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The Signal, 1917-12-20, Page 11
THE SIGN :1i, - GODERiCH ONTARIO THt'ItSDAY, Dee e0, 1917 11 atm • ea ow ea 1111111.11111•MI ■ weenie `•„i Iiii..e.ti loo • ..,,Iiiii,••••••.....•ilitowo.sslielsollso • • A V • • A S•nlrutisassiiiiee..er ..,..,I,,,..*. Everyone will admire them three times a day -shining, spotless dishes. You know, if a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well. So, for your dishes and utensils, use Sunlight Soap. Its soft, creamy lather ensures a shining cleanliness that will be a delight to the eye. • V • sfri t SunlightSoap' has great cleansing power, yet it never red- dens or hurts the softest hands, being of surpassing purity. A 55.000 imamate* of owner rimes will enemy ►fir of Saal.shl Soo. AL ,renes soil it 15 •„ t1.•,re'pin••'n'tlllllu-•'�alflllln•■"'nllllu..I $I MO 1 :%'CLCCCC FREE .,aIIamI trappers .±aide—ss aged ..lustrsted : t:ttetuh or Fre+rit : .dl: hos eau There to trap: chat MI'. I and trips to we; Ii full of u.efui inloro.a- ton.I Cats- ela:Iatn'q Trappers' Supply a ta- b _� pale. • nlh,.tratta : roars, ,rime: bait. he..Biehu. 114, Me . amt all nrawaara. implore "and .PorUmen'a *applies M Ino Prl•1•s. 'dtt Manama's Raw Fur News- - Ci.es latest Frons and ad.anre information on the raw furt. Write to addree90'Heber rl ?Alpo esuntrr es b O V browlow . Rvh.n ou sh i RA ; am tmtte 123 HALLAM BUILDING, TORONTO. NOTICE • 1 Owing to the scarcity of 2 Coal, and the fact that i sales have, of necessity, to be made in very small quantities, we have found • n In Everybody's Magazine, Lincoln Steffens tells the real story of Ras- putln. as it was related to him by the assassins of the power beh-nd the Russian throne. The most mysterious question about -the rise of this ob- sctire monk 1s "How did he get into the Court at Petrograd?” Nothing could be simpler," says Mr. Steffens. "In a nunnery at Moscow he met the Tsarina's sister. Like the Em- press, the sister was a devotee of the church, of charity, and buman ser- vice. Raaputin met her, and he met ber every thought and longing. Ile la Rosslaa Court.. united in marriage to Raymond Francis. COUNTY and DISTRICT I a prosperousburne young core farmer of performed township' The ceremony was prrfcrmed by Rev. J. A. Snell, uncle of the bride. assisted by Rev. J. W. Baird. in the pres- ence of about seventy invited guests. G, S. Howard, of Varna, has b'en offer- An interesting feature of the occasion ed and has accepted the ,principalship of was the pretence of Mrs. Harrison. the Dashwood continuation school. grandmother of the, groom. who at the P. McGrath has sold his fifty -acre ago of eighty-five years gave two recite - farm on the 4th concession of Tucker- tions which she had trained when a child. smith to George Armstrong, of Stanley. township, for $4,200. Charles 1'. Potter, the thirteen -year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter. of the Huron road. Goderich township, died on Saturday, iith inst..'after a short ill- ness. Victor Evans. of Bayfield. has gate to' Toronto to train in the military dying corps. His brother, Dalton. has been overseas for over two years. and his sister left to serve as nurse this fall. Geo. Habkirk died at his home at Hensdll December 6th, at the age of sixty- three years. He farmed in the township of Hibbert for many years before re- moving to Hensel) a few m nths ag e• Geo. Tiffin. forty-five years of, age. met his death while takine gravel out of a pit near Langside, in Kinloss township. A cavein occurred and he was struck on the head, resulting in death in a few minutes. 