iutlalurdl pINS
your air passages` irritatsrt, t et
.plendid Cough syrup win alio
the relief you sr,'k pruu,plly ai
without any harmful after ..Reefs.
Pontiac White Pine aid yp, u. h
Halsatu 15 a healing -i, i,i.•dt, corm
puouled of Pine Bark, "pat' 0
{into, Tatuarac Bark, 55,1,11'h.•I r y
and other well kuu'iu nit ,.'bouts
'of recognized 11111,1..
\Get a M,ttle of this .`11..'[11.•
rett,dy As soon as is,satble snot
viol y(0urseif of that (*thigh. Soh'
intWu •.n
25c and 5oc
J. A. Campbell,
Phm. B.
"Central Drug Store"
Nrit•-,...r,.l tilu..,r, 1;0,!1•1 i. h
During convalescence.
and when appetite lags
brings to the hot. dry
mouth a freshness
and a soothing barn
that coarses back the
enthusiasm of health.
T`'ousands of soldiers
in Europe have cause
to than:-. - Wrigley's f
iia tonic effect.
Flo i®uI r
L cera Your