HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-20, Page 9MB ,••••• PLANTING TREES ON THE PRAIRI • "Her Money Trou- NOVEL BED I To the Nomen of England. Bank of Montreal ' • Is aaave not Paralyzed oldiers, Sbles —They get more vex- E Excess of $400,000,000thre ught that you hatious as the cost of foods you glorious women of Englaadl Invented by an Army Surgeon for done kIORE 1 HAN 7,000,000 SIT on DI RING 1917. Reports Assets in TheI k ir Montreal. IrriluM- To prove to the world the victory Ina ita annireraary, Is out with its Nil oiliest Matelot -fit and Your nobility has won? esstysbliaisess new high vet:adds ;In IS there one single pathway mit pa aceount• I Your footsteps have nut knovsn? PP One of the latest examples of the climbs skyward. Meat, eggs surgeon's constant endeavors to light- en the sufferings of our wounded men and vegetables are almost is to be found its a military ward at beyond the family purse. andliatiosi of the atatement for ,Uf * work that your hands could mas- St. Mary's Hospital. Paddington, Eng - the towel sear endow October . 14 pod t 01, inaleall . a Ali ex- , ,„ tel 'slamming. It is a special bed for the para- Happy is the housewife who - I list. 1917. ir as remarkable am it ter Three -fold Object of Pro% iding Sheller thind In hand with trenuriidoue .‘ That they have not made their own? ,I,Yzed• ' knows Shredded Wheat. its It is you that our boys all fight for One of the great problems in cer- . inosoeldo In excess of four hundred I' i twin case4 of spinal wounds with par- IOW Cost and its high food lielle, Future 1. uel and It? foinr the ft irk- mtaolArligora report trrrai ! You and the babes you. bear; muck • figure has been rew•hed ' You, who .their burdens share. , • ficiently to make his bed and tend his value. A better balanced Ormi ni rut a I ion. million dollars I the arm Wm- ., You, who have given them courage; , alysis is how to move the patient suf- On the farms of the prairies of the . velueed a talon i f i.,ii, • , • . You, who so bravely suffer' •Iwounds withourincreasing his set-- ration than meat or eggs and in ()mama. human , it 115" de- I three peseinces during the season ore "I"rato as reersee'lited byaltr,ajuL'i ! You, who give naught but cheer, togs by moving him. 'The new hest costs much less. Two Shred - 1017, 7,450,000 trees have been ptant- ris„=„eir:ova.letth10 °2;" 76'.' of i Who weep -when you do -in privat4; solves the problem. tles same the large and Important under- , ', I Surrounding the bed just at the ' dcd Wheat 'Biscuits with ed by the joint co-operation of the their the varkom breirtinta reflect 1 Rut abroatl show never a tear. forestry department and the farmers, takings. In comiecilon with tier \ % , edge of the mattress id a rectangular milk or cream make a corn - with the three -fold object in view of oar. a,iityn rise itank Is carrying . Oh, you wonderful women of Eftgland . framework of hollow metal piping. Connecting the two parallel, aides are plete, perfect meal, supply - providing the. farmsteads with shelter ::J„ti ri.,!„%txt,:fr ,11,:.;,,!....v.,11,1,, ! Time your rani seen never dispel; j ture supply of wood, and of adding iniiert..srirzazii,:ii.iiso.ort.i;:ittrisx..scr.. tern across on top of the mattress, and on ing all the nutriment needed ; broad bands of webbing stretcheil belts, the farmer with a possible fu- 51" bPon Pospdblne ti, tUret!. the* • 'Tongue shall nevi' be born that fel- it, ,eurient loans. I these the patient lies. The two short for a half day's work at no prisoners," they, were the only pleasing effect by beautifying the . When your story 1 starts to tell. i • the allies who consistent - landscape of the prairie hornelend. sTi; stir Tessoasiiii is tile WOrds of poets shall Ong your smithies