HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-20, Page 1212 THURSOAv,M Dice. 20, 1911 THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO Real Christmas Let us make your Christmas shopping a pleasure 1 No trouble to elect your gifts ` whither targe or small from our lege and well assorted stock of Kooks of all kind:. from 5c to $500• Fancy Boxed Stationery. from 20c to a nice cabinet of note paper and envelope., at 13.00. Ask to see our special 25c line of boxed stationery. Waterman's Ideal Self -filler Foun- tain Pen. from $2.50 to $0 50. Other Pens. 11 00 to $1.50. Bibles. Prayer Books. Hymn Books. Alt Christmas Cards. Calendars, Tags. Seals. Etc. Leather C.00ds. thanes. Ganes of all kinds. Japanese Trick Boxes, Puzzles, etc. Ideal gifts for child ui grownup, High-grade English China, Cut ' •Glass. $liver Plate and Sterling `alveir: Gifts 11 tt I'K(CES REASONABLE l THE DUNGANNON TRIBUNAL Following is a list of the decisions given by (he- Dungannon tribunal on ap- plications for exemption from military service; Disallowed. Cascadden, George. disallowed on de- fault. McGee. Reginald 1'. Exemption Allowed. Ward. Michael (not in class I1. (;ulley, Hugh. Austin. Joseph N. Alton. Leshr T. turtfit). lhornpson, Arthur E. (unfit). Shackleton. Wm. (incategory 13). Culex i t. Lleeellyn (in class C1. Coadruoaal or temporary Exemption. Buckley, Joseph, till class 2 is called. Dunbar. Alex., till March 1. Elliott, Stephen Arthur. till Class 2 is called. " Twamley, John %V.. till class 2 is called. Ritchie. Chas.G., till class 2 is called. McMurch), Armour A.. tillselass 2 is called. Wiley, H m. (.7.. till class tis called. Griffin. John A.. till class 2 is called. Garvey. 1'hornits, tdl class 2 is called. McKenzie, Donald, till class 2 is called (two brothers in army'). Austin. Clifton. till class 2 is called. Millet. Ifarve) W.. till class 2 is called. Johnston. Alex., lill'class 2 as called. lsueglass, Thos. K.. till class 2 is called (brother wounded at fruit)• Kempton, Thomas W.. till class 2 is called.' Free, Robert K.. till class2 is called. l)alton..Louts. till class 2 is called (con- ditional on productions Snell. John A., while farming. Glen, Ernest Robert. while farming. Walker, James A.. while farming. [vers. Anthony L., while farming. Young. James A.. while farming. Aitchison. Atclue, while farnuutt. Nixon, Alex.. while )arming. Thorburn. Thomas S., tut class 2 is called. 1)ierm:irt, Wilfrid 1... wh le (arming. West. John C.. while faituing. McNamara. John. while larmmg. Fielder. John E., while farming. Donovan. Joseph. while tainting. Jefferson. Charles R.. aline 'larminK.- Jettera ns, Colin C.. while. tarttung. McAdam; Neil, ahile tanning.. ltopean. J'.4in F.. while tarniu .t,, Bowe:. Wm. J.. while farming. Wa)'h. Vincent. while farming, Leudy, Augustine, while tarrfting:., McPhee, 4.afford 11.. slide farfnusic. Meyers. Wm. J.. while farthing. , Burch. Edgertosi, while tarring. Caesar. Wm. 11.. white farming. Dalton. Frank. wants farming. Griffis, John A.. while farming. Buchanan. John S.. while farming. McWhinney, David. Lloyd. while farm- ing. Phillips. Hermon. while farming. Chanaiey. John. while farming• Thompson. John le., while tarming. Murphy, Francis M. while farming. teddy, Raymond. while farming. 11111s115. Phomas. while farming. l'SlcCarthy, Francis W:, while farming. Futter, Clarence. while farming. Baty le. Alphonsus, while farming Keane. Janes. while farming. Meyers, Roy J.. while farming. Canaan. Wm. 1'.. while far:Mitl . Daer. WM. 1•... while farming. McCarthy. James. wlule farming Quigley, Austin. while [arming. McCarthy, John. while farming. \ Murphy. Philip M.. whiff farming. McAdam. Adam, tijl March 1. Green. Thomas I3.. till March L. -"Wiley, Stuart, *bile farming. Ant rson. Wiliam L.. till March 1. 'Wm. W'., till March 1 Cyril A., till March 1. Roy. till March 1. ' n A., till March 1. chard H till March 1 Do you have headaches? Do your eyes ache? Do your eyes water .' Do you have difficulty when reading? Does the print blur? T►este are all indication of de- fective eyesight. Using both the objective and subjective methods of testing we can guar- antee correction of all of these troubles. Talk • be , matter over with Mr. Sexsmith, our eyesight specialist. If you_ requite leISP*. you may depend on ,getting them at the most reason- able charge. Your examination will cost you nothing. Mon Riggin Fri(zley, Durnin. Treleaven, litinnv. Alex.. allorleduntil June t. ?Arita alit; Harold. allowed until class 1) is called. Drennan. Robert G., allowed until June I (brother in France,. McGregor. Fred G.. allowed until