HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-27, Page 1THE STERLING BANK OFCANADA A Chance to Save After January 15th, the sub- scription price of The Signal will be $1.50 in advance. You can save Fifty Cents by paying for 1918 now at the old dollar rate. oxo . ice' �� Ir! SIXTY-NINICTH YEAR -No Jan e The Signal wishets its readers and friends a Happy New Year GODERICH, liNTARIO, THURSDAY, DEC. 27, 191 yor, but did not announce• his inten-I THE O. C. I. EXAMINATIONS. tions. Councillor Wallis said he would be The following are 'the results of the ex - satisfied to stay where he was if the rate- aminatio ns held at the Collegiate Institute pay•ere wanted him again. 1 during November and December. The The Mayor reviewed some of the doings figures after some names indicate the of the year, referring particularly t4 the number of examinations from which the negotiations resulting in the establishing pupil was absent. Parents of students - of the National Shipbuilding Co. here. 1 below pass standing are asked to see that The members passed a vote of thanks home study is given proper attention, if to the clerk, and Mr. Knox replied by ' success is desired: stating that he Irked to help things along FORM 1. A. and believed it had been a good success - SAVE, Because -- The money saved means much. But the peace of mind means more. FOR SALI OR RENT, DR SALE. -100 ACRES., HURON Bounty. choicely located. Brick house. Hank barn. V Ctoseeto1 school. 45,500. J. L. THOMSON, Harristan. 96.41. HOUSE TO RENT. -ON KEAYS levet ; seven trawl-, an a n,veidenoes, re .seely repaired. Stable ou lot. Apply to J. W. BAL.KKLD, Goderich It 11. \o, 2, telephone warr7. .2434 PUBLIC NOTICE. JAMES CONNOLLY. AGENT FOR Haflalu Fertthaer, For. W end and Live Stock Insurance, and Cattle Buyer. Residence Nesto street. Goderw h. TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS FOR WOOD. 1 will receive tenders for ten curds of peen cordwood up to December the 29th .Inst. The wood must he mod body wend, lour feet long, Mild and delivered at flit gal in Gadench be - fare end of March neat. ' Dated December Doh, 1)17. W LANE. Co. Treas. - FOR SALE RRSALE.-PRACTICALLY NEW top cutter, McLaughlin make. Also one ag sleigh. THOS. LE(.G. butcher. .}rRLE.-QU'ANTiTY OF GOOD wm apDples. WM JEWELL. R. R. No. 4, G<ders Phones r :1 Godt•nch Rural 91.1m CRAIGIE'S surance and The Poultry Show. The premium lists are being issued for the annual exhibition of the Huron County Poultry and Pet Stock Association, to be held in the town hall, Goderich, on; January 14, J5 and 16. This show is ex- pected to bring together the largest col- lection of birds ever stn in the county' There are 121 classes in the list, with a large additional list of special prizes. Entries dose Saturday, January 12th. Applications for prize lists or for informa- tion regarding Ithe exhibiti should be made to the secretary, Mr. ` . E., Lym- burner, Goderich. CARD OF THANKS. WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE s who assisted me In the contest for the Playola for the nurses' homy. F. E. KING. Hospital Superintendent. WAIITRU. APPEAL TRIBUNAL 1THE LAST FOR 1917.1 CLINTON AND DUNGANNON APPEALS DISPOS- ED OF BY JUDGE DICKSON His Honor Judge Dickson sat last week at the Court House to hear ap- peals against the decisions of the ex- emption tribunals ati j>ungannon and Clinton. Following Is a partial Inst of WANTED. -LOCAL REPRESENTA- TIVE to sell nnest line of advertising ea l- endats and novelties to Canada, Men Of women. Whole or part time, Liberal c,mme„NMn. L. KANSTON NOVELTY CO. 57 .haven West, Toronto Real Estate FOR RENT 2 -story hrick-veneered dwell hot water heating. large fireplace electric light aria bath, situated on Wellesley- street. This is one of. the moot desirable homes in town and was lately occupied by J. 11. Marshall. C.P.R. agent: Inimediate possession. 