'Mr. Tiffin leaves a wife and three small children. At the home of Mr. and 'Mrc. Joh a, Falconer, East Wawanosh. on Wednes-' day, November _*nth, their eldest daughter, Alice Pearl. was united in matrimony to Joseph Elgin Wellwood. Rev. Mr. Graham officiating. The happy couple will reside on the groom's farm at, East Caledon. Mrs. R. Hunt. of Hensall, has receiv- ed a thrilling account of the narrow es- cape of her son, George, in the great Halifax disaster. The mill In which he was working was wrecked and he was pinned under heavy falling timbers and was in great danger first from fire which broke out in the mill and afterwards from the flood of water that was turned on the flames by the fire engines. He was event- ually rescued. expressed her, satisfied her, and so it absolutely necessary to she recommended him to her deter An the court. He was summoned to make a rule that Petrograd, and happening to arrive at me when the little Czarevitch ALL COAL BE PAID • Owe II. rihe stkd sha hedd ndp wish dnbim FOR ON DELIVERY well. wet "The na is a good mother, and a ve fanatically called this a former, of 1t a ltasputln could • pectation. too. H • Whenever atter tha was i11, Rasputtn wal Mac Ewan Estate s superstitious, almost a llglous, woman. She Iracle, and the per-. angel of goodness. me up to that ex - played that part. the Czarevitch d awhile and then, when the sickness ' ad had time to run Its course, he wou lay on his hands. The story that be ad a wo- man who made the child 111 . pretty generally believed in Petrogr.•, and ft may be true. but medical ••en there who knew something of the :ir- cumstanees said it wasn't necessa to accept this explanation. The more probable one 1 have suggested Is suf- ficient. But if he did use. drugs on the child and even, as It is also said, nn the Czar himself, we may be sure, from our knowledge - of ourselves that he did It for a good purpose. Threatened and plotted against he had to defend himself and protect the policfee he was using the Czar and his power to work out." SEAFORTH. The local exemption tribunal dealt with 1x7 claims. granted 137 exemptions and two conditional exemptions, and re- fused 34 claims. A number of cases were adjourned. Mr. Aubrey Crich. who has enlisted in the Royal Naval Air Service. was pre- sented by his friends with a steamer trunk and an address of appreciation. and the town council presented, him with a wristwatch. TO EVI^RY WOMAN WHO IS IN FAIN. Mrs. Williams Says Uss Dodd's Kidney. Pills. Adamsville, Kent Co., N.B.. Dec. 17th (Special.)—"I can recommend Dodd' Kidney Pilis to every w'oma'n who suffers." S -t says Mrs. Williams, a well- known and highly respected lady residing here. . ears. Williams was a sufferer for 4two years till she used Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My trouble started with a cold,"1 Mrs. Williams states. "1 never seemed to get over the effects of it. 1 had cramps in myiscles and my joints were stiff. There ore dark circles under my eyes which wer puffed and swpllen. and 1 suffered from severe headaches. 1 felt heavy and sleepy after meals and had attacks of neuralgia. Heart flutterings and rheumatism were soon added to my tr(p�ubles. 1 took iust three butes of I)otdd's Keeney Pill,-. I cannot be too glad that I did so." . BRUSSELS. Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper, of Del- oraine. Man.. are visiting old friends in this locality. It is fifteen years since Mr. Peps left Brussels for the West. Avon'McKelvey, of Vancouver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKelvey -of Brusselk was married at Calgary November 7th to Miss Mary Ilene Buchanan, of the latter city. The sad news has been received of the death of Sergt. Will Mayberry. .who suc- cumbed in a French hospital to injuries received in battle. The young man, who worked in Brussels before enlisting. went overseas with the 7 lst Battalion. LUCKNOW. / Malcolm McLeod. of Chicago, is pay- ing his annual visit to Lucknow and Ashfield friends. • R. H. McQuillin is home after spending nearly three months or the Eastern Provinces in connection with the apple trade. Cecil B. Aloin, of Lucknow, has taken to himself a bride. the wedding ceremony taking place at Elmira December 4th and the elect lady being Margaret Viola Hock- ney daughter of Joseph Hockney, of DELCO-LIGHT is one of the products manu- facttired in "Dominant Day. ton," described in the bio ad ever published in The urday Evening Post. Read" this 8 -page ad. in the Decem- ber 15 issue of The Post. Delco -Light increases Farm Efficiency and makes life on the farm bigger and better. Over 2011 Delco -Light 111l*1ts are installed in Huron, one of the latest being