tate+ gory li is called. Ritchie. Alfred. allowed until January 1. McCarthy. Percy, allowed until June 1. Ritchie. Wm. It. allowed until Janu- N Christmas m stmas oralog of the year ar L O l 1681 M. Dufresnay's apartments Alton. Alfred W.. allaaed until Jams- were to some contusion. Mtw- sleur himself as he slept on a spindle legged sofa was not the very Image of order. His rose colored satin coat was under his head, and Ida silk stockinged calves dangled over the end of his all too brief bed. The cards of yesterday and yesternlght bestrewed the floor. ae was disturbed by the Insistent Uakling of a bell. Dufreenay groaned and struggled to his feet. On opeuing the door he beheld a very beautiful young lady Quaintly dis- guised as a working woman and carry Duf resnay's Christmas Awakening V11 ANN. ary 1. Alton. W m. E.. allowed until June 1. McLean. Colin. allowed until category E is called (dues not look like category li man I. Redmond. W. F. allowed until June 1. Young , Victor. allowed until June t. Joye.Joseph C.. allowed until June 1. Sullivan, Jcseph 1.. al.owed until June 1. Drennan, Rdbt. J.. allowed until June 1. Phillips, Wm. D., allowed till cate- gory B is called. Leddy. James, allowed till category B is called. Carter, David R. till January 1. Reid. Birt R., not likely category E lag a large basket such as laundresses and more serviceable at home.lled.• Duitmnay retreated In contua3on, Hogan. HaroWmld J., till to ed is ccateg bowleg profoundly and wrestling wtth Bogie. liaruld A , allowed till category C is called. his coat Dalton. Chas L.. allowed till category "I pray you pardon me, mademoiselle. D is called. 1 did not expect a-- a video !" Griffin. Frank J.. allowed till category "And I pray you, monsieur, not to D is called. )nock me," she replied, with a wry bt- Karney, 9homas, allowed till category B is called. McCarth). Chas. J.. allowed till cate- gory B as called. Boyle. Augustine J., allowed till cate- ems 13 is called Murphey. John B., allowed till category E is called. ANNUAL HOSPITAL MEETING.' Reports indicate Another Years Good Work -Old Board Re-elected. 1 The annual meeting of the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital was held in the court house on the evening of Friday. December 7. The attendance was, as , usual. entirely too small considering the • importance of the wurk done by this in- stitution. .. l'he president and treasurer presented their annual reports, which were received and approved. These reports showed that satisfactory progress had been made dur- ing the year. notwithstanding the in- creased price of all the supplies and some unforeseen vxpenditures. it was found nese- ' rrly in the (all to install a new furnace. which has been done. and the heating system now is in first-class condition. It was recommended that at sometime early in the new year a special amseal be made to. the public for funds to pay tor this furnace. as tete txtard has not the motley on hand to do it A motion of thanks was extended to the Ahmeek . Chapter. the Maple Leaf ("halter and the General Brough Chapter of the Daughters 01 the Empire and to 9 Did Not Expect ■Vision!" the. Menesetung Canoe Club for the in- lereit they have taken in the hospital tie smile. "The last time I came your and the furnishings. etc.. supplied during servant said you had no money. You the pd,+t year. Another motion tendered thanks, to the town cnuncii and county,owe me 17 Ilvres." council for their generous grants in aid of I)ufresnay gazed in speechless inere- the hospital. vitas for a moment and ohm bunt There vitas a discussion. .as to the advis- ant laughing. ability of raisingthe rates of some `testas ••A worry Christmas to you. made - lo the level of the,rates of other hospitals molselle!" he cried. "Is the basket for of the same class. This matter will be dealt with by' he new board. ) me?" A motion *as passed extending the , 'I wish you also a merry Christmas. thanks of the board to Mr. F. Hunt for But please, please listen to me. Per - his generosity ill, installing the new (urn- haps the wine iii not yet out Of your ace at his net costo( materials and labor. head. But I must have money today. Mr. Hunt donating his average marginSurely you can understand?" of profit to the hospital I Dufrcsnay partially mustered a (►n motion. the rgemlters of the old wits and attempted an elaborate comms • hoard were re-elected for the coming • phmeot. year -and Messrs. Wil) Lane and T. L. Prest apixnnted audito ,.,I have seen alt the shepherdesses of • radian Verasllles and- By the gpddess of the laundry, you are not till March 1. To