7 -Honied brick -veneered dwell- ing, all modern conveniences, situ• atetl on St. Davitl's street. Lately occupied -by ,Sohn Youngson. Im- mediate po.xession. • FOR SALE OR TO RENT 2 practically new rod•hrick mod- ern houses on Huron lend, with considerable land attached. 'Also several other properties for sale or to rent. J. W. CRAIGiE We wish you one and all a Bright and Prosperous Neu)- Year--` ROBERTSON & WOODS Insurance Agents APPLES We have a few barrels of nice Apples for sale. Different var- ieties -Nos. I, 2 and 3 --at $4.50 to $5.50 per barrel. Elaquire of D. F. HAMLINK 'SPECIAL LUNCH COUNTER 1n crmne•etion with I'ho Nouw of Plenty" the decisions, some cases not having yet been dispoeed of: McGee. Reginald P., farmer, R. R. No. 1. Dungannon -allowed while he con- tinues to farm. Reid. Willie John, farmer, R. R. No. 1, Dungannon -allowed while he continues to farm. Treleaven, Richard If., farmer, R. R. No. 1. Dungannon - allowed -while he con- tinues to farm. Young. Victor H., farmer, Nile -allowed while he continues to farm. Redmond, William F.. farmer, R. R. No. 2. Auburn -allowed while he con- tinues to farm. Sullivan, Joseph I.. farmer. Kings- bridge -allowed while he continues to (arm. Ritchie. William B.. farmer, R. R. No. 3, Lucknow - disallowed. Free. Harold 0., farmer, R. R. No. 1, Dungannon.. --allowed while he continues to farm as at present. Free. Robert R., farmer, R. R. No. 1, Dungannon -disallowed. Dalton. John S., farmer. Kingsbridge - allowed until he ceases to be employed as a farmer. Congram, Gordon, farirner. Dungannon allowed while he continues to farm. Taylor, Wm. Ross, farmer, Nile -al- lowed while he continues to farm. Anderson, Jarvis. barber. Dungannon - disallowed. • Maize. Albert C., farmer, R. R. No: 1, Dungannon - allowed while he continues to farm. Durnin. William Rt, farmer, R. R. No., 2, Lucknow-disallowed. r McDonald. David E.. farmer; Kintail� allowed while he continues' to farm. • Austin. Clifton. farmer. Kintail-al- lowed while he continues to farm. Buckley. Joseph. farmer. Kirgsbndge- allowed while he continues to farm. Ch trgbers, Francis Maitland, farmer, R. ,R. No. 2, Clinton -allowed while he continues to farm.• Sutter. John A.. plumber. Clinton -al- lowed until class 2 is called. Brown. Albert C.. farmer, R. R. No. 4, Clinton -disallowed: Jackson, Stanley G. W.. farmer, R. R. No. 5. Clinton -disallowed. Watson, John B., drover, Blyth -al- lowed until February 1st, 191R. Taylor, Joseph Henry., --farmer. R. R. No. 5. Clinton -disallowed. Holland, Norman James. farmer. R. R. No. 5, Clinton -allowed until class 2 is called, if he continues farming. Guilford, . John, farmer. R. R. No. 3. Hayfield -allowed until class 2 is called, if he cohtinues to work on farm,--_ Miller, -Frederick -allowed until class 2 is called. if he con- tinues to farm. .Andrews,. Ernest Cliffrd, tile manufac- turer. Clinton -disallowed. Neilson. Walter McK.. farmer and teacher, R. R. No. I. Clinton -disallowed. Livermore. Gordon. engineer. R. R. No. 3. Clinton. -allowed until class 2 is called, if he remains on farm. Diehl, Carl Ellwood. farmer. R. R. No. S, Clinton -allowed until clas s2 is called, if he continues on farm. Johnston. George Ilowatt. farmer, Blyth -allowed until class 2 is called. if W he continues to work on farm. Glousher, George, farmer, Blyth -dis- allowed. McGowan. George Clarence, farmer. Blyth -allowed until class 2 is called. if he continues to work on farm. . Hurnibrook, John. farmer, Londesbor- ough -allowed until class 2 is called. ' Boyce, Victor L , farmer, R. R. No. I. Varna- allowed while he continues to farm. Kay. Thomas A.. farmer, R. R. No. 3, Kippen-allowed while he continues as farm helper. Glauzier, Percy. farmer, R. R. No. 4. Clinton -disallowed. Westlake, William J., farmer, R. R. No. 1 Bayfield -allowed while he continues s a farmer. Pickard, Albert L, farmer. llolmesville -allowed until class 2 is called, if he con- tinues to farm. Greer. John. farmer. R. R. No. 3. Hay- field- disallowed. Vincent, James Horace. farmer, R. R. No. 1. Blyth- alk•wed until clasp 2 is called, ifbe continues to work on farm. Regan. iyester R.. farmer, R. R. No. 1, Clinton -al wed while he continues to farm. s East, Normarr,C., farmer, R. R. No. 1. Clinton -allowed \until class 2 is called if he continues on farts. 