sides of the framework, the one at cost of a few cents. • Delicious 011014 among --olti—Tiv ...76i-oWiweetr wooer," GERMANY'S CONFLICTS. Has N aged Several Wars During Past Fifty Years. Pacifists, and other people with German sympathies, are fond of tell- ing us that from 1871 to 1914 Ger-, many was at peace with the World; and that, therefore, ah e cannot be nature so very fond of fighting. For four years, from 1903 to 190;. the Huna in German Southwest Africa waged a war of extermination against the Herrero', in the course of which some 30,000 natives and oviIr 5.0(X) Germans lost their lives. It was the seizure of Kisto-chau -a warlike act of aggrassion against a friendly power ---which lid up to the anti -foreign outbreak of the Chinese Boxers three years later. In the war their suppressims German troops eyed leading part; and, in obedi- ence to the kaiser'e °niers to "take oisettsiTs edirelate the head of the bed and the other at ly refused quarter to a beaten enemy. Incidentally, trees are haid to have a4i\ Ti. 5 5 \ lilk Ps stet:outdo of the for any meal with milk or says the Canadian .Foreatty Journal. Finally/ Germany was almost incex- important effect on the weather 'and r,...oeitti-1,,,fultIte.it,io,iiiAlryai;icidnittre climste, as well as in the supply - of amount to eiroasesiii,ovesolo, •ii moisture. Certainly they tend to tit,,,;restee of almost 6119,1410,1100 ror - check the winds and by catching the tio steurtie`olj satin:n4,a. te- ur el°aa As Am kratikerr uf ihr Ilo%erW drifting snow, they may be used to in- ment. t he Batik of Montreal hal - crease the supply of moisture in the etilletilik 1101brUti3Oa ltre full share soil of tielti or garden, an end inttch I" 1""idinir Awed., as Indicated is an Increase for the country's desired id certain sections of the or twetalt -eight million dollar's in 1,\ 1,1:e talue,of Dominion and Proo prairie west. The deciduous tree, ere of five \a'itn'tlime!rett.Ve's.,Irnisuesii.retli 81117Valtiar, kinds, maple, ash, Russian poplar,. it'f',.D:11:111,...4.rdntrld cold it earaganmi, red willow and aspen leaf mii on'rtoyersiM-nt%tlf rISIA.942- willow. The evergreen trees include' VII; tter &croont appearing for at time tn the nank•• white spruce, lodge pole pine, jack FLut•eue pine und Scotch pine. The deciduouk • The thi lc has neldWIPA rendered trees are supplied free by the forestry"I e.rutgenh- at rs,t II lb 1,f tozie.e isnirgr t let e.ptitit t hie, department, and the nominal charge I 'shape ass to t sost• trOftildert'O' eiell• Of a CCM each ir4 charged for theh°*". in cepe 1"P"It. lion during • mosM.t trying iseris evergreen, The expiesadlOM Indian- 1411'11STANTIAl. IlAIN IN }lead, Sa.k . i. JI by'ne applicant EARNINf 4 in each ca. -e. , The profitand hsk. aes•ount ehteso• that earninfos alio • a euns-• 50 Per cent. Turn Out Well. . fortable margin O% PC the dttWend About eighty per cent. of the tress', nod bonus reuulremerit• \Th y . stit:....e sur.trtially ithrit • theme °of planted hive turned out well, and , where there has been ' failure • it has lite Pros uinra ',wen." "tento er" been largely due to uninterested ten- ' anis on rented farms. the enlitstrhentea.td ta.1 .. u.(..elsied 'tap' .:11 : hbed I :Vet. Uni; • prune and loss, they brought the% of dormers. and the selling or aband- onment of fermis. Only about five tjthrli II It tre 93.492.353. per cent. of the failures were due to -- gross carelessness." The most suceese- fti trees proved to he Russian poplar .1.1., i. and caraganna, and mon the ever- ae ...eisirs. .greens the white spruce hal proved . to be the most adiptalite to Alberta. T..oit assess The pines are best sated to rocky Liquid "'le • . Total deposits. Or...Mallon . . districts. . SUM farmers on the prairie have iIi:ido :Int I•tilter found that the,double shelter belt his I . ibel/II le•terr 3, enabled them , to gross ;small' fruits 114.17.,,Ti';',1"7:' 't most successfully. The - quote. belt cAtit laialdishUrNt -4.6 \\\ Of trevi catches the driftinglino , an! ISI""". s, " °' ler I otti alit. • rut. the garden or berry pakih is pla got ise‘t. see•tiee r•.ss3.321. ' 415 730 in the treeless land beteeen the iniFts r1 ...IL il: tan ars- and the outer shelter belt The farm 'freritt. 