HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-27, Page 4r 4 c I 0 , , 'rtl . .: iL i ^. . „ ° Ala iu4'«tl . n nt:- r ". , '9: #'SuY : ..,. rt: "' •- err:, 6 THURSDAT, DRc. 27 1917 THE SIGNAL « GODERICH, -- -- -- -- I PORTERS HILL. i 4,1101 MONDAY. Dec. 24. yit Y wiz r a i u• rt v r 011 1VIeS0 Ot1t1113 1 Nores.-Mat Annie McDougall and l 4 ) jt P niece Marion are visiting at Port Stanley ',b"w ° f_+ .._ r" w, a . i / _ L- Mr. and Mrs. N'm ('roctw and I And the Arabs family, of Clinton, spent Sunday at Mn. I WE J JE wish to thank all our customers homeVandfrom 's , , .. Miss Pearl Putter is I V V :•, ^!„fwd"•••`.•.:.••.''••••.•_•»:.r_.+. .;.p txxne from Toronto over the holiday. for their generous patronage N the following letter, a eaptalts •' -air. Gibson, of Willow Bunch, u 'i visiting at Fred EltiOtt's....... Miss during the past year, and to wish all cus- serving with the Mesopotamla Campbell is spending the holiday at her; j expeditionary force describes home at Oro .. .Mrs. Lindsay is visit-' tomers, and those who are not, !- the town of Basrah and the ing her sons in the West. ' A BRIGHT AND HAPPY NEW changes that have come'toit since CARLOW. the war, and the various kinds of - WEDNESDAY, Dec 26, YEAR. t Arabs that inhabit the wastes of tf aThe Christmas tree held on Friday, fMeaupotamia, He wpltes: evening passed oft successfully, the ftp gra children es all enjoying :r ' d e \ g "1 can now tell you where I have I>n )' 1 Ping it to the l) ' I been as long as I do not divulge any full. r ° tl :, r . - s • k . • at Again Mr. and Mrs. Kingswell have • - military matters. Basrah, wbPre I had to drink the cup of sorrow. On I have been for a week, was before Wednesday, Mtn inst., their other ;the war a small riverside town, with twin baby was suddenly taken from them in a manner similar to that of his little a native bazaar, a barracks, two or twin brother, just six weeks ago. Mr. Ul ler F Rt t three Britisb trading firms, the Brit- and Mrs_ Kingswell have the heartfelt art 9 ) i•h Consulate, the Turkish customs, sympathy of all. C. Pri u m - ,i r . club and two banks. These var- CHRISTMAS VISITORS. -Mise Mary Rob - lots places were dotted all over the ertson, from Niagara Falls. tl¢p vittititig her Men's Clothier and Furnisher. I place among the date palm groves brother and dieter, Mr. C. Robertson and Ir' , that fringe the river bank. To -day Ml's. E. Fisher ...Mrs. McManus and Phone 57 I it is a very big place. New wharves chit n, also Mr. and Mrs ,Leonard 0,p iMx 6i- .;t(1 ;and storehouses, camps, and Cut- Nalt of Weyburn, 'ask., are dpending ments, and tons and tons of ship- Chr st with 'their parents, W. Mand ping. Mrs. J welter .... Mr. and \ .t• ..t....i••h4••a-7•... A large proportion of the palm Chas. Var of Toronto. are at\the - i trees have been cut down, roads home of Col. \'arcoe .. Mr. and a s, S -T. AU(XSTINE. 11rs. Thomas Laing, of Weyburn, Sask.. 1 have been raised up above the water- Howard Elde rid two children are visit-. TUESDAY. Dec 2:rth. I to home fur a month w so, On the 7th con- lugzPd rued Gats, buildings and of- u:q at the h of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. r GRK1r\AL MENTION.-RObert Sm}•th and . ces Ion, j fifes have been run up everywhere Cunningham .. Mr. Richard Levy is Garmley Thompson returned from the I Mr. Harold Montgomery entertained a' until it can be said that every month home for his vac ion. He teaches at West last Saturday night ...Miss number of his friends last Friday night the whole aspect of flip township Mille Roches, in Stbrinont county...... Angela Brophy, of Ltxidofi. and Miss Mae ata dance. i changes. Basrah has been called Misses Florence a Jean Yyung are Redmond, of Alliston. are spending thel ELECTION TALK. -On election day, an the Venice