in the. hone of Mr. Geo. Laithwaite. There is a Delco -Light deal- er near you, anywhere in Huron County. Write this office for inform- ation. es Robert Wilson Delco -Light Products Hamilton St. Goderich A BIIFFERIP"O CITY. Pocahani is Now in the Path M the Teutons. F'oeshanl, the Roumanian elle which lies in the path of the Auatrn- German advance through Moldavia, 1s situated on the hanks of the River Mllkov, a tributary of the Sereth Focahani (also spelled Fokabani) is 92 miles nobeast of the Rouman- ian capital ( tore its capture by the Germans), Bu *rest. and 47 miles northwest of tbimportant Danube port of Galati. fleffore the union of the principalities Moldavia and Wallachia Into the mania this city was tier posts on the Russ The hardships which\Focshani is time are t was *l - in 1789 with red a crushing defeat to Turkey. It- was In this war that Potemkin. Catberine the Great's favorite, captured Oche - toy, and over its loss Sultan Abd -141 Mantic' 1. grieved bimseli to death. Thirty-three years after Focahanl's bitter experience at the hands of the Muscovites the Turks in turn burned ingdom of Rou- e of the fron- border. undergoing at the prese not a new experience to it. most completely destroyed by the Russians when tis their Austrian Allies, administ Had Piles I. - For Ten Years And Tried Nearly Everything Ex- cept a Surgical Operation With- out Obtaining Relief Tells How Complete Cure Was Effected There are retorted here three cures of chronic cases of piles. In all three casts many treatments were tried be- fore it was discovered that Dr. Chase's Ointment 15 about the only real cute fur this distressing ailment. Mre. A. Oates, 2, Gilktnron street, Brantford, ()nt., writes : "1 have used Or. Chase's Ointment as a household remedy for ever so lung, and am par- ticularly indebted to it for a cure from Piles. i had suffered from this an- n4ying trouble for ten years, and tried clearly everything I heard of. After using Dr. Chase's ointment a short while (.was comp►gtely cured." Niro, Writ. Shantz, 165 .filbert street. Kitchener, Ont., writes : "For several 1 Wall troubled with bleeding pilesI tried different remedies for relief without success. 1 read In Dr. I Chase's Almanac of the benefits other people, were receiving from Dr. Chaare's ointment. so I sent to your ofnce for a sample box. I found it I gave me such relief that I went to a drug store and purchased a full-sised box. 1 have unled several boxes elm -e, and have derived more benefit from its use than any remedy I have ever I used." Mrs F. i'nrsnns. Victoria street, 10- gercull,. Inst., writes: "About two years and a half afro 1 was suffering from )tile«. I had tried many differ- ent remedies for this distressing trouble, but nothing helped me. Fin- ally I got a box of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment, and after using it round that I was completely cured and have not been- bothered in this way since., 1 can cheerfully recommend Dr. Chase's Ointment to anyone suffering as I did." . • , Dr. Chase's Ointment. 55 cents a box, at all dealers or Rdmafason, Rates A Co . Limited. Toronto. There ■re no rivals to Dr Chase's Ointment as a treatment fur 1"lles. 1'a ver. Ont. The happy couple will re- the town. side in Lucknow, but are at present tak- The Roumanians some years age ing a trip to the Pacific Coast. erected elaborate fortifications be- tween Focshani and Galata, the WINGHAM. works being known aa the Sereth Rev. via F. and Mrs. Armstrong have line. fully described in a recent war geography bulletin on the Sereth River, issued by the National Geo- graphic Society. These fortifications broken been of no value in staying the German advance, for they were de- sigm oned solely with the Idea of repel - been bereaved by the death of their in- fant s, aged three months. James Stacey, who had his legb ken in Wingham last 12th of July thr'ougb the collapse of the grandstand, died at his home at Toronto recently. He had never i ling a Russian foe. regained his strength since the accident. iBefore the war Focshani enjoyed a CLINTON. considerable grain trade, being one I \ i DEATH OF QR. THOMAS