7.7,11 11.1.%'-i. \ • . yard is often locatenl inside the inside' Vti.:,•"1 . . belt, where the family and live stock issiatetan saess.ssi 2P 96.1611 are quit comfortably located. even on . Loans to iitles. i'utrent loans. 10:4Q7.494 53.7 5.066 And your noble de When the world has lo The tale of German h forgotten i the foot. are connected by a grate( santly at war in German Eust Africa e. I wheel with a vertical steel post, so Cream, or with fresh or stew- - 1 that by simply turning a handle at the ed fruits, Made in Canada. . between piss and 1900. during which land, I had or the foot of the bed the frame- --- period more than 100,000 natives are own..._ work with the patient lying on the Two l'etains in the Field. 1 estimated to _have been killed; and artantil webbing can be lifted off the mattresx 1 'heard rathergoodyarnI she also waged °the' "little` assets" in and' withouChis poSition being changed in a a i sogoland and the Cameroon*" bout ,.... O'er the winter fids of E When she once more has h On the soft treen lawns of When peace reigns o'er c throne A -memorial will be builded. Undying to your fame To the heroines of England , And their immortal name. -Arthur Francis. the French Commander -in -Chief the. • ithe least. G,IRLS1 WHITEN SKIN - -r• - - • -'other day, says a London weekly. He A GRAND MEDICINE I \ FOR LITTLE 0 Baby's Own Tablets' are CANADA'S FOREST FIRES. I m trine for little one*: n t mil but thorough laxative Since Confederation the Loss Amounts solutMy safe: easy to giv and never stopping the car, he said to Inc leader i fall to cure any of the minor ills or of the file: "You are brave fellows! to Total of Billion Dollars. !little on concerning . What is your name" "Oh, 1 am Gen - S. Haste Gleaton Ito Foreat fires in Canada since Confed- - "I have sed Baby' eriition have destroyed vastly more of the nation's wealth than all other' and have f nnd the • factory for kinds of fires put together. s lets arts sold b The fire. losses paid by insurance ' mail at 25 con companies in Canada since 1867 amounted to $272,250,777, says the; Willinnaa Me Canadian Forestry Journal. The act- Out . ual property loss is ascertainable at. TIMB bout 25 per cent. over the foregoing re. This .refere to ordinary pre-; ,s , houses, contents, factories, etc.,pr'n ; was driving in a motor with an . WITH LEMON ltdICE I equerry past a , town near Verdun . ,_._... s. !when he came upon four little boys Make a beauty lotion for a few cents 31marching in single file, arrayed in sol- to romovo) tan, freckles. sallowness. dlers! helmet* and carrying real bay- , „mad , onets. The sight of the little faces, i 3; are a almost lost in the real soldiers' het - re ab. mets, amused General Petain, and, Your grosier has Ake lemons and any drug Mere or NMI coma* r alll supply you with three ounces of orchard white tor a few tents. Squeeze the juice of ewe freab lemons into a bottle, then put In the orchard while and , , writes: eral Petain!" replied the boy, who had Shake well ,Thbi makes a quarter owls Tablets no idea to whom he was speaking. This pint of the very beet akin e • amused the general. ehltemer and complexion beautifier perfectly sada- rep) gr a ) e one." The Tab- "Well. my name is General Petain, known. Massage thie fragrant Iclue dealers