1 Jervis. Lorne, Carter, Holmesville-al- lowed until class 2 is icalled. if he con - U tinues to farm. II, Elliott. William R., Iaboker, Hayfield - di sail owed. Taman. William Henry, farmer, 'Myth -allowed until class 2 is called, if he continues to work on farm. TOWN COUNCIL HOLDS ITS FINAL MEETING OF THE YEAR. THE SIGNAL PRINTING ('o.• LI0tIT5:L. Pt N1 IMHaa Members Exchange Compliments and State Their Intentions for Next Year- Reeve Nairn Retiring and Some Members Will Seek to ••Move Up.'' When down town look us over. It you are hungry we can relieve your hunger, it you are thirsty we can relieve your thirst. Our prices are right. You are all welcome. W. H. 'HAiNES, BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL. (IODERICH fun year•Pass- Councillor Clark said that in going 5' Latimer about the country he found many towns 1 • F ishrr . ., r. -. ...._..i.t R. McLeod IF. Raithby.. w,thagas --- be an adantageto Glerich to have one. espectaltyipnlathneset The last regular meeting pf the town Reeve Nairn was made the recipient of H. NicLx "' `exl council of 1917 was held on Friday even- a vote of thanks for the part he had taken E.Driver mg, all the members being present except in conducting the towns affairs, and in replying said he felt others had their as- T. Munnings .. Councillor Cutt. piratns and he was willing to step aside.. B. Bradford oo 1) N1. traitor Mr. G. M. Elliott was present in sup- Collector Campbell. invited to say V. Wihron. port of a request from the Children's Aid something, expressed his satisfaction with B Davidson Society for a grant of $50, the- same the work of the .year. There had been G. Ginn. amount as last year. A motion W vote some little things not to his. liking. but D Andreas 650 was carried unanimously. he was one of those who were willing to. N.Parnham Rev. G. M. Holmes explained the pro- .forget and forgive. Speaking of'his work M. Hussey poaal to observe a special day of prayer in collecting taxes for the last fourteen NI Murray on Sunday, January 6th, as asked by the years. he said he had never yet sold any- t>ktow pas - King. Union meetings are to be held body out for taxes, having always Ynitdl'J k iii, that day in two of the churches, and it to avoid this. He deplored the fact that T. McCarthy was requested that a proclamation be so few men would take part in municipal R.Snazel issued over the signature.of thelMayor affairs nowadays. In the old days the. B Milord asking all citizens to- participate. Mr. ablest and best men in the town would Jas. Mitchell eppported the request. The take plates at the council -men like the (' McLean. • .... council a motion as r ues ed. late M. C. Cameron, J. C,Dello'', James MM. Stokes . The collector reported that during 1917 Watson, Mr. Finlay, Rbert (.ibbons, H. Symonds he collected taxes amounting to 565.575,9 Horace Horton and others. Ile believed A'ri4Nn ely and in addition 690 for dog tags. Upon that when the people once got - a •good Below 50 r cent. -O. Craigie 111. V. his request the time for collection of taxes man -for a position they should' keep him '1 Jeffrey (0, H. Aitchison (U, S.,Currey, was extended to February 1st. , there as long as he would stay. Some of W N1aclk)nald t 1). ' contractA form of for service in con- the men. he had mentioned had served Average mark, 50.6. for many years in succession. Reiquired Large quantities of RAP IRON ■ Terms -Cash on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited 74.3 73 70 109.5 69.5 1!R 137.