KERR. Former Well-known Resident of This District Passes at Urbana, Ohio. Many of the older readers of The Sig- nal will hear` with regret of the death of Drat Thomas ,Kerr, of l'rbana, Ona. which occurred on December 4th in his seventy-third year. Ile was a son of Robert Ken, oneof the pioneer settlers of the tith concession of Colborne township. Tom, as he was familiarly called, learned the shoemaking trade long ago in Gode- rich with F. Cassidy and subsequently carried on business in Dungannon with his brother-in-law, J. M.Grattan. Later he moved to Benmiller, where he built the house next to what is now the Metho- dist parsonage and carried on the chew 1 business for years. being well known all t IMO raZ4111111111111111111111M1111 Christmas Novelties 1 �V\�%{: have a full line of Christmas I: have a full line of Ch: istmas Novelties. Everything astable for men's wear. A FEW SUGGESTIONS Ties Scarfs Suspenders Combination Sets Braces, Garters, .Holeproof 1 iosiery, Groves, Shirts, Caps,Sweaters, Linen Handkerchiefs. In fact everything to be found an up-to-date Gents' Furnishing ' I4ouse. I Buy Him His Gift at This Store 1 1 0 McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors The Seaare, Goderich awl aNNIMININI =MD =I MD hrough that district. Among the boys who learned the trade with hint was Mr. J. Elliott, now principal of the Mitchell high school. He also conducted a shoe business in Brue els- (or a time, but he loved horses too well to spend his days on the shoe bench, so he'took a course in Toronto Veterinary College int( obtained As doctor's de roe. He located in Ur- bana K bana, 0. and became one of the leading practitioners in that part of the State. . He • was a generous, upright, whn,k• wnuleeem5tn and his old friends in Huron county will he saddened to know that he s gone. ) iswife is a' sister n( Mrd. A. }leiidle. Hermit' . —Mary 11.141. daughter of S.tntue•I liar , a well -kneels Colborne, pioneer. ro r .and Mot. Kcar were turn nine chikl and his death was the first break in a rrie,l hoe of nt-ariy !fifty-two years. 61 t funera$ the oldest stn, Clarence. supper hos mother and the other etc hone act . al, bearers. All the faintly y are doing n, we Mrs. Kerr will Continue to live t,rrh11.,Ina. Mci.,r, (:. M. Elliott. A. Aitllian and J Million, of thio town, are cousins of the tie:easet. 1 Very few Lir ei can at(or,l not to • note The Signal to new subscribers to January 1st, 1919 $1.00 AWA(/ U/ OM/ 0/01drdfIi/ tht4tistis16tisticlat!rto00tlyd/1bdit1 didithdr01til.lirtisof W ELECTRIC GIFTS 3 s FOR CHRISTMAS Make Your Wife Happy as Well as Your Home of the clearing porta for Moldavian J. A. Crooks, of Vancouver. B. C.. is wheat bound for. Galati and the visiting his friends in town. Mrs. Black Sea. Its Industrial activity Crooks is at her old home at Mount was also appreciable, the chief pro - Forest, but will be here for Christmas. ducts being oil, soap, and leather. A number of the members of the BapThe mineral resources in the vi- -tist church gathered at the home of Mr. I elnit7 of Focshanl promise much and Mrs. 1i. Pennabaker one evening last 'wealth in the future, a Government week to bid farewell to their daughter, survey showing rich deposits of coal, Airs. Thos. Watts, prior to her departure iron, and copper In the nelghbor- toJternew home at Oshawa. During' the hood, and some lndieatlons of petrol - evening Mrs. Watts was presented with rum. Some of the finest wine made a farewell address and a set of silver in Roumania formerly came from coffi capons Focsbanl vineyards. The death occurred at Woodstock on The population of the city is about 25 000 the sth inst. of Norma S. Blackwell. , one-fourth of that number eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. being Jews. Blackwell, formerlyp of Clinton, `in her ixteenth year. is Bs Blackwell was a granddaughter of Mrs. Wm. t: olckrugh of Godench township and spent a couple of mbnths last summer with her grand- mother on the farm. Pte. Al. Doherty, younger, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Doherty of town,: has re- turned home from overseas. He was severely wounded in the left hand