or by ' also," he saki: "end 1 am very pleas- creamy lotion drills into the face. neck. it box from The Dr. ed to have met you!" The two getter- arms and hands and jus* 'tie* how sr ieNtsgle. TUMORS LUMPS ETC.. clue Co., Brockville, ale then *hook hands, gravely saluted, freckles. tan, eanowneee, redness nnd 't out wisln be our home treatment. Write internal and external cured witio- . and parted compans. roughness disappear and how smooth. s• batons toe late. Dr Heilman Medical t --‘, + - . ; soft and clear the Ski n becomes. Voss! Co I -batted. Oeitingwood Ont. M HEY ORDERS I It is harmless and the beentirill re szesesses-- Tough Luck. "So you've bel i fejeeterl by your girl as well as the army doctors." "Yee. after 1 got back she decided that if 1 wasn't good enough for the army there mum be something the matter with me and she refloptel to take any eham•es." matures LIslautat 0•34,4 1Distair•or. The ;urn that 1-ys Ole 11..11 that pay 4 1 Eat the ,%iciser. 1031 IIALZ p vs'.t•THet- 1.1.1 sITI•tTledi rilTM IN staliatew home 4'houo0., ,aro. Piano. 20 humor fate. torit s 4041 lart. toellie liealthf:" Splendid n• Wel teeri1 Itoo OSI. reaStarila NISCICLLAWCOUS 0 . FOR.AERQPLANES. ' "r Dominion Express Foreign Cheques bulls will 'surprise son -.KAI-rims tie GisNleital. . pert,y, umbia Spuce is Exten- Paymasters In Fiance for their full STAT5:MENT . , and ipcludes practically no standing i • sively Ilitilized. face value. There 'Is no better way Fruit Sandwiches,. to send money to the, b°3''' in tha : minced, mixed with cream cheese. anti Odd bits of canned fruit can In' Ireiplei areadalle, and NionMarl- timberwhich bay in rare instances is extensive utilization of British; 10 aeroplanes has called into thf eetauerre- ' -- i it • be de • sarrsrira; s21,46,4,airs: a_mod. est estiasetedhat for every foot a special staff of technical foresters, I:sloes:it 21,79.134 of- timber ever ct in Canada, see among whom are Mr. H. R. MacMillan. Tears are not made only when awe; IgniVEsoGrraneF slated Eyelids, ciiTicuRA tiF.A[s cry They seem to cifhne only' when 3... aiL34:17,11,11; your Eyes and I n Baby's Eyes. are accepted by \Field Cashiers and two., of clit prtvlons Year •re, irsurables and ,that only during the Co mbia spruce for the manu trenches I very good sandu es Ma ' I -1402.alle.334 43'. 15541 It has bektt generally accepted as, ice of the Imperial Mundlons Bard !Slaking Tears. The Soul of a Plano Le the Action. Insist on the " OTTO HIGEL1' PIANO ACTION ,sassiat sts,scass have been desta\oyed by fire. :so sir sitszta,sts r Placing government stumpage ues being "loaned" by the CogimissiOn of land Mr. Roland D. -Craig, the latter you cry, because it is en that they v, spill °Ver. A little part of you is mak- 0 relieved by 51unne. Try it In UR N•Setartlay, Jut FleCeadert 0,000 7.600.000 at the very low rate of 50 ce s a Conservation for an indefinite period. ing tears all the time, and your eyes At Ymip Pruburtir hp 14 113.002.097 assume that the public reven es have plane Company, virtually i 'British them. You have often noticed how you Lis agirAL lies BIM' ody Co.. CI:lease 4 S to thousand feet it is net uareaso ble to The President of the Canadian' Aero - are constantly washing themselves in Murtheg7eTatiensaed, YresrsrosiTiu .si . suffered .by scores df milli° of -dol- (lovernment creation, when. at the wink every few seconds,says the Book . • _____. lars. It may not be fairaccept l' oast recently made a thorough inves- of „ , o.onuers. You. have often tried to A good soak)tig in hist soapy Witier That itch, burn, crack, chap, and such a total as a thou Mica% tigation of the possibilities. He said keep Tront winliing__Ltd see how long will cure Trest-hitteti fee. I) 1* at bleed, in a wonderfully short time in dollars. as does the Mo tree) "'Ft an- that there were great tracts of. spruce , you could keep from winking. Your night; before sfoing tosbeti, lest you • cial Times," because overnMent d s in the province which would Exactly eyes alveitys feel very dry just before take cold. Add &ore hot water AS rini-t easei. '.oak the hands on re - would not have bee collectedlsy any,meet the required conditions for acro- you hese to let them wink. That that in the tub cools "ff. Bathing. 