of the Fast, but if this 'Pending Christmas u er the parental Christmas holidays at their homes here. enthusiastic supporter of the Union Gov- compliment means anything at all, It ruoI......Misses Edith -Iso. and Ruth Mrs. E. Brophy is cm the sick list ernrrierit declared that if Laurier were put ogly means that if you want to go Young a(c tiome from Stra Bus ness at present. we hope to hear of her re- in power he would sell his farm and leave about in Basrah it is simpler and Cr#llege:.....Mr. and Mrs. Gillet have covery soon ..... Mr. and Mrs. C. Dec-, Canada; he wouldn't remain under such . Quicker to do it by boat than in a returned to Collingwo d after spending a ker, of Lucknow, spent Christmas with rule. On the other rid, if the Union ' carriage. The bouts are good, and couple of weeks with Mr. aigd Mrs. frieMs in this vicinity. Government we st ained, he would f most places aro aeeesalble b7 water, Wilson ......Misa Gertrude Pat 'ck, of raise from thirty to fifty hogs on his fifty whilst the roads are not only bad Alma Ladles College, is at the ho a of. -ti her aunt, Mrs. W. W. Walter Mrs acres. Now that the Union Government and few, but they do not go any- GODERiCH TOWNSHIP. is in, we will watch and see if I lives up where sear the government offices. Stoll, of Rcnseau, and baby is visit g WEDNESDAY. Dec. aft. to his boast. IY Ineldegtalty toe few oonveyanees with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wj . Miss Margaret Yuill, of CobourR, re- that exist am particularity bad, not son• • s h t e. Clayton spent a few turned home last Friday. to may too bad for use: days at his home. Wedding bells are gaily ringing around Mitchell Recorder- Among the draft •.•Phe drab bazaar is uninteresting Union church this week. , from the C. n M. C. that left London and unprofitable. but In the village "'•' BLYTH. Mr. Ari Patton, of Niiagara, returned for overseas A. Friday so of last was D ag Corp. E. A. Elliott, son of Principal I streets [hero are several Indies WEDNRSDAY. Dec. 26. home for a few days last week. Elliott of our high school,' Both Mr. I shops, tenors, etc., where things of a THE Hot iDAY f -Christmas Day was Miss Myrtle Bichan, of the massage Elliott's sons are now on their wayto the kind can be bought at extremely spent very quietly here, but there were hospital, Toronto, is home for the Christ- [root. heavy prices. a number of visitors in town and quite a rias week. "Basrah town proper (the Arab number left town to visit with friends. town) consists of fairly well built The railways report as Rood a Christmas - - - mod houses. containing some 25,000 trade as usual. In the morning service inhabitants and 5,000 smells, also a was held in Trinity church. good native cloth and rug bazaar. NkINICIPAL MATTERS. -The indications Basrah Isetuek on the edge of a do- are that there will be a contest for muni - T H E S T G N A T Q tatwayswart. . and there are worse hhonors this year. s understand ws e[ tllling time than driving that Reeve Milne. who has now reached ARID out through the city to what is the pinnacle of the horrors that the -- knows. as the Babes-Zobeir Bate, al- county council could confer on him, hav- --- i0r ' though there is no gate to ace, and ing been Warden (or the past year. will brings the usual crowd of va tion vial• uspicea of the Methodist church. giG en CLUBBINk.7 tavlaS a loot at the desert from the riot be a candidate fw the rerveshtp, and tors Ttte following are Som on this I t Friday evening in the Agricultural it edge o[ the gardens that surround itis expected that two of the old council year's 1'tst: M. J. Dalton, Wilfrid arvey, H1, was a grand successThe proKraA HappyBasrah, will contest for this office. This will John and William Long, of Assu tion was\long and interesting, consisting