the citizens of the town olf governors. crying' The basket is very heavy. the citizens of the town of Godench. J., allowed till tate- I And here are actual shirts!" and ul the county of Hurst. Hf looked in comic perplexity from lowed until June $0, The board of trustees of the Alexandra thetobasket the girl. Then he from 'nuts to )arm after Marine and General hospital, Goderich. thegently, "Has to the ever told you soil id t presents its eleventh annual report. em- fowtd till tate- hracing the period from the l.t October,biadttful you are'!".0;.4i 1916. to the ::lith September, 1917. I 'Certalnly you are not the first to Rogers. John W.. allow • ill January 1.1 . The total number of patients treated patter me nor the first that failed to Rogers. Chas. W., allowed iii class E is' this year was 187. being forty-four morepay roe. but." she added, and her eyes called. • than last year. filled with tears, "1 had better hopes Case. George Edward. until education During the year iters have been in the you "ow words will not help me." i- completed ' ' hospital thirteen deaths and thirty-six p know they will not.What have Mct;ee. Albert • W.,,allowed until a ne 1,' births. . I that will theybring vi7 Hems? This have conditional on satisfactory work at pro-; The Ahmeek branch of the Daughters duction. N of the Empire evince still. as they have • "But that is a wedding ring."o Reid, Willie John. allowed until Janu- always done. a great deal of interest in "My mother's. And it Is for my ary 1. I the hospital and its God-given work and wife. it Is for you-" Culbert, Thos. 11.. allowed until cate- have during the past year assisted the " I'hat Is a cruel Jest. And 1 thought gory 13 is called. I hoard very materially id furnishings for you were so different. You have ever McCarthy. Joseph A.. until June 1, the comfort of the patients. and have seen me before, but I live no tar conditional On satisfactory, farming re- donated the following: Seven dessert away, and 1 have often seen you. You sults-,dozen one tcattptrons, $10 for are not yourself now or you would not Smith. George 13:, allowedtpntil June 1. Christmas cheer, three pairs blankets, thckaon. Thomas . R., allowed until safety kazor, double boiler. two mat- mock me so." June I. tresses. linen towelling for opuxating room, � "I was never myself before," insist - Finnigan. Robert E.. allowed until class ice cream freezer, one pair curtains. al ed Dufreanay. B is called. stove, three' drseen sheets, three dozen , At this moment a stately personage Leckharl, Charles Albert. until cate- pillowcovers, material for new operating appeared In the doorway and rang the gory 3 is lanai` "''` s . , room gowns. To this very worthy and bell with great vigor. W'aggins, Itobtaf J.. untiY"t$t 3 -is mil,- to td Free. Harold Murphy. 1'atri gory E is called Garret. Norman. and as long as he con that date. Pentland, Herbert E.., ere y Bis called Last Days Shopping Last -day shopping usually has to be done in a hurry, and you will find this a splendid place to do it. Sensible, practical gift things abound, and chances are you will see just what you want. Everything arranged and on display for easy seeing and easy buying. THIS IS A GOOD STORE TO SHOP IN A HURRY. Handkerchiefs Easily Selected You are always safe giving Handkerchiefs and you can select them in a hurry from our immense display. Hundreds and hundreds to pick and choose from and exceptionally good values in either plain linen or fancy em- broidered. Here are a few good ones : Fancy embroidered 'Handkerchiefs, excep- tionally good value, at each 15c. Boys' spot Handkerchiefs, at each 5c. Children's fancy Handkerchiefs, 3 for IOc. Khaki Handkerchiefs, 124c, 15c, 20c and 25c. Men's pure liken Handkerchiefs, 20c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Men's linen initial handkerchiefs, 25c and 45c. t' Ladies' pure linen initial Handkerchiefs, 25c. Ladies' linen Handkerchiefs, colored em- broidery and initial, at each 35c. Beautiful embroidered Handkerchiefs- for ladies, each 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c. Hosie Easy to Buy Beautiful gift H fiery for ladies, in silk or half silk. Every nted shade and fancy designs as well, Pri s start at 35c per pair and run up to $3.00. At 75c we have an .eegtionally nice line of half -silk in black or w•h`i e, and at $2,00 a beautiful all -silk Hose t t retakes a most acceptable gift. These s e show in practically all colors. Holeproof Hose by the Box Three pairs Holeproof Hose in a box,guar- auteed for three months. Splendid wearing silk, in black or white, at per box $3.75. CHOOSE GLOVES No mistake giving Gloves.