71 means on all- the ti ber that has gone Plane construction. The supply of , shows they needed washing in tears. ' the affected parts with 'strite alum ough every square 1 sp4i;ed in eastern Canada was very SORE HANDS nd • et •Mlift• up in smoke. al ts near Noe elsewhere 10.041.611 4.47s.263 Edmonton this would not apply as Net moittoo .. '2.477.969 3.200.471 much as it doss to those „„ttiersients P. 41 I / atr'd ford 664193 1.414.423 the prat 'e which was once rioted for muniet• ...• 11.416, • its blizzards. In the distils where there are no trifles except those planted by the settler. • In many Animals kept in the back yard will districts to the north and west of produce manure that must be aupplied Edmonton the trouble of the pioneer to the garden, and at the present fear - homesteader was to gets, rid of the fully high price* of fertilizers animals natural growth of trees. But how are almost worth their keep for the that the native brush is fusing clearel production of manure alone. off. the settlers of the Edmonton 'district are frequently ttat"Iiiiliir their attention to the planting of shelter belts around their farm buildings. With the !satisfactory supply of mois- ture towel Kerr.. there is little or ne difficulty found in groaing these trees. 'Another Plantation Started. The forestry department lia;le on their farm at Wine Wild planta- tion of 480 acres devoted.to the eulti- vationsof tree'. and demonstration plots. .Owing to the 'increase . of application/ in recent years, and ' to supply the deinands of a large area,' another plantation -of 320 acres has been started at Sutherland, Saskatche- wan. and sosih with seed that will in due time produce a crop of trees. . These tree plantations are under the supervision of Norman Rose, chief of the Tree Planting division of the Forestry Department, with headquar- ters at Indian Head. To him ap- plications for trees should be made. The trees are supplied for planting on the farms only, and must not be planted .in towns,. nr cities. Those wishing to plant trees in 1919 must have their epplications in ,before March. 1918. The ground on which the treeu are to be planted must be summer-fallowed the year previous to planting. and a satisfactory report is received by the department from their own inspector before the trees Are sent out. Why Door is in the Corner. mile of public ned forest must be Haiti and the manufacturers -were regarded as p sessing potential pith- seomp•Iled to look to the Pacific Coast. ` Sic revenues. If one considers the ' Considerable of the materiol now used I was cured of Itheitniatie 1;0111 by IglaArire Lialateut Canto ntatiolorta. actual and tential sources of gain comes from Washington. but the pre- MINARIES LINIMENT. . i was curerl of Amite •Itrour,liltis by useTiolen shislilleriehootfil eNDItENV KING vid•hdiecpbenfi,iirn!,itrigifol;n:itn• ttnlo to the G ernment treasuries. prob- liminary reports as to a supply froht • . as the to 1 of the penalty visited upon bility of the shipments already made MINA1114'S LINIMENT. relative cost', tlie 0114' thnt eats lie lain t... . , ... , .. hea lieu being ti;i Ointment gently but freely int.) the ably a 'Ilion dollars is not extreme British Columbia as well as the suite- ' " It KA B.: f nii•," for