ci""We have come hundreds of miles leave two vacancies in the council, which College. Sandwich; Patricia and de- readidialogues ctwruses, solos.'pry1i3' I up the river, and have Passed as you will have to be filled by new material, line Sullivan, London; Elizabeth h- quart es. etc. A great deal of credit is LIST s' will know a lot of places such as . and there seems to be plenty of aspirants. van. Detroit; Edward Dalton, Elea due the committees under whose manage- N e W Year ( '; ^ ` Amara, loot, the Garden of Joye, t PERSONAL, AND GENERAL. -The mer- 1 y- Josie Dalton, Alice Dalton, Annie ment waspresented a program so varied T Edea, Bagdad Basrah ts chants in town all report having a fairly Sullivan, Detroit; Joseph and Leo avid Pfeasrrl . The dells especially were Garvey, Nellie Sullivan, Detroit. neatly perfc ed. Rev. 1. McKelvey oc- TO Every Reader {' f: situated ea the banks of the Tigris, _,00d Christmas trade. considering that cu the hair. The door receipts shout s0 mites up the river and be- there are so few young People left here.... THE C tiRISrMAs CONCERT. -The annual t `y lid'Fa y' low where the Tigris and Euphrates The new firm who have purchased the Christmas n ncert of school sedan No. arraugted to i ;fir Of The Signal • join. It takes Quite a number of flour mills are running them to their full 2, Ashfield, was held in the parish hall e,, days to get up the river, each steam- capacity, keeping them going day and last Thursday evening and was even more GOIZERICH TOWNSHIP. 0 The Signal and Toronto Dail Globe......44.75 or hawing a great barget lashed to it, night and shipping flour as fast as it is successful than its predecessors. Despite We want to make 1918 Daily wErsr)AY, Dec. 2u. a banner year m the his - one on ea0(s side, so as to mate u made. They are turning out a good the inclemency o[ the weather and the The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire 4.75 •, transport u many stores and troops grade of flour, which is having a ready bad condition of the roads, a large crowd Mrs. W. F. l ' kiss nolle Christmas The Signal and Toronto Dail World...... 4.75 as posslble also the current is very sale-_. ---- The public school closed on was in -attendance to see their young g tory of this business, and Daily swift, about [out miles an hour. Un- Friday\and the children had an enjoy- friends perform, and all present were week in Toronto. The Signal and Toronto Daily Star....... 3.80 loaded, the boats come down the able tiriie the last afternoon with Christ- unanimous in the opinion that every ' Miss Belle Nicho is ing the poli- will do our part by giving river when empty in two days or so. mac trees and a good program in each number on the program was the essence days at her home at itc the patrons of our two The Signal and Toronto Daily News....... 3.80 "Everything I heard about Meso- room. The teachers are now spending of perfection, reflecting great credit on Mr. and Mrs. B. Wi 'riga Toronto. The Signal and Farmer's Advocate ...... c 2.50 potamla has been grossly exagger- the holidays at their various homes. the youthful performers and their trainers. are visiting the latt, n Mr. and stores the very best service eked. The climate Is not at all bad; • • • • • I oqs are commencing to come into The stage was be decorated for Mrs. Robert Thompson. Wes. d look The Si I add- ontreat-Fa `ily- - - it is terribly hot, hofter than I sawmill yhere and the prospects are the occasion with all the symbols t" On Wednesday of last w k r. possible. Call an a' m++aea7 e r$ld T thought it could be anywhere in the that they will have one of the largest cuts Christmas- while the "Season's Treat" Vanderburgh, poultry buyer t er s and Weekly Star .................... 