- Each pair we sell absolutely guaranteed. Cheer- fully exchanged after the holiday if size is not correct. Put in a neat presentation box if desired. We have them at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 per pair, with an excep- tionally n' line at $2.25 and $2.50 per pair, in whi and colors. H. C. DUNLOP The r Storer ()OOERIR U - - ONT. .11\ A mans wife may la!• down the law he husband. but she IS always wiplar -;1j(Ray down the carpets x� . to to We cordially inviteyo l loom GIFT S P to ::elect your Christmas presents Beautiful embroidered Sofa Pillows, Runners and Centres, very reasonable. Artistic little framed Pictures at 10c, 25e, 35c :and SOc. Larger Pfctnres at 7rrc, 11.00, 11.50 up. English China, heather Goods, Christ- ina. Card, and Calendars. Safi OUR DISPLAY SMITH'S ART STORE I•flriN F. 1114 FAST ST Attractive Neckwear Many attractive styles in Neckwear for holiday -giving. Each Collar 'boxed separ- ately if desired. You can buy theta at 3+ic, 50c, 75c up to 11.50 apiece. Dainty Linens Beautiful Linens in Table Damask, Lun- cheon Sets and small pieces. A wide variety that gives you almost unlimited choice. Re- markably good values too. Nothing quite so acceptable for a housekeeper and should be doubly so this' year, as Linens are getting scarcer every day. Fs and Fur Coats thoosee s and Fur Coats from our big stock with absolute guarantee of satisfaction. Every article is, backed by our unqualified guarantee, and the values are such that we are willing to back thew against any you will goat anywhere. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X NIX 1111 X X X X X X FOR THE OME What better gift for t - home .than a wonderful EUREKA ELEC - IC VACUUM CLEAN It is a gift that will bring pleasure every day of the year. It is hard tot nk of anything more useful and practical for the home gift. The Eureka has a hundred cleaning uses. Special attachments for uphol- stered furniture, portieres, mattresses, etc., make it indispensable about the home. The Eureka is a positive cure for housekeeping troubles. Keeps every- thing bright and clean at a surprisingly low cost. The carpets, will always be clean- no more dusting- no more per- iodical housecleaning -but increased comfort for you and the whole family. The Millinery Department Has This Special Bargain For Christmas With the big bargain lot of Hats we got last month there were 15 or 20 extra high-quality shapes in black velvet. These are better quality by a good deal than we usually carry in stock. and would sell in the ordinary way at $9.00 to $12.00. Moat of them are regular $10.00 values. We laid this lot aside and this week our milliners have trimmerthem-up.using, of course, only good trimmings. For a Christmas clearance we put them on sale Saturday morning, trimmed all ready for you to wear, and give you your choice for only called. ex Adams, George J., allowed until cafe- tha g Aaxxaatitxn we oiewre to Dun -penny greeted him with delight. s. our appreciation and sincere 'Ts his majesty returned to Psrisl gory E is called. The hoard also dedres to express its 1 Not He 1s well?' Horn, Percy, allowed until category E is thanks to the. Maple Lea( Chapter of the Turning to the girl, he said : "I am. calked. Daughters of the Empire (or the following as perhaps you •know, the king's poor leers, Howard W.. allowed until tate- donations. Toilet set, painting of Night- kinsman, as poor as he Is rich. Y. gory 1C is called. ingale none Ribot has been the bearer of teal Maize, Wm.T.. allowed until category The hoard also desires to express its good gifts. Monsieur, mademoiselle Is thanks to the Ahmeek Chapter and the my betrothed „ General Brough Chapter of the Daughters ••Ahem ! M. Dnrresosy. ht") majesty theof the Empires (a in hardwood em. fluor in Intrusted me with this Christmas men's ward and in one room. The board also desires to express its present for you -this purse of gold. thanks to the Menesetung Canoe Club 1100-.1651s, I beneve, and this commis - for the decorating of the men's ward. cion creating you valet de chamhre de The hoard again thanks the town coun- rot, with a stipend of 100,000 llvres per cal and the county council -for their very annum. 