% 115,4 6,5 64.1 63.9 63.7 63.5 162.7 62.6 61.2 110.7 '60.7 V. Kilpatrick 66.3 K. Weston 65.3 S. Mutch 65.1 M. Baechlel' 63.6 A. Sinclair 63.2 E. Wallace 62.5 L McQuoid. 61.6 J. Kelly (1) ... ... 60 Below pass - M. Kelly' .,. 59.R G. McKay. - 59.5 C. McRaeI' 2) . 59.7 E. W ilsori . r 57.2 A. Hume. . , . 56.6 53.3 G. Sault'. ..... ...51.7 1. Thotnpetut, ... ..... 51.4 'E. Cox 50.5 V. Mclennan:.... .. . r Below 50 per cent. -E. Hays (1). M. Leddy 121. 11. Clutton, R. McPhee (2). S. McNally e1). Average mark, 57,2. ' FORM IV. 57.6 57.4 :ii. l ;Nt9 54.2 .54 33,:3 3:3 necton with the new tore alarm apparatus was submitted by the Bell Telephone Co. and was referred to the lite conimittee. A communication from Mr P. A. Mal- comson, barrister, of Kincardine, with reference to klr. Armour's bill as counsel for the municipalities in connection with the suit against the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, was referred to the finance' committee. The amount of the bill is $4'25. The Reeve reported that the machines ained by the National Shipbuilding from the Wheel Rigs plant had been to the Company fur 4350. The trans - was approved by the council. 'nor Moser. who is chairman of c works committee. asked the opinion the council as to whether work should be .continued up the . Victoria street sewer. The matter was left in the hands of the public works committee. Mayor Muunings reported the result of a visit last ..yam to 'I (wonto, when be met one of the then interested in the ship- building project. His Worship believed that the promoters would go ahead with the project. This concluded the business before the council. but the members remained fur some time to talk of the closing .year and of the new year that is coming. His Worship thanked the members . ur+their courtesy to him during the year, and the eviniheSs Reeve Nairn intimated that he intend to be a candidate for re -el "for. several reasons," which he d state. He said he had had a gtxxl deal pleasure in his association with the coon cel and at sonic other time might again be able to take a hand in municipal affairs. Councillor Clark said that, in view of Mr. Nairn's retirement, he would be a candidate for the reeveship i Deputy Reeve Laithwaite said he would be a candidate "for something." Councillor Story remarked that he had not said much during the year, but he had tried to do hial best and would again be a candidate. • • Councillor Moser said he had been in the council four years and would try for something higher. either reeve or deputy • reeve. Councillor Wilson. like all the other members, paid his compliments to the soli attic Cou the pu MR: SAUNDERS' SUGGESTION. To the Editor of The Signal. -- SIR. -I noticed by your issue of last week that the municipal reit had com-I ass- menced to boil Would it nut or a com- I. Young mon sense idea in this time of *stress to F. Dougherty return the enure council by acclamation? H, C trey Mayor Munnings, Reeve Nairn; and the- 16. Shaw, other members of the board have given M. I1)lweli the town -excellent service. There are a Ii. (''alt lot of matters petaining to the towns G. Murray 'interest which willrequire attention C J')hnsUxt the present members are familiar with l•Orterhout the details. In view of the fact that we 1. Mcl)oveII. are called upon to practise economy. it H. furter would save the town the expense of an J• (%arrow. election, and our interests would be in .O. Allen. the hands of men who have had - ex- punto. perienc a and have-. left as good a recordi I. B1-4,* ch n . as any council wefhave had in the past. 4 - At no time in our town's history .did we (,. Spahr require sane business men at the head lieknt poses of affairs more than we do at present. R. 1 mdse. We require the fostering of our present J• lkxlfurd industries, the introduction of new plants. r;• Sbeplerd the development of transportation n and F: x1 1rratjt,. general -speeding up. Trusting 1 not W Thompson transgressing,' yours very truly, t. Ye�ultg ALEX. SAUNDERS. Nl. # me ;,(l.