some time. IN ear tThi water is also recomineniled: tiring in a hot suds of Cutista- ra Soap, using • plenty of the Soap. Dry and rub Cuticura were caueing all eeroplane manufae- • 1,T dr1.. ( -KEW dowfi at, the armt E. the Canadian people through forest Colams one to select if ati etptit silent fires. ' StISs•X. turers to look towled British In all but the largest mansions the doors of rooms are •generally placed near the corners. This is in order to give on the side of the room where they occur the largest possible width of wall for furniture. Were they in the middle of the wall there would he very little space on either side, except in the case of really large rooms. On the other hand, doors are not usually placed right in the corner. Such a position would give a Renee of squeez- ing when ntering, so the door is placed a hot nr so away from the actual corner. The door itself, too, is hinged nn the side where the great est length of wall Is, so that when ajar any draft entering is broken by the wall at right angle. These posi-1 tionTind devices have been arrived at as a result of iong.experience centuries of building and designing. A GILLETTE reloassrsoreyssoestatas bia. Greater length -Med greater dia- 1 was cured of .‘eiro l'Y of calcium and magnesium cam letiitib- meter titan is now behig supplied is MINARD'S LINIMENT. tained. Becait.e -of it convenience f t f e I ' Lakefie10. QII0 • u'l 9, 191/7• ground lime -stone, if ettair tho.g iire planes. One British Colum • district % from which good reports as a field • •, . of supply had been received wa in the' ; equal. northern section in the Queen a lottes and around Swanson Bay. - r- \ 'Spain's National Parke. • The Italian government • is prop i The King of Spain has sanctioned a ing to use tir ts a substitute for \law concerning the formation ofN*-. 1.' ter this law all those What is sought in spruces; for aero- :Markham. (nit. C s. tut - Ni;, '• andea e y pre erents• m y ie Kt, en of proper size and quality. It is re- . be own as National Parks - which naParks: m riots Of the national territory shall 1 spruce in a‘roplane manufacture ow -'1 ing to the/difficulty of securing spruce:di. portet that a ctintract for 25,000,000 are ex •eptionatly picturesque, wooded fee as been made with Washington or wild; rui which are declared to be bermen, - so by the -State for the sole purpose ortve ;daimon yam 0.140. to. of facilitating access to them by suit- able roads of eommunit•atipn; causing DIEItS RITAIR TRACTORS. the hatural t ty of the landscape, the wealth of flew and fauna, the too - 1 Farm tors Os erhauled by % . griiPhical and hy °logical peculiari-; — Honk' Classes of M. H. ('.' .-; ties to be reepectedsb roteeting them 'Wit I I. in the most effieaeloU41Ttflner possible i The tractofs on the Experimental 'against all aorto of dr41,1' (lion, &del - e. to the Ohms }ea no forestas ECAUSE it is a gift that's of real, every -day service : because it adds to his comfort, yet subtracts from his expense : and because it looks—and is— the best of its kind, the Gillette Safety Razor is the one sure -to - please Chritmas Gift for a man. 292 FOR HIS Farms run by various provi to the vocatio the Military Hoe or overhauling during the winter r In the. Frozen But Mite. I the mator mechanics tiourse,' interesting experiments have beer which s without a peer fig popular. made by two French scientists, whe ity me • ' 'steed a number of eaterpillars in test I quiring in I the Government in the toration or disfiguration\ will he turned over hand of man. reining classes of 'tars COMMisetion Minaret's Liniment °Wall earals1 in Cows the Pettit net a - strial re-education, there . tubes or metal- boxes in a re(rigerat- is neetl of m ttore op which to work, ; ing