1 eongrtitalnte you, monsieur. generous grants. As i have many other commissions to The work at the hospital is at all times execute for his gracious majesty, 1 of a very onerous and exacting nature and the hoard would be remiss in its duty most huprbly take my leave." if it did not. on its own behalf and on "Present my grateful thank") and behalf o( the public generally. thank the Christmas wtahea to his majesty." superintendent, Miss King. and her even M. Rtb of made his departure with willing staff of nurses for the very sati'- somewhat the ale of one who gladly factory work they have done in the past takes leave of questionable company. and are still dome. I "May i •iso congratulate you, man - Through some misunderstanding the shearr nmldly ventured the girl- "Yoe Horticultural Society overlooked their usual supply of flowering plants to the can pay ms now," she added tether hospital this year, hut on having their tamely. attention drawn to the `natter they will 1 "Ton see aly entahllahment--how i endeavor to see that the grounds are live. could Inst the order of these properly beautified during the coming apartments he Improved? Will you year. abandon ins amid such ramal The "Well. one must do something for the abbe who minister. In the church roa- sullenng poor." der is my good friend." "Quite so; but are you sure that they "Why, he Is alsrs my abbe 1 - do suffer "dosulter ?" I "Wonderful' White Iambs and Marek "Oh. yes. i visit them and l,afk to them for hours at a time."- Cassell's gr alike- his el"- 1 alp - io L ilk Saturday Journal. Ammo E. is called. Mcllwain, Alpert E.. allowed until cate- gory C is called. Mcllwain, Leonard 11., allowed until category 13 is called. Congram,Gordon, allowed until June 1. Cummins. Michael J., allowed until class E is called. Taylor. Wm. Rets+, allowed untilJune 1. Durniu, Wm. R.. allowed until class D is called. Garvey, John V.. allowed until category E is called. Glen, Walter, allowed until category E is called. Finleon, Jas. M., not considered by this tribunal. McFarlane. James C., allowed until category 13 is called, Glen, Reginald .1.. allowed until cate- gory iI is caped. Stewart, Wm .A.. allowed till June 1, conditional on extra productions. Maize. Albert C.. allowed until June I. Anderson. Jarvis. allowed until Janu- ary 1. McDonald, James Baines, allowed until June I. McDonald, iYavd Earl. allowed until January 1. Fowler, Chas, J.H.. alloyed until March 1 (hardly qualified for A man). Girvin, Chas. A . allowed until category D 3 is called. $5.00 $5.00 is Tess than half-price for the poorest of the lot, and if you want something really extra in a winter Hat this is your opportunity. HODGENS BROS Direct ' Ontarioh, Importers - �mimtsie• 20-,elaek7 gamsdtsr. And you caii j ve ms batter lack than ever reme of winning. i On my honor, I ley, you. And the abbe will be very glad to see as. Shall we not make the good old man happy?' "If you will, mon-;icur."-W. R. Vu Doman ' A Christmas Prayer. God grant no little child nay go With hsagry heart or empty hand - Give this thy world one radiant doer To understand, to understand. Give us the fitting word to my, The spendthrift smile, the breve aa• rasa; Disclose ow hearts and pave w now The roarage of our tenderness Lord, we are old with toil and tears, Our routs are veiled with tuitions set, Yet still the tittle children keep Three ancient /impieties, of heart -- Ind they alone of all thy breath May bond the Averring angers eyes And, striking Issghter from the sword, Retrace the year, to paradise. They are so brace with love sad dreams, Ro eager eyed an,!. aft, to dear) 1 think we wast return thew new The faith they bore across the year. 1 think that sus Inuit give them now The epeedfkrift smile, the kindly weed, That earth way keep ib eneeat Retie And we thy first nswmendaiewta, Lord. ,,y� _A -Dana Burwell week -end with his parents. Mr. John Bradley, of Huron, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Cousins one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray, of Port Al- bert, attended the funeral of Mrs. (Rev.) Walter Hawkins, of Blyth. Mr. Angus McLeod, of Sault Ste, M4rte, Mich.. is the guest of Mr. and M. John Green this week. SOMETHINGDOING.-Don't forget to reserve the 21st of December for the en- tertainment to be held in the hall here, the proceeds to go to the Red Cross Those who are getting it up would like to see a full house. In last week's news it was mentioned that a cake was to he auctioned off by our well-known town--' man, Mr. Nets. Pearson. It will not he e Id to the highest bidder but to the last bidder, if it is only a five -cent bid. Don't forget to come and try the cake. The Saltford Sunday school will hold its annual Christmas tree entertainment on Friday, December 28th. •a'c' NV! , a c , to v• • tri: �}/ • :Zi d sot.`Ir�i At is .N:• e Wish i ng you A Merry Christmas and A Prosperous Year in 1918 M. ROBINS PORT ALBERT. 5WgnNFsuAY, Dec.19. Lieut._ Hayden, of London, spent the A. 'fir` r t1