some time ago and has still to undergo treat- ment for it. Pte. Doherty expects to re- main here until after Christmas and w then go to Edmonton, accompar)ied his wife and child, who have bee Clinton for several months past. EXETER. lies Viola Penhale has been aken on taff of the local branch o the Bank merce. event took pia at the home Mrs. Vt illia • Snell, Exeter, as, Dcce her 5th. when t dau' ter. Meryl. was Value of Education. Apropos of the energetic discus- sion in progress In England as to the superior claims to usefulness of the modern over the classical education, a writer aptly recalls a statement made, a few years ago, by Lord Rhondda, the good controller In the United Kingdom. "When t went Mtn business, thirty-five years ago," Lord ithondda declared, "many of my friends held that t labored under a great disadvantage In having lost several years at Cambridge. My ex- perience has satisfied me that they wore wrong. and that my college training has been of Inestimable service to me throughout my com- mercial career. What education does teach a man, however else It may fall, 1s to applate his own lgnor- an s, and to see that there may he, not one, but flfty points of view oa say gI,•A .UesUon." in Prize fy ' ('rime Test Book. A prlge'of 1,000 franes has been offered • a citizen of Belgium for the bes school text book on the sub- ject " he Crimes Committed by the Ger .• ns Against Humanity and Ag • st the Rights of Peoples in Be gium During the War." The o. er, recently printed in the clan- estinely published paper La Libre Belgique, is designed to perpetuate the reasons for Belgium's national hatred against Germany. Ir Pricee in France. • French farmers must pay from 45 per cent. to 160 per cent. more for food for cattle than before the war. • His peas cost him 800 per cent. more Land beets 60 per tent. more. Ploughs have gone up 140 per rent., horse rakes 200 pet sect., and other farm 1:n ;elements from SO to 110 per cent. Sabot have loubled and boots quad - i . The CORRECT TREATIYiEiI T FOR CCLDS Colds are ontracted when strength is lowered and the inflam tion easily develops bronchitis or I ung trouble, while ppe and pneumonia frequently follow. cold should hay immedil:te treatment with COTT'S BULSIO The National Strength -Builder which first builds up the forces by carrying rich nourishment to the blood streams and creates real body -warmth. its cod liver oil is the favorite of physicians for correcting bronchial disorders and chest troubles. Acott & Done, Toronto. Out. 17-15 Doone, 3 3 .11 e •.• 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 WEST STREET, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE GODERICH, ONT. ©itYr TT l IP IP'PM '0 ►tt fIVP 1t ►l1 '0 •: Ei fly fit T ht fa>r fti 'P P fr M! frfr ht © HAVE; JUST RECEIVED AA NEW LINE OF Electric - Irons Toasters Toaster Stoves Heating Pads Hotwater t f s Bedroom Heaters Vibrators All above appli- ances will be kept in repair, free of charge. � � Ce►kictn¢ric �Hypiie c�:�u�ps tine, m A complete line of Vacuum i'e,rtabl ' mps, Cooking Rang( Tunen and Nitrogen Lamp, A New Line of Flashlight and Batteries on Hand 74.ti I 7' 70.; 70 L1 HORN. ARR1 V L) ;:y 1,. man urre� ber euro, a dau Ater r . ire r lt!` w. !• wis lee les lee candy. AL TOPICS IN BRIEF. is in. eceiving It is s• Signal is always pleased to publish ,,„,i reports if sent in by the teachers. the Blackstone orchestra held a success - 11 dance in the Masonic. Temple on htistmas night. Over -one hundred is•ranswere {resent. The Maple Leaf Social Club is putting on a dance` on New Year's Eve in Odd - fellows' Hall. The Club invites its Bleeds to cote and have a good time. Mr. Wm. Stewart, Trafalgar street, called in the office yesterday to renew his subscription for another year. Mr. Stewart has been taking The Signal con- tinuously since the time of Thomas Mc- Queen. the subscription price being 1.2.(5) a year when he started. A NEW ST 'K OF ELECTRIC FIXTURES HAS JUST OU : PECIALTY t us give you an esti- mate on wiring your home, office, garage or place of business. CTO(•' U0HT wry. o•:.a0 eyrie n I SLAT NIGHT PHONES : Office 82 Res. 193 ROBERT TAIT