2.15 world, although I believe r u cold they have had for a number of years. consisted of drills, dialogues, recitations.- Hill, shipped over a ton of Cowl. through our stores at any • fa winter, and very riles I t in cold ...... --_Mr. Wilbert Spafford, of Toronto, humorous and pathetic,-- choruses, duets, Miss Willa Cox and her friend. *ss time, whether you want to The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto)...... 1.90 spent the holiday with his mother here. solos and instrumental music. The Plumley, of Bancroft, are spendi e g y and all the people who have been The Signal and London Dail Advertiser. 3.80 out hero a year ar that you will Mr. and Mrs. D. Somers. of Wingham, feature of the evening was the pictur- holiday season at the formers home, buy or not. Daily wast three outfits of ,elpthens (1) were visitors in town on Christmas .. esque drama entitled "The Babe of United The regular business meeting of The Si pal and London Dail Free Press 3.80 one sultabfe [or an English winter Mr. John Yetis air. ls, and Grant Bethlehem a m which practically all the hePatriotic Society will be held y You will be welcome. Signal y Latin y. of Niagara Falls, spent a few scholars participated. The elaborate the home Of Mrs. Bichan on Friday, The Signal land Presbyterian and West= (2) one suitable for an English sum- days of this week with their families here. costuming and the tableaux of this pro- January 4th, at 2.30 p. m. The Society mer, (2) one suftabte.tor Hades. ......Miss Lyda Sims is quite seriously duction were alone worth going miles to gratefully acknowledgesa donation from min3tef.... .......... ....... • • • • • • • • 2.80 ill and is not improving as fast as her see and every role seemed to have been Mr. M. McEvoy. The last month's "The cblsf drawback u Meeopo- n r Pairs of caps. We WALKER 1'he Signal and Saturday Night -:(Toronto).. 3.75 tamla ts that dfs depopulated sad many friends would like..... Mr. Har- given to the person specially adapted for shipme t o• Roods w•as fix the next most Important defect U Vey McGee, who has been assistant at its presentation- For a band of ectad 33 pyjama gutta and 'LI stretcher ca}n. The Signal, and McLean's .Ma azide. , , • • • 2.25 the C. P. R. here for some time. left for children to hold a large audience en-' - - -- -- g g that such population as there Is cot;- (----- sista of wandering Arab tribesmen. I.cRtdcm on Wednesday to try his exam- raptured with every eye glued to the The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness 2.40 inatans in preparation for becoming a stage and every ear strained f« fear of . Thelr one idea is to loot, and full -pledged operator...... Mrs. Ernstein, missing a single word, throughout the THE F NIT URE MAN The Signal and World Wide ................ 2.73 they have neither courage to fight of Lima. Ohio, is spending a few days whole of a long performance, is, we think. for their loot, nor Industry sufficient .Nle r The Signal and The Country Gentleman.... 2 75 v,th her mother, Mrs. A. H. Tiernay, a rare thing. 1'he Kingsbridge kiddies ni •_ a psi ON T SQUARE g ry to wort for It: t6e7 Prefer to steal here . .. Mrs. Thompson, of Clinton, did it. Much credit is due to the sisters The Signal and Woman's Home Companion it. During all the engagements out was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. G. of St. Joseph, under whose auspices the . gn 'here, these human vultures haveSeason's E. McTaggart, this meek ..... Mr. entertainment was Rot up, for their selec- 4 (New York) ......................... 2.75 hung about on the dant of the coal and Mrs. John Potter. of Calgary, Al- tion of numbers and for the perfect train- The Signal and The Saturday..E`veniin Post 2.75 the last moment as armies, and then joined in at Moore Jutted with her sister at ale a young stage -areata t The `sults ICO• ,R happened sating out ohthla expedl- this weeer'sk spending hfrh her sten at tnB 1alof tf 4W,n p Greetings y suceeman,tomMoonao O hill The Signal and The Ladies Home journal. 