mixture of ice and salt at a tem - and manof en y • a, t perature varying between 15 and 20 Irun farm tractor*, when their courriis Is ; degrees Centigrade. The same rater - finished are edger for a chance fq I pillars were frozen six times in the I work around a farm motor. space of a mnnth, and they always t The Government ,has been spare(' • me back to life, but at esich new the expense of buying motor care for 'ft ring operation their movements I experimentel work by the generosity ' and'reart in" to Meuhankill "citation 1 - • of many firms and individuals who he"fthl I°wei. have given their decrepit motorsfor "vivisection." Thst the nIen, have rt. - stored these relics to fitness and mit them into service again speaks for the ' quality of the hotruction and the Ieltility of the men. in the study of motor construction 1 they have dismembered ell speelet from the fliscr to the twin -six. Traet ors are not eo easily obtainable an the action of the Government in tuts, ing tehe farm motore over to the (leftist, for overheittilot is a boon to min as well se a benefit t? Esperi- mental Ferm•. _ 0. —. If the whetstone gets emits). C at butchering time, we'll it off before you nut it :laity. If you don't, it won't work eiirth n cent the next. timr"yot use it. . [ A Kidney Remeti) r..Kidney troubles are frequently caused by badly digested food which overtakes these organs to eliminate the irritant acids formed. Help your stomach to properly digest the food by taking 15:to 30 drops of Extract of Roots, sold •• Mother Srigel'a Curative Synge, and your kidney disorder will pomptly di,- appear. 6...et the to -flume .meseurrar aalaaraMISIMuremammeerenm... The Jordan Valley I n Southeastern Organ ie • htt elelriet reel yaw *ogre te 11. .estratte. Many shrove 'armor. ire boyIng there. Magee their kw poet. mess en•••toht telle noon thet Invest- . meet will pay 01 return. from the sutural increase in the veto of the Iapd alma to say nettling et the eta 5058 the *Illy 5.5 ortAssoo Prtsos low! WWI We fz,eauthearte Infoffnellea. "Vlolt t ere oordloily liono1 to nu pt own, 112 Union eponto SWAMI N our exerriae• prep oetereare 115 Oreelurge per. In the 111le0 Pallets Cowtry 5.8. 531133, Atn8ano.10. nosepPetib, STri.• Roos ; too t.P she I1.h .1•6 gloves or softer bandages during night or remove surplus Ointment with soft tissue paper as preferred. Free Sample Each by Mail Por free ssagiple sacli address pcst-cardi "Catiriire. Dope. N. Demos, U 3. A." Sold by thIsi•••,Ithroughotit the mind,. Neuralgia Headaches Atter shopping or sf ter a hard day are quic'kly relieved with Sloan'. Liniment. So easy to apply, no rub- bing, 'and eo promptly effective. (limner ami more convenient than mossy ipli.stere and ointments. It does not stain the skin, or clog the poOes. Every home should have a solt-le---handy for sprains, strains. lame back. rheumatic pains and stiff, sore muscles and joints. Generous sized bottles at all drug - 8;,, 25c., 50e.. SI -00- Efts 7. ISSUE 51-'17. Machinery For Sale - — 1 WHEELOCK EMNE. 113s42. - New Automatic 4111tes T,ps omplet• with supply And exhaust piping, flywhest,\ etc: WilI\ecce $1,200 cash for immediate sate. 1 ELECTRIC CEN114.•V .30 K.W., 110-120 Volts D.C. WIII accept $425 cash for Immbdlbte sale. tifsle, Endless. Wind) it 70 ft,, Wil attipt $300 for immadiassa •3!4, although belt Is In ogees, rnt cow IfItion and new 000 would cost onset 11600. PULLEYS, barge .41/0. 26•66—$30 , 12.60- $20 ; 12! 55 40 $12 ; 2 BLOWERS OR ANS, Buffalo make. One 10 inch, other 14 Inch discharge: -420 each ' • REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. 60 Front St. West, Torentf 1 L.tHGE LEATHER DELT. 12.36-38 • 5 .5515,5. 5.5515 ~eft 5 "s" 'who meareellaureir.r., 411.10021/101111,0e .....eree• •