% 'lie low i,(1 per cent. T. Johnslun, Average mark, tif..i. - FORM 11. FORM 1- B. Ht senors -- O. Cooper F. Durnin A: Nairn am E. Bradley :3) '' 77 76.5 71.7 72.5 72.5 72 71.2 71 ;11.9 711.1 14.4 61.1 113.! 1 0:1.5 431 113) J'ass- - G. C. Newton .. , . 72.7 G. M. Pinder •.. 6s.5 J M. MacEwan. .67 A. B. MacEwan t..,....64 R. M. Worsell ........ .. ,. 61.2 Below pass - L. H. Macklin ... .... 58.5 E. M. Lee 5.5.4 E. C. McArthur 54 Below ;r) per cent. -11. Shackleton l._1. Average mark. 61.3. COMMERCIAL FORM. • ssis . is. 1 57.3 56.3 ; N;. I L'ndouhtedly you want to make your farm pay, that is what you are working for; you want help too, no doubt. Has . it ever occurred to you that there is an- other kind of help which costs but a trifle and pays for itself over and over again each year, help that helps you to farm and buy and sell right. The' farmers' business paper. The Weekly Sun (26th year). is published with. only one point in view, that of serving the farmer. it costs hut a trifle to find out what a real help The Sun can be to you and you will wonder how you got along without it. its market reports are un- surpaswd for accuracy and its general farm news is worth many dollars to you. I The subscription price remains the same as heretofore, one dollar. You cannot get as much real help through any other source or spend a dollar to greater ad-' vantage. Try it for 1913. The Christian conscience of the world is being' quickened to the realization that the greatest need of our time is sincere repentance and prayer on the part of all 'people. Our King. has called for prayer in all parts of the Empire on nuary 6th;- the first Sunday of the %ear. Let us' obey the pro- clarnation of the Mayor of -our town to observe Sunday. January 6th, in a real prayer spirt in Gode- rich. Arrangements have been made to hold a mass meetingr men in Knox church and mass meeting for women in t Baptist church at 4.13 o'clock hie a half -tour of prayer. SAVE FIFTY CENTS. WE thank the many subscribers who have already renewed for 1918, and would urge upon others • the advisability of doing likewise before the 15th of January, when the price of The Signal is to be in- creased to $ I.50 in advance. The Goderich papers are among the ,last in the Province to make the increase, which has become abso- lutely necessary on account of the greatly increased cost of producing a newspaper. Every subscriber has still the opportunity of getting the paper for another year at the old dollar rate if paid on or before the 15th of January ; and as prompt payment means a saving of fifty cents subscribers should not neglect the opportunity. Not more than two years' subscription vance will be accepted at the dollar rate. Get a Calendar. The Signal Calendars are going fast, and sub- scribers should renew at once if they wish to secure one. A calendar goes gratis with each yearly subscrip- tion paid in advance. Renew Now! in ad - THE SIGNAL PRINTING COMPANY, LIMITED GODERICH • ONTARIO G. Mawhinney. L. - Walker • R. Kilpatrick A. Baxter E. Washington Pass -- P.. Carey 13. -Megaw M. 'figert. G. Hamilton L. Johnston L. Macklin. H. S oung D. Dancey F. Humber 1. McNevin W. Weir N1. (,arrow. E:. Munnings C. Nairn 11. Finnigan. 1,. Sowerhy, 1. Shepperd (;. McLeod. E. Sowerby. W. Sturdy . I. McClure M. Dougherty. G. McKenzie. M McNev?n. - - SI Snell Below parts --- I Young 1 Treble I.. Levy. F. Chambers. 1. Macdonald F. I3e eVers. B. Westlake,.. J. Kidd . Below 50 per cent. - A. Beckett. Average mark, 1;1.1. F(RNI 1i1. 13. Passe , N1. howler ..' I Iamb 1-.. Mogridge• T. Laithwaite '2; ... I. McKenzie 1-. C. Newell 111 I, Foster C. Hays. E. Pridham (11 Levy (1) i). McDiarmid 11. Cooke. l Lewis tt Dyer Tape 1 I)onaldson (1) 11 McNee(1) N. (;inn H. Kidd (1) Below pass-- F. ass--F. Washington .... M. McNevin (2) .. T. Bullard Below 50 per cent, -R. Augustine. Average, 61 4. FORM 11i. A. !looms- . E. Walters 75.9 Pass - G. Gledhill. A. Anderson 7.2.3 J.' Pinder 3) . , , 0x.7 It Sanderson L. Watson 12). 63.6 NI. Paltridge,. G. Makkell II) .. .. , . -.........64.11 R. Harrison (li..., ' 63,9 A. Saunders ..6:3.55, C. liaechler ..60.4 Below pass ' F. Newell 59.2 G. 1 Mown. 58.7 Average mark. 66.1. - •I•he Collegiate will reopen on Monday,, January 7th. at 9 a. m. J. P. Ht'ME, Principal. WHO T. WILL BE CANDIDATES? laterest Now Being Directed to the Municipal Elections. The municipal election. are now for want for. discussion. As was remarked in these columns last week, another contest tx•twe'eil Mayor Munnings and ex - Councillor Wigle lex the thief magistrate's seat appears to be looming up. Reeve Nairn ai the last council meeting an - 15 runced his intention to retire from the council, arid this break may result in one or mule vacancies among the councillors, some of whom -have their eyes on the rd(-veship .''r•deputYsive vest ip. On the other hand, th, re are those among the citizens who think that a contest at this time should he avoided he the re-election by acclamation of the Whole council as it stands at • resent. •IIeN' ) eKK Iti n W 1 r( o lit 6,1 X1.:3 there i. 'sone good material available 7S Among Ilie,names mentioned are thow of 77.7 J. •1. McEwen, 11. J. 1): Cooke. Thos. (sundry, T. M. Davis. Reg. Sharman, J. 71i W. C•raiyte and A. J. Cooper. with others, no doubt, w'hn would be acceptable to the ratepxtvers. The nomination meeting next Monday night will be awaited with ntleresl.- . fhe public sehr5)l,tnistet's whose terms 7I ;r a now expiring are A.,Saunders, R. J. 7 t ' Acli son Thos. Gundry and J. W. 1 craws, Mr. A. S.Chrystal's term as water' and Ir thtc)tnmis inner also expires. I Victory Loun.• -. In order that the instalments due on the % orry 1.ia(0. ore Wednesday, Jan- uary In d. may be -promptly dealt with by the Banks, she Sterling Bank of Canada, .( ich, 111 remain (On ontl Thur -day 62.1 aixt 1•'ridey,.the Std -and 4th of January, 6r1. 1 from 7.3) p. m. to 9.30 p. m.. and on Saturday, Janrary 50), from 2 p. tn. until 6 p. m.,.fnt the purpose of receiving thesis int alment s. 71.3 71.0 71.5 511 e5.e :,7.2 37 .1_6 ist.1), .12 74.5 74.1; '72.2 72 7n:e 711.1 Rood and tisty. LOCM. TOPICS IN BRIEF. The Signal is always pkv;Iw•d to publish school reports it sent iteby the teachers. The 'Blackstone orchestra hell a success- ful dance in the Masonic Temple on Christmas night. - Over one • hundred permits were present. The Maple Leaf Social Club is putting on a dance nn New Year's Eve in Odd - fellows' Ilan. The Club ingites its friends to come and have a good time. Mr. Wm. Stewart. Trafalgar street, called in the office yesterday to renew his subscription for another year. Mr. Stewart has leen taking The Signal con- tinuously since thetime of Thomas Mc - ()Will. the time price being $2.001 a year when he started. Try I-dweds' lame -mach candy. it is is%. i - 6•..I - - - Foi.:t BORN. t;7 1;5. 7 64.7 .61.5 ... 03.1 t10.% 60.3 60.1 ....1 ..- 55.5 55.4 54.1 Paas -- I Hume 1 Adams (1) I (; tat I (:o dthotpe I 11 est HOUSTON. - In•West Wawarxtsh, on December to Mr.. and Mr,. Jelin Houston, a daughter (Margaret Jeani. MARRIED, CAMERON Mt LEAN At St. Matthew's rhtarrh, Moffitt Al. on Monday. December 23, by Mev. Gen H. Rory, B. A. H. I) . Flora. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K McLean, Smith's Falls, to Malcolm Graeme Cameron,* K. C , (.eelench DIED. M(AIRIEN.- -In Gorlerich, on Friday, December 21, Jane MtBnen, aged 91 yeah. LONG. -At Ilenmdler. on Sunday, December TA, James long. aged 52 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Dec. 27 Page. Reader -The Weekly Sun 72 Carl of Thanks -Mewl F. B King ... 09.7 Rale-Thos,e sR.6 hxi AnnIo bw Sal -1. L. Ttoonwnn t 67.5 Cuttar Agents Wanted-Cranalon Legg Noraity Co. Ice - 1 ...... ..67 1 onto. 1