2.75 o s Wp r r DUNGANNON. • at - The Signal and The Youth's Companion (Bos- tion Into the middle of the desert, all son are vi -sting with relatives at Granton. WEDNESDAY. Dec. 26. W'e thank you for past )~7CCLVS1v8 AcBNTs ton) • , , ........... 3.25 omcera are strongly advised to take '......Mrs. F. Bainton spent the holi- Mr.Oliver Kirke, of Toronto, is home • • • ' • • ' • • • • , , , • ' a supDb of [oodatuQs uD with them, da s with relatives at Chesley .....Mrs. favors. Our future efforts will LEHIGH VALL • y ed friends at f°r a few yys ' vacation. he to merit your conimenda- { The Signal and Cosmopolitan Magazine..:. 2.50 and Ilam 'surrounded now by boxes J. Pollard and family vtatt Mr• ,Mrs. F. Ross visited friends of tinned goods I bought 1n Basrah- New Hamburg this week...... Mrs. C. at Amberley at the week -end. ation. THR COAL THAT SATisP1 r'I The Signal and McClure's Magazine ....... 2.50 sardines, herrings, peaches, pears, K. Taylor and children were the quests MrsWill, McKay, of Goderich, is -including portage to Canadian t+rl)taeriber'n• flan:. plows peas, soups, tongue, of relative in Goderich township this visiting her r►lother, Mrs. Pierce. PLUMBING We deal in Hard and Soft goal, kidneys, paste for sandwiches . week. Mr. and Mrs Wickens, of Sebring- Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire sauces, pickles . . . These will ville, spent Christmas Day at Mr. and HEATING Clay, seri Ki1GSBRDDGE, lx also Hard and Soft Wood, The above publications may be obtained by Signal last me for two or three months, and Mrs. T G. Allen's. the rice for any (tu}y- at the end of that time i shall either MONDAY, Dec. 24• Christmas passed quietly in the village. ELECTRIC WIRING Maple ltnd Hemlock Slabs. subscribers in any combination, p be able to (or Gnd someone who IiOLIDAY VisiToRs,--Christmas this year Social chats at the dinner table filled the I.W re re- will) go to the base at Basrah and bill of enjoyment a o ywhere. Etc. a p Fresh cars of Lime and • - licatiort being the figure given above less ., $ p _ i y senting the price of The Signal. For instance' bring a fresh supply up. Mrs Joe. Medd, o Auburn, is spend; "In ten years from now fortunes `e1f i lAg mothers ing a few days this vkeek with her par- Cement just received. fb# ikrial and The Family Herald and Meekly fitar_ V.I. galore will be made la this country, encs, Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Duff. \j J D p j N DE R :11, PArnu•r'NAdvmatc IO.:dl Ievsk1.111M-------------- #>n which has been allowed to go 1A Rev. 1. McKelvey, Mrs McKelvey vv l` I r \ (' rack and ruin since the days when Reserve strength for and daughter Irene are spending 'the W. R. OPFICIt•PHOIiR - - ,•i !ts s it was so often mentioned in the Christmas vacation at Stratford. B. Saults' Residence 2i 5 MO therhood is of two -fold A load from Dungannon and vicinity Phone l: A Hamilton Street -making the price of the three papers $3.G5. Biblio lacks two things to render It import rice and thought« patronized the Methodist church con- W. W Saults' Residence 203 Thr• Niy;nnl nn,l "I'he \\r•ekly Fen._-__ ---[11.91► ,= the richest agricultural country In ( cert at Nile on W-edn - y evening. wi v' the world-irriRatlon and popula- i t1I women before and Mr. John Campbell has bee under the The I'uronto Un,ly titer thi.Htl IesN !1 lsil l.rsl doctor's care for some days t.. , but tion. The irrigation can be had at after maternity take } £ 40 comparatively little outlay of time y his friends will be Pleased t0thatand capital by means of the two heaateadilyimprovinq'CHRISTMAS FOOTWEAR the three papers for $4.70^if great rivers, lire TlRrls ped F.u- The following teachers area forphrates. The population will comethe Christmas vacation: Mlsaes Pearl COTWhat cis more Slipper -Ii, than real after the war, and anybody McKenzie, Janie Stothers and Ethel Case ✓ warm em. 511 Leri, M,N'casinA t These prices goad only until January 15th, 1918, ` y who bis of Toronto ; Edna Pentland, of Kintail ; t And felt -lined il,N key iS«#tF as iSignalI money to Invest In land will reap a p, a Christmas re.ent when the subscription rate of The Is to be in tbousandfold by buying land In Mee- Laura f Whitechurch. of Dunlop, and Stella Q , i opotamla. EMULSION Kirk, of Whitechurch. R We have there in A11 color. 1 creased. I i u The Arab is not an agriculturist ed the annual T. C. Iletin held on and stylet for the little tot -Ii as If the u blication you w'"t is not In above its[, let us ,and never will be. There are two Wednesday Mar. T. -e Allen, the retie- • It sup lies pure cod 'nR trustee, was re-elected for another well k the IJ grown 1,}W. (gnite l pp ' kinds of Arabs; there Is the desert sprinkling of old stark as well know. We can supply alma any well-known Can. 1 Arab, a freebooter, a bird of Baas- p term of three years Avery satisfactory liver oil for rich blood report was shown of the year's proiceed- as new bees, bought At A once adia[i publiealion. age, and born horseman and rover, .nits. Some contracts were let but the Arty m the AfAA0T1, an,i we can and there is the marsh or river Arab. and contains lime and soda applicants were of numerous. Assure von of meAt reasonaLle Remit by postal este or eapreas oiler -NOT by hank The feud between lire marsh Arah with medicinal glycerine, Rev. M. P. Craig will occupy the pul- }recce. CtltgOl. 1 and the desert Arab is as old as the pit in the Methodist church Sunday) We will be pleased to show you. hills. On the one side is fear, hatred, all important ingredients ming, in the absence of the pastor. `katec put on free if and mistrust; on the other is con for strengthening the ner- Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, county hoofs hought here. tempt and a thirst for vengeance, forthe- - THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO. LIMITED the marsh Arabs have time and time vousa}ntemandit,rniahing temperance secretary, wilt occupy Presbyterian pulpit to [tie heevening. morning aril Sharman again misled and ammuadded the abundant nourishment. the Methodist pulpit In lux evenmR. I Wm. ►)lies assasu Goderich, Ontario nomad Arabs of the desert, and It is free from drugs. Mr. Craig will conduct evening srrvicel robbed them of their droves of Insist on the. enuinein his own church. Phone 138 Goderich, Ontario bons•, cattle, and camels 8 The Sunday school concert order the 4 elm L now". Tanab. Oat. 1P i yr eA p v e " a,.• It ' . t ,r. sc , ,aF.. .4.pr. .. ,, .. t$,• .:,e.+"r' ", .. ,, r$. a a,„ 'v -, ' k ,..: 'Km ` 'tI.•'. ..«.. , sn <..fs.T qs°lt, l ,,,. .,.w: .. ll, , 'r .,,. '; r 1t, r d, rY 1 , [ „.,".€.. , . , {#. i' .: .:r. :. ' t, . r .,. . pFP` a { e,., ¢,. 4r t.r i.. 1 ,ti- km 1f(' > 1 . , I . rk ' d«".jr. X' P. • ' » , > . 1 k ( r d k.r W! .:' i . Y , ,.. t 0 1. ..1 :" <x+ 7t • , t. ... ,h ..: , i; I +,. {.. '"4 -,. t., . '+ ?F. .. MAI, V :. ..... .. +m L A d Y z f• r a, .,. k , , ,. .. u k"... W tie ar .,., B. G , .... ,..w. .. , e '. .. s... .. nW .. .. - ,- , •.: a g ✓ !. @ v ,,.. s e Y ., .,. 1;..., .. ..r' f ,.,. @ .. 4- ,_ re-., .i ... n... BIi. :.,,. $ .. !- ,.,....: r.. fi,. r •... x •' A . ' ., ,..«•..v, t`'fi << .;_ -G•'• ,1 s-: ,,. '.:Pts . a, . „ I „- i-,-!*, •a ,. ,i i ti'. v xi: " N* I-. ,, :. f .;+ . ' 4 : ' w E .r+r L `1 t'tsr... ..: .a r: , a•'A. ,nwuW ,k, , . , M, a. -• ,res„h. .u'. ,y»,s:Nr'r, as Prd .